
Monster Apocalypse: Everyone has a System?

While Ethan was finishing up his homework for school. There was an apocalypse happening from afar. Suddenly the whole world shook, as the meteorite hit itself into the world's surface, causing what felt like an earthquake. There would be voices of people who would be heard, screaming within the place. As monsters arose and attacked innocent people, or contaminating them. When Ethan heard the screams, and saw the destruction, and madness happening outside his window. He knew one thing, as he said to himself. "Welp…Guess it's time to prepare". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First time writing and posting a novel. If there are any mistakes or misunderstandings, comment. I post every week. (Mostly on Wednesday.) (PS. I feel like it is a bit slow paced. If it is not for you, don't read.)

Mystery_8629 · ファンタジー
39 Chs

First Step

{Bonus Chapter}

{Please read A/N}


"So what did you come in here for in the first place? Were you looking for me and Kay?"

I quirked my eyebrows at the new name I just heard.


"It's the nickname I gave Kayla."

Nodding my head in understanding, I continued going on with the conversation.

"Well, I did come to find you. I was going to tell you about the plan I had."

"You have a plan?"

"Well, an idea of one."

"What do you have so far?"

"First on the list is to make all of you tier 1's."

"All of us? Right, that wolf did mention you being stronger among the rest of us. Something like that. How are you going to do that?"

"Well, it's pretty easy to reach tier 1. Apparently, all you have to do is know at least 3 or more skills. I can teach y'all some easily by going off of mine."

Michelle moves her hand so she can touch Kayla's hair and massage her scalp.