

This fanfic is being rewritten, so check that out..! Peace Out and Sayonara

Heavenly_Demon13 · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

CH-6 The Sigma Monke

Third POV

In a forest with snow deposited everywhere, above a wide rock was a boy who looked around the age of 17, shirtless and his body glistening with sweat, doing a single-handed handstand but for some reason, he had a rabbit balanced on the base of his feet.

"Hey, you cheap AI, how much longer do I have to stay like this!?"

[Don't be a pussy! And it's just 15 seconds more]

"Yeah you do my workout and then we'll see! Don't worry Lola you are not fat, I don't feel your weight at all."

*tickles from the best girl Lola*

"Hey! No tickling right now! That's cheating!"

3 hours earlier -

Jin's POV

"Umu it's grinding time!!!"


[Daily Quest updated]

[Quest - The Sigma Monke Workout Routine

Conditions - 1000 push-ups (0/1000)

1000 sit-ups (0/1000)

1000 crunches (0/1000)

50 KM run (0/50)

30-minute Handstands ( Left - 0/30) (Right - 0/30)

Stand on your toes for 15 minutes ( Left - 0/15) (Right - 0/15)

Rewards - +5 stat points to all stats, Mystery Box]


'I can already imagine my handsome face and god-like body becoming even more godly.'


[Host please see a therapist. No sane person makes that creepy face again and again.]

Present -

[3...2....1.. and you're done!]

I bent my elbows a little, creating a suspension-like movement with my hands before jumping upwards and landing on my legs, catching Lola with my left hand.

Phew. That was tiring, I should lie down for a second.

"You should have rest too my sweet little Lola." I say as I put her beside me. I should find some carrots for her the next time I get to the town.

[Get up you lazy host! you still have to do that ballet-like exercise. Don't worry I won't record it.]

"Fuck you, Eva!"

[Sorry but I would prefer a system over a monkey, so you have no chance.]

"Who would even date you, you genderless AI! Let me just complete this workout, no need to waste time talking to you."

Raising my arms to shoulder length, I jump slightly, landing on my right toe.

'I feel something on my shoulders.' Turning my head sideways I can see a rabbit landing on my left shoulder with her innocent as-ever face.

'of course, it's you my little bunny'

*Lola tilts her head sideways too while moving her ears and blinks twice.*

'Need to protect her forever. She's too cute!'

30 minutes later -


[Daily Quest completed]

[+5 to all stats, x1 mystery box]


'If I train like this every morning and beat the shit out of demons at night, I should probably be able to get each of my stat above 100 easily.'

[You won't use the free stat points?]


'I"ll use it when it's an emergency but not at this moment, No.'

"Please show me my stats Eva."

[Status :

Name - Jin Mori

Age - 16

Level - 1/??

Race/Species - Mount Hwagwa Monkey

Abilities - Gamer's mind, God's Body(locked), Loop of Binding, Fiery eyes and GoldenPupil(locked), True Monkey King Mode(sealed)

Skills - Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Endurance, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Agility, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Human Anatomy, Renewal Taekwondo(Part1), Full-Contact Karate

Title - .....

HP - 100/100 MP - (locked)

STM - 5/25

STR - 13->19

VIT - 15->20

AGI - 18->24

INT - 11->16

WIS - 13->18

LUCK - ???

Free Points : 20 ]

'Strength and agility each grew an extra point. That's good.'

[Growing stat points naturally by training is difficult after some time, So you should make the most of it now. We have decades to complete the World Quest anyway.]



"It's time I leveled up now. Let's go get them Demons shall we?"

Third POV

In the town nearby the mountains -

2 hours before the Sun sets...

Two children, an 11-year-old girl, and an 8-year-old boy were sitting in front of an old woman of around 54 years, listening to her while nodding their heads.

"Do you why you don't go out and play at night?" The old lady asked with a stern voice.

"Because th-" The boy tried to answer but his Grandmother interrupted him.

"Because of Demons. And what do demons like to eat the most?"

"Rice!" The boy was able to answer this and was looking at his sister with a face of victory but she just hit him on the back of his head.

"Hey, no fighting!"

"Demons like eating children the most Grandma! And they especially like eating young boys, right?"

As soon as the girl said this, the boy had a bit of fear on his face and looked towards the old lady with a face that screamed 'really?'

"Stop scaring your brother Haruka. But yes, they like eating children the most so no more playing outside after the sun sets!"

"Yes grandma!' x2

3 hours later -

"I'm bored nee-chan."

"Just play inside the house Yuto."

"Hey! Let's just go out and play for a little bit and then we'll quickly come back home!" The boy said while pulling the edge of his sister's yukata.

"But weren't you scared of demons before?"

"You told me that they are not real, so why should I be afraid of them? let's only play for a little, we'll come back home before Grandma knows we're out."

"Fine! Fine! Stop pulling my yukata! We'll go out and play but If grandma finds out, I'm telling her that you forced me to do this Yuto."

The siblings slowly walked outside their home before running away quickly towards the lake near the town.

A few moments later,

At the lake -

A random demon's POV -

It's been days since I last ate a child.

Ahhhh the soft skin they have. The delightful taste. Nothing beats the taste of a human child.

And I can see 2 of them nearby. I found the dinner for today I suppose.


Wait for me, you sweet sweet children!

Third POV -

"Let's play Hide 'n seek. You go hide Nee-chan I'll find you!"

"Okay then. Close your eyes and count to 10. I'll hide." the girl said before running way in the opposite direction to which the boy was facing and hiding behind the snow


"I'm coming to find you Nee-chan"

While the boy searched for his sister around the lake, the demon came and sat on a tree above him.

"I found you my sweet dinner!" Random demon A spoke in a hushed tone before staring at him intensely.

"I can't find you sister! Just come out now!" Yuto shouted with his hands around his mouth

"Booo!" A sound came from behind him.

"AAAHHHHHHHHHhhhh!!! it's you! Why did you have to scare me like that nee-chan!"

"Heh. To have fun."

"I'm not playing with you anymore! Bad Nee-cha-" While the girl was laughing loudly, she suddenly stopped and could only stare wide-eyed as the demon came up to the boy from behind and was about to slash his neck.

But at that very second, a kick from the left side hit Random demon A, smashing his face in and blasting him away as he hit a tree before falling to the ground with a half-headed face.


"Eating a child is illegal you know."


(A/N) :- And our Monke comes in and saves the day!

Fight scene with some cool-sounding martial arts coming right up in the next chapter...

This chapter took too long to write So only 2 chapters for today, Sorry about that.

And I'll be posting 2 chap/day for now as I to have read and watch some stuff for research and writing too much in a single day will only result in the quality getting dropped.


Peace out and Sayonara.....