
Chapter 1 The beginning of Targon's Journey

After hearing Targon's past Sunset and Targon employees they understood why Targon didn't talk about his past. Now everyone wanted to know Targons' story after his departure to which Targon would begin by tell how he got the ability to change his appearance which to this he does not totally know how or why he got the ability but he does however explain that he has gain a mastery of the skill by showing everyone in the meeting hall by turn into male pony, yak, griffin, Hippogriff, changeling, kirin, zebra, abada, kelpie, Caninian, Ornithian, Abyssinia even a centaur and gargoyle but has limits such as the colour of his coat/skin is still red and he can not change his gender or his age. Targon would then tell his story after leaving the dragonlands, Targon sent some centuries traveling this world see the other race nations. When he arrived in equestria it had been seven hundred and seventy years since Targon started his journey. When Targon arrived in Equestria he had learned so much about the other races of this world but pony's nation of Equestria was the only nation he had spent time in. When Targon arrived in Equestria he was amazed because he had never seen what a nation with modern technologies like trains, clocks and was impressed with how the ponies have modernized their nation. Targon now using the name Asphalt Tar decided to become an air race because he had not raced for a long time plus it was a chance for him to compete with others, at first the ponies would not let him race because he was a strange pony but was also did not have a sponsor then a retired race who noticed Targon keep trying to become a racer no matter how many times he was turned away, the retired race would introduce himself as Smoky Hornet would sponsor Targon on the condition that Targon/Asphalt Tar after he has been train he races with honor to which Targon/Asphalt Tar agreed. Targon/Asphalt Tar first race was the begin of the race season which at the time was completely made up rookies trying to make a name for themselves. As the race began Targon/Asphalt Tar was doing which surprised the crowd and the other races, at the end of the race the lead racer called Raging River tried to slam Targon/Asphalt Tar into the wall but Targon/Asphalt Tar would surprises everyone with a move called the 360 degree flip a moved that had not been since during the day's of Smoky Hornet which would lead to Targon/Asphalt Tar first win as a racer. After win the race everyone congratulated Targon/Asphalt Tar and would ask him who train to which Targon/Asphalt Tar would explain that while growing up he participated in some race and he would state that the one who train him was a pony called Smoky Hornet which puzzled everyone because Smoky hornet been dead for thirty years to which Smoky conforms shocking everyone including Targon/Asphalt Tar because he realised he was train by a ghost. After see Smoky Hornet people realize the race stadium had a rumor that at night a spirit of a dead race would race on the track trying to win a race he never finished. When Smoky saw Targon/Asphalt Tar trying to register to become a race and would not give up until he became a racer Smoky know that Targon/Asphalt Tar would be the one to continue Smoky's legacy, as Smoky was being to disappear he thank Targon/Asphalt Tar for bring him peace which Targon/Asphalt Tar would say he was honored to he Smoky as a mentor and promised to race with honor. Targon/Asphalt Tar first racing season had began and would win some races and was one of three racers who could win the season, Chain Hex was the second racer of the three to have the chance to with the racing season but had a tainted reputation for cheating because he has been in the shadow of the third racer Bad Weather who could make the first race of the season do to being sick but that did not stop from participating in this season however because he was getting older he know that this season would be his last season before retirement. The final race would end in a three way between Targon/Asphalt Tar, Chain Hex and Bad Weather which would lead to one final race between the three to decide who is this racing season winner. At the end of the tie breaker race Chain Hex would cheat to win because he had for years had came in behide Bad Weather for his whole career which end after he smashes Bad weather into the wall which sent weather fly and crashing into the ground but after seeing what happened Targon/Asphalt Tar stop just before he crossed the finish line to help Weather finish his last race. Chains racing career had ended because what he did to Bad weather,Weather would retire to become the crew chief for nephew Leather Straps and Targon/Asphalt Tar career was just beginning. It had been ten years since Targon/Asphalt Tar racing career began and has become friends with some of the veteran racers including Leather Straps and Swift Bolt, then during one race of the middle part of the season both he and Bolt were caught off guard by the sudden win of Flash Storm. After Targon/Asphalt Tar congratulated the rookie on his surprise win Targon/Asphalt Tar learn he was one of those arrogant rookies, after lose most of the races during the season Flash Storm learn that Targon/Asphalt Tar was hold back because he didn't care about winning but instead enjoying racing with his friends and fellow racers which anger Flash Storm, Targon/Asphalt Tar was surprised when he learned that Leather Straps his friend and rival for ten years was retired, after learning that Leather was retiring Targon/Asphalt Tar asked why he was retiring to Leather states that his uncle once said that there come a time to step aside and let the next generation shine then states he had a lot of fun Targon/Asphalt Tar and will miss race with to which Targon/Asphalt Tar understand his reason and will also miss racing with his friend. The day of the final race of the season Targon/Asphalt Tar is the only veteran race left. As the race began Flash Storm was in the lead but Targon/Asphalt Tar was catching up showing that Targon/Asphalt Tar still had what it takes to keep up with the younger races. During the final lap half way mark anger that Flash Storm was going to be humiliated by Targon/Asphalt Tar Smashes him into the wall sending Targon/Asphalt Tar flying then crashing but the suddenly Targon/Asphalt Tar gets up then flies towards the finish line and crossing which shocked everyone even Flash Storm. After winning a medical team went to check on Targon/Asphalt Tar if he was alright to which he has had worst injuries. Seeing Targon/Asphalt Tar recover Flash Storm apologized to him for smashing him into the wall that he was angry but Targon/Asphalt Tar forgave him then a thought popped into Flash Storms head that he has never seen Targon/Asphalt Tar without his sunglasses off which Targon/Asphalt Tar decides to reveal one Targon/Asphalt Tar secret that he half blind shocking everyone. After see that Targon/Asphalt Tar is half blind he has earned the respect of all the racers because Targon/Asphalt Tar has been racing with only one eye, then Targon/Asphalt Tar would announce that this race was his last because he was reminded of what Leather Strap said that it was time for Targon/Asphalt Tar to step aside and let the next generation to shine. As Targon/Asphalt Tar was leaving the track the racers of the next generation was state they will never forget him and they will him and will continue to race with honor. Targon/Asphalt Tar then heads for Ponyville for some piece and quiet. Targon/Asphalt Tar arrives in Ponyville and decides to look around before find a place to sleep, after a few hours site seeing in the town he noticed a barn that was under construction and decided to see if they had a room to spare. As Targon/Asphalt Tar arrived at the farm he would speak with the head farm who's name was Mr.Smith. After the introductions Targon/Asphalt Tar would ask if they needed any help around the farm for a room if they are will to hire a farm hand, after thinking it over the Smith family accepted Targon/Asphalt Tar offer. Over the next few months Targon/Asphalt Tar would enjoy the simple, peaceful and quiet life, when zip apple season came he helped out, after finishing the harvest Targon/Asphalt Tar would help Granny Smith creating zip apple themed food and he enjoyed. One morning as Targon wakes up to help the Smiths harvest crops and help with other chores around the farm then while Targon/Asphalt Tar was on his break while looking at the sky and the surroundings he notices what looks like a castle in the mountain which lead him to ask the Smith about it to which they told him it was Canterlot the capital of Equestria. That night Targon/Asphalt Tar would thank the Smith family for being good host for letting work for and will miss working for them, Mr.Smith then asks him is he leaving to which Targon/Asphalt Tar answers with yes, when ask Targon/Asphalt Tar explain that it was time to move on to which they understood then they would ask where will he go to which Targon/Asphalt Tar answers he will travel to Canterlot, as Targon/Asphalt Tar packs for his departure in the morning Granny Smith visited before going to bed adn do you have to leave to which he answers her saying that he is on a journey trying to find himself and unfortunately means he can't stay even though he has developed a fondness for the Smith family and will miss to which Granny states she will miss him the most because Targon/Asphalt Tar had become like a older brother to her and does not want him to leave, while Targon/Asphalt Tar will not change his mind he would promise her that he would return one day. As morning arrived Granny Smith would huge Targon/Asphalt Tar before he departed then Targon/Asphalt Tar would say goodbye to the Smith family and would thank. After some hours Targon/Asphalt Tar arrived in Canterlot he began to look around then he would ask an inhabitant of the city about the building at the other side of the city to which the inhabitant answers saying it is the royal palace which reminded him that Equestria is a Principality nation. While exploring Canterlot Targon/Asphalt Tar would run into a familiar face which turned out was his old racing friends Leather Straps and Swift Bolt about to get drinks Targon/Asphalt Tar would walk towards them and greet them which they would greet back the three would discuss how they all been doing which Straps and Bolt say it is a little difficult adjusting to the retired race life but they are managing it then they ask Targon/Asphalt Tar the same question to which he has been adjusting and has found the time spent at the Smith family farm which surprised them. As their conversation continued the three would receive tickets to the grand galloping gala, for Straps and Bolt were exited which Targon/Asphalt Tar was curious what was the grand galloping gala was which shocked everyone in the bar to which they explained the gala is an anniversary of the completion of Canterlot city during the founding of Equestria, ponies who usually receive tickets to the gala are high standing ponies and/or famous ponies like retired racers. After thinking it over Targon/Asphalt Tar decided to attend the gala at least once. The night of the gala Targon/Asphalt Tar found a outfit at the last minute, as the the three retired races entered the royal Targon/Asphalt Tar was surprised by how many people were at the gala then he would ask Straps and Bolt who the pony at the top of the stair case greeting everyone to which they said that it is princess Celestia the rule of Equestria. As the gala continued Targon/Asphalt Tar noticed Celestia was down and seemingly was the only one who noticed, when Celestia went some place she could be alone Targon/Asphalt Tar would follow her wishing to talk to her. Celestia was surprised when Targon/Asphalt Tar came up to her, when he asked her if she was alright she was surprised someone would ask her that question to which she said that she was doing alright but Targon/Asphalt Tar could see right through her and would tell her that he has seen that kind of behaviour before specifically when people with political power try to hide their emotions from others which shocked her, to which she would speak her heart stating that no has ever found her out before which made Targon/Asphalt Tar think what would she be sad about which would lead him to ask about her family but she didn't answer which inadvertently realizes that Celestia is all alone which would lead him to hesitantly ask her did she lose them to which she surprisingly that they died when she and her sister were children which would lead Targon/Asphalt Tar to figure out that something happened to Celestia sister which was the root of her sadness. Targon/Asphalt Tar apologized to Celestia for prying into her personal past to which she was actually that she has finally found some to talk to which would lead her to explain where sister is now which Targon/Asphalt Tar realized after looking at the moon that something must have happened between Celestia and her sister which she would say her banishment/imprisonment was her fault because she did not see that all the time she put into her duties Celestia did not see how much it was effecting her sister which would lead to a fight with her sister being banished/imprisoned in the moon. After hearing what happened to Celestia's sister Targon/Asphalt Tar sympathized with her which lead them both to say similar regret out load leading to them both saying the same thing which surprised them both which would lead Targon/Asphalt Tar to say he never thought that he would be able to relate to any about his pain let alone the ruler of Equestria which Celestia would say the same thing then Celestia noticed that he was differnet then other ponies which would lead Targon/Asphalt Tar to show her his true form which shocked her, Celestia then ask him for his real name to he said his name is Targon, Targon would explain that his ability to change his appearance is limited, he would state he can change into a different like what if he would look like if he was born a pony or any other race is just one example he gave Celestia. Celestia would then ask Targon about his past which he was hesitant but would share that his grandfather, father and older brother are dead which surprised her which she would apologise to him, Targon would explain before his father died he had spoken his heart to him, for his grandfather he was never close with and his older brother he tried to get close to his brother and create some kind of bond but it seemed that Targon's brother burned all the bridges to creating a bond and in the end Targon would give up on his brother even after he died, Targon would then state to Celestia that she will have the chance to see her sister again and will have the chance to mend their relationship. Just as Targon was about to leave Celestia asked where he is staying which Targon would state before coming to Equestria he would camp, while he was a racer he would sleep at inns/hotels depending were the races were and while he was working for the Smith family he would sleep in the barn, Celestia would then offer Targon to stay the night in the palace and if he is will to hear her offer which made him curious but it would be rude of him if he refused an offer from a polite pony even in that pony is the ruler of Equestria so Targon except the room for the night. The next morning at breakfast Celestia offered Targon to be her advisor which shock him, Targon would ask why is she offering to which she would say that she had consider the idea all night, after considering it for some minutes Targon would agree on the condition that he be her advisor as a pony and if Targon secret is reveal then she would accept his resignation position to which she would agree to his terms, at the morning briefing Celestia would announce to her staff that starting today Targon/Asphalt Tar will be her new advisor which surprised everyone, the royal guards question why she made this decision because he a retired race show what does he know of politics, after hear the guard concerns about him Targon/Asphalt Tar would go up to them ask them that are they all looks and talk or can they actually protect princess Celestia which insulted them which would them to attack Targon/Asphalt Tar but he managed to knock them both to the ground which surprised everyone in the room evenCelestia. Everyone in the throne room would Targon/Asphalt Tar were he learned those fighting moves to which he would say that his caretaker was his teacher and would state his teacher was pugilist, after learning that Targon/Asphalt Tar is a pugilist they would ask him about who he is to which Targon/Asphalt Tar would say that his father was military and that his mother is the only surviving family he has left. After hear some of Targon/Asphalt Tar past they would stop asking questions about him and they accepted him a Celestia's new advisor which she would also state after seeing his skills as a fight she would also make Targon/Asphalt Tar her bodyguard which surprised only Targon/Asphalt Tar because after seeing how he took down two royal guards in under a minute it would make sense to make Targon/Asphalt Tar who is a skilled fighter as a body guard. three months would pass in all the time Celestia and Targon/Asphalt Tar would become close like a brother and a sister, but then one day Celestia noticed some was off about Targon/Asphalt Tar which make ask him if there was something wrong, at first Targon/Asphalt Tar did try to deny it but because Celestia knows well enough she know some was bothering him to which he would tell her that since last night he has been considering telling her which made her curious which Targon/Asphalt Tar would answer state he will be leave and would explain that for years he has been on a journey to find himself which would unfortunately means that he still has not found himself which also means that he will be leave. After hear his explanation she understood and wish him luck on his journey, Targon/Asphalt Tar would then ask about a strange mirror he came across over the last three months of service as Celestia's advisor to which she would state it is a gateway to another world with opens once every thirty moons, learning that the crystal mirror leads to another world Targon/Asphalt Tar would decide to travel to that world to find himself. Targon would pack for his journey to the world beyond the crystal mirror, just before he entered the mirror Celestia would say that she will miss him and will never forget him which Targon would say the same thing to her, after hugging Targon entered the portal but the suddenly Celestia got a surge in power which affect the portal in some, after the surge dissipated Celestiacould longer sense Targon/Asphalt Tar believing that he had just died, Sunset then realized that was the reason why the crystal mirror was off-limits to everyone because at the time she belied that it combined with the power surge Celestia got was what kill Targon which proven not true to her meeting Targon after so many years. Before Targon would keep telling tales of his journey he would first explain what happened when he entered the portal end when he exited the portal, he would explain that surge Celestia got when Targon entered the portal was a solar flare. During his time in the human world Targon learned that a what a solar flare is and what it can cause which would also lead him to learn what a magical solar flare causes temporal effect to any magical portals specifically it cause one of two effect, the first effect can send one into the distant future or what had happen to Targon which he had confirm after meeting dragon lord Torch after answering the call of the dragon lord and after meeting again Torch would say that he has not seen Targon in nearly eight hundred years which surprised Targon because it was a lot long then eight hundred, Targon would then explain not only were he landed but when, the place he landed after exiting the portal was Sumer and the date was three thousand BCE which would shock everyone in the meeting hall to which Targon would confirm that in twenty years he will exactly fifty eight hundred years old. Cobalt would state Targon is now an dragon elder which is an honored given to dragons who are far older then two thousand years old, Targon would State this is the real beginning of his journey.