
Chapter 1343 to Chapter 1350

Chapter 1343: Reality or Dream?

Jiang Chen?

The two great emperors traded a look. Wariness crept into the corners of their eyes. In theory, a cultivator as young as Jiang Chen wasn't someone to be feared by these older men regardless of his talent. But Jiang Chen – the previous young lord Zhen – had a tremendous amount of momentum behind him in recent years. Even Emperor Pillzenith had suffered some losses at his hand.

Before they left Pillfire City for Myriad Domain, Emperor Pillzenith had given them a specific mission. He'd instructed them to take note of anyone from Veluriyam Capital or young lord Zhen. Hearing that Jiang Chen was in Myriad Domain himself filled their hearts with wariness.

Still, they had information enough to know that the young lord had come to rebuild the Regal Pill Palace. The Palace wasn't far from here, but one couldn't cover the distance in mere moments, either.

If Jiang Chen really was coming to Skylaurel Kingdom, he wouldn't send Emperor Vastsea ahead of him. That meant that the young lord probably wasn't coming anytime soon. It'd been more than twenty-four hours since their fight with Emperor Vastsea began. But if their battle stalled further, who knew what unpredictable change there could be?

The two great emperors exchanged a look, coming to mutual agreement that they should hasten the fight. If Emperor Vastsea's weakness was that girl, then they should focus on that.

"Wang He, do it!"

The repeated prompting snapped Wang He out of his reverie. He puffed himself up before grinning. "Are you that Jiang Chen kid's woman? Tsk tsk, he's rather blessed. But I wonder if he'll still want you after I play with you? If a few hundred beggars all have their way with you, how amazing will that kid's reaction be?"

Dan Fei was so flustered she could fall unconscious.

"Heheh, I'm certainly looking forward to seeing when he learns that several hundred men have rutted with his woman!"

"I don't think so." A cool voice suddenly sounded from the air. Wang He felt the world spin in the next moment. The woman before him had disappeared like a ghost. In the next moment, there was a different, new figure next to him. A robed cultivator with a bit of a wild look.

"Kill them, Old Brother Mo!" The cool voice grew colder. It was none other than Jiang Chen himself. The man before Wang He was of course, Emperor Peerless.

Dan Fei leaned lightly into Jiang Chen's bosom, her entire body powerless and paralyzed. Her extremely distraught but still beautiful face was reddened down to her neck. But her emotions had taken a turn for the better.

The previous moment had been hellish. She had wanted to die on the spot. Now, things were almost dreamily surreal. She was happy enough to lose herself.

Dan Fei shut her eyelids tightly, unwilling to open them again. She was afraid that all of this was a dream, a hallucination; and once she returned to reality, everything would disappear like a stream of popped bubbles.

If keeping her eyes closed could allow her to remain in such bliss, she would prefer to stay blind for the rest of her life. She would rather this moment stretch into eternity. A bit of a selfish notion perhaps, but entirely honest.

Looking down at the teary-eyed maiden in his arms, Jiang Chen felt a mixture of emotions well up within himself as well.

Pangs of guilt struck his heart. He'd made a girl who'd given up her purity at a crucial moment wait for ten unknowing years. He had given so little thought as to her suffering.

Dan Fei's familiar visage elicited endless remorse within him. "Dan Fei," he sighed softly, "I've let you down all these years. You can open your eyes."

The girl murmured, disturbed by the sound of his voice. Her long eyelashes fluttered about hesitantly.

"I was the fool not to realize that Xiao Fei from the trials and the Grand Tutor Residence's Dan Fei were the same person. Ah, the fickleness of fate and fortune." He cradled Dan Fei delicately in his arms. "Don't worry," he promised, "you really can open your eyes. I'll make them pay tenfold for making you feel such shame!"

Dan Fei's slender body shivered. She finally opened her eyes, watery orbs gazing upon Jiang Chen. Suddenly, she collapsed into his body with a burst of quiet weeping. She had countless words to say to him, but didn't quite know where to start.

For now, she only wanted to use his embrace as solace for her decade of yearning. She needed to clear away ten years worth of mournfulness and longing.

In the meantime, Emperor Peerless had unceremoniously waded into battle. As someone fit to be called one of the strongest great emperors, he was marginally stronger than even Emperor Vastsea. How could Wang He and the other two emperor realm cultivators resist him?

A single round laid the trio onto the ground.

"Young lord!" shouted Emperor Peerless, "I'll go help Emperor Vastsea."

"Me too!" Emperor Coiling Dragon laughed from the rear.

In the span of a few breaths, the tide of the battle had majorly turned. The group from Pillfire lost their advantage and initiative almost in an instant.

Emperor Vastsea on the other hand, was overjoyed. He had no idea that young lord Jiang Chen would arrive in such a timely manner. He was tremendously euphoric. Moreover, there was relief mixed in with happiness. He was relieved that he had stood firm against the temptation of betrayal. He had made the right choice this time.

"Daoist Peerless, Brother Coiling Dragon, these two men are from Pillfire. They can't possibly have good intentions for coming here." Emperor Vastsea had received more than his fair share of belittlement from the duo. He had a lot of pent up anger to resolve. Now that his comrades were here, initiative was in their hands once more. His spine stiffened as a result.

Jiang Chen raised an indignant brow. "Take them out!"

He didn't care whether they'd come from Pillfire or some other faction. Their actions had touched upon his bottom line. Anyone who did so had to die!

Emperor Vastsea grinned at the orders. "You two, over there! I'd like to see you bark a bit more, dogs of Pillfire!"

He needed to release all his frustration after being repressed for so long. He held nothing back. Every method at his disposal was thrown forth.

Emperors Peerless and Coiling Dragon swiftly joined the fray. "Daoist Vastsea," transmitted Emperor Peerless, "keep stiff-face busy. Daoist Coiling Dragon and I will attack the horned man. We should remove our enemies one by one."

He had observed the combatants before entering the fight himself. He saw that the deadpan great emperor was the stronger of the two – an advanced rank great emperor, only slightly worse than himself.

The other was only mid great emperor and thus considerably weaker. With Emperor Coiling Dragon's help, he was sure he'd be able to put the man out of commission in very little time.

Emperor Vastsea understand Emperor Peerless's strategy immediately. "Alright," he messaged back with a chuckle, "I wasn't scared of fighting both of them at the same time, so there's no problem taking care of just one."

He had the right to brag. A whole day and night's barrage had left him unscathed, aside from minor fatigue. Emperor Peerless gave Emperor Coiling Dragon a meaningful look. They charged at the horn-headed man simultaneously.

As one of the strongest great emperors out there, Emperor Peerless fought with a clear sense of superior force. His powerful domain locked down the surrounding space immediately.

An invisible dome had covered the space. Black clouds bore down chokingly upon those trapped within.

Stiff-face had been emotionless before, but circumstances forced him to change. "Big Horn, take care. They're going to gang up on you!"

The horn-headed cultivator blanched. Not willing to take any risks, he produced a spiked club in his hand. Glistening teeth jutted out from the club, the color of blood vaguely shining through.

Cackling, he swung the club at Emperor Coiling Dragon without missing a beat. Clearly, he was veteran enough to see that this emperor was the weakest one present.

Emperor Coiling Dragon harrumphed, sweeping his own spear into the club's path.

The two great emperors began to duel each other steel-on-steel, just like mortal warriors would.

Emperor Coiling Dragon's clan was descended from an ancient draconic bloodline. Though he had only a trace of it left in his own blood, it gave him considerable bloodline strength nonetheless.

Anyone who had the benefit of bloodline strength gained a natural upper hand in contests of brute strength. Such men were able to fight cultivators somewhat stronger than themwithout fear.


The collision of the two weapons caused violent ripples to scatter throughout the space. The din of battle sounded, forcing the weaker cultivators to clutch their ears in discomfort.

A clash between two great emperors was a once-in-a-lifetime event for a normal cultivator, or perhaps even rarer than that. But these people had witnessed such a thing twice now within two days.

At first, it was two against one. But two companions of the great emperor senior had showed up.

It was three-on-two now!

A grand scene like this made the observing cultivators' blood boil with passion. Despite being from all over the world, all were moved by the magnificence of the fight. They had never even heard of a fight like this before now, much less seen one in person.

Skylaurel Kingdom's native cultivators were even more astounded. It was rare enough to see a fight between spirit realm cultivators here, but compared to the battle above them, a bout between spirit realm cultivators was like a babies' quarrel!

Chapter 1344: Old Friends Meet Again

Jiang Chen didn't care much about how the battle was proceeding. He tenderly clutched Dan Fei closer to him, allowing her to cry into his chest. He knew that her accumulated frustration and grief sorely needed alleviation. There was no need for talk.

A good cry was a much more effective solution. Perhaps Dan Fei will feel a lot better after?

Weeping for a long while calmed the lady's emotions down. She finally came to the realization that she wasn't dreaming after all. The dream she'd repeated for all these past years had come true. Everything seemed as incredible as a fairy tale.

"Am I really not dreaming?" She raised her head gently, looking directly at Jiang Chen's well-defined, dignified face. His appearance emanated an almost intoxicating manliness.

She'd yearned for this through the days and nights, a scene she had wished for whenever she awoke from a midnight delusion.

She was tangibly together with him once more.

"It's not a dream. Not at all." Jiang Chen sighed softly. "Look at this. Do you remember?"

A letter appeared in his hand without warning. It was the one that Dan Fei had left for him.

Dan Fei quavered when she saw the letter, joyful light pouring out of her eyes. "You… you got the letter? And kept it?"

"Yes, but I didn't think that Xiao Fei from the trials was you, Dan Fei!" Jiang Chen exclaimed.

She suddenly clutched Jiang Chen's arm tightly, radiating wavering uncertainty. "Do you regret it?" She asked softly.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded. "I regret that I didn't think more. I regret that I didn't get to see you even once at Sacred Peafowl Mountain. Otherwise, I would've found you far earlier."

Dan Fei's body shook when she first heard the 'yes', but her heart returned to its normal place when the ensuing words came. A warm current flowed through her heart.

"Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen… I did everything all those years ago out of my own free will. I've never regretted anything. Even in my grief-stricken time wandering the world, I didn't… I only have one thing to ask."

"What is it?'

"Please don't treat me callously because of my initiative." Despite her natural pride and confidence, Dan Fei found it hard to remain calm in love.

Jiang Chen felt another jolt of pain surge through his heart. Dan Fei's unsure look added to his guilt.

"You've done so much and suffered so much for me. How could I not know your feelings? For what reason would I possibly mistreat you?" Sighing softly, he caressed Dan Fei's face. "From now on, I'll protect you from the evils of the world. I'll make sure that our daughter has both parents with her as she grows up."

Another shot of distress coursed through him.

Dan Fei gasped softly. "You… you know everything?"

Jiang Chen nodded. "I might not have seen you at Sacred Peafowl Mountain, but I've met Nian'er," he responded seriously. "I once visited Plumscore Retreat and saw her there. There was a feeling of intimacy… as if we were connected somehow. She touched the softest places in my heart and I couldn't help but want to be close to her and protect her. I thought it was just a hallucination, but now I see that she's my daughter. I too, was foolish. She was so close to me all this time, but I left her alone for so long…"

By now, Dan Fei had descended into inconsolable sobbing.

"It's all my fault… all my fault…" She shook her head with self-blame. "I asked His Majesty to take her to Plumscore Retreat because I wanted her to have a better upbringing. I didn't want her to be as useless as her mother, to be…"

"Dan'er, don't say that." Jiang Chen interrupted her. "If our daughter can grow up to be like you, I would be very proud of her."

Dan Fei was delighted at his words, her attractive face blushing.

"That's right, Dan'er. You sealed your doors when at Sacred Peafowl Mountain, didn't you? Why did you come here to the Precious Tree Sect?" Jiang Chen couldn't help but ask.

Dan Fei didn't speak. Her clear eyes looked lovingly into Jiang Chen's for a long while before sighing softly. "If I couldn't find you again, my remaining life would be spent in sadness. I wanted to find you so that Nian'er would have a father again. I also wanted to find the old master... if life could go back to what things used to be here in Skylaurel, how nice that would be…"

"You came to look for me?" Jiang Chen was shocked. His consciousness suddenly shifted, sweeping toward the right.

There was a young man in luxurious dragon-embroidered robes rushing this way, protected by a group of Dragonteeth Guards. The young man's face appeared rather youthful still, but his sideburns were a bit white.

"Ye Rong?" Jiang Chen was astounded when he saw who it was. The refined, handsome fourth prince had become so grizzled in just a few years' time. Why were the hairs on his face become sprinkled with white?

Dan Fei was a bit taken aback as well. Her eyes widened at the running Ye Rong, finding his change rather incomprehensible.

"Is that fourth prince? Why has he aged so much?" Women were more sensitive to matters of appearance than men.

"Is that my Brother Jiang Chen over there?" Ye Rong shouted from afar.

"Come, let's go meet him." Jiang Chen didn't want the prince to approach the battlefield. In a fight between great emperors, an ordinary man like Ye Rong would die ten times over from a single aftershock.

"Shall we speak inside, fourth prince?" Ignoring the Dragonteeth Guards altogether, Jiang Chen took Ye Rong inside the capital in a streak of light. He came to a comparatively safer corner before putting his friend down.

Ye Rong looked at Jiang Chen, not yet having recovered his wits. After a moment, he turned to Dan Fei. The reunion of this trio ten years later made him feel oddly inferior. In name, he was the emperor of a kingdom, a man above all his subjects. However, he would probably have to look up to the two people before him for the rest of his life.

The youths who had grown up together in Skylaurel Kingdom were no longer at the same level.

"Brother Jiang Chen, Miss Dan Fei," Ye Rong sighed softly. "You've both become more glorious over the years. But I'm almost an old man now, eh?"

Truthfully speaking, he was only a bit more than thirty. Alas, he'd had far too many worries over the years, and his role as a puppet meant the kingdom was virtually nonexistent.

The intervention of countless cultivators in the affairs of a mundane kingdom meant that it could no longer function like it did before. As its ruler, he was barely more important than an object.

Dan Fei didn't know what to say. She wanted to console him, but wasn't sure how.

"Fourth Prince, royal tutor Ye Chonglou saw great value in your calm and composure all those years ago. You've had a hard time lasting under so much duress," Jiang Chen smiled. "Don't worry. From today onwards, you'll be a proud emperor once more, a true ruler of your people. Skylaurel Kingdom will no longer suffer any invaders to enter its borders, nor will outsiders plague her people."

Jiang Chen was pained to see Skylaurel Kingdom in such a sorry state. He had spent a long time here. It was a place of numerous memories. He wouldn't have settled his uncle and cousin here otherwise.

Ye Rong looked at Jiang Chen, his mouth bitter. "Brother Jiang Chen, I've been hearing many cultivators say that you are the young lord… of Veluriyam Capital? Is this true?"

As a king of a mundane kingdom, Ye Rong received little news from the greater world. Only because of such calamitous events of late had he received such news.

Jiang Chen knew it was impossible to conceal the truth. "I am indeed at Veluriyam Capital now," he confirmed, "and rule over it as its leader."

Dan Fei's bright eyes glittered with pride. She was very proud of the fact that Jiang Chen ran a faction as large as Veluriyam Capital at such a young age.

"Ah right. I passed by Skylaurel Kingdom a while ago, getting rid of a few people from the Purple Light Division in the process. I saw Tian Shao and Tang Long then and told them to hide to avoid the coming storm. Have you heard from them recently?"

Ye Rong shook his head. "No, not since they left."

He felt sad that Jiang Chen had arranged ways out for Tian Shao and Tang Long, but hadn't even gone to see him.

"You are the ruler of your kingdom, fourth prince. If I had given you any help or told you to hide, your domain would've collapsed completely. No matter how weak and powerless you might have felt, you had to remain upon your throne. That was why I didn't come see you."

"Thankfully, you came out relatively alright," sighed Jiang Chen.

Ye Rong's eyes lit up. "Jiang Chen, were you testing me?"

"I suppose so," smiled the young lord. "Don't worry, after all this is said and done, you will have true authority in your hands. The land you rule over will be even greater than before. You should get ready. You'll have plenty of room to show off your talents."

Ye Rong's sadness was instantly washed away by this promise.

He glanced toward Dan Fei before settling his eyes back on his brother. "Miss Dan Fei," he laughed. "You ended up together with Jiang Chen after all. I forgot to congratulate you."

Dan Fei's cute face reddened, but happiness flashed across her eyes.

During their discussion, the battle above them became even fiercer.

Jiang Chen called forth the Goldbiter Rat King. "Old Gold, take your brethren and keep Dan'er and the fourth prince safe. I'll go take a look."

Dan Fei tugged on her lover's shoulder. "A battle between great emperors…"

He smiled serenely. "It's fine. Even a great emperor as strong and vicious as Emperor Shura could do nothing against me. These two men aren't nearly as strong as he was, so why should I be scared of them?"

He patted her shoulder in reassurance. Summoning Long Xiaoxuan and activating his Kunpeng Meteoric Escape, he blasted towards the battlefield.

Chapter 1345: No Quarter Given

Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't mindlessly butt into the fight. As Veluriyam's young lord, each of his steps had to be carefully planned. In fact, he'd been keeping an eye on the progress of the fight when chatting with Ye Rong and Dan Fei.

After careful observation, he noticed the fight was in a deadlock.

The horn-faced great emperor couldn't find a window for retaliation under the combined assault of Emperor Peerless and Emperor Coiling Dragon. However, he seemed determined to hold fast and wouldn't be defeated easily.

That was why Jiang Chen had to join in.

It might be too late once the two opponents realized they couldn't win and decided to bolt. After all, when great emperors fought and no one held an overwhelming superiority in cultivation, an earth-shattering treasure was required to subdue the enemy and deny them all hope of escape.

Jiang Chen stood outside the battle zone. Hand seals followed in close succession as he set up a formation.

He'd obtained enough True Heavensfall Iron to manufacture all eighty-one flying swords required for the Heavenly Chalice Sword Formation. After some practice, he'd attained the minor achievement stage of the formation.

Today, Jiang Chen planned to run it through its paces. Of course, his planning needed to be foolproof. He arranged another formation around the perimeter, an exceptional trap formation called the Great Dream of Spring and Autumn Formation.

He'd obtained the required materials for the formation in the Six Palace of Heritage's Crimson Heavens Palace. There was no difficulty whatsoever in setting it up. Once successfully laid out, the Great Dream of Spring and Autumn Formation activated immediately.

With a smile, Jiang Chen suggested to Long Xiaoxuan, "Brother Long, fight side by side with me?"

Long Xiaoxuan's cultivation had made giant strides, the speed of his progress even more heaven-defying than Jiang Chen's. Seeing great emperor opponents, he was raring to go.

"Let's go!"

The two of them transformed beams of light that flashed inside the battlefield.

Jiang Chen held his magnetic golden mountain aloft. Golden light gushed from the treasure as it crashed towards the horn-faced man. The mountain's physical attacks combined with the restrictive effect of its magnetic field were` strong enough to impede a great emperor, even if it couldn't overcome him outright.

The horn-faced man was already in a tight spot under the pincer assault from Emperor Peerless and Emperor Coiling Dragon, so he was startled by the golden mountain's sudden appearance. He brandished his wolftooth mace, ready to slam it against the oncoming treasure.

But before he could act, he suddenly noticed something suspicious about that mountain, as if his mace wanted to fly there on its own volition. That treasure seemed to possess an enormous attractive force. It was trying to steal his weapon!

"Damn it!" His expression stiffened. He immediately flashed away and dodged out of the mountain's area of attack. However, this movement exposed his back to Emperor Coiling Dragon.

Coiling Dragon shouted with a nasty grin, "My turn!"

He pointed with his spear and concentrated an indomitable, seemingly boundless murderous aura on the tip. The spear dived through the air as it pierced at the fellow's back with unstoppable momentum.

If this strike landed, nothing could stop it from running through his opponent.

But the enemy was extraordinary. The horn-faced man blocked with his mace and shoved away Emperor Coiling Dragon's weapon. Twisting his body, he changed direction and retreated elsewhere.

Emperor Peerless sneered. "Running away?"

He slapped his palms together. Two enormous spiritual hands pressed at the horn-faced cultivator with the weight of divine peaks from the heavens.

At the same time, Jiang Chen moved his lips and performed a hand seal. Sixteen flying swords soared out from behind his back. He hadn't practiced this sword formation for long. But even so, he could control the sixteen swords at the same time. The Heavenly Chalice Sword Formation's might was phenomenal even at the minor achievement stage.

The sixteen flying swords were sixteen ancient dragons roaming the dome of the sky, summoning dark clouds and lighting in their wake, eclipsing the sun and the moon, dyeing heaven and earth.

Performing another hand seal, Jiang Chen murmured, "Go!"

The flying swords melted into sixteen rays of light firing at the horn-faced man. Rather than successive single strikes, the fearsome part of the Heavenly Chalice Sword Formation lay in its synchronized, simultaneous onslaught. The flying swords combined into a terrifying whole, like the countless stars of a galaxy.

The colossal formation power ripped through the void.

Even though Emperor Peerless and Emperor Coiling Dragon were Jiang Chen's allies, they couldn't help being stunned by this unexpected attack. They were veterans of many battles. Although they couldn't decipher the secrets of this sword formation with one glance, they could tell how remarkable it was.

That offensive strength alone was indication enough.

The horn-faced great emperor grinned nastily, unconcerned by Jiang Chen's arrival. "Kid, you came right on time!"

He'd been worried about losing ground just moments ago. This young man was his silver lining. Wasn't this kid these other fellows' young lord? If the horned man could capture this brat, couldn't he then force the others to submit?

No one could deny this horn-faced fellow's ferociousness and the boldness of his vision. But when he noticed sixteen sword lights shooting his way, he finally realized things weren't as he'd imagined.

The flying swords completed at least a million strikes in the blink of an eye. Moreover, every strike was evenly charged with the same fierce energy. These flying swords' attack speed and density far surpassed his expectations. How could a young emperor realm control such a fearsome sword formation?

The horned man turned pale. It finally dawned on him he'd underestimated this young man. Panic took a hold of him.

He threw caution to the wind and frantically swung his mace around. At the same time, he grabbed a talisman and empowered himself with it, forming a mighty protective barrier.

This defensive talisman was extraordinary. It could withstand ferocious barrages from cultivators of the same level, as if encasing the user in thick armor.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

He swung his mace in wild, chaotic patterns, generating savage gusts of wind that cushioned a sizeable part of the flying swords' offensive. However, the remaining momentum penetrated through the mace's protective perimeter and smashed against the protective layer around him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sky shook under the harsh and intense vibrations born from the impact.

The flying swords seemed to know circus tricks as they spun continuously around him and battered him relentlessly.

"This is bad!" The horned man silently swore. No matter how strong his defense, he couldn't endure the frequency and intensity of this barrage.

"Old Ma, I can't hold on anymore. Head for the hills!" He sent the code for retreat, requesting his companion to come to his rescue.

Stiff-face was already already aware of his companion's grim situation. However, he couldn't spare any attention for a rescue, not when Emperor Vastsea was nipping at his heels.

At this time, Emperor Peerless and Emperor Coiling Dragon also charged into the fray. Acting in concert, the two great emperors once again cut off the horn-faced man's retreat.

The horned man snorted. "Do you think you can stop me if I want to leave?"

He activated a talisman. A veil of light enveloped him and moved him to the outskirts of battle.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly. "Let's see you leave then!"

The Great Dream of Spring and Autumn Formation suddenly whirred into action and melted the light around the man, dragging out his sorry figure from the void.

"You treacherous kid, you're playing tricks with a formation!" the battered man shouted in anger.

Jiang Chen paid no heed to this nonsense and launched his sword formation a second time. "Die!"

The fearsome Heavenly Chalice Sword Formation sprang to back to life and initiated another round of onslaught. Emperor Peerless and Emperor Coiling Dragon struck at the same time, raining finishing moves on him.

To kill a great emperor was beyond difficult. However, if several great emperors acted in concert and if they managed to trap their enemy, then the prospects became much more favorable.

Jiang Chen's mysterious sword formation was enough to drag the horned great emperor to his wit's end. Throwing Emperor Peerless and Emperor Coiling Dragon into the mix, any of the three could beat him black and blue, even if they didn't kill him outright.

His miserable shrieks filled the air. He couldn't break out, he couldn't win in a straight fight, and a beating awaited him at every turn.

"Old Ma, help me!" His impasse now scared the living daylights out of him. Sensing his enemies' cold killing intent, he finally understood their determination to see him dead!

Stiff-face was also distressed by his companion's precarious position. He wanted to fly to his ally's rescue, but he couldn't disengage from Emperor Vastsea. He could only threaten Jiang Chen verbally.

"Jiang Chen, don't bring trouble down on yourself. You know we come from Pillfire City. If you kill great emperors of Pillfire, it will be a declaration of war! That's not a price you can afford!"

Jiang Chen's smile was icy. "Pillfire City? It's not our first time running into each other, is it? I would have buried Pillzenith in Veluriyam if he hadn't scampered so fast, to say nothing of you two. There's nothing for you two to do today but die!"

Why would Jiang Chen show mercy? Emperor Pillzenith was involved in Emperor Peafowl's disappearance. Pillfire and Veluriyam were water and oil.

Threaten him with war? What a joke.

War was coming to Pillfire whether they liked it or not. Jiang Chen would take up arms against them sooner or later!

Any leniency was out of the question. He wrested every last ounce of power from the Heavenly Chalice Sword Formation and created a magnificent meteor shower. Like a rain of falling stars streaking down the sky, the swords surrounded the horned man and drowned him in a deluge of strikes.

Emperor Peerless and Emperor Coiling Dragon also bombarded the fellow with every move at their disposal.

"Ah!" Miserable yells sounded continuously. The layer of talismans around the man suddenly broke beneath the force of Jiang Chen's flying swords.

A moment later, countless sword beams crisscrossed each other, radiating with a glaring brilliance. And then, the horn-faced cultivator was dusted to ashes with on trace of him left!

Chapter 1346: News of Emperor Peafowl

Jiang Chen's anger didn't abate after dispatching the horned man. Without missing a beat, his flying swords made a sharp turn and shot at the deadpan Old Ma.

It would be a bald-faced lie to say the thought of running away hadn't crossed Old Ma's mind. Unfortunately, his companion had been slaughtered mere moments after he flirted with the idea. The entire space had been sealed off by the Great Dream of Autumn and Spring Formation. Even great emperors needed time and effort to break out. Fleeing was much easier said than done. This was why Jiang Chen felt confident he could kill them.

Old Ma's cultivation was in fact, a little higher than his companion's. There had been opportunities to slip away when he was engaged with Emperor Vastsea. He simply hadn't anticipated that things would change so fast.

For that reason, his reaction came too late. By the time he finally responded, his routes of escape had been sealed off by two formations, one for attacking and the other for trapping. In the meantime, three great emperors rained lethal moves on him.

Old Ma found himself in an even sorrier position than his deceased companion. Without anything to distract them, Jiang Chen and his allies could focus all their attention on him. Apart from Jiang Chen's sword formation and the three great emperors, there was also a dragon whose firepower could match an average great emperor.

Old Ma felt the urge to cough up blood. There was little suspense to the outcome. He was a proud man, an honest-to-goodness advanced great emperor. Yet, he was helpless to extricate himself.

Cultivation-wise, Emperor Vastsea alone was roughly his equal. There was also an Emperor Peerless who was stronger than him.

Emperor Coiling Dragon hadn't been a great emperor for long, but the blood of true dragons flowed through his veins, endowing him with the terrible power of their bloodline. Then there was the true dragon and the fearsome sword formation.

Put all of them together, the enemy' strength was four or five times his. No matter how many outstanding techniques Old Ma possessed, he was powerless to turn the tide in his favor. No miracle popped out for him. The battle ended with his demise.

In the human territory, the death of a great emperor was a rare event. But in the past century, two had fallen in the obscure Skylaurel Kingdom. The wandering cultivators who'd spectated the fun would never forget this for the rest of their lives.

"It's a capital crime for foreign cultivators to trespass in a mundane kingdom! This young lord will show leniency today and will spare you all. Depart from my sight and never step a foot here ever again." Jiang Chen's clear voice rippled out like raging tides, extending rapidly throughout the entire capital.

These cultivators had already been ready to hightail it after Emperor Vastsea's warning. They'd only mustered their courage and stayed behind because someone had attacked Vastsea immediately afterwards, so the latter had no attention to spare for them. They had no shady goal in mind. They'd merely wanted to watch the confrontation between great emperors. To them, it was the opportunity of a lifetime.

They were wandering cultivators from various places and they'd only stayed in Skylaurel because of the lawlessness reigning in Myriad Domain during these past few years. The local situation was almost close to anarchy.

The weak monarch of Skylaurel had no authority over them. In his capacity as Veluriyam's young lord, Jiang Chen's threat scared the pants off these misfits. They even cursed their parents for birthing them with only two legs. If only they could run away faster!

The sight made Emperor Vastsea a little crestfallen. "These bastards. I told them to leave when I came yesterday, but so many of them stayed behind. Young lord, your words are weightier than mine."

Jiang Chen laughed. "They would've left if not for these Pillfire bastards stirring trouble. Do you think they would have stayed otherwise? Ah, there are three other fellows left below, let's go check on them."

The three emperor realm cultivators lay on the ground, sealed by Emperor Peerless. When they saw their great emperor companions killed by the Veluriyam cultivators faster than they could blink, their hearts pounded with fear. If not for their acupoints being sealed off, they would have scuttled away with nary a thought for their two seniors.

"Interrogate them carefully." Jiang Chen's expression was unsympathetic.

The three emperor realms were no unyielding heroes. Under forceful interrogation, they spilled the beans on everything they knew.

"What? You were ordered to keep watch at the entrance of the desolate wildlands and investigate whether Emperor Peafowl is dead or alive?" Jiang Chen was startled by the confession. His gaze shot to Emperor Vastsea. "Vastsea, where did Shura spring his trap?"

Vastsea thought for a moment. "He didn't mention the details. But he did say that after being wounded, Emperor Peafowl used a special method to overcome the formation's restrictions and escaped into the desolate wildlands. Maybe it's really around these parts. It's certainly possible."

Jiang Chen was pins and needles when he thought of Emperor Peafowl. This was a senior whom Jiang Chen admired very much. His noble character, his keen insight, and his wisdom surpassed every great emperor in Veluriyam, or anyone else Jiang Chen had ever met. Such a figure shouldn't have died so lamentably.

"Emperor Pillzenith sent you here to investigate Emperor Peafowl's fate? Does that mean he's also in the dark?" Jiang Chen asked sternly.

Wang He hurried to reply, "His Majesty Pillzenith said that logically speaking, Emperor Peafowl should be dead. But he's worried about Emperor Peafowl having some special method of survival. If by chance he's still alive, then Pillfire would be in danger. That's why… Emperor Pillzenith secretly sent the two great emperor seniors here to investigate."

"Did you find anything?" Jiang Chen asked.

"We didn't…" Wang He shook his head. "We followed many trails but didn't find any concrete leads. There's a formation blocking the way in the desolate wildlands. Neither Senior Ma nor Senior Greathorn could pass through."

Jiang Chen was naturally familiar with the formation in question. He'd personally set it up the last time he was in the wildlands. Breaking through it was impossible with conventional methods. Jiang Chen was curious how Emperor Peafowl had ventured inside even when heavily injured.

"Young master, these men were dispatched by Emperor Pillzenith. They must know where the fight occurred. We could ask them to take us there," Emperor Peerless suggested

Jiang Chen's eyes shone at the suggestion.

He was about to turn to Dan Fei, but she spoke first. "Let's go. For both you and me, Emperor Peafowl's favor is as heavy as a mountain. My conscience can't be at peace if we don't investigate."

"Dan Fei, I've already gone there before. It's full of dangers. Why not let Emperor Coiling Dragon take you back to the Regal Pill Palace first? Wait there for a few days, then we'll go back to Veluriyam together."

Just like Jiang Chen, Dan Fei held deep feelings for Emperor Peafowl, so she wanted to join. But then she thought better of it. With her strength, she might end up becoming a hindrance.

She nodded in agreement after some consideration. "Emperor Peafowl is blessed by fate, I have no doubt he's fine. Be careful out there. Don't act hot-headed no matter what happens, alright?"

Jiang Chen entrusted her to Emperor Coiling Dragon. The great emperor didn't protest and took her back to the Regal Pill Palace.

As for Skylaurel, Jiang Chen didn't plan on staying there for long. He'd already exposed his true identity. His friends from the Precious Tree Sect and Skylaurel Kingdom should come back when the rumors reached them. Rushing this matter would be useless in any case, while finding Emperor Peafowl's trail was of paramount importance.

Under the guidance of the three Pillfire cultivators, Jiang Chen and Emperor Peerless reached the battlefield where Emperor Shura and Emperor Peafowl once fought. It was located in a rather deserted area of the sixteen kingdoms alliance. No human habitation could be found within several hundred miles.

"That's strange. There's nothing of interest in this area. What was Emperor Peafowl even doing here?" Looking at the terrain, Emperor Peerless couldn't make sense of it.

Jiang Chen understood Emperor Peafowl better than Emperor Peerless. He observed the surroundings and heaved a soft sigh. "Emperor Peafowl is kind and benevolent. I'm sure he led his enemies here on purpose to avoid impacting innocent people in this mundane region."

Mundane kingdoms were home to enormous populations. If a group of great emperors traded blows in a mundane area, no one could predict how many people they would affect.

Emperor Peerless felt deep respect when he heard Jiang Chen's explanation.

"Emperor Peafowl's righteousness lives up to his status as a leader of the human territory." Mo Wushuang's praise came from the bottom of his heart.

Because the area was deserted, some of the vestiges from the great battle had remained, despite the elapsed time. Using his tracing arts, Jiang Chen found a trail and followed it through. Sure enough, they found the entrance to the desolate wildlands at the other end.

Like a trip down memory lane, Jiang Chen saw the formation he'd set up himself. It bore traces of attacks, but judging from its current appearance, it still held strong.

The mystified Jiang Chen inspected the surroundings. "Old Brother Mo, how do you think Emperor Peafowl broke through this formation? I set it up myself and thought it was watertight. No one seems to have fiddled with it either."

Emperor Peerless sighed. "There existed extremely precious treasures in ancient times that could pass through formations. Perhaps Emperor Peafowl owns a treasure of this type?"

Thinking carefully, this was the only explanation Jiang Chen could find. He wasn't arrogant enough to pretend his formation was perfect. When he set it up, his cultivation and mastery with formations had been far below his current standards.

Eagerness filtered through his gaze, but Emperor Peerless shook his head and urged, "Young lord, we have no idea where Emperor Peafowl is now. So much time has passed. We might not find him even if we went inside. But if you open this formation, it will sow the seeds for future disaster. You're Veluriyam's young lord now. If you adventure inside, it will cause turmoil throughout the entire world. All your previous efforts will go to waste. The men and women by your side will be hunted relentlessly by your enemies." Emperor Peerless' words poured cold water over Jiang Chen.

The young lord regained his clarity. A moment ago, he truly had the urge to break his own formation and venture into the wilderness. Only, upon taking a step back, entering now seemed ill-advised.

Chapter 1347: Eastern Zhiruo

Sensing Jiang Chen's hesitation, Emperor Peerless strove to urge him again, "Young lord, there will be ample time in the future. If fortune watches over Emperor Peafowl, then he'll have his own means of survival. If not, then I fear it's already too late. The human territory seems at peace nowadays, but deep undercurrents run below the surface. The balance of the entire territory rests on your shoulders." Emperor Peerless's words were no exaggeration.

When it came to strategic importance, the current Jiang Chen was heads above the former Emperor Peafowl. After all, he wasn't merely Veluriyam's ruler. Many sects on friendly terms with Veluriyam were also involved.

The current human territory was roughly divided in three camps. Veluriyam and affiliated factions. Pillfire City and allies. Those who sat on the fence were the third.

Even if Jiang Chen didn't meet with mishap in the wildlands, simply being temporarily stranded would push Veluriyam into chaos. His friends, his family, sect, followers would either scatter or be simply subdued by Pillfire City. There were no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Lost in thought, the conflicted Jiang Chen examined the surroundings for a long time. To enter would be to stay true to the personal bond he shared with Emperor Peafowl. But it would perhaps be to the detriment of everyone else around him.

If he didn't enter, he would stay true to public interest, stay true to his broader responsibilities. Meanwhile, it wouldn't necessarily spell the doom of his private friendship with Emperor Peafowl. If Emperor Peafowl were at his side now, he would also tell Jiang Chen not to go inside.

Jiang Chen sighed softly after a long time. "Old Brother Mo, you're right. Emperor Peafowl would blame my short-sightedness if I were to enter. He would accuse me of betraying his faith in me. Let's go. At the very least, we now know he went into the wildlands. Whether dead or alive, I'll find him one day."

He felt a weight off his shoulders after he made his decision.

"Your Majesty, I'm certain you'll understand my choice." Bowing toward the wildlands, he instructed Emperor Peerless, "Old Brother Mo, dispose of these three men."

Without hesitation, Mo Wushuang pummeled the three captives into ashes.

The wandering cultivators present at the battle in Skylaurel spread rumors wildly. News disseminated like the plague, reaching every corner of the human territory in a few short days.

Jiang Chen passed through Eastern Kingdom on his way back from the wildlands' formation. He saw countless traces of devastation in there. The place looked like the ruins of a defeated nation. It had long lost the luster of the Eastern Kingdom from his memories.

A friend of his, Eastern Zhiruo, still lived in the capital.

After ten years, the princess had grown from a bean sprout into a slender and elegant young lady. Thanks to Jiang Chen's prescriptions, the girl's health seemed much improved a decade later. Because she'd stopped her cultivation, the backlash from her yin constitution had gradually faded away. She was much healthier than before.

Only, the past decade hadn't been kind to her. The one who loved her most, her royal father, had left her a long time ago. Her aunt who doted on her the most was also gone.

She had a brother still, the current reigning monarch, but there was little affection between the two siblings. Nowadays, she was nothing more than a flower vase. Even her status wasn't as lofty it used to be under the former king.

She was disheartened with her circumstances. There seemed little meaning to her continued survival. "But I can't die. Older brother Jiang Chen was flogged at my father's command in order to save me. I would let him down if I died."

Right at this moment, she was quietly whispering to the flowers and the grass in her garden. She was a picture of gentleness, as innocent and lovely as she used to be at twelve or thirteen years old.

Jiang Chen stood far away outside the flower garden, old memories resurfacing as he observed her tender figure. She suddenly struck him as very pitiful.

"Young master, is this girl an old friend of yours?" Mo Wushuang sent.

Jiang Chen gave a shallow nod. "I once saved her life in my earlier days. She's Gouyu's niece. I left her here because I thought she would be happier living in the mundane world. She can't cultivate. It seems now I was greatly mistaken."

Emperor Peerless heaved a soft sigh. "She does seem down-spirited indeed. I fear her dejection could harm her health." That her constitution was prone to illness hadn't escaped his attention.

Jiang Chen nodded. "I plan on taking her to Sacred Peafowl Mountain and entrusting her to her aunt. Perhaps she'll be more cheerful with loved ones by her side."

With a gentle smile, he stepped inside the flower garden. "Princess Zhiruo, don't you feel lonely speaking only to grass and flowers?"

Eastern Zhiruo's lovely figure trembled. She was inside palace grounds, so how had a stranger snuck in?

Wait. That voice sounded familiar. She whirled back. A smile greeted her. The angular lines of his face hadn't changed, but there was something of a stranger in it as well.

"Ah? Y-you're older brother Jiang Chen?" she gasped softly, covering her mouth.

"Do you still remember me?" Jiang Chen beamed.

Eastern Zhiruo froze at first, then tossed away her shoes and threw herself at him barefooted, pouncing in his arms.

"Older brother Jiang Chen, I'm not dreaming am I?" It seemed that, in similar circumstances, every girl in existence was fond of this same question.

Jiang Chen patted her back without any evil desire. "Zhiruo, you seem unhappy here?"

Looking like a wronged child, her tears immediately trailed down her cheeks.

"There, don't cry now. I'll take you to your aunt. We can go right now if you want. You only have to nod or shake your head."

Eastern Zhiruo nodded immediately, her head bouncing like a woodpecker. "I want to, I want to."

Jiang Chen led her away with an easy smile. They turned into a beam of light, shooting out of Eastern Kingdom.

They made a brief stop at Skylaurel. Jiang Chen left repeated exhortations before leaving for the Regal Pill Palace.

The crowd buzzed when they saw him bring back yet another girl. But Jiang Chen merely offered a casual explanation before calling for Cloudsoar Monarch. "Cloudsoar, this girl is the niece of my guard Gouyu. Bring her back to Veluriyam."

Though she was reluctant to leave Jiang Chen, Eastern Zhiruo didn't object when she heard she would soon see her aunt. She was a clever girl. She could see the faint aura of a ruler on Jiang Chen when he spoke. She didn't know the entire story, but she was certain her adored older brother was different from his former self. She didn't want to be an unruly girl and be a bother for him.

After sending her off, Jiang Chen summoned Emperor Peerless, the Geng brothers, Palace Head Dan Chi, and Elder Yun Nie.

"Gentlemen, I called you here because I have something to discuss with you." His voice was solemn. "Allow me to cut straight to the point. Old Brother Mo, the Regal Pill Palace is in the middle of reconstruction and is still very weak. I have a request to make of you."

"Young lord, please feel free to speak frankly."

"The Palace is bound for growing pains during the reconstruction process. It won't have sufficient appeal without a great emperor holding down the fort. The sect is bound for a limitless future, but right now, it needs the guarantee of an expert on site. Old Brother Mo, I would be most relieved if you were the one…"

"The young lord means for me to keep watch over the sect?" Emperor Peerless asked with a smile.

"Not only watch over the sect, but also unify Myriad Domain, annex Great Scarlet, and merge the two regions together into a single faction."

"Ah? Annex Great Scarlet?" That wasn't what Emperor Peerless had expected.

"Great Scarlet is destined for chaos. When the time is ripe, we can mount another armed intervention and seize the region in a single, swift stroke. We've destroyed the imperial clan, so they happen to lack the protection of a powerful umbrella. As long as our strength is great enough, I'm certain they'll have more faith in us than in House Yan. After all, cultivators flock to the strong!"

Emperor Peerless felt a sudden rush of excitement.

Grand undertakings like the conquest of new territories were indeed tantalizing prospects. However, they once seemed far removed from mere wandering cultivators like him, so he'd never been preoccupied with these notions. Now that the idea took root in his mind, he itched to give it a try.

"Good. Young lord, I agree to your request. Geng brothers, what about you?"

"We'll naturally stand by Old Brother Mo's side." Their straightforward answer shot back instantly.

"Palace Head Dan Chi, do you have an opinion?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Young lord Jiang Chen must have profound reasons for his arrangement. I naturally couldn't be happier." Dan Chi smiled as well.

Jiang Chen faced Mo Wushuang. "Old Brother Mo, you're only holding down the fort temporarily. I have other plans for you once the Regal Pill Palace gets back on its feet, so please don't have any ideas otherwise."

Emperor Peerless laughed boisterously. "Haha, I've lived for a long time. Do you think I care for empty fame? Don't worry, I'll keep a quiet watch and won't try to wrestle control away from Palace Head Dan Chi, hahaha."

Everyone laughed with him.

Done with this topic, Jiang Chen called for the Jiao brothers. "Jiao Yun, Jiao Feng, pass on a message for me. Tell the wandering great emperors who participated in the Dragon and Tiger Meet that I'm rebuilding the Regal Pill Palace with Palace Head Dan Chi. Send them an invitation. Tell them I might soon deliver on my commitment."

Jiang Chen owed these wandering great emperors some Pinecrane Pills. He had to make good on his promise, so he might as well have them come and make the occasion all the grander.

He couldn't give away for free something as precious as the Pinecrane Pills. At the very least, he had to make these fellows do something for him. For example, a trip to the Moon God Sect...

Perhaps he ought to set off on another trip there once things settled down in the Regal Pill Palace. He needed to deal with the matter of his parents. With his current prestige and status, going back there would take on an entirely different meaning.

Once he invited these old fellows here, he could avail himself of this free manpower. For the sake of the Pinecrane Pills, they would definitely be antsy to help.

Chapter 1348: Rebuilding The Regal Pill Palace

News of the Regal Pill Palace's rebuilding quickly spread throughout the entire human domain. Those invited gave great face and gladly attended the reopening ceremony. No one refused, especially the wandering great emperors who'd been promised a Pinecrane Pill. They rushed there without a care for what they had been doing.

The sects on friendly terms with Veluriyam also sent representatives to offer their congratulations. Clearly, Jiang Chen's prestige in the human territory had exceeded that of a young genius. He was now viewed as one of the leaders of humankind.

Never before in its history had the Regal Pill Palace seen such a bustling occasion as today. Honored powerhouses from the seven seas flocked to its gates. Everyone wanted to see what was so remarkable about this sect to have produced a genius like Jiang Chen.

Amongst the eight first-rank sects, the Great Yu Skysword Sect, the Celestial Cicada Court, and the Ninesuns Sky Sect dispatched leading figures as a sign of their respect.

As for the Moon God Sect, it secretly sect emissaries in advance to offer its best wishes. They didn't want to burn all their bridges with Jiang Chen. They still remained ignorant of their deep, personal connection to the young man and had sent messengers purely out of consideration for the young lord's youth and talent. At the same time, they also wanted to avoid Pillfire's wrath.

Bluntly put, the Moon God Sect was after two hares at once.

Jiang Chen didn't take offense. He knew their vague attitude was rooted in their geographical proximity to Pillfire City. If they showed a clear alignment with Veluriyam, then Pillfire would undoubtedly show its displeasure.

After all, Pillfire was famous for its high-handed behavior. Even if the Moon God Sect were to lean towards Veluriyam, they wouldn't dare express it in broad daylight.

Perhaps things would be different if Veluriyam suppressed Pillfire, or simply erased the latter's influence from the human territory and consigned them straight to history books.

Otherwise, the sect's attitude would always remain ambiguous. But this hesitation was what Jiang Chen wanted. What truly mattered to him was his mother and his sister. He wanted to propose marriage for his father and give his mother and his sister a triumphant return to Veluriyam. Would the Moon God Sect oppose him then?

If they could agree decisively, Jiang Chen was willing to ignore the small matters.

The Regal Pill Palace had arranged a grand occasion for its reopening.

Palace Head Dan Chi was the sect's public face, allowing the world become acquainted with him. He was barely a century old. For cultivators, this age was barely a starting line, but he'd broken through a few days ago and formally entered the ranks of emperor realm experts despite his youth.

It was an inconceivable feat for the visitors. The Regal Pill Palace was merely a fourth rank sect of Myriad Domain. How could its sect head be this young? And how could he have such an outstanding cultivation talent? Even for first rank sects, only a few top-tier true disciples could break through to emperor realm at his age. The number was small enough it could be counted on one hand.

For Dan Chi to achieve it despite coming from the trivial Myriad Domain was a stunning accomplishment. With his talent, he might spread his wings after obtaining Veluriyam's backing and become a world-shaking figure not far in the future!

Dan Chi gave a welcoming speech on behalf of the Regal Pill Palace. He expressed his sect's resolve to rebuilt itself and also called for former disciples scattered outside to return once they heard the news. Even former disciples from other Myriad Domain sects were welcome to join as long as they submitted to an investigation.

For the sake of reviving the sect, the Regal Pill Palace planned to focus its efforts on selecting the best young geniuses and nurturing them. The goal wasn't merely to go back to a fourth rank sect. It planned to become a key player of the human territory.

Dan Chi gave the floor to Jiang Chen after his speech. The palace head was well aware his guests hadn't come for his sake. Jiang Chen was the one who'd commanded their attention.

The young lord stood up quietly and cupped his fist in greeting. "After the Dragon and Tiger Meet, I've gathered you again in this Regal Pill Palace. Allow me to express my apologies and also my thanks for everyone's kindness. Any friend who came to the ceremony today is a friend of mine."

The crowd offered polite replies.

"The Regal Pill Palace is a place where I once grew up and a sect I value highly. Why? Because standing here, I can feel the sect's unique vitality and spirit. Let me ask you: in this world, how many destroyed sects can rebuild themselves?"

The guests were lost in thought.

"Of course, this isn't the only reason why I treasure the sect. The most important part lies with the palace's outstanding geniuses. For example, Palace Head Dan Chi and Mu Gaoqi. Palace Head Dan Chi, I have faith in your prospects of breaking through to great emperor before three hundred years old."

A stir ran through the visitors at these words. Ascending to great emperor at three hundred years old? That would be a tremendous record! Even many giants of the Upper Eight Regions had joined the ranks of great emperors only after hitting a thousand years.

A three hundred years old great emperor wasn't unheard of, but it was a supremely rare sight. This Dan Chi had little fame. Did he truly possess this level of aptitude? It made the crowd sit up and take notice.

Anyone who knew Jiang Chen knew he never spoke empty words. Of course, there were some who thought the young lord was exaggerating.

After all, Myriad Domain had historically been the human territory's weakest region. It was too close to the land of the demons, hence powerful cultivators weren't keen to approach this area and even less inclined to establish a sect there.

This led to Myriad Domain's continued weakness. It held no weight in the human territory.

Jiang Chen took clear notice of everyone's expression but didn't elaborate. He naturally wouldn't tell them Dan Chi was wandering cultivator Tan Zhi, the one who owned the ancient method from the Dragon and Tiger Meet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there must be some who think I'm full of hot air." He smiled leisurely. "Let's make a bet. If Palace Head Dan Chi doesn't become a great emperor before three hundred years old, I'm willing to make the Pinecrane Pill's recipe public!"

The guests erupted in shock. Even Emperor Peerless looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment. The young lord is talking a bit too big this time.

As for the others, they looked at Jiang Chen with deep contemplation.

Jiang Chen smiled. "How about this? It would be a pity to give away the recipe to the whole world. Instead, every great emperor amongst the friends gathered today will be entitled to it. What say you?"

A collective gasp ran through the crowd. Someone asked, "Young lord Jiang Chen, what if Palace Head Dan Chi succeeds? What do you want from us?"

Jiang Chen shook his head. "If Palace Head Dan Chi can break through to great emperor before three hundred years old, it would be proof of my foresight. Why would I need anything from you all?"

All the great emperors beamed in delight. "Young lord Jiang Chen, this makes this bet one without any risks to us.

"That's right, we'd be taking advantage of you!"

Jiang Chen laughed heartily. "Haha, I'm confident you won't be able to enjoy this free lunch. I have faith that Palace Head Dan Chi is at least ninety percent certain to succeed within three hundred years."

Even Dan Chi himself couldn't calm the beating of his heart. He'd never imagined Jiang Chen thought so highly of him. Was it because of his talent or because of the ancient method?

Either way, Jiang Chen's confidence gave him wings. Whether with words or actions, Jiang Chen had proven himself to be reliable. He must have had his reasons for saying what he had.

"Also, Mu Gaoqi will become a pill emperor celebrated in the entire world before he's a hundred years old. He'll be more revered than most pill emperors in the human territory.

He pointed at Mu Gaoqi with a smile. " With an innate wood constitution of high order and his outstanding talent, he's destined to become a shining pearl in the world of pills. He merely needs an opportunity."

It was Mu Gaoqi's first time being the center of attention in such a big crowd. He was slightly unnerved, but the encouragement in Jiang Chen's gaze roused his spirits. He stepped forward, his head held high.

"Mu Gaoqi would like to pay his respects to all of the seniors. Seniors and fellow daoists, you have my deep gratitude for coming to the Regal Pill Palace's reopening. If I can one day attain some achievement in pill making, then I would be glad to accept any requests from the friends gathered here today. I will do my utmost to assist you."

Mu Gaoqi's outstanding temperament had always won him the favor of many. Seeing his otherworldly poise, the crowd gave greater credit to Jiang Chen's judgment. Besides, the man had an innate wood constitution of high order.

"Everyone must have seen by now how highly I value the Regal Pill Palace. Indeed, starting from today, I will do everything in my power to help the Regal Pill Palace rise from its ashes. To give the Palace face is to give me face. To inconvenience the Palace is to inconvenience me." Jiang Chen spoke in a calm voice, yet his tone was full of authority, not leaving a shred of doubt as to his determination.

"I firmly believe that soon enough, the Regal Pill Palace will be a name that shocks the world," he continued earnestly. "Ladies and gentlemen, please wait and see it happen."

The young lord's words shook every visitor present. They could sense he was set on supporting the Regal Pill Palace. If Veluriyam was hellbent on backing the sect, then it wasn't out of question to see it blossom quickly and rewrite Myriad Domain's history.

It seems that Myriad Domain and the Regal Pill Palace aren't to be ignored in the future. All the guests at the scene shared the same thought.

Chapter 1349: Jiang Chens Invitation

Thanks to the young lord's speech, the trip ended up being worthwhile for the guests. In comparison, they held no special expectations for the reopening itself. After all, Jiang Chen was the sole reason for their presence, rather than any interest in the Regal Pill Palace.

To the delight of everyone from the sect, the ceremony proceeded in a smooth and dignified manner with just the right degree of pomp and circumstance, thanks to the participation of all the notable figures.

From top to bottom, Jiang Chen's speech had made the sect members realize how highly he thought of them. They foresaw a future in which they would have the full weight of Veluriyam behind them. There would be no more six great sects in Myriad Domain like in the past, but the one and only Regal Pill Palace.

The guests didn't linger after the magnificent banquet and presented themselves to bid farewell.

Jiang Chen said with a smile, "Ladies and gentlemen, I've tried to acquire a few items in the Dragon and Tiger Meet. One of them is the Goldencrown Cloudcrane. This is a long-term, outstanding purchase order. If anyone has one, please send it to Veluriyam at your convenience. I guarantee you'll be satisfied with the price. Ah, there's also the Heavencloud Ganoderma too. I'll purchase any at a premium price."

Those who'd come were either important sect figures or titans amongst wandering cultivators. With their widespread networks, he would soon see an increase in his stockpiles of Goldencrown Cloudcrane and Heavencloud Ganoderma if they kept his offer in mind. These two were required for the Pinecrane Pill and the Emperor Supremacy Pill.

Jiang Chen asked Emperor Wellspring and Emperor Inferno to stay behind, as well as any great emperors due a Pinecrane Pill. Other than Emperor Wellspring who'd already received his pill, the others would've been reluctant to leave even if Jiang Chen had shooed them away. The pill was never far away from their thoughts.

However, there was still a long time to go until the promised date; they dared not rush him. The pill had come too easily to them. They'd merely took action once, doing something that was nothing more than a lift of the finger. So they made sure to treat him with utter courtesy because they had the lingering impression that they'd taken advantage of him

Jiang Chen led these wandering great emperors to a secluded spot in the Regal Pill Palace's rear mountain.

Emperor Inferno was a straightforward man. Unable to keep his cool, he was the first one to ask, "Young lord Jiang Chen, I hear there's news of the Pinecrane Pills?"

The others also stared at Jiang Chen, their eyes shining expectantly.

Emperor Wellspring had already gotten his, so he was the most at ease among them. A faint smile on his lips, he looked at this young lord in slight surprise. It hadn't been long since the Dragon and Tiger Meet. Were the pills already available? This young lord's efficiency was quite something.

"Everyone, the Pinecrane Pills are indeed close at hand. However, there's something I have to trouble you all with. It bears no relation to the Pinecrane Pills, it's a private issue of mine. Nothing much, just a small errand." Jiang Chen feigned embarrassment.

These fellows felt on pins and needles at his change of subject, eager as they were to get their hands on the Pinecrane Pills. They thumped their chests when they heard him mention needing their assistance, and with a mere triviality at that.

"Young lord Jiang Chen, feel free to ask for anything. We've always thought of you as our friend. What's a small errand between friends?"

"Indeed. We didn't do much to deserve the Pinecrane Pill. We'd feel more at ease if you entrusted us with some mission."

"I agree. Let's hear it, what do you need? We won't refuse as long as it's within our power. Whoever declines is a pig!"

Emperor Wellspring chuckled. "Young lord Jiang Chen, all of us hold you in high esteem. Your generosity with the Pillcrane Pill has won you everyone's friendship."

This was the result Jiang Chen was going for. "Then I'll just say it?"

"Say it, say it."

"Don't leave us hanging."

He nodded. "Everyone should be aware of my past by now. It's true I came from Myriad Domain. Before joining the Regal Pill Palace, I was a disciple of the Precious Tree Sect. Before that, I was merely the son of a local duke in a trivial kingdom of the sixteen kingdoms alliance. My father Jiang Feng is a small noble from Eastern Kingdom."

He wasn't telling the listeners anything they didn't know.

After the young lord's identity had been made public, various rumors about his person had become the most popular topic in the human domain. His birthplace was now public knowledge.

"Young lord Jiang Chen is all the more remarkable for rising from a mundane kingdom. Only a blind man would deny your stunning talent," the great emperors sighed with praise.

Jiang Chen inwardly shook his head with a wry smile. There was nothing extraordinary about his body's original talent. The remarkable part merely came from his reincarnation. Of course, this wasn't something he'd tell them. Instead, he simply heaved a soft sigh.

"There are probably many people who know my identity now. But what about my parents? At most, you know my father is from Eastern Kingdom, but I'd wager no one knows about my mother."

Everyone stared in surprise. What did he mean? Did the young lord's mother have a distinguished origin?

No one spoke. They simply pricked their ears.

"To tell the truth, my mother's status is far more exalted than my father's. She was stranded in Eastern Kingdom when she was an infant. Someone ended up adopting her, then she married my father and finally gave birth to me. However, her sect found her thanks to a bloodline-related art and took her away."

Jiang Chen's voice was calm, but the crowd fell silent. One could hear the drop of a pin. "After I entered Skylaurel Kingdom, my father searched high and low for her. He finally found her whereabouts not long ago.

"Only, the sect she resides in now is outstanding even in the Upper Eight Regions. They have very strict rules. They believe my mother's noble bloodline has been tainted by the mundane world, so they put her under house arrest."

An extraordinary sect in the Upper Eight Regions? Noble bloodline? Where was it? Possibilities whirled through the great emperors' minds.

"I've become the young lord of Veluriyam, but my parents still remain apart, separated by long distance. Hence, I plan on proposing marriage on behalf of my father."

The great emperors heaved a faint sigh of relief. Marriage? Did he mean to have them old fellows play matchmaker?

"Gentlemen, what I mean has probably already occurred to you. I need your presence to add weight to my proposal. I can also use your support to sway the situation to my side at critical moments." Jiang Chen looked at his guests with a serene gaze. "This is a private affair and there's no reward on the line. If it's an inconvenience for you all, then I won't impose on you."

Emperor Wellspring laughed out loud. "Haha, this is quite a happy occasion. Count me in."

"Me in as well," Emperor Inferno said.

Emperor Reliance laughed mischievously. "I'm also in. With young lord Jiang Chen's current status, it's a privilege for them no matter who they are. Tainted bloodline? What are they talking about?"

"Indeed. Young lord Jiang Chen, which Upper Eight Regions faction is it? How dare they put your esteemed mother under house arrest? How dare they deny face to you like this!?"

"Hmph, let us have a good look. Which first rank sect dares be so ruthless?" Everyone had deduced from Jiang Chen's words that he wasn't talking about Pillfire City.

"Please don't misunderstand, gentlemen. Although that sect has its own preconceptions, I fear they still don't know the ins and outs of this matter even to this day," Jiang Chen calmly said. "It's precisely because they don't know that I have to go myself. I must give my mother a triumphant return! This is my father's cherished dream and also my own desire as their son. What meaning is there to power and prestige if I can't reunite even my parents?"

"Young lord Jiang Chen's filial piety is admirable."

"Yes, we ought to help the young lord achieve his goal. No matter what sect it is, it should have some tact."

"Don't they say marriage is sacred? No one should come between husband and wife. That sect is at fault for breaking up a loving couple, to say nothing of putting the young lord's mother under house arrest. They'll cry a flood of regret when they learn of the young lord's identity."

Jiang Chen smiled. "Rather than regret, my only goal is for my parents to have an honorable reunion. I forgot to mention that the sect in question is the Moon God Sect."

The Moon God Sect? That name didn't come as a shock for the great emperors.

They'd already formed their own conjectures. The Moon God Sect was one of them, the Celestial Cicada Pagoda the other. These two sects were famous for their female disciples.

"They do have strict rules. These women are known for clashing with outsiders. No wonder they'd act like this. It's no surprise coming from the Moon God Sect."

"The Moon God Sect? So what of them? With young lord Jiang Chen's status, forming ties with Veluriyam would be a step up in the world!"

"Exactly, forming ties with Veluriyam would be a privilege for anyone in the human domain."

Jiang Chen smiled at their flattery. "Allow me to thank you all for your kindness. After we resolve this affair, I'll go into seclusion and focus my entire attention on refining Pillcrane Pills so I may give them to you earlier."

The great emperors beamed with delight at his promise.

"Young lord Jiang Chen, what's the plan? When are we leaving?"

"Right, when are we going?"

"After I settle the situation in the Regal Pill Palace. I also need to make a trip back to Veluriyam after that. I'll have to ask everyone to linger here for a while"

Chapter 1350: Old Master Ye Chonglou

Because of Jiang Chen's strong support, news about rebuilding Regal Pill Palace spread far and wide across the human domain. Many rumors were strewn across regions everywhere.

Those originally belonging to Myriad Domain who had luckily escaped with their lives in the calamity wept after hearing the news. Because of their homelessness, they'd become wandering cultivators in the meantime. Many of them decided to make the journey home. Myriad Domain was where they belonged!

Of course, the layout of six sects no longer existed. There was only one voice in Myriad Domain now – Regal Pill Palace called the shots by necessity.

A thousand things were waiting to be done. For those who had lost their sects, the decade of meandering had smoothed the edges of their prides. This was particularly true for the younger generation of disciples.

Upon the falls of their respective sects, they had gnashed their teeth and sworn oaths of vengeance. But they'd spent the ten next years largely wasting away, their angles worn smooth by the sands of time. Eventually, they had all accepted that their sects were no more, forgetting any notion of hoping to rebuild them.

Reality had beat it into them that doing so was almost impossible.

The younger disciples from Regal Pill Palace had lost themselves too at Veluriyam Capital. Some of them had thought that their days there were quite comfortable. The comfort and contentment had dulled their fighting spirit and motivation. Jiang Chen had stoked their emotions numerous times to that end, restoring their courage and will to fight.

But Myriad Domain had only one such miracle worker.

The other sects were not so fortunate. Including the Great Cathedral, the sect once so intent on having the six sects form an alliance, over ninety percent of their cultivators had died during Great Scarlet's invasion. The remainder had either become wandering cultivators or joined other factions.

Men who singularly wished to return to and rebuild their homeland were exceedingly rare. In times of adversity, it was impossible for the majority to maintain a desire to improve.

The news of Regal Pill Palace's rebuilding brought many of those survivors home with optimism. But only ruins remained on the site of their former sects. There were weeds and spiderwebs everywhere.

Some departed in disappointment, never to return. The majority however, chose to join Regal Pill Palace instead. Regardless of its current backer, the Palace was a native faction of Myriad Domain. It could represent the region it was from merely with existing.

For Myriad Domain's cultivators, Regal Pill Palace had more of a right than anyone to inherit the mantle of the region's heritage. Many of its former cultivators returned from all over, all of them asking to join the Palace. There were even a few of its original disciples lost abroad that excitedly found their way home.

All the while, Jiang Chen remained with Regal Pill Palace to help things stabilize. He was also present for a secondary reason: he wanted to observe the current goings-on of Great Scarlet Mid Region.

There was a constant influx of news from Great Scarlet. The three sects within had entered a heated civil war after the destruction of the imperial family. They were engaged in frenzied, all-consuming conflict.

Things had gotten significantly worse after the toppling of the Great Scarlet empire. The three sects' fight was affecting the lives of the common people, sweeping the entire region into the fires of war.

"Is it time yet, young lord?" Emperor Peerless asked, smiling.

"The three sects haven't lost all of their reason yet. We'll intervene when that day comes, we will intervene." Jiang Chen's tone was cool. He awaited the day that chaos truly descended upon Great Scarlet. Regal Pill Palace's rebuilding had entered a stable period. There was a report from a messenger mid-discussion.

"Young lord, there is someone outside the Palace who is asking for you by name."

"Who?" Jiang Chen asked.

"They didn't say. It was a kindly-looking old man, with a bear of a man closely following. They say that they know you."

An old man and a bearish man? Jiang Chen sat up immediately. It seemed a perfect description of Ye Chonglou and Tang Hong.

"Quick, show them in." Hearing about his past acquaintances raised Jiang Chen's morale. "Old Brother Mo, Lordmaster Ye took great care of me at the beginning of my martial cultivation." Remembering his past here at Skylaurel filled his heart with gratefulness for Ye Chonglou.

The young and old duo were swiftly led inside. Jiang Chen found the heavy steps echoing in the distance extremely familiar.

The loudness of those feet could belong to none other than Tang Hong! Overjoyed, Jiang Chen rushed out the door, watching the young-and-old pair turn the corner toward him.

"Lordmaster Ye, Big Tang, it really is you two!" He approached them with unmasked pleasure.

Tang Hong grinned upon seeing his old brother. "I told you, old master," he turned to Ye Chonglou. "How could the Jiang Chen we've heard about be anyone other than the same one at the Precious Tree Sect? What was there to be careful about? I've missed you a lot, Brother Chen."

Tang Hong had grown even bigger than he was ten years ago. His facial features had also become more pronounced.

"Hahaha, Old Tang, you've grown taller." Smiling, Jiang Chen looked Tang Hong all over. The other man's height constantly astounded him.

"It's been ten years, Jiang Chen," Ye Chonglou sighed with a slight smile. "I took your advice and withdrew from the world. The Precious Tree Sect's head didn't quite agree with me at first, and when he finally did, it was perhaps a bit late. We've spent these years adrift, Tang Hong and I, with relative peacefulness."

"What of the others from the Precious Tree Sect?" Jiang Chen blinked.

"Ah! They said they were going to leave as well, but I didn't hear much from them later on. If they succeeded in going into hiding, they'll be back when they hear about what's been happening here. If not, then…" Ye Chonglou paused here.

"Everyone must live by the decisions they make, I suppose." Jiang Chen sighed softly. If the Precious Tree Sect was fated to perish in that calamity, there was nothing he could do. The fact that Ye Chonglou and the big ox Tang Hong were still alive was enough for him.

"That's right, lordmaster. Come in. I'll ask Dan Fei to come see you."

"Dan Fei?" Excitement flashed through the old man's eyes. "Jiang Chen, you found Dan Fei?"

Jiang Chen rubbed his nose. "It's a long story. Take a seat inside, and I'll tell you the long and short of it."

Leading the old man inside, Jiang Chen patted Tang Hong on the arm. "Good work, Old Tang. You've improved quite a bit, huh?"

He could see that Tang Hong was already initial sage realm, with a level very near mid sage realm. It was a solid achievement even in light of the true dragon blood's effects.

"Heh, the lordmaster's pushed me pretty hard these past few years." Tang Hong sounded rather proud. He hadn't been sure if he would even reach origin realm back at the Precious Tree Sect. Many things had happened in the outside world during their decade of separation, but the massive increase in his strength was the most visceral change for Tang Hong.

"Why are you puffing yourself up because of a bit of praise, Tang Hong? Is there anything you can be proud of in front of Jiang Chen?" The old man dumped a bucket of cold water on the preening man.

His mouth agape, Tang Hong didn't know what to say. Finally, he smacked himself on the head.

"That's true. My strength is nothing compared to you, Brother Chen. You're something of a legend, you know? At first, we didn't believe what we were hearing during our wanderings. After the lordmaster analyzed some of the details, we began to hazard the guess that the famed young lord Jiang Chen was none other than you.

"And that's why we came back." The big man chuckled, clearly pleased with himself.

As someone who'd once studied at the Regal Pill Palace, he held feelings for the sect as much as anyone else. The sect's fall ten years ago had saddened him for a time as well. Hearing about the rebuilding of the Palace was both surprising and gratifying for him. The man behind it all was the person that he respected the most in the world: the one and only young lord known throughout the sphere, Veluriyam Capital's Jiang Chen!

It had only been ten years since their trials together at Eternal Spirit Mountain. The distance between them now was incomprehensibly large!

As the old acquaintances conversed, Dan Fei hurried over at the message. Her eyes reddened when she saw the old man, her vision blurring with emotion.

Dan Fei loved the old man a great deal, throwing herself into his arms. "Lordmaster, I thought I would never see you again."

"Foolish girl. If you were scared that you wouldn't see us again, why did you secretly leave the residence?" Old Man Ye Chonglou spoke with a mildly disapproving tone.

Dan Fei's face reddened as well. She glanced at Jiang Chen in embarrassment; she thought that he'd told the old man about everything already.

"Let's talk about that later, lordmaster. Shall we have a few drinks to celebrate our reunion?" Jiang Chen quickly changed the subject.

"Oh, yes. Let me introduce you: this is the famous wandering cultivator titan, Emperor Peerless. He's currently with Sacred Peafowl Mountain as one of our guest venerated elders."

The name 'Emperor Peerless' was as loud as a thunderclap amongst all wandering cultivators.

Old Man Ye Chonglou's body shook. "A great emperor senior. Please excuse my lack of courtesy."

Tang Hong's ox-like eyes spun in their sockets. "A great emperor expert? How do you even get there?"

Everyone roared with laughter. The unexpected appearance of Ye Chonglou and Tang Hong alleviated a fair bit of Jiang Chen's worries.

"That's right." Jiang Chen suddenly remembered something else. "Old master, didn't my uncle Jiang Tong and cousin Jiang Yu withdraw with you? Where are they now?"

He had almost forgotten this extremely important tidbit.