
Doing What Should've Been Done

Although he initially planned on getting some rest before opening up shop, Valyr decided to postpone his rest to later in the day, considering that he still had enough energy to move about for the entire day.

Other than that, with him establishing a partnership with Juno, he wanted to improve his relationship with the man to a certain extent. After all, the man in front of him would be the one managing his shop while he was away.

If anything, having another person take care of shop while he was away was the main reason why he accepted Juno's request of learning from him.

Though he was more than certain that the players came to his shop in order to forge connections with him, having his shop still be open without him being there added a bit of grandeur to his identity.

'Killing two birds with one stone, if I do say so myself,' thought Valyr as he inwardly chuckled at the conclusion he came up with earlier.