
Monkey in the Multiverse

My computer exploded, next thing I know, I'm in a new world with a system! Patre.on: patr.eon.com/MonkeyGodking

Monkey_Godking · アニメ·コミックス
371 Chs

Taking out the trash

[Congratulations! You've completed Become #1 Blacksmith in Orario! Rewards: Random Divine Weapon]

[Congratulations! You've received Enkidu!]

Hiro held the chains that were gold with a spear tip on one end and a weight on the other. They spun into Sun before turning back into a bundle of chains.

Hiro was ecstatic and chuckled to himself, looking like a crazy person. He closed his eyes and focused really hard. The spear tip suddenly transformed into a 4 pronged claw before turning back into a spear tip.

Hiro chuckled and an evil glint flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly, Hestia barged in with tears in her eyes. Hiro was startled and put away Enkidu before saying "What happened, sis- Er I mean loli." Hestia said "B-B-Bell!" Hiro was waiting and said "Bell what?"

Hiro chuckled and said "He can't have gotten Ais y-" Hestia cried "They got Pass Paraded!" Hiro froze and a terrifying killing intent exploded from his body, he got up and passed Hestia, going out the door.

Hephaestus was alarmed and chased after him saying "Hestia! Get him!" Hestia blanked and looked back to see Hiro's hand glow black and he punched the air towards the church.

The church building itself was obliterated and the rubble went flying, collapsing into dense bricks. The people inside were sprawled out and smashed into the debris. Hiro growled "Who was it?!" he rubble around started levitating in the air and the ground started trembling.

Hiro stomped on the ground and the 6 Takemikazuchi Familia members were blasted into the air. Hiro reached out and pulled back as they flew towards him. His tail split into 6 and grabbed them all by their necks.

Hiro snarled "You're the garbage adventurers that pass paraded my Familia?" they couldn't say anything as they couldn't even breath, clawing at the tail to not avail.

Hestia shouted "Hiro! Stop!" Hiro ignored her and looked at the captain saying "You're a big shot, eh? Level 2 Adventurer going to the mid floors! Big tough guy! Do you know that most likely you could have all escaped had you fought instead of running?"

Hiro threw the rest away into the rubble and grabbed the captain with his arms, legs, and neck. His last tail lifted his head as Hiro said "You're very good at running, eh? I wonder though... Can you run without legs?"

Takemikazuchi shouted "Please stop! I'm sorry!" Hiro spat on the ground and said "Is sorry going to reverse time? Is sorry going to make my Familia come back?! What is your sorry worth?! It's not worth shit! You really want to apologize? Return to heaven and disband your Familia!"

Hestia shouted "HIRO!" the captain choked out "No... Kill me instead... It's my fault..." Hiro was beyond angry. Takemikazuchi kneeled on the ground and said "Please don't hurt my children. I'm begging you."

Hiro looked at Takemikazuchi and threw the captain to the side before turning around and saying "Pray Bell is safe..." his tone became ice-cold as he looked back with glowing blue eyes full of rage "Or you won't even make it back to heaven." before running off towards the Dungeon.

The captain coughed and said with gritted teeth "That bastard!" Takemikazuchi got up and shouted "Enough! You caused this mess!" the captain said nothing and Hestia teared up really about ready to cry again.

Hiro was rushing to the Dungeon with a frown on his face, he didn't anticipate this. He had trained Bell for a few weeks, he was stronger than before, not to mention he changed cannon! Haruhime was with them! How was it possible the Pass Parade kept them back?

There was only one explanation and it was that the monsters were either more numerous or stronger than the original!

He grinded his teeth, how! How was it possible!?

Those damn kids! They better be okay!

He threw the other adventurers out of the way and jumped into the Dungeon.

He landed on the first floor and he took out Mjolnir, he raised it high and smashed it in the ground, blowing through the floor and going down to the second floor.

The adventurers around were absolutely terrified as Hiro smashed a hole through the floors, making his way down to the lower floors.

Hestia and a rescue party appeared at the first floor and saw the giant hole in the middle. Hermes looked down and whistled, Hestia said "Excuse me! Did you see anything?" the adventurer trembled and said "T-T-The demon! He-He smashed through the floor!"

Hestia said "Demon?! Did he have blue horns?!" the adventurer yelped and shook in fear, nodding frantically. Hestia nibbled on her lips and jumped into the hole, the rest of the rescue party were stunned, Hermes said "He smashed through the floor!?"

Ryu, the elf who worked at the bar Hiro trashed, looked at the hole and said nothing before jumping down. The rest jumped down after her.

Hiro threw Mjolnir at the Juggernaut and shattered it completely before pulling its shadow out. Every being had a shadow, no matter if they were real or fabricated.

He had killed 10 of them so far.

Mjolnir flew back to him and he smashed through another floor before killing the Juggernaut that spawned in front of him and taking it's shadow.

He was on floor 12 now with 11 Juggernaut kills.

He continued until falling onto the 17th floor, he looked at the Juggernaut and the Giant and spun Sun into Enkidu, whipping the spear tip at the giant's head and the weight at the Juggernaut. He destroyed both of them and took their shadows before continuing to the 18th floor through the normal entrance.

He arrived at the grassy 18th floor and looked around before hyper focusing and shooting off in a direction with a flat look on his face.

He arrived a a small camp and ripped a door off a hut, before walking inside. He ignored Ais, who was sitting next to Bell, and crouched above Bell, pressing his hand on his chest. He frowned and checked the rest.

His frown got deeper and deeper as he looked at the 4. They were badly injured. Very badly injured. Why though. What was the cause? It's impossible it was only a pass parade, unless they pass paraded a Juggernaut.

Hiro took out 4 bottles of Healing potion and poured it down each of their throats. He cast a healing spell over them and used his healing hands on Haruhime, who seemed to be the most badly injured of the 4.

He was terrifyingly calm, which was a very bad state because it meant he was so angry he calmed down instead.

He healed the Fox girl, puppy loli, red haired fool, and the white block of wood before sitting down with his arms crossed. Ais watched the whole time and said nothing, she just looked at Hiro silently.

Bell and the other 3 woke up and slowly sat up from the ground.

Hiro looked at them silently and Haruhime lunged at him, crying. Hiro patted her head and said "Explain how you got beaten so badly by a single pass parade." Bell and the rest said "We got pass paraded and were fighting off the monsters while running and then a skeletal looking thing appeared!"

Hiro frowned and waved, a Juggernaut appeared and Hiro asked "This?" Bell nodded and said "Yeah!" Hiro waved and the Juggernaut disappeared as he asked "What happened before it appeared?"

Welf scratched his head and said "The ground shook and we heard a big explosion." Lili added "I saw a figure before he disappeared!" Hiro looked at Lili and said "What did it look like?" Lili frowned and said "It had animal ears and a giant sword... It was big too!"

Hiro closed his eyes and drew a figure from his memory in the ground. Lili pointed and said "Yeah! That's it!" Hiro grinded his teeth in rage and said "Is that so." The group nodded and Hiro's grin turned cruel as he said "Excellent." before getting up and walking away.

Haruhime said "Hiro-sama! Where are you going?" Hiro waved over his shoulder saying "Take out the trash." before disappearing, Bell said "But Garbage day was 2 days ago..." Welf looked at the figure drawn in the dirt and rubbed his chin saying "Hmm..."

Lili looked at him saying "What?" Welf frowned and said "I'm sure I've seen this figure somewhere before..."

A while later

Hiro was already gone and Hestia ran into the hut saying "Bell! Bell?!" Bell smiled and waved and Hestia lunged at him, crying in relief. The rest of the rescue party came in and looked at the group and Ais.

Hermes remarked "We got here before the Demon?" Lili asked "Demon?" Ryu said "Hiro-san." Welf said "He was here a while ago." Hestia looked up and said "Where did he go?" Bell replied "He said he was going to take out the trash. Whatever that means."

The group was confused and Hestia said "Anyway! What happened!?" they explained what happened and Hermes said in shock "You survived the Juggernaut?!" the group was confused and Bell asked "Juggernaut?"

Ryu explained "It's a monster that only appears when there's excessive damage to the Dungeon." Hermes looked at the figure drawn on the ground and asked "What's this?" Lili said innocently "Hiro drew that. It's what we saw before the Juggernaut appeared."

Welf said angrily "Damn guy destroyed the Dungeon trying to kill us!"

The rescue party froze and looked at the figure, Hermes started laughing as he said "That can't be..." Ryu looked at it saying "It's Ottar." Hermes said "But why-" Hestia suddenly said "Bell. What did Hiro say when he left again?"

Bell tilted his head and said "He said he was going to Take out the Trash, why?" Hestia turned white and Hermes froze saying "Hey... You don't think..." Hestia said "Get up! We're going to the surface! Immediately!"


Hiro didn't wear his headphones this time as he walked to Freya Familia's residence, which was located in the business area. He smashed through the gates and walked into the plaza, he had an emotionless look as he summoned his Shadow Army and sent them to slaughter everyone in the residence.

He already knew that Ottar and Freya weren't there. He could feel it. But he didn't do things half-way. Everybody was going to die tonight.

Hiro shot out Enkidu and killed one Cat man and caught a woman around the neck with the weighted end. She was sapped of her power and Hiro pulled back, catching the woman in his hand as he said "Helun... Where is Freya and Ottar."

His voice was terrifyingly cold. Helun was terrified and said "W-W-Who are you?!" Hiro repeated "I said." his grip tightened and his tails pierced her arms and legs as he said "Where. Is. Freya." Helun screamed in pain and struggled for air.

Hiro said "You lost your chance to live. I'll find out myself." before slamming his palm on her forehead and reading her memories.

A few moments later

He crushed Helun's skull and threw her corpse to the ground. He lifted Enkidu and it transformed into Mjolnir and grew into a giant hammer. Hiro called his shadow army back and smashed Mjolnir down on the building, destroying everything and making the city of Orario tremble.

Hiro took back Mjolnir and collected all the shadows from the deceased before returning the army to his shadow and looking at the Tower of Babel. He stepped on air and blurred in the direction of the Tower, going for the top.

He appeared in front of Freya's window and narrowed his eyes at her getting fucked by Ottar. He decided that he was going to let him cum early and he punched through the glass before whipping Enkidu out and wrapping it around Freya's neck. He pulled her out from under Ottar and said coldly "Sit tight slut, after I'm done with you, you'll never be able to see a dick again."

He looked at Ottar and said "You're a good doggy, eh? Sending a Juggernaut on Bell and his party? Very good." he whipped the other half of Enkidu and it pierced through Ottar's shoulder. He couldn't dodge, Hiro was stronger than him and he was 2 meters away, even if he was 100x faster he still wouldn't have dodged it.

Ottar was pinned to the wall and grunted in pain. Hiro walked over and stomped on his knee caps, snapping them in the wrong direction. Coincidentally, there was a wall behind them. That wasn't a problem as Hiro stomped through the wall as well.

Ottar screamed in pain and Hiro said "You also trained the Minotaur to fight against Bell! You think I don't know?!" he grabbed Ottar's arms and ripped them off his body. Hiro took Enkidu and used the spear tip as he grabbed Ottar's hair and ran it down his torso, peeling off his flesh as he said "Feel good, doggy?"

Ottar let out a blood curdling scream as his flesh was literally being peeled off his body. Even the calm and cold Freya was terrified at this moment, Hiro pointed at her and she froze as he said "Don't even think about killing yourself, slut. You're not escaping punishment tonight."

Freya started crying, losing any sort of appearance to that of a goddess.

Hiro flayed Ottar alive before cutting off his dick and hanging him outside the Tower of Babel with a normal chain connected to the floor in Freya's room.

Hiro grabbed Freya by the hair and said "Look, this is the best part." He forced her eyes open as Ottar struggled before hanging limp. Hiro pulled out Ottar's shadow and sent it back into his own before smashing Freya's face into the ground saying "You're a master manipulator, eh?"

Hiro sneered and asked "Manipulate your way out of this, maybe I'll even let you go. Come on, I want to hear you beg for your life." He lifted her head and whispered into Freya's ear "Soma and Ishtar begged for theirs..." Freya's eyes widened and Hiro chuckled "It was a shame... They didn't get spared either."

He smashed her face through the floor and said "You know, these Chains are supposed to seal the gods, or cancel their divinity..." he used the spear tip and sliced off a single finger tip, getting a pained scream in return as he continued "I wonder... How will you be able to return to heaven if your Divinity is sealed or cancelled?"

Freya's pupils shrank and she said with a trembling voice "Y-Y-You can't! I-I didn't want to hurt Bell! It was all to m-make him grow faster!" Hiro sliced off another finger tip and she screamed in pain, Hiro threw a pill in her mouth as he said "Oh? Sending a Juggernaut after a level 2 adventurer is making him grow faster?" as she coughed from the pill.

He added "I assume you had no thoughts about his party? A.K.A. My Familia? The blacksmith, the loli, and the fox girl? Now that I think about it, seems like a pretty big coincidence that Ottar was there when they got Pass Paraded, doesn't it?"

As he sliced another finger tip right off, getting a pig slaughtering screech from Freya. Hiro said "I want to hear you beg!" Freya whimpered "Please... Pl-Please let me go! I won't come back! I promise!" Hiro shredded her entire hand bone by bone as he listened to her awful screeching and sobbing.

He said "I'm afraid promises are other broken... Freya-sama~" he sliced a paper thin slice from her nub and said with a grin "Now let's see if they teach math in Heaven, shall we?"

A while later

Hiro stood up with bloodied hands as a shadow Freya appeared behind him. Enkidu coiled around his arm.

[Hidden Requirement achieved!]

He looked down on the city and grinned as another prompt went off.

[You've acquired the title. . .]

Hiro laughed and his voice echoed through Orario.

[God Slayer]

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