
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

a real good fight

[Since I'm in a good mood, today there is a double chapter]

(POV: Noah)

I walked further through the hallways, passing by numerous doors and areas that appeared to be for experimentation. I even stumbled upon a section where it seemed they were experimenting on spiders, with thousands of spider corpses littering the floor. I glanced at it without much interest, eager to find more intriguing information or encounter stronger beings, without unleashing all of Nemesis's power just yet.

Continuing on, I encountered some peculiar doors labeled "Danger, Unauthorized Area." Approaching one, I realized I needed a card to access it. I sighed and clenched my fist, delivering a powerful blow that shook the ground. The door was badly dented but still held firm. Undeterred, I struck again, and this time the door flew away. Entering the room, I beheld something straight out of Resident Evil: a huge capsule containing a being standing two meters tall. It appeared to be asleep, resembling an experimental creature designed for strength, akin to a Tyrant but with more spidery attributes.

I approached an area with controls and various buttons, studying them carefully. However, I had no idea what the buttons did, so I refrained from touching anything, for fear of inadvertently activating a self-destruct mechanism.

Stepping away from the controls, I began to explore the area more. Among the scattered papers, I found information indicating that the being in the capsule was called "A12-S", a rather scientific designation. Looking at the monster in the capsule, it seemed quite formidable, possibly on par with my current Nemesis capabilities.

Feeling a mix of curiosity and impulsiveness, I decided to touch one of the buttons. Suddenly, an alarm sounded and the lights in the room turned red. I was paralyzed when I realized that when I entered there were no cameras in sight. Everything looked abandoned and destroyed, but I hadn't checked for cameras when I transformed into Nemesis. Have they detected me?

"Shit... I got carried away, and they probably discovered me," I muttered with annoyance, realizing I might have made a mistake.

Suddenly, a voice blared through the room, "Alert! Alert! High-level intruder! Releasing mutated weapons!"

"Mutated weapons...? What the f--" I was interrupted by a loud crash. Turning, I saw water cascading to the ground from the broken capsule, revealing the giant mutant spider monster.

As the capsule shattered, the creature stood up with unsteady movements. Its eyes were completely black, its multiple orbs fixated on me. "A..." it began, surprising me with its ability to speak.

"I attacked..." the mutant spider guy stated coldly, advancing towards me. I sighed, realizing I needed to deal with the monster. Quickly, I ran towards it and delivered a punch, sending the creature flying into the air. It crashed into a wall, the impact causing cracks to spread like cobwebs. The mutant spider fell to the ground, growling.

"Come on, try to fight, you little piece of shit," I taunted with a hoarse voice. The spider mutant charged towards me with surprising speed, nearly catching me off guard. I covered myself with my arms as I felt myself flying through the air, crashing into the door through which I had entered. The hinge broke, and I slid hard across the floor, grabbing onto it with my fingers to halt my momentum.

I sighed and pulled myself up, watching as the monster charged towards me. With a roar, we collided, creating a shockwave that caused the ground to sink and break beneath us. The walls also fractured, cracks expanding like spider webs. It was incredible to witness the level of destruction I could create at level 3 with Nemesis, though I still had yet to unleash its maximum potential.

Quickly, I grabbed the monster and hurled it to the ground. Approaching it, I delivered a powerful blow to its face. Its visage seemed as hard as steel, but at least I managed to dent it slightly. Suddenly, with unexpected agility despite its large size, the monster leaped to the ceiling. It appeared capable of climbing surfaces and walls. Just great...

He quickly began to run with his paws along the walls, showcasing incredible speed. Despite his size, he was surprisingly agile. As he dodged a blow, I managed to grab his arm with such force that the mutant monster was lifted from the wall. With all my strength, I hurled him towards a distant door. The monster crashed through both the door and the wall, filling the air with dust. Damn, this was going to be even more annoying than I thought.

"I'll kill you..." I heard a voice nearby, realizing that the mutant was slowly gaining the ability to speak. Sensing something approaching, I moved to the side and saw organic spider webs. Shit.

I quickly began dodging attacks with claws and spider webs. Suddenly, my foot got stuck in an unexpected spider web on the ground. I watched as the mutant monster lunged towards me. Acting on instinct, I summoned my tentacle and struck the monster with it. The force sent the monster flying, and the resulting sonic explosion cleared away the dust.

The monster crashed into a wall, causing cracks to spread throughout the area. I sprinted towards it and delivered a powerful blow directly to its chest with nearly all my strength. The impact shook the floor and wall, causing even more cracks to appear. Grabbing the monster by the head, I hurled it into the air. As it soared, I struck it again, but suddenly felt a searing pain in my shoulder. Looking down, I saw something incredibly sharp protruding from my shoulder - a super sharp claw. Shit. With a quick motion, I pulled the claw out and sent the monster flying once more.

I touched my shoulder and watched as the wound slowly healed before my eyes. My healing abilities were remarkably fast. Suddenly, I felt something strike me, slamming me against a wall. Pain radiated from my chest, an unfamiliar sensation. I glanced up to see the monster before me, its appearance altered. Its head appeared more sunken, its fangs enlarged, and it seemed as though its muscles were exposed. Even its skin seemed to be peeling away from its body. Damn it, was it mutating...?

I sighed, muttering "annoying..." as I prepared to face the mutating monster. With all my strength, I struck the monster, sending it flying. However, it quickly regained its footing, its mutated form pulsating with reddened muscles, indicating an ongoing transformation in the midst of battle. Damn.

Despite my efforts, I couldn't dodge a slash across my chest, feeling the pain radiate through me. I retaliated with a blow, which the monster endured and countered. Shit.

Suddenly, the monster struck me again in the face, drawing blood. Anger surged within me. I refused to die here, not when there were still so many cards to collect, and pizza waiting for dinner. "DON'T FUCK WITH ME!!" I roared like a merciless monster, my blood boiling like lava.

With ferocity, I attacked the mutant, unleashing a relentless barrage of blows. The dust filled the air, but I ignored it, focusing solely on defeating the creature before me. My blood surged with unstoppable fire as tentacles began to emerge from my arms, surrounding me in a whirlwind of fury.

With a fierce grip, I seized the mutant by the head and began to run, relentlessly slamming its skull against the wall. The wall began to crumble under the force of the impact, creating a trail of destruction in our wake. With each crash, the wall broke apart further, leaving a path of devastation in its wake.

After a few moments of unyielding assault, I finally hurled the monster towards a wall, which it tore through with a thunderous impact. The sound echoed through the corridor as the creature collided with the obstacle, leaving behind a scene of chaos and destruction.

My vision tinged with red as I beheld my mutating hands. Super sharp claws began to emerge, while on my other arm, tentacles started to unfurl like menacing whips, poised to strike anything in their path. Without hesitation, I charged towards the mutant, ready to unleash my newfound abilities upon it.

With monstrous ferocity, I unleashed a relentless assault with my claws, slashing non-stop at the mutant. It screamed in pain as my claws tore through its flesh. Meanwhile, my tentacles sprung into action, restraining the mutant before hurling it away with force. The mutant crashed into a wall, leaving behind a small crater as evidence of the impact.

"You are nothing... I... am... perfect... I am... Nemesis," I muttered in anger, my voice filled with determination. With unyielding resolve, I charged towards the mutant and stabbed it with my claws. The mutant screamed in agony as I hurled it against another wall. It rose unsteadily, but my mind was consumed by chaos. All I wanted was to annihilate the abomination before me.

Without hesitation, I pressed on, my actions unencumbered by limitations or remorse. I ran towards the mutant and delivered a powerful slap across its face. My tentacles sliced through the ground, leaving large cuts in their wake. The mutant's chest was riddled with bleeding wounds, testament to the relentless onslaught it faced.

Suddenly, one of my tentacles, moving at a speed almost exceeding that of sound, seized a large metal beam. I glanced in the direction from which it had been thrown and saw dozens of "Spiderman" soldiers, accompanied by numerous simple spider monsters. I sighed, feeling a surge of frustration at the sight of these adversaries.

Without warning, the giant spider mutant leaped towards the soldiers, its mutated mouth gaping open with dozens of huge fangs as it began to devour them. What a piece of shit.

However, the situation took a drastic turn as the giant spider mutant began convulsing on its feet. Dozens of spider legs sprouted from its back, its leg claws elongating and sharpening. It turned towards me, a sharp paw pointed in my direction.

"I will... kill you..." it growled with a hoarse, almost human voice. Ignoring its threat, I roared in defiance, charging towards it with unrelenting fury. As we collided, a shockwave reverberated through the ground and walls, shaking them to their core.

"Piece of shit!!!" I bellowed in a frenzy, my voice distorted by the ever-progressing mutation. My hand claws began to mutate once more, increasing in size and sharpness, while my tentacles elongated, some sprouting sharp blades.

The mutant struck me with one of its paws, but a tentacle from my arm intercepted it just in time. With a swift motion, I slashed at its chest with my sharp claws, eliciting screams of pain and fury. Taking advantage of its vulnerability, I delivered a powerful knee strike to its chest, causing it to double over in agony.

Seizing the opportunity, another tentacle wrapped around one of its legs, squeezing it with such force that it exploded in a gush of blood. The mutant's screams echoed through the chamber as it writhed in endless agony and fury.

Without hesitation, my claw sliced through its leg, blood spewing forth like a pressurized stream, coating the floor in crimson. Despite its screams, I grabbed hold of it firmly with my hand, determined to end this once and for all.

With unwavering determination, I grabbed the monster's neck with tremendous force, lifting it into the air before mercilessly slamming it into the ground. The impact shattered the ground beneath us, leaving a small crater in its wake, perfectly matching the size of the monstrous creature.

Extending my hand, adorned with sharp claws, I sneered: "Fuck you, you damn cheap copy of Tyrant." With one swift motion, I severed its head with my claws. Despite the stinging agony inflicted by the steel-cutting claws, the mutant remained tenacious and refused to give in.

Without hesitation, I raised my arm once more, lifting the monster into the air before impaling it with my tentacled hand. The tentacles twisted and writhed within the mutant's body, tearing it from the inside out with relentless ferocity.

"Die, cheap copy," I spat, my voice laced with contempt. With a final surge of power, my tentacles tore through the mutant's body with ferocious speed, ripping it apart completely. The creature exploded in a gory shower of blood, its demise sealed by the relentless onslaught of my tentacles, moving at speeds rivaling that of sound.

I released the torn body of the mutant, now reduced to nothing more than shredded flesh. A sense of liberation washed over me - this had been a true battle, one that had pushed me to my limits and forced me to embrace my mutations fully.

[You have leveled up!

Upgrades: Improved strength, Improved speed, Improved senses!

You have achieved: Virus Improvement! Improved Mutation Control!

Nemesis: 6 / 15!]

"Yes...better virus, also better control of my mutations..." I mumbled tiredly, deactivating my card. Collapsing to the ground, exhaustion washed over me. Mutation was indeed a dangerous ability, and he had been dangerously close to losing control. Although my consciousness remained mostly intact, I knew that any further loss of control could result in complete unconsciousness.

I slowly rose to my feet, the persistent red light casting an ominous glow over the surroundings. The incessant blare of alarms grated on my nerves, a stark contrast to my previous indifference. 

Suddenly, the sound of countless footsteps echoed through the chamber, and I found myself surrounded by spider monsters. Thankfully, this part of the facility appeared to be devoid of surveillance cameras. 

With a resigned sigh, I muttered, "Activate Nemesis card..." Instantly, a dense fog enveloped me, signaling the commencement of another slaughter. Despite my fatigue, I knew there was no time to waste. Glancing down at my body, I noted its intactness - no signs of mutation or damage remained. It appeared that deactivating and activating the card spared me from any physical tolls.

Despite the lingering fatigue, I knew I had to press on. My body felt weary, the exhaustion stubbornly clinging to me even as I remained unscathed. It was clear that maintaining optimal physical condition was crucial for unleashing the full potential of my abilities. Perhaps there was a way to heal myself, but for now, I had to focus on the task at hand.

As tentacles emerged from my arms, I felt a surge of empowerment. With renewed vigor, I charged towards the swarm of monster spiders, lashing out with my tentacles until none remained standing. 


As I gazed upon the lifeless bodies of the spider monsters strewn across the ground, the scene before me painted a vivid picture of the carnage that had unfolded. Most lay in pieces, their once-menacing forms now reduced to mere remnants of their former selves. Blood adorned my hands, the floor was slick with crimson, and even the walls bore evidence of the brutal conflict.

Taking a moment to ensure that none of the creatures remained alive, I scanned the surroundings, my senses keen for any sign of movement. However, the eerie silence that enveloped the chamber confirmed that the threat had been eradicated.

With a weary sigh, I began to make my way towards the exit, eager to leave this grim scene behind. Yet, as I traversed the hallway leading to the stairs, a surprising sight greeted me - spider monsters that I had not slain. 

"Someone got inside...?" I mused aloud, a spark of curiosity igniting within me.

As I approached the exit, my path was unexpectedly intercepted by a real soldier emerging from a nearby door. Clad in full military gear with a weapon at the ready, he froze in his tracks upon encountering me.

With a faint smile playing on my lips, I made quick work of him, seizing him by the head and effortlessly crushing it. It appeared that they had dispatched reinforcements to the laboratory, a futile attempt to contain the chaos that had unfolded within its walls.

I grabbed the dead soldier and examined him. His equipment seemed advanced, and it was completely black, good camouflage for dark places. I thought of several things. Kingpin... Will it be S.H.I.E.L.D...? It's possible. Maybe now Nick Fury is seeing me. It's possible, but why would they come in here? Would they want to destroy the place with the mutants inside...? Or is it Kingpin who wants to destroy the place so as not to leave traces? I saw several sheets that said there were too many failures here, although maybe they were going to come for the giant spider mutant. Bad luck, I already killed it.

I dropped the dead soldier and looked in front of me. There were probably more soldiers. I think I'm going to have some fun.