
Monster Apocalypse: Everyone has a System?

While Ethan was finishing up his homework for school. There was an apocalypse happening from afar. Suddenly the whole world shook, as the meteorite hit itself into the world's surface, causing what felt like an earthquake. There would be voices of people who would be heard, screaming within the place. As monsters arose and attacked innocent people, or contaminating them. When Ethan heard the screams, and saw the destruction, and madness happening outside his window. He knew one thing, as he said to himself. "Welp…Guess it's time to prepare". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First time writing and posting a novel. If there are any mistakes or misunderstandings, comment. I post every week. (Mostly on Wednesday.) (PS. I feel like it is a bit slow paced. If it is not for you, don't read.)

Mystery_8629 · ファンタジー
39 Chs

My System! Finally!

It was now about 6:00 pm, and all I heard throughout the house was silence. The power had turned off an hour ago and I was bored.

'I guess this is what happens when you don't do anything but be on your phone for a hobby, Ethan- Quote from mom.'

"Huhhhh", I exhaled while laying on the cool, hardwood floor.

'Why does it feel good to lay down on cool, hard wood floors? Is it because I do this when I'm bored? Or stressed? Well, it works either way.'

I look around the house to find something to do while in 'captivity' and find nothing.

"I've been laying here for a couple hours… I should practice my powers or try to make a new skill that will help me take down monsters in one attack, an [AOE]."

I stand up and move to a relatively empty area of the living room to practice, "I shouldn't try to practice the [AOE] here. I probably should just try to keep it in the same form, and see how long I can use my powers without passing out or heavy powered attacks."

'Video games, fanfics, and novels have prepared me for this moment….'

I sat down in a 'criss cross applesauce' pose to practice. Summoning my power, I think of myself making a ball of air and holding it.

Expectedly, it comes out of my hands.

I sit in that spot, focusing on keeping it in the same shape. Within 10 minutes of me holding that pose, with a bit of difficulty on my behalf, something….. unexpected happens.

[Mastery of {AIR} has reached: 3%]


I lost focus as my power dispersed without the room, almost knocking the couch over.

I 'looked' at the screen that was blocking my face, almost completely obstructing my view of the living room.


With my surprised, a bit confused, face staring at the screen that's slowly fading away, I say, "System?"

[Yes, Ethan?]

I almost screamed.

"Where was this when I was gonna die? When I did die? Right after I came back from the Afterlife?"

[If you are asking, "Where was this system when I needed it?" I was still assimilating to the new user.]

"New user?" This part of the sentence was throwing me off because she could have just said 'user' if she never had one before

[Yes. You are the current user of this system. You are the ##### owner of this system.]

The '#####' part is probably an error or something I most likely can't get access to.

[The latter is the correct answer.]

'Great….. the AI can read minds. This is probably the reason the Earth is in this state now. With monsters running amuck.'

[You are correct about the 'reading' minds part. Your other assumption was incorrect.]

"Nice to know that you don't know a joke when you hear one."

[You are correct about that assumption.]

Laughing at the unexpected answer of the AI, I stand up and go sit on the couch that was almost flipped over earlier.

"System, do I have a Status or something? If I do, can I see it?"

[Yes, Ethan. Here is your {Status}, ]


Name: Ethan Caldwell

Species: Human

Age: 18

Titles: Little Bro, My Little Boy

Level- 1

HP- 100/100

MP- 40/60

Strength: 5

Agility: 6

Dexterity: 3

Intelligence: 6

Vitality: 2

Luck: 4

SP: 0

AP: 0


Note: 10 is the max for a 'Human' without a {System}. If you would like {More}, please click the {More} button.


I tried to touch the {More} button with my pointer finger but it just went through the virtual screen. Then I tried to click it by just thinking about it and it worked.



AIR- 3%


Barrier: A force field made of your {AIR} ability to protect you or others from your surroundings. (Level-1)

Constrict: A {Barrier} you can put around enemies that shrink into a smaller area to kill or incapacitate them. (Level-1)

|||||||- 1%




'A pretty decent explanation of myself and abilities, I suppose. I think I should just sleep and get ready for tomorrow. This is a lot of information to process….'

I lay down on the couch with my hands under my head, on the arm rest, and head straight into a dream land.

'Anything other than the situation I'm in is pretty much a dream land to me at this point…..'

Almost catching up to the chapters I already wrote!

Need to write more.....


Mystery_8629creators' thoughts