
Monster Link: How I became the King of Monsters (Harem x Fantasy)

In the year 2000, Monsters reappeared on the surface of Earth. Through the paranormal link of minds created by Monsters with a chosen human in the human society, they were able to create a bridge from their encapsulated spirit domain back to the real world. The ones who summoned these Monsters to the real world were natural enemies of Humanity, according to the Monster Hunter Society. These humans with the Monster Link were called the Linked. *** In the year 2023, one student named Hideyaki Meme began his internship after his three-year-long study at the Monster Hunter Academy. However… his internship doesn’t go as normally as planned. It was quite the opposite. When he meets a few girls at his new job who treat him differently than the rest of the world, his life is fated to change forever. Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Which side should he be fighting on, really? Everything comes into question as he experiences his time of life filled with Lust and the harsh truth that is the “Reality” of things.

VagabondVI · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Good Evening

The Black Lizard's tail cut through the air of Kansas City, slashing another building down to the ground. 

Meme's heart began to thump. "Dude… I survived the Butterfly, but can I survive this?" 

He turned to his friend. 

Jogu was rapidly texting his sympathies to his girlfriend. Meme left the man to continue on his final words. After all, they were going to die any moment.

"I'm dying a virgin," Meme muttered. Jogu lifted his head from his phone to gaze at his poor friend. 

Meme had the expression of suicide drawn on his face. Jogu stepped forth and hugged his friend tightly. 

"At least we're dying together, my friend. At least we're dying together." 

That very moment, the Black Lizard shifted its head toward their building. Lashing its tail into every building on the way and waving its arms into the air, collapsing one tower after another, it was making its way toward the boys. 

Buzz… Buzz… 

Meme's phone began to buzz in his hand. He stared at the phone. 

It read "Miss Jane." 

Meme gulped. "At the worst possible moment, huh?" He asked himself. 

'But what the hell. I'm going to die anyway… Better say I love you to her before I die at least.' He swiped the call. 

It was a video call, of course. 

Ding~ The phone connected with Miss Jane's. 

"Oh hey, my sweet student, Good evening ~" she sounded cheery as always. 

"Miss Jane. I got a confession to make." 

"Oh? Um um -- go ahead, then."

Meme took a deep breath.

"I always checked your ass out. Thought you were hot as fuck. Didn't ask you out because it's unethical to ask out my professor. Ahem – I wish I could've said this sooner, but go out with me, will you? Oh fuck –" Meme's face shifted toward the window again. 

The Black Lizard reflected in his eyes. Jane saw his frightened expression through the phone screen. 

"I – I love you, Miss Jane. I fucking love you. Mostly because of your hot personality. And I'm going to die here anyway, so yeah. I better die saying I love you to you, you hot mommy. Can I call you Mommy? Oh, what the fuck – it's my final moments. I don't care about what I call you now! I won't be alive to face the consequences!" 

Even though the town was resonating with screams and buildings were crumbling to the ground, there was an awkward silence between Jogu, Meme, and Jane in the room. 

Suddenly, Jane laughed out loud. 

"Oh my God!" She cried out. "Did you just say that to your own professor?" 

Jogu was holding his head, attempting to pull out his hair between the tension of this scene. He felt like he was witnessing one of the greatest things to witness before death – only second to his wife's naked body. 

"You. I will get back to you once I show you a surprise." Jane walked across her room. Meme could see the camera of Jane's side moving. 

She slid open the glass door of her apartment and stepped out onto the balcony.

"I always told you guys Monster Hunters usually have a sniper rifle designed for Monsters in their balconies, right? I was talking about this." She shifted the camera to an angle where Meme and Jogu were able to see the cannon-like machine sitting right there on the balcony. 

It was a grade-A weapon to blast Monsters. They never thought it was true. 

But here it was. 

"Have hope, you two. Because I won't let you die now, Meme. Especially after what you just said to me," she purred from the other side. 

She got into the cannon-like machine and seated herself, putting the phone on top of it so she wouldn't lose sight of her students. 

"I'm going to save you, my sweet Meme." 

Meme's jaw dropped. Jogu was still pulling out his hair, trying to contemplate everything happening in their lives. 

With the phone still in hand, Meme stepped closer to his window. The Black Lizard was dashing toward their building. It was only a few blocks away. 

He had given up all hope in life – yet, Jane had come into his life like a butterfly, giving a ray of colorful hope into his eyes. 

The Black Lizard ceased its steps right before Meme's apartment as he kept gazing out the open window. The eyes of the beast fell upon him. 

For a moment, there was a pause. When Meme's eyes met with the flaming eyes of the Monster, he didn't see a Monster. He saw a 16-year-old girl. 

He felt her presence. He felt the kiss on his lips. 

"Yun –" he forced himself not to say the name. 

The Monster raised its claw into the air. 

"Almost there," Miss Jane said, sticking out her tongue as she focused on her aim. "Almost…" 

The claw hung in the air. The Monster could not bring it down on Meme as it was facing him head-on. 

"It really is you…" Meme whispered to himself. 

"Kaboom~" Jane pulled the trigger. 

A beam of blue light shot across the city from a skyrise building at the edge of Kansas toward the Black Lizard. It blasted right into the monster's flaming eye. 


Right after it was shot in the eye, an explosion took place where the blast of blue light had gone through. Blood splattered into the sky and fell down onto the building in a crimson rain. 


Before the monster could end its screaming wail, it disappeared into thin air. The Linked had retreated its Monster back into its spirit domain. 

Meme stood there with blood drops dripping across his face. A smile drew on his lips when he realized that he was still alive. 

Thump. Jogu fainted. He couldn't handle all the tension. 

"I told you, didn't I, Meme?" Professor Jane smiled. 

Meme's eyes fell back onto his phone screen. The blood dropped down to his phone screen as he fell to his knees. 

"I… What the fuck is with today?" he chuckled, still processing everything. 

Meme stepped backward and sat back on his bed. The grin on his face wouldn't disappear. Jane had the biggest smile in the world, seeing her student grinning after a certain death situation. 

"You know. I know you escaped the Butterfly Essence." 

Meme's grin slowly shifted into a confused smile. "I –" 

"Don't worry," Jane stopped her student. "I gave you that job. Me. No one in the Monster Hunter Society knew about it. Only you and me, Meme. It can be our secret, can't it? I don't want those stupid doctors experimenting on my poor student. Am I right?" 

Tears began to flow down from Meme's eyes. "How can I thank you for this…?" 

Jane chuckled. "You can. By continuing to be a good student. Now – YOU LOVE ME? YOU WERE CHECKING ME OUT?? I KNEW YOU WERE TOUCHING ME WEIRDLY, YOU PERVERT!" 

Meme's mouth dropped with the tears still flowing down his cheek. "I – I was just –" 

"I – I – what?? Tell me, you pervert! Where did you touch me while I was asleep??" 

"I never touched you intentionally… you made me."