
Monkey King in Marvel

After being killed by the gods, Sun Wukong, the legendary Monkey King, finds himself transmigrated into a human body... In the world of Marvel? Driven by his thrust for revenge, he must now aim to get stronger in this weak body so that he may not only achieve his goal, but so that he may also survive in this mysterious and unfriendly world. ***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***--- Authors Note: Front cover isn't mine. [DISCORD] https://discord.gg/f3Ent7KC

_MYSTERY · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs

Project Centipede

The Nimbus soared through the air as Wukong and Lorna looked for anything else that may have been following them.

"Alright, we're clear. Bring him out Nimbus." Said Wukong as he sat down. In the next second, the scientist's head shot up from inside the Nimbus as he took a deep breath, trying his best to look around and make sense of his surroundings.

"Hello, glasses dude. Lemme fix that for you." Said Wukong as he fixed the man's crooked glasses.

"What the hell do you want?" Asked the man as he stared at them. He was expecting a terrifying group of individuals, however, his pride was hurt knowing that he was kidnapped and being held hostage by two kids.

"Project Centipede. Where is it happening?" 

"How…who are you? How do you know about that? Are you with Shield?" The scientist asked with his low raspy voice and wide eyes as he darted his eyes between Lorna and Wukong. Meanwhile, Lorna observed quietly. She didn't know what they were talking about so she just tried her best to look intimidating.

"With Shield? Hell no. Now answer the question."

"Listen, kid, I don't know where it's being done. I have nothing to do with Project Centipede." 

"Ah, see, that wasn't the answer I was looking for. You see this staff of mine? It has 8 tons of force behind it. Now I know what you're thinking. 'This guy's a liar,' and you're probably right. But do you really want to find out?" He said as he placed his staff beside the man's head as if he were playing golf.

"He's not lying. That hits you and your skull will burst like a watermelon." Said Lorna.

"Better hurry up, my hands are getting itchy." He said as he raised his staff, ready to strike.

"Ugh, Alright, I'll talk so cool it with the death stick. I don't know where specifically the project is being undergone, but I know it's most likely in one of the Hydra warehouses." 

"Ok, how many of these warehouses are there?" Asked Wukong, slightly annoyed he couldn't get a straight answer.

"In this state alone, about 7."

"Well, I guess we'll hit them all. Nimbus." After saying this, Nimbus swallowed the man again and he quickly disappeared.

"What's Project Centipede?" Asked the clueless green-haired girl.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Project Centipede was initiated by a splinter faction of Hydra, led by an enigmatic figure known as the Clairvoyant. Their purpose was to create superhuman operatives through scientific experimentation and manipulation."

"The core of Project Centipede was the Centipede Serum, a formula that granted enhanced physical abilities to its subjects. The Serum was derived from a combination of alien technology, Extremis, and other experimental compounds."

"Like the Super Soldier Serum that Captain America was given?" Asked Lorna.

"Yes. One could say it's a very close copy." 

"As I was saying, Project Centipede sought out subjects with extraordinary potential, often individuals with unique genetic makeup or special abilities. These subjects were then subjected to the Centipede Serum injections, which granted them enhanced strength, agility, and other superhuman attributes."

"The enhanced individuals created became known as Centipede Soldiers. They were equipped with cybernetic implants, including an implant embedded in their forearms that contained a miniature version of the Centipede Serum dispenser."

"Why do they need this Serum dispenser's in their forearm?" She asked as she followed his story carefully.

"Well, you see the Serum's effects aren't permanent. After about an hour they wear off, returning the soldiers to regular humans."

"Ok, so what business do you have with this Project?"

"Isn't that obvious? I want to use the Serum for myself." Wukong said with a smile. He needed to get stronger, and since he didn't know how to do that with his own lost power, he'd have to start borrowing power from this world in the meantime.

"But why? Do you even know if the Serum has any side effects?" Asked Lorna as she voiced her worries.

"Oh, no. You've misunderstood me. I don't want the same Serum they give to the Centipede Soldiers. No no, that stuff has tons of side effects. I'm talking Mental determination, physical and mental instability, cellular deterioration and even addiction. I want the real deal."

"The Project leader, Clairvoyant, whose real name is John Garrett, had a run-in with Shield in the previous years. He was a double agent who worked for them while running the Project behind their backs. After they found out, it wasn't long until there came an altercation. In that altercation, John Garrett was presumed dead."

"Until he resurfaced. It turns out he was alive all along. Big surprise, am I right? I mean, this is the world of Marvel, no one dies forever." He said with a chuckle.

"What?" Said Lorna as she noticed the boy saying weird things.

"Umm, nothing." He quickly recovered as he noticed he almost slipped up.

"Anyway, when Clairvoyant emerged again, he started to develop and create a new type of Centipede Serum. Or CS2 as they like to call it. Which he was successful in creating."

"A Serum that supposedly has the same effects as the Super Soldier Serum, that's what I want. And I'm going to get it."

"We'll raid one of the warehouses in the morning. Now, we sleep." He said as he laid down, ready to take a nap seeing as the sun was setting.

"Sleep? Where?" Asked Lorna as she hoped he wasn't going to say what she thought.

"Right here. Don't worry, you won't fall. Nimbus will prevent that." He said as he closed his eyes.

She stared at him before laying down herself as she used her arm as a pillow.

"It gets cold in the night you know." She said as she tried to sleep.

As she said this, she felt as if she started to sink into the cloud. After she was in about an inch or two, she started to feel the warmth and cosiness of the cloud, wrapping around her body until she couldn't feel the strong winds anymore.

Before she knew it, she had fallen into a deep sleep as she was embraced by the cloud.


As Lorna woke up from one of the best slumbers she's ever had, she raised her head and was met with Wukong snoring loudly. After waking him up, they took a few seconds to take a deep breath.

"Alright, Nimbus, bring him out." Said Wukong as the head of a familiar man with glasses and a bald spot emerged from the cloud.

"So where did you say these warehouses were?" Asked Wukong as he yawned.

After an hour of poor navigation and arguing between the man and Wukong, they finally made it to a clearing where they were met with a large building that looked to be abandoned.

"Finally. Your navigation skills suck." Said Wukong. He wasn't known for being patient.

"Well, what the hell do you expect? I only know the general location of these places. Not to mention we were in the middle of nowhere when you told me to navigate. I'm not a bad navigator, you're just an idiot." Said the scientist as veins bulged from his head.

"What the hell did you say, you bald-spotted bastard?!" 

"Will the both of you shut up! We're here so what do we do?" Asked Lorna as she was fed up with the constant bickering between the two children.

"You're lucky we still need you." Said Wukong as the scientist was sucked into Nimbus.

"Now we raid it." He said as the cloud brought them to the floor.

They dismounted the Nimbus and started walking toward the facility, only to be met with peculiar men guarding it. They had camo tactical gear that had the Hydra logo plastered on its back. 

They hadn't even made it close to the building before they heard the quickened footsteps of certain individuals. Before they knew it, they were surrounded by countless members of Hydra. However, what was unusual was the fact that they didn't have any weapons or guns. They were empty-handed. It wasn't long until a large man stepped out from the soldiers and addressed them.

"Who are you and state your business?" He said with a deep voice as he oozed the aura of a leader. This was further backed by his body language and looks. He fashioned a cybernetic arm and had multiple scars on his face.

"What I've come to do? Well, I'll let my friend tell you that." He said as he stepped back, allowing Lorna to step forward.

"You see, you all somewhat have cybernetic upgrades made of metal. And my friend, she loves metal." As he said this, Lorna's hands shot up. Simultaneously, the cybernetic implants containing the Serum that was in the soldier's forearms were ripped out as blood gushed all over the floor.

They fell to the ground as they screamed in pain and agony. They didn't even have time to release the Serum into themselves. All that was left was the leader figure in the middle as he watched his soldiers in confusion.

Before he could react, his whole cybernetic arm which contained the Serum, ripped away from the rest of his body as his skin stretched and tore.

"Alright, finish them off so we can search the rest of this dump." Said Wukong as he started to walk away.

In the next second, Lorna raised the cybernetic arm and extended its sharp fingers and thrusting it into every one of their throats, killing them where they laid. The ground was painted in a crimson red as she walked away. 

"Maybe I'm more like my father than I thought."


Author's Note: Hello if you are enjoying the novel so far I would appreciate the powerstones. They really help. Alright, thank you all, Bye.