
Modern Military System and Demonic System

[Welcome To The Military System] In a world plunged into chaos, the northern continent faces a nightmare scenario: undead creatures and husks roam freely amidst an Ebola-like outbreak, signaling the downfall of the once-mighty demonic empire. As law and order crumble, the survival of the fittest becomes the harsh reality, further complicated by human interventions. Amidst this turmoil, Bell, a former member of the demonic elite, discovers a ray of hope. He is granted a miraculous system with the power to summon advanced military resources, weapons, and vehicles from a time beyond his own. This isn't just a tool for survival; it's a chance to rewrite destiny. Bell's quest is both thrilling and daunting. He must navigate through dangerous alliances, face formidable foes, and outsmart cunning rivals in a world where trust is scarce. His journey is filled with action, adventure, and strategic battles as he aims to resurrect the fallen empire, piece by piece. When talking fails, it's time for the AC-130 to take over and make a statement from the sky. Facing a huge group of husks? Bring in the M109 artillery to quickly deal with them. A dragon causing trouble for the people? Time for the F-15 to fly in and handle it. When the humans push forward with their northern offensive, it's our cue to introduce them to a real meat grinder – a brutal showcase that would make their previous battle a child’s play. ======== This is actually an original work, but I'm trying to test water first. If you like the story, feel free to add it to your collection, thanks.

Blare_ · アニメ·コミックス
60 Chs

New Populations and Otherworlders

Bell and Lisa woke up the next morning in the cozy room provided by Aurora, both feeling an unusual sense of fatigue. Despite the comfortable setting, their sleep had been restless and disturbed. The memories of the day before lingered heavily in their minds, and the noises from the main chamber during the night did little to comfort them.

The faint but distinct sounds seeping through the icy walls hinted that Eldrin and Aurora were having a deeply intimate reunion. Bell, attempting to shake off his drowsiness, exchanged a knowing look with Lisa. "Looks like Eldrin and Aurora had quite a night," he commented with a playful smirk, trying to bring some lightness to the atmosphere.

Lisa, still rubbing her tired eyes, responded with a sleepy smile, "Yeah, quite an 'energetic' reunion, it seems. Good for them, though. They've been through so much; they deserve a bit of joy. Plus, a happier Eldrin is definitely easier to work with. Maybe now he'll be more cooperative."

As they left their room, they noticed the ice door to the main chamber was open, revealing a changed atmosphere inside – it felt metaphorically warmer. Eldrin and Aurora appeared, looking noticeably more at ease and content. Aurora's radiance seemed to shine brighter, and Eldrin moved with a newfound energy. The white-haired elf even sported a broader smile, replacing his usual stern expression.

Eldrin greeted Bell and Lisa with a nod of gratitude. "Good morning. I hope your night was restful." His tone was casual, but a brief flash of embarrassment in his eyes hinted that he was aware of the thin walls and their poor soundproofing. Truth be told, neither Bell nor Lisa had managed much sleep, evident from their heavy eye bags.

Bell and Lisa shared a knowing look but chose to maintain their discretion, refraining from commenting on the obvious. Instead, they shifted their focus to the task of recruiting Eldrin's village. If Eldrin was amenable to Bell's proposal, it would likely influence the rest of the village to follow suit. This could mean an additional 130 individuals aligning with Bell's cause.

"Eldrin, could I ask a favor of you?" Bell inquired.

"Certainly, what do you need?" Eldrin responded.

Bell took a deep breath before speaking, "We need your help in clearing up any misunderstandings between us and your village. It would be beneficial if the snow elves didn't view us as potential adversaries, but rather as allies. We've done all we can on our end, but without your support, I'm not sure if we can persuade the others."

Eldrin pondered for a moment, then asked, "What's in it for my people?"

"We can offer healthcare, technological support, aid, among other things," Bell replied.

"And what do you expect from us in return?" Eldrin queried.

Bell answered with a measure of seriousness, "To start, I need you to safeguard your village from the husk, and we'll provide military training. Simply put, we need some of your men to be prepared to defend your people when danger arises. Aligning with us might draw attention from the Southern Coalition, necessitating a military response."

Eldrin nodded, showing his understanding. "I can allocate some of my men to join your forces, if that's your request."

"That's exactly what I was hoping to hear," Bell said with a satisfied smile.


[Population Management Interface] [EP: 7,650,000] 

[Population Census]

• Civilians: 184

• Military Personnel: 100


• Population Maintenance Allocation Budget: 1,500 EP/Civilian/Month [Triple Value: 20,000,000 EP]

• Current Revenue: 276,000 EP/Month

• Expense: 18,400 EP/Month + 92,000 EP/Month + 225,000 EP Military Expense

• Total: - 59,400 EP/Month

[Social Program]

• Educational Level: Medium — 500 EP/Civilian [Upgrade: 250,000 EP]

• Healthcare Access: Basic Level — 100 EP/Civilian [Upgrade: 100,000 EP]

Perched on the porch of Eldrin's house, Bell couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. It was a significant breakthrough to have allies in the northern continent. Eldrin, with Aurora by his side, delivered a brief but impactful speech to the villagers. They were visibly astounded upon learning that Bell's group had played a crucial role in restoring Aurora to her full strength. The transformation of the ice tree at the village's heart, now radiating a warm white light in sync with Aurora's recovery, was a sight to behold. Bell hadn't realized before that the tree was a reflection of Aurora's well-being.

Although he was uncertain about the tree's potential actions against intruders, having Eldrin's cooperation marked a significant resolution. And remarkably, all these developments had unfolded in less than a week. Bell had plans to station a group from the 120th as a defensive force in the village, who would also act as his liaison. This team would be responsible for the village's security until the locals adjusted to the demonic presence. They would govern alongside Eldrin, blending military strategy with local leadership.

Bell was already envisioning a future where he had control over the entire taiga. From there, he could start rebuilding his country from the ground up, leveraging the advanced technology acquired from both the system and the converted portal R&D lab. He considered recruiting more high-skilled workers for the lab and appointing managers for each colony.

This led to another idea – training Eldrin and Aurora as high-skilled workers. Integrating natives with advanced education would greatly aid in managing the village. Transforming a tribalistic leader like Eldrin into a governor-like figure would normally be challenging, but with the system's aid, Bell felt it was well within reach. Moreover, he recognized the need for a financial administrator, especially as the village was poised to become a bustling civilian hub.

[Specialized Personnel Sub-Menu][Input Code: ___ ][EP: 7,650,000] 

• Civil Affairs Manager Officer [120,000 EP] [Assign: Eldrin Aldranar]

• Financial Affairs Officer [120,000 EP] [Assign: Aurora]

[Summon + Train All Soldiers] [240,000 EP + 50,000 Basic Education + 17,600 EP For Training] 

Bell patiently awaited Eldrin and his wife's return to the porch after their interactions with the villagers. This was a pivotal moment for him, as Eldrin would be the first non-demon individual to join his ranks. He hoped the integration would be smooth and without complications.

Training usually spanned two days for the natives. As the couple made their way towards the house, Bell stood up, ready to discuss his proposal with them. He believed in the importance of consent and willingness for the training process – it wouldn't be effective if imposed on an unwilling individual.

"Eldrin, Aurora," Bell started, his voice conveying sincerity and a sense of partnership, "I'd like to propose something that I believe will be greatly beneficial for both of you and your village. It's a comprehensive training program, encompassing military tactics, governance, and financial management."

Eldrin's curiosity was piqued, and he motioned for Bell to continue. Bell nodded in acknowledgment and elaborated, "The training is facilitated through a magical circle. It's a unique method that accelerates learning and skill acquisition. For you, Eldrin, it would involve training to become a Civil Affairs Manager Officer. This role will enable you to govern your village effectively, combining your cultural heritage with modern administrative skills."

He then turned to Aurora, "And for you, Aurora, the training is geared towards becoming a Financial Affairs Officer. You would be responsible for managing the village's resources and finances, ensuring a prosperous and sustainable future for your community. Rest assured, all necessary resources for this training will be provided."

Aurora's aura seemed to intensify with interest. "This sounds intriguing, but could you elaborate on what the training involves?" she inquired cautiously.

Bell responded, "The magical circle will transport you to a specialized learning environment. The training is efficient, designed to cater to individual strengths and aptitudes. It only takes two days, but the knowledge and skills you acquire will benefit you and your village for years to come."

Bell watched as Eldrin and Aurora considered his proposal thoughtfully. Eldrin's query about the welfare of their people during their absence reflected his deep responsibility towards his community. Bell, understanding this concern, offered reassurance.

"Your village will be completely safe in your absence," Bell affirmed. "My team is trained to maintain peace and order. This training is about empowering you both to lead more effectively. It's not solely about military strength. As we modernize your village, I envision you two as the leaders guiding this transformation."

Eldrin, after a brief moment of reflection, allowed a small smile to appear. "Alright, Bell. We'll participate in this training," he agreed.

With a simple press of a button, Bell summoned a magical circle right there on the porch. Eldrin and Aurora, with a sense of determination, stepped into the glowing circle. A brilliant light enveloped them, and they gradually vanished, transported to the training realm. Bell couldn't help but wonder how the system would adapt to training a being like Aurora, an ice spirit, and Eldrin, a snow elf. It was an unprecedented scenario, but he trusted in the system's capability to handle such unique challenges.


"Right, now we wait." 


Aya Hoshino scrutinized the handwritten report spread out on the wooden table in her fort, her mind racing with thoughts. The contents were not just unusual, but rather extraordinary, and certainly not in the way she had anticipated. Instead of the predicted conflict between demons and elves, they had unexpectedly allied against the husk invasions. This turn of events forced Aya to summon more formidable husks to the northern continent, pushing the limits of her magical capabilities.

What truly puzzled her, however, was the nature of the report itself. The forward units had detailed encounters with demons equipped with technology far beyond what she had known. The demons reportedly had access to black flying dragons, heavily armored magical carriages, and advanced weaponry that surpassed even the Empire's World War I-era technology. In contrast, the Coalition was known for its early 19th-century technology, bolstered by magic and sheer numbers.

The sketches included in the report depicted equipment that seemed to belong to modern warfare. The rifles, for instance, were distinctly different from the bolt-action rifles used by the Empire. The attire of these forces didn't match that of the Empire either; it reminded her more of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) than anything else. Aya couldn't help but consider the possibility of another mysterious power at play.

The thought that the demons might be summoning otherworlders, much like the southern coalitions had done, also crossed her mind. If entire classrooms could be brought into this world, why couldn't the demons harness similar abilities, especially given their apparent technological advancement? What baffled her further was the frequent involvement of high-schoolers in such otherworldly summons. This peculiarity of otherworlders predominantly being high school students remained an enigma to her.

Suddenly, the door to her room swung open. Gavil, the mage who worked closely with Aya, stepped in. He settled himself into the chair opposite her desk, smoothly pulling back his hood to reveal a strikingly handsome face that could captivate any woman – anyone except Aya, that is.

"Miss Hoshino, did you need me?" Gavil asked as he made himself comfortable in the room.

"Please, just Aya," she replied, rising from her desk. She moved gracefully to a small table in her office and began pouring tea into two cups. "Would you like some sugar?" Aya offered, holding up the sugar bowl.

"No, thank you," Gavil declined politely.

With the tea cups in hand, Aya returned and sat across from Gavil. "I've stumbled upon something unusual. It appears that the demons allied with the Empire have the capability to summon otherworlders as well. This might explain the catastrophic failure of our recent operations and sabotage attempts. You've gone through the report, right?"

"Yes, I'm aware of it. The situation is complex, but necessary actions must be taken," Gavil agreed solemnly, his thoughts drifting to his own clandestine efforts. He had covertly tainted the elves' water supply with a potent potion from the capital. The plan initially bore fruit, but the arrival of the demons dramatically altered the course of events. The widespread disease and plague that had been so effective seemed to miraculously disappear in a single night. Gavil hadn't seen this himself, having steered clear of any direct involvement in the northern region.

Aya's voice pulled him back from his reverie. "Do you think they've figured out our involvement?"

"I highly doubt that," he responded confidently.

Leaning forward, Aya's expression grew intense. "Gavil, what's your opinion on launching a preemptive strike?"

Gavil took a moment before answering. "Honestly, I don't think that's the best course of action. The approaching winter will severely hinder our operations. A more feasible approach might be to deploy more husks in the region, potentially causing significant damage to the demon forces. However, I have another suggestion for internal sabotage."

Aya's interest was piqued. "And what would that be?"

"We could use the plague, a biological weapon tailored specifically against demons, and release it in their territory," Gavil proposed thoughtfully.

Aya contemplated the strategy, carefully considering the potential risks and rewards. Crafting such a specialized plague required expertise, and the only person with such skills was aligned with the southern coalition. Furthermore, if the demons had the ability to summon otherworlders with healing powers, their plan could easily be thwarted. Yet, if they decided to move forward with this, it would require their full commitment.

"Do you think the higher-ups would greenlight a solo operation like this?" Aya inquired, her tone serious.

"That's quite a gamble," Gavil replied, visibly surprised by the suggestion.

"It is," Aya admitted, "but remember, it wasn't solely our strength that toppled the Empire, but also the chaos we sowed. What if, in addition to your plague, we summoned ancient creatures from beneath their base? We could potentially wipe them out completely. What are your thoughts?"

Gavil nodded, a spark of agreement in his eyes. "It could work."

Aya leaned in, eager for further brainstorming. "Any other ideas to weaken their defenses?" An idea struck her, remembering an ally with a potent magical weapon, the Tower of Longinus. "Could you get Ilya to launch a Longinus barrage?"

"I'll push for command to consider it," Gavil affirmed, his voice carrying a sense of resolve.

He nodded, his mind already strategizing the coordination of the attack. "I'll arrange a meeting with the higher-ups tomorrow. The Longinus barrage might be the perfect opening move."

A slight smile crossed Aya's face as she envisioned their strategy. "The plague will be our initial strike, disrupting their operational capabilities. Once most of their forces are infected, we'll initiate the Longinus barrage. Following that, I'll summon the ancients to finish the job. That sounds like a solid plan, doesn't it?"

"Indeed, it does," Gavil responded, his tone reflecting a mix of respect and awe for Aya's bold planning. "I'll ensure our forces are ready to capitalize on the situation after the ancients have played their part."

Aya nodded, her thoughts already advancing to the subsequent stages of their plot. "In the meantime, let's keep a close watch on the Empire's movements, particularly their utilization of otherworlders. We can't afford any unexpected developments."

"Understood. I'll head to the capital tomorrow. Is there anything you need me to bring back?"

"Nothing at the moment, but thanks for brainstorming, Gavil. One more thing – can you tweak the plague? I want it to be undetectable at first, but by the time they realize what's happening, it'll be too late," Aya added. "I also have an idea for spreading it, although it's a bit risky."

"I'll see what can be done," Gavil assured her.

"Thank you, I really appreciate your help," Aya said, grateful for his support in their daring endeavor.

After Gavil left the room, Aya couldn't help but to feel tense. If the demons could summon otherworlders, it would be extremely disadvantageous, her own classmates had the ability that could be described as powered by bullshits due to how overpowered it was. Aya herself could summon a large number of undeads at once, including putting it on specific commands, making her one of the assets in the opening attacks towards the Empire. However, now, she began to have doubts on her ability.