
Four Pillars: Breaking Boundaries

Ttang! Ttang! Ttang!

Having spent most of her time so far reforging the parts making up Valyr's dagger into more refined versions, Nila had felt a bit of boredom brewing within her body.

Of course, as a blacksmith, she was more than used to this boredom, having become acquainted with it for the majority of her life to get where she was today.

However, for some reason, she felt a tad more bored than usual.

And it might possibly have something to do with what Valyr was doing.

"Is he not finished upgrading the sword yet?" murmured Nila as she spared a glance at the young man, slightly narrowed her eyes as she sensed the aura coming from the sword she once forged.

From what was an incredibly crude sword even a novice blacksmith could make, it was now a sword that seemed to tap into the essence of flames itself, bringing about destruction with every slash made with it.