
Monster Apocalypse: Everyone has a System?

While Ethan was finishing up his homework for school. There was an apocalypse happening from afar. Suddenly the whole world shook, as the meteorite hit itself into the world's surface, causing what felt like an earthquake. There would be voices of people who would be heard, screaming within the place. As monsters arose and attacked innocent people, or contaminating them. When Ethan heard the screams, and saw the destruction, and madness happening outside his window. He knew one thing, as he said to himself. "Welp…Guess it's time to prepare". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First time writing and posting a novel. If there are any mistakes or misunderstandings, comment. I post every week. (Mostly on Wednesday.) (PS. I feel like it is a bit slow paced. If it is not for you, don't read.)

Mystery_8629 · ファンタジー
39 Chs


My heart stopped. It was the worst pain I had felt. I couldn't breathe, my lungs couldn't take in air.

I had died.

'Well, I guess that's what I expected to happen, I only swallowed the weird looking marble because I had no options left. I just wanted to see if it would be like one of the novels I read. If it did work, I wouldn't have to break Michelles promise….'

When I looked around, there was just darkness.

'Am I going to the bad place? I didn't do any major bad things though… a lot of minor things actually'

I was able to walk around, but nothing happened.


"Goodness gracious! My eyes burn!"

A bright light blinded me out of nowhere when I was walking around.

And now…


I sat up from the floor slowly, and looked around.

The blood from my arm was still on the floor. When I looked at my arm, I saw that it was….healed?

'I just noticed I didn't feel any pain from my arm…maybe that marble healed me while I was on the verge of death? I don't know, but it was a miracle.'

I also noticed that there was a force field surrounding me. It looked like compacted air.

I stood up and walked towards the edge of it. When I touched it, my hand laid on the compact air.

'This is weird….unbelievable. I probably can't stay here… I could see if I'm able to make it to Kayla's house, but it's about a thirty minute walk from here to there.'

'Since I got a plan, I just need this to go awa-'

The force field was gone.

"What! How did it just disappear?! I'm glad it's gone now but it's weird that it disappeared when I thought about it going away. Would it come bac-"

It was now in front of me again.

'This can't be…'

When I wanted it here it would be there. If I wanted it gone, it would leave.

'Do I have superpowers or something? What if I put my hand forward and want it to blast an air bubble? Would it happen?'

I got into a stance, and thought about what I wanted to happen. I felt something happening… and saw a blast of air come out of my hand. It threw the couch into the wall and broke it into pieces.

"That's …crazy…. But now I need to go because of the noise that was made."

When I stepped forward, I felt dizzy and almost fell. I caught onto a counter and slowly stood myself up.

My first thought was that it was caused by using this…..power of mine.

I waited for a second to get settled, then immediately ran to grab my backpack. I was still in high-school and had just turned 18 a month ago so I had grabbed one of my old ones and the one I was using currently. I also went to grab my sister's too. I had dumped all her college books out of it.

'Don't think she will need those anytime soon, especially with me gaining powers and mythical creatures outside'

I grabbed food, some clothes, hygiene products, and miscellaneous things. Might need a flashlight, tape, lighters, and even candles now…

As soon as I got ready, I put one on my back and carried the other two in my hands.

Trying to use the magic I gained will be for last case scenarios. Even though I know I will be way slower carrying these for three bags there, I know we will need them.

Using my new gained power will tire me out before I even walk around the corner of my street.

I slowly peak out though the door and see what my situation looks like from outside.

So far, most of the creatures are gone, but there is still a lot to deal with. I walked slowly out of my home, making my way towards my sister.

I hope mom is okay….

'Where could she be? She might have just dropped her phone while running away from the creatures. Or she could have turned off her phone, so the sound of it doesn't lure the creatures to her. I'm pretty sure she just turned it off…'


Eight minutes within the journey, my arms are hurting just carrying three heavy backpacks.

While I was taking a break, putting down the backpack, something started running toward me. It looked like a rabbit, but bigger, with red eyes, sharp teeth, and claws coming towards me.

I did the only thing that was effective and efficient.

Also the only thing I could control…

I put a force field around it.

"Look at me! I could be a hunter by how I caught it so easily! I guess to kill it, I can make the field around it smaller and smaller until it's crushed….maybe I'll even get another marble power."

I did exactly what I thought of. When all I saw was a bloody mush, I stopped using my power.

When I walked over to the mush, I started to gag.

"I really can't stomach this… but I just want to see if a marble drops from every creature."

I bend down to see if it has one.

And it had a marble. It was almost impossible to see because of its clear color, but within the blood, it was visible.

I picked it up, and swallowed this one also.

'If it doesn't kill me the first time, it won't kill me a second time! Wait… I did die…. well I'm pretty sure I'll just come back alive a second time.'

But I didn't die. I just felt rejuvenated and felt like I could use my power more than last time.

I turned around and picked up the bags again. I feel better, so I'll just keep walking. While walking I use my power to spread dirt around me to cover my scent a bit.

"Okay, let's keep moving."