
Chapter 20 Targon's Renaissance Journey

It had been 50 years since the Black death had ended although there would be other plagues that would follow over the next two hundred years Targon would spend his days reflecting and living a peaceful. When the Renaissance began Targon would spend his days focusing his time on developing his skills in art, during that time Targon would meet people like Leonardo da Vinci, William Shakespeare and Niccolò Machiavelli. While living in Italy Targon using the name Francisco Ajello would spend to learning from both Leonardo and Niccolò while having debates about art, architecture, politics, literature, philosophy and science while in England Targon's clone using the name Ryan Coburn would study the art of theater performance and would act in some of Shakespeares plays and would also suggest that Ryan write some historical plays which Shakespeare was skeptical at first but decided to give it a chance and to Shakespeares surprise the historical plays Ryan had wrote were well done the plays were it was like Ryan was there when those events in history toke place to which Ryan would say that an ancestor live during the events of the stories in the plays and made sure to record them for future generations. After a few years Ryan would leave Shakespeare and when Shakespeare asked Ryan would tell him that it was time for him to move on to which Shakespeare understood. It was the 1420's Targon using the name Dario de bruno would hear about a man called Alfons Borgia. When Dario heard about Alfons Borgia he wanted to see what kind of man Alfons Borgia is, over the next twenty years Dario would observe Alfons Borgia to see his character and was impressed until he turned to nepotism by putting some members of his family positions of power which Dario know would lead to corruption which Dario was proven right with Rodrigo Borgia and his son Cesare who act in the own personal desires and ambitions, when Rodrigo started the Spanish inquisition which Dario would head to Spain to founded the order of the white flame in order to protect as many innocent people as they could, Dario would return to Italy to deal with the Borgia's specifically Rodrigo and Cesare. Rodrigo would die form Miliaria with some saying that he was poison but in fact Dario used a poison that contained Miliaria and as for Cesare Dario would be there when Cesare was executed. Twenty years before the fall of Constantinople Targon's clone using the name Reinhard Kircheis would find himself in the a war between England and France during that time he would meet a women named Joan of Arc. For nine years Reinhard would fight along side Joan of Arc, over time they both would come to respect each and something else was growing inside both of them with only Reinhard realized what has been growing inside. When Reinhard learned of Joan capture and would try to rescue her but because their were to many guards near her holding cell. Instead of breaking her out Reinhard would contact the only other surviving clone of Targon in Europe now going by Ernst Richardson who at the time was a priest living in England and would answer Reinhard's request for aid. Ernst would try to save Joan by trying to convince the court that Joan visions were true as well say both England and France have the same religion and would also state that Joan wore mens cloth to deter an men from rapping her however the court was unreasonable and would sentence he to death by burning pyre. The day of Joan burning Ernst came to offer Joan a quick and painless death in the form of black power charge, after the charge went of it had the fire of three burning pyres at once the fire was put out the ashes would be gathered and cast into the river. While history says Joan of Arc died on may 30 1431 but in reality she was save by Reinhard, Joan would wake up in a forest not know where she is or how she got their, she then heard someone behind her and when she turned her head she saw Reinhard by a fire, she would then ask him what happened because the last thing she remembers is the she was going to be burned alive and that Ernst would give her a quick and painless death then when the black powder charge went off and somehow blackout to which Reinhard explain that he and Ernst faked her death shocking her, Reinhard would explain how he saved her which shock hearing that Reinhard transported her and swapped in another black power charge that had been ignited by Reinhard. After Reinhard explained how Joan survived he would show her his true form which scared her even leading to wanting to kill him because she thought he was a demon to which Reinhard would hand Joan her sword and would say if you believe me to be your enemy then kill I will not resist her, as was about to pierce his heart Joan stop just as the tip of the blade pierced his chest. The reason why Joan stoped was because as she was charging she looked into his eyes and would see not a demon but the one who never abandoned her, she would then drop her sword and huge while crying. Reinhard would then explain why he saved her the first he would not allow the death of an innocent people of good character who fight so hard for her home die for a crime she never committed and if he let the woman he loves die he would never forgive himself. Hearing the second reason why Reinhard saved her Joan was surprised to which Reinhard would say that he has fallen in love with her. After hear his answer Joan would reflect on their time together during the war and she would realize that she also developed feeling for Reinhard but was to focus on winning the war but now there was nothing from holding her back and would also say that she has also fallen in love with him and the two would embrace and kiss. Reinhard and Joan would exit the forest which would ask where are to which Reinhard would explain the near the carpathian mountain in the kingdom of Hungary. It had a whole month since Reinhard saved Joan life and the two happy living their peaceful lives during which Reinhard would tell Joan his lives story start with his real name Targon a dragon from another world and would also state that he is a fragment of the original Targon who is somewhere in this world trying to save as many people as he can while honing his skills and trying to live a peaceful life. Joan was amazed with the story Reinhard told her, then one day the two would discover something that would change their lives, they both learned that Joan is pregnant with Reinhard child. Months would pass since the discovery of Joan pregnancy and the day both Reinhard and Joan waited for had arrive, Joan would give birth to Reinhard and her daughter who they would name Miria, for the next ten years would be the happiest years of their lives. A month after Miria turn ten Reinhard leave to continue saving as many people as he could which Miria begged her father to stay to which her father stated don't cry I will return every year for her birthday for ten years with Miria now a young women, that of Miria's twentieth birth she noticed that her father had somber look on his face which would lead her to ask him is there something wrong to he answered that he learned the Ottoman are preparing to conquer Constantinople which shocked Miria and Joan because they know that the Ottoman's have been conquer Constantinople for years in fact the Ottoman's are the most recent invader, Reinhard would state they begin the conquest of Constantinople in two years from now, Miria would ask her father what is he going to do to which he states he will spend those two years with his wife and daughter because there is a chance that he will die at Constantinople which saddened them but they would appreciate that Reinhard would spend his final two years with his family. It was now the 1453 the day Joan and Miria dreaded had come the last time they will ever see Reinhard, Miria beg her father not to leave to which Reinhard would say he does not want to leave them either but their people in the world who need help and he can not just ignore them Joan and Miria understood Reinhard and would respect his decision. It had been day since Reinhard left for Constantinople Miria remember something that her father told her about Targon's journey that if revealed would a shock wave for all dragons in Targons world. Targon last surviving clone in Europe would be the one to tell Joan and Miria that Reinhard was dead, the three would have a Memorial for Reinhard, then three years would pass since Reinhard's death Targon only surviving clone in Europe using a different name these day's but to Miria he is her uncle Ernst, Miria would ask why is Ernst here to which he explain that he is here to see Joan to inform her the court has declared her innocent, after hear the news Joan was happy and grateful to Ernst to which he said he is the only one she should thank, he and Joan mother kept fighting to clear Joan name it may have took twenty five years but they had succeeded which Joan would say she will never forget what Ernst and Reinhard has done for her. Two months after Joan name was cleared she would pass away but she was at peace Ernst would help Miria with her mother burial once they had finished Ernst would say to Miria that he will be there for her because she is family and he never abandons family. Miria would leave Hungary to see the world to learn, to better herself and to save as many people as she could just like her father. During Miria's journey she would work for the order of the white flame as an aid officially but unofficially was one of the first female member of the order, she was able to join to the order because they both would share one thing in common with their founder Targon. For four hundred would pass since Miria's journey had began and she had learned a lot, ever century for four hundred years Miria would visit Targon's last surviving clone using a different name but to Miria he is her uncle Ernst who was alway glad to see his niece which the two would catch up to hear what the two have been up to every century. She would even be there when Ernst now using the name Liam O'Rourke would die during the Irish rebellion of independence and would also set himself up as a scapegoat with fake evidence which would show that Liam O'Rourke was secretly planning a rebellions in Scotland and Wales unbeknownst to the other members of the rebellion, Miria would find a record left behind by Liam explaining why created the fake plan rebellions it was the only way to keep the rebels under his command. Miria would attend her uncle's funeral and would some people she never expected to meet such as Targon himself, Miria would surprised to meet Targon but she decided to talk to him, Targon was curious about who Miria was because he had a feeling that he had knows her somehow which was the same feeling he got from three other people who attended Liam funeral. After talking with Targon with Miria say it was an honour to meet him she would talk to the three other people Targon was talking about who were still crying at Liam's grave, when she walked up to them then she would learn that they are Liam's children. Duncan Macleod who was born in Scotland, Cian O'Neill who was born in Ireland and Gwen 

Griffiths who was born in Wales. After the introductions the four of them would bond over their share experiences and loses, they would as continue to save as many people as they could all the while Targon had no knowledge of their existence nor did he know those four would also be important keys for Targon's final trial.




This chapter follows Targon journey through the Renaissance.

Warden_Silverheartcreators' thoughts