
Chapter 1567 to Chapter 1573

Chapter 1567: Commander Yong of the City Guards

Jiang Chen decided to visit the seven great factions one by one. He could hopefully learn more of the inner workings of this place after doing so.

A round of visitation was enough to garner rudimentary understanding. No single faction was kind hearted or passive. Each had a base of operations, sufficient authority, and more than enough manpower.

Out of the seven, three were families, two were gangs, and the remaining two were coalition-style organizations like the Southsky Alliance.

An organization was more loosely knit compared to a family, but they had the advantage of more manpower and resources. The Southsky Alliance had its roots as a mercantile organization.

It had begun as a purely financial entity. When the merchants forming it gained prominence, they began to want for status and prestige. After recruiting a more combat-capable force, the Southsky Alliance was the result.

It was one of the stronger factions among its peers. Its largest advantage was in numbers. It had many friends and even more connections. Most importantly, it was more principled in its behavior compared to the families and gangs. It conducted the money-making side of the business via legal commercial means.

The other factions – the families especially – had little interest in mercantile work. They had few enough people, and the younger scions of said families didn't want to waste their time on something as menial as buying low and selling high.

Jiang Chen ended up buying a guarantee from the Myriad Prosperity Gang. The name was rather basic, like one the gangs of the mundane world would use. But in Sin City, the Myriad Prosperity Gang was a faction to be reckoned with. It was the darkest, most lawless, and most vicious of the seven.

He was currently in one of the gang's branch buildings, purchasing the spot recommendation with residency seal in hand.

"Your surname is Jiang? Jiang Huang?" The man responsible for handling the paperwork inquired with some interest.

"Yes, Jiang Huang." Of course he wasn't going to use his actual name. 'Jiang Huang' took one character each from his name and Huang'er's.

"Not bad. Thirty thousand sky spirit stones. Money first, paperwork after."

Jiang Chen took out the required sum without a change in expression and handed it to the man. The stones were quickly tallied and checked before there was a loud announcement. "One guaranteed recommendation for Jiang Huang."

Everyone receiving a guarantee was given a unique jade slip as proof. Thirty thousand stones had vanished into the air for this little token.

"In three days, take this jade slip to the selection grounds. The exact location is in sacred grounds within the city lord's residence." The Myriad Prosperity Gang was reasonably polite to a paying customer. At least they were doing as advertised.

Jiang Chen returned to the inn after securing a slot for himself in the competition.

Surprisingly, there were a group of city guards standing near its entrance again. They were the same ones who'd come yesterday to pick a fight. However, fewer were gathered here than yesterday. The presence of a leadership figure was another notable difference.

The man at their helm wore light armor and a battle cloak. His appearance was wild, almost like he'd just walked off a battlefield. The city guards were overjoyed after spotting Jiang Chen in the distance. They pointed him out to their leader instantly.

Jiang Chen raised an eyebrow, killing intent flashing in his heart. Hadn't these guys slunk away yesterday? Why did they dare show themselves now? Did they think that his warnings had only been for show?

He was mildly frustrated. Were these guards going to restart the conflict from yesterday?

Jiang Chen wasn't pathetic enough to enjoy being provoked repeatedly by the same group of people. Even if I give up on the selection, even if I have to leave Sin City, I'm going to kill these bastards today! His anger was well and truly flaring up.

He walked straight into them, neither avoiding them nor taking a detour. Despite not intentionally puffing himself up, his majestic steps radiated an indescribable poise and aura.

The guards were a bit uncomfortable when they saw Jiang Chen's displeasure. Some looked rather fearful.

"It seems you lot forgot the warning I gave yesterday," Jiang Chen declared coldly as he strode closer.

One of the guards hurriedly shook his head. "No, no, sir, please don't misunderstand. We're not here to pick a fight with you today. Our Commander Yong here wanted to see you."

Commander Yong?

Jiang Chen glanced at the lightly-armored commander. Standing in a crowd of guards, he was clearly a cut above the rest. He cupped his fist towards the commander without needing an introduction. "You must be Commander Yong."

The lightly-armored cultivator nodded slightly, but his gaze didn't leave Jiang Chen's face. Evidently, Jiang Chen was being scrutinized.

"What's your surname, friend?" Commander Yong's voice was deeply masculine and magnetic. It was easy to form a good impression about him just by listening to his voice.

"Jiang." This wasn't Jiang Chen's first time answering the question.

"Friend Jiang, I've been informed of the trouble between you and these guards. You're not the one at fault. I've already harshly rebuked my foolish subordinates."

"Haha, I've forgotten about all that already. My apologies for making you come all the way, Commander Yong." Jiang Chen smiled candidly, making his own attitude clear.

"Very good. I didn't expect you to be the type of man to bear a grudge regardless, Sir Jiang. Actually, I came here today to ask you to come somewhere with me."

"Where to?" Jiang Chen was a bit wary at the prospect.

"Ah, please don't overthink it." The commander realized that his tone might have caused an undesirably adverse reaction. "I hear you rescued a near-dead patient yesterday. You diagnosed what poison he was inflicted with in a very short time, and created the antidote to save his life even more swiftly than that. I am very impressed with your medical skills."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly. He didn't lower his guard because of the praise.

"Just a mere coincidence. I'm not as good of a doctor as you think, Commander Yong." He didn't play along with the other man's line of conversation.

The commander trained both eyes on Jiang Chen in patient explanation. "Sir Jiang, I'll cut to the chase. A few days ago, my beloved wife was stricken with a strange illness. I've asked many pill dao masters, but none could figure out the reason for it. I've been extremely anxious these days because of it."

"You should pay a princely sum to a pill immortal for help, Commander Yong."

A so-called 'pill immortal' referred to empyrean rank pill masters, a level beyond pill emperor. However, any such professional required an exorbitant price to move even once.

Though Commander Yong was a commander, there were many other commanders in the city guard as well. He was a mid-ranking official at most.

Commanders were ruled by major commanders, who were in turn managed by the commander-in-chief. Only the commander-in-chief reported directly to the city lord.

Thus, a man of Commander Yong's position and means would find it difficult to enlist the assistance of a pill immortal. Moreover, even if he did bite the bullet and spend all his wealth on a pill immortal, failure meant he would be left destitute with a sick wife. He would really have nowhere to turn then.

The commander didn't wish to gamble in such a way before he was out of options. If he took and stumbled on this particular step, it would mean the end of his life.

He'd paid attention to the gossip between his subordinates about their failure at extortion The news of a medical master had made his seat hot. That was why he'd come to the inn today. He was at the end of his rope and desperately wanted Jiang Chen's help in saving his wife.

"Ah!" Commander Yong looked sad when he heard what Jiang Chen had said. "Sir Jiang, I can afford a pill immortal if I spend everything I have. But what if he fails? When I'm left in poverty, how shall I save my wife then?"

A gleam suddenly appeared in his eyes. "I must ask you without any reservations to come with me, Sir Jiang," he cupped his fist. "Whether you fail or succeed, I will owe you a big favor. Plus, I'll pay you according to a pill emperor's standards. How about it?"

The commander didn't know why, but he had an almost single-minded expectation for the mysterious youth before him. The marvelous way that the guards had spoken about the young man's exploits had moved his heart.

Commander Yong had even come earlier to interview Xing Hui about his experiences. He was able to glean much from the formerly poisoned man. The circumstantial evidence proved that this Sir Jiang's pill dao skills were superb indeed. All of this came together to put the commander before the inn's entrance, intent on engaging the newcomer's services.

The young man's dispassion evoked another comment from the commander. "Sir Jiang, I hear you wanted to participate in the city lord's selection. If you are willing to come with me, I will get a spot for you in it for free. You'll save the thirty thousand sky spirit stone fee."

Jiang Chen was at a loss for words. Why hadn't the commander come yesterday? He could've saved thirty thousand sky spirit stones if he had.

"Sorry, Commander Yong, but I've already acquired the right to participate in the competition." Jiang Chen shrugged. "Still, I'll come with you to resolve your plight, given your passionate invitation. I'll be blunt about it. I will try my best, but I can't guarantee success."

Commander Yong was a decent enough man to go so far for his wife. Additionally, a commander for the city guard was useful to know. These factors decided that Jiang Chen would make a visit.

Chapter 1568: Diagnosis

Truthfully, Jiang Chen considered Commander Yong's display rather sincere. He wouldn't have agreed to the man's request otherwise, given that he could possibly be walking into a trap.

The commander couldn't contain his jubilation at Jiang Chen's agreement.

"Please let me lead the way, Sir Jiang." The commander astutely dismissed the other guards. "Go back for today. You don't need to stay with us any more. I'll mark this down in my book. I appreciate it."

The guards typically flattered and buttered up the commander at any opportunity. They were more than happy to help the commander even a little bit, so didn't dare take credit for anything so weighty. All of them made generic protests before excusing themselves.

"I must trouble you, Sir Jiang." Commander Yong thanked Jiang Chen again.

The young lord nodded slightly. "I've noticed that many who live on Winterdraw are cold-blooded, ruthless folk. The lengths to which you cherish your wife, Commander Yong, means that you're not like them. I agreed to come because of your exceptionalism. Let the heavens decide the results."

"I am in your debt whether you succeed or not," the commander guaranteed.


The commander's residence wasn't nearly as luxurious as Jiang Chen had expected. Sin City was evidently a place with expensive real estate. Even a commander of the city lord's guard didn't enjoy a large dwelling.

The court of the residence wasn't large, but it was homely and well-organized. Two children rushed to meet the returning duo, one boy and one girl. "Daddy," they called out.

Commander Yong's eyes were filled with love. He embraced both children with great affection.

"Zhen'er, Li'er, this is Uncle Jiang. Daddy asked him to come look at mommy's illness."

"Uncle Jiang." The two rather cute children were equally lovely and sweet.

The sight of both children caused Jiang Chen to remember his own daughter. When he'd caught sight of her at Plumscore Retreat, she had been about this age as well. His heart softened.

"Uncle Jiang, you can definitely cure mommy, right?"

"Uncle Jiang, you must be really amazing!"

The children's expectant looks were impossible to turn down. "I'll absolutely try my best," Jiang Chen nodded.

Children were the most innocent almost anywhere. There was no disguising the purity and sincerity in their eyes. They were completely artless existences.

Jiang Chen found such an avenue of attack the most difficult to handle.

Commander Yong lightly caressed his children's heads. "Zhen'er, Li'er, go play for now. Let Uncle Jiang look at your mother."

The two children were loath to leave, but nodded dutifully and stepped aside. Their eyes radiated hope and entreaty, having banked all of their hopes on Jiang Chen's skill.

Jiang Chen followed Commander Yong further in.

"I invited a few pill dao masters before," Commander Yong stated bitterly. "But perhaps my wife's illness is too strange. They had no idea what to do about her. My children are always hopeful, then disappointed," the commander exhaled a ragged breath. "They're too young. I'm worried if they'll be able to bear it if they lose their mother."

"Let's see to your wife first, Commander Yong."

Jiang Chen didn't like making promises he was uncertain of fulfilling, but the authenticity of the children had caused him to make his mind up already. He would push himself to the fullest today.

The commander led Jiang Chen to an inner room.

"Ah Tang, Ah Tang. I've invited another pill dao master here to diagnose you!" His voice of excitement reached inside before he knocked upon the chamber's door.

There was a sound of greeting from within. A weak female voice sighed. "Brother Yong, I don't think I'll make it. Don't waste any more money. My sickness has cost the family so much money the past few days. The kids are young and your job is dangerous, so our home can't afford…"

"What are you going on about, Ah Tang?" The commander was a bit upset. "You're the one who's keeping the family stable. Without you, our home is incomplete! I can always make more money. Stop worrying and get better, alright?"

Though his words were ones of rebuke, his tone was filled with compassion. Clearly, he loved his wife very much; he wouldn't allow her to give up on herself.

Jiang Chen admired the commander more for what he saw. Someone who was willing to spend all his possessions to save his wife couldn't be incorrigibly evil. Many spouses were willing to abandon each other in times of trouble. That this specific husband and wife pair was able to maintain such genuine affection for each other was rare indeed, considering the general malaise that permeated Sin City.

This city contained very little beauty, and Jiang Chen wasn't about to let the few instances he saw of it wither.

They entered into a chamber with a sickbed within. A woman reclined upon it, her face pale and bloodless. Her pupils were similarly much dimmer than ordinary.

A single glance was enough to tell Jiang Chen that this woman wasn't in a good state. In fact, anyone who wasn't blind could see that she was very ill. Her pretty features had been drained of most of their life. The ravages of disease had done a number to her vitality.

"Sir Jiang, this is my wife, Ah Tang." Commander Yong introduced.

"Ah Tang, this is Sir Jiang. He's a newcomer to Sin City, but his medical knowledge is superior to many pill dao masters."

The commander had little evidence aside from Jiang Chen's ability to spontaneously mix up poison antidotes. He was betting on the unlikely.

Jiang Chen was very polite. "Madam, please allow me to take your pulse first."

Half-crouching by the bedside, he closed his eyes and pressed his fingers down. His concentration put his nature on full display.

Originally, Ah Tang had been mildly suspicious as to whether her husband had invited a quack home. She didn't have time to voice concern however, before she was awed by his presence.

Jiang Chen's relaxed composure was impressive to his onlookers. His youthfulness created questions, but his aplomb was sufficient to suppress them. The young man's process to check pulses was much finer and more detailed compared to normal people.

After a long while, he gently took his hands away. His eyes remained closed, however, as he sank deep into thought. He was quite plainly sorting out his thoughts.

After a few moments, both eyes suddenly snapped open. His God's Eye examined the seriously ill woman in consideration of something.

Commander Yong stood anxiously to the side, incessantly rubbing his hands together. He was even tenser than his wife. He was desperately worried that Jiang Chen would say something utterly crushing. He didn't want his last ray of hope to be snuffed out. His heart was in his throat; he made every effort to hold his breath in order not to disturb the youthful doctor.

Jiang Chen broke the silence with no indication whatsoever. "Your wife doesn't seem to be a cultivator."

Ah Tang nodded, her eyes reddening. "I wasn't a cultivator as a child. Brother Yong married me because he took pity on me, but now I'm dragging him down."

Jiang Chen waved. "Not at all, madam. The relationship between husband and wife isn't like that. You aren't a burden on him at all."

Commander Yong nodded in hasty agreement. "Yes, yes. Don't say silly things like that, Ah Tang."

The woman could only weep silently in response.

Jiang Chen inclined his head imperceptibly before turning to the commander. "Commander Yong, do you mind if I check your pulse too?"

The commander blinked. "I'm not sick at all. Quite healthy, in fact. Why do you need to take my pulse?"

Jiang Chen smiled. "I'd like to try. Do you mind?"

"Alright!" The young man's insistence eliminated the commander's need to ask why. He walked up, offering his hand without reservation.

Jiang Chen placed his hand on the man's wrist, sensing through his fingertips once more.

It went much faster this time. Nodding thoughtfully to himself, Jiang Chen had found a few clues.

"Commander Yong," he asked suddenly. "Did you begin refining an exceptionally fierce method in the past half-year? The kind with a ton of killing intent involved?"

The commander blinked. "You're talking about my Celestial Tyrant Blade technique?"

"I don't know what the name is, but it's definitely a method that brims with both the metal attribute and carnage." Jiang Chen had given his own guess.

Commander Yong's mouth opened wide. "T-this…" he stuttered. "Did you guess all this?"

"No, I concluded it from your pulse." Jiang Chen smiled. "Your meridians have taken on similar attributes to your method. Every inch of your body contains lethal brutality, and your pores exude blade aura. Unfortunately, you haven't attained major achievement yet – so you can't retract your edge."

Commander Yong was speechless. Matters of cultivation were unknown to even his subordinates. Who could know aside from himself alone? He'd never told the outside world a thing about what he was doing. Was Sir Jiang able to read all these things through checking pulses alone? This was astounding!

"Sir Jiang, can it be… that Ah Tang's illness is related to me?" The man's brain spun quickly to the inevitable realization. There was no other reason for the rapid shift in conversation topic.

Jiang Chen sighed. "I wanted to avoid saying it outright so that you wouldn't feel too fuilty. But I did need to communicate in some way, or your wife would remain at risk. I thought I would err on the truthful side."

"I'm perfectly fine with your directness, Sir Jiang," the commander hastily reassured. "Don't worry about my feelings."

"It's rather clear by now, I should think. You can't fully control your method, so there's invisible blade intent seeping out from every bit of your skin at all times. Over the past half year, you and your wife have slept in the same bed every night. Even if you didn't engage in any intimate relations, you still would've harmed the wood energy within her…"

Commander Yong gasped, then became completely ashen. He suddenly remembered his drastically increased sexual drive after the refinement of this method. During the past six months, he'd worked his wife over several times a night…

Can it be…

The commander found it difficult to contain his embarrassment.

Chapter 1569: How to Resolve Things

Commander Yong would really find it hard to forgive himself if this was the reason for his wife's sickness.

Jiang Chen didn't purposefully dwell on anything and continued. "The theory behind this all is as everlasting as the sky and earth. Your metallic qi keeps attacking the wood qi in your wife's body. Wood qi rules over one's vitality and symbolizes to thrive and flourish.

"If wood qi is strongly abundant, then so are one's bodily operations. If the qi is weak, then that in turn is reflected in one's body. The five elements within a human body form a natural cycle. However, your wife isn't a cultivator and can't create a microcosm of the world in her body like we can. Therefore, she doesn't have the ability to filter and expel your murderous aura. Chronic decline of vitality is the root of the madam's illness."

They'd gone back to the most basic of theories. Most pill masters wouldn't be able to observe things in such detail, making it impossible to put everything together and lay out the why's and how's. This was why so many had failed with their diagnosis.

They'd shared a common fallacy, that Ah Tang's bodily operations were weakening because she had run afoul of some evil spirit or had been poisoned. Thanks to Jiang Chen's unique circumstances, his vastly superior knowledge and deductive abilities had enabled him to come to the right answer.

"Sir Jiang, is there a cure for this?" This was still the commander's most pressing question.

Jiang Chen nodded. "Though her vitality is diminished, it still exists. There's hope as long as that holds true."

"How? Are large quantities of wood attribute spirit medicines needed? I'll go buy them right now." Commander Yong itched to leap into frantic action.

But Jiang Chen shook his head. "That's not appropriate here. Your wife isn't a cultivator, which is precisely why she's being impacted by you. Meanwhile, your children have foundations in cultivation going back to their youth, which is why they're not affected. Your wife also has an innate lack of wood qi, making for weak circulation of the elemental cycle. Brashly giving her wood attribute medicines now would be a bid for speed that won't bring about success."

"Why?" The commander was baffled. Since his wife's internal wood qi was being devoured, shouldn't they quickly replenish it?

"To put it simply, feeding her medicine now would be harming her, not helping her. Your wife is weak and not equipped for a sudden influx of wood spirit energy. It'd be forcing a slowly babbling creek to accept the waters of a teeming river. That's highly inappropriate."

Enlightenment dawned for the commander and he nodded in rough understanding. He offered an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, Sir Jiang. I'm just in a rush. You're so confident that you must have a plan, right?"

Jiang Chen did indeed have an idea, and a very good one at that.

After a beat, he took out a small bottle that contained the essence of the wood spirit spring. This was something he always kept on him, in case of sudden emergencies. There was also nothing else beneath the heavens more suited to heal the commander's wife.

"Commander Yong, I have a few drops of wood spirit energy here. Go purchase a lot of pure wood attribute medicines and distill them into liquid. Mix them with what's in the bottle and have your madam bathe in it three times a day. This will refresh her pores, skin, flesh and blood, organs, and meridians, fully curing her."

One went all the way when saving a life. Though the essence of the wood spirit spring was precious, Jiang Chen didn't lack for any. It was an act of good karma to save a life, plus, it was an easy favor. Thus, gifting the essence didn't feel painful at all. The married couple obviously loved each other, and there was no reason for Jiang Chen to stand by coldly and not help.

"That… that simple?" The commander was rather taken aback.

"That simple." Jiang Chen smiled faintly. "You can try right now if you don't believe me. The effects of the first bath will be quite good and instantaneous. The resulting baths just aid the recovery and won't be as dramatic as the first one."

There was no one in the world who could doubt his medical skills.

Though the commander still found it incredible, he had no other options left to him. Besides, he'd been the one who invited the young man over, so he had to believe in himself!

Commander Yong quickly prepared a batch of wood attribute medicines and adroitly a large tub of liquid out of them.

"How many drops, Sir Jiang?" Jiang Chen's words were now the gospel truth to the commander.

"Five drops is necessary." There was very little of the essence, so five drops was already highly precious. However, the concentration had to be higher the first time around.

It was a bath, in any case. Not taking the essence orally immensely diluted its domineering impact. This was the only way an ordinary human could take it. Swallowing the essence whole was suicide for a non-cultivator. Their bodies would spontaneously explode.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly after the preparations were made. "Commander Yong, I'll wait outside. You shouldn't remain present either. You still can't control your murderous aura, so you represent an enormous source of stress to your wife."

The commander nodded rapidly and helped his wife in. "Ah Tang, I'll show myself out after helping you in. I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

Ah Tang quickly covered her husband's mouth. "Don't say that, Brother Yong. I'm not allowing you to."

When Jiang Chen walked into the yard, the commander's son and daughter came running over. "Uncle Jiang, can you save my mommy?"

"Please Uncle Jiang, please try your best to save her."

Jiang Chen was reminded of his own daughter when he looked at these adorable children, and the lonely figure she'd cut at Plumscore Retreat.

"Don't worry, your mother will be fine. She'll be hale and hearty after today and nothing else will happen to her."

"Really?? That's great! You won't lie to us, right Uncle Jiang?"

"Uncle Jiang, Li'er just knew that you're different from the others. You really are different! Li'er will have a mommy again after you save her!" The little girl was highly excited and scurried up to Jiang Chen, grabbing him for a kiss.

Jiang Chen laughed heartily. "Alright now, go off and play. Your mother can come out for some fresh air after an hour."

Commander Yong walked out at this time as well, wringing his hands. It was apparent that he was still very nervous. He was extremely worried about his gains and losses. What would he do if Jiang Chen's plan failed? He was out of ideas and resources. If it didn't work this time, he really was out of inspiration.

"No need to be that way, Commander Yong. You had no idea what you were doing. After this bath, you will have much less of an effect on your wife. She'll form a natural cycle within her that will defend against the erosion of your aura. You'll also need to keep at your cultivation, so that you can reach the state of deploying and retracting your aura at will, as soon as possible."

The commander raise a cupped fist salute. "Sir Jiang, I've really benefited from your knowledge this time."

Jiang Chen waved a hand and didn't say anything else. He knew that all words were useless on the commander at this point in time. They had to let the truth speak for itself.

After a period of nervously wringing his hands, the commander finally came up with conversation topic. "Sir Jiang, you mentioned that you'd signed up for the selection?"

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded.

The commander responded with a wry smile. "With your skill and talent in pill dao, there's no need for you to go through the selection at all. The city lord definitely has need for a genius like you."

Jiang Chen smiled. "I've already handed over the sign-up fee anyways."

But the commander waved a dismissive hand. "That's easily taken care of. Which faction accepted your fee? I'll get it back for you. How dare they take a fee from someone who will definitely qualify?"

Commander Yong grew much more dominating when speaking of topics other than his wife. Though he was just a commander, he was still a direct subordinate of the city lord's faction.

As strong as the seven factions may be, they had to respect one from the city lord.

Jiang Chen asked after a moment of thought, "What kind of topics will be covered in the selection?"

"The selection have always focused on pill and martial dao. Sir Jiang is uncommon in both. If you come with a hefty recommendation, you'll definitely be trusted with an important position in the city lord manor." Commander Yong thought for a moment. "My superior is a great commander and he has the right to speak to the commander-in-chief. If we have the chief put in a word for you, you'll make it straight into the city lord's line of sight. You'll be able to forgo a lot of the red tape from the selection and soar to the skies with a quick move."

The prospect was tempting. It'd been out of resignation that Jiang Chen was participating in the selection. If it was up to him, he'd rather not waste this time on the selection. After all, he was most short on time at the moment.

But then again, if he gained the city lord's attention through a connection with Commander Yong, he could also implicate the commander if he ran away one day. This, Jiang Chen wanted to avoid.

He smiled faintly. "Thank you for your good intentions, Commander Yong. I'll still participate in the selection."

"I mean it, Sir Jiang! And with your talent and skill, it is indeed a bit of an insult and waste of time to participate."

Jiang Chen remained smiling without a word. He knew that the commander only had the newcomer's best interests at heart.

"Your sentiments are enough, Commander Yong. Don't worry about the recommendation." He remained firm.

Though the commander didn't quite understand, he didn't continue pushing forward after seeing how resolute Jiang Chen was. He sighed. "Alright, come find me if you think through things one day."

The two changed topics, and Jiang Chen learned a lot more about Sin City thanks to the commander. He in turn described how exciting and radiant the outside world was.

Conversation flowed happily when footsteps sounded from the other side of the door. The door creaked open, stunning the commander with what it revealed.

Chapter 1570: A Great Reputation

"Ah Tang?" The commander rubbed his eyes, scarcely able to believe what he was seeing. It really was his wife emerging from the room! She'd been confined to bed all this time, unable to walk. But here she was, pushing through a door to set foot outside!

Though her steps were a bit weak, it was obvious that she'd recovered a great deal. She had the occasional stumble, but was able to lift her feet and walk out of her own volition.

Most importantly was that there were new traces of vigor in her face. The dullness from prior had been largely displayed, replaced by a trace of ruddy healthiness. This was the complexion of a healthy person.

The commander was beside himself with joy and ran up to welcome his wife, but quickly remembered how the killing intent within him had been the culprit of his wife's sickness. His hasty steps petered out.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly. "No worries, Commander Young. After the baptism of the wood spirit energy, your wife's body now contains a circulation of the five elements. As long as you don't intentionally attack her, the excess murderous aura you exude will no longer harm her."

Upon Jiang Chen's explanation, Commander Yong swept his wife up in his arms. "Ah Tang!"

Ah Tang's own eyes were as red as could be. "You found a wonderful doctor, Brother Yong."

The commander was overjoyed. "Yes, yes, I found a good doctor!" he half-shouted with laughter. "Sir Jiang, you are truly my lucky star. My entire family thanks you."

"Mommy, mommy!"

The two little ones were very excited to see their mother come out from the house. They hurtled madly at her from a distance, exhilarated that their mother was free of the confines of her bed after such a long time.

The happiness of the family made Jiang Chen happy as well. He hadn't come for money or power. The delight of the family he saw before him was what made his journey worthwhile.

The family was locked in a tight embrace, both crying and laughing. Only after a long while did the commander come over to Jiang Chen with the others, bowing deeply to the young man.

"You saved my entire family, Sir Jiang. I will never forget this debt." The commander was immensely serious.

Jiang Chen smiled. "Every doctor should have a compassionate heart. I'm pleased to have the fortune of saving someone. Now that my work is done, I won't hold up the family from catching up. As long as you follow my directions and bathe like that every day, it'll be only a week or two before your wife is completely recovered. It may even be able to change her constitution for the better."

The commander didn't doubt for a second what Jiang Chen said. He had an implicit trust in his young savior that was virtually unshakable. This was someone who stuck to his promises.

"Uncle Jiang, Li'er wants to thank you for saving our mommy. You can't go," the girl said in a childish, muffled voice.

Jiang Chen laughed. "Uncle has other things to do and you have a lot to talk about. I won't be in your way any longer than I have to." Saying this, he cupped his fist in farewell.

Commander Yong knew he couldn't keep the young man any longer. He patted Ah Tang on the back. "Ah Tang, I'm going to see Sir Jiang off. You should talk to the kids a bit. They've been quite worried and scared these days."

He strode out the door, catching up to Jiang Chen in only a few steps.

"There's no need, Commander Yong," the young man hurriedly cut off.

"Don't be in such a hurry to leave, Sir Jiang. I haven't paid your fee yet. The spirit essence you gave costs money too, no? All that added up isn't a small sum. You saved my wife. Am I supposed to see you lose money over it?" Commander Yong was a man who paid his debts. It was nonsensical that someone who'd done a favor to him would be short money because of it.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly. "I don't let money get in the way of saving lives, Commander Yong. I wouldn't go so far for money alone. The fact that I was able to save a family by doing something so trivial is a blessing in its own right. What need do I have for monetary compensation? Please, dispense with the courtesy."

Commander Yong was nettled. "Paying doctors is a fact of life, Sir Jiang. Plus, you're far superior to those so-called pill dao masters. I doubt even pill immortals would be as expert as you, and it costs a fortune to move them. I don't have much money on hand, but I have to give you what you deserved."

Jiang Chen broke out laughing at the seriousness. "Commander Yong, I know you can't afford much. Your kids are still young and rearing them costs a lot of money. Take what you want to give me and consider it a gift for your cute children instead. There's not much point to me taking it. Your family and your children need the money more."

Jiang Chen wasn't being pretentious. If the family he helped had been a wealthy one, he wouldn't have minded extracting an exorbitant sum for his efforts.

Commander Yong's mouth moved as if to say something, but Jiang Chen transformed into a stream of escaping light before his eyes. The commander looked a bit forlorn as he gazed in the direction of the young man's disappearance. His eyes and mouth were agape with shock.

He'd heard his subordinates say that Sir Jiang had a terrifying consciousness, but the commander was rendered speechless upon witnessing the youth's incredible speed.

"Where did this Sir Jiang come from? He's so young, but his pill dao skills, consciousness, and speed… just one talent alone would be incredible. How could a young genius like him have been exiled to Winterdraw?" Commander Yong was nothing short of perplexed.

From what he could see, Sir Jiang's talents and cultivation made him a genius of a large faction. It was likely he wasn't even native to the Rejuvenation Isles. Only geniuses from the Ten Divine Nations could have such amazing talent at this young an age.

But the Ten Divine Nations were so distant from them. How could a genius from there be in Winterdraw?

Commander Yong was completely confused when he returned home. He had been given a lot to think about.

Ah Tang saw his dejected perplexity. "What is it, Brother Yong?" she asked devotedly. "Sir Jiang left without taking the fee?"

"He didn't want it," Commander Yong replied in a muted voice. "He said that it was his present to Zhen'er and Li'er. Apparently, he really doesn't need the money and he thinks our family needs it far more."

Ah Tang was stunned. "He didn't take the money?"

"No." Commander Yong shook his head. "Sir Jiang must come from an important background. I was very lucky, Ah Tang. I was worried that even a pill immortal wouldn't be able to solve your problem, but serendipitously coming upon Sir Jiang Chen did. I still feel like I'm still dreaming."

Ah Tang's eyes reddened. "Could Sir Jiang be a pill immortal, Brother Yong?"

The commander was shaken. He hadn't considered that possibility before as he thought Sir Jiang was far too young to be one. All the other pill immortals he knew were ancient existences who'd lived millennia, if not tens of millennia. They were a uniformly conservative and reclusive bunch.

Pill immortal was synonymous with old man. The existence of a young one was almost inconceivable.

"We have to remember Sir Jiang's kindness no matter what. He's the benefactor of our entire family," Commander Yong stated solemnly.

Ah Tang and both children nodded, gratefulness brimming in their eyes.

Jiang Chen returned to the inn to find that Xing Hui and Xing Tong had been waiting for him for awhile. Their taut nerves finally relaxed to see the young man return.

Due to a previous interview, both father and daughter knew that Jiang Chen's late return was likely due to Commander Yong. They largely knew what the commander intended for the young man, and thought it rather risky for him to brave the residence of anyone related to the city lord. If Sir Jiang failed to heal the illness, he would very likely be blamed and punished in turn.

Their worries were assuaged when Jiang Chen returned in high spirits.

"Many apologies, Sir Jiang. The first thing that Commander Yong did when he came in was ask me about how you saved me. I told him everything, which… may have been burdensome for you." Xing Hui sounded quite contrite.

"Even if you hadn't said anything," Jiang Chen smiled, "the city guards already told him everything. He would've come for me anyways."

Off to the side, Xing Tong piped up with a blush. "Brother Jiang, have you signed up for the selection?"

"Yes, I have. I'm ready for it anytime," Jiang Chen laughed. Having little else to relate, he returned to his room. It was better to make more preparations than not. Currently, he was in very good condition for both pill and martial dao. Though he wasn't quite indomitable on Winterdraw, he had faith that he would be able to protect himself and rise to the top.

At noon the next day, Commander Yong came to visit once more. "Sir Jiang, I can't help you in other ways, but I heard them say that you only have a temporary residency seal. I went and got you a silver residency seal – the best I can do with my authority."

The silver residency seal allowed Jiang Chen to live in Sin City for upwards of a century, and was something he actually needed.

Jiang Chen found no reason to refuse pretentiously. In fact, it was better for him to accept, since the commander desperately wanted to repay him. "How is your wife, commander?"

"She looks even better this morning. Your skills are simply amazing, Sir Jiang. I must inform the entire world of them!" Commander Yong grew excited when he mentioned his wife. He was clearly in a good mood, a stark difference from the pessimism he had displayed before.

The commander was plainly attempting to create momentum and reputation for Jiang Chen. On this day, he had told anyone that would listen about his wife, describing Jiang Chen as a pill dao master unrivaled in the world.

Commander Yong went so far as to believe that Sir Jiang outpaced all of the other pill dao masters. This was why he wanted to make Jiang Chen famous.

Sometimes the truth was more effective than advertisement. Many in Sin City knew of the plight of Commander Yong's wife. They were curious as to how exactly she had been cured. Jiang Chen hadn't expected his reputation to begin forming before he'd participated in the selection competition. The commander was surprisingly helpful in that regard.

Chapter 1571: Specifications Rise

Security was heavy around the city lord's manor.

City Lord Xie Wushang was having a leisurely afternoon nap. Unfortunately for him, the pageboy at the door knocked with urgent news. "City Lord, the chief warden's messenger wants an audience."

The wardens held the most power on the island as they represented the Rejuvenation Isles. They grasped everyone's fate in their hands and maintained basic order. Of course, all they needed to do was to make sure that nobody escaped. They didn't care about the darkness, horror, and bloodshed that normally existed on the island.

In fact, they seemed to prefer it. It was the very essence of Winterdraw Island's existence.

Among the wardens, the one with the greatest power was their chief. He was the central figure of the island with countless martial dao experts serving him. He held everyone's fate was in his palms.

He could kill anyone with just a word if he pleased. Someone like the city lord could maybe put up some struggle, but death would still be imminent. So how would Xie Wushang have the gall to neglect the messenger?

He surged to his feet, fixed his apparel, and sped off to meet the guest.

"Esteemed messenger, please forgive me for not going out to meet you." Xie Wushang was extremely meek and docile. However, the latter didn't seem to take note of it.

The messenger's brow arched. "Lord Xie, the chief warden has received an order to return to the Isles. A guest with status never seen before will be visiting Winterdraw. The chief places great importance on this, and it'd be best that you complete your given task as soon as possible. Don't disappoint him, or you know the consequences…"

A dangerous warning tone had crept into the messenger's words at the end.

Instead of bursting into rage, Xie Wushang reassured the messenger submissively. "Rest assured I will do everything in my power and use every single available resource to fulfill the chief's orders. Everything will be handled appropriately with no mistakes."

He was extremely afraid of the chief warden and didn't dare be discourteous in the slightest. Even a mere messenger was treated with full respect.

"Good. Time is of the essence. This time, you won't just be welcoming royalty and nobles from the Rejuvenation Isles, but also exalted disciples from the Ten Divine Nations. Conduct yourself well. If you finish your tasks properly and appease the chief, he might even grant you freedom. If you don't, he'll be faulted, and you know best what'll happen to you then."

A chill ran down Xie Wushang's spine. He well and truly understood that it was different this time. Even the chief warden was following orders from others.

The chief was merely a subordinate to the senior executives in the Rejuvenation Isles. If the task wasn't handled appropriately, he'd also suffer at the hands of his supervisors. The city lord would definitely be dead then.

"I'll spare no effort and do everything I can." Xie Wushang declared yet again.

The messenger gestured dismissively. "The chief wants results, not empty platitudes. The progress in Sin City is extremely slow, which makes the chief impatient. He's begun to wonder if you've been lazy."

"Never! The city lord manor will pass down the word and treat this assignment as top priority!"

"Alright, I've said all I've come here to say. Conduct yourself well." The messenger didn't waste any more time talking to Xie Wushang. He stroked his chin and left with a turn. He didn't need to show Xie Wushang much respect since he was the chief warden's confidante.

Though the city lord was a little put out by the messenger's attitude, he didn't dare think about complaining as the chief warden genuinely did value his confidante highly.

It'd be best if the city lord greatly sped up progress on his given task.

After musing about it briefly, he assembled his closest subordinates.. "Pass on my orders. The bar of the upcoming selection will be raised once more to an unprecedented level, with rewards and titles to match!"

His confidantes were taken aback. This time's selection had already been created out of thin air with very high standards. And yet, the city lord was still unappeased and wanted to raise the bar once more?

"City Lord, are you being a bit too hasty? Finding talent is important, yes. But you'll be crossing the line if you raise the level any further. After all, the city lord manor is built upon layers of layers of hardworking and talented individuals. And yet, their rewards and titles are only on par with the upcoming selection. If you raise the bar once more, they'll be resentful."

"Agreed. The selection is meant for finding new talents. If they're given preferential treatment and better rewards, won't the hearts of your long-serving subordinates grow cold?"

"We understand that the city lord thirsts for talent, but if you proceed with your plan, your long-serving subordinates will feel it unfair."

His subordinates gave sincere advice, and their arguments made sense. If the bar for the selection was set too high, it'll be unfair for the veterans.

Xie Wushang knew that his confidantes were right, but he sighed. "Everyone, this is no longer within our control. The chief warden's messenger just arrived with a veiled threat. He feels that we aren't prioritizing this matter enough and that progress is too slow. Apparently, the chief warden has grown very impatient."

"The chief warden?!"

"Is this selection being held by his command?"

The crowd was rendered speechless after learning about the chief's involvement. They could advise if the matter was contained to only within Sin City. But since the chief was involved, they no longer had the right to speak, nor would they dare to.

Who could possibly bear the crime of going against the chief's orders? They weren't suicidal.

Xie Wushang muttered, "I've no clue what the chief is planning, but since he's given us this task, we must take it seriously. If he thinks that we're not prioritizing this matter enough, we'll all be in serious trouble. We have to all put our opinions behind us and treat this matter with utmost importance. There can't be any slip-ups.

"Pass on the message and tell everyone to put everything they have into this event. The recruitment of geniuses is Sin City's greatest endeavour. Any opinions or dissent can wait until it's over. I'll give everyone a proper explanation then!"

Nobody could possibly argue after seeing the city lord's resolve. They wouldn't be going just against the city lord, but also the chief warden.

"Rest assured. We will carry out your orders immediately and urge everyone to focus their efforts and energy on this event."


The new announcement caused another large commotion in Sin City.

"No way! A new announcement? The bar for the selection is raised once again?"

"Is our city that hungry for talent? The stakes this time are unprecedented!"

"I know right? All qualified candidates will be granted gold residency seals, which means they have permanent residency in the city, two million sky spirit stones every year, and a special title!"

"Tsk tsk. I've never seen rewards on this level before."

"The competition will certainly be extremely tough as well. Those who make the cut will be swimming in fame and money! Clearly the deal of the century!"

"With rewards like that, the difficulty and passing cutoff must be extremely high!"

"Just look at the sign-up requirements! There's limits on age, cultivation, and a lot of other things!"

"Seriously! The upcoming selection is definitely meant to discover future talents. All empyrean cultivators are barred from entering. Half-step empyrean realm is the maximum limit, and all participants must be less than a hundred years old."

"Tsk tsk. In the cultivation world, we're barely adults at a hundred years old. How many can possibly reach empyrean at that age?"

"All who qualify are serious geniuses, right?"

"Hehe. The city lord thirsts for capable talents like water. What a pity that I'm already over a hundred years old, or I'd soar to the skies with this chance!"

Posting of the new announcement led to sighs of astonishment and regret. The bountiful rewards were too eye-popping, but it was such a shame that they didn't meet the basic requirements.

Apart from the abovementioned, all candidates had to be great emperor or above. The requirements so harsh that they were almost unattainable. Only real geniuses could qualify.

At one hundred years old, true geniuses would've hit their stride and began to soar dramatically, while lesser geniuses would've started to encounter their bottlenecks. One's potential would've mostly surfaced by this age.

Inside the inn that Jiang Chen was staying at, heated discussions flared everywhere about the newly raised standards. The atmosphere in the city had grown noticeably fervent after the announcement.

He didn't like it one bit. A level-headed person like him could sense the danger that often lurked behind the scenes in a rowdy scene like this. He didn't know for sure how dangerous the selection was going to be, but there was definitely a reason why the city lord had placed so much importance on it.

Is Sin City really in such need for talent? To the point where they need to raise such a huge and insane commotion?

Jiang Chen was slightly puzzled. However, he couldn't be bothered with mindless guessing around. He was going to go all out since he'd already made his mind to join the event.

Chapter 1572: The Selection Begins

Riotous, feverish sentiment continued to grow. Unperturbed by the crowd around him, Jiang Chen became more cool-headed despite the heated atmosphere. He'd always followed his own heart and done things at his own tempo.

Rank and wealth weren't why he'd decided to participate. A two million sky spirit stones stipend and a fancy title? None of that was of any consequence. His only goal was to get closer to the city lord manor so that he might grasp more vital information in order to escape Winterdraw. He had no desire to be involved in anything else.

After a long wait, the day of the selection finally arrived. It took place in a wide, spacious area.

The place was jam-packed with candidates, yet their numbers were dwarfed by the ocean of spectators.

The intense promotional campaign launched through various channels had raised the event to new heights and galvanized the entire city. It had been a great success and attracted many geniuses.

Standing in the candidate area, Jiang Chen stayed immersed in his own world, turning a deaf ear to the outside noise.

City Lord Xie Wushang appeared in a presiding tribune, accompanied by his advisors. Forbidding guards maintained the order, clad in their distinctive armor.

Cheers rose as soon as the crowd spotted him. He was rather popular in Sin City, and the spectators were delighted to witness his glory in person.

"City Lord Xie, City Lord Xie!" Wave after wave of jubilation crashed atop one another. With a slight smile, the city lord waved back.

A piercing glint shone in Jiang Chen's eyes as he gazed at the city lord. The man wasn't very tall, yet his average stature brimmed with the bearing unique to those with great authority. His aura immediately dominated the scene.

He can't be much weaker than the Savages' Forefather Bamboo.

Worthy of Myriad Abyss fame, the leader of a simple island of exile was as strong as the forefather of an entire tribe on Divine Abyss Continent. It was a sign of the enormous gap between the two areas in this respect.

Jiang Chen closed his eyes after stealing a quick glance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be quiet so I can say a few simple words." The city lord gestured for silence with both his hands. As if petrified, the crowd turned deathly still. Not even loud breathing was audible. It was as if the myriad of people had become air.

Jiang Chen's eyes narrowed. Xie Wushang had silenced the spectators with a simple hand gesture and one sentence, a sure sign of his considerable authority.

"Our city ranks as one of the three great powers on Winterdraw. Why is that so? Is it thanks to my individual strength?

"Of course not! I'm only doing my duty. You are our greatest boon and support. Nothing can stop us when we work as one! Today, as is our city's wont, I've set high standards so the greatest talents may shine brightest! Isn't that what we're all here for?

"To all the young talents here today, I hope you can set aside all burden and display your gifts to the fullest! Remember that those qualified will become the city lord manor's future pillars and will receive a treatment to match!"

Skilled as he was at agitating the masses, he'd inflamed the atmosphere with a short yet rousing speech. Many of participants were champing at the bit, eager to prove themselves.

Winterdraw boasted of a high population. Case in point, when Jiang Chen had first arrived on the island, the area had been extremely remote, yet still inhabited. And on top of the high population density, almost every local was a cultivator. That made for a high average cultivation level, leading to many prodigies being overlooked.

Today's selection was a chance for these forgotten geniuses to shine and stand out.

There were many factions on the island, but none as celebrated as the three major ones. For any young prospects, joining the city lord manor would be a dream.

On Winterdraw, a faction's backing was always desirable. Almost every lone soul who went it alone truly ended up becoming a departed soul, hence why today's occasion had garnered such attention. For many, it was an occasion to turn their fortunes for the better.

"Alright, I don't like to be long winded. You're the stars today, so show me what you've got." True to his word, he cut the speech short and left the rest to the supervisor.

Said supervisor proclaimed loudly, "Ladies and gentlemen, in the name of the city lord, I'll be presiding over today's selection. It will be split into qualifiers and an elite round. You can join the city lord's banner as long as you pass the qualifiers, while those who pass the elite round will be granted a dignitary title and an annual salary of two million sky spirit stones."

A qualifying round and an elite round? Were many going to be chosen then?

Sensing the crowd's bafflement, the supervisor smiled. "Don't think it'll be easy simply because there are only two rounds. In fact, the first one alone will be a challenge. At a guess, less than five hundred will pass, and no more than ten will remain after the elite round."

The crowd gasped. The elimination rate was too high! More than ten thousand had registered, yet no more than five hundred would qualify?

And no more than ten would successfully pass the elite examination?

Even Jiang Chen was surprised. But he immediately composed himself. Since the standards had been set so high this time, harsh trials were to be expected. On the contrary, a casual examination wouldn't be worthy of a grand occasion.

"Alright, everyone please prepare yourselves. Remember, the elimination phase will start as soon as we begin. So I hope you've prepared yourselves properly. You only have yourselves to blame if you're out," the supervisor warned sternly.

"The first round is comprised of three different tests. The first is a martial trial of fighting. Failure means disqualification! As for the specifics, you'll find out very soon.

"All of you have a registration number. You'll form groups of one hundred based on your number. Remember to keep to the order. First group, number one to number one hundred. The others wait here!"

Jiang Chen's number was three thousand something, so he had a while to wait. But he wasn't anxious. He closed his eyes, patiently saving his energy. There was little pressure on him, especially after he'd seen the preconditions of participation. Empyrean realm cultivators and above were excluded.

He was confident no one under empyrean realm was his match. In fact, even first or second level empyrean didn't scare him.

So the proceedings were a mere formality for him. If not, he should forget about going to the Eternal Divine Nation and just return to Veluriyam.

Xing Tong and her father were in the crowd. They'd arrived early in the morning, worried as they were for Jiang Chen. They were two spectators drowning in an ocean of people.

"Daddy, do you think Big Brother Jiang will succeed?" The anxiety in Xing Tong's pure eyes betrayed her worries and innocent hope.

Xing Hui chuckled. "Of course he will."

He was strangely confident in the young man. With his experience, he could see Jiang Chen was an uncommon man who would shock the crowd if he were to let loose his enormous power. The gentleman was certain to pass with flying colors despite the harsh requirements.

"That's right, he will definitely succeed." Her father's reassurance renewed Xing Tong's faith.

The first trial seemed to proceed very quickly. A group was called away every quarter hour. Jiang Chen's turn came merely four hours later.

Along with his group, Jiang Chen followed the stewards to a restricted area. They soon arrived at a training field.

"Everyone, the first test will take place here. You'll face numerous great emperor mechanical constructs with destructive power and sturdy defenses. You have to stay on your feet for a quarter hour. If you're defeated, you've failed and will be sent away on the spot!

"Those who pass this test will be escorted to the second!"

It was a most primitive way to fight. The rules were simple enough. Of course, martial prowess wasn't the only factor, but also personal judgment. The field would turn into a chaotic battlefield when everyone waded in, putting many aspects of a candidate to the test!

Chapter 1573: The Second Round

Exactly how many construct puppets there were in these combat grounds was an unknown. They wouldn't have gotten an answer, in any case. A lot of things were left unanswered.

"Alright, it's time for all of you to go in!"

The required stay wasn't long at just seven and a half minutes. It didn't seem too difficult for anyone to last that long.

But Jiang Chen could sense that this was a lie immediately upon entering. The construct puppets weren't just for show. They lacked human intelligence, but they were carefully laid out in such a way so as to launch an ambush from almost anywhere.

After entering, the first thing he did was put some distance between the other cultivators and himself.

He wasn't afraid of the puppets, per se, as his consciousness was strong enough to judge wherever they could potentially come from. Though the appearance of this trial was rather sudden, he felt up to the task. Rather, it was important to be wary about his fellow man.

Perhaps his fellow competitors were a more dangerous element than the mechanical puppets. Amid the chaos, it was quite possible for some to take advantage by attacking the other candidates, thus reducing the competition.

Though it may not be the smartest thing to do so, human hearts were the hardest to guard against. Jiang Chen wasn't holding out hope that anyone would want to cooperate with him, but he didn't want to be caught unawares or blithely become someone else's stepping stone.

He became much more composed after coming to this decision and utilized an especially clever method of avoidance. Deploying his consciousness, he looked for any danger that could possibly arise.

The puppets didn't attack with particular intensity at first. As time went on, more and more puppets charged ferociously forward. It didn't take long for the puppets to outnumber the hundred in his batch, making it easy to differentiate the strong from the weak in the ensuing fray.

The weaker cultivators were quickly hit and fell to the ground. Those who were slightly stronger could just barely dodge or parry their blows.

After a moment, some cleverer cultivators began to work in unison. They fended for themselves using basic cooperation and territorial designation. But bonds born here didn't withstand the test of anything strenuous. A puppet's point of origin was random and unnoticeable. A line of defense so hastily set up was easily broken by another few unpredictable puppets.

Cooperation that was born on largely shaky terms wasn't reliable from the outset. The smallest of cracks would bring it back to the ground. All of this was due to their lack of mutual trust, since no man would leave their back open to another fellow candidate they didn't know.

Ghastly screams sounded all over.

The fighting became limited to autonomous pockets. The puppets tore through every group fighting together.

Jiang Chen hadn't thought of working with another from the start since a few minutes wasn't nearly enough time to form a bond of trust. Perhaps a fairweather alliance was feasible in favorable circumstances, but any difficulty or change could quickly sour the situation.

Time passed moment by moment. The puppets present began to strengthen and rampage about.

This resulted in a rapid reduction in the contestants' numbers. More and more were incapacitated and transported out. Finally, there were only forty left out of the initial a hundred, a number that was still diminishing.

Thankfully, the first round was only seven and a half minutes long. Just as the situation was about to become the most dangerous yet, the excruciating waiting period was up.

A shrill whistle brought all the puppets to a halt. They disappeared on the spot, as if a puppet master had engaged in sleight of hand.

"Time's up!" The tester responsible for this segment came in smiling. "Not bad. Almost thirty remain in your group – a very good score. Congratulations. I hope you find success in the next round as well."

A group with a survival rate of less than thirty percent in the first round was considered a good showing? Jiang Chen didn't know what to say.

The qualifiers seemed significantly crazier than he'd thought. With this elimination rate, it was entirely possible that there would only be five hundred left after three successful rounds.

At least, that would be the case if this first round's rate was anything to judge by.

Thankfully, he'd simply been warming up for the first round. In fact, he'd barely fought any of the puppets other than symbolically doing so. He'd mostly avoided them ahead of time using his speed and consciousness.

He hadn't intentionally evaded all contact, occasionally exchanging a few blows with them. All of this had been done in a way as to not leave any room for criticism.

All in all, Jiang Chen's performance had been middle of the pack. The most astute of observers might be thinking he was concealing his strength, and not much more than that. This was all he could hope for right now, really.

The remaining group was quickly brought to the site of the second test.

"Everyone, arriving at the second test means you're already both lucky and proficient. However, the second round is hardly easier than the first. You should prepare yourselves. The second round tests your consciousness.

"You will be placed into a labyrinth. More accurately, it's a normal palace with a formation inside of it. You must navigate out of the labyrinth within an hour. All who cannot will fail the second round."

A test of the consciousness?

Jiang Chen snickered to himself. There was no other test he would have guaranteed success with, but his consciousness? Navigating out of a maze? This was nothing short of trivial.

He was a master of formations quite capable in labyrinths. Moreover, his consciousness had been vastly empowered by the lightly active chain seal within it.

In actuality, his consciousness was already equivalent to an empyrean one. Some cultivators of that level even wouldn't win against him on purely consciousness alone.

Many empyrean experts had tried their head at attacking him using that avenue already, but none had succeeded. The biggest example had been Elder Xi from Huang'er's family, an old man who'd attempted to undetectably destroy his mind. The attack had been invisibly neutralized without a change in expression.

The chain seal had been responsible for that. But now, the chain seal was clearly much more active. His consciousness saw a very real benefit in the form of an increase to his consciousness.

A labyrinthine maze?

Anticipation crept in. Jiang Chen hadn't seen every kind of labyrinthine formation or maze there was, but he had plenty of ideas and experience about them.

Many things of that nature shared common, underlying theories. His Nine Labyrinth Formation was the perfect example of a powerful maze. His Minor and Major Artifice Formations were similarly designed to confound and perplex.

Furthermore, there had been an illusion-generating formation in Guo Ran's residence – as well as secret spatial methods. Jiang Chen had the requisite knowledge base from his previous life, which was paired with the Ancient Crimson Heavens Sect's heritage.

"Alright. The maze is open, go inside!" A voice sounded. Everyone ventured in without hesitation.

In the next moment, they found themselves in an entirely new world.

Entering into the formation, Jiang Chen's heart was as still as water. If this round tested one's consciousness, he couldn't buzz around aimlessly like a headless fly.

Within the palace, he took in all the empty space, passages, and gateways around him. There were exits everywhere. But scattering forth his consciousness revealed that they had a common destination, being connected to each other in the end. There was no actual way out.

Jiang Chen took his time. This was the unique characteristic of labyrinth formations. Exits and related clues appeared to be everywhere, but taking one of them wouldn't yield a real egress.

There's only one way out of a labyrinth like this, and it's always very well hidden. Normally, anything visible to the eye cannot be the true way out.

Those who set up these mazes had different intentions based on their personalities. Some preferred a sharp and deviant style, others enjoyed effecting confusion through all sorts of illusions, and still others hid all actual passages within falsehoods.

Jiang Chen had run into the third example. There were many passages, but none of them was the real one.

The one who set up the formation doesn't seem weak at all. It must be someone who has spatial abilities. Only someone like that could hide the real exit within an unknown patch of space. Finding that may be the way out.

Mentally speaking, Jiang Chen was quite relaxed. Though he thought the labyrinth pretty remarkable, he didn't found it remotely difficult enough. He'd already sorted out his thoughts. What he needed to do next was to find the door in unknown space. He firmly believed that it did exist. However, discovering it required great experience and greater strength of consciousness.

There definitely will be many who won't find the exit. Of this he was sure of. The labyrinth had been constructed in a clever enough sort of way to ensure that. An exit couldn't be found without a clear line of thought.

His consciousness pushed forward in space, finely sensing its fabric and all minute changes. There was sure to be a subtle disturbance in the air near the actual hidden exit.