
Monster Apocalypse: Everyone has a System?

While Ethan was finishing up his homework for school. There was an apocalypse happening from afar. Suddenly the whole world shook, as the meteorite hit itself into the world's surface, causing what felt like an earthquake. There would be voices of people who would be heard, screaming within the place. As monsters arose and attacked innocent people, or contaminating them. When Ethan heard the screams, and saw the destruction, and madness happening outside his window. He knew one thing, as he said to himself. "Welp…Guess it's time to prepare". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First time writing and posting a novel. If there are any mistakes or misunderstandings, comment. I post every week. (Mostly on Wednesday.) (PS. I feel like it is a bit slow paced. If it is not for you, don't read.)

Mystery_8629 · ファンタジー
39 Chs

The Safe Point (III)

Kayla and Casey told me and Michelle about what they saw for their [Abilities].

Apparently Kayla has [Fire] as an [Ability] while Casey has [Body Strengthening].

'Quite the mix of [Abilities] we have here. With how many different powers we have, I thought Casey would have an [Earth] ability instead. With how down to earth she is. Instead, she has [Body Strengthening] which is weird to me….'

We were close to the mall now. I had to take down a couple groups of monsters but it wasn't that hard. We haven't even run into a strong one. I did level up once while on the walk to the safe point.



Name: Ethan Caldwell

Species: Human

Age: 18

Titles: Little Bro, My Little Boy

Level- 2 (46%)

HP- 100/100

MP- 40/60

Strength: 5

Agility: 7

Dexterity: 5

Intelligence: 6

Vitality: 3

Luck: 4

SP: 5

AP: 3



AIR- 5%


Barrier: A force field made of your {AIR} ability to protect you or others from your surroundings. (Level-2)

Constrict: A {Barrier} you can put around enemies that shrink into a smaller area to kill or incapacitate them. (Level-2)

|||||||- 1%




'My profundity for air has grown by two percent just by leveling up the skills I have….not a lot. I also wonder about how did I get my arm back? Since I'm not the only one that got a [System]. Does it have something to do with the cores? Do they heal me to such an extreme that I can regrow limbs? What really happened?"

"We're finally here!"

Kayla shouted, quite loud, that we had reached our destination. I look up from my status screen to see the mall right in front of us. It had a barrier of flipped cars by the entrance.

'Must have been a war zone.'

There are a few zombies around but none of the other types of monsters that I had seen were around. We walked to the obvious main entrance to the mall and saw that the glass doors were boarded up with wood.

I banged on the glass door, that is now a wooden door, and waited for anyone to answer.




Obviously that wouldn't work in an apocalypse. They probably hear zombies banging on stuff around here all the time. So I spoke up.

"Hello? Is the police force here? Is this the safe point?"

There was some shuffling inside and I heard someone come closer to the door.

"Yeah! Are you a survivor? Are you bit? Are others with you?"

The voice I heard sounded like a mid-twenties year old man. The man on the other side sounds like his name is Dan or something similar to the former.

"Yeah we are! There are other people with me. None of us got bitten. Can we come in?"

A zombie that was close to the mall door started heading towards us.

Casey looked back at us and glanced at me with an 'I got it handled' face. She turned to the zombie and got into a stance. I didn't know what type of fighting stance it was, but it looked cool.

When the zombie got close enough to her, the zombie pounced and tried to grab her. She side stepped it and turned around to punch it right into its head. Her hand came out of the other side of the head. She pulled her hand back and looked back at something that I couldn't see. Most likely her screen.

She looked quite happy.

"I got a new skill. It said to kill my first zombie, and I got a reward."

Kayla and Michelle nodded. I was confused.

The door opened suddenly and appeared the man I was, supposedly, talking to early. He waved at us to come in and we all listened.

He closed the door behind us and introduced himself.

"Hey! My name is Dan Tanks! It's nice to meet you all!"

[Your stat, (Luck), has increased by three by correctly guessing someone's name without them telling you or seeing what they look like.]

'...His name was actually Dan! I just chose a name that was really simplistic and went with his voice…Crazy. Well, I got extra points for a stat!'

"Hello, my name is Casey and here is my daughter Kayla."

Casey introduced herself and Kayla to Dan. Michelle went next and even went to shake hands with the man.

"Nice to meet you Dan. I'm Ethan."

He gave a brief nod of acknowledgement to each of our introductions.

Dan looked like a cool dude that could actually also be a mean guy.

He had brown hair and eyes and was about the same height as me. He was light skinned and had a bit of a stubble going on his chin.

He walked past us and told us to follow him.

"With how things go around in the mall, people kind of have their own store to live in. You guys will probably have the scraps of whatever is left over of the stores. First, we need to take you to the front and get you registered so we can know that you will stay here."

After Dan was finished explaining where we were going and what the situation was with rooming, Kayla spoke up and asked a question that I also thought about.

"Registered? What does that mean?"

And Dan answered, but at the same time didn't.

"Like I said earlier it's to let us and others know that you will be staying here. Other than that you will see once we get to the front."

After about three minutes of walking, and seeing others glance at us before going back to what they were doing, we made it to another person that had a police uniform on.

I looked back at Dan and saw that he was just wearing a black t-shirt with blue jeans.

'Hmmmmm….penny for my thoughts.'

The man that was at a desk, was laid back and chilling with his legs kicked up.

Once he saw Dan, he unhurriedly moved so that he was in a somewhat professional stance and greeted Dan.

"Hello, Mr.Tanks. These are the new people that I have to register?"

He pointed at us and asked.

"Yeah. I'll give them the run down after this."

He nodded, "Understood."

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