
Modern Family: Reincarnated in a TV show

A fanfiction about a boy who was reincarnated in the world of his favourite TV show: Modern Family A guy died and went to God. Turns out he is Lucifers counterpart. The good side of Lucifer. God sends him into the world of Modern Family according to his wishes. A few years into the world our MC realises that this isn't just the world of Modern Family. There wont be anything supernatural, there will just be common worlds. At the moment I only have grown ups, and the main theme Modern family. I will probably add Brooklyn 99. I haven't thought about any other series yet

burakku · テレビ
22 Chs

Seeing the Lake House

After arriving at the Lake House, you could immediately see a moth trap.

Becky asked what it was doing and the adults explained it dumbly. In short, the kids were terrified.

After seeing a porch swing Mama Ranzoni stepped on a dead moth, with which Lenny wanted to show the kids that the moths were only sleeping. Now it was surely dead.

Anyway, after that we went into the house. Everyone looking at the various thing in the main room of the building.

After everyone was called together by Lenny, we looked at Rob's planning of everyone's room, which led to the confusion of Donna, who thought they were swimming on a water bed.

Rob gave us a tour of the house and we(the kids) got to sleep in the master bedroom. Keithie and Greg were immediately curious about the old TV and Lenny needed to explain it to them.

I and the other kids immediately looked around our and the other room.

After that the others played video games and I decided to go out for a quick swim. It had 35 degree Celsius or 95 degree Fahrenheit.

As I was coming out of the house I saw the five Grown ups in old chairs looking at the lake.

"What are you doing?", Lenny asked after seeing me.

"I am going swimming", I replied taking my shirt off. I had a very well-developed body with ABS as I was training very often and had good talent in every aspect including physical development.

I ran onto the pier and jumped into the water with a topper making almost no splash.

After seeing me swimming and hearing his kid's video games, Lenny decided to take his kids out of the house forcefully. Seeing Lenny's example the others did the same.

When coming out they invited me to come with them for a quick walk. I agreed. I went shirtless as I didn't want my shirt to get wet.

While going they told us about their childhood.

Lenny saw a rope on a tree. and exclaimed. The other adults likewise.

They asked the kids if they knew what it was. The kids couldn't answer. Lamonsoff decided to show them and jump from the rope into the water.

After doing it and being above the water he couldn't jump and came back again. He slammed full speed into a tree, fell down a bit of the road, and pranked us with a stick saying it was his bone. After that Becky quickly noticed a bird, probably injured by Lamonsoff. We quickly took it back into the Lakehouse and tried to treat it.

In the evening, we went to a nearby restaurant called the "Woodmans".

Sitting Higgins talked about how they came here after they got wasted.

"Whats wasted?", Donna asked.

Lenny made the situation completely funny by saying it was a situation in which you want to eat Ice cream.

I had a fat laugh.

Lamonsoff made a joke and everyone ordered something.

There was an awkward situation when Greg wanted VOSS or Fiji water, but it was resolved quickly by Lenny.

After eating we suddenly heard a voice in the speaker saying, "Rematch. I dare you"

The other four quickly explained the reason for that here, because Lenny wasn't there.

When that was done, me and Becky played on the old machines in the restaurant.