
Chapter 2: First Mission Together

Lesley entered the palace of King Estes with Miya on the lead. She scanned the vicinity. It was indeed a palace of the king of the elves. At the center was a fountain, statues of elves decorated it. Right above it is a huge chandelier with the shape of the full moon. Two stairs with a red carpet meets at an elevated place before another stairway leads to the upper floor.

"What mission are you giving me?" Lesley asked.

Before answering, Miya motioned her to sit down first which Lesley had obliged to.

"Alice and Vexana are on a rampage once more. They have gone beyond control. King Estes chose you and three more to stop them," Miya replied while preparing some tea for the guest.

"Three more?" Lesley wondered. "Where are they?"

"We've got to wait a bit for they are stuck in the queue outside. And the king is currently having a meeting which will end for a while. For now, have some tea," said the royal warrior .

Outside the palace, the people are patiently waiting for their turn to register. The sun was shining brightly at the center of the cloudless sky.

"Why is it so hot?" Guinevere complained as she wipes off the dripping sweat from her forehead.

"Want some ice?" someone whispered.

Everyone, who have heard the whisper, looked behind them to look for the whisperer. The voice was cold itself and Gusion and Guinevere recognize the voice.

"Queen Aurora," they both blurted out as they spotted the queen making her grand entrance. All eyes are on her, everyone felt the chilly wind as she walks towards them. Her perfectly shaped body could be observed with the dress she wore. Snowflakes start to fall despite the presence of the sun. Upon reaching the main entrance to the palace, the ice queen looked back at the queue and waved her hand in a swift motion.

"Here's a gift!" she chanted before entering.

Everyone was startled when a huge pile of snow dropped to them. But Gusion, Guinevere and Granger was able to dodge the snow.

"The ice queen is not a good joker," Lunox said. She is a well-known mage for being able to balance the existence of both light and dark side of the world.

"She's even late at the meeting," Kimmy added. She is both a mage and a marksman, the very first winner of the Conquest of Dawn together with her partner, Claude.

While everyone was busy drying themselves due to the melted snow, Gusion, Guinevere and Granger were able to register first.

"The three of you are summoned by the king. Wait for him inside," Lunox informed the three after their registration.

The three obliged without asking any question. Gusion already has an idea on what it is about, it has something to do with the mission of the lady with a braided hair.

Upon entering, the three saw Miya and Lesley having a conversation. Miya saw them and motioned them to come and join.

"Where's the king?" Guinevere asked as she crossed her legs.

"He is still at the meeting. While waiting for him, take this chance to know each other," Miya replied before leaving them for she has to go back to her post.

No one spoke when Miya left. Lesley simply held her black umbrella while Granger started wiping his gun. Guinevere stared at the dark-haired guy with a poker face.

"Marksmen are said to be the weakest," she said which made the two marksmen point their gun at her. Granger has his gun pointed right at the lady's head. Lesley has targeted Guinevere's left chest.

"So you're a marksman," Gusion said while looking at Lesley.

"Is there a problem?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

Gusion simply shook his head in response. The two eventually held their gun back down. They suddenly stood up upon hearing the voice of King Estes.

"Finally," King Estes said upon seeing the four. "It's good you are all here. You see, Vexana and Alice are causing havoc again. If they are not stopped then our world will be greatly affected by the darkness they omit. The four of you seems to be up for the mission. And take this as a training and see who fits with who. It will help you decide to look for your partner."

"What would be the reward?" Both Granger and Lesley asked in sync.

"The reward, huh," King Estes mumbled. "You get to choose a 'skin' to your liking."

Lesley smirked.

"Then, we'll stop the two in no time," she said.

"They are currently at the left borders. Pharsa shall open the gate to the underworld," the king replied.

The four left the palace and while on their way, Lesley spoke.

"What are your roles?" she asked without asking anyone in particular.

"Marksman, obviously," Granger replied.

"A mage and a fighter," Guinevere proudly said.

"A magr and an assassin," Gusion replied which made the lady in violet gasp in shock.

"You're a mage?!" she asked excitedly. "Those swords combined with magic, oho. You're Gusion Paxley, am I right? The rebellious Paxley son."

Gusion did not like that. He hated the fact that everyone knows the rotting fact about his family. A family who only follows traditions and are afraid to change for the better.

"Shut your mouth, lady," he said coldly.

The tension between the two mages disappeared when Lesley changed the topic.

"Since the two of you fight in a close range, you shall take the lead. Granger and I shall be right behind you," she said.

"How good are you with the gun?" Granger asked.

"We'll show how good we are when we fight the two rampaging mages," Lesley replied as she opened her black umbrella.

"What's with that get-up, Lesley?" Guinevere interrupted. "A black umbrella definitely looks rotten with that musketeer outfit of yours."

"Shut the hell up, spoiled brat. That dress of yours irritates me. It makes me want to tear it into pieces," Lesley responded.

Guinevere just rolled her eyes.

They suddenly went into hiding upon sensing a strong, dark aura.

"Vexana, show yourself and fight me," Alice said. "I shall show you that I am more qualified to be the queen of the underworld."

As Alice walks, she is devouring the life of every living thing making the path she just took a dead place. Alice got more excited when she knew the presence of the four warriors.

"Come out, little bugs, let us have some fun," she said with a smirk. "Watch your back."

Lesley sensed the mage's presence behind her.

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