
Monarch of darkness

Myriads of races and myriads of worlds. In the chaotic world where gods and devils battled for supremacy, Ryan was born as the youngest prince of the devil world. Since his birth, he was hailed as an unprecedented genius of the devil world. Devils were generally battle crazy but Ryan was different. He loved to spend most of his time in reading the works of ancient scholars. His life was going smoothly when a sudden catastrophe striked the entire devil world. This was the first time Ryan hated himself for not being powerful as he watched helplessly the destruction of the devil race. He thought he had died but when he woke up, he was already born in another world. A loving mother and a doting aunt, the new life of Ryan began.

ashish777 · 東方
146 Chs

Second general Aaron Jadestar

The small river flowing across White Orchid valley is as tranquil as always. Everyone went to the river bank and started to play. Evan called over the crocodile,who was staying in that area. It was already familiar with Evan as Evan had been playing with it whenever he went for Swimming in river.

At first Evan used to bully this crocodile with other guys,but later he became friend with it.Now the crocodile had let 5 to 6youngsters sit on top of it. Levi and Evan were swimming while matching the speed of crocodile. Everyone was discussing about the events of war. 

"Where is John,he should have come with Paolo",a boy with spiked hair asked.

Paolo who had a frail body looked toward all of them and said,"You don't know! It seems like both father and mother of John have not returned from battle of yesterday." A pin drop silence followed his statement.