
MMORPG : King of Supernatural

On a particularly normal day, the gaming world was shaken by surprising news. A sudden release of a VRMMORPG game called 'Lunaris' by an unknown video game publisher happened. The first full-dive VR game that no one expected. A fantasy world where all kinds of races can be found, and also has a unique game mechanism that allows players to be rampant with their imagination. Gloating advanced technology that can realize gamers' dreams, the game exploded in popularity. Blake is a gamer on the side and on the day the game was launched, he was fired from work. It was due to the pettiness of a single person that caused him to be fired, casting him away from his dream job. In order to vent his frustration, he decided to take a week off to play a game. Learning about the newly launched game, he forfeits the thought of buying one as all game shops are packed, and it’s also very expensive. But on a fateful night, luck seems to be on his side as a VR Helmet fell to his lap. Moreover, it was not a regular VR Helmet, but it was a limited edition one! Although he was happy, the moment he got his hands on the Limited VR Helmet was the day his life experienced a drastic turn. He gained a guiding spirit called ‘Persona’, and he learns from her the harsh truth of the Lunaris game. It was not a regular game. On accident, he becomes a Privileged Player as well as gained a Cheat inside the Lunaris game. But the cost of gaining these things was to be hunted by others, in-game or not. “Wait a minute, I unlocked all of the Racial Quests…? This is actually broken” “What the heck?! A Bullet? Someone is sniping me?! I'm not even the president but someone is sniping me in broad fucking daylight?!” Whether it’s inside the game, or outside the game, he needs to be strong and fight back to survive. He got stuck at the center of a huge conflict, starting from Supernatural creatures and Humans, and he was forced to bear the responsibility of knowledge and power. Follow Blake’s journey as he started to do whatever it takes to survive. Additional tags: Romance, Comedy, Levelup, Vampire, Superpowers.

Mrboogey13 · ゲーム
99 Chs

Limitless Talent




Blake glanced to the side and finds Dylan and Issaiah clapping in amazement, the two expected him to at least survive against the level 45 Treant yet instead of fighting to survive, he actually managed to beat the Treant fairly.

It's safe to say that his performance exceeded their expectations.

"Well, I don't think I need to say this, but you passed the first test wonderfully. Who would've thought that Issaiah brought someone like you to the guild? I'm seriously surprised" Dylan praised as he strides closer.

Issaiah also scratches the back of his head, "As expected, you're a very strong person"

"Thank you for your kind words, but I'm simply able to handle myself" Blake replied modestly. In truth, he was now on the brink of collapse as he has lost so much HP already, his body will topple over if he lost focus for even a second.

Aside from not finishing the Treant fearing being caught, he also has another reason.

Since he has only used the Phantasmal Shadow Phasing skill once, he forgot that the skill sacrificed 20% of his own HP to use. It's a theme that the Spectral Vampire race has, most of the skills sacrifice its own HP.

Due to that, he doesn't know whether the Blood Lance would finish the Treant off or not.

It's best if he could stop here lest he injured himself further.

Just as he was taking the praise with a modest smile, his eyes then glanced to the side finding that the Treant moved and decided to attack him. However, Blake was too slow to react to this attack.

But it seems he doesn't need to, Dylan already stepped in.

Pointing his hand towards the Treant, numerous thick vines wrapped around its body.

"Seems like I need to properly punish you this time" Dylan said while glaring at the Treant, and with a twist of his hand, the vines tightens up until the Treant burst into green particles and fades away.

Focusing his attention back on Blake, Dylan then smiled again.

Clicking his tongue in displeasure, he then reaches his hand inside his robe, "It would've been marvelous to have an adventurer of your caliber, but I couldn't force you to join us. So, before Issaiah brings you to treat your wounds, let's get the second test over with"

Upon saying that, Dylan then takes out what seems to be a blue talisman.

It was a piece of blue paper or parchment that is inscribed with symbols and runes that seemed to contain magical power. Dylan simply plastered the talisman on the ground before it glowed with a blue hue.

A moment later, the talisman exploded with smoke before an object appeared.

'Oh, is this how people in this world test their magical talents? I'm curious now. Since I'm a Spectral Vampire, I wonder how high my talent in magic will be?' Blake thought while seeing the colorless crystal, taller than himself.

Dylan then points at it and started explaining, "This crystal is called Magic Sensorium"

"It can detect the mana pool of a person, as well as, the talent of a person to a certain magic element. Of course, since you can use the shadow elements, the crystal will sense your talent in it. But the crystal should be able to properly gauge how compatible you are in the shadow element and also sense if there's any talent you have in other elements that are perhaps stronger than your shadow element" he added, explaining the crystal as clearly as possible.

Blake nodded his head repeatedly as he listened to the explanation attentively.

Now that he knows what the crystal will do, he started to become nervous that the crystal will pick his talent in the blood element. Something like that would be hazardous, and he wanted to avoid that from happening.

'Please, Shadowblood, if you can hear me, don't show my talent in blood!' Blake pleaded.

Pointing at the crystal, Dylan then said, "Go on, we'll test your mana pool first"

Upon hearing this, Blake nodded his head and gulp harshly. Taking a couple of steps forward, he then reaches out his hand to touch the crystal before the crystal started to probe his magical talent.

It takes only a moment before a number appeared and the crystal glowed.


"Oh, 103! Not that high but it's above average, that's good" Dylan praised with a nod.

Just then, Blake pulls back his hand before Dylan did something to the crystal, "Okay, now for your magical talent. Don't be too nervous, with the skills you showed earlier, your talent must be at least A-rank or even S-rank!"

Nodding his head again, Blake then touches the crystal once again.

But this time, he closes his eyes and tries to focus on only showing his shadow element.

Dylan and Issaiah are expectant with the result as if Blake really does have a high talent in shadow element, then the two might've hit a jackpot and would try their best to accommodate him.

If they could stick the guild name on Blake, then it's going to be massive for the guild.

Upon thinking about that, the two looked at the crystal with interested eyes before the crystal slowly turn darker and darker and even started to glow. As Blake has a talent for the shadow element, the bleak black color is already expected.

Now is for the moment of truth, the rank of the talent should show up any moment now.

Blake also could feel a cold sensation in his hand, he didn't realize that his hand that was touching the crystal is already sizzling with black energy, and when the rank of his talent was about to show up, something unexpected happened.


Out of nowhere, Blake jolted in reflex when he felt fragments hitting his body.

Almost as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw that the crystal was taller than him before it had shrunk down to his knee level. It's obviously broken, and there's no other explanation other than he was the one that caused it.

'G-Guess I don't need to worry about my blood element talent...' Blake thought wryly.

On the other hand, Dylan and Issaiah were completely stunned once again. It seems the two have been having their mouths opened a couple of times already, Blake never ceased to surprise them today.

Scratching the back of his head, Blake then asked, "D-Does this mean I passed...?"

"Ye- Yeah, I guess so. I'll quickly go to the finance department to notify them that you're eligible to be excluded from the non-exclusive member tax" Dylan replied, he was saying that while still in a daze as he was too stunned right now.

It's not a common occurrence that a Magic Sensorium to explode like this.

Upon hearing this, Blake express his gratitude and bowed a little. Seems like everything is going smoothly right now, "If that's the case, can I know where to get healed now? I don't think I can remain standing anymore"

Issaiah and Dylan blinked their eyes and finds that Blake's legs were shaking violently.

Moreover, a drizzle of blood can be seen trickling down the corner of his mouth. It's clear that he suffered internal injuries from fighting the Treant earlier and is in dire need of being healed right now.

"O- Oh, right! I'll lead the way" Issaiah replied stutteringly.

Before Issaiah could lead Blake to be healed, Dylan grabbed his shoulder and stopped him. Leaning to his ears, Dylan then said, "That magic sensorium can detect up to S-rank talent. MoonDespoiler must have a higher talent, keep him close and pitch him whenever you can, alright?"

"Y-Yes, I'll try my best" Dylan replied before he quickly help support Blake and walks away.

Sighing in disbelief while looking at Issaiah and Blake's back from behind, Dylan shakes his head. Even now, he still couldn't believe that a person of Blake's caliber enters their guild voluntarily and even showed interest.

If the big guilds find out, they would be fighting over Blake like maggots to a corpse.

Thankfully enough, it seems lady luck gave the guild her blessing. But as he was thanking lady luck, his eyes were then forced to glance to his right when he saw a glimmer of reddish light coming from the side.

"Hmmm...?" Dylan frowned when he saw the remaining crystal glowed dark red.

Not only that but the glow was so bright that it was almost blinding. But in the next second after that, the remaining crystal exploded too. Dylan jumped in surprise, he even let out a high-pitched yelp as he was not expecting that at all.

Looking at the fragments of crystals, he was absolutely puzzled, "What the heck was that?"

A moment later, Blake is now standing in front of the quest board.

Since he was accepted by the Arcane Guardians Guild as a non-exclusive member, there's a badge on his left peck that takes a shape of a normal blue shield. It doesn't have any intricate design, it looks normal.

Unlike the member of the guild, his badge doesn't have the snake coiling on the shield.

On top of that, the edge of the badge is colored bronze yellow showing that he's a Citrine-rank adventurer. Blake wasn't aiming to get this high, but having a high rank would definitely open more quests for him.

"Inside a city, I must wear this at all times, huh..." Blake mused while looking at his badge.

Blake was told earlier that the badge is preliminary inside any city that has an affiliation with the guild he is a part of, Carymount City in particular would require him to wear the badge at all times as an identification.

Shifting his attention away from the badge, he then looks at the quest board in front of him.

"Hmm... I wish it can be filtered like in-game but it seems I need to go through it manually" Blake mused to himself, he was searching for a quest that has something to do with him going to the Asmel Elf Kingdom.

It doesn't have to be there, somewhere near there would also be fine.

Just then while he was searching for any suitable quest, Issaiah came from the back with a couple of papers in his hands, "Since you're searching for quests in your rank near the Asmel Elf Kingdom, I already filtered it for you. Here, you can have a look at which one you want"

"Oh, that's convenient..." Blake muttered, he was glad that Issaiah is of help to him.

But of course, he was not naive enough to believe that Issaiah was doing this out of kindness, 'Surely you're doing this to win me over, and make me join the guild and become a member. But hey, I'm not going to complain'

With that, Blake started to look at the quest Issaiah brought to him.