
Chapter 1677 to Chapter 1684

Chapter 1677: Marriage Refusal, Another Breakthrough

The entirety of House Yan was shocked that Ziju Min had taken Jiang Chen away. After a summary of the birthday banquet, both the patriarch and the elders came to understand the depths of the young man's true potential.

It wasn't easy to stand out in that kind of pill dao contest. And yet, the unfathomable, talented young man had left with Ziju Min.

"What were you doing, Zhenhuai? Why didn't you pay more attention to him and stop him from going?" The patriarch was rather regretful.

"I was mingling with other guests in the House Xiahou manor, patriarch. I only knew afterwards that sage younger brother Shao Yuan had been taken away."

"Why didn't you stop him, Yan Qingsang?" The venerated elder Yan Wanjun growled with a scowl, glaring at his grandson.

Yan Qingsang pouted as he had his own reasons. "What's wrong with all of you? Isn't it a good thing for Brother Shao Yuan to win Master Ziju's approval? I thought about it and felt this would be the best outcome. Through Brother Shao Yuan, we'll be able to get on Master Ziju's good side, or even closer to the Eternal Sacred Land."

His words did make some sense to the others, but Elder Yan Wanyou thought otherwise. He sneered mockingly.

"Qingsang means well, but how long has it been since this Shao Yuan has joined House Yan? He doesn't have a deep connection to the family. If the Eternal Sacred Land makes him an offer, will he be able to say no? How will he possibly turn them down? After all, the sacred land is a much more attractive option than us."

"You don't know him, Elder Wanyou," Yan Qingsang denied. "If Brother Shao Yuan wanted to find a powerful benefactor, he has plenty of opportunities to do so in the Bluesmoke Isles. He has his own set of principles. He won't leave House Yan for mere material gain."

Yan Wanyou cackled. "The Eternal Sacred Land can offer him more than just a little material gain."

Their conversation was interrupted when someone announced, "Patriarch, elders… Sir Shao Yuan has returned!"

Shao Yuan had returned?

Yan Qingsang immediately rushed outside. He had come to explicitly trust everything about Shao Yuan. His brother was his guiding light.

There'd never been a moment's doubt that Shao Yuan would abandon House Yan just because Ziju Min made him an offer. Though Yan Qingsang wasn't a shrewd character, he was unusually stubborn in his judgement of Shao Yuan.

And the truth had proven him correct.

"Shao Yuan greets the patriarch and elders."

The patriarch laughed heartily. "Well done Shao Yuan. House Yan is lucky to have a pill dao genius like you. You grace us with your presence."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly. "The patriarch is too kind. Much credit should go to Brother Zhenhuai and Brother Qingsang."

The patriarch chuckled. "Yan Zhenhuai should be praised for his sense of duty and Yan Qingsang for his generosity. However, I asked around and have found that you were the one who contributed the most in the pill dao contest. They should both be commended, but you deserve most of the credit."

The patriarch was obviously trying to get on Jiang Chen's good side. He was putting himself on a lower level and Jiang Chen on a pedestal.

Jiang Chen naturally could read between the lines and smiled back. "I can't in good conscience boast about my achievement as it's nothing to write home about. I'm satisfied as long as I didn't make troubles for the house."

The others silently approved of him for being humble. The young man was indeed remarkable. It'd be House Yan's loss if they failed to keep a talented youth like him.

"Patriarch, doesn't Elder Wanyou have a granddaughter called Qingzhi?" Folks started offering ideas. "She's one of the most remarkable girls in the house with both brains and beauty. And Shao Yuan is at his peak, an addition from outside the family that we value greatly. It'll be killing two birds with one stone for us if we arrange a marriage between the two of them. He'll truly be part of the family then."

Yan Wanyou frowned. What did this have to do with him? But he stopped himself before arguing against the proposal. Why should he argue against it?

No matter how he saw it, Shao Yuan wasn't any worse than the geniuses of the house. Other than Yan Zhenhuai, no other youths in the family was his match. He would indeed make the perfect son-in-law.

Yan Wanjun's line of the family had been able to recruit Shao Yuan only because Yan Qingsang had been the first to make his acquaintance. Yan Wanyou didn't believe that the two of them were really as close as brothers.

Even if they were, the bond between dao partners was bound to be stronger. Yan Qingzhi was a most talented and beautiful girl, but it was unlikely for her to marry any of the top geniuses. Meanwhile, there were signs showing that Shao Yuan would one day become an extraordinary man. Thus, Yan Wanyou was experiencing a spontaneous change of heart.

He'd instinctively disliked and rejected Shao Yuan only because the young man had been brought into the family by Yan Wanjun's descendent. But there was no point in rejecting Shao Yuan now. Why not change his perspective and marry off his granddaughter to the boy?

"Patriarch, Qingzhi is a fine girl who is considerate and talented. She and Shao Yuan would make a good couple. I won't intervene in this matter. May the patriarch make the decision."

Yan Wanyou wanted the marriage to happen, but his pride didn't allow him to make such an open declaration. He wanted to push the patriarch into arranging the marriage with this vague sort of statement.

"No, that won't do!" Yan Qingsang declared suddenly. "Yan Qingzhi can't marry to him. It'll be unfair to her."

"What do you mean?"

"He says he had a dao partner. Right, Brother Shao Yuan?" This was just a random excuse as Yan Qingsang simply didn't want Jiang Chen to marry Yan Qingzhi.

Jiang Chen smiled and bowed slightly. "In response to the seniors, I am indeed already married and have a child. Please forgive me for not being able to accept the offer."

The refusal to him volunteering his granddaughter offended Yan Wanyou. He could tell from the boy's attitude that Shao Yuan didn't want the marriage to begin with.

"Since Shao Yuan's already married, we'll give up on the idea." The patriarch was highly observant and could read Shao Yuan's lack of enthusiasm. Since he wanted Jiang Chen's loyalty, naturally he would cater to the youth more.

Yan Qingsang laughed when he returned to his residence. "Old man Yan Wanyou was fixated on you marrying his granddaughter. Wasn't I smart for finding an excuse for you?"

Jiang Chen smiled wryly. "I hear that Yan Qingzhi is talented and beautiful. Isn't it my loss to not marry her?"

"Haha, you shouldn't listen to rumors. Let me tell you, Qingzhi's at most one fifth as beautiful as Huang'er, and she isn't even one tenth as elegant. That's something many younger members of the family often talk about in private."


Jiang Chen wasn't in the mood to chat with Yan Qingsang anymore and decided to enter closed door cultivation. He'd wanted to break through to peak great emperor as soon as possible and aim for empyrean realm.

"I'll cultivate behind closed doors for a few days, Brother Qingsang. Please don't interrupt me unless there's an emergency." He shut himself in to cultivate and refine an Emperor Supremacy Pill.

Now that he had enough free time, he decided to refine the pill first. It'd greatly help him in progressing through great emperor. The most important thing about refining an Emperor Supremacy Pill was acquiring a Heavencloud Ganoderma. He happened to have one, and of high rank at that.

The next few days were both productive and relaxing, but at times slightly boring. Eternal Divine Nation was a lot richer in resources and spirit energy compared to the human domain.

He successfully refined a cauldron of Emperor Supremacy Pills, and his cultivation slowly advanced from advanced great emperor, making peak great emperor possible.

He knew that he would ascend to a higher level one day, but he wanted that day to come as soon as possible.

Roughly a month later, inspiration struck and the key to his breakthrough suddenly came to him. Understanding of the profound laws of nature dawned on him, pushing him from advanced great emperor to peak great emperor.

He discovered that he'd successfully broken through when he came back to his senses. He was now one step away from half-step empyrean. Perhaps an Emperor Supremacy Pill would be enough to push him over that threshold?

But haste made for waste. Pills such as an Emperor Supremacy Pill could only be consumed once. Taking it a second time wouldn't have that much of an effect.

He was in high spirits when he exited his cultivation, but immediately noticed that something was wrong with House Yan. The atmosphere was turbulent and frigid.

"Has something happened in the house lately, Qingsang?"

Yan Qingsang smiled wryly. "The Jade Lake Sect is still holding a grudge over what happened in the pill dao contest. They've sent many messages for a rematch and refuse to let it go."

"What about House Yan? Has the family agreed?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Of course not. We can't compare with the sect in terms of pill dao. The family doesn't want a rematch at all. It's bound to end in humiliation. Besides, you're the one who's most talented in pill dao, and you've been in closed door cultivation."

Someone interrupted their conversation with a message.

"Young masters, the patriarch has issued an emergency summons. Please attend at once."

"Do you know what it's for?" asked Yan Qingsang.

"I don't know. The patriarch only said that anyone receiving the order should go to the main hall as quickly as possible."

Chapter 1678: Three Great Matters

Almost every executive was present in the house gathering hall. House Yan's young geniuses were in attendance as well.

Yan Qingsang grabbed a chair to sit down with. As someone with reasonable importance in the house now, Jiang Chen too had a seat to himself.

Taking a casual glance at the patriarch, he found some worry to be present between the man's brows. Had House Yan encountered a large stumbling block?

Jiang Chen was perturbed. He didn't care about anything that happened to House Yan, save for Xiahou Zong opening his doors. He absolutely couldn't accept any attempt to take away Huang'er.

As long as that wasn't the case, he had ways of dealing with everything else.

"Since everyone's here, I'll cut to the chase. I felt that everyone should know about several of the emergencies that the family is facing.

"Firstly, our land near Cloud Camel Mountain, the part that borders on House Feng territory, has seen numerous supernatural manifestations. House Feng has sent a large group of their elites to encroach on our territory. There's no need to dodge the issue: our strength has waned since our venerated forefather has departed. It goes without saying what difficult straits we're in.

However – we've never suffered the shame of being invaded before. House Feng's troops seem intent on occupying our territory as soon as it's convenient. We're facing the serious problem of needing to protect our holdings.

"We are all hot-blooded men and there's no reason we should yield even an inch, no matter how much of our own blood is poured out in the process. Otherwise, we won't be able to face our ancestors after we die!

"Cloud Camel Mountain's issue must be swiftly dealt with, but that's only the first. Second is the Jade Lake Sect. They've been provoking us as of late. Because they failed to take first place in the pill dao contest, they now hold a grudge against us.

"In fact, they've been causing trouble in the capital for quite a while now, attempting to rile others up about it. Recently, they've gathered together a group of pill dao experts to attempt the overturn the Mirage Introspection Pill judgement.

"Thirdly, House Xiahou has made another demand. According to them, Xiahou Zong will exit closed door cultivation within three years. They demand that we promise nothing happens to Yan Qinghuang during this time. Furthermore, Shao Yuan is to be delivered to House Xiahou. Apparently, they admire his talent..."

Jiang Chen didn't care about issues one and two. Number three though, concerned both Huang'er and himself. He frowned slightly.

House Xiahou wants me? Did they take an interest in me after what I did at that birthday banquet?

He didn't know precisely how to react to that. He'd come to Eternal Divine Nation to rescue Huang'er from peril as well as destroy House Xiahou. It was patently absurd to hear that they wanted him.

"Alright. All three matters are quite important by themselves. Let's discuss them one by one." The patriarch waved a hand, indicating that the others were free to talk.

"There's nothing to talk about for Cloud Camel Mountain, patriarch. We must station forces there as well. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. We can't show weakness despite our shortage of resources. We may lose, but we can't be intimidated."

"That's right. Since when did House Feng dare bare its fangs in front of us? When our venerated forefather was still alive, it was only worthy of kneeling down before us."

"Give the order, patriarch. We are willing to go to Cloud Camel Mountain and take the battle to House Feng."

"Yes, patriarch. We absolutely can't relent! Perhaps we can make our name known again through this clash with House Feng. Let's tell the rest of the world that we haven't fallen that far at all!"

Almost every House Yan descendent held the same opinion with regards to Cloud Camel Mountain. The world of martial dao emphasized fighting and bravery, after all. To back off rather than fighting intimidation head-on would only get oneself laughed at and dismissed.

Moreover, House Feng wasn't one of the strongest factions. House Yan knew that resistance was futile against the likes of House Xiahou, and would concede accordingly in light of that. But if it couldn't stand up to House Feng – a faction formerly inferior to House Yan – then everyone would really be out for blood.

The events of the recent past showed that House Yan was being targeted by other factions all over. Upon return from the Bluesmoke Isles, its airboat had been intercepted by the Starlight Sect. And now, House Feng was churning up a storm in Cloud Camel Mountain.

On top of that, the Jade Lake Sect was trying to pick a fight with House Yan because of the earlier pill dao battle. Even though it had been the losing party, it was utterly sore at its defeat. That was also because House Yan was weak. Would the sect dare to do the same if House Yan were as strong as House Xiahou?

Not necessarily.

Aside from these three factions, House Yan's biggest problem hadn't been just resting either. House Xiahou had added clan favorite Shao Yuan to its list of demanded people.

"Patriarch, that sect goes too far. They were the ones who lost, but now they're resorting to all these underhanded tactics to get even. If they can't take the loss, they should be forthright about it. Why all this nonsense?"

"It's a gross overreach on their part."

"We can't blame all of it on them. In the pill dao battle, we caused them to lose face. It's understandable that they'd bear a grudge because of it."

"Absurd! What're you talking about? Nobody with half a brain backs off from a challenge. Are we supposed to sandbag even though we have a good chance to win?"

"Exactly. Our victory was fair and square. We did nothing underhanded. Why aren't we allowed to win?"

"Let them do their worst. We're not scared of them even if they appeal to the Eternal Sacred Land!"

Relative consensus was reached on the matter of the sect. The latter really was stepping grossly out of bounds.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly before continuing. "No matter how many pill dao masters they invite, they won't be able to overturn my results regarding the Mirage Introspection Pill. The superiority of Silverstripe Grass in the refinement is the absolute truth, and there's no room for negotiation in fact. Even if the Jade Lake Sect's strongest pill dao expert were pitted against me, I can easily defeat his Illusory Spirit Grass with my Silverstripe Grass."

There was an undertone of unparalleled confidence to his lines.

The patriarch found this to be tremendously praiseworthy.

"Very good. Your determination fills us with the same. So, the Jade Lake Sect wants to cause a ruckus, does it? It wants a group of pill dao masters to invalidate the truth? Are you bold enough to take it to the end with them?"

"Any time. They can decide the time and place."

Jiang Chen didn't much care for the so-called seniors from the Jade Lake Sect. He didn't know how competent they were, but he had seen Ziju Min, a master of the Eternal Sacred Ground.

It was impossible for the Jade Lake Sect's experts to surpass Ziju Min, since the sacred land occupied a loftier position than the sect.

And taking a step back, even if they were, what then? Jiang Chen had never been afraid of anyone in pill dao before.

His certainty was met with a fair bit of doubt.

"It's good that Shao Yuan believes in himself, patriarch, but excessive confidence isn't necessarily a good thing. In the pill dao battle, he faced only Pang Wei and peers from the younger generation. Pang Wei is a martial genius, but has clearly not perfected his pill dao. Against a master from the Jade Lake Sect, the situation may change."

"That is definitely something to be concerned about, patriarch. The smallest likelihood of failure is nevertheless worthy of consideration."

House Yan's patriarch pondered this for a few moments. "One shouldn't use those that one doesn't trust, and one should trust those one uses. Given the events at the pill dao battle and Master Ziju's judgment, I am inclined to trust Shao Yuan."

As the leader of an entire house, the patriarch didn't lack for charisma. Decisiveness was needed in a time like this, rather than pointless hesitation. There were a smattering of opinions on almost every topic. Without strong decision-making skills, it was impossible to steer a great house.

"As for Cloud Camel Mountain, I've decided that two venerated elders should be stationed there. Venerated Elders Wanjun and Wanzhong, you are both well-respected within the house. Our expedition to Cloud Camel should be spearheaded by people such as you. Will you lend us our strength?"

Yan Wanjun and Yan Wanzhong traded a glance. "We can't shirk our responsibility in this time of need. We are at your command!"

House Yan marshalled its forces in preparation for a confrontation at Cloud Camel Mountain. Though an all-out war wasn't guaranteed with House Feng, the posturing made the house's hardline stance evident.

Jiang Chen wasn't going to interfere with the decision. In fact, he agreed that it was probably better to be a bit more forceful in this situation.

This was Eternal Divine Nation. There was often friction between large factions, but actual full-blown war to the death was unlikely. How could the house face a real large-scale battle if it couldn't handle a few skirmishes?

Thus, Jiang Chen found House Yan's behavior here reasonably admirable.

"Alright. Now that issues one and two are decided, let us discuss the third. This problem affects our house holistically." The House Yan patriarch gazed at Jiang Chen thoughtfully. "House Xiahou wants us to give up Shao Yuan. He's the one that the Jade Lake Sect has a grudge against too. Cloud Camel Mountain's excavation will likely need him in the future as well. So, what are your opinions on House Xiahou's unreasonable request?"

If Jiang Chen were to be delivered to House Xiahou, the first two issues would be entirely resolved.

"Feel free to voice your thoughts."

Yan Wanjun was the first to speak. "Patriarch, House Xiahou has been too full of itself lately. Its appetite is insatiable. If we are coerced into compliance this first time as well, they'll just come back for thirds and fourths. House Yan can't become their docile prey or blood bank, or they'll consume us whole before long!" His attitude was very resolute.

Chapter 1679: Jiang Chen's Ire

Yan Wanjun had suffered the most at the hands of House Xiahou. His youngest son had been forced into suffering for all eternity in the Boundless Prison. His most talented granddaughter had been cursed since young. Though the Generation Binding Curse had been lifted, her fate was still decided.

And now, House Xiahou had its sights set on Shao Yuan, someone his grandson had plainly benefited greatly from becoming brothers with.

If that happened, Yan Wanjun knew that Yan Qingsang would lose another strong companion that the boy could depend on. Age and experience had made him observant. He could see that his grandson had improved immensely in all areas ever since Shao Yuan came into his life.

One took on the color of their company. Even the most ill-tempered man would improve after being with someone well-rounded. Shao Yuan was clearly someone who could make Yan Qingsang better.

The only one Yan Wanjun could pin any hope on was his grandson. If Yan Qingsang's path to success was blocked, he would really have nothing then. He didn't know what crazed things he would do, nor did he know if he'd still have the motivation to keep fighting for the house.

No one could fight with complete lack of motivation. If everyone he loved and cared about was destroyed, why would he keep fighting?

That was why Yan Wanjun was determined to keep Shao Yuan.

Yan Wanchong sighed. "Patriarch, if Shao Yuan is this important to House Yan, we mustn't give in to House Xiahou's request. Otherwise, we'll end up becoming their blood bank and they'll suck the life out of us whenever they want. We'll become nothing but an empty carcass one day."

"That's not true," said Yan Wanyou. "Shao Yuan may be an extraordinary man, but he doesn't bear our surname. It's doesn't seem wise for us to offend House Xiahou for him."

He'd been appreciative of Jiang Chen when he wanted to marry off his granddaughter. Rejection had turned that appreciation into irritation instead.

He wanted to kick this eyesore of a youth out of House Yan. It was the norm for them to submit to House Xiahou. It wasn't that big of a deal to embarrass themselves again. He'd also be able to strike a blow at his old enemy Yan Wanjun. It seemed like a fair trade.

Yan Wanyou's points were persuasive to many others.

Elders who supported him started speaking up. "He's right, patriarch. Shao Yuan's talented, but he's not talented enough to call for our unconditional support. Think about it. If we gift Shao Yuan to House Xiahou, our conflict with the Jade Lake Sect will be resolved as well. The sect has a problem with Shao Yuan, not House Yan."

"Additionally, the Cloud Camel Mountain has troubled even the most prestigious experts. Shao Yuan may be knowledgeable about ancient jade, but he's not necessarily knowledgeable in land development."

Yan Wanjun had had enough. "Do all of you hear what bullshit you're spouting? What do you mean Shao Yuan is the one the sect has a problem with? Their anger is aimed at House Yan for taking the first place in the contest! Do you really think they're targeting Shao Yuan? I bet they'd be ecstatic if we give him to them!"

The Jade Lake Sect was irritated by the very fact that the first place had fallen in another faction's hand. They didn't have anything against Shao Yuan himself. And in fact, they'd happily accept a young man with such remarkable talent in pill dao.

Only a fool would think the sect was targeting Shao Yuan instead of House Yan.

"Elder Wanjun, we understand you want to protect Shao Yuan because he's Qingsang's sworn brother, but you must put the family's interests first."

Now this was a severe crime of disregarding House Yan's interest.

Yan Wanjun flew into rage and growled, "What do you mean I don't care about the house's interests? If I didn't, would I be leading an army to Cloud Camel Mountain? Would I have sacrificed my own granddaughter? Would I have allowed my son be thrown into the Boundless Prison? All of you run your mouths with no skin off your back, what the hell have you done for the family?

"My grandson is all I have left. I won't pull my punches if anyone wants to hurt him. The worst case scenario is that I go down too in the end. Try me!

"It was my grandson who made the family proud in the ancient jade festival, and it was my grandson who pushed the house into participating in the pill dao contest. Which of these matters that brought honor to the family have we not participated in? All of you have glib tongues when spewing nonsense, but where are you when the family needs you? I didn't want to embarrass anyone today, but whose grandchildren was it that put the family to shame during the birthday banquet in House Xiahou?"

Yan Wanjun's temper had been thoroughly riled up. He'd sacrificed so much all these years for the family's interests, but who among the family had shown genuine gratitude to his family branch?

No one!

Thus, it was understandable that he was so furious.

The patriarch's expression sank. "I won't stop anyone from expressing their opinions, but if it's said that Elder Wanjun is selfish, then I'd be the first to disagree. Everyone knows that the elder has sacrificed the most for the family over the years."

Many others nodded with these words."

"That's right. Elder Wanjun has sacrificed so much. You all shouldn't have made such flippant comments."

"House Yan didn't do anything wrong with the pill dao contest. Should we not fight for our own interests? Should we avoid taking the first place just because we don't want to offend others? Even if we take second, there'll be many other factions we offend. Should we take third place then? Or even aim for the bottom? House Yan is a great faction. If we're afraid of everything, we can't achieve anything. We might as well do nothing!"

A fierce debate broke out.

"Settle down," said the patriarch. "House Yan must decide on what to do with Shao Yuan. I believe that we need new blood. There's no reason for us to give a genius like him away. Besides, House Xiahou doesn't have leverage against us in this regard. There's no need for us to be too submissive."

"The patriarch is right. If we do whatever House Xiahou tells us to do, how are we going to continue developing?"

"Agreed. We accepted their unreasonable request only because we did something wrong. House Yan's in the right now. We don't have to listen to them."

"Besides, House Xiahou is clearly trying to destroy House Yan. Why should we let them?"

"How about we have a vote?"

"I agree. Many of the senior executives are here. We'll vote. Majority rules."

Jiang Chen stood up with a half smile and raised a cupped fist salute at the patriarch. "May I have a few words?"

"Of course. It's about your future, Shao Yuan. Your opinions are very important."

Jiang Chen smiled leisurely, completely at ease.

"Patriarch, elders, clan leaders, I must emphasize that I only came to House Yan because it felt that I was old friends with Brother Yan Qingsang. I'm not a stray dog that you brought home to order around as you would.

"In addition, please remember, I'm Shao Yuan. I'm a living person, not an item or a product you can give to anyone you want.

"My feet are my own. If the house doesn't welcome me, I can leave immediately and disappear from your collective sight. We can forget about anything that's happened between us.

"Lastly, Myriad Abyss Island is vast. There are many factions in the Ten Divine Nations. I know my abilities. It's not that difficult for me to find a place to be. You don't have to debate where you should send me to. Remember, I'm not a House Yan servant." He shrugged. "That's all. You may continue with your discussion. Once you come to a conclusion, I'll make my own decision."

He rose gracefully and walked outside.

He'd had enough of the boring conversation. He wouldn't have stayed in a declining faction like House Yan at all if not for Huang'er. Moreover, many members of House Yan were foolishly arrogant and unreasonable.

He left dashingly without looking back.

The patriarch sighed and glanced helplessly at Yan Wanjun.

Yan Wanjun responded woodenly, "He's right. There are some of us who must've suffered blows to the head. Do you honestly think that you can just send Shao Yuan where you will, like a servant? Someone with a unique skill set like him will be able to find patrons anywhere. What's more, I'd like to remind the floor that Shao Yuan's talent lies not only in pill dao. His martial dao rivals that of Yan Zhenhuai. You simply haven't noticed it yet!"

That created an uproar. Better than Yan Zhenhuai? Was Shao Yuan truly that talented in martial dao?

The patriarch started. "Are you serious, Elder Wanjun?"

"I swear on my character that his talent in martial dao rivals that of Yan Zhenhuai, and he'll one day shock all those present with his achievements." Yan Wanjun's tones were heavy and his expression disinterested. "Alright, I'm tired. I'm going back to rest. I'm setting out for Cloud Camel Mountain tomorrow. The worst that can happen is for me to die there. It'll be a death worthy of the ancestors' approval!"

He stood up and left, his old form seeming rather melancholy.

Many of the elders felt a surge of sorrow. Even someone so loyal as Yan Wanjun was now in such lonely straits. Was there any hope left for the family?

Chapter 1680: Ziju Min Comes to Visit

"Alright," the patriarch sighed. "Vote if you will on the matter of Shao Yuan. When you're done, I'm sure he'll be already gone. According to my sources, Master Ziju Min of the Eternal Sacred Land had Shao Yuan over his private residence after the contest. He extended an invitation at the time, but was politely refused."

"What? Shao Yuan refused the sacred land's invitation?" Yan Wanzhong gasped in astonishment.

"He absolutely did. But, apparently Master Ziju promised him that the door is always open whenever he wishes it."

Hiss! Everyone drew a sharp breath.

Here they were, discussing whether they should keep Shao Yuan, but the young man already had a better potential home. He hadn't gone solely due to emotional attachments. If the family really wanted to push Shao Yuan away, he still wouldn't be forced to go to House Xiahou at all!

"Yan Wanyou, perhaps this is the result you want?" Yan Wanzhong glanced at the named elder meaningfully, breaking into a faint smile.

Yan Wanyou was indeed stunned for a moment. "That's just a rumor," he hastily blurted out. "Patriarch, if the kid's loyalties aren't with House Yan, we're not going to be able to keep him anyway. Maybe he considered us a springboard into a higher power from the start."

"Oh?" The patriarch remarked coolly, "There are many other factions in the nation more suitable for being a springboard, no?"

Yan Wanyou maintained his stubbornness. "Well, he might feel that we're the most appropriate for it, since we're currently weak."

This explanation was indefensible even by those who supported the elder.

"If that's the case, patriarch, we need to make every effort to keep Shao Yuan."

"Yes. If he really is as superb in both pill and martial dao as Elder Wanjun says, and also extremely skilled at identifying ancient jade, he will achieve greatness at some point in the future for sure. We have no reason at all to abandon him."

"Heaven has given us this opportunity. If we let it slip through our hands, then we deserve whatever back luck befalls us from here on out."

Many of the house's elders were voicing their opinions. They'd finally realized that they couldn't afford to give up Shao Yuan. If House Yan made any moves to dismiss him, he would head to a new place straightaway.

Their most important job now had nothing to do with sending him away, but figuring out how to keep him in mind as well as body.

"What a shame that he has a dao partner already. I have a little niece who's rather pretty and talented. There's no reason why we can't give her to him."

"Haha, my concubine has a charming daughter as well. She's thirteen this year. I wonder if young Shao Yuan would be interested in her?"

The patriarch had no patience for the foolishness he was hearing. "Enough with the arbitrary suggestions. Shao Yuan isn't the lecherous sort. If he were, he would have gone to the Jade Lake Sect already. They have no shortage of beauties."

Yan Qingsang abruptly stood up. "I know something," he remarked offhandedly. "Shao Yuan seems to admire my cousin, Yan Qinghuang. Or more accurately, her zither skills." He shook his head with a sigh, then left.

Yan Qinghuang?

Everyone was taken aback. "Yan Qingsang!" someone shouted. "Stop messing around! We can give anyone else to Shao Yuan, but how can we give Yan Qinghuang to him?"

"Yes, don't you try to destroy the family!"

"Isn't that right? He and Yan Qinghuang are both grandchildren of Elder Wanjun. Just like he said, she's his cousin. He's obviously aiming for personal gain in this matter!"

The patriarch found the turmoil irritating. "All of you, quiet down." He waved a hand. "Yan Qingsang was just making a statement. He didn't say that we should betroth Huang'er to Shao Yuan. Huang'er… ah!"

The head of the house knew as well as anyone that Yan Qinghuang was no less talented than the prestigious Yan Zhenhuai.

If not for the trouble with Xiahou Zong, Yan Qinghuang would be one of the house's flagship geniuses. Her charisma and grace would win the hearts of an entire generation of Eternal Divine Nation's geniuses in worship of her.

Alas, fate was a fickle mistress. This girl had been cursed since birth. It was many years later now, but no end to it was in sight.

In truth, the patriarch was somewhat apologetic towards her. This was why Yan Qinghuang hadn't been punished after coming back from the human domain.

Amid this meeting, a message came from outside the hall.


"Patriarch, Master Ziju Min and a few of his fellows are here to visit."

Master Ziju Min?

The expressions on those present changed drastically. Speak of the devil! Had Ziju Min come to ask for Shao Yuan?

"Show him in as quickly as you can," the patriarch commanded, then changed his mind and stood up. "I will go receive him personally. Venerated Elders, come with me."

Ziju Min came from such an important place that better treatment was a matter of fact.

The elders stood up one after another. None of them dared flaunt their importance. This was Master Ziju, a heavyweight of the sacred land!

The pill sovereign was still dressed in his scholarly attire. His demeanor was serene and humble, with a bearing belonging to a real immortal. His tone was the furthest one could imagine from being overbearing.

"Patriarch of House Yan, I hope you don't mind my sudden intrusion."

"Haha, we are honored by your visit, Master Ziju. Please, come on in." The patriarch roared with laughter, seemingly very pleased. The two men exchanged niceties before going inside together.

Behind Ziju Min were several of his peers. Once they were settled in and under a roof, the pill sovereign introduced them one by one. They were all pill dao giants, famous within the nation. Of course, none were as prominent as Ziju Min himself. He was the leading man today.

After tea was served, Ziju Min smiled. "Patriarch Yan, I'll get straight to the point. I have something to discuss with you today."

"I'm all ears, Master Ziju." The patriarch was the image of courtesy, though he put his guard up internally. Was the pill master really here to fish for talent?

The others of the house were mildly perturbed. They had spoken about Shao Yuan earlier as if whether he stayed or went was insignificant. But Ziju Min's arrival had changed their perception of the young man. It was as if someone was here to rob them of their treasure.

"I'm sure you've guessed already, patriarch. I'm here for my young friend Shao Yuan. Recently, the Jade Lake Sect has tried to gather together many pill experts to overturn my conclusion about the Mirage Introspection Pill. I'm very displeased about that. Any arguments in the world of pill dao should be decided by truth alone. Ill-advised persistence otherwise is utterly pointless in that regard. Thus, I've been thinking about solving this little issue for you."

"Oh?" The patriarch's eyes lit up. "If that's the case, House Yan must thank you for upholding justice, Master Ziju."

"Upholding the truth of pill dao is a basic moral principle that all pill masters of integrity must maintain. However, I do have a presumptuous request."

"What is it?" House Yan's patriarch felt his heart sink.

"I hear that my young friend Shao Yuan is in a mildly awkward position at House Yan. He is neither unimportant nor important enough. Some have a few doubts about his status and veracity. They think he may be a source of trouble for your house. So, I would like for you to try and persuade Shao Yuan to perhaps join the Eternal Sacred Land. We will owe you a favor if you succeed."

Ziju Min truly placed a tremendous amount of importance on Jiang Chen. He was still contriving to recruit the young genius beneath his own wing. He didn't know whether to laugh for cry that House Yan was so ludicrous that it didn't value the incredible piece of jade in their possession.

Alas, Shao Yuan was a bit impulsive himself. He had refused Ziju Min's invitation because he didn't want to leave, for some reason.

This was the reason the pill sovereign had come to House Yan today. He wanted the patriarch to help him persuade the youth. If necessary, he would very much like House Yan to make Shao Yuan feel unwanted.

Perhaps then the genius would think about leaving out of anger and frustration.

The patriarch cracked a wry smile. "Master Ziju, Shao Yuan is a talented youth under House Yan's banner. We've already decided to invest a lot of resources into him. You are witness to the fact that our house hasn't had many geniuses in recent years. Shao Yuan… ah, it's hard to part with him."

Rather than decline outright, the patriarch resorted to bemoaning his circumstances. He couldn't throw around a tough act in front of Ziju Min.

Ziju Min smiled slightly. "House Yan is a faction within Eternal Divine Nation. As long as the sacred land and the imperial family acknowledges your status, no one will be able to shake your position."

House Yan's patriarch felt his heart skip a beat. He was a smart man and Ziju Min's intent was obvious. The apparently consolatory words also held a note of warning.

If they were clever enough to dismiss Shao Yuan and let him join the Eternal Sacred Land, then there would be a favor owed as well as future support. If not, then the sacred land would take a drastically different stance.

House Yan's head was in a tough spot. If he refused the Eternal Sacred Land, a tiny bit of prejudice shown in return would be more than enough to cause the house much suffering.

This was quite a severe dilemma.

Ziju Min was quite relaxed. He sipped at the tea provided by the host, his expression completely calm and composed. He didn't look like he was here to force House Yan's hand at all.

The patriarch sighed softly. "Master Ziju, this is a very important matter in many respects. Let me, let us, think about it a bit more. House Yan would be more than happy to build a strong relationship with the Eternal Sacred Land. We would greatly appreciate your acknowledgement."

He didn't dare refuse. He was saddened to realize the reality that he was unlikely to be able to keep Shao Yuan much longer.

Chapter 1681: A New Way of Thinking

Ziju Min smiled, then spoke once more. "Patriarch Yan, I'd like to speak with young Shao Yuan once more in private. Would that be alright? Don't worry, I won't take your treasured genius from you by force. If he's unwilling, I won't coerce him."

The patriarch knew that this was a request he couldn't refuse.

"I will take you to him," he nodded in acquiescence.

"After you."

They arrived at Yan Qingsang's living quarters very quickly.

Ziju Min furrowed his brows slightly. He didn't expect such a slight against a genius of Shao Yuan's caliber. Did the boy not deserve even his own residence? Why was he bunking with Yan Qingsang? Not that the conditions were really so bad, but this detail alone reflected the absurd treatment House Yan was giving Shao Yuan.

"Patriarch Yan. I don't mean to criticize the way you do things here, but you really do seem to be neglecting Shao Yuan here." The pill sovereign exhaled, then shook his head several times.

The patriarch was regretting this as well. Ziju Min was absolutely right; a genius that even the patriarch appreciated so much should've absolutely had his own lodgings at House Yan.

To have not provided it was indeed somewhat insulting.

"Young Shao Yuan, I am Ziju Min. I've come to visit. Might I have a word?" Ziju Min smiled serenely.

Having returned to his rooms, Jiang Chen was a bit surprised to hear the man's voice. He was even more amazed to see House Yan's patriarch and the others accompanying him.

"Master Ziju, how did you come all the way here?"

"I was thinking about you, so I came to take a look. I'm frankly appalled by the plainness of your living conditions. I reprimanded House Yan's patriarch just now for this very thing. Geniuses shouldn't be snubbed like this."

The patriarch was too embarrassed to stay. "Master Ziju," he smiled wryly. "Feel free to speak with Shao Yuan at your leisure. We won't be disturbing you."

Moments later, only Ziju Min and Jiang Chen remained in the courtyard.

"I'm a bit startled at your visit, Master Ziju." Rather than make tea, Jiang Chen brought out two wines to entertain Ziju Min. It was his Shennong Liquor and Drunken Immortal.

"Oh? These are two different kinds of wine, yes?" Though Ziju Min hadn't drank any yet, the scent tipped him off immediately.

"Yes. Taken individually, the two wines are both quite tasty. If drunk one after another, they will yield an even more unique flavor. Feel free to try some, sir." Jiang Chen poured out two cups before placing them down in front of Ziju Min.

The pill sovereign's interest was piqued. He laughed easily, his appetite for drink entirely whetted. The alcohol in the cups disappeared in a mere moment.

Ziju Min smacked his lips in the aftertaste. "Incredible! Superb! There are two more great wines in this world, I see. You're full of unlimited surprises, young Shao Yuan."

Jiang Chen smiled. "Wine embodies the smallest of daos. And yet, it contains a microcosm in its own right that contains truths from the greatest dao of all. So is everything between heaven and earth."

Ziju Min reacted to this comment with high praise. "You are clever indeed, young man. I knew that I wasn't mistaken. It seems that you've made enormous progress already in your understanding of dao. When you reach peak great emperor, you'll have no problem at all breaking through to empyrean."

Empyrean realm only involved comprehending the heavenly dao. The depth with which this young man understood it amazed Ziju Min.

Jiang Chen poured out two more cups for the pill sovereign. "If I may, senior. For what reason did you come here today?"

"Same as our last meeting. I'm here to invite you to join Eternal Sacred Land. A youth of your talents ought to stand at a higher vantage point. In our nation, the sacred land is the tallest peak. The other factions are insignificant at best. I hear that House Xiahou has demanded you for itself. Well, you can ignore that outright. The same is true for any potential requests from the Jade Lake Sect. You need only think about whether you'd like to join the sacred land."

Jiang Chen inclined his head. "Of course I would consider Eternal Sacred Land ahead of everywhere else, senior. I've never thought about House Xiahou or the Jade Lake Sect."

"Have you ever thought about leaving House Yan?" Ziju Min looked at him expectantly.

Jiang Chen replied with a soft sigh. "I have, but I cannot. I may not."

Disappointment flickered across Ziju Min's face. "I respect your resolution, but I don't understand it. What reason is there for you to stay here, Shao Yuan? Is it your bond with Yan Qingsang? If that's the only reason, I can bring him in as well."

The pill sovereign was taking a very low posture for the sake of winning Jiang Chen over, for which the latter was immensely grateful. "That's only a bit of it, Senior Ziju. I have another difficulty that I'm not sure I can speak about."

"Difficulty? Please sate my curiosity. There's no difficulty that the Eternal Sacred Land can't solve in the divine nation, my friend. If I help you resolve this difficulty of yours, will you reconsider?"

"I'm truly chagrined at your great fondness for me, sir." Jiang Chen laughed helplessly.

"Haha, I'm glad you can see my sincerity. Why not be honest with me? Even if you don't join the sacred land in the end, I will still treat you as a friend," Ziju Min smiled.

"I won't hide it from you any more then, senior. I came to House Yan for one person, and one person only."

"For whom?"

"Yan Qinghuang." There was no need for Jiang Chen to hide things any further.

"Ah, her?" Ziju Min was taken aback. He knew about the circumstances between Yan Qinghuang and House Xiahou.

"Yes. When I first saw her and heard her zither in the Bluesmoke Isles, it was as if I knew her from a hundred lifetimes ago. I desperately desired to meet her, and when I found out about her fate, my sympathies got the better of me. I swore that I would change her destiny. That's why I need to stay here at House Yan…"

There was some manufactured information in Jiang Chen's speech, but his intent was clear enough. He had come for Huang'er and no one else.

Ziju Min fell into silence for quite a while when he finished. There was some admiration in his gaze, as well as ambiguity and amusement.

He broke the lull with a long sigh. "There have always been deeply sentimental men in the world. When they fall in love, they do so for the rest of their lives. Born out of music, forged in compassion and tenderness… such is your love, my young friend, and it reminds me of the ancient sages. Those who are deeply sentimental often achieve greatness in the realm of martial dao. Perhaps you will be the next to do so, eh?"

"Ah, Senior Ziju, you humor me."

"Not at all. I don't mean to chastise you for it. Quite the opposite, I only respect you all the more. In the world of martial dao, everyone wants to be at the top. Everyone acts for his personal gain only rather than engage in any altruism or sacrifice. Your distinctness from the crowd is a mark of wisdom. Respect aside, though…

"How can you break the links of fate between Yan Qinghuang and Xiahou Zong with your status and strength? If you stay here, you may be able to face Xiahou Zong in a few centuries. But your beloved will be long dead by then, and your passion turned to despair."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly. "You're not optimistic about my chances, senior?"

"It's not that. Xiahou Zong is a rare genius in his own right. Even among the sacred land's geniuses, none can claim superiority over him. In fact, he styles himself the foremost genius of Eternal's younger generation. It will be hard for you to challenge him in the next three to five years, by which time House Yan will have made good on its promise."

Everyone knew about the predicament between Houses Xiahou and Yan.

Jiang Chen sighed softly. Ziju Min had a very good point. Unfortunately, it was impossible for him to yield on this matter. Allowing Huang'er to become Xiahou Zong's cultivation vessel had never been a possibility.

"It's difficult, Senior Ziju, but I won't give up as long as there's even a glimmer of hope." Jiang Chen couldn't go into more detail with the pill sovereign.

If that day came, he wouldn't mind eloping with her. When his strength was perfected, he could then return to Eternal Divine Nation and House Yan, uprooting House Xiahou in the process.

Ziju Min smiled faintly. "The Eternal Sacred Land cannot interfere easily in this affair. However, if you become one of our geniuses and propose marriage to House Yan, perhaps there is still room to maneuver. Provided you're not worried about angering House Xiahou, of course."

"If I recall correctly, Senior Ziju, House Xiahou's Xiahou Ying is your personal disciple. Aren't your words unfair to her?"

Ziju Min chuckled. "There were several reasons for her to have become my disciple. I'm not at liberty to discuss them here. However, I've taken a personal interest in you, my young friend. In this, you are very different from her."

"Aren't you worried that I'll make trouble for you and the sacred land, senior?"

Ziju Min beamed with serenity. "Doesn't a genius of the sacred land have the right to cause some trouble once in a while? We live in Eternal Divine Nation, do we not?"

Jiang Chen blinked. The pill sovereign was right. The Eternal Sacred Land was the actual foremost faction in Eternal Divine Nation. It was the real ruler of the land.

Xiahou Zong was strong and House Xiahou's momentum fierce, but Eternal Divine Nation wasn't theirs in the end.

The young man sank into thought. He'd never seriously thought about joining the faction before because he'd wanted to stay by Huang'er's side. He was very much anxious that some mishap would happen to her in his absence.

Ziju Min's suggestion shone a light before his eyes. The suggestion was very doable!

"Young man, I think you can definitely pull something like that off, but there are a few hurdles in front of you. First, you need to show tremendous potential to earn its support for any… mischief you intend to commit. Second, you need to display sufficient strength with which to challenge Xiahou Zong." The older man cracked a crooked grin. "Allow me to let you in on another secret. We don't want a genius from outside to call himself the foremost genius of the nation. Do you understand? Xiahou Zong has too much edge. If someone can quash him, so much the better!"

These words were the most important of all. Jiang Chen immediately brightened.

Chapter 1682: Joining the Eternal Sacred Land

Jiang Chen was wrapping his mind around Ziju Min's point. The Eternal Sacred Land was the core faction of Eternal Divine Nation. If House Xiahou was left unchecked, it'd grow to be a threat.

Xiahou Zong claiming to be the top genius of the nation was a blatant insult. The subtle currents of tension between the two factions were obvious enough, despite them never being voiced aloud. Jiang Chen was naturally sharp enough to figure out Ziju Min's point without further prompting.

"Xiahou Zong is extraordinary, Senior Ziju, but I believe it's not impossible to surpass him. I'm confident even though I haven't ascended into empyrean realm yet. I'll be even more confident once I do." Jiang Chen really did think so.

Since Ziju Min had asked, he didn't want to put himself down to appear humble, especially not when Xiahou Zong was the one he was comparing himself to.

Ziju Min was rather surprised. If they were discussing talent in pill dao, he wouldn't think there was anything wrong with Jiang Chen's claim. However, they were obviously chatting about martial dao — which Xiahou Zong was wildly famous for. He turned to consider the boy wordlessly.

Jiang Chen met the gaze calmly and didn't waver after making the declaration. He knew he was being assessed.

After a long while, Ziju Min gave a quiet sigh. "You know, Shao Yuan, it's been a very long while since a young man like you has appeared in Eternal Divine Nation."

"Oh?" Jiang Chen smiled. "Does Xiahou Zong stand out so much that all the other geniuses can't even keep their heads up? Are they too afraid to even talk big?"

He was rather curious now. Was Xiahou Zong really powerful enough to stop young people from even daring to dream? That would be ridiculous.

"It's not that no one dares dream about defeating him, but that many think of him as an insurmountable obstacle. Over the years, a good number of young geniuses have challenged him. Even those from the Eternal Sacred Land challenged him as well. However, no one has ever defeated him.."

There was a bleak tinge to Ziju Min's tone. "Alright. We're going on a tangent here. Consider my suggestion, young Shao Yuan. I won't judge you for daring to hope. I welcome you to join us and prove yourself right. Prove that someone in Eternal Divine Nation is able to defeat Xiahou Zong."

Jiang Chen was already half-convinced. The only thing that concerned him was Huang'er. He wouldn't be able to stay at her side once he left. Something might happen in his absence.

"I may not be able to promise you anything else, young friend. House Xiahou and House Yan had been at odds for generations. The Eternal Sacred Land won't intervene without a good reason. That is, unless you impress us with your ability and make us feel we must become involved. Do you understand?"

"I do, Master Ziju. What I'm worried about now isn't my potential. I just worry that I won't be able to return in time if Xiahou Zong suddenly exits closed door cultivation."

"Don't worry about that either. If he comes out of closed door cultivation, we will be informed as well. Besides, he can't come to House Yan for Huang'er immediately after he exits. Preparing a human vessel takes time and multiple steps. He'll never come so soon."

Jiang Chen chewed over the words. They made sense.

Besides, he'd still be in the capital. It wasn't that long a trip to House Yan. As long as he was informed immediately when something happened, he would still be able to make it back in time.

For now, his top priority was to improve himself. The gap between Xiahou Zong and him was significant, and he wasn't sure if he'd be able to take out the other at the moment.

There must be something impressive about Xiahou Zong that enabled him to remain as the top genius. It wasn't that Jiang Chen was afraid, but he'd be more assured after improving himself.

Well, it seemed that he'd made up his mind.

"You've extended several invites, Master Ziju. It'll be rude of me to turn you down again. The Eternal Sacred Land is the most powerful faction in Eternal Divine Nation. Perhaps it is indeed a place that suits me more. I'll go with you. I've done my part for House Yan. Unfortunately, I'll be disappointing those in the house who support me. To pay them back, I'd like to ask you a favor."

"Do tell," Ziju Min said with a smile.

"Yan Qingsang from House Yan is my brother. Could he enter the sacred land as well? The opportunity alone will be enough."

"Haha, that's quite alright. However, if Yan Qingsang fails to meet our standards, he'll be expelled. You have to be prepared for that to happen."

"I won't complain if he falls short of your expectations. I'm asking this only to pay back House Yan and Elder Yan Wanjun in particular. This way, I'll be able to cultivate without distractions." Jiang Chen clearly laid out his points.

Ziju Min was delighted. "Good on you, young man. That's how a true man should be! There are people for you and against you in House Yan. The same will be true of the Eternal Sacred Land. I hope that you'll be able to stay true to yourself then. Don't let skepticism and difficulties knock you down."

Jiang Chen smiled. "Only I can defeat myself. No skepticism or difficulties will be able to keep me down." His tone wasn't particularly assertive, but it was convincing.


Ziju Min was overjoyed that Jiang Chen had accepted his offer. He wasn't worried about House Yan's reaction at all. Before his visit, the patriarch had said that even though the family needed someone like Shao Yuan, they would let Shao Yuan go as long as he agreed.

The patriarch's stomach dropped when Ziju Min gave him the news. He laughed wryly. "You ended up persuading him in the end, Master Ziju."

Ziju Min couldn't be more pleased. "I'll be sure to compensate your house. I owe you one and the Eternal Sacred Land does too. When Shao Yuan makes a name for himself, he won't forget about his time here."

"That's true, but House Yan's fortunes didn't run deep enough. We failed to give him the treatment he deserves. He's talented, but also loyal. It's admirable that he offered to take Yan Qingsang with him." The patriarch was regretful.

Given Shao Yuan's personality, if House Yan had been more determined, if they'd treated the young man better and valued him more, he might've still stayed.

However, the patriarch knew that there were a lot of dissenting voices within the family. Shao Yuan would've still been forced out sooner or later.

He was quite dejected and deeply contemplative. Was the core of the clan truly rotten? A young genius with great potential had come to House Yan, but they'd failed to keep him. The boy wasn't leaving because he was unloyal, but because of the family's attitude.

During the meeting in the great hall, they'd discussed the young man's future like he was an item for sale. It had been a serious blow to the pride of a genius. Perhaps that was when Shao Yuan had started considering leaving.

The patriarch agreed to let Ziju Min take Shao Yuan away after a few days. Before that, Ziju Min was to resolve the conflict between the Jade Lake Sect and House Yan.

The pill sovereign naturally wouldn't decline. He knew House Yan didn't want to be the Jade Lake Sect's enemy.

Afterwards, the patriarch returned to the great hall with a dark and dejected expression.

The elders had remained in the hall. They didn't dare leave while Ziju Min was on the premises. If word got out that the house executives were dilly-dallying every which where, he might think they didn't respect him.

They had all been waiting for the patriarch and blinked when they saw the patriarch return on his own. "Where's Master Ziju, patriarch?"

"He's left," the patriarch responded remotely.

"He's gone?" Yan Wanyou couldn't help ask. "Has he seen that kid Shao Yuan?"

"He has. What else do you have to say, Venerated Elder Wanyou?"

Yan Wanyou chuckled. "It doesn't matter now. There's no need for us to argue over a young man who doesn't share our surname. In the end, it's Yan descendants who can make the family strong."

"You're right," the patriarch said in a frigid tone. "We don't need to agonize over the problem anymore. Shao Yuan has agreed to join the Eternal Sacred Land after Master Ziju made him another offer. He's out of your hair. You don't have to think about him anymore."

"What?" The news shocked all those assembled.

Yan Wanyou gaped, thinking the patriarch was joking. But a closer look told him otherwise.

"As… as expected, he isn't loyal to us at all! We can't depend on people from outside the family at all. See, I was right!" Yan Wanyou considered himself wise to have disapproved of the young man. Just look at the betrayal in such a short amount of time!

"Shut up!" The patriarch had had enough. "Proud of yourself, aren't you? Yan Wanyou, you played an important role in driving Shao Yuan away. One day, you'll realize what a genius the house has lost. We wronged him, yet he didn't betray us. He's bringing Yan Qingsang to the Eternal Sacred Land with him. Master Ziju has agreed to mediate the conflict between us and the Jade Lake Sect, and he says he owed us a favor. This is all thanks to Shao Yuan."

The patriarch's tone was cold. "This young man has been ostracized and judged like wares in a marketplace. A genius' pride and dignity was trampled and affronted. And yet, he pays us back with kindness and didn't strike back despite his rise in status. Setting aside our young, how many of you old men would be able to show such magnanimity and clemency?"

Chapter 1683: A Heart-to-Heart

Silence stretched on.

The others were rendered speechless by the patriarch's words, despite any dislike they might've had for Shao Yuan.

What else could they possibly say? The young man had contributed greatly to the house despite his short period of time with the family. And when he left, he imparted another great favor even though he'd been furious with them. No one could find any fault in his treatment of others.

At the same time, some were secretly jealous of Yan Qingsang. The boy had always been mediocre, but he'd been blessed with great fortune again and again after the trip to the Bluesmoke Isles. His good luck was unstoppable.

Yan Wanjun had already stormed away in anger, but someone brought the news to him immediately.

He sighed with resignation when he heard that Shao Yuan was going to join the Eternal Sacred Land. "How can a family as big as House Yan have no place for a genius with a different surname? Is there any hope left for us?"

He was genuinely concerned. Ever since the death of the forefather, there had been a lack of absolute authority in House Yan, which left them directionless. As a result, the family failed to reach a consensus on many issues, intensifying the infighting. No one could ever agree on anything. Thus, the clan's strength steadily declined.

A breakdown in a family's operations led to problems in all aspects.

Mixed emotions assailed Yan Wanjun when he heard that Yan Qingsang would be leaving along with Shao Yuan.

He cared greatly for his grandson. The boy was almost the only thing that mattered in his life. He was genuinely happy that Yan Qingsang could enter the Eternal Sacred Land, as the latter's success was what made Yan Wanjun feel hope in life.

Yan Qingsang received the news immediately as well, but his immediate reaction was more lost than excited. He went back to his residence at once to find Jiang Chen standing in the yard, deep in thought.

"Brother Shao Yuan, have I wronged you?" Yan Qingsang sounded quite distressed.

Jiang Chen sighed softly. "No, you haven't."

"Has House Yan wronged you, then?"

Jiang Chen didn't respond immediately, taking a moment to slowly gather his bearings. "For your sake, I would've ignored how House Yan bullies and humiliates me, Brother Yan. There are other things I don't know how to tell you."

"Tell me," Yan Qingsang said urgently. "This makes me wonder even more why you decided to join the Eternal Sacred Land."

"Do you really want to know?" Jiang Chen asked faintly.

"Yes, tell me now or we can't even be brothers anymore." Yan Qingsang cared about emotional ties greatly. The only person he'd ever trusted over the years was Jiang Chen.

He couldn't have been more disappointed when he heard that Jiang Chen was leaving House Yan. His young heart even felt that he'd been betrayed by the friendship.

Jiang Chen considered Yan Qingsang patiently.

"Do you have a dao partner, Brother Yan?" Jiang Chen asked out of the blue.

"No." Yan Qingsang was caught off guard and scowled. "Don't try to change the subject."

Jiang Chen ignored the response and continued, "If you have a dao partner that you've sworn an oath that to death do we part, would you save her at all costs if she was in danger? Would you be willing to die for her?"

"If there's a woman like that, I would," Yan Qingsang replied without hesitation. "We've sworn our lives to each other. Of course I'd risk my life to save her."

"We're on the same page then. That's why you'd understand my decision if you were in my shoes."

"In your shoes?"

Jiang Chen nodded. "Yes."

Yan Qingsang looked owlishly at him. "What do you mean? Who's your dao partner?" Realization dawned on him. He stared at Jiang Chen with wide eyes. "Do... do you mean my cousin Huang'er?"

Jiang Chen wasn't surprised that Yan Qingsang would come to the correct answer. There'd been more than enough clues given. Yan Qingsang would have to be a right fool to still not connect the dots.

"Brother Yan, everyone in your family, including you, has been overprotective of Huang'er. You're afraid that someone may sneak in and take her away. However, have you ever thought of the possibility that Huang'er and I already have a history together? That we've already sworn ourselves to each other until the end of time?"

Yan QIngsang gaped at him. He wasn't stupid. It didn't take much time for him to think through everything.

Elder Xi had made a report about Huang'er's experience in the human domain when he returned. Yan Qingsang had been informed as well. She'd had a young genius for a dao partner while in the human domain.

Yan Qingsang didn't take it seriously at the time. What genius could there be in a place like that? He'e even thought that Huang'er had lowered her standards when she was there. But, the man standing before him was that precise genius!

Jiang Chen didn't pay any attention to a petrified Yan Qingsang. He declared with conviction, "When Elder Xi took Huang'er away from the human domain, I told him that one day, I'll come to Myriad Abyss Island to take my woman back. I won't let anyone stop me! Not you, not House Yan, not House Xiahou. Anyone who tries will be my enemy!

"I must make choices that will best further my goal. I have time, but Huang'er doesn't. The moment Xiahou Zong ends closed door cultivation will be the moment her life ends. You of House Yan may have accepted that she must be sacrificed in exchange for your peace and safety, but I haven't! I haven't grown numb. I won't give up! Even if everyone in your family has given up, I refuse to abandon her. I'll persevere even if the whole world is against me!"

Yan Qingsang imitated a statue for a good while until he recovered, taking some time to digest the new information. A trace of anger broke through his calm face. "Does that mean you approached me with a purpose? That it was all part of your plan?"

"Yes," Jiang Chen admitted.

Yan Qingsang's eyes blazed with fury. He charged at Jiang Chen and slugged him in the chest. Jiang Chen took the hit with no intention of dodging and crashed right into a pillar.

Blood streaked down the corner of his mouth.

"I owed you that punch." Jiang Chen got to his feet without wiping off the blood.

Yan Qingsang's resentment subsided somewhat upon seeing Jiang Chen taking a hit without defending himself.

"Why didn't you dodge my punch?" Yan Qingsang fumed. "Do you think that'll make me feel better?"

"I never do anything against my conscience, Brother Yan. I may have approached you for Huang'er, but I've never harmed you. I've never wronged you or House Yan. And I've always considered you my brother.

"But you continue to intervene and keep me away from Huang'er." Jiang Chen sighed. "You'll never understand what Huang'er means to me. You don't have a dao partner."

Yan Qingsang didn't have a comeback for that.

After a good while, he punched the ground angrily and clutched his head with both hands, agonized. "So what? Can you stop Xiahou Zong? He's ending his closed door cultivation in a few years. Once he does, Huang'er's fate is set in stone. You can't change that! Do you think I don't want her to be happy? Do you think I don't know you like her? That I don't want you to chase her? I want the best for House Yan, for Huang'er, and for you. If I let you get close to Huang'er, you'll disappear from the world in less than a month!"

Yan Qingsang's voice was hoarse. He sounded on the verge of tears. "You'll never know what atrocities House Yan and House Xiahou are capable of committing. You don't see the gravity of the problem. I consider you my brother. I can't let you get yourself killed!" He swallowed a sob.

Jiang Chen stayed silent. He understood Yan Qingsang's sentiments. House Yan and House Xiahou wouldn't let any men get close to Huang'er. If anyone did, both houses would immediately get rid of the man.

Yan Qingsang plainly knew that, which was why he'd constantly issued severe warnings that Jiang Chen shouldn't even think about pursuing Huang'er.

"Alright, I've told you everything there is to know. You're the first person to know my secret. Not even Master Ziju or my disciple Hua Ming knows the truth. No one else knows that Shao Yuan is a toad from the human domain!"

Surprisingly, Yan Qingsang didn't retort or snap back. Instead, he stared fixedly at Jiang Chen with great concentration. He sighed after a long pause. "So your real name is Jiang Chen?"

"Yes." There was no point for Jiang Chen to hide anything now.

"I know all about you and Huang'er. Before I met you, I thought you were a scumbag, a toad who wanted to eat the meat of a swan. Both I and everyone in the house have underestimated your competence and determination." Yan Qingsang's tone turned wry. "I'd always thought you wouldn't possibly have the courage to come to Myriad Abyss Island, but here you are. You killed Xiahou Xi for your own reasons as well, didn't you?"

"He's not the only one," Jiang Chen responded indifferently. "I killed Xiahou Jing and his thugs as well. Xiahou Xi wasn't the first one I took out, and he won't be the last. My goal is Xiahou Zong!"

Yan Qingsang wasn't at all surprised after their conversation. In fact, he'd heard similar from Jiang Chen before.

When Yan Wanjun had asked, Jiang Chen had resolutely responded that he wouldn't hesitate at all if he had the opportunity to kill Xiahou Zong. It looked like he'd made plans for this long ago!

Chapter 1684: Brothers Come To Terms

Yan Qingsang's anger dissipated as quickly as it had come. The heat of the moment had gotten the better of him. Once he calmed down, rational analysis from Jiang Chen's point of view enabled him to understand his friend better.

How could the undying bonds of love be broken so easily? Any hot-blooded man wouldn't sit idly by while another robbed him of his beloved. And as a cultivation vessel, to boot!

Such an end was perhaps the cruelest of all. It would cost the girl both her chastity and life. As a man himself, Yan Qingsang found it equally unacceptable.

Thus, he understood Jiang Chen after his fury subsided. He had opposed Shao Yuan's approach of Huang'er in the beginning because he considered the other youth a brother. He didn't want Shao Yuan to die uselessly, nor did he want a mishap to occur to the house's fortunes.

Now that he knew the truth, compassion welled up. Huang'er had always been his cousin, and he'd been upset at the whims of fate from the start. Alas, he hadn't had the strength to alter it himself.

But Huang'er's dao partner was now here; he'd gotten so far with step after painstaking step! It was easy enough to imagine the difficulties he'd encountered along the way.

Under these circumstances, Yan Qingsang felt that he could no longer cruelly suppress his friend's efforts.

It would be to the ire of man and heaven alike if he did so.

The duo sat side by side on the edge of the courtyard, both silent after the fight and spat. Any more words now would feel feeble.

After a while, Yan Qingsang couldn't hold it in any longer. "What should I call you now?"

"Shao Yuan, still," Jiang Chen replied coolly. "I won't announce my actual identity without an absolute grasp on the situation. Not that I'm worried about trouble for myself, but I don't want Huang'er to be dragged into anything else. Plus, I'm concerned about potential predators sizing the human domain up for retribution."

Yan Qingsang harrumphed. "So now you're worried about dragging Huang'er into things, are you? If not for you, Huang'er wouldn't have been watched so closely after coming back."

"If not for me, you wouldn't even have gotten a live Huang'er back. How would you appease House Xiahou then?" Jiang Chen was positively frigid. His comment was completely true.

When Jiang Chen had first met Huang'er, the Generation Binding Curse had already taken a severe toll on her. If it hadn't been dealt with in a timely manner, she wouldn't have lasted much longer.

Yan Qingsang cracked a wry smile. "Now I understand why Huang'er is so faithful to you. It's not just talent that you have, but courage and intellect as well. Plus, you're able to keep your cool. Given enough time and a proper stage, you might really have the potential to challenge Xiahou Zong."

"Challenge Xiahou Zong?" Jiang Chen snickered incessantly. "You'll know one day that he's only an insignificant clown to me. A small interlude in the grand scheme of my life, one that won't cause much trouble in the end."

"You're certainly presumptuous, aren't you? I guess it makes sense. How long has it been since you've arrived at Myriad Abyss? You might not understand exactly how strong Xiahou Zong is yet."

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth curled, but he didn't reply.

"Brother Yan, I've cleared a road ahead of you. Think about coming to the Eternal Sacred Land. I haven't been in House Yan long, but I can see the high hopes your grandfather has for you."

"I know." Yan Qingsang sounded a bit sad. "But I've disappointed him more than I've impressed him. I'm lucky to have met you. I've been able to hold my head higher in front of grandpa because of you, and the same is true with him and the house at large. I should say that you're the one who changed my fate." His tone encroached upon self-deprecation.

"People's fates aren't decided by others. We were destined to become brothers, you and I. Truthfully, I hated House Yan as a whole before I came here. How could a family be so ruthless as to give away a granddaughter in its direct line?"

"It's really not my grandfather's fault," Yan Qingsang asserted gloomily. "The house is too complacent and divided between petty disputes. All of them want to sacrifice Huang'er in order to ensure their own survival." The young man's tone grew indignant upon the mention of this.

"I've seen all of that myself. House Yan is a melting pot of chaos. The patriarch is an ambitious man, but lacks experience and charisma. He can't keep all of the venerated elders and regular elders in line. When differences in opinion mount, the house will focus on internal strife and hasten its own decline. Once that happens, a collapse of some sort will be imminent." Jiang Chen was completely blunt with his assessment.

House Yan's administration had a myriad of issues. However, no one in the entire house had the ability to change it for the better. Their differing positions and interests ensured that it would stay that way. Who was willing to lose so that others might gain?

"What do you think we should do? Does the family really not have a future?" Yan Qingsang was immensely sad and disillusioned.

"If a faction or sect wants to rise, it must do so on the back of a superlative genius. An ambitious hero of sorts may lead a house out of the swamp of its troubles. When a man like that appears, all petty strife will cease. House Yan's decline began after the death of your venerated forefather."

"You're right, but the house is missing someone like that. I doubt he will appear anytime soon."

"Why haven't you considered yourself?" Jiang Chen smiled faintly. "Your talent isn't bad, and neither is your mentality. Why not believe in yourself a bit?"

"Who says I don't believe myself? But it's important to have some self-awareness as well. Even Brother Zhenhuai doesn't think that highly of himself. How can I have such delusions of grandeur?"

Yan Zhenhuai was the only other man in House Yan that Yan Qingsang respected.

"Brother Zhenhuai is indeed remarkable, but you're not half bad either. The Eternal Sacred Land is an opportunity for you. Are you going to give it up?"

"Of course not." Yan Qingsang's voice grew louder. "I'm not going to give up a chance like this. Even if I won't last in the sacred land, I need to grasp it to drive myself forward."

Jiang Chen smiled serenely. "Come with me then. I have my reasons for recommending you. One day, you will rise to the top – as long as you have the resolve and daring to become one of the future drivers of House Yan."

Yan Qingsang pondered his friend's serious expression. The sight of it was somehow powerfully encouraging. He saw hope within, and it bolstered his fighting spirit tenfold. In that moment, his passions got the better of him. "Alright, I suddenly feel that we're somewhat similar."

"How so?"

"No one is optimistic about either of us, but we'll prove all of them wrong!"

Jiang Chen curved his lips. "You're wrong there. I've never thought about proving myself to anyone else. I pursue one thing and one thing only: that no one else will be able to halt my step or impede my will beneath the heavens.

"Do you understand what I mean?" His smile was full of wisdom and determination.

Yan Qingsang sank into a reverie as he looked on at his friend. After a long intermission, he sighed softly. "I'd always thought that Huang'er fell in love with you because you saved her life. It seems I was foolish to have thought so."

"From this day forward, Brother Yan, are you on Xiahou Zong's side? Or mine?"

There was no need for Yan Qingsang to even think about it. "Is that even a question? From the bottom of the heart, I've always been on yours. It was reason that told me not to indulge your attempts at wooing my cousin. Xiahou Zong? I wish he would drop dead right this very moment! Even if you were to kill me a hundred times, I'd still not take his side."

Jiang Chen grinned with leisure. "That's why I picked you, Yan Qingsang. There are only two men among House Yan's younger generation: Yan Zhenhuai and yourself. The others are spineless worms!"

He really didn't care for the other Yan youths.

His animosity with Yan Qingsang thus concluded, he no longer felt like he owed anything to House Yan.

The morning of the second day, Ziju Min came to visit once more to inform House Yan that he'd made an arrangement with the Jade Lake Sect to have a rematch on the Mirage Introspection Pill.

"The Eternal Sacred Land has taken responsibility for this little disagreement. It is no longer tied to House Yan, and the sect bears no other grudge against your house. That should be enough to alleviate your worries," Ziju Min explained to the patriarch.

Now that things had gotten to this point, House Yan's patriarch had no room to comment.

As long as the grudge with the Jade Lake Sect was erased, the house could at least comfort itself with the prospect of resting easy once more. Since Shao Yuan was destined to remain no longer, House Yan didn't want to touch the matter at all.

Early next morning, Yan Wanjun brought a large batch of the house's elites to Cloud Camel Mountain. Since his grandson was heading on to bigger and better things, there were no more worries clouding his heart.

Ziju Min himself cared quite a bit about the Mirage Introspection Pill. Clearly, he wanted to burn the new judgment about the pill into the public consciousness as authoritative fact. Only then would the Jade Lake Sect have no room to salvage their position.

Therefore, he made every effort to advance the affair.

"Shao Yuan, the Jade Lake Sect doesn't know when to quit. Several old coots have been invited, all of them adamant that Illusory Spirit Grass is the best choice. They've tested using Silverstripe Grass several times, with disastrous results each time. Therefore, they feel that your refinement process included some kind of special method. In fact, they go so far as to suspect that the Eternal Sacred Land's set everything up to strike down the sect."

Jiang Chen grinned when he heard all this. "The Jade Lake Sect has such an overactive imagination, doesn't it?"

Ziju Min smiled wryly. "It's too late to say anything about it now. You need to prove it to them with your actions so that they will finally give the subject a rest."

"That's not hard at all. Will they accept the results, though?"

"They're the ones bringing humiliation upon themselves. They can't possibly blame it on you," Ziju Min shrugged.