
Monarch Of Shadows In Douluo

Arlos a weeb from modern times gets reincarnated in the world of Douluo Dalu with martial of the shadow monarch and a system to help him ---------------------------------------------------------- this is my first time writing something so please don't judge too hard but be sure to let me know where I'm doing a mistake and I'll try to improve myself seeing your criticisms...hehehehe this version shadow monarch is a version I think is more suited for soul land so I modified it but the core abilities are the same but he won't be using a dager but something more interesting the system he'll be having is a quest system and not those annoying type of system. the system let's him create his own quests, his own reward, and also the penalty...

OrderofArmageddon · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs

ch-5 Return

Pov no one-

Two people moving at an extremely fast speed were fast approaching the Pope's palace. One was a boy about 5 feet tall dressed in purple black dress and another was a tall women dressed in all lavander and held a septer in one of her hand. They were none other than Yuze and The pope of Martial palace, Bibi Dong. As both of them descend on the balcony of the palace they noticed a person standing there as if waiting for there arrival.

Mc pov-

As we landed on the balcony a I saw Snake Lance douluo waiting for us. He was strong not as strong as master but he was strong.

Honestly I think the author did him dirty as since the time he was introduced he was only manhandled by Tang san everytime he got any screen time.

'If he's here then Qian Daoliu has already heard of me. I'm pretty sure that master prevented any aura of my Martial soul to leak out when I awakened my Martial soul that's why the grand worship didn't appear there. If she didn't Qian Daoliu most probably would want to take me as his disciple and she knew that so she hid the aura of my Martial soul. And now she accepted me as her disciple and it's already been made public so it's normal for Qian Douliu to be curious.'

"I greet the pope." snake lance douluo said.

"Did Grand worship summon me ?" Bibi Dong asked.

"Rightfully so. He was curious about the deciple you took in." He said looking at me.

"aren't you the grandson of ghost douluo?." he asked me.

"Yes I am." I stated.

"what is your martial soul ?" he enquired.

But suddenly Bibi Dong started releasing her aura and said in a deep but calm voice

"You don't need to know. Stop putting you nose in my affairs snake lance." 

"I was just asking please don't hold a grudge against me for this." He joking said and then vanished from there.

"You can go to your room now and don't slack off in your cultivation even if you gained so many levels this fast it won't be so easy to advance in levels later on." she said.

"I'll be sure to work hard and not disappoint you master." I said. After that she nodded her head in response and went in her way and I came to my suite.

After returning to my room I took a bath and then sat on my bed cross legged and starting runing the cultivation technique. After some time I opened my eyes and spoke out

"Oldman how long do you keep in standing there does your feet not get tired ?" I looked towards the door of my room where there seems to be nothing but suddenly ghost douluo appeared as if stepping out of the void. He was a tall man, his was dressed in all black robes and his face was covered with a mask. The mask had three pair of eye like stripes and a wide grin that that looked extremely creepy. His two sholders had plates on his shoulders that had weird words carved in them.


"As always it's useless to hide from you" he spoke out.

He almost had a ghostly voice as if a dead person was talking.

"You can always hide from me but you can't hide your shadows from me oldman." I said.

"of course, of course so for how long did you know I was here ?" he asked.

"from the time you arrived, about 20 mins ago." I said.

He came by my side and put his hand on my and started patting and spoke 

"good good you're growing well but it seems too fast. I couldn't be there for your awakening ceremony sorry for that. There was some evil soul masters wreaking havoc so I had to be dispatched to take care of them. You don't mind right?."

"I don't care oldman." I said bluntly. 

"Don't be so rude I know you just act like you don't care but you actually do." he said.

"think whatever makes you happy oldman it won't change how I feel." I said, even though i treat him like maybe he's the only person i care about without any condition and he knows it that's why maybe he doesn't mind me speaking like this to him.

"shut up rascal and show me your Martial soul let me see what godly soul is required to qualify to become the disciple of the pope." he said smaking the back of my head.

"Whatever oldman" I said and possessed my Shadow Monarch Martial spirit. Armor coveted my hole bady and a purple soul ring raised from feet.

"It's Martial soul is known as Shadow Monarch."

The shock on grandpa's face was priceless to see.

"what oldman are you surprised already?."

Ghost douluo pov-

After Yuze released his Martial soul my soul was suppressed fully I saw him possess his martial soul I could feel how much powerful his Martial soul is compared to mine his soul dominated mine totally if it was wasn't for the high difference in strength my martial soul would completely submit. Then I saw a purple soul ring rise from his feet. It was something impossible as the highest age of the first ring should be 420 years old. Technically it is possible to absorb a ring with a higher age with a better physical endurance but that is something no one had ever accomplished.

Mc pov-

"good, deserving to be the disciple of the pope." he spoke out laughing loudly and started strongly patting my back.

"what oldman surprised already?."I asked

He looked at me weirdly,

"why what more shocking thing do you have to show me are you gonna pull out another Martial soul or something ?" he spoke sarcastically.

I acted as if I'm surprised and spoke

"how do you know Oldman ?"

and i summoned my kusarigama Martial soul.

"WHAT THE F....." 


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