
MMORPG: Evolver of Primordials

A one-of-a-kind advanced game? Universal Online where every player had the same class of rulers. Being rulers players got to lead and transform a single species beyond anything. Unfortunately, this was not the game where every species could survive. The whole population of rulers jumped from planet to planet fighting to gain more resources for their survival. The winner got to advance and the loser lost everything. He was one of those who strived hard to survive but in the end, failed. At the end of everything miracle happened. He got reincarnated back in time - 4 years after the game’s release! Armed with a few years of advanced knowledge from his previous life, he decided to once again take the gamble. Forced by his gang to play the game he decided to reach the top. This is the story of Jules - a man who threw himself back intending to rule above everyone but with many being already 4 years ahead of him, will he succeed?

Champsing · ゲーム
98 Chs

The competition for leadership

"You can hunt now!"

The moment the adventurers heard this, all the high-level adventurers moved back to the camp while mid to low-level adventurers rushed to the monster camp. It was clear this farm was not suitable for anyone beyond a certain level.

He realized it yesterday when he did not see any elite-grade monsters in the area. Usually, all the high-tier monster farms did not lack these elite creatures.

Glitch did not rush to the camp. He stood waiting for the higher-level adventurers to leave the camp.

He noticed many of them staring at the Shakhans behind him. To his surprise, one man with a big Katana on his back started waving at him.

He didn't know what was going on, so he just waved back. After all, he didn't want to offend any of these guys. They were beyond the power of group rulers and were most likely Tier 1, the true powerhouses of the Rown Kingdom.

These kinds of people were the reason a kingdom cared little about group rulers. Each of these high-level adventurers was strong enough to single-handedly annihilate the group rulers at their peak.

A few adventurers smiled back while others straight-up ignored him. The good thing was that none of them moved closer to him.

After a few minutes, he saw all of them leaving the campsite. A few others who had been waiting for those powerhouses to leave also rushed to the campsite. Many headed toward the backside for labor and guards.

Glitch had just entered the camp when he saw most of the laborers leaving the campsite for the deeper region.

It was clear the competition in the deeper regions was super tight.

He wasn't even sure if there was any point in hunting on the monster farm with so many people around. It might be better to travel around the city and hunt low-level creatures rather than racing against so many groups.

He sighed but knew he couldn't apply player logic to them. After all, everyone in the game only had one life. In that sense, it was much better to grind in the safety of the monster farm than to risk your life outside.

Not caring about others, he walked to the labor counter, and his eyes widened when he saw there were multiple different groups of laborers present.

He noticed that each group of laborers had different-colored tags on their shirts. He hadn't noticed all these details yesterday as all of them had the same dark brown emblem, so he thought it must have been some worker uniform, but now he understood that yesterday he had only encountered one group of laborers.

When the laborers noticed him, a few of them rushed toward him while shouting.

"Sir, what kind of labor do you want?"

"Good to see you, sir. Just give us the opportunity…"

"No sir, our group has the best record among others…"

Each of them was praising their group over the others. This annoyed even Number One and Two, as Glitch saw them reaching for their weapons.

He waved his hand, and all of them stopped shouting. He looked around and saw the familiar labor leader with a brown badge on his shoulder and chest.

From the way all these guys were competing against one another, he could see that the division among the laborers did not stem from the region on the monster farm, but something else.

He thought for a moment, knowing this might be the last time he could hunt freely before the start of his deal with the city.

Today was also much different from last time. Yesterday, his group had already sent the message that they could hunt, and the time he had waited outside the camp was enough for everyone interested in him to know his location.

He was sure that both NPCs' organization and rulers would send someone to keep an eye on him today.

He knew that to gain something; he needed to show the difference between himself and others.

Glitch looked at the laborers and said, "For the next two hours, I want all of you standing at the border of the brown area."

The others looked around in confusion, but the brown-badged leader came forward and bowed to him. "Good to see you back, sir."

Glitch smiled at him and asked, "You can explain to the others, right? I don't want any delay like last time."

The brown-badged leader nodded his head. "Don't worry, sir. With so many partners today, you won't have to face any delays."

Glitch could see the confusion on the other workers' faces, but he left it to the brown-badged leader to explain. He took out his adventurer card and handed it to the brown-badged leader.

The brown-badged leader shouted to his group, "Everyone moves to standby!"

Glitch added, "Yeah, one more thing. Increase the number of people on standby. The speed of the hunt will be fast today."

The brown-badged leader looked at him with wide eyes but nodded. "No worries, sir. I'll manage it."

Glitch turned around and walked to the edge of the campsite. He started doing some stretching while watching the few groups hunting in the field.

There were about double the number of groups present on the farm, and he could see that most of them were glancing at him from time to time.

It was clear most of them were here to see his performance.

Not caring about them, Glitch took out both his swords and continued stretching. Both Shakhans behind him mimicked him.

He turned to them and pointed to the brown-horned rabbits moving around in the grass. "We're going to do the same thing today."

Number One clicked his tongue, shook his head, and slammed his axe on the ground, clearly not happy with the decision.

Number Two, on the other hand, slumped down like he had lost all his motivation to hunt.

Glitch shook his head and added, "Hey, don't be like that. We're going to hunt the same beast, but it's a competition, you know."

Number One asked in his deep tone, "What competition?"

Glitch smiled and said, "The one who hunts the most among us will be the new leader, and the other two will have to follow the leader."

Both Shakhans stared at him with wide eyes.

Number Two said something in his native tongue again, pleasant to the ear but incomprehensible to Glitch.

He looked at Number One, who pointed to himself and said, "I leader!"

Glitch shook his head. "Not so fast. You need to win first."