
MLP:Normal Life 2

Ceci n’est pas mon livre pour lire l’original suivez le lien https://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life Human turned Unicorn Blank Page is finally settling down in his new form and home and life is returning to normal. What a normal life is however might be relative, especially when you suddenly changed species, are living in the castle, dating a god-princess and is followed around by changelings. Warning: Contains enough slice of life to make a entire cake of life.

Supe3rman1234 · テレビ
50 Chs

Chapitre 9

Chapter 9

I found Luna in the Hall of Stories.

She was just standing there, looking at the window that showed the element bearers defeating Discord. She looked... pensive.

Something was going on.

"Luna?" I asked and moved up next to her, looking up at the window. It really was remarkable work. Whoever did these was really good.

"Page. How was your day?" she asked, turning to look at me.

I sighed. "It was good, but I have a feeling that yours was not. For one thing, it's four in the afternoon and you are awake."

"Some events are in motion."



I simply waited for a long moment before she looked at me and I simply raised my eyebrow at her.

Luna shifted slightly, her feathers ruffling before she looked away. "...You are not letting me get away with that?"

"Nope. Are we going to war?"

"What? No!" Luna quickly exclaimed before she hesitated. "At least, I do not believe so. Not if everything goes well."


She sighed and nodded. "You really wish to know? I thought you were not interested in this kind of things?"

"I'm not. Not really. Sure, I want to know if we are about to get invaded or something, but I don't care about politics." I said and moved closer so my side was against hers. "I care about what's bothering you."

Luna gave my ear a small nuzzle. "The Crystal Empire has returned."

"...Who with the what now?"

"My sister and I once defeated a unicorn. He called himself King Sombra and had taken over the Crystal Empire using dark magic. When we defeated him using the Elements of Harmony he was banished to the ice in the far North. He had a failsafe such that when he was defeated, the Crystal Empire disappeared. Completely. The empire itself, in books, pictures, even memories. Even mine and Celestia's were affected. We can barely remember the basics of it."

Uhm... what.

"You are telling me that this Sombra guy managed to bind an entire empire to his power. Not only the empire, but the memories of the empire and when he fell, he pulled it with him?" I asked, staring up at her. "And now it has returned?"


"...Implications unpleasant."

Luna nodded. "As you say. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor have already been dispatched to investigate."

I frowned at that. "Alone?"

"A small force of guards accompanied them. So far."

So far.

They were sending more troops?

I looked up at the window she had been looking at and it hit me. "The Element Bearers."

"Celestia is sending Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Element Bearers there as a test for Twilight." Luna explained softly. "They are expected to arrive in Canterlot later in a hour and will leave on the next train out."

"Luna, Twilight is my friend."

"As she is mine. But this is important for her development. Celestia believes so and I can not help but agree with her."

Sending her into possible mortal danger as a test!? Who the fuck does that!? I thought Celestia was...

...No. Not a test. Celestia would not risk thousands, tens of thousands of ponies' lives for a test. Not even one for her personal student.

She clearly thought Twilight and the rest along with Princess Cadance and Shining Armor could handle the situation. But why not go herself or send Luna if there was a possibility that this King Sombra was back?

Why Twilight?

I glanced up at the window again. Element of Magic. Sombra was a pow... EEP!

Luna smiled and let go of my ear. "I can see your mind work, My Page."

Flicking my ear, I nodded. "A lesson for Twilight. Show her dark magic in action, wielded by a powerful unicorn."

"You see why I do not like it."

I snorted in annoyance. "I don't either! Twilight is about as likely to fall to darkness as I am!"

"I am of a similar opinion. But it is my sister's decision."

"Well, it's a stupid fucking decision and we should ignore it!" I exclaimed and stamped my hoof.

Luna smiled and raised her wings. "We should not. It is her call. Twilight is her student and she is right that they should be able to handle the matter."

Taking a deep breath, I sighed and nodded. "... Okay." I said before I frowned again. "...Should I go with them?"

Luna quickly shook her head, shifting her wing across my back. "No, Page. You know that is not why I have been teaching you."

"I know, but if I could help..."

That earned me a quick nuzzle. "I suspect you could. But we need to trust in our friends. You do not think I wish to go as well?"

Leaning softly against her side, I nodded. "Yeah."

"I need to confer with my sister. I'll see you a bit later?"

"Of course, love."