
MMORPG : Overpowered in Gloria

Now that Gloria has been launched, the whole world will gain new colours. Especially for Gantt.

Essim · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Gloria (4)

As the sun began to set, a figure could be seen approaching the gates of the city of Valtoria. It was a young man, his face marked with determination and a hint of nervousness. He wore a set of battered armor, a sword strapped to his side. As he approached the gates, a guard stepped forward to meet him.

"Halt, traveler. What brings you to our city?"

The young man cleared his throat before speaking. "I am here to participate in the Gloria tournament. I have traveled far and trained hard in order to compete in this prestigious event."

The guard raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "Is that so? Very well, but be warned. The competition in this tournament is fierce. Only the strongest and most skilled warriors are able to rise to the top. Are you sure you are ready for such a challenge?"

The young man nodded confidently. "I am more than ready. I have dedicated my life to becoming the best warrior I can be, and I will stop at nothing to prove myself in this tournament."

The guard nodded, impressed by the young man's resolve. "Very well. I will allow you entry into the city. Good luck in the tournament."

As the gates opened, the young man stepped through, his eyes fixed on the path ahead. He had trained and sacrificed so much to reach this point, and he was determined to make the most of it. He would show the world what he was capable of, and emerge victorious in the Gloria tournament.

As he wandered through the bustling streets of the city, John couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation bubbling within him. It had been months since he first stumbled upon the virtual reality game "Gloria", and in that time he had become completely obsessed with it. Every day after work, he would rush home to log in and immerse himself in the world of Satisfy.

But today was different. Today, John had finally reached the coveted level of 300 and unlocked the ability to participate in high level raids. And he knew just the guild to join - the legendary Overgrown Guild, led by the infamous player known only as "Gantt".

John had heard rumors of Gantt's incredible strength and wealth, and he was determined to become a part of his guild. With a determination that bordered on obsession, John set out to find the guild headquarters and make his mark on the world of Satisfy.

As he reached for the Eye of Pallalian in his inventory, Gantt hesitated. He had spent a small fortune on the high-end appraisal item, saving up for months to afford it. It was meant for a rainy day, a moment like this where he might come across a truly valuable item. But the stakes were high. If the book turned out to be a dud, all of his hard work and sacrifice would be for nothing.

But he couldn't shake the feeling that this was it, the moment he had been waiting for. He had poured his heart and soul into his journey to find the legendary blacksmith Pagma's rare book, and now that it was within his grasp, he couldn't resist the temptation to find out its true worth.

With a deep breath, he activated the Eye of Pallalian and directed it towards the book. The ancient tome glowed with a golden light as the appraisal began, the pages flipping rapidly as the magical device analyzed its contents.

Gantt held his breath, his heart racing as he waited for the results. This was it, the moment of truth. He just hoped that all of his hard work and struggles had been worth it.

As Gantt stood frozen in front of the golden table, he couldn't believe his eyes. In front of him lay piles upon piles of the most intricate and beautifully crafted battle gear he had ever seen. The names of the gear shone in a rainbow of colors - green, yellow, and purple. If he were to take just a few of these, he could easily become a wealthy man.

But as he reached out to grab one of the weapons, a notification appeared in front of him. [This item can't be obtained.]

Gantt's heart sank as he realized that despite the gear being right in front of him, it was impossible for him to acquire it. He tried placing it in his bag, but it would simply return to its original spot like a mirage.

"How stingy and dirty," Gantt muttered to himself, feeling a mix of longing and regret as he gazed at the gear. He knew that if he were able to obtain all of this gear, it would likely cause the economic balance of the game to crumble. But still, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment.

Turning his attention away from the piles of gear, Gantt noticed an old book sitting on a shiny gold table. "Finally," he breathed, memories of the hardships he had endured during his journey flooding his mind. Gritting his teeth, he approached the book and picked it up.

As Gantt stood before Earl Ashur and the knights, he knew that there was no chance of negotiating his way out of this situation. He had been foolish to believe that he could simply sell the rare book and escape with a hefty profit. Now, he was facing the very real possibility of losing not only the book, but also his life.

But Gantt refused to go down without a fight. He had spent the last year of his life grinding and struggling to reach this point, and he was not about to let it all go to waste. He unsheathed his sword and readied himself for battle.

The knights charged at him, their swords glinting in the dim light of the cave. Gantt fought with all his might, his sword flashing through the air as he parried and struck. He knew he was outmatched, but he refused to give up. If he could take down just a few of these knights, he might have a chance to escape.

Earl Ashur watched the battle with a cold, calculating gaze. He had no intention of joining the fight himself, preferring to let his knights handle the dirty work. But as he watched Gantt fight, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of admiration for the young man's determination.

"This one has spirit," he thought to himself. "Perhaps I should have given him a chance to prove himself after all."