
Mask Collector

Leaving the dark basement behind, Adam and Alastor appeared on the rocky cliffs of crimson ocean.

The crimson ocean was rageful as ever. Some of its waves were over ten meters tall, just crashing into the cliff with never-ending rage.

They left the memory land behind, as they had already seen enough of life during the Old World days.

"Take a seat by the cliff." Alastor said.

Adam sat down and stared out at the crashing waves below.

"Take out the spell scrolls you want to learn."

Adam took out the three legendary spell scrolls, and they suddenly flew out of his hand and started circling him like the crows around a dead body.

Alastor put his hands on Adam's shoulders and said. "This will hurt, but it will make you strong. We call this the Rebirth Ritual."

"Rebirth Ritual?"

"Yes, it's a sacred ceremony that happens in the heavenly kingdom when a man or woman reaches adulthood.