
Monster Apocalypse: Everyone has a System?

While Ethan was finishing up his homework for school. There was an apocalypse happening from afar. Suddenly the whole world shook, as the meteorite hit itself into the world's surface, causing what felt like an earthquake. There would be voices of people who would be heard, screaming within the place. As monsters arose and attacked innocent people, or contaminating them. When Ethan heard the screams, and saw the destruction, and madness happening outside his window. He knew one thing, as he said to himself. "Welp…Guess it's time to prepare". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First time writing and posting a novel. If there are any mistakes or misunderstandings, comment. I post every week. (Mostly on Wednesday.) (PS. I feel like it is a bit slow paced. If it is not for you, don't read.)

Mystery_8629 · ファンタジー
39 Chs

The Safe Point (II)

"Are you ready to go now?"

I asked Michelle, as she wiped the tears off her face.

"Yeah, I'm ready. I just didn't wanna look like a mess."

"You'll probably be the best looking one out there with how the situation is right now."

She scoffed, "And I'll still be single."

"Whatever, let's get ready to leave. I don't want to be unprepared."

She nodded and went to leave, but…


She turned around and quirked her eyebrow in a questioning manner, "Yeah?"

"Did you get….."

"Did I get what?

"Did you get a system?"


She jumped slightly and looked surprised that I asked her that question.

'She most definitely has a system….'

"I guess I do…"

"You guess?"

I looked at her and called my system up.

[Yes, Ethan?]

'Do others have a system like me?'

[No, you're the only one that has a {System} like mine.]

'Then why did she act like that if she doesn't have one?'

She sighs and continues, "The 'system' as you call it, popped up last night before I went to bed. Apparently, I have a power mainly that uses water."

"Really? What about your skills?"

She raised her eyebrows at me, "Are you going to tell me your skills and powers too?"

It was my turn to sigh.

"Really? You're gonna do me like that?"

Michelle chuckles and nods her head.

"You already know how it goes. This is a secret. You tell me yours I'll tell you mine."

'Childish….. but reasonable. Plus, it does bring me back to when we were younger. Still makes me smile…..'

"Alright, you have a deal."

She looks surprised that I agreed but then squints her eyes at me.

"You wouldn't lie, right?"

"Of course not"

She nods her head and tells me her skills.

"I have two skills currently. One is called [Water Bullet] and the other is [Water Shield]. Pretty self explanatory of what it does."

I nodded my head, agreeing.

'One for attack, the other for defense. That's her starter kit.'

"What's yours?"

She stares at me waiting for my answer.

"I have a skill cal-"

*Knock Knock*

"We are ready to go. Y'all are taking too long." Casey tells us from outside the door

Michelle turns her body to the door and says, "Alright, we're coming out."

After we hear Casey walk away from the door, Michelle says, "This is only between me and you. Keep this a secret until we figure out what's going on."

I nod while she opens the door walking out, me following behind.

Kayla is sitting on the couch with her backpack on, with her purse beside her. Her mom has a suitcase and her purse too.

"How are we going to make it when y'all are packing like we are going on a vacation? We got to move fast, but like this…..?"

Casey looks at me, "How did you make it with all three of your bags then?"

'I don't really know…. In fact, I don't even know what the (|||| ) was about in the [Abilities] section. I could deal with how the monsters didn't attack me. How did we even survive the night? It must be what my other [Abilities] does….'

"I was just very careful on my way here. I also had to fight two monsters on the way."

Casey nods her head, "Then we can do the same. We will take all the roots that has the least amount of monsters and if we have to fight them….. then we will fight."

"Alright then. Are we ready to go?"

Michelle goes to grab some bags and heads to the door. She peeks out the door and nods her head.

"We're good to go."


Michelle heads out the door with Kayla and Casey following. I pick up the rest of the bags and go out the door. I close the door behind me and Casey locks it. Michelle goes down the steps of the porch.

Michelle turns around and asks, "We really can't use the truck? I don't want to walk all the way to the mall."

Kayla goes down the steps and looks down the street both ways and looks at Michelle, "Does it look like people are driving down the streets? Do we really want some monsters jumping on our truck as soon as we get it running? No, we don't. So you're just gonna have to suck it up."

Michelle sighs and closes in on Kayla, whispering something in her ear. Kayla blushes and shoves her.

"Stop! You're wasting time! We have to start moving. Plus, Ethan saw some monsters earlier but they're not here."

Michelle nods and starts walking to the mall. Casey goes behind Kayla while I end up behind her, last in the line.

'Why did I have to be at the end? I didn't want to be in the front, but I also didn't want to be last either! What if someone or something grabs me while we're walking?!? Well I'm over exaggerating... hopefully.'

Michelle stopped suddenly and put her hand behind her to stop Kayla from bumping into her.

Whispering, she says "The monsters that Ethan saw earlier are in front of us, plus an extra two zombies. We are going to take the long way around through the houses."

I shake my head, "No, I feel like that is much worse than just killing them with my skill. We don't know if there are monsters in those houses or backyards."

Casey raised her eyebrows, "Skill? Hon, if you had the skill to kill all these monsters then I have the skill to take out the whole neighborhood. This skill of yours is definitely not good enough."

"Are you doubting me?"

"Very much so, sugar."

I sigh and look at Michelle. Michelle shakes her head 'no' at me. I look at Casey then at Kayla and ask, "Do you guys have a [System] ?"

Kayla nods her head, "Yeah, happened last night. It was weird. The screen just appeared in front of my face."

Casey looks shocked and looks at her daughter, "I thought I was hallucinating. I guess I also have one then."

Michelle turns around, back toward the monsters, "Ethan, use your skill."

I look up and see them coming towards us.

'Quite slow moving….. Am I able to make a big enough barrier to squish them all?'

[Yes, it is possible. You'll just at least have the energy you have now.]

'Well….thank you? I guess…'

I move in front of Michelle and put my hand out. A [Barrier] forms around all seven zombies and the slime. I compact the [Barrier] until it turns it all into a gooey, nasty, squishy mess. Once I stopped, it spilled everywhere, while revealing the cores.

I head over to the mess and pick up the cores. While I was picking them up, Michelle stared at me.

"What are you doing?"

"Picking up our loot."

I lifted up the core and showed her while she looked even more confused.

"I see nothing."

'Now I'm confused….'

"Nevermind then."

After I finished picking up the loot. I stood up and continued toward the mall, leading the way.

'Now I'm in front….'

"On the way, let's talk about your [Systems] now since me and Ethan already talked."Michelle looked at Kayla and Casey.

Kayla nodded, "Alright, then."