
Monarch of Entertainment

3 chapters at every sunday 4pm UTC At least 2k words per chapter. *** Time:- 1992 Location:- unspecified. *** "Heh, Who would have thought it would just take a single box office hit to stop them from coming after my armour" Tony snickeringly said while he was reading the newspaper in his hands. *Scribble scribble* "Who pissed you off enough to use that notebook." Tony curiously asked a man with blue eyes sitting infront of him. "Some wannabe time traveler." The man with blue eyes said as he wrote 'Nathaniel Richards' including a graphic description on what would happen to him on a black leathered notebook. "Oh, anyways which superhero movie are you planning to release next?" Tony didn't bother and asked what he was actually curious about. "Probably the X-Men, Xavier has been nagging me recently" The man with blue eyes said as he relaxed back into his chair. Before Tony could comment A knock was heard from behind him as a Female voice said "Luke, Odin has sent the list of repairs they had to do because of Goku." Which caused Luke the man with blue eyes to rub his forehead as he muttered "Sigh... Why did I think it would be a good idea to summon him..." *** Anyways hopefully you liked the synopsis, that was a foreshadowing to a future Luke is an OC or self insert. Yes he is a reincarnator. Yes this is a harem but it's more so me trying to wingman him than him being horny, he much rather spend most of his day trying to get rich or explore the other universes. The entire plot of the marvel is fucked, so don't worry about canon stuff, Consider it entirely AU with just the character existing with new background information. Yes there is also a system. Yes He will visit more than one universes after chapter 5. so be warned Anyways join my discord server:- https://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN, if you wanna.

Rillik · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Chapter 002: Business and Contracts.


Previous chapter recap:-

Luke, a reincarnator, unlocked his golden finger which was an entertainment system at his 10th birthday. Later people he knew visited his home for his birthday which included the stark family and some friends of his Grandpa.

Chapter 2:-


Time: 9:43 pm, 2nd of May, Friday

Location: Luke's Bedroom


"It's quite Interesting. This will be helpful while making blueprints."

Tony mused as he stood behind Luke who was using an application called 'Throne Paint' to draw Characters from Harry Potter.

"But I don't get why you chose to be credited as 'Luke Throne' instead of your actual name" Tony casually asked as his eyes were still focused on Luke drawing.

"It's the surname from my mom's side of the family… So technically It's also my actual name." Luke mused as he continued "And I mostly decided to do it because I didn't want to attract the wrong kind of attention. Like do you really think, some evil organization wouldn't be interested in a kid who is a prodigy in technology and Art?".

Tony rolled his eyes as he said "Uh huh, They would surely be interested in a nerd who sits inside his room doodling all the time." With a sarcastic tone, Then continued with a tint of arrogance "If they really wanted to, then they would look for me, Afterall, Nobody is as handsome, rich and talented as me."

"At least, I am not afraid of going to the toilet at night" Luke uncaringly Replied as Tony scrowled while he said "At least, I am popular at school"

"You don't say…" Luke mused as he gave Tony a Stink eye, Tony let out a sigh as he said "How come you are never affected by my taunts?"

"I have more important things to worry about .." Luke mused as he continued drawing.

"Indeed, You should learn from him, Tony…"An adult male voice sounded from the door that was to the duo's left.

"Yeah Yeah, he is so much better than me and disciplined."Tony replied in a jesty tone.

"Sigh… I don't quite understand how you are my son while being so rebellious…"Howard Said with concern, as Tony replied sarcastically"I am sure, You were definitely a Saint when you were a kid."

Howard pretended he didn't hear Tony while he said to Luke "Goodbye Luke, It's time we also head home, Tony has his tutor classes in the morning. After All." while he looked at Tony who seemed to have made a face that satisfied his pettiness.

"Thank you for This gift, Uncle Howard and Um… Safe Journey" Luke said politely.

"No need to thank me, Afterall, it was thanks to your drawing and insights that we were able to make this happen so quickly." Howard said with a warm smile on his face.

Afterwards, The Stark Family left With a now grumbling Tony who was being consoled by his mom.


Luke let out a sigh as he laid down on his bed, looking at the new set of Table which housed his new Personal Computer.

'This is gonna bring a lot of changes…' Luke absentmindedly pondered. Initially he was hesitant to influence the timeline too much but when he realized this was the Marvel universe, he stopped worrying and embraced being a chaos butterfly.

This MachinStark was by far the most impact he would make in this timeline for now. Although it wasn't like a personal computer from 2024, It still was built upon by an improvised version of C++ or now known as 'C+' along with that He personally handled the programming of 'Throne Paint' Which in essence brought forth the era of digital art even earlier.

He had used Adobe and Ibis Paint as the blueprint for this new application.

"But that should help me draw more easily and quickly." He mused. As although he knew how to draw using paper, he was more proficient and talented in digital art.

On the hardware side there wasn't much difference except the additional help from Howard who managed to give MachinStark 1mb Ram, 12MHz, S-1000 8-bit Processor which in essence merely meant this has somewhat similar specs of Macintosh 2 from his past life.

Eventually Luke fell asleep as he thought about what might happen in the future because of his chaotic tendencies to mess with the timeline.


Time:- 8:30 am, 3rd of May, 1980, Saturday.

Location:- Luke's Bedroom.


Luke groggily rubbed his eyes as he turned off the alarm clock, afterwards he freshened up and had breakfast.

While listening to his walkman, He got used to using 'Throne Paint' By drawing up more characters. After some hours he eventually had almost returned to his workflow on digital art from his previous life.

Then Luke made a routine which consisted of him drawing the first Harry Potter volume, Which he had modified a lot as although he enjoyed the original Harry Potter plot, he still had to experiment as his system only gave him answers if he discovered certain aspects of the system himself.

Luke added more Magical related items, Creatures, Diversified the magic system used in Harry Potter, Afterall the stronger the characters would be the more he would benefit when he eventually does get to assimilate them.

But he didn't go overboard with it, as he felt he shouldn't ruin the story merely because he wanted to grab some overpowered ability, The original had it's charm when it came to its power limitations, He also felt there were enough stories he could write in the future that would make him overpowered, such as Dragon ball, God of highschool and etc.

Luke also found out the system acknowledged existing IPs as long as he owned it. So 'The Ninja Turtles' franchise he had shamelessly plundered before this system came to be, would count as a valid source for IPs and he could also summon or assimilate characters from it.

That relieved him, as he realized, it basically means he would be able to buy franchises like Doraemon or Even DC comics in the future and they would still be accepted by the system. Truly a potentially overpowered system.

Overall, He spended Around 8 to 12 hours per day drawing except the weekends where he hung out with Tony, So After spending the equivalent of 25 Days, He managed to finish Drawing the first volume By June 1st

It had in total around 45 chapters A he had used the manga format to make his graphic novel. although it had put Luke into a dilemma. He was so drawn to the story he accidentally extended and added even more story than what was originally available in the first Harry Potter book.

Which is actually a problem as a Manga Volume typically had close to 15 chapters at most. So if he tried to publish all 45 chapters into a single Volume, It would be very hard to fit even in an adult hand.

After contemplating for awhile and discussing with Tony who called him a 'Moron' for thinking so hard, Luke finally relented and made them separate into Three Volumes, Each containing 15 chapters, They would be put together in what Luke called a 'Collection', Thus The readers could comfortably read the whole story Volume by Volume without having to hold a chunky book.

After Luke made sure he was satisfied with the preparation, He simply told his mom he wanted to publish it, Who being a Senior Lawyer And a Doting Mother vowed to give him the best deal he could receive.


Time:- 7:43 Pm, 4th of July, 1980, Friday.

Location:- Spencer Household, Living room.


"So they want to buy the entire copyrights to my book for only 8% royalty…?" Luke asked as he sipped his milk.

"Yeah, That's the most I could haggle from DC Comics" Evelyn said as she released a sigh then she smiled while reassuring "But don't worry, I am currently looking for other studios who might have a better offer" as she gently patted Luke.

Due to Luke's father, Mark working at DC Comics, they had initially hoped the studio would be generous but unfortunately they couldn't accept the conditions Luke had wanted.

Yet despite that almost a week had passed and although Eve had contacted studios like Random House, Simon & Schuster, Penguin, and HarperCollins but they were very hesitant to give a bigger percentage to a novice unknown author, they like DC comics offered around 8% to 10% Percentage for the entire IP.

Which had caused Evelyn to be livid as she felt they were trying to take advantage of her poor son, Just as she was planning to have a talk with her son about postponing this endeavor, she got contracted by a newly established Publishing company known as Creed Studio. Who was interested in Luke's story.

Evelyn, despite feeling it would be the repeat of previous negotiations, still decided to have a discussion with their Representative and Luckily she did. She was genuinely surprised when upfront this studio stated they would only own the publishing rights for the graphic novel, which marked what Luke had stated as one of the criteria.

Evelyn was delighted yet she opted to be cautious in case this was a ploy and after some digging, She found out this studio was actually a subsidiary of a bigger corporation known as Creed Entertainment, Who were aiming to start anew from their other venture which dabbled into the adult industry.

Although she initially hesitated a bit because of them being related to the adult industry, she still decided to give them a try as they seemed to be genuine about their initial offer.

When the Negotiation came to be, Evelyn met someone named Sullivan Creed, She had heard about him after doing research, so she knew he was the founder and sole owner of Creed Entertainment.

Although a bit taken back on why such a bigshot would be part of this negotiation, nonetheless she tried to gain a better royalty for her son's first book.

Which proved to be quite tricky as She realized how cunning this fellow named Sullivan truly was. He wouldn't budge, heck he even tried to lower the initial Royalty of 12%. The nerve of him, Evelyn thought.

Eventually It reached a stalemate,but out of nowhere, Sullivan requested to meet The author of this book, Which Evelyn hesitated about a bit as she didn't want to include her son in such discussions. Fearing he might be taken advantage of.

But after she had a conversation with Sullivan, who realized this author is merely a 10 year old kid, he readily said he wouldn't say anything too heavy hearted and merely wanted to have a talk about his book.

Evelyn getting that promise decided to let Luke decide since even if he was a kid, she knew from his past actions on how smart and mature he could be.

And Luke surprisingly agreed when Evelyn asked him why, he said ' I am curious what a man with the surname Creed would be like.'

Evelyn was confused but she didn't question it further Especially since Luke couldn't possibly tell her the actual reason. But he would have to confirm it first.

And finally On 9th of June, 1980, Luke met with one of his future long term business partners at a Wendy's Near Manhattan.The fate of two plunderers began to intertwine that day.

Sullivan, despite knowing Luke was 10 years old before, still felt pleasantly surprised when he met Luke for the first time, the more he talked with Luke, the more he was fond of Luke.

Luke was also gradually certain this was the creed family he had once read about in his past life. A story he enjoyed a lot called 'Alexander Creed: Relife'

Afterwards They talked about Luke's Graphic novel known as 'Harry Potter' and where Sullivan learned Luke was planning to make at least 7 different sequels, which compelled the business savvy Sullivan to realize Luke might have a truly one in a kind talent for stories.

He had already secretly decided that he would introduce his grandson to Luke as he felt Luke would likely be a good influence on his grandson.

Sullivan also learned about the concept of 'Collection' and was impressed by Luke's creativity. He even asked if he could adapt such a format to his studio, which Luke didn't mind since it meant the whole process would be smoother for his future works that he could publish via this studio.

Afterwards Sullivan agreed to give 14% Royalty for the first book and said if Luke's book is popular, then they can discuss newer and better royalty percentage for his future books.

The very next day, Luke had already started working on 'The Terminator' series as he already secured a good publishing company.

Luke also learned he can only spin the wheels related to that series only after the series has been released to the public, So he would need to wait until His book gets released.

For the Terminator series,Luke decided to only make 3 collections, as it didn't have much to offer other than advanced technology, which he felt he would be able to subtly spread across the 3 collections.

Luke decided to keep many plot points from the first Terminator movie but improvised on certain scenes which depicted the terminator. After Having a tech savvy conversation with Howard and Tony.

Which In turn helped him make this version of T-800 Truly more powerful in certain areas. But he still decided to keep T-800's Somewhat robotic as it was depicted, Since He felt it wouldn't quite make sense if Sarah and her lover boy managed to outsmart a supposedly advanced War Machine other than it being the first generation and being too focused on its mission.

Luke managed to add an Arc Reactor as the power source to the T-800, mostly due to him making a 'random' observation of the bigger arc reactor and how it could potentially be miniaturized when he was discussing what could be used as a power source for such a terminator.

Luke also decided to change the surname of John Conner into Cameron, which was a way to make himself feel better about taking someone's IPs afterall. He himself wouldn't like it if someone decided to steal what belonged to him.

He did face a moral dilemma on this matter, He tried to convince himself that he could take these Stories because this is an alternative timeline where they perhaps wouldn't have made this story.

But nonetheless Luke steeled through with it, Because This is the Marvel universe, Where only the Strong have the final say and he was far from strong. The only thing he could do is Promise to give them a better life if they existed in his new timeline for taking away their future.

After a month and a half, on the 20th of July, He had managed to draw the first book with 50 Chapters. Which Made Luke think he might have a problem with expanding the stories too much, As he had extended and improvised a lot more than the original simple plan to keep what was in the first terminator movie.

Which in hindsight, he shouldn't have even attempted since the beginning, as the movie version was meant to be cramped as much as they can with their given movie watch time.

Luke had extended the T-800 Hunt to the point Sarah was still being chased while she was pregnant. He had also kept John's Father alive until the end as well, although he eventually died in a last ditch effort to stall the T-800 somewhat similar to the original.

The real star of the show was still Sarah Conner, Who over the course of this hunt, Gradually grew to be firmer and more resilient, Especially after she found out she would become a mother soon.

Luke's Aim was to portray how strong of a warrior a mother could be to protect their child and why John grew up to become such a competent yet headstrong leader.

Afterwards, Luke decided to take a break like he did after finishing the Harry Potter book. He was truly mentally exhausted after drawing for so many hours.

While the system was helpful with building everything about the story in a solid structure and with Record speed like a supercomputer, But he nonetheless needed to draw it.

Especially considering his school started in August but he spent most of the time there either doodling the second Harry Potter collection or hanging out with a 'popular' tony.

Eventually The day came when 'Harry Potter: The Philosopher's stone' was released in America for the first time…

At Exactly 10am, 1st of September, 1980. Just as Luke discussed with Sullivan.

*** End of Chapter 2

Word count: 2776

Author's Note Section:-

I realized while writing this that I am basically making a hybrid fanfic which combines OC characters from Ramenlord and Universeless's fanfic, Yes I did get their permission.

Like Luke's parents are just Mark and Evelyn if they got married and lived a normal life. Ramenlord's fans would probably notice the Spencer name.

Meanwhile there is the Creed brand… hmm I am gonna enjoy making this fanfic a lot. But I am uncertain if Alex should be a regressor or not.

The current idea for this version of Alexander Creed if he does become a regressor is he would have the memories related to the MCU i.e he lived until the endgame, got cremated by the chaos monster now this new Alex got memories from that MCU Alex, but that's only if Alex is a regressor, let me know what you think about the idea, I won't implement it if many readers don't like it.