
A Bone Shattering Experience

"In the fifth room, I fought against a mini-boss named Fibula. Then, at the tenth room, I fought against someone named Tibia." Though the two mini-bosses Valyr fought against did not pose too much difficulty to him, having access to incredibly destructive moves, the names of the mini-bosses remained lingering in his mind, prompting him to wonder what the name of the final mini-boss would be. "If that's the naming pattern for the mini-bosses in this dungeon, then that means I would be facing against someone named Femur at the final room?"

"If that's the case, I'd probably just laugh out of disbelief." Bitterly smiling at the thought that there was a chance the final mini-boss he would fight against would be named after the largest bone in the human body, Valyr proceeded to discard all tangential thoughts in his mind as he focused on what was up ahead, sending out wave after wave of magic attacks once more to clear out the path before him.