
Monster Apocalypse: Pokemon Online

Israel Windsorrow was orphaned at the young age of nine when his village was attacked by an unknown monster causing both his mother and father to die in battle. After surviving in the wilderness for six years he becomes trapped inside of a tyranistic city that won't let him leave, and he is too powerless to escape. But with the new release of the VRMMORP Pokemon Online, that promises strength to dedicated Israel sees a light of hope in this dark time of his. Israel will fight through the challenges and destroy his enemies as he slowly but surely finds his way to claim his revenge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fan-Fic of pokemon, but not in the normal way. I'm a new writer so give me some slack. Also please leave a review or comment as they are very much appreciated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Release schedule Mon, Wed, Fri, and Sat. Maybe Sunday if I am up for an extra chapter.

MOP · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Ava Icemourn

"There you are, Izzy," she said as she had a slight hop in her step. The voice came from a woman who had pitch-black hair that cascaded down to her lower back, and crystal blue eyes. She wore a white dress that had frills on the openings and held a white umbrella in her hand to block out the sunlight that would damage her pearly white skin.

She had a great figure and an amazing face that would cause most men to drool at the mere sight of her. This woman was Ava, a nineteen-year-old resident of the city Ortell, and Israel's only friend in the whole city, although if you asked her about it she would claim that the two were lovers.

"Ava," Israel said with a sigh "How many times have I told you that it is not good for you to be near me"

"And how many times have I told you that we were meant to be together!" Ava said as she looked towards him in love.

Israel released a sigh of frustration and said "It is not good for your social image to be seen anywhere near me! Much less talking to me! If someone were to- *groan*" Israel was cut off mid-sentence as he groaned in pain clutching his arm.

"What happened!" she said as she knelt on the ground dirtying her dress on the floor of the alleyway. To her, Israel was much more important than a dress.

"It's nothing," Israel said not wanting to worry her.

"Let me see!" she said as she pouted towards him. She knew the best way to get what she wanted from him was to act cute.

Israel sighed and motioned for her to continue, and she rolled up his sleeve as he moved away from his left arm that was clutching his right.

Looking at his arm she could see that it had suffered serious injury. It was fractured for sure, maybe broken, and there were cuts on it like someone hit him with a whip. And while Ava knew that he was most likely not hit with just a whip she could think of some of the gifts in the city that could do the same damage.

"Who did this to you?!" She said quietly with killing intent leaking from her body. Although Israel could not feel her killing intent, he still did not tell her as he quickly made up an excuse "I fell off of a... wagon."

Seeing as how she was not going to get the answer from him, she knew she would have to investigate privately again. She looked at him as she said "You sure are an unlucky person then aren't you. This week you fell off a wagon, last week you ran into a light pole, the week before you fell into the river, you have also tripped into a campfire" she began to list off his lies as her eyes squinted towards him.

Israel knew his lies were not foolproof, and that she had most likely known from the beginning but he decided to stick with them, so he wouldn't be a bother to her. He scratched the back of his head as he chuckled changing the topic "How come you came to look for me today?"

"I come to look for you every day!" She said with a pout and began to start fixing up his arm.

Ava did indeed come to look for him every day, and he used to think it was weird how she managed to find him every single day, when he usually switched alleyways to sleep in, and when he asked her she would claim it was their love that brought them together.

Keep in mind that Israel was very good at tracking and counter-tracking, and it is the main reason that he has not been jailed yet for his little robberies, so it is a wonder that Ava manages to find him every day.

"Well, you seemed to be extra cheerful today," Israel said.

"That's because it was time to meet you!" Ava said as ice began to come out of her hand and spread onto Israel's arm. Israel looked on in envy as he watched her use her gift. She was able to control ice, as was her whole family, hence the name Icemourn.

Ava also somehow managed to create a healing technique with her ice abilities due to the countless times that Israel has been injured.

"Come on Ava, what is the real reason," Israel said because he could tell that she was somewhat happier today than she normally was.

"Okay fine. It is because a new VRMMORPG is being released and I want you to play it with me." Ava said as she was nearly done fixing up his arm.

"Ava I don't have time for any of that stuff, and you know it," Israel said with a frown.

"I know! But this time it's different! I was on WISP, and I heard that this new VRMMORP can help you increase your abilities because of some new form of technology! Although I don't know the scientific reasons as to how it can increase abilities because the whole page was filled with this complicated jargon that I did not understand. I read from translations that-"

"It can increase your abilities!" Israel interrupted her as flames of desire began to burn in his eyes.

"Yes! It has been confirmed in the beta testing that it can increase the ability of gifts!" Ava said while nodding.

The flames in his eyes were put out when he heard this because he did not have a gift so the desire for this VRMMORP died out.

Seeing Israel no longer interested Ava quickly followed up "You can also increase your combat abilities through this game even if you don't have a gift!"

"Are you sure that this is real?" Israel asked Ava with a questioning look.

"Of course it is! So do you want to play with me?" Ava asked as she began to get giddy preparing for his answer.

Israel nodded his head as he said "Okay! I will play with you."