
Mob in a fantasy novel

Sorin, a seemingly ordinary teenager, finds himself thrust into a new world after an unexpected death. Given a second chance at life, he seizes the opportunity to break free from his mundane existence. Sorin, armed with his scheming and cunning mind, faces off against otherworldly monsters, beasts, and demons in the dark world of Arcanists. Sorin's unyielding determination knows no bounds, and he's willing to employ any ruthless tactic to shape his fate and seize his destiny! Follow his journey through a vast world of danger and mystery as Sorin pursues an unrestrained life, unmatched and with no equal! --------------- A/n A very big world where power is the law! If you like novels where ruthless MC gets stronger and schemes against his enemies, this novel is for you! MC is in a novel world and knows the future, however I will note that the plot won't revolve around my MC face-slapping the protagonist nor steal his women... Well, only if he benefits out of it. Please come into this novel expecting a vast and unique world!

Revireuu · ファンタジー
36 Chs

Helping an Upperclassmen

Sorin stood before the bathroom mirror, a plush towel wrapped around his waist. Droplets of water clung to his damp skin, glistening in the soft, bright glow of the crystal attached to the ceiling. His fingers worked through his abyss black hair, letting the towel absorb the remaining moisture.

A month had quickly passed since his connection to his Mana Cube, and subtle changes had begun to mark his reflection.

As he rubbed his hair dry, he couldn't help but notice the lines of his body, more defined now from weeks of light exercises and acclimation to the world's challenges.

With the towel now draped over one shoulder, Sorin's gaze met his own in the mirror. His eyes, once clouded with slight uncertainty, was now replaced with a devilish glint — they reflected the inner strength and resolve he had cultivated to survive in this world.

The bathroom's tranquility enveloped him as he stood there, feeling the reassuring warmth of the room and the fading echoes of the shower's patter. Sorin knew that the world outside held mysteries and dangers, but he was ready to face them. 

Getting dressed in some casual clothes. Sorin opted for attire that gave him comfort. He chose a plain, well-fitted t-shirt, paired with comfortable, everyday trousers as well as a thin, dark cozy jacket. 

After a month, Sorin started feeling bored once again, although learning magic and unravelling it's mysteries was rather enjoyable, he wanted to actually begin his plans.

But the problem is, that his strength is currently too weak. It would still take him around another week or two before he becomes a Tier 1 Arcanist.

He had already learnt and mastered a spell and just needed to finish off analysing another tier 1 spell before he had enough knowledge on the foundation and formation of an Arcanist.

After that, he could finally promote to a Tier 1 Arcanist.

However, right now Sorin wanted a little break. Throughout the entire month, Sorin felt like he was a machine. Waking up, stretching, exercising, learning, eating, sleeping and repeating. The same tedious routine over and over.

He wanted a life that wasn't like his previous one, being a slave to society. He wanted to control his own fate and life.

The Academy is currently giving time for their students to consolidate the information in their lectures and to also awaken their mana cube to become a Tier 1 Arcanist.

The Academy gives quite a lot of free time to their students. Most students, like Sorin, would be completely busy trying to learn their first spells. However, this Academy is truly massive and provides many facilities that can be used.

In this month, Sorin had been diligently trying to learn two spells and promote to the first Tier, which meant he hadn't actually explored the Academy whatsoever.

Though, he had made an unusual friend in his month in the Academy.

He needed some potions for his plans so he had wanted to get acquainted with his desk mate in his lectures: Nevery. 

Sorin was aware that she was an alchemist — coming from quite a wealthy family aswell. Apart from that, Sorin simply followed a strict routine throughout these few weeks he had spent in this Academy.

Sorin decided it would be a good change of pace to explore this magical institution, so, instead of being a vampire and locking himself up in his room, Sorin decided to actually explore the academy he was in.

He just needed something that would take his mind off of his little stress. 

This is what he hoped for, a nice relaxing day free from worries.

This was his ideal plans for today, however fate seemed to be playing tricks on him.


The dimly lit corridor of the Millith Magic Academy felt oppressive, its pristine white walls seemingly suffocating.

Sorin was quite amazed at how clean and massive this entire Academy is. This was the result of magic!

Sorin looked out of the slits on the walls: the Academy was like a campus, and many of the structures seemed impossible to create: with many oddly designed buildings scattered throughout. Even with modern technology, Sorin doubts that some of the buildings could even be realistically created.

As Sorin strolled along the cold, echoing hallway, the muffled sobs of a girl caught his attention. Her black hair hung like a veil over her face, shielding her ruby red eyes, which were swollen from tears — she was the embodiment of vulnerability!

Surrounding this girl, were three unique looking people. They were quite good looking by appearance if Sorin were to judge. However, their faces were unmistakably quite nefarious: carrying quite evil intentions towards this girl.

'Wow! This is truly cliche!'

Sorin's eyes narrowed as he observed the bullies, a trio of upper-year students. They loomed over the girl, their laughter echoing cruelly off the flawless, white walls. Their smirks revealed their personality: completely stained with arrogance.


Sorin felt as if the world was making fun of him. Just when he wanted to isolate himself of his problems for a few hours, trouble seemed to be just drawn to him.

Sorin thought, "Though, this is good! I might be able to make a really good 'friend' if I play my cards right."

After thinking a bit, Sorin felt that he should save the girl. It was not out of pity nor was it from him having a sense of righteousness. 

Their blue badges, prominently displayed on their attire, hinted at their status as his seniors.

He needs the help of an upperclassmen for one of his plans anyways.

Sorin could remember that in the novel, seniors had free access to the core library: which is a haven of knowledge for an Arcanist. Those badges had allocated time given per week and allowed such access to the core library.

First-years can only get access by paying arcane crystals. But, they can also borrow their seniors badges. However, not many would do this unless you were extremely close as the information was just that valuable!

He had initially planned to rent it from a senior by paying arcane crystals at a cheaper price than what the Academy demands. Afterall, arcane crystals were the most important resource in the early stages of an Arcanist — and many seniors had a high demand for it.

But now... he can just borrow it from a 'friend!'

After thinking a little on what he wanted to do, Sorin engaged in the conflict.

Sorin sauntered closer, his demeanour casual but his mind racing with schemes. He cleared his throat, drawing the bullies' attention. "My, my, what's all this commotion?" he spoke, a charming smile playing on his lips. 

"Who the hell are you?" A girl with short hair spoke. She obviously looked liked the ringleader, given her demeanour and how the other two just glared at him.

Before Sorin engaged in the conflict, he had removed his badge. This meant this group did not know he was just some first year weakling. So, though she seemed quite aggressive, she remained quite cautious — even slightly uneasy.

Arcanists were generally cautious by nature. Afterall, mess with the wrong person... and you might just ruin your life.

The bullies, though startled by the sudden interruption, quickly regained their composure.

"Who I am doesn't matter, but seeing this kind of treatment in this Academy... Don't you feel ashamed?" Sorin responded. 

Sorin was speaking like some righteous protagonist. However, he needed to portray himself in this image. Afterall, he was essentially trying to save a damsel in distress, and if his plan works — he would give off a more favourable image.

Sorin continued, "Aren't we all here to learn and grow? It's ashame to see such violence in a prestigious school like this one."

Their brows furrowed in confusion as Sorin's words sank in.

"This is none of your business!" A girl with blonde hair remarked.

"I don't know what history you three have with her, but these kinds of action you're doing to another fellow student... Do you think the Academy would allow this?" Sorin spoke, his voice changing to a more serious tone.

The expression of the three seemed to noticeably shift.

He seized the opportunity to lay his web of deception, "You know, I've heard from someone who works in this school that such actions won't be tolerated. I don't think fighting without authorisation and bullying is allowed within school premises ~." Sorin hinted as he grabbed the bullied girl who looked visibly confused by the wrist and gently lifted her up.

However, Sorin moved slightly so the girl lost her footing: causing her to fall onto his chest where he caught her in his embrace. This made it so he, and this random girl he decided to save on a whim, looked a lot closer and friendlier with eachother.

Sorin continued with his deception, his voice barely above a whisper, "Now, I've heard rumours about a surveillance system the school has implemented. Rumor has it that they've been catching some of the more troublesome students..."

The three seemed to have bought his words as they were silent and even considering what he said.

It's not hard for them to believe this lie he had quickly come up with on the spot due to the reputation of this Academy. These people don't look particularly strong nor that intelligent as they're wasting their time tormenting a girl.

This world is very mysterious — the magic even more so.

Sorin simply used this fact to his advantage. Such a place, it wasn't hard to imagine a famous Academy like Millith to have some surveillance, right? Furthermore, they were bullying this girl within the Academy corridors!

The bullies expressions turned from malice to a hint of anxiousness as the trio exchanged hesitant glances.

Vivian watched this play out, her red eyes filled with a mix of hope and curiosity.

Sorin leaned in, a conspiratorial gleam in his eyes, "Punishments, I've heard, are quite severe – suspension, sanctions and even expulsion. Imagine what your family would think if their daughter who was suppose to be seriously studying to become an Arcanist, was instead an uncivilised troublemaker. But, of course, these are just rumors, so who knows what's true."

He left the implications hanging, letting the weight of their own imaginations press down on them.

A shiver ran down the bullies' spines as they envisioned the consequences. 

Sorin's simple yet masterfully crafted lies had achieved its desired effect. Fear of retribution from the school administration compelled the bullies to back down.

They exchanged uneasy glances, then turned to the girl offering her a hesitant smile.

"Vivian, this was just a huge misunderstanding, I'm sorry for treating you like that. If you want, you can comeback to our study group." The girl spoked nervously whilst the two other girls nodded their heads.

Obviously, she wasn't sorry in the slightest.

Despite what they said, Sorin could see that they still seemed quite annoyed: their eyes subtly filled with malice towards Vivian and Sorin.

Vivian's eyes widened in astonishment. With this small act of manipulation, he had not only saved Vivian from her suffering but also bound her to him in a web of intrigue. He just needed to deepen their relationship before he could make use of her.

"T- thank you for the offer... But, I'll study by myself from now on..." Vivian replied to her bullies.

"Haha, that's also fine!" The girl spoke quickly.

With that, Sorin managed to get Vivian out of her predicament as the bullies hurriedly walked away.

'It's amazing what blind confidence can do!' Sorin pondered.

Due to the fact Sorin didn't wear his badge nor falter in the slightest when faced with his upperclassmen — it gave them the impression that Sorin was either of similar status or of a higher one. 

Blind confidence is quite effective. If you can convince yourself that what you said is the truth, it will be the truth until proven otherwise! This kind of mentality works very well when both side has utterly no information on a subject.

"Uhm. D-do you think you could let me go?" Vivian spoke in a quiet tone that would be impossible to hear if he wasn't literally hugging her.

She was avoiding eye contact with him, however this didn't stop Sorin to notice a deep shade of red to appear on her cheeks.

"Ah. My apologies. I hope I didn't overstep my boundaries." Sorin replied almost instantaneously as he released her from his embrace.

"N-no, no, you only did that to save me from them." She meekly spoke to him.

"I'm pleased to have been of help," Sorin said, his eyes locking with Vivian's for a moment. A subtle smile playing on his lips. "Your ability to adapt and your quick thinking are truly commendable qualities, Vivian. It made my act a lot easier." Sorin lightly chuckled to himself.

Vivian blushed in a way that seemed to defy her usual shy and meek demeanor.

Her cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink, as if they held a secret garden of hidden emotions. She lowered her gaze, her long lashes casting graceful shadows over her rosy cheeks.

Her response was a timid yet genuine smile, like the first timid rays of sunshine breaking through a cloudy day. It was a rare glimpse of vulnerability in the otherwise reserved and introverted Vivian, a moment that left Sorin a little surprised. 

After Vivian attacked Sorin with her pure and innocent smile, Sorin bid her farewell.

 Sorin was feeling like having some sweets and cake — he had quite the sweet tooth so he decided to purchase some withinthe Academy.

However after taking a few steps, Vivian spoke in a tone a lot louder then what she had used previously.

"Wait! P-please tell me your name." She declared with visible embarrassment on her face. It seemed she used every ounce of courage to form that simple sentence.

"You can call me Sorin." He looked back giving a subtle smile before leaving to get something to eat.