
Modern Magus Era

20 years into magic being introduced in everybody's daily lives, there are ever growing obvious signs of First Global Magus War along with several Civil Wars. In such chaotic times, Asnor has awakened as a Magus and he also strives to be a very powerful magus. >AUTHOR NOTE: ->I will definitely complete this novel. My first novel had problems in word building since I had just rushed it by transferring my imagined story into words. I will fix it later on as soon I finish writing this novel. ->The plot won't be dragged at all since like I said in first point, I would like to finish writing this story as soon as possible. ->The plot won't be rushed as long as I enjoy writing this novel. Currently, I enjoy writing the novel a lot. Or maybe the parts where I don't enjoy it, I just write them in as much fast pace possible. ->The plot won't be repetitive at all. That's kind of like my motto or policy when writing this novel since I don't enjoy writing repetitive parts. ->Writing is a hobby, not profession. So, the novel will have a lot of passion placed in it but there will be grammar problems since English ain't my native language. I would need the assistance of readers to correct my grammar problems.

fauxis · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Veteran Magus Humiliates Five Young Magi (1)

6 months later at Erlion Military Camp #3's Airport,

A private jet could be seen landing on a runway, a road utilized by planes for landing.



A young man could be seen waking up suddenly from his seat.

"Hey Ragnar, is this a emergency landing? I am too sleepy to walk."


"It's not. It's time to wake up completely and get ready to walk soon."

Eventually, the private jet stopped shaking and moved through taxiways, roads utilized by planes for moving. The jet finally stopped at an apron, a spot for plane parking.

A 15 year old young man could be seen walking down the airstair. The young man had black coloured hair and an handsome appearance. Right behind the young man, a 59 year old brown coloured hair man could also be seen walking down the airstair. It was none other than Asnor Gremory and Ragnor Vermillion respectively.

As Asnor touched the ground, a military man saluted him by clenching his right fist and placing it on his chest.

"It's an honor to meet you, Sir Magus. Sir, the car behind me will take you to your training center. If sir could get in the car, we could head off to the training center right away."

Asnor glanced at the military man and the car behind him. Asnor realized right away that the car was made with magical materials just like the equipment those Mall Intruders had.

'I guess it's for my own protection. After all, there is only one driver besides myself and Ragnar.'

Asnor and Ragnar then got in the car's backseat after the doors were opened. The car seemed ordinary at first glance but when inside, anyone could easily recognize how fortified the car is in fact.

'I can't believe the fact that even the windows are fake. This in fact seems like a prison. Also, I can only sense the magical elements inside which in fact proves that this car is made of entirely magical materials. This is definitely a magical prison. At least, that's what I feel like.'

Asnor then glanced at Ragnor who seemed to be like he was enjoying watching Asnor.

'This bastard knew it but didn't tell me. Damn you!', Asnor then put on a poker face and sat like how he would normally like a spoiled young rich magus kid.

Ragnar then seemed upset.

The car then drove off to Erlion Training Camp #3's Magus Training Centre.

The door opened automatically and Asnor got out of the car followed by Ragnar. Asnor then witnessed his Magus training center.

In fact there many small training centers within the training center itself. Each of these training centers are made to train five young magi by a single experienced magus veteran.

There was another military man standing in front of the center. This man then walked towards Asnor and spoke,

"Could you scan your ID on that scanner right besides the gate? It's for authentication purpose."

Asnor then walked towards the scanner, scanned his UF ID(United Federation Identification), the gate then opened, and Asnor entered inside. The gate then closed.

Ragnar glanced at the military man he had just met. He then entered the training center the same way Asnor had entered.

Asnor and Ragnor then saw a path that led them straight to a mansion like training center. Inside, they first saw few sofas placed in square manner such that people will be sitting opposite to each other in case they sat on opposite sides. Ragnar didn't stop walking as he walked towards a left pathway.

All magi of Gremory Family will bring along with them respectively, a man of high ranking to Magus Training Center. It's to make sure that no problems will occur if a magus of Gremory Family in training encounters trouble. In Erlion state, only the Gremory Family could do such a thing. Of course, normally this man tagging along with magus in training is not a magus himself but Asnor is an exception due to his mother's identity.

Asnor just walked towards the farthest three seating sofa and sat on the leftmost side of it while the other 3 people noticed Asnor's movement. Asnor then noticed the other 3 people.

One of them sat on the same sofa as he did so but on the rightmost seating. She had a long tied dark pink hair, conservative clothes, okay face, and warm ivory coloured skin. From the files Asnor had received before, he realized who she was. Her name was Natsuko Urasa.

Another sat straight opposite to himself on a similar 3 seating sofa. He had silver coloured hair, handsome face, and porcelain coloured skin. His name was was Aramis Doyle.

Finally the third one who was sitting on a single seating chair on his right. He had brown coloured hair, okay face, and warm beige coloured skin,. His name was Kronos Norgia.

A while later, someone entered the room. Including Asnor, everyone looked towards the newcomer.

She had long blonde coloured hair, beautiful face, and porcelain coloured skin. She also wore very revealing clothes. Her name was Athena Narok.

'These people must have not been informed about all of us being future team mates. Or else someone would have tried to initiate a conversation.'

A while later someone entered the room from right path silently and spoke, "Everyone is finally here, hah?"

Everyone looked in the direction of who had spoke. It was a man with silver coloured hair, decent face, and warm ivory coloured skin.

"Follow me."

The front path had a door closed on it. Right before the main arrived in front of the entrance, the door slid to left, and the man entered the front path. Everyone else followed him. Eventually everyone arrived at a ground that seemed like a training ground. The door then closed behind them.

"First of all, I am going to introduce myself. My name is Fauxis Unified. I am going to be your instructor. All five of you will be trained together for the next 6 months in this center. You don't have the permission to go outside."

Fauxis then waited for everyone so that the message could sunk in.

Kronos spoke, "Wait a second! So, we can't go outside?"

Fauxis replied, "Yes"

"That's ridiculous. You can't expect us to do as you tell us."

"Hahaha. So what? You wanted to be trained by us. The moment you agreed to that fact, you lost your right to object as to how you would be trained by us."

"You are crazy!"

Fauxis then stretched his body and spoke, "I will give all five of you 1 hour to prepare to fight against me. Go gather your tools within this training ground. I have an idea about everyone's strength but I still want to experience it for myself.

Everyone else other than Kronos started walking away. Kronos was stunned since he couldn't believe that others were doing exactly what Fauxis told them to do so. Kronos then looked at Fauxis who in turn grinned back at him. Kronos gritted his teeth and started walking way to prepare for his fight with his instructor.

1 hour later,

All 5 magi stood opposite to Fauxis.

"I am not strict at all. Just carefree. But since I am your instructor, you need to make my teaching experience thrilling or else I may take it out on you guys. I might go easier on the black coloured kid since he's from Gremory Family."

Everyone then looked at Asnor but Fauxis kept talking, "But rest of you should make sure to work hard or else like I said, I will vent on you people to remain stress free so that I could have a carefree life. Hahaha."

Everyone including Kronos except Asnor gulped.

"Why not we individually go at him so that we could get a good understanding of each other?"

"Huh? But don't you already know their strengths and weakness, that too very briefly. You must have read the file on them since you're from Gremory Family."

Asnor couldn't help but get annoyed by Fauxis, his instructor.

'This bastard! Wait a second. Don't tell me that this guy is in fact enjoying this? How dare he imitate me?! I was the one who was supposed to annoy him. This guy will definitely be a tough nut to crack.'

"Hmm? Are you enjoying teasing and bullying us?"

"Oh, you know? Well, yes."

"Huh?", Asnor was dumbfounded

Asnor thought, 'Maybe I shouldn't annoy him. I feel like l wouldn't be able annoy him by relying on my identity of being from Gremory Family. So, I will ignore him for now.'

Others were also dumbfounded by the conversation between Asnor and their instructor, Fauxis. But not because of Fauxis's response but it's because of Asnor knowing about their secrets. From what they knew, everything about them will mostly be kept confidential until they grow strong enough to protect themselves yet this kid knows everything about them. They knew Gremory Family was terrifying but they didn't know that even a kid from Gremory Family could just get information about themselves easily.

Considering how other nations would like to get rid of young magi by utilizing spies, it's very hard to believe the fact that this kid knows everything about themselves.

Asnor then looked toward Fauxis, and glared at him.

Fauxis laughed and spoke, "Hahaha. Come on. Don't glare at me like that. Ok, ok. I will clear it up a little. Don't worry guys. He only knows your name and powers. That's all. It's something he would eventually know. That's why such information was given."

It was only then, everyone sighed.

Asnor spoke, "Anyway, who wants to go first? It's regarding what I said earlier."

Everyone just looked at each other.

Fauxis intervened by saying, "This is getting boring... Anyway, Asnor is right. Hey Athena, you are the first one."

"W-what me?", spoke Athena as if she has been wronged.

Fauxis didn't say anything but just dashed like a normal human would towards Athena.

"W-wait! You can't just dash at me like that. Ah, NO! HELP MEEEEEE!", spoke Athena as if she was about to cry followed by a shriek.

Just when fauxis arrived right in front of Athena to smash his fist at her face, Kronos did a flying kick against Fauxis with his leg wrapped in dark violet energy.

But fauxis dodged by slightly tilting his face followed by grabbing his leg with his other hand enveloped in whitish blue energy and then just threw him away like garbage.

Fauxis then smashed Athena's face just like he had normally intended to do so.


Athena's body flew away and rolled on the ground for a while.

Athena then started crying. Her makeup was entirely ruined just like that because of crying.

Spoke Fauxis while pretending to almost vomit, "Ugh! You look like a monster! I feel like vomiting just by looking at you. I guess you did a good job in this sparring session since you have just managed to gross me out."

Athena then started crying more intensely while glaring venomously at Fauxis. If looks could kill, Fauxis would have already died multiple times over.

"Aramis, you're next. I read about you. Make it at least interesting."

Aramis was stunned after glancing at Kronos lying unconsciously and Athena crying while glaring venomously at Fauxis with her face smashed. But he soon recovered and just focused on his instructor, Fauxis.

"Instructor Fauxis, I won't disappoint you!", said Aramis while his hands and the tip of his sword flashed with white energy.

Aramis then just dashed at Fauxis.