
Monster Slaying III


My sword pierced through the Fiery Boar, and it fell on the ground dead. Killing it was a simple thing; in this fight, if any monster were a challenge, then it would be the shadows Lion.

Still, this fight had helped me very much; it helped me get control over my armor. If it had been a powerful monster, it wouldn't be an easy fight.


I had just picked up the monster carcass in my storage when suddenly ground beneath my feel collapse, and mouth came out of it, sensing that I flew up, and it followed me with great speed that nearly eaten my foot up.

"So, you finally came out," I said when I monster went up in the air, I did not care my foot being very close to the monster mouth, and it is inching closer to eat my foot.

I had known about this monster hiding in the ground; it had been one of the first monsters reaching my abode. If not for the snake monster breaking the wall, this yellow earth rat would have done it a second later.