
Monarch of Entertainment

3 chapters at every sunday 4pm UTC At least 2k words per chapter. *** Time:- 1992 Location:- unspecified. *** "Heh, Who would have thought it would just take a single box office hit to stop them from coming after my armour" Tony snickeringly said while he was reading the newspaper in his hands. *Scribble scribble* "Who pissed you off enough to use that notebook." Tony curiously asked a man with blue eyes sitting infront of him. "Some wannabe time traveler." The man with blue eyes said as he wrote 'Nathaniel Richards' including a graphic description on what would happen to him on a black leathered notebook. "Oh, anyways which superhero movie are you planning to release next?" Tony didn't bother and asked what he was actually curious about. "Probably the X-Men, Xavier has been nagging me recently" The man with blue eyes said as he relaxed back into his chair. Before Tony could comment A knock was heard from behind him as a Female voice said "Luke, Odin has sent the list of repairs they had to do because of Goku." Which caused Luke the man with blue eyes to rub his forehead as he muttered "Sigh... Why did I think it would be a good idea to summon him..." *** Anyways hopefully you liked the synopsis, that was a foreshadowing to a future Luke is an OC or self insert. Yes he is a reincarnator. Yes this is a harem but it's more so me trying to wingman him than him being horny, he much rather spend most of his day trying to get rich or explore the other universes. The entire plot of the marvel is fucked, so don't worry about canon stuff, Consider it entirely AU with just the character existing with new background information. Yes there is also a system. Yes He will visit more than one universes after chapter 5. so be warned Anyways join my discord server:- https://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN, if you wanna.

Rillik · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Chapter 015: The fear of death.


Previous chapter recap:-

A certain fan named Bruce who has a talent in science reads an article about Luke Spencer in the Spencer club. A widely spread and popular club among schools known to rent Luke Spencer's books along with fanfictions.


Chapter 15



'<Telepathy >'


Time:- 7:08 pm, 1st of October, 1983, Saturday

Location:- secret base, Alberta, Canada, near the town of Roanoke


*Boom!* *Slashed* *Splash* *Slashed* *cough* *blurgh* *Slashed*

Multiple floating knives rapidly penetrated through the neck and eyes of guards near the top-right of the base as fear and dread took over the remaining guards.

They shakily pointed their guns towards a man with a peculiar set of advanced armor floating in the sky. It's not that they don't want to shoot but rather they couldn't. The triggers were jammed as if it didn't want to harm its ruler.

Soon the guards started dropping as their eyes turned white and foam came out of them.

*Sigh* Xavier rubbed his forehead as he muttered "I should have known better than anyone to come up with a plan considering you…" Eric didn't reply as he firmly looked into the base in front of him.

*Crack!* A guard's head twisted 145 degrees before he realized it as Mystique transformed into him. Stealthily and gradually moving within the base from another part of the base.

A similar sort of action was taking place in another part of the base as hordes of Stealthy T-1000 replaced the guards. Yet eerily nobody seemed to be alerted.

Xavier narrowed his eyes at these mysterious individuals through the dock of blackjet. He still couldn't understand how the people from this 'Shadow' Organization could achieve such a thing. He probably wouldn't have noticed if he didn't have this see through ability.

'They have a similar power to Raven but… they also seem to have the mental defense of a telepath..? Are they related to Trask Industries..?' Charles furrowed his borrows the more he looked at them. 'But how did they get Raven's DNA..?'

Slightly shaking his head he focused back on acting as the coordinator between the vanguards as Mystique/Raven gradually reported to him telepathically that she had infiltrated close to the control room.

Quickly Both Xavier and Hyeon received the complete map of the base from their respective infiltrators.

Xavier frowned as he looked through it 'Troublesome… If the dam breaks it will cause a lot of destruction and death.' Hyeon also had the same conclusion yet for different reasons.

To her it merely meant the mission would be somewhat harder to complete as Luke wouldn't be pleased if normal people died just for the fights of supernaturals otherwise she would have utilized it as an opportunity to catch the enemy off guard.

The map showed there were at least 6 different floors in this base as the top part acted as a cover in case someone decided to attack. The true base was actually deeply connected to the dam if it was sufficiently damaged it would break.

Hyeon furrowed her brows as she contemplated 'They are very adamant on using this dam as a last resort. TNT and even nuclear weapons temperament are very possible. It aligns with the secretive nature of this organization, however further data is needed to verify this conclusion.'

Hyeon looked at the area where the <Blackbird > and X-Men were, which was more chaotic. 'But I can't do it properly since my allies are a detriment. It would also be detrimental if I stop them now. I would have used them as bait but… My liege seems to be interested in their development…'

Then she proudly thought while stealthily looking at Luke by her side ' Indeed. As expected my liege knows best. If he is able to extract the X-gene from individual Eric. It will rapidly make his army powerful. They are lucky, My liege knows mercy and kindness for he could have easily killed them.'

After praising Luke for a couple more microseconds, she reluctantly refocused on the task at hand as she quickly came up with plans and contingencies to the plans.


Emergency alerts rang loud throughout most of the floors of this base as guards hurriedly guarded against the entrances the enemies could possibly enter through.

Soon some elevators opened yet nobody was inside but the soldiers didn't care as they quickly shot out grenades that would release a destabilizer gas for X-gene individuals.

Yet even then there were no reactions. They felt mildly confused but before they could react they were swiftly killed not even knowing how. Soon enough the entire first floor was eerily silent as if there was no one alive there.

Then another elevator came down from which Eric/Magneto, Robert known as Iceman and Ororo/Storm the youngest and newest member of the X-Men walked out who vigilantly looked around yet they were stunned to find not even a single drop of blood or body found within their field of view.

"How???" Storm exclaimed. Her eyes almost bulged out. She had already told Xavier she didn't feel any life essence in the first floor but she couldn't fathom this eerie scene before her.

"Don't worry, Our 'allies' Probably have a teleporting Mutant among them' Iceman outwardly reassured storm. But inwardly he was already informing Charles his true thoughts '<Even if they have such a mutant… unless are omega level this of teleportation wouldn't be possible…>'

Xavier agreed as he saw through Iceman's eyes. The floor was very big according to the maps so their new 'ally' being able to so quickly clear the entire floor within minutes was very chilling and also a cold reminder to him that he couldn't in any circumstances become the enemy of this new 'Shadow' Organization.

Eric, while having somewhat of a similar thought as Xavier still felt more impressed about this feat. 'I would have joined such an organization but… I have a responsibility.' He thought as memories of his beautiful wife and naive kids flashes through his mind.

His eyes grew cold as he walked through to reach the entrance of the second floor. 'But that just means even if I have to sell my body to this organization…I will gladly do it if they can ensure the safety of my family.'

"Eric… I know what you are thinking… but you should reconsider-" Xavier tried to speak to Eric using Icemanbut Eric gave a chilling glance

He then while showing a moment of weakness and vulnerability said "721 days… that's how many days I have been separated from my only reasons to stay sane and alive… I don't want to even imagine what they went through…" his hands gripped tightly as he continued "So don't tell me what I shouldn't do… it's something I must do."

Xavier stayed quiet He understood it very much. Even more than Eric knew. He had subtly established an emotional link between them the moment they met again. Initially it was a caution against Eric but eventually it became a way to connect and feel his true moments.

He knew and felt Eric's pain and vulnerability. Every second since they met he was suffering and thinking about how he missed and wanted his kids back.

'Foolish as usual, Xavier…' Eric smiled bitterly when nobody was looking. How could he not know what Xavier had done since they met. How could he not understand his own best friend… his own brother in everything but blood.


Luke was unaware that his stock with Eric were steadily increasing as he was busy listening to Hyeon who was reporting etc things about the battlefield.

They had already cleared the second floor however they faced some resistance in the third floor. Where animal experiments With various X-Gene were being used to find and attack their assassins.

On the third floor was when things got interesting as Winter Soldier showed. 'He seems to have obtained Pietro's X gene related to speed…' Luke said while he looked at the battle. To him It still appeared quite slow

'But… how did they achieve it?' Luke contemplated. Without worrying about answers he will find out soon he casually said "Notify Eric that the one who took his kids is on the third floor then use them as distraction to go into the next floor."

Hyeon was a bit surprised she knew it was one of the agreements with the X-Men but she didn't expect her liege to be somewhat ruthless.

"Don't worry, I know he can handle it… His enemy seems to have gotten an upgrade or rather a downgrade considering his enemy" Luke casually elaborated when Moira notified him about Hyeon's emotions towards it.

A helpful feature which came along with the Relationship Bar.


Just as Eric and the X-Men were halfway through the second floor. They noticed a lonesome hooded figure standing nearby.

They instinctively wanted to launch an attack but refrained from it as they remembered all the 'Shadow' Members wore such clothes. At least the more secretive members.

Luckily they did as the shadow member said "We have found one of the individuals that matches your description. The emotionless one. He is on the third floor. He seems to have your son's powers.It is advisable to not fall into fake mockery of the enemy. Your kids are most likely safe." With a modified tone that masked it pretty well.

Eric hummed in understanding even though he had already started running as chaotic hues of magnetic force spread everywhere.

Storm's focus always stayed on the shadow member which was leading them there. She confusedly thought to herself 'Strange… I sense a newborn soul…? But that doesn't make sense… judging by the height they are at least an adult…'

Due to unknown reasons Storm didn't know yet she had a far more powerful mental defense than Xavier the master of mind itself. But after training it with Xavier's help shenow had a bare-bone telepathy '< Shadow… Strange… Newborn… Soul…?>' to Xavier, who pieced together the clues and realized what she meant.

Eric was almost immediately kicked into the wall nearby as soon as he was near the battle area. The other X-Men exclaimed yet also became vigilant towards the winter soldier they had met a couple of times before.

But surprisingly he didn't move but rather seemed to be struggling to move. Eric let out some heavy coughs as he came out of the wall while he thought 'I would have probably died there if it wasn't for my armor… but this makes it easier' while he looked at the restrained Winter Soldier who tried to move with a smirk.

Iceman quickly froze him with a bone chilling blue ice yet the few inches around winter soldier was constantly vibrating against the ice. With a cold sweat he said "Sheesh, He is faster than the one we met back then."

Eric looked at The winter soldier with contempt as he said to Iceman "You know what to do then." To which Iceman quickly nodded as he froze the floor and area around them with a clean slippery Ice as Eric started to Hover.

Very quickly When Eric couldn't restrain him anymore the ice covering him quickly broke. "You have gotten rusty." Iceman humorously said to Eric who had a bitter look on his slightly exhausted face.

Soon the actual battle began among Eric,Winter Soldier and Although it was more one-sided as the winter soldier repeatedly slipped on the floor.

"Not bad, Last time you were the first to get knocked." Eric said to Iceman. Who's eyes twitched as he retorted back "I would have won if that so-called 'Mutant God' didn't shamelessly awaken his potential mid battle"

Eric rolled his eyes as he said "You were still struggling even before that." As he attacked the winter soldier using his knives but they defended using a pair of adamantium claws.

Which caused both Iceman and Eric's eyes to narrow as they glanced at each other knowing they were thinking of the same person. The one who saved them at different points in them and one of the original founders of X-Men. Logan or better known as 'Wolverine'.

To test their theory, they became aggressive enough to injure The Winter soldier. Lo Behold He started healing visibly.

Eric frowned as he thought 'It reminds me of that bastard. Did he somehow resurrect…? No, we would have noticed. Then how?' while looking at the Winter Soldier who was gaining advantage after pulling out the claws.


As the battle was going on in the third floor, The shadows quickly made it to the fourth floor and found Pietro, But he appeared visibly withered and dehydrated as if he was close to dying, he was connected to a syringe that fed a blue liquid into his bloodstream.

After gaining Luke's permission, they slowly and gently fed and rubbed a S rank health potion on Pietro. Who slowly gained consciousness managed to mutter "My sister… save her… opposite room…mine…"

The shadows outside quickly broke into the opposite room yet they saw something unexpected. The room was barely visible as a pulsing red light echoed throughout the room after every few seconds.

They cautiously entered further into the room until they discovered a door that had ritualistic markings and locks upon it. Just as they were about to destroy it a shivering voice muttered "D-Dont! S- she isn't isn't hu human…" but she couldn't continue as her body flinched and shivered harder upon remembering it.

The shadows uncaringly yet also more cautiously broke the door. The second room was more bloody red. Just as they took a step within the room they started having chaotic thoughts and whispers.

Luke meanwhile was both alarmed and interested when Moira reported the shadows who entered the rooms their relationship bars were fluctuating chaotically yet the mark for [Dead Loyal] was still there.

The more the shadows walked inside the more their thoughts became chaotic and unorganized but before they could think further they found wanda or what remained of her on the bed which was placed exactly in the middle of the room.

Luke's heart ached when he saw the graphic image. The only way he could stay sane was due to his class skill <Monarch's Authority>, which had a similar effect to Conqueror's haki. It reminded him of that withered Gon scene but more realistic and graphic. He had already ordered the shadows to give her X rank Potions.

Yet something strange occupied, the more Wanda's body healed the more it withered. As if something was draining her life force like drinking juice. Luke remained calm as he sended a few more shadows with more health potions and other such healing factors.

Only after 6 different shadows quickly casting healing spells, using healing related Mutant powers and X rank healing potions did she start recovering steadily.

Just as she received full recovery something strange happened yet again. The shadows entered a trance like state as they mindlessly fed her healing potions and healed her without stopping.

Soon an explosion took place as chaotic Red energy burst with Wanda as the center. But it came to a halt as if everything was frozen.

A rough voice was heard from Wanda who said "Tsk. Such a weak body. I wouldn't have bothered if she didn't have such a vast potential" then Wanda's eyes instantly focused on the shivering witch that was frozen in air in front of her.

"Ah, My humble yet greedy servant. You have taught her well. I shall grant you what you desire the most. Not that I care if you die from it." The rough voice snickered out loud as the shivering witch came close to 'wanda' due to a mysterious chaotic energy.

'Wanda' Casually placed her thumb on the witch's forehead as 'she' said "<Thumb of Enlightenment>".

Soon the witch flinched for an instant as she absorbed everything there is to know about this multiverse but alas a mortal soul could never comprehend Mount tai- *cough* the essence and truth of the multiverse. Thus she died in the same instant as her soul crumbled beyond recovery.

'Wanda' Then looked at the six shadows who were scattered across as 'she' curiously said "Interesting, A Dimensional Demon? No, that bitch would never allow it… he has limitless potential… Pity I could have used such a vessel" as 'she' tried to destroy Luke 'she' felt a firm resistance.

'Wanda' Raised 'her' eyebrows as 'she' said "Interesting… he has a connection to them just like that other Time bitch… But why would they protect him fully knowing he is more unpredictable than me?"

"Come to think of it, They have the same soul mark, so they are probably just variants. Although it's interesting how vastly different they are yet eerily similar." 'Wanda' lightly pondered.

"Oh right I can ponder later… I need to fulfill her requests before this expires… sigh human brains truly knows how to be curious" 'Wanda' lamented as 'she' walked out and went near 'her' brother.

First 'She' pressed her right Palm above Pietro's heart as 'she' muttered "<Palm of Awakening>" which caused a surge of red hue to enter Pietro who rapidly healed and even became taller.

Then 'She' used <Thump of enlightenment> on Him. "That should meet the requirements listed by her, He should now share her potential but in speed if he doesn't die prematurely he will be the fastest to ever exist." 'Wanda' lightly commented while appearing satisfied.

"Ah I don't have enough time to meet that other guy, Oh well, I can visit him in dreams." 'Wanda' said while lamenting then 'she' closed 'her' eyes and started meditating. Soon all the chaotic Red hues coming out of her restrained themselves and became more stable in a chaotic manner.

"That should keep her alive and healthy until the deadline" 'Wandanodded albeit tiredly as 'she' gradually fell down and started falling asleep 'she' muttered at the end "My precious burger… sorry for… the wait…"

Almost immediately the whole world unfroze as Luke gasped for Air. Luke saw everything. Every second of that entity as he thought 'The time didn't freeze… we merely stopped mattering.' with a shiver.

Luke had died once already but that feeling when that entity tried to kill him was even more dreadful; it was as if he would truly die with no hope left. But something or someone protected him. He could feel six tendrils of different energy firmly hugging his soul as it resisted and even counter attacking that chaotic mass of Red energy.

'What does that…?' He asked Moira.

[ The 'God of chaos.' That's all I received as information. I don't have enough permission to get more information. But I now understand my source of powers isn't entirely connected to the system force as I initially thought… I am connected to this Multiverse similar to how I am bonded to your soul for until we both die.]

Luke contemplated the answer but remembering something he quickly sended Hyeon to collect the character card of that witch.


Pietro looked at his sleeping sister with complicated and pained eyes. He also saw the whole process. He was desperately struggling and screaming inside his head for his sister. Yet there was no answer.

He gripped his hand tightly as he felt a red hue pulse through his veins. He was powerful and faster than before… 'But at what cost…' He thought while looking at his sister.

He shook his head as he vowed to himself 'Don't worry, Wanda… I promise I will help you escape this cursed fate… without sacrificing myself as I know you wouldn't like that.' he chuckled at the end.

He then thanked the nearby people who helped him and his sister, who nodded and told him about their father being upstairs fighting the winter soldier.

Pietro's eyes widened as he said "Oh shit! I need to explain to dad before it's too late!" But to the shadows it appeared as gibberish and too fast. Just as they blinked Pietro and Wanda had vanished.

Luke smiled as he looked at it 'Speedster's are truly overpowered… I should be able to become faster if I make sonic more broken… or should I summon him…? The latter seems more interesting… as I would still be able to gain his skill cards due to being his ruler'

Hyeon looked at her smiling liege yet more specifically his fingers which were still shivering. Her heart pained as she felt disappointed in herself for letting her liege down. She wanted to punish herself by getting executed but she knew it would be futile as her merciful liege would waste his IPs to respawn her.

She could only internally vow to become stronger and never let this happen again.


Word count:- 3473

Author's section:-

Sorry for not uploading on Tuesday, This chapter was initially supposed to be published that day but due to circumstances as I went to buy my first PC early. It screwd up my schedule lol. The process was even more tiring as there were some issues with the monitor handle and etc other stuff. So I was exhausted mentally to not even bother writing.

Today I mostly played some PC games to satisfy my Thirst. Oh btw it has 16Gb ram in total and 256GB SSD (the SSD is low because of another complication we faced i.e budget and misunderstanding on what I wanted)

Also I feel like this is my best chapter yet, idk if it's a good thing I missed the previous update as the last part related to Wanda I only just came up with today and I feel like it makes the chapter better than what I would have come up on Tuesday lol.

I will most likely post a chapter on Sunday but I might not be able to as I would be celebrating Eid with my family, so won't have the time to write.

If I have time and enough inspiration I will write and stack them if not, I will publish them as debt chapters i.e it's my debt to you for missing an upload.

Current debt chapter count:- 1 (For missing Tuesday upload)

Anyways if you want to join my discord server:- https://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN

Thank you for reading, byebye stay safe and hydrated and healthy. Again sorry for not uploading.