
Chapter 1749 to Chapter 1756

Chapter 1749: Authorization Pass

Yan Wanjun was overjoyed. He stared at Yan Qingsang for a long moment before shifting his focus to Jiang Chen. "You really are the lucky star for House Yan and my family branch, young Shao Yuan," he said earnestly. "I can see the amazing transformation Qingsang's gone through since he met you. It's no exaggeration to say that his fate has changed for the better after you appeared on the scene. Perhaps you'll be able to change Huang'er's fate as well..."

He continued emotionally, "We owe you a great debt for that, Shao Yuan. I'm not good with words, but I can promise that I'll do all I can to help you and Huang'er, even at the cost of my life. I don't care who it is that tries to force you two apart, be it House Xiahou or members of House Yan. They'll have to get through me first!"

He declared with steel in his voice. He'd come to consider the talented young man one of his own.

He'd refrained from taking a stand before because Yan Qingsang was young and not yet come into his strength; he'd needed the family's protection and resources. The elder therefore went against his nature and even grit his teeth when the family sacrificed his son and granddaughter.

Yan Qingsang had been the shackles stopping him from acting.

Now though, his grandson had earned the sacred land's approval and protection. He continued to grow day by day. There was nothing holding Yan Wanjun back anymore, and it was all because of Shao Yuan.

Yan Wanjun had no hesitation when it came to viewing the young genius as his family's savior. He'd not only changed Yan Qingsang's life; he might even also save Yan Qinghuang.

If there had ever been a choice, sacrificing his granddaughter would've never been an option. Yes, he did care about House Yan's future and was willing to sweat for it, but what had the family done for him in return? They continued to demand compromises and rarely empathized with his pain.

During the meeting of elders, many members of the family had accused and censured him, judging presumed crimes. That had been the precise moment he'd realized there wasn't much worth caring for in House Yan.

He'd continue to help the family and wouldn't forget that his roots, but he wouldn't be sacrificing all he had anymore.

It was human nature to seek reciprocation. House Yan had disappointed Yan Wanjun. Despite the lingering affection he had for the family, realization had finally arrived that many of its members didn't deserve his protection.

He'd sweated and bled to keep the family together. It pained him to see that so many just wanted him punished in the end. His eyes had been opened, which was why he was coming out in clear support of Jiang Chen.

The youth sighed inwardly at Yan Wanjun's serious expression. He had indeed judged the elder prematurely, considering the latter cold-blooded for blatantly disregarding his granddaughter's life.

Now it seemed that Yan Wanjun had his reasons after all.

"I will fight my hardest for my future with Huang'er, Elder Wanjun," Jiang Chen said honestly. "Not even House Xiahou can stop me from fighting for her. I didn't want to drag you into this."

He appreciated Yan Wanjun's support, but it was enough for the elder to keep Huang'er in mind. He didn't have to show his concern, or he risked putting himself in danger. If something was to happen to Yan Wanjun, Huang'er would feel guilty about it.

Yan Wanjun laughed heartily. "Dragged in? This is my granddaughter we're talking about. Why should I fear getting involved? Is House Xiahou going to hack at me?"

Yan Wanjun hadn't mellowed with age. Instead, he'd dug his heels in even more and wouldn't be swayed once he'd made up his mind.

Yan Qingsang laughed and piped up, "Don't be too worried, grandfather. Brother Shao knows what he's doing. When doesn't he have a plan? No one believed that he'd succeed when he joined House Yan, competed with the Jade Lake Sect, and went head to head with Shi Xuan, but he always came out on top."

"Then it seems that young Shao Yuan has planned every part of his move. Your shrewdness is admirable." Yan Wanjun chuckled. "By the way, Qingsang, what do you plan to do during your visit?"

Yan Qingsang shrugged. "I came to see if there's anything I can help with."

"Foolish!" Yan Wanjun reprimanded with a stoic face. "You should be cultivating for the sword competition right now, not trying to help. Don't forget that you're now a disciple of the sacred land! You don't have to worry about the family just yet."

He turned to Jiang Chen with a smile. "Shao Yuan, you're likely to clash with Xiahou Zong in the competition. You should be preparing for the fight rather than wandering about."

He was speaking from the bottom of his heart. Although he didn't believe that Jiang Chen would be able to defeat Xiahou Zong, he didn't want the fight to be completely one-sided.

Jiang Chen smiled. "I can't make a significant breakthrough in such a short period of time by staying in the sacred land, so I came to seek inspiration. Perhaps the trip will help my cultivation."

One couldn't force a breakthrough. That was why many young cultivators and older ones preferred to live a nomadic life, roving about the jianghu to encounter different people and events, and to gain different experiences.

Real life experiences could often inspire a cultivator in meaningful way.

"It seems that your understanding in martial dao is no less than in pill dao, Shao Yuan," Yan Wanjun remarked appreciatively. "It's become more and more apparent to me what a great loss House Yan has suffered in driving you away."

"Grandfather, House Yan wouldn't be able to keep a genius like Brother Shao in the long term anyways," said Yan Qingsang. "I'm just glad that I'm his friend rather than his enemy."

Yan Wanjun couldn't agree more.

"Elder Wanjun, Elder Liang invited me to Cloud Camel Mountain before. I've always kept this in the back of my mind," Jiang Chen added suddenly. "I also came to look around and see what I can find. May I have your permission to do so?"

He was very curious as he believed that something of great value lay hidden away in the area. Why did House Yan pay so little attention to the mountain?

However, since he was no longer a member of House Yan, he needed Yan Wanjun's permission to explore the area.

Yan Wanjun smiled. "You're my future grandson-in-law. Of course you can look around. However, there are many elders here at the moment. Although I'm the leader of the operation, I have to strike a balance between conflicting voices. You may disguise yourself as a expert surveyor here to survey the landscape and spirit veins."

The prospect of being able to come and go freely appealed immensely to Jiang Chen.

"Do I need to apply for a pass of some sort?" he asked.

"No, I'll get you a pass. You may go anywhere you wish. I promise you that no one from the family will stop you. However, there's been great tension around the area lately. House Feng claims that the mountain is theirs and their troops are inching towards our territory. I worry that a great conflict is going to break out."

"Alright, I'll be careful." Jiang Chen was pleased by Yan Wanjun's offer. He had many ways to sneak around the mountain on his own despite it being heavily guarded, but that would slow him down. With a pass, he could go anywhere he wanted without restriction.

He wasn't worried about running into House Feng. He'd be able to solve whatever troubles that came knocking.

Yan Wanjun was highly efficient. He soon presented Jiang Chen and Yan Qingsang each with an extremely high-level clearance pass.

Yan Qingsang had come to the mountain with the goal to understand the heavenly law and ascend to empyrean realm as quickly as possible. Therefore, he wouldn't be accompanying Jiang Chen for the time being.

Jiang Chen too made his preparations after receiving the pass. After a night of rest, he set his mind to surveying the mountain. The mountain range spanned tens of thousands of miles. He wouldn't be able to find much if he flitted around here and there.

He decided to put some time and effort into conducting an in-depth survey. The region where even House Yan's defense troops wouldn't venture into might be the best place to start.

As Yan Qingsang had said, the mountain was filled with a ferocious energy, but the energy wasn't wild or bloodthirsty. There was an edge to it that was difficult to understand.

The deeper Jiang Chen looked, the more he felt like the mountain itself resembled a legendary weapon containing the power to destroy heaven and earth. The power was merely temporarily dormant.

"Man, no wonder those from House Yan dislike the mountain. Most would be creeped out by the dense, murderous intent in the area."

Jiang Chen had trained in Boulder's Heart, making his mind as steady and strong as the mountain, but even he quavered slightly in face of the aggressive energy.

"What's going on here?" The more he investigated, the more confused he became. He tried to understand the mountain as an entity, but to no avail.

Chapter 1750: A Frightening Earthen Vein

If not for the Boulder's Heart and especially robust consciousness, Jiang Chen would've retreated from the depths of Cloud Camel Mountain like any other.

The atmosphere was cloying and uncomfortable here, possessing an edge that made him anxious and on edge just for spending a bit of time here.

"Now I know why House Yan has that kind of attitude towards this place. The simple act of living nearby is an endeavor in itself." The further Jiang Chen walked, the more his scalp tingled.

There should have been many malevolent beings living in a place with such densely terrifying killing intent. However, he didn't see a single living thing on his way in.

Not even one. Even the smallest rabbit or squirrel was absent. Each plant that grew embodied the murderous atmosphere hanging in the air. Not that they presented any lethal threat, but rather, they'd melded into the environment around them. The entire mountain seemed to be a world of its own.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen felt something near him eager for action. It was the Astral White Tiger that had followed him all this time.

When Long Xiaoxuan and the Vermilion Bird stayed on the island to cultivate, the tiger had stayed by his side. Because of its late start, it was a bit lower level than Long Xiaoxuan right now.

Still, Jiang Chen wasn't worried about the tiger's cultivation at all.

In ancient times, the four sacred beasts had been known for the rapidity and ferocity of their cultivation. It had only been several years since he'd picked up the tiger, yet it had already grown from a cub to nearly empyrean realm.

For these sacred beasts, empyrean realm was just a stepping stone on their long path of cultivation. They were born with silver spoons in their mouths.

The tiger's current hyperactivity however, did put Jiang Chen a little off. It had remained on him by transforming into something as small as a mustard seed, and now expanded to reveal its rippling body.

It was no longer the fuzzy furball it had once been as a child; it looked more and more like a regal lord of the beasts. Intimidating savagery radiated off its wild form.

"Little White, you must've been bored for quite a while." Jiang Chen greeted his companion in ancient beast language.

"Young master Chen, what is this place? It feels… familiar." The tiger stretched languidly, but the words that came out of its mouth were astonishing.

"Familiar?" Jiang Chen was confused. "You say this place is familiar, Little White?"

"Yeah." Though the tiger had begun to mature physically, it was actually still very young. It failed to notice Jiang Chen's surprise because of its immaturity.

"Do you really think so?" the young man inquired curiously of his companion.

Little White sniffed at the air exaggeratedly, as if basking in the pleasure of everything around him. "All this is super familiar to me! The air, the plant life, and everything else. Young master Chen, I hear humans have places they call their homes. Maybe this is my home?"

Jiang Chen didn't know how to respond to that. His home?

Suddenly, the young man remembered something. Little White is an Astral White Tiger. His attribute is metal and massacre – a perfect fit with Cloud Camel Mountain's atmosphere.

The realization made perfect sense.

Once fully grown and awakened, Astral White Tigers were the most bloodthirsty out of the four sacred beasts. An adult tiger could cause most normal people to faint with only its killing aura.

Jiang Chen smacked his forehead with a smile. "This place could unexpectedly be a treasure for you, Little White."

He wasn't quite sure yet, but the tiger had tipped him off to the possibility that Cloud Camel Mountain could be an area where slaughter had prevailed. Such areas were either past battlefields or contained huge veins of killing-attribute metal ore.

Are there really veins of ore in these mountains??

"Try to feel out the world around you a bit more."

The tiger nodded in an intoxicated stupor. "Can I walk around a bit, young master Chen?"

"Sure," Jiang Chen smiled, "but don't go too far or get spotted by human cultivators. They'll want to catch you no matter what."

Little White was still immature due to his age. It had a natural fear of the outside world.

"I'll just take a stroll nearby." Saying this, the tiger disappeared in a whirlwind of white. Astral White Tigers favored haste and decisiveness.

Jiang Chen awaited the return of the tiger on the spot. The intense killing aura pervading the air served as a kind of trial for him.

It took an hour or so for the tiger to appear once more. Just as he was beginning to be concerned, the feline friend darted out from around a corner. Little White was overjoyed.

"Young master Chen, this place, it…" the tiger stumbled over its own words in its excitement. "There's a huge earthen vein beneath this mountain. Its beat is really clear. This must be a divine vein from the ancient times! I've got to stay and cultivate here."

The tiger was very enthusiastic about finding a place that had apparently been tailor-made for it. Was it a stroke of destiny?

Jiang Chen was moved by the news as well. A huge earthen vein? That perfectly confirmed his speculations.

"Take me to it straightaway."

To tell the truth, he had been very cautious earlier because the killing aura in the air implied this place was very dangerous. Because of this, he hadn't sent out any Goldbiter Rats either.

But the news from Little White was too explosive too ignore. Temptation overcame his initial prudence.

The tiger shook its furry head. "I shan't take you, young master Chen. It's pretty scary close to the vein. The environment is very dangerous there – life-threatening, even. I'm naturally immune to it, for some reason, but I don't know if you'll be the same way."

"Dangerous environment? How so?"

"The vein is very well-hidden. There are sharp things everywhere. They're sharp enough to cut through ground, rock, everything living. There are companion beasts as well."

"Companion beasts?" Jiang Chen was shocked. "But… how did you?"

"I'm not scared of 'em," Little White replied carelessly.

"I'll come with you, and if I really can't get in there, I'll come back out. Is that better?" The young man hadn't given up on his plans just yet.

The tiger tilted its head for a second, then nodded after some deliberation. "I'll protect you, but you can't run around everywhere yourself. Don't want you to trigger the sharp things."

Jiang Chen was curious as to what these 'sharp things' actually were. He very badly wanted to see them for himself.

"Lie on my back, young master Chen, and keep low."

Once Jiang Chen was in place, the Astral White Tiger charged ahead. They sped up until a dark region loomed ahead, as if it was an entrance of some sort. Little White shot inside like an arrow.

In no time at all, Jiang Chen felt that he had descended deep underground.

"Do you see, young master Chen? The strange lights all around mark the edges of the earthen vein. They're rare metal ores that can cut through rocks across air. If you tread on their fields of influence, they'll attack you without hesitation."

These were evidently an innate part of the Astral White Tiger's memories. It spoke eloquently about them like its knowledge was perfectly natural.

Jiang Chen grew stern. Though he wasn't familiar with this place yet, he could see that Little White spoke the truth. There was no pattern to the layout of the lights, but they presented an omnipresent threat.

He felt like he had been dropped into the eighteen hells, so bone-chilling was the sensation.

The Astral White Tiger, on the other hand, was perfectly comfortable in what seemed to be its natural environment. Every step it took avoided the light fields with ease. This allowed Jiang Chen to proceed safely further in.

He recalled only a few details about environments like these from the memories of his previous life. However, he was sure of one thing. The lights could inflict incredible damage. They could be lethal weapons if excavated and refined. If they were fused into blades, the keenness of the blades would be multiplied several times over.

If they were polished into a mirror, a more clandestine means of assassination would be created. A single flash would be enough to kill.

There was definitely treasure here, valuable enough for him to drool over. Alas, the treasure was like a poisonous flower; useful, but difficult to acquire. It could rather easily hurt him in the process.

Chapter 1751: A Promise

However, Jiang Chen couldn't easily make a move at this point. He knew full well that he didn't know much about treasures like these. If he acted rashly, he would bring great disaster down on himself. Even he might be defenseless before an active light field.

The memories from his previous life weren't omnipotent. They paled before life-threatening danger.

The Astral White Tiger's eyes glowed with vigor. It seemed very confident and excited.

Jiang Chen's confidence was bolstered somewhat when he saw the ease of his companion. He knew that many things in the world had natural affinities and oppositions. This place might be extremely perilous for most, but Astral White Tigers favored such harrowing habitats. Understandable, because they embodied murder itself.

In the subterranean world, the Astral White Tiger leaped about with meticulous rhythm. Its increased tempo signified that it had gotten more and more into the swing of things.

Atop the tiger's back, Jiang Chen coolly observed his surroundings. Strangeness and bizarreness permeated everything he saw. He felt like he had entered into someone's body and was traveling among various organs, vessels, and veins.

"Cloud Camel Mountain's underground is quite unique." Jiang Chen had been under the earth in many places, relying on his Goldbiter Rats and Bewitching Lotus of Ice and Fire in the past. He didn't dare take this place lightly though.

Prismatic formations that threatened to take his life were everywhere. The air became more dark, damp, and sinister with each additional inch lower into the ground. The killing aura had intensified too, of course.

Jiang Chen felt like he was no longer in the world of the living. The mystifying colors all around him danced about like will-o'-the-wisps, eerie merely to behold.

The Astral White Tiger's steps began to slow.

"Young master Chen, do you see?" It messaged the young man.

Jiang Chen glanced in the direction the tiger was looking in. There was a long ribbon of light – no, a pillar or serpent – that coiled and pierced the length of east to west. Neither end was visible…

"Is this… a complete earthen vein?" Jiang Chen gasped.

"Yes," the Astral White Tiger nodded. "It doesn't look far, but it's hard to get there. It's way larger than we expect, so it seems closer than it is. I'm not sure if I can go there myself, young master Chen."

It tilted its head in an adoring gaze at the endless ribbon of light.

"You can't go, either?" Jiang Chen gasped a second time.

"Mhm. If I was empyrean realm, I could probably risk it." The Astral White Tiger was still coming into the fullness of his strength. It was only a step away.

"How long will it take you to break through?" Jiang Chen asked.

"This place is great for my cultivation. Maybe only two weeks? That's a bit short… three months at most."

Jiang Chen pondered it for a moment. There were four months before the tournament of geniuses. He had enough time to wait for Little White.

However, if Little White was busy cultivating, his own safety would no longer be guaranteed. If the natural restrictions around here were activated, he would have little immediate recourse.

"How about you cultivate here, Little White, and I'll wait for your good news?" he ventured.

The tiger engaged in some musing of its own. "Young master Chen," it replied seriously, "I can't take care of you while I'm here. I think you would be safer outside, since something might happen around here while I'm busy."

Jiang Chen nodded. "Alright. I'll pull back for now, and come back in half a month to check on you. If you're done by then, we'll meet outside. If not, I'll wait for you. How does that sound?"

The earthen vein's magnificence had shaken him to the core.

If he could, he wanted to dig it up entirely. He knew that endless stores of top-quality ore were hidden within. To grasp the vein was to obtain incalculable riches.

Jiang Chen wasn't fixated on the wealth itself, but the valuable treasures were likely to be very useful in the future.

Though he hadn't fought the demons personally, he knew their inherent strength. Demons had undying bodies that were difficult to destroy. Perhaps the minerals here would make keen weapons against them once excavated. But that was just a theroetical idea at the present.

Jiang Chen saw no reason to tell the tiger about his theory. Little White was still very young, and probably lacked the mental faculties to understand the details in his words. However, it was certain to comply with the requests of the person who'd cared for it since its cubhood.

Following the Astral White Tiger outside, Jiang Chen remarked, "we'll rendezvous here later on. Don't go anywhere unless we meet up, alright?"

"You should be careful, young master Chen. Don't wander off anywhere!" Little White pretended to advise with a mature voice.

Jiang Chen burst into laughter. "Be careful yourself. I know you're at home here, but you need to keep on your toes. You're supposed to be Brother Long's contender."

The tiger puffed out its chest, its eyes glittering. "Hmph, I'll make that big dragon reel in surprise the next time I see him!"

Little White didn't care about much, but his competition with Long Xiaoxuan was an exception. It was an idea that had been implanted in him since birth, born out of the pride of all Astral White Tigers.

Because true dragons and Astral White Tigers were both sacred beasts, the quality of their bloodlines was largely the same. Therefore, tiger and dragon saw each other as fitting rivals.

Though Long Xiaoxuan was a bit older than Little White, he saw no reason to take things lightly. As the descendant of dragons, he had his own inherited memories: he knew that once Little White attained the ability to transform, he would be a force to be reckoned with in empyrean realm and beyond.

Though the Astral White Tiger bloodline was technically slightly inferior to the draconic one, the tigers' savagery in combat rendered the difference moot.

It had always been difficult to differentiate whether dragons or tigers were on top.

Dragons were a bit better when it came to reproduction, compared to the Astral White Tigers.

Though pure-blooded dragons were difficult to produce, dragons could also procreate with humans and other races, causing a plethora of inherited mutations in the descendant's bloodlines.

Astral White Tigers, on the other hand, were incredibly focused on the purity of their blood. They didn't care for the intermixing of their bloodline. Thus, far fewer instances had been passed down as a result.

When a group of dragons formed a brood in a plane, they typically propagated with reasonable speed. The Astral White Tigers, on the other hand, rarely exceeded a handful.

Compared to dragons, tigers were solitary animals.

Their unwillingness to share territory with rivals was their most prominent characteristic. No self-respecting Astral White Tiger would live in a group. This too, affected the strength of the tigrine race.

Despite this, their pride surpassed even dragons'.

Jiang Chen bid farewell to the vanishing figure of his furry friend for a moment with a soft sigh, then returned via the route he'd come.

Without the guidance of the Astral White Tiger, he could only move about on the ground. Now he understood why Cloud Camel Mountain was so difficult to develop.

Even the best surveyors and scholastic masters would be cut to fine ribbons if they recklessly ventured into the underground world.

Once the powerful fields of light beneath the earth resonated with each other, they could cover a huge area with their attacks. Mighty as empyrean cultivators might be, they had no chance of escaping alive.

Bodies of flesh and blood were unable to resist the kind of sharpness that the subterranean lights embodied. Unless a counteracting treasure was brought in, any cultivator without the immortal body granted in the divine realm would find himself hard-pressed to survive.

Jiang Chen decided to go back rather than stay longer.

His pass allowed him to breeze through the checkpoints unhindered. He arrived back at Yan Wanjun's residence in the early evening. As soon as he stepped over the threshold, he sniffed at the air.

His instincts as a pill dao master caused him to frown slightly.

"What is that smell?" Jiang Chen inhaled some more air, detecting a scent he hadn't encountered here before. It was far from conspicuous, but he was more sensitive than most.

Somewhat suspicious of this abnormality, Jiang Chen swept his eyes across the courtyard. The servants were minding their business as usual; nothing he could see seemed awry.

Chapter 1752: Blackjade Coralplum

The servants stopped what they were doing to greet Jiang Chen. They had been told by their superiors that Jiang Chen was a surveying expert, here to canvass Cloud Camel Mountain. He had free access to the elder's manor. Someone like him naturally warranted their respect.

Once inside, Jiang Chen asked, "Is the elder here today?"

"Yes, he hasn't left the manor."

"Welcome back, sir."

Jiang Chen nodded and made his way to Yan Wanjun's residence. With the pass and the elder's explicit order, the servants let Jiang Chen enter without a word and nodded at him in a slightly fawning manner.

Jiang Chen observed them discreetly and relaxed a little when he noted nothing unusual about their expressions.

Unlike Yan Wanjun, he wasn't as optimistic that House Yan wouldn't target the elder. Yan Wanjun's actions must have angered the patriarch. No patriarch could stand having a venerated elder steal his thunder and disobey him in public.

The patriarch may have refrained from making a move against Yan Wanjun before to avoid disrupting the order of the family, to refrain from disappointing the others, but here in Cloud Camel Mountain, the patriarch could make House Feng his scapegoat. Not only would Yan Wanjun's death not disrupt the family, it'd drive the family forward and give them something to band together behind.

That was merely speculation for the time being, but Jiang Chen believed that they couldn't let their guard down.

Even if House Yan didn't make a move, House Xiahou wouldn't be able to resist retaliation. It was against their nature to take the public humiliation from Yan Wanjun without doing anything.

Jiang Chen had also hinted at the possibility before. With doubt in his mind, he entered Yan Wanjun's residence. The elder was in the garden tending to some herbs and seemed to be in a good mood.

He'd cultivated the herbs personally. It was evident that he'd put in a lot of care into the garden. He smiled as soon as he saw Jiang Chen. "You're back, young man."

"Elder Wanjun." Jiang Chen nodded as he approached the elder, his nose twitching subconsciously and his gaze sweeping over the garden.

Yan Wanjun was puzzled by his unusual behavior. "What are you looking for, young man?"

Jiang Chen frowned slightly. "Did you plant all of these yourself, Elder Wanjun?"

"I did," Yan Wanjun responded with a laugh. "But it's probably undeserving of your attention."

Jiang Chen's talent in pill dao surpassed even that of Master Shi Xun. Yan Wanjun would never question his expertise.

The youth's gaze settled on one of the herbs. He considered it carefully with a thoughtful expression. "Elder Wanjun, did you plant the Blackjade Coralplum yourself as well?"

Yan Wanjun chuckled. "You have keen eyes, young man. How did you know that I didn't plant it?"

"Every spirit alchemist has their own signature method and style. The Coralplum clearly stands out from the other herbs. It's not that difficult to tell."

"You're incredible," praised Yan Wanjun. "How can you tell such nuanced differences? Personal signature? Is it really that obvious?"

He found it hard to believe. In his eyes, the Coralplum looked just like any of the herbs he'd planted. Could a master really tell the differences in a plant's energy?

Instead of boasting about his ability, Jiang Chen considered the plant carefully with his brows furrowed before looking around the garden. After a good while, he asked quietly, "Elder Wanjun, may I ask you where the Coralplum comes from?"

Yan Wanjun hadn't realized the gravity of the issue yet. He smiled. "Let me ask you a question, young man. How would you describe the style in which the herb was cultivated?"

"It's difficult to describe in a few words," Jiang Chen said faintly. "But it's different from your method."

The fact that the Coralplum was cultivated by someone much more skilled than Yan Wanjun was left unspoken. That wasn't Jiang Chen's focus, anyways.

Yan Wanjun laughed in delight. "You've finally made a mistake, young man!"

"How so?" Jiang Chen didn't look even slightly surprised. He knew he couldn't have made a mistake. That wasn't in the realm of possibility.

Yan Wanjun smiled. "I don't mean to offend you, but this plant wasn't cultivated by man. It was found deep in the mountain this couple of days by a senior executive stationed here. He knows that I like planting herbs, so he gifted it to me this morning. This Coralplum is a premium specimen. I like it a lot."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly. "Is Elder Wanjun saying that since the herb's grown in nature, there isn't a cultivation process to begin with?"

"That's right." Yan Wanjun sighed. "So you're human after all, young man."

Jiang Chen shook his head. "I didn't make the wrong observation. The problem is that you're too trusting, Elder Wanjun."

His expression turned grave as he looked at the Coralplum. "Is this really a gift from a senior executive here, Elder Wanjun?"

"It is." Yan Wanjun chuckled. "I don't lie."

"There's something I'm not sure if I should tell you," Jiang Chen said calmly.

"There's no need for formalities between us, young man." Yan Wanjun chuckled. "I already consider you family."

"Alright then." Jiang Chen nodded. "You are Huang'er and Qingsang's grandfather, Elder Wanjun. I'm not going to hide anything from you. If this is a gift from a senior executive, please have him arrested immediately, no matter who he is."

Yan Wanjun widened his eyes, his face ashen. "Why?"

"He's committed an atrocious crime," said Jiang Chen, his voice steady. "You're an honest man, Elder Wanjun. You don't realize how malicious this gift is."

"What do you mean?" Yan Wanjun was shocked. It was simply a plant. How malicious could it be?

"Whoever gave you this Coralplum has one goal: to take your life."

"That bad?!" Yan Wanjun couldn't believe his ears. "I may not be an expert in spirit herbs, but I'm not entirely uninformed. I can confidently say that the Blackjade Coralplum is harmless."

As a spirit herb hobbyist, he didn't know much about the Coralplum, but he at least knew if it was poisonous.

Jiang Chen sighed. "That's the clever part of the plan. Elder Wanjun, there must be someone of great intelligence behind this. The plot couldn't have been achieved by a mere senior executive in Cloud Camel Mountain."

"The plan?" Yan Wanjun asked with his mouth agape. "This is getting more and more confusing, young man. What plan are you talking about?"

"You aren't wrong about the Coralplum, Elder Wanjun. It's a high-level spirit herb that isn't poisonous itself. If it's raised separate from other herbs, it's an invaluable asset."

He had nothing against the plant itself.

"What are you referring to by 'plot' then?" Yan Wanjun was even more lost.

"Let me make a wild guess, Elder Wanjun. You must have been cultivating these herbs when you were in House Yan's headquarters, and you started many years ago. There are people who know what herbs you're cultivating, aren't there?"

"Who are you referring to?" Yan Wanjun felt as if Jiang Chen was leading him on a merry chase. He had no clue what was happening.

"I mean the other members of your family, or perhaps House Xiahou."

"No one from House Xiahou cares about my hobby, but there are many people who know about in the family," admitted Yan Wanjun.

"Does Yan Wanyou know?" suggested Jiang Chen.

"He knows I like cultivating herbs, but we've never been on friendly terms. He shouldn't know what herbs I have."

"What about the other senior executives? Who would know about the types of herbs you keep?"

"There aren't many who know the details, but well, the patriarch does know. We talked about it every now and then."

Jiang Chen's expression turned grim. He muttered, "Patriarch… Patriarch Yan, is it?"

"Yes. What's wrong with that?" Yan Wanjun was starting to get anxious upon seeing Jiang Chen's serious reaction.

"Something's wrong. Very wrong. I'm not sure if it was the patriarch who gifted you the Coralplum, but I can guarantee that someone did it on purpose. If I were you, Elder Wanjun, I'd have the gift-giver arrested right now."

"Would you explain to me what's going on, young man?" Yan Wanjun had thought that he'd finally found something the young man didn't know, but he wasn't so sure now after taking in Jiang Chen's serious expression and words.

The young man was always careful with his words. Things must be as grave as he was saying.

Chapter 1753: A Broken-Hearted Yan Wanyou

"Blackjade Coralplum by itself isn't harmful, but it's highly malleable, and there's a recessive attribute to it. Does Elder Wanjun know that spirit alchemists often use the Coralplum to refine poisons?"

"Poison?" A stilted smile appeared on Yan Wanjun's face. "Even if it's an ingredient for poison, it's not harmful as long as it's not processed, is it?"

"That's not entirely true," Jiang Chen said faintly. "Its recessive attribute makes it the perfect catalyst to bring out other herbs' toxicity, and the Coralplum can incorporate a great variety of herbs to create potent poisons. No processing is needed. Simply place the two herbs near each other, and their energy will mix in the air to produce strong poisonous substances."

Realization struck Yan Wanjun, pulling out the rug from beneath him. A trace of shock flashed through his eyes. "Are… are you serious?"

"Absolutely. This Dream Inducing Grass must be one of your proud projects, isn't it? The Blackjade Coralplum can combine with it and produce a great amount of poisonous gas, which even smells faintly fragrant rather than pungent. At midnight, the interaction will accelerate and produce even more gas."

"That horrifying?" Yan Wanjun was close to being convinced. He knew Jiang Chen. The young man didn't have a habit of lying. He must be quite confident in his speculation to voice such doubt.

Yan Wanjun's face contorted into a scowl, the look in his eyes dark. "So they're producing poisonous gas already?"

"It's not yet midnight. The poison won't be fatal for another day. Tomorrow, the poison will have spread through all your vital organs. Not even a god will be able to save you then."

Yan Wanjun froze, shocked but also relieved. "Guards!" yelled the elder.

Several of his personal advisors and guards walked out of the shadow. "Yes, elder."

"Bring Wang Jing of Cloud Camel Mountain to me. If he cooperates, let him come to me on his own. If he doesn't, do everything you must to bring him here even if you have to kidnap him. Remember, I want him alive!"

Yan Wanjun hadn't become a venerated elder without some tricks up his sleeves. He had a group of deathsworn at his command and quickly came up with a plan once he'd wrapped his head around what had happened.

"You must act quickly and decisively," reminded Jiang Chen. "You also have to consider the possibility that the mastermind is still around to provide sanctuary to Wang Jing."

"Should I deal with him personally?" boomed Yan Wanjun.

Jiang Chen shook his head. "Oh, that won't be necessary."

"Doesn't this mean that the Blackjade Coralplum is only going to do me harm?" Yan Wanjun's eyes blazed with fury, taking a step toward the plant. "I'll destroy it!"

"No need, no need," Jiang Chen hurried out. "You simply have to separate the two herbs by five hundred meters to stop the reaction. However, there are better alternatives. The best solution is to cultivate the Coralplum in isolation by setting up a formation around it, preventing its energy from mixing with that of the other herbs."

Most people would take such measure when cultivating the Coralplum. Yan Wanjun just didn't have a deep enough understanding in herbs to fully grasp the plant's properties.

Instead, the elder was still trying to find excuses for his family. "Young man, can it be a misunderstanding that Wang Jing gifted the Coralplum to me? Or perhaps an unfortunate coincidence? Maybe he doesn't know it can be poisonous himself."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly. "It's not an unfortunate coincidence."

"Why?" Yan Wanjun was reluctant to believe that someone from the family would want him dead.

Although the different factions within the family were sometimes at odds, things never escalate to murder. Once its members resorted to killing their own, what future could the clan have?

Yan Wanjun still cared about House Yan deeply. He didn't want to believe that his fellow clan members would try to kill him.

"I wouldn't be so sure if Wang Jing had admitted that he planted the Coralplum, but he told you decisively that it was found in the wild. He was clearly lying. Man-made interference is evident on the Coralplum. Perhaps he thought it'd be easier to earn your trust by claiming the latter. That leads me to the conclusion that Wang Jing meant you harm from the very beginning."

Yan Wanjun sighed. "Even so, perhaps Wang Jing's simply overstated the value of the herb in order to butter me up."

"That's a possibility, which was why I asked if anyone else knew about your collection of spirit herbs. I believe that there must be someone who knows the Blackjade Coralplum can be combined with the Dream Inducing Grass, and that you have the latter in your possession. He cleverly used that knowledge against you. This was a sophisticated plan."

Yan Wanjun shook his head and sighed with great pain. "I still hope it's merely a coincidence."

That wasn't out of the realm of possibility, but the odds couldn't be higher than ten percent. Too many signs pointed to attempted murder.

Jiang Chen didn't push further. He'd made himself clear and was in no place to dictate what the elder should do. His job here was done. If Yan Wanjun decided to hold onto blind faith in his family and insisted on trusting them, that'd be up to him. Jiang Chen couldn't force him to change his mind.

Some of Yan Wanjun's men returned first with bad news that further dampened the elder's mood.

"Elder, Wang Jing has disappeared from the mountain. He has no family or friends here, so no one knows where he's gone off to."

"That can't be. He gave me the Coralplum this morning. How can he vanish in such a short amount of time?"

Things were getting more and more suspicious.

Jiang Chen didn't say anything and started setting up a formation around the plant instead. It was a valuable herb and shouldn't go to waste. He put a protective formation around the Dream Inducing Grass as well.

Now there was no danger of the two herbs' energies mixing. To be on the safe side, Jiang Chen had someone move the Coralplum further away.

Yan Wanjun looked at Jiang Chen with unfocused eyes, dejected. It was as if he'd spontaneously aged by many years.

More of the elder's men returned. "Elder, we've searched the neighboring area and found nothing. It's like Wang Jiang has disappeared into thin air."

"Has he fled to avoid punishment?" ventured one of the guards.

"Fled?" Yan Wanjun paused. "He attempted to kill me. There will be no escape for him!"

Ire contorted his face as he'd come to see things in an objective light. Jiang Chen was right. He'd been lying to himself. What good did it do for him to sacrifice for the greater good?

There was an internal schism in the family. Someone had attempted to take his life!

He was loyal to the house and would sacrifice himself to protect it, but that didn't mean he was willing to die a worthless death. He wouldn't accept being murdered for some unknown reason. He wanted his death to be worthwhile and just.

The worst way to go was at the hand of his peers. He'd done everything he could for the family; it's matters were his own personal affairs. And yet, they'd been counting down the hours until he died. Despair bloomed in his heart.

"Patriarch, Patriarch… why didn't you kill me during the meeting if that's what you wanted?" Yan Wanjun muttered, a little too loud for his words to be meant for only himself. "Making a move only after I came to Cloud Camel Mountain? Isn't that too inefficient?"

Jiang Chen could tell that the elder was devastated.

Once Yan Wanjun cleared the emotions clouding his judgement, he realized that if there truly was a mastermind trying to get him killed, the patriarch was the most likely culprit!

Aside from the patriarch, very few senior executives knew what herbs he kept. They were either distant from Yan Wanjun, or didn't care about spirit herbs enough to get to know his hobby. Besides, the patriarch had sufficient motive as well.

Another one of Yan Wanjun's guards came back covered in blood, his shoulder inflicted with a terrifying wound.

"Elder, we were looking for Wang Jing and ran into a stranger around his residence. The man ran away as soon as he saw us. We gave chase, but the bastard was stronger than we expected. He ambushed us and almost killed me. The others were after him still."

A stranger?

Jiang Chen was even more convinced of his speculation. He sighed. "Elder Wanjun, Wang Jing is likely dead!"

Chapter 1754: A Decision

Just as Jiang Chen had thought, Wang Jing was found dead near his residence in a couple hours. Whoever murdered him hadn't had time to destroy his body yet.

The truth was very clear by now.

No matter how hard Yan Wanjun tried to stay positive, he couldn't deny the ugly facts that someone had set him up.

He stared at Wang Jing's body with a dark expression and called all his personal guards back. He was the target of this conspiracy, and the perpetrator was obviously highly skilled. His guards might not fare well against the culprit.

Noting the elder's dejection, Jiang Chen tried to comfort him. "Elder Wanjun, you have to stay strong."

Yan Wanjun scoffed. "I've devoted myself to the house my whole life, and this is what I end up with? Abandoned and crossed off after I have no more value?"

Jiang Chen didn't know what to say as he understood how Yan Wanjun felt. Anything that he could offer now would come across as nothing but empty platitudes.

Yan Wanjun couldn't contain his fury. "That's it. I will return to the house and demand an explanation!"

"You mustn't!" Jiang Chen blurted out.

"Why not? At my age, I should be appreciated for my hard work, if not for my contributions. I need to know why he did this to me!"

"You must stay calm, Elder Wanjun. You have every reason to want an answer, but if you return to the family headquarters now, you're bound to run into troubles along the way. You may not even reach your destination safely!"

Jiang Chen wasn't overstating the danger. If the patriarch had been behind the attempted murder, he would have a backup plan after the initial attempt failed. Troubles would follow the elder, which was the biggest threat Yan Wanjun would have to face.

An ambush was much more difficult to defend against than an open assault. If the patriarch was pulling the strings, it'd be risky for the elder to stay in Cloud Camel Mountain.

Yan Wanjun fumed. "What do you think I should do then? Be a sitting duck?"

Jiang Chen exhaled deeply. "It's a tricky situation. It would be better if House Xiahou had been behind the conspiracy. As it is, House Yan will continue to go after you."

Yan Wanjun scowled. Jiang Chen had a point. As long as he lived, the family wouldn't give up on eliminating him. Sooner or later, he'd slip up and they'd succeed. He hadn't become a venerated elder without an iron will, yet he was at a loss of what he should do here.

This was new territory. If he was facing an outside foe, he'd at least be safe in House Yan territory. Even the boldest enemies wouldn't chase him to home turf. With someone from the family attempting to kill him however, he didn't even fully know who wanted him dead. His closest friends might turn out to be his enemies, and constantly treading on thin ice would be the rule of thumb.

Yan Wanjun sighed after a long, bemused pause, disheartened and lost. "I didn't expect to become a downtrodden cur at this age. What should I do, young friend?"

Jiang Chen carefully responded, "If I were you, Elder Wanjun, I'd find a safe place to stay and lie low."

"Safe? Where can I go that'll be safe for me?"

"You can go anywhere if you're going to lay low until the storm passes. The real question is if Elder Wanjun will be able to give up your status and cut ties with everyone."

Yan Wanjun twisted his lips into a smile. "Just look at me. What status do I hold anymore? What ties do I have? I care only about Qingsang and Huang'er, and neither require my care now. Qingsang has the Eternal Sacred Land, and Huang'er has you."

Jiang Chen was in no place to get involved in the conflict between the senior executives of House Yan. He was but one person, and he hadn't gotten powerful enough to influence the house. He therefore didn't try to make the decisions for Yan Wanjun.

However, there was one thing that was for certain: Yan Wanjun must leave House Yan. He'd be facing countless assassination attempts otherwise. He might be able to survive one attempt, but any mistake would cost him his life.

"Brother Qingsang will be alright in the sacred land, Elder Wanjun. And I promise you that as long as I live, I'll protect Huang'er from any harm."

Yan Wanjun considered him for a long while before nodding. "I trust that you'll honor your word. For some reason, young man, I have an implicit trust in you. If House Yan may change for the better one day, it will be because of you."

"You're too kind, Elder Wanjun."

Yan Wanjun sighed deeply. "Maybe even the Eternal Sacred Land will be changed because of you."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly. "That day will come, Elder Wanjun. Once House Xiahou is destroyed, everything will fall into place."

Yan Wanjun nodded. It was easier said than done to destroy House Xiahou, but the confident glint in the young man's eyes gave the elder hope.

"Alright, I've decided. I'll stay here for a little longer until Qingsang ascends to empyrean realm and you two return to the sacred land. Then I'll resign and leave."

Jiang Chen nodded. "You should stay on guard until then. I believe the perpetrator will strike again."

"If anyone attempts to kill me in my residence, they better be prepared to die!" Yan Wanjun declared confidently.

As a venerated elder, Yan Wanjun was close in status to the patriarch, and there wasn't a large gap between their cultivation.

Even if the patriarch came personally, he'd need some competent helpers. He wouldn't be able to kill Yan Wanjun in a one-on-one fight. That was why the patriarch had set him up with the Blackjade Coralplum. It was also proof that the house leader wasn't confident enough to attack elder head-on.

Jiang Chen nodded. "Elder Wanjun, there's a silver lining even if the assassination attempt is an inside job. The fact that the spirit herb was used means that they don't want to be exposed. Moreover, they might not have enough manpower to go after you."

With the whole clan behind him, the patriarch would be able to easily kill Yan Wanjun. However, he clearly didn't dare openly send people out to kill the elder.

For now, at least, the patriarch wasn't bold enough to do so. If news got out that House Yan went after one of their own venerated elders, the internal impact of the news would mark the end of the clan. No one would be willing to put forth any effort for the family anymore. House Yan would be undermining both its reputation and future.

Therefore, Yan Wanjun would be safe as long as he exited House Yan territory. There weren't that many killers House Yan could send in pursuit. In fact, there was no singular person in the family that could take on the elder.

Yan Wanjun mused carefully and concluded that Jiang Chen made a lot of sense. He ordered all his personal guards to be on high alert.

He'd been caught off guard. Now that he knew what the danger was, he wasn't going to be complacent. He'd be vigilant and tighten the defenses around his residence.

He wouldn't say that his abode was impervious to anything, but he wouldn't let even a fly trespass into his territory. He also reinforced the defenses around where Yan Qingsang was cultivating.

Jiang Chen had exercised caution as well. He'd agreed to meet Astral White Tiger in half a month, so he wasn't in a rush to head off.

Time passed without any incidents. Because of the earlier attempt, the level of alertness around Yan Wanjun's abode remained tight.

Half a month later, Jiang Chen returned to the meeting spot he and the tiger agreed upon. According to his estimations, the white tiger should be breaking through soon.

The Astral White Tiger was of a powerful bloodline, and his awakening was rapid. It hadn't been long since the tiger was a cub, but it was already close to empyrean realm. No human could fathom the potential held in its bloodline.

Even Jiang Chen, with great advantages in cultivation, couldn't rival the four divine beasts in their efficiency. Both Long Xiaoxuan and Astral White Tiger had progressed at incredulous speeds. Of course, he wasn't jealous of them as he was good friends with both.

When he arrived at the meeting spot, Little White was nowhere to be seen. He waited patiently at the designated spot.

Without his feline companion, Jiang Chen didn't dare venture further in. It wouldn't end well for him if he triggered the terrifying natural restrictions. He sat down in the shadows with his legs crossed, awaiting the tiger's emergence.

The sword competition is only a few months away. If I reach third level empyrean, I can further break through to fourth level with the Crowning Empyrean Pill. Then there's at least a ninety percent chance that I can defeat Xiahou Zong.

Jiang Chen was approaching second level empyrean, which he was confident in reaching before the competition. However, reaching third level would be a challenge.

Chapter 1755: Little White Breaks Through

With pressure came motivation. Whether he could pull third level empyrean realm off or not, Jiang Chen felt he had to try for it. In a place like Myriad Abyss, sometimes raw strength was the most convincing factor.

"My body and consciousness both far surpass cultivators of a similar level. Therefore, I can easily sustain the rigors of continuous breakthrough. What I do lack are necessary resources…"

Each step forward in empyrean required an astronomical amount of materiel. Jiang Chen had some handy, but not nearly enough for him to ascend through again and again.

Back in the Bluesmoke Isles, he'd gotten his hands on many pieces of ancient Bluesmoke Jade. He hadn't managed to exploit all of their value yet. If he sold them all, he would receive more than enough resources in return for him to break through to mid empyrean realm.

Alas, he didn't have enough time to meet his short-term need.

Jiang Chen had been rewarded for exemplary performance by the Eternal Sacred Ground as well, but not in the form of cultivation resources. Right now, he needed resources such as empyrean rank spirit stones and herbs, from which he could draw spirit energy directly. This would directly accelerate his cultivation.

Perhaps others were unable to brute force their cultivation like this, but it was the most appropriate and effective method given Jiang Chen's resilience.

"If I have enough stuff to use, I have a decent chance of breaking through to third level empyrean realm. As long as that happens, the Crowning Empyrean Pill will allow me to push onwards to fourth level!"

Though he felt that he could hold his own as second or third level empyrean against Xiahou Zong, the other youth's fame and reputation as the foremost genius of Eternal Divine Nation was worth additional attention. Reportedly, he was a reincarnated god as well.

As he mulled over his thoughts, something registered in his awareness. He turned to look behind him. A ripple appeared in midair, from which a striped beast erupted. It was none other than Little White.

The tiger's figure had undergone drastic changes once more. An ancient sign flickered upon its forehead – the Astral Seal that denoted it as an Astral White Tiger. When the seal appeared upon a tiger's forehead, that meant its heritage was fully awakened. It could summon forth the actual seal into being.

It also meant that the tiger had reached empyrean realm.

"So you broke through, Little White?" Jiang Chen was overjoyed.

"Hoho!" Little White was just as excited as his master. He rested a paw on the young man's shoulder. "Young master Chen, I did it! I'm an empyrean divine beast from now on, hahahaha!"

The tiger brimmed with enthusiasm.

"Great! Wonderful. I knew I was right, Little White." Jiang Chen was as happy about his companion's breakthrough as the tiger itself.

He had collected three of the four sacred beasts' bloodlines and was missing only a Black Tortoise. One would be blessed by heaven for gathering all four.

If he could obtain the allegiance of a Black Tortoise, he could borrow the strength of the sacred beasts to reforge his bloodline and ascend beyond the heavenly planes. The four sacred beasts would dominate whatever circumstance they were used in.

"Come, young master Chen. Let's go back inside and see if there's a chance we can take the earthen vein for ourselves!"

The awakening of the Astral White Tiger's ancestral memories brought out with it a new savagery. Little White's eyes glowed as it mentioned the earthen vein.

Jiang Chen was quite tempted by the proposition. He'd only had the chance to see the earthen vein from afar, but that had been enough for him to judge the vein as extraordinary. To take it for himself would be an amazing find.

In fact, Jiang Chen supposed that it contained more wealth than the entirety of House Yan.

Alas, the vein couldn't be excavated by normal people. Only a divine cultivator had the tremendous ability to dig out the vein completely – or rather, had the potential to have that ability. Success was hardly guaranteed.

Nevertheless, Jiang Chen was eager to strike at the gold before him.

Sprawled upon Little White's back, he noticed an obvious change in the figure of his furry friend. Aside from noticeable differences of its stripes, Little White had grown a pair of wings. Furthermore, the wings could apparently be materialized and dematerialized at will.

"I think your bloodline is very pure, Little White," Jiang Chen praised. "Your wings belong to royal Astral White Tigers only."

"My ancestral memories tell me that I'm descended from the noblest of nobles in the heavenly planes!"

"Very good, very good!" Jiang Chen smacked his lips.

His second foray into the subterranean realm was a lot more relaxed than his last. Little White had successfully come in before without reaching empyrean, and was several times more capable now that it had. It was even easier for the tiger to avoid the natural dangers around the place.

"Young master Chen, do you see? The blue lights are blue prism crystals, the red ones are red prism crystals..." Little White explained the color-coded crystals to Jiang Chen.

It had avoided them on instinct before, but empyrean realm and ancestral memories brought it slightly more substantial knowledge.

"The blue lights need to be hopped past for every three steps. Each hop spans three yards…" the tiger patiently explained. These were the Astral White Tigers' trade secrets. Jiang Chen learned a lot from hearing his companion out.

These multicolored crystals were priceless treasures, more valuable than empyrean spirit stones.

"Young master Chen, these prism crystals can provide both spirit and attribute energy. For example, red ones are capable of burning as hot as some celestial flames. Green ones provide potent healing. Blue ones can freeze the air. And…

"Do you see those white ones?" the tiger asked with animation.

"I do. The white ones number the most here," Jiang Chen observed.

"Yes! The earthen vein has mostly these white prism crystals. They have a metal attribute and can cut through anything forever. Everything in the sky and in the earth can be ripped to shreds. I have a close affinity with them. This place is heaven for me!"

Little White was overcharged with enthusiasm. Clearly, it was very satisfied with the environment. It almost wanted to live here permanently.

"Can you take the earthen vein with you, Little White?" Jiang Chen asked.

The tiger thought for a second, then responded honestly, "Right now, I definitely can't. Still, I can absorb as much spirit energy as I want. Because I cultivate way faster here, I just might when my level gets to the right point!"

Little White lusted after the earthen vein as much as Jiang Chen did. It knew it would have no problem relying on it to carry him to godhood. The earthen vein was full of mysteries, treasures, and resources.

"Why don't you keep cultivating here then, Little White? I'm in a hurry, but I can spare a decade or two for you to stay here. I only ask that you involve me when you decide to dig up the vein."

"Of course, young master Chen!" the tiger responded earnestly. "I'm not that kind of greedy tiger. How would I have gotten such an amazing opportunity like this without you bringing me here?"

As an Astral White Tiger, Little White didn't usually care for people. However, Jiang Chen had taken care of it since cubhood. He took care of all spirit beasts with especial care and respect to their habits, creating a natural rapport with them. His knowledge of ancient beast language gave him an additional advantage.

The tiger had relied on him implicitly since childhood. Even if Jiang Chen didn't say anything, it wouldn't have kept the vein to itself. It was used to sharing any goodie it got its paws on with its master.

"It might take some time before you can take the entire vein away, Little White. Would you be able to excavate some of these crystals strewn about?"

The full vein commanded an exorbitant price once wholly excavated. It was impossible to estimate its value. Even a batch of fragments would be very lucrative, and resources that Jiang Chen desperately needed right now.

These potent prism crystals would advance his cultivation by leaps and bounds. Moreover, they corresponded to the properties of nature. It would likely be quite beneficial for him to absorb their essences. He would have a great chance at breaking through to third level empyrean!

Chapter 1756: No Small Harvest

Little White chuckled at Jiang Chen's words. "Young master Chen, I was afraid of touching these crystals before I reached empyrean realm. But now? I can handle a bit here and there, no problem. I'll need them to cultivate anyways! If you like 'em, I can get a few for you right now. What colors would you like?"

"All of them," Jiang Chen laughed. "As many as you can."

"Sure thing. Leave it to me!" Little White pranced about in its excitement. Each jump was accompanied by a swipe of its expert claw. Prismatic crystals were continually dug out from the rocky ground.

Without Little White's correct methods of excavation, an unwary miner would be cut to shreds by the light, as the crystals contained natural restrictions. The tiger, on the other hand, was an obvious professional.

In about two hours, several dozen crystals were between Little White's paws. The crystals scattered in their immediate surroundings had all been dredged up.

"Without opening up that earthen vein, it's pretty hard to get more crystals. I think the area around here is already pretty dense!" Little White gave all of the crystals to Jiang Chen. "Here, young master Chen. These crystals are really valuable. Don't give them away, you hear?"

Jiang Chen grinned. "Of course not. I need all of them myself."

The crystals came at a time of burning need. Jiang Chen's desperate thirst for empyrean cultivation resources was slightly assuaged now that he had these.

Man and tiger stood near an underground spring. The spring's waters glittered with sinister light; its chilling cold could be felt even from the shore.

"Young master Chen, this underground spring nurtures the surrounding environment. Past it is a direct connection to the earthen vein, but I don't dare go in yet." Little White refrained from recklessness.

"Do you still sense danger?"

The tiger nodded. "Now that I'm an empyrean cultivator, I have no problems just passing by, but it's still nearly impossible for me to get my claws into the vein. I want to wait here for a better opportunity and to protect it. This earthen vein belongs to us! I won't let anyone else lay a finger on it! It would be wasted in their hands, anyways."

Little White was quite confident that House Yan wouldn't be able to really utilize the vein. Furthermore, the earthen vein was a gift of nature that had simply happened to materialize in Cloud Camel Mountain.

The mountain belonged to House Yan, but the same didn't necessarily apply to the world beneath it.

Jiang Chen likewise had no intention of yielding the vein to another. He had seen firsthand what House Yan was currently like. Yan Wanjun had all but lost his influence within the house, and Yan Qingsang was more clearly down as a disciple of the Eternal Sacred Land. As for Huang'er, she had never felt any particular belonging to her house in the first place.

There was no need for him to consider House Yan anymore. A year ago, he might have spared them some thought, but now…

He would be a fool not to take advantage of anything of theirs that he could!

"Are you sure you want to stay here and watch over the earthen vein, Little White?" Jiang Chen gazed seriously at his tigrine friend.

"Yes, I am. You aren't going to say no, are you?" Little White blinked, returning the look with fearful concern.

"Of course not. Your presence here relieves my worries. Still, you should be careful. If someone overwhelmingly powerful comes for it, don't recklessly try to stop him."

"Heheh, don't worry about it. I won't come out so easily. Normal people who wander in will die to the restrictions from the crystals. Any non-divine cultivator who intrudes without understanding the rules will be toast!"

Little White had an inborn advantage when it came to navigating this patch of underground.

Human cultivators – Jiang Chen included – were helpless in the crystalline world before them. If Little White hadn't taught his master these things, the young man would've had his hands tied like the rest. Other human cultivators would be ground to dust upon trespassing.

Jiang Chen wasn't going to stay here any longer. This was a good place for Little White to cultivate, but not for himself. It was time to abscond with the crystals in tow. Little White couldn't do much to the earthen vein right now, anyways.

Leaving the tiger here for cultivation and protection were more than enough.

"I won't be able to watch your performance at the tournament of geniuses, young master Chen. So don't let me down! Beat up that stupid Xiahou Zong!" the tiger encouraged.

"Xiahou Zong is an insignificant and irrelevant threat. I hope that next time we meet, Little White, you'll be able to surprise me with your cultivation."

"Haha, you too, young master Chen!" The tiger flashed a swaggering grin, very much at ease.

After Little White's lesson on the subject, Jiang Chen could leave the place by himself. He carefully followed the tiger's instructions to slowly hop back up to the world above ground.

The method taught him was entirely correct and effective. Jiang Chen wasn't attacked even once on the way, and the course of his trip was quite trivial.

He found this rather remarkable. His scholarship was already excellent, but he knew very little about this underground world regardless. He wouldn't have been able to explore this place without Little White, much less prance around so freely like he was doing so now.

After poking his head back into sunlight, Jiang Chen found a dark place in which to hide himself. He departed two hours later when he was sure nothing was out of the ordinary. Risking his trail being discovered by others was to risk the underground becoming public knowledge. Thankfully, it seemed that no one had crept in behind him.

He returned to Yan Wanjun's residence to find the old man in high spirits.

"Qingsang has reached empyrean realm, my young friend. He's stabilizing his level right now. He'll be right out within three to five days!" Yan Wanjun was filled with enthusiasm that belied his age. It was clear that his grandson had always been his top priority.

He was happier for Yan Qingsang's breakthrough than he had been for his own, all those years ago. His grandson had finally firmly set foot on the right track!

Jiang Chen was overjoyed to hear the news as well. "Good. I knew all along that Brother Yan's talent was just as good as anyone's. He simply hadn't quieted down to cultivate in the past! Or, perhaps I should say he hadn't found a path that was his own before?"

"Quite so! You are his benefactor, young friend. I am eternally grateful for all of your assistance."

After three days, Yan Qingsang finally emerged from closed doors, his cultivation perfected. The now-empyrean cultivator brimmed with vitality: he had taken on an entirely different aura.

"Good job, kid. Well done." Yan Wanjun rarely praised Yan Qingsang to his face, but he was quite excited to see his grandson an empyrean cultivator before him.

"I think I lived up to your expectations, grandfather." Yan Qingsang clearly didn't know that there'd recently been an attempt on Yan Wanjun's life. There was no unease in his expression to suggest it.

Jiang Chen refrained from mentioning such a killjoy topic. "Congratulations, Brother Yan," he laughed as he approached.

Yan Qingsang embraced him with a bearhug. "You deserve half the praise for my breakthrough, good brother! Now I have to follow through on that drinking promise at your wedding! I am your brother-in-law, after all."

Breaking through to empyrean realm was a big day for any young man, and Yan Qingsang was no different. The ascension placed him solidly above everyone else in House Yan. Only Yan Zhenhuai remained above him.

After the celebration, Yan Wanjun knew it was time to break the bad news. "Qingsang," he sighed softly, "there's something you should know about sooner or later…" He related to his grandson what had transpired prior.

Yan Qingsang was furious. "Was this the patriarch's idea?! What… what a vicious man! He was going to order your death, grandpa, after all your contributions over the years? Hasn't our family done and sacrificed enough for the house already?"

Frustration and anguish was written all over the young man's face.

"That's enough of the useless talk, Qingsang. You're an adult now, and should think like a man. What's happened is in the past, and no amount of complaining will change it. We must find a constructive way out of this. When you two return to the Eternal Sacred Land, I will dismiss my subordinates and depart from Cloud Camel Mountain to travel the world. The house's affairs are no longer mine."

"Travel the world? Where are you going, grandpa?" Yan Qingsang gasped.

"Wherever my footsteps take me. I can't say quite yet where I'll end up. Qingsang, you're the person I worry most about. You lack restraint and conservatism by nature. If you learn those virtues one day, I'll have nothing to hold me back."

Not every youth could stay calm in the heat of the moment in order to make unerring decisions.

Yan Qingsang's eyes reddened. "Don't worry, grandpa. I've learned a lot in the Eternal Sacred Land already. I used to be young and impulsive, but that's in the past. From now on, I will surpass Yan Zhenhuai and shine as a pearl of the Eternal Sacred Land. Aside from Brother Shao Yuan, I won't let anyone outdo me!" He delivered this speech with undeniable conviction.

"Good. I can put away my concerns after hearing that. If you can surpass Zhenhuai one day, House Yan will regret what they've done!" Yan Wanjun was now quite bitter when speaking of House Yan.