
The Grand Spectacle III  

"I will not say anything since you are confident," said Lord Hunt with a sigh before sitting down.

Time passed as Neela went to one Master after another, injecting her serum inside them. I also looked at meta-physical scans of them for every minor detail. I do not want to make even the tiniest mistake; a tiny thing could have drastic consequences.

I understand there is a fine line between confidence and overconfidence, and I do not want to be overconfident in my abilities.


Half an hour later, Neela came back with slight tiredness in her eyes; injecting all this serum was not an easy task. It is already incredible she had reached this stage in such a short time.

"Initiate the breakthrough," I said, and my voice spread to all the seven halls through the halls through the formation.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

A moment later, all seven formations had lit up blindingly, and the resources inside them began to move.