

I was able to reach my apartment before the evening came and the first thing I did was lay on the bed tiredly and that is what I am doing for the past half an hour.

The fight with the werewolf leader took a lot out me and till now, I am not healed fully. the vibrations did the damage on the tissue level that it will take some time to fully.

After laying on the bed for half an hour, I finally got up and started to search for the reason of me getting Fire Crystal and half an hour of searching I finally found the reason and when I read the reason, a weird expression had formedon my face.

The forming of Fire Crystals was a pure coincidence due to many factors.

First is I have the perfect attack which is Point inferno which stuck at the perfect spot, which is the center of werewolf's chest. That is the place where magic veins of all his body congealed.