
Chapter 1247 to Chapter 1254

Chapter 1247: Tit For Tat Provocation

The Upper Eight Regions was quite a bustling place these days. First, Veluriyam Capital announced the Tiger and Dragon Meet and invited all wandering cultivators in the world to attend. Not long after, Pillfire City announced that they were hosting a Pill-Martial Summit. All wandering cultivators were likewise invited to attend.

Pillfire City also boldly declared that their summit would feature every single one of the city's emperors as lecturers. Pillzenith included, they would be available to discuss pill and martial dao with the wandering cultivators of the world.

News of this caused a shockwave to ripple through the entire human domain. The contents itself were shocking enough. Though Pillfire City hosted events frequently–almost on a daily basis in fact, the grandness of this particular event marked a once-in-a-millennium experience. If every Pillfire emperor really was going to make an appearance, the experience would be unprecedentedly amazing.

It was tremendously joyous news for wandering cultivators all over the world. The overwhelming nature of the news aside, there was a more important signal being broadcast. Pillfire City's gesture was clearly aimed at Veluriyam Capital.

Veluriyam's Tiger and Dragon Meet was already on the horizon. Pillfire City jumping out now was intentional opposition. They were both core factions within the Upper Eight Regions. One dominated the south, one prevailed over the north. Their authorities combined could steer the direction of the entire human domain.

Though there had always been clandestine conflict between them, their geographical distance meant that all-out warfare hadn't really occurred before. This was definitely the first time they'd gone head to head like this.

A collision between two giants was sure to spark incredible heat. The usually peaceful Upper Eight Regions was feeling the initial stages of the tremendous ripples. Were the two great factions really going head-to-head?

The atmosphere in all eight regions became odd and another rumor began circulating feverishly.

Pillfire City was holding its event was because of its intense displeasure with Veluriyam Capital. Wandering cultivators everywhere were to refrain from attending the Tiger and Dragon Meet. The wandering cultivators that did would be blacklisted, forever banned from entering Pillfire City. They wouldn't be able to do any business with Pillfire.

There was no official verification from Pillfire, but the rumors had too much substance to ignore.

"Have you heard? The scale of Pillfire City's Pill-Martial Summit is unprecedented. Apparently they'll auction off a number of sky rank pills. The pills will be rarities that one usually wouldn't be able to buy with money, and Pillfire is offering such a valuable opportunity to wandering cultivators everywhere! This is a benefit that group's never seen before. Pillfire City's generosity is overwhelming."

"Given their rich history with pill dao, they're sure to have many excellent pills. The Pill-Martial Summit is something to look forward to."

"Too bad for Veluriyam Capital. They've made the announcement about their Meet already. I'm not sure how things will pan out for them now. They'll have a hard time trying to win a popularity contest with Pillfire City."

"That's right. Emperor Peafowl isn't around at the moment, so there's already a measurable gap between the two factions. Ah, I'd heard Veluriyam Capital's young lord Zhen to be a capable character. I was hoping to go meet him. But Pillfire's event shouldn't be missed."

"I think so, too. The Tiger and Dragon Meet will be botched, I'm sure. Maybe twenty percent will choose to attend their event over Pillfire City's. And even those would be doing so due to Emperor Peerless' reputation!"

"Young lord Zhen is too young. He hasn't thought many things through as much as he should have. The name 'Tiger and Dragon Meet' sounds quite impressive, but there's nothing particularly amazing about it. His exploits in recent years aside, the young lord's name alone isn't enough to compete with the whole of Pillfire City."

"Heh, Pillfire City's answering move is pretty vicious. The rug is being pulled out from Veluriyam Capital's feet. It's going to fall and die from that height."

"Maturity has its benefits. Emperor Pillzenith is pushing young lord Zhen off the edge of a cliff. The pitiful amount of fame he's accumulated is going to disappear into nothingness. He'll be the joke of the Upper Eight Regions." The sects, nobles, and various other factions were all discussing the same topic. Coincidentally, so were the wandering cultivators.

There was intense comparison between Veluriyam Capital and Pillfire City. The majority felt that Pillfire City's counterattack was perfectly executed. They'd cut off any means of retreat for Veluriyam. Falling from a much greater height than initially was very painful.

After careful consideration, most wandering cultivators tended to concur. They thought that Pillfire City's Pill-Martial Summit would feature more desirables.

"I didn't think that Veluriyam Capital would lose its cool so quickly after Emperor Peafowl's fall. This would've never happened in the wise emperor's time."

"I agree. Emperor Peafowl was sophisticated and conservative. He knew of the huge gap between Pillfire City and Veluriyam Capital in terms of pill dao, so he avoided direct conflict. Young lord Zhen is too hot-headed and brash. He let the blood rush to his head and made this decision far too lightly. That's why Pillfire City was able to find his weakness so easily and win with a decisive stroke."

"Don't say that. Young lord Zhen's actions are always measured and strategic. Just think about everything he's done over the years. He's always had the last laugh in the end. Are you so sure that young lord Zhen doesn't have a follow-up plan? Are you sure that he'll just lie down and give up?"

Veluriyam Capital had its fair share of loyalists among wandering cultivators too. Young lord Zhen's name was well known among some circles. Because many wandering cultivators hated the stronger party by nature, they preferred to stand beside Veluriyam, the underdog.

The wandering cultivator world never lacked for contrarians. They had their own thoughts and harbored principles of justice in their hearts. The more Pillfire City attempted to use its clout and authority to edge out competitors, the more they were despised for it. Thus, this group unconsciously veered towards Veluriyam Capital, supporting and arguing on young lord Zhen and the city's behalf.

However, the lion's share of wandering cultivators was still biased toward Pillfire City. Most thought logically that Veluriyam Capital simply did not possess the capital to oppose it on even ground.

The support for the Pill-Martial Summit was overwhelming. The ratio of Veluriyam to Pillfire supporters was almost twenty-to-eighty. Less than twenty percent of wandering cultivators believed that Veluriyam Capital would ultimately prevail.

On the other hand, eighty percent confidently said that Pillfire City would crush its opponent thoroughly. This portion didn't actually like Pillfire City all that much. Rather, they'd made their judgment through rationality alone.

The two viewpoints between the wandering cultivators continued to ferment and collide. Unfortunately, the opinion that Veluriyam Capital would win was completely drowned out.

However, another piece of news a few days later crushed that sentiment.

At the Tiger and Dragon Meet, Veluriyam Capital would auction its own collection of rare and top-quality pills. The Pinecrane Pill would be included among said collection!

What was the Pinecrane Pill?

Veluriyam Capital gave the explanation that it was a pill that extended the lifespan an emperor realm cultivator or even great emperor for eight hundred to a thousand years. A true miracle drug, the pinnacle of sky rank pills! It was a pill that surpassed its fellows.

If news of the Pinecrane Pill had been rather limited before to private circles, this announcement verified what had been wild speculation. This legendary turn of events caused the wind to shift once more.

The Pinecrane Pill! It could lengthen the natural lifespans of emperors and great emperors? The mythical nature of the pill took the entire human domain by storm.

The news shocked both the wandering cultivator world and the world of cultivation at large. Without the presence of the Longevity Pill, the Pinecrane Pill would be branded a joke. But the Longevity Pill was excellent precedent and added to the truthiness to this claim. If something as wondrous as the Longevity Pill existed, why not the Pinecrane Pill, too?

More importantly, the Pinecrane Pill was backed by a giant of the wandering cultivator world. Almost every wandering cultivator knew that Emperor Peerless' cultivation partner, Madame Yun, had once been grievously injured. But she was perfectly fine now; not a trace remained of her life-threatening wounds. The main reason for her recovery was the Pinecrane Pill.

Emperor Coiling Dragon was another example of the pill in action. When he was still the lord of the Coiling Dragon Clan, his mortal life had almost reached its natural end. His death sentence was exonerated by the Pinecrane Pill, granting him renewed vigor that allowed him to break through to great emperor.

There was plenty of substantiated evidence around the Pinecrane Pill, both circumstantial and anecdotal. Those who had their own channels of information independently verified that the Pinecrane Pill did indeed exist.

News of this pill spread across the wandering cultivator world like wildfire. Verified news had significantly more force than idle gossip. It took only a few days for astonishing accounts of the pill's marvels to spread to every corner of the world.

"First the Longevity Pill, now the Pinecrane Pill. This is simply too amazing! Veluriyam Capital has managed some truly unbelievable things. Everyone's underestimated young lord Zhen after all. And that's just what I thought! Young lord Zhen isn't someone to stand around and be slaughtered. Pillfire City has done something ignoble with their gathering. If Veluriyam wants to hold a wandering cultivators' meeting, why hold a Pill-Martial Summit in retaliatory response? It's an open provocation!"

"That's right. Pillfire City has lost all honor. Any reprisal from Veluriyam Capital is completely understandable. Still, young lord Zhen's counterattack is certainly sharp. I think the tides are turning once more."

Chapter 1248: I Can Do Everything You Can Do

Ordinarily, Emperor Pillzenith was a competent and restrained man. But the Pinecrane Pill had become an object of obsession to him. He desperately wanted one. He knew better than anyone else what the pill meant.

"Your Majesty, how real is the Pinecrane Pill?" Baili found it difficult to believe the pill was real.

"I haven't held it in my own hands, so I can't say for sure," the emperor sighed softly. "Pill King Hui, you had a chance that day, correct?"

"Your Majesty, the pill I was given was truly extraordinary. It had an aura unlike any other pill I've seen. I highly suspect it was the Pinecrane Pill."

"Your Majesty, Sacred Peafowl Mountain will attract a great deal of people with that pill of theirs. Our Pill-Martial Summit will have a lot of popularity stolen away from it." Baili Shengzhi's voice was dark. Veluriyam Capital's windmill counterattack put him rather suddenly onto the back foot.

Wandering cultivators were a pragmatic bunch. Threats and intimidation had little effect. Most of them were hard-headed and hot-tempered individuals with peculiar personalities. Violence wouldn't restrict their actions. In order to draw them to Pillfire City, one needed to dangle a carrot in front of them.

Pillfire City had invested a great deal as bait in this regard. They'd done so on a scale unseen for a thousand years. But the words 'Pinecrane Pill' rendered all their efforts largely ineffective in one fell swoop.

What pill was more desirable than one that could extend one's life?

Neither the Tiger and Dragon Meet nor the Pill-Martial Summit could actually attract every single wandering cultivator under the heavens. That was an unrealistic expectation, and neither city could host so many at once.

The idea instead, was to gather up the elite among them, the cream of the crop. Members of that echelon tended to have cultivation levels that were at least respectable. Emperors and great emperors alike found the Pinecrane Pill's allure to be irresistible. Who wouldn't be tempted by the promise of longer life?

Absolutely no one. Even sect experts would jump at such an opportunity. They would put in everything they had to attain that goal.

Pill King Ji Lang was disgruntled. "Hmph, Veluriyam Capital has never been known for its prowess in pills. They're probably overstating the Pinecrane Pill's effects. Plus, even if the pill is real, how can it compare to the plethora we have at Pillfire City? What can we possibly be scared of?"

Emperor Pillzenith was pleased to hear these words from his favorite disciple.

"Ji Lang has a point. Are they trying to take on the entire Pillfire City with just one type of pill?" sneered the great emperor. "So what if the Pinecrane Pill is real? I don't think mass production will be possible like the Longevity Pill. It must've been refined from extremely rare natural treasures. There's nothing special about that."

Baili Shengzhi nodded in agreement. "I doubt that Sacred Peafowl Mountain would refrain from announcing mass production if they could actually do it. I think it's more likely that they extracted the essence of some valuable specimen with the ability to lengthen lifespans. The name 'Pinecrane Pill' is just a ruse. How many more of those pills can he have? Your Majesty, I think we can attack them on this front. We can spread rumors that there's not that many of these pills. Only one or two lucky wandering cultivators will benefit if they go to Veluriyam."

Baili Shengzhi was a clever man. He quickly grasped the key to turning the tables.

"You're right. Do as you suggested, Baili," Emperor Pillzenith commanded.

Pillfire City's long history of business dealings meant that it had a social network of its own. The plan was executed on the spot, spreading rapidly throughout its tendrils. Almost overnight, there was a different voice in the wandering cultivator world.

"Perhaps the Pinecrane Pill exists, but rumor has it that the pill is refined from a rare natural treasure. These treasures are difficult to find. Moreover, Sacred Peafowl Mountain probably only has one or two pills. There won't be enough to go around. Only the giants of the wandering cultivator world has a chance at the pills. There's no point for everyone else to attend. Pillfire City is different, naturally. Its history with pills is robust, and it has pills of every variety. It is far more beneficial to visit the city with a good record than some upstart."

"I agree. The Pinecrane Pill is pretty incredible, but we're too insignificant to do much more than watch the show. At Pillfire City, we might be able to participate in buying other pills for ourselves."

"The Pinecrane Pill is probably just a publicity stunt. At the end of the day, it's better to visit an established place. Pillfire City has far more of an advantage in this regard."

The wind shifted once more. The Pinecrane Pill was accepted, but suspicions were raised regarding Veluriyam Capital's pill-refining proficiency.

The pill's appearance guaranteed that a group of the best wandering cultivators would choose Veluriyam Capital. A larger group of lookers-on naturally followed. However, more rational wandering cultivators would make the choice to go to Pillfire City instead. Pillfire City's storied past and reliable resourcefulness meant that there would be more opportunities for laymen.

Pillfire City's retort had been swift and sharp. A bucket of cold water was dumped upon the heat that the Pinecrane Pill had managed to generate. There was an improvement from last time, though. The peanut gallery refrained from one-sided commentary.

They'd been burned by wrong predictions before. Who knew what other tricks Veluriyam Capital had up its sleeve? There was one thing that everyone could agree on. As long as young lord Zhen was there, nothing was entirely impossible for Sacred Peafowl Mountain. Underestimation of the faction and its youthful leader would only result in embarrassment.

There wasn't very much waiting before the next piece of explosive news arose. At the Tiger and Dragon Meet, Veluriyam Capital was slated to announce the foundation of a new pill dao academy. It would set aside some enrollment slots to wandering cultivators. The city's new academy would fully introduce their pill dao capacity to everyone.

There was something else, too: the Pinecrane Pill was definitely not refined from some priceless plant or beast. It used relatively precious materials, but certainly nothing that couldn't be found with a little effort. Furthermore, the materials themselves had no anti-aging effects whatsoever. The recipe of the pill was the magical portion.

Furthermore, young lord Zhen declared that Sacred Peafowl Mountain was capable of refining any pill belonging to any other faction.

Anyone who didn't believe this was welcome to challenge him personally at the Tiger and Dragon Meet. Once more, the Upper Eight Regions was in uproar. Sacred Peafowl Mountain could refine pills belonging to any other faction? Since when were they this confident?

But clever individuals quickly realized the true meaning behind those words.

"They're trying to say that young lord Zhen's pill skill is incomparable. The Upper Eight Regions has no pill that he can't refine. He's trying to pound every other pill expert into the ground."

"Is young lord Zhen really this cocky?"

"Tch, what're you talking about? They have more than enough skill to back it up. Can the man behind the Longevity and Pinecrane Pills be any less than extraordinary?"

"I suppose you're right. The claim is reckless, but he has the capital to match it. I'd be even bolder were I in his shoes!"

"That's right. Even Pillfire City doesn't have pills this amazing. Their mess of disorganized tactics means they're losing their cool. In other words, they're scared. What's the point of targeting Veluriyam Capital like this otherwise?"

"Still, it is not good for a tree to stand much taller than the rest of the forest. I think Pillfire City will continue their efforts to swat down young lord Zhen from his lofty perch. Ah the follies of youth!"

"Swat down? Do you think a true genius could be swatted down so easily like that? Every great man in history has experienced adversity in his youth. And what were the results? The pressure only accelerates the young geniuses' growth. In the end, the strain becomes another stepping stone on the path to success. I think Pillfire City is doomed to become one, actually."

"That makes sense. See, young lord Zhen's fame has spread far and wide recently. That's partially to do with his own strength and contributions, but Pillfire's repeated attempts to quash him also indirectly fueled his rise to stardom. Many who wouldn't have paid attention otherwise felt sympathy for him out of shared defiance against frenzied suppression."

"Sympathy for the underdog, I'd think."

"Nonsense. Young lord Zhen is no underdog. Pillfire City is all appearance and no substance. Their fear is so obvious from their gimmicky actions."

There was one thing that could not be denied. Repeated conflicts with Pillfire City had only served to heighten young lord Zhen's fame, and the Tiger and Dragon Meet was attracting attention from an ever widening selection of people. Many wandering cultivators made the difficult decision of choosing Veluriyam Capital over Pillfire City.

When someone found favor in the eyes of the crowd, anything he did would be praised. Jiang Chen's comments about being able to refine any other faction's pills were extremely impudent and would usually draw the unnecessary ire of many. But his popularity in the wandering cultivator world exploded because of it. More and more wandering cultivators came forward to support him.

Of course, none of this was without reason. Without the battle over the Longevity Pill, the Moon God Precious Tree incident, and now the Pinecrane Pill, people would only think that he was some frivolous child. These things formed his foundation of credibility, transforming doubt into faith.

Chapter 1249: The Hoarcrown Supreme Mystery Pill

Pillfire City had thought it would easily able to snuff out the Tiger and Dragon Meet in the cradle. Instead, it found itself dangled over a fire pit. The Pill-Martial Summit had been announced solely to destroy their rival. Given Pillfire City's prestige and brand, most had been absolutely certain that over eighty percent of wandering cultivators would be drawn away from Veluriyam Capital.

But the heavyweight news from Veluriyam Capital smashed Pillfire City's popularity to pieces. The winds were blowing from south to north. The Pinecrane Pill itself was astounding enough, but the news that Veluriyam Capital was founding a pill dao academy was even more incredible. And enrollment slots set aside for wandering cultivators!

Most incredulous was that young lord Zhen had boldly declared that Sacred Peafowl Mountain was able to refine any pill that anyone else could. Even if the advertisement was larger than life, his confidence won the hearts of many wandering cultivators. Going to Veluriyam Capital was a snap choice for them. They wanted to see for themselves whether the legendary young lord Zhen really was as remarkable as the stories described.

Pillfire City made several attempts to salvage the situation. They put multiple other benefits onto their own table. Emperor Pillzenith personally wrote to a number of secluded hermits in the wandering cultivator world. He wanted to borrow their popularity for the Summit.

In the past, he hadn't cared at all about them. He was making a special exception for this occasion. Unfortunately for him, no one was interested in his makeshift olive branch. His invitations received a few replies, but most couldn't be bothered to respond.

The top wandering cultivators generally lived carefree lifestyles. Emperor Pillzenith's usual lack of respect towards them meant that they weren't going to immediately respond with much passion. What expert didn't have a resolute heart and a distinct temper?

Pillfire's actions were effective to a degree, but it was impossible for them to manipulate the situation back to the one-sided affair they'd first predicted. Quite a few giants of the wandering cultivator world let it slip that they were planning on attending the Tiger and Dragon Meet. Most however, were still watching and waiting. There was still time before the two events. They wanted to see if either side was willing to offer a few more perks.

Because they were best in class, most of them tended to weigh up their decision until everything was clear. There was no need to be hasty and unnecessary rashness often led to a less than ideal result down the line. Their attitude spoke volumes about their eagerness.

The situation in the Upper Eight Regions became quite strange. Wandering cultivators, typically a group that had barely any bargaining power or influence, were thrust into the spotlight. They could suddenly sway the actions of both Veluriyam Capital and Pillfire City.

Pillfire City was between a rock and a hard place. If they hadn't responded to the Tiger and Dragon Meet by setting up the Pill-Martial Summit, perhaps they wouldn't have put themselves in so much trouble. As it was, they found it troubling to either proceed or back off. They'd wanted to make Veluriyam Capital lose face, but they were tossing their own aside first to do so.

"Your Majesty, those old-fox wandering cultivators are too wily. They're waiting for us to up the ante." Baili Shengzhi wasn't having a good month. He'd found out rather belatedly that his responsibility wasn't a pleasant one.

"We can't afford to lose this face, Baili. We have more than enough wealth to take them on. We'll splurge a little this time. We're sure to recoup several times our investment eventually." Emperor Pillzenith gnashed his teeth.

He knew that Pillfire couldn't afford to retreat now. It could only put more and more weights onto the scales to try to tip them. Otherwise, it would quickly become the laughingstock of the Upper Eight Regions. Worse, it would sustain a direct loss in a contest with Veluriyam. That was something Pillfire could not accept.

"Your Majesty, our problem right now is that we can't satisfy those old bastards' appetites with normal rewards." Baili Shengzhi was despondent. "Veluriyam Capital has raised the stakes sky-high. It's very difficult for us to match them."

At the end of the day, he was only an executor of Emperor Pillzenith's wishes. He didn't have the carte blanche right to make whatever promises he wanted.

"Baili, announce that I'm willing to auction off a Hoarcrown Supreme Mystery Pill!"

"What?" Baili Shengzhi's entire body shook. Pill King Ji Lang and the emperor's other subordinate experts reacted with similar surprise.

"Your Majesty, the Hoarcrown Supreme Mystery Pill? Are you… are you sure?" Baili Shengzhi asked with bated breath, desire flashing in his eyes.

"Then it's settled." Emperor Pillzenith looked pained, as if someone was cutting his flesh off.

"Alright, alright." Baili Shengzhi's tone sounded a bit odd, but he refrained from commenting further. He signified his acceptance of the order with a cupped fist salute.

"Don't despair, Baili. I haven't given a Hoarcrown Supreme Mystery Pill to you yet because I'm hoping you'll break through to great emperor yourself. Sure, the pill can give you a twenty to thirty percent higher chance of breaking through, but why rely on a pill if there's no necessity?"

The Hoarcrown Supreme Mystery Pill was one of the three most precious pills that Pillfire City possessed. It was extremely difficult to refine and its materials were incredibly rare. Over his four thousand years of being a great emperor, Emperor PIllzenith had only managed to refine a single cauldron of them, having procured the materials by pure chance. That cauldron had only contained four pills total.

Baili Shengzhi was his top follower and confidant. Though the strategist had reached the peak of emperor realm a long time ago, he hadn't broken through to great emperor yet. It was the strategist's deepest desire to get his hands on a single Hoarcrown Supreme Mystery Pill.

Alas, Emperor Pillzenith had never given one to him. He didn't really know whether Emperor Pillzenith wanted him to break through using his own strength, but hearing the name of the pill made his heart race nevertheless. If he had the increased certainty offered by the pill, it would be the perfect opportunity to ascend to great emperor!

The loss of spirit in Emperor Pillzenith's top follower did not go unnoticed. Worried that his favorite lieutenant would lose faith in him, the emperor quickly added a few words of encouragement. "There's no need to despair, Baili. If you really can't break through with your own strength, do you think I won't be able to spare a single Hoarcrown Supreme Mystery Pill?"

Baili Shengzhi's eyes lit up. Blood pounded through his veins. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will carry out your commands at once!"

The Hoarcrown Supreme Mystery Pill was only one of the city's three most valuable pills. Pillfire City's sheer resourcefulness was no joke.

The news of Emperor Pillzenith's addition to the Summit made waves in the wandering cultivator world yet again.

"Haha, Pillfire is finally paying up now. Not bad, not bad. The Hoarcrown Supreme Mystery Pill isn't as attractive as the Pinecrane Pill, but it should still draw in a good crowd."

"Emperor Pillzenith isn't usually the most friendly towards the world of wandering cultivators. I'm sure he finds it painful being forced to make such a big investment."

"Heh heh, he doesn't just want to attract wandering cultivators. He's trying to one-up Veluriyam Capital. Didn't Veluriyam say that Sacred Peafowl Mountain can refine any pill that anyone else has? Does young lord Zhen know how to refine the Hoarcrown Supreme Mystery Pill? It's a slap to the face, that's what it is!"

"We'll see how that young lord responds. He's young and full of energy. I bet you he won't take it lying down."

"Young lord Zhen always surprises, so let's see what he does this time. There's not much time left, hmm? Pillfire is being quite frank with offering the Hoarcrown Supreme Mystery Pill. If he doesn't respond, it'll be hard for him to convincingly demolish Pillfire in the end."

"It wouldn't be young lord Zhen if he didn't respond, eh?"

After Veluriyam Capital's incredible performance time and again, expectations for young lord Zhen were extremely high. Everyone craved to see what new amazement he had up his sleeve. The atmosphere grew tenser and conflicts grew more intense by the day.

On the third day after Pillfire's announcement for the Hoarcrown Supreme Mystery Pill, Veluriyam Capital proclaimed yet another piece of stunning news. It shook the foundations of not only the wandering cultivator world, but the entire human domain.

Young lord Zhen had promised that a mysterious sage from Myriad Abyss Island would lecture about pill and martial dao at the Tiger and Dragon Meet. Furthermore, Veluriyam's gathering welcomed not only wandering cultivators, but the other factions as well. Anyone that was interested could delegate a small team of representatives to attend.

Of course, reception limitations meant that one faction could only bring ten at most. Any more than that would be barred entry. Aside from this, young lord Zhen had also declared that since Pillfire was decided on confronting Veluriyam at every step, it was welcome to send any number of pill dao representatives to challenge Veluriyam's pill dao prowess. The Sacred Peafowl Mountain was ready to receive them at any time!

Clearly, Veluriyam Capital was done with passive tolerance. Their displeasure was plain and they were going to duel openly.

The human domain reacted with absolute chaos.

Chapter 1250: Frenzied Offering of Ideas

The tug-of-war between the cities was finally concluded with this last bit of news. No matter how much it struggled, Pillfire discovered sadly that Veluriyam's tide could not be stopped.

Myriad Abyss Island? Most in the human domain didn't know about the place. Only a few experts of the highest caliber were privy to bits and pieces about it. Whether the place existed at all was a long-running mystery.

But today, Veluriyam Capital brought an end to the debate. A mysterious expert from the island would lecture on pill and martial dao for everyone to attend. Regardless of whether the rumor itself seemed true on the surface, young lord Zhen had already taken on a mantle of credibility in everyone's minds. The youth's rise to fame was studded with fulfilled promises. Never once before had he taken back his words.

Myriad Abyss Island was a mythical place. A holy land in the dreams of countless martial cultivators. The three words alone held countless magic and mysticism in them. They were an irresistible power that could not be ignored.

The moment that name was brought out, the invisible competition between Veluriyam Capital and Pillfire City concluded. The two parties no longer competed on the same level. Pillfire City was forced to back off. It had the will to carry on, but not the strength. Furthermore, there was nothing they could do that could remotely overwhelm Veluriyam Capital's three offerings.

"Your Majesty, any further efforts on our part will be in vain. I think Veluriyam Capital has gone crazy. They dare bring out Myriad Abyss Island? Does that Zhen kid really know some mysterious expert from there?" Baili Shengzhi looked unconvinced. He only half-believed the stories surrounding the ancient isle. Moreover, he instinctively refused to believe the possibility that young lord Zhen was able to invite a mysterious expert from there.

"Shura, you've been at Veluriyam Capital for three thousand years. How much do you know about Sacred Peafowl Mountain? What's with that young lord Zhen?" Emperor Pillzenith couldn't make neither heads nor tails of the situation.

Emperor Shura was as displeased as any of the Pillfire natives. His one consolation was that they had as much difficulty in dealing with young lord Zhen as he did. If an entire Pillfire City couldn't put down that brat, his own loss seemed much more reasonable in comparison. But Emperor Pillzenith's question was one he could not ignore.

"Emperor Peafowl enjoyed making friends in the outside world. He rarely told me what he did. Sacred Peafowl Mountain didn't originally have this young lord Zhen. There was a certain young lord Fan who was a martial dao genius, but unskilled with pill dao. But young lord Fan died under mysterious circumstances one day. I thought Emperor Peafowl would leave the city to me then, but he managed to find that kid out of nowhere."

"So you're saying that even you don't know where he's from?" Emperor Pillzenith was very dissatisfied.

"Sacred Peafowl Mountain's version is that young lord Zhen has always been its true young lord. Young lord Fan was only ever a candidate. But I think that they're full of it. Young lord Zhen isn't someone that Emperor Peafowl could have taught." Emperor Shura spoke of his former superior with unbridled resentment.

"Does Sacred Peafowl Mountain have relations with anyone from Myriad Abyss Island?" This was the point that Emperor Pillzenith was most concerned about. The mere possibility of it was enough to strike fear into his heart. Like everyone else, the great emperor harbored an indescribable wariness for that uncharted place.

If Sacred Peafowl Mountain had a connection to Myriad Abyss Island and Pillfire City did not, the latter would be in a horrendous place. The more he considered things, the more panicked he became.

Without this unexpected factor coming into play, Emperor Pillzenith wouldn't have cared too much about the Pinecrane Pill. Pillfire was entrenched and well-established. Veluriyam Capital had a long way to go before it could truly challenge its rival in pill-related matters. But Myriad Abyss Island introduced uncertainty into the mix.

Emperor Pillzenith thought it quite likely that young lord Zhen had a Myriad Abyss Island-related background. Where did his blind confidence come from otherwise? He wouldn't have dared to challenge Pillfire City directly if he didn't have something he could rely on.

What faction in the human domain was brave enough to contest pill dao with Pillfire City? Young lord Zhen was the first in several millennia with the courage to do so!

Unfortunately, Pillfire City was in a difficult position to respond. Should they respond? They were more than willing to issue a counterpoint, but who would they make their representative?

Pill King Ji Lang? He'd lost twice to young lord Zhen already. He didn't have the spirit to face the youth any more.

There were others in the city with superior pill dao skills, of course. Pillfire City's history meant that there were always a couple of pill emperors in the older generation, however troublesome it was to spur them into action. There was a bigger problem, though. Old-time pill emperors embodied the peak of Pillfire City's pill dao prowess. They were obliged to win any contest they participated in. Any public loss would have far-reaching consequences.

Repeated failures had made Emperor Pillzenith afraid. He was uncertain how expansive young lord Zhen's pill dao knowledge was. Could the older generation defeat the kid convincingly?

The emperor was confident enough that he felt he had a good chance at defeating the young lord. However, it was condescending for a ruler of a major faction to participate in a contest. Furthermore, he risked even more by losing than those old-timers. His loss would mean Pillfire City's total defeat at Veluriyam Capital's hands. Therefore, Pillfire's final response to young lord Zhen's provocation was to ignore it completely.

Emperor Shura was a little ashamed. He knew very little about any of the three or four questions that Emperor Pillzenith had asked. He had discovered far too late that he knew extremely little about his supposed rival. No wonder his usurpation hadn't succeeded. Did young lord Zhen have relations with Myriad Abyss Island? He had no idea at all.

Emperor Pillzenith was quite irritated at Shura's silence. Working with Emperor Shura was completely unproductive. In some aspects, the exiled emperor was no better than a good-for-nothing.

Emperor Shura felt a wave of guilt wash over him when he saw Emperor Pillzenith's frigid eyes. The other emperor's evaluation of him had probably already fallen a mile. If he didn't assert himself now, Emperor Pillzenith's impression of him would worsen even more.

"Your Majesty Pillzenith. There's not much point in investigating the relationship between the Zhen brat and Myriad Abyss Island. We can't use conventional tactics in dealing with our current predicament," Emperor Shura ventured.

"Do you have something you want to say?" Emperor Pillzenith asked coolly.

"The only reason Veluriyam Capital is able to do all of this is because of young lord Zhen. If young lord Zhen is out of the picture, so is the entire capital," Emperor Shura spat viciously.

"What do you mean?" Emperor Pillzenith asked coldly.

"Isn't he hosting the Tiger and Dragon Meet? We can take advantage of this by sending a few experts to infiltrate Veluriyam Capital and assassinate its young lord. I know the city very well. If we find the right window of opportunity, there's no reason we shouldn't succeed."

Emperor Pillzenith found this suggestion stupendously attractive. He hadn't thought about such a simple solution because of his prior desire for the Pinecrane Pill. But young lord Zhen had become a real threat to his own faction. If the kid was allowed to grow, Pillfire City would lose its dominant position sooner or later. He absolutely did not want that to happen.

The answering pensiveness prompted Shura to put himself forward. "Your Majesty Pillzenith, if you give me three great emperor realm cultivators alongside Brother Vastsea and myself, I'll have a seventy to eighty percent of cutting young lord Zhen down."

"Are you sure?" Emperor Pillzenith inquired somberly.

Pillfire City had plenty of great emperor realm cultivators, though the emperor wasn't necessarily willing to delegate any them out. He had many other channels through which he could hire great emperors. They were definitely scarce, but not so much so to be impossible to find, especially for someone like him. Given the emperor's own level of cultivation, most he associated with were great emperors also.

Emperor Shura was resolute. "I am sure. I, Vastsea, and three more great emperors. We'll get the job done."

Emperor Vastsea's heart pounded at those words. He wanted to urge Emperor Shura not to speak so hastily or make such bold promises, but the madness on the other man's face told him that he would only make an enemy of his erstwhile friend. There was an inexplicable sadness in his heart. He felt a hint of regret. Why had he been so obsessed with following Emperor Shura's lead?

What was wrong with a carefree lifestyle in Veluriyam Capital as one of its titled emperors? His choices had only turned him into a homeless dog. Moreover, Emperor Shura was proving to be far more reckless than he had signed up for. Putting his own life on the line without asking first upset him quite a bit.

Shura wasn't entirely wrong, but a shadow crept into Vastsea's heart whenever he thought of young lord Zhen. Jiang Chen was a lingering nightmare for him. The kid's sheer monstrosity and invincibility intimidated him. Regardless of how well-planned things seemed initially, the results were always less than satisfactory. It was very possible that this was yet another easily-foiled plot.

Once that happened, they would be utterly disgraced as criminals. Emperor Vastsea had no desire to become a sewer rat in the Upper Eight Regions.

Chapter 1251: The Six Titans Of The Wandering World

At this point, Veluriyam Capital had walked out from the shadow cast by the Vassal Meeting. Normal order and peace had been restored. There was still no news of Emperor Peafowl's whereabouts, but young lord Zhen's governance exceeded many people's expectations, despite the chaos and skepticism in the beginning.

With the passage of time, everyone gradually grew accustomed to having young lord Zhen at the helm. What everyone failed to predict was that the capital would actually be even more prosperous and thriving than in Emperor Peafowl's era.

Even though many remained skeptical about young lord Zhen's plans, they mostly agreed that the young lord was a progressive ruler. He was always busy at work and by no means was just putting on a show. The precise location for the academy had been set. Various preparation efforts were under way and a majority of the funds had already arrived.

The information released for the Tiger and Dragon Meet swept the entire human domain up in a storm. Lately, discussions related to the capital had run hot and fierce, and for the first time in a thousand years, it exceeded Pillfire City in popularity.

Though everyone knew that a short term phenomenon didn't mean much, it was still a good start. The entire capital had always seen Pillfire City as a mountain to conquer. It was a peak that the capital had to scale to become the undisputed champion of the Upper Eight Regions.

Naturally, a large majority of the citizens saw Pillfire City as the enemy. That was why they'd celebrated so fiercely when Jiang Chen defeated Pill King Ji Lang during the duel over the Longevity Pill. Their desire to win over Pillfire was simply too strong. His victory was a much needed boost to the capital's morale.

Even though the capital lost Emperor Shura and Emperor Vastsea after the incident, it didn't sink into chaos. Quite the contrary in fact. The incident actually brought even more unity and internal cohesion.

Emperor Petalpluck and Emperor Mountaincrush, both neutral parties during the incident, publicly declared their support for young lord Zhen. They wanted Sacred Peafowl Mountain to continue its rule over Veluriyam Capital. Even Emperor Skysplitter, once siding with Emperor Shura, declared his support for Sacred Peafowl Mountain. Thus, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that the capital was at its most united in a long while.


Emperor Peerless was all smiles in the young lord manor. "Young lord, good news! Many secluded titans of the wandering cultivator world have been asking me about the Tiger and Dragon Meet. From the looks of it, our event seems to be getting more attention than Pillfire City's Pill-Martial Summit!"

"Old Brother Mo, you've come at the right time. I still lack some understanding of the wandering world. I'm not worried about a lack of attendees, but rather that we'll have too many. Perhaps you can help me a little in this matter?" Jiang Chen flashed a grin.

Emperor Peerless nodded. "Precisely what I'm here for. The wandering world is full of hidden dragons and crouching dragons that avoid showing themselves in public. However, that doesn't mean there's a lack of experts. Disregarding the ancient hermits, there are six active leaders in the wandering world. They are often called the Six Titans.

"These six are domineering characters who are highly revered in the wandering world." Emperor Peerless explained patiently.

"Let me guess, you're one of the great titans?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"Heh. That's correct. However, I'm actually ranked anywhere between fourth to sixth amongst these six greats." Emperor Peerless admitted without any hesitation.

"Oh? There are people stronger than you?" Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback.

"Mm. Let me tell you in detail. it's widely acknowledged that the top three titans are Emperor Everviolet, Emperor Wellspring, and also Emperor Sabledeep.

"Emperor Everviolet cultivates the Everviolet eye technique and is a master of various eye technique arts. Emperor Wellspring's original name is Jingzhong Hui. He cultivates the Onestrike Wellspring sword technique. His cultivation is deep beyond comprehension. I once exchanged a few moves with him. Even though there was no clear winner, it was obvious that I'd lose if we fought until the very end. Emperor Wellspring is definitely strong enough to go up against Emperor Pillzenith."

"What?" Jiang Chen was taken aback. Emperor Pillzenith and Emperor Peafowl were widely recognized as one of the strongest in the Upper Eight Regions! And Emperor Wellspring could take on cultivators of this caliber? Wasn't he terrifyingly strong then? Did the wandering cultivator world really hide that amount of perverse strength?

"That's right. There's no need to be surprised." Emperor Peerless was calm beyond measure. "The reality is, the Upper Eight Regions is full of supreme cultivators of this caliber. Just because Veluriyam Capital and Pillfire City are the strongest factions doesn't mean that the strongest cultivator must come from these two factions. The lifespan of powerful experts is simply too long. Some who haven't surfaced for a while are forgotten by the world at large."

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded. He wasn't actually certain that Emperor Peafowl was the strongest in Veluriyam Capital. He'd never thought about or questioned this before. He just naturally assumed that Emperor Peafowl was the strongest.

"Alright, let's continue with Emperor Sabledeep then." Jiang Chen didn't want to dwell on matters for too long and decided to change the subject.

"Emperor Sabledeep is the most scholarly amongst the six titans. He's a powerful expert who indulges in books and scrolls. He has a group of loyal followers due to his scholarly disposition. Emperor Wellspring once said that he had little confidence in his ability to take down Emperor Sabledeep, even with his most powerful techniques."

"Hmm… The wandering cultivator world is truly filled with enigmatic heroes." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Mm. Those three are strongest among the six titans." Emperor Peerless was a proud and accomplished person, but even he had to agree with this fact.

"What about the other two?" Jiang Chen quickly added.

"As for the other two, we're roughly equals in strength. Emperor Reliance, whose original name is Li Ningyi, is the only female among us. Emperor Inferno is slightly younger than all of us, but his cultivation is by no means weaker than mine. Many say that he'll one day catch up to the top three. All six titans hold great influence in the wandering world."

"The great titans of the wandering world…" Jiang Chen muttered. "Can you also tell me about their personalities?"

"Personalities?" Emperor Peerless didn't rush to answer. "Well, powerful experts of the wandering world are often less sociable and prefer solidarity. Emperor Everviolet is very enigmatic and cold. He isn't particularly fond of other wandering cultivators either. Emperor Wellspring is completely devoted to sword dao. He lives by the sword and dies by the sword, and is completely disinterested in matters unrelated to martial dao. Emperor Sabledeep pursues the knowledge and intricacies of life and death itself. The common folk will find it very difficult to hold a conversation with him. Emperor Inferno is very brash and unapologetic. He lives and dies by his own heart, and prefers not to be tied down by anything in life. Emperor Reliance is a kind and wise woman. However, never judge her by appearance alone. Those who do so come to regret it."

Emperor Peerless had given his impression of these emperors and gave Jiang Chen a rough understanding.

"Other than the six titans, there are many other powerful experts in the wandering world, right?"

"There are others who've broken through to great emperor, but none can compete with the six great titans. The others often challenge the six titans to gain fame, but none have ever succeeded. There's an unsaid rule in the wandering world that one must defeat a great titan, or they'll forever be seen as inferior."

"Haha! That's interesting! There's only so many places with the six titans. Their lives would be much easier if it'd been the twelve or eighteen great titans." Jiang Chen quipped.

"If it'd been the twelve or eighteen great titans, our legitimacy would've lessened." Emperor Peerless said with a straight face.

Jiang Chen had gotten a rough understanding of the structure of the peak of the wandering world. There were other great emperors, but none could compare to the six great titans.

"Young lord, even though the public calls us the six great titans, it's unlikely that we're the strongest in the wandering cultivator world. As I've mentioned, it's likely that there are hidden ancient masters that are stronger than all of us."

Jiang Chen nodded. "We shan't bother with the hidden masters. It's more productive to take the active emperors into account. By the way Old Brother Mo, did any of the six titans inquire about the Tiger and Dragon Meet?"

"Yes. Emperor Springwell asked me about it." Emperor Peerless answered bluntly.

"What about the others?" Jiang Chen was a little disappointed.

"Young lord, the titans of the wandering world are proud and lofty. They might not show it even if they're interested. The Pinecrane Pill might not pique their interest, but I can guarantee that they'll be extremely curious about the mysterious expert from Myriad Abyss Island. By my estimations, at least two or three titans will be attending the event.

"Emperor Wellspring will definitely come, as will Emperor Inferno. If nothing goes awry, Emperor Reliance might come as well. However, I can't give any guarantees for Emperor Everviolet or Emperor Sabledeep."

Counting Emperor Peerless, a total of four titans would be present if three more came. The Tiger and Dragon Meet would absolutely be a success if that was the case.

Chapter 1252: The Eight First Rank Sects

Every tavern and inn in Veluriyam Capital surged in occupancy. The streets bustled with activity and business boomed. A few hundred thousand wandering cultivator experts made their ways into the city over the course of only a few days, making urban life a lot more lively. That number was only a fraction of the expected turnout. Estimates predicted that one to two million total would be present for the start of the festivities.

The world teemed with wandering cultivators of every stripe. One to two million was only a small portion of the greater whole. Most wandering cultivators wouldn't think of attending this kind of event. And yes, on a certain level, they didn't qualify.

Firstly, there was no point or possibility for lower level wandering cultivators to come. What would they even do once they were here? Anyone below sage realm would be too embarrassed to come to the Tiger and Dragon Meet.

Veluriyam Capital would be unwilling to admit anyone thick-skinned enough to show up, anyways. If they allowed it, over ten million would rush in as a conservative estimate.

The number of wandering cultivators residing in the environment around the city and the Upper Eight Regions was awfully large. For the most part, this simple preventative measure kept the situation in the city under control.

Time passed. Only three days remained until the Tiger and Dragon Meet was officially slated to begin.

"Congratulations, young lord. We've welcomed over twenty great emperor realm cultivators into our city. As for regular emperors, a preliminary count puts the number at a few thousand. They've come from all over the human domain. There are even a few from the far north."

The far north was Pillfire-controlled territory. If people were willing to come from that far, that meant the Tiger and Dragon Meet was a success.

"How many of the Upper Eight Regions' sects have come?" Jiang Chen inquired.

"After our last announcement, many factions and sects in the human domain have expressed their willingness to send teams of observers. Representatives from these five first rank sects have arrived: the Great Yu Skysword Sect, Celestial Cicada Court, Ninesuns Sky Sect, Heavenly Dragon Sect, and the Sublime Chord Temple. Groups from the remaining three have not yet reached our gates."

The Upper Eight Regions had eight first rank sects. The ones previously mentioned made up five. The remaining three were the Empyrean River Palace, the Eternal Celestial Palace, and the Moon God Sect.

In terms of martial strength, the Great Yu Skysword Sect, Ninesuns Sky Sect, and Heavenly Dragon Sect ranked the highest. Below them were Eternal Celestial Capital and the Sublime Chord Temple. The Celestial Cicada Court, Empyrean River Palace, and Moon God Sect were at the bottom.

But the difference between each sect wasn't pronounced enough to be notable. If one of the top three was forced to duke it out with one of the bottom three, any victory it won would be at a terrible loss. There was no overwhelming advantage to be had. Any disparity between first rank sects wasn't large enough to be crucial or consequential. That's why they could call each other equals.

Jiang Chen had invited every faction of the human domain to spectate his Tiger and Dragon Meet. This was a natural position he needed to adopt. His final goal was to unite the human domain, placing Veluriyam Capital at the helm.

He wasn't doing so out of personal ambition, but rather an imitation of history. If there hadn't been strong leadership during the great war in ancient times, the human race would've fallen without question. The efforts of said leaders at key moments had single-handedly saved humans from becoming slaves beneath the demon race's iron boots.

The human domain of today was a pile of loose sand. Factional warfare and conflict was everywhere and no one yielded to justice or authority. If the demonic invasion were to occur right now, there would be no resistance to it whatsoever. The human domain would be rapidly conquered and utterly crushed.

Jiang Chen wanted to tackle the arduous task of bringing the human race together. Human hearts were the most difficult things in the world to accurately gauge. Similarly, selfishness was the most dominant in human behavior.

Several conditions had to be in place before consolidation was possible.

One, a powerful, authoritative character had to appear. This person had to be able to overcome each and every rival and challenger that arose.

Two, the people needed to know what kind of trouble the human domain was about to face. There was no solution without exposing the crux of the matter. If mankind didn't have a sense of impending dread driving it forward, what else could compel a widespread suppression of selfishness?

Three, the person had to possess immense personal charisma. Strength alone could stamp out opposition for a time, but it would not inspire faith and trust. A leader that was both strong and charismatic was far more useful and decisive than a brutal despot.

This meeting for wandering cultivators was only Jiang Chen's first step. His long-term goal had to remain hidden and he could only get there step by careful step. Presently, his main objective was to gradually increase his influence. He didn't yet have enough to command obeisance from the world at large.

The Upper Eight Regions formed the core of the human domain. Here was the key to uniting the human race. As long as he could rally all eight of the regions under his banner, the middle and lower regions should be no problem whatsoever.

The Upper Eight Regions were currently controlled by several large factions, plus the eight first rank sects. Jiang Chen and Eternal Celestial Capital knew each other well. Given the enmity between them, it was unlikely that the sect would send a team of delegates.

The Ninesuns Sky Sect was Jiang Chen's number one enemy in the past, though it had eventually been replaced by Eternal Celestial Capital. Would it send some people? It was hard to say.

The Great Yu Skysword Sect and the Celestial Cicada Court were Veluriyam Capital's newfound allies. Their representatives hadn't actually left after attending the Vassal Meeting prior. The Han brothers and Su Huanzhen were still within the city.

The Empyrean River Palace, Heavenly Dragon Sect, and Sublime Chord Temple typically refrained from taking a stand between Pillfire City and Veluriyam Capital. The Empyrean River Palace was actually a little closer to Pillfire City. However, that wouldn't stop them from sending representatives here. The sect head was unlikely to appear, but that was perfectly fine.

The Heavenly Dragon Sect was a sect with an ancient heritage. Supposedly, it possessed the bloodline of ancient sky dragons. Among the first rank sects, its bloodline was the strongest.

They were probably the strongest among the eight in terms of raw strength. Even the Great Yu Skysword Sect and the Ninesuns Sky Sect paled a little compared to them.

The Sublime Chord Temple was a Buddhist sect, rarely inserting themselves into worldly conflicts. This didn't mean that they were free from desire; how could a first rank sect maintain its status if that were the case? It simply had divergent ideas and methods about cultivation.

The only sect Jiang Chen had no inkling about was the Moon God Sect. It displeased him that they hadn't yet received anyone from the sect. The young man frowned a little. There was no way the Moon God Sect didn't know he was Sir Shao from earlier. Was it going to excuse itself despite his favor of saving their Precious Tree?

Because the Moon God Sect neighbored Pillfire City, they couldn't openly support Veluriyam Capital. Still, an arbitrary representative would have sufficed to show their gratitude.

"Eternal Celestial Capital won't come, young lord. They've pretty much broken off with us entirely after the Longevity Pill fiasco. Its leader's departure from the Vassal Meeting signifies that they'd wanted to accomplish something by attending our event. I don't think they will have the face to come."

"Maybe not," Jiang Chen shook his head. "A first rank sect has no problem suffering a hit to superficial things. Even if they do not come, it won't be for that reason."

The only reason Eternal Celestial Capital wouldn't come would be its old enmity with Regal Pill Palace. There was a paper-thin layer of peace between all-out war. To a certain extent, the same was true for the Ninesuns Sky Sect. As they spoke, Xue Tong hurriedly rushed over. "Young lord, the Ninesuns Sky Sect has sent an emissary. He's waiting outside the young lord residence for an audience."

"The Ninesuns Sky Sect?" Jiang Chen was stunned. "They… sent someone?"

There was talk just now that the Ninesuns Sky Sect hadn't sent anyone. They certainly had great timing, but the Meet hadn't started yet. What did its emissary want?

Jiang Chen didn't quite understand. There was no need to be impolite about it, though. "Send him in."

The Ninesuns Sky Sect's representative was a high-ranking official of the sect, a twelfth-ranked inspector. It was the highest rank an inspector could have, an honor given only to those just below the sect head and the elders.

"Your name sounds constantly in our ears like thunder, young lord Zhen. I feel great joy that I am able to see you in person today. My name is Shangguan Yanqing, a rank twelve inspector from the Ninesuns Sky Sect. I'm very honored to meet your acquaintance." The inspector's words were quite humble. He showed no arrogance before Jiang Chen's face, instead opting to salute very respectfully to Veluriyam's young lord.

"A rank twelve inspector is both important and powerful. You count amongst the top five within the Ninesuns Sky Sect. It's I who is lacking in respect." Jiang Chen returned a sentence that contained an equal amount of pointless pleasantries.

Chapter 1253: The Ninesuns Sky Sect Requests Peace

Shangguan Yanqing was a perceptive man. He surveyed his surroundings, then glanced thoughtfully at the nearby Cloudsoar Monarch before smiling. "Young lord Zhen, may I speak to you privately?"

Objectively speaking, his request was rather impolite. After all, he was standing within Sacred Peafowl Mountain, face-to-face with its very own young lord. What unspeakable motive did he have for a private audience?

Jiang Chen glanced nonchalantly at the inspector. His face was emotionless. "Cloudsoar, please give us a few minutes alone."

Cloudsoar Monarch blinked in surprise, but obeyed the command. After he departed the room, only Jiang Chen and Shangguan Yanqing remained. Their eyes met. The latter suddenly began to laugh.

"Young lord Zhen, it is often said that hearing of someone is far inferior to meeting them in person. I came today for two reasons. Part of it was because I wanted to see exactly how amazing the legendary young lord Zhen was for myself. That aside, I do have something important I'd like to discuss with you."

"What?" Jiang Chen's tone was flat. He knew very well that the Ninesuns Sky Sect likely knew of his real identity. After all, he was borrowing Shi Zhen's Pill King Medallion. The pseudonym 'Zhen Shi' only made things more obvious.

Since they already knew each other's thoughts, there was no need for any more unnecessary niceties. A man in Jiang Chen's current position didn't need to be scared of Eternal Celestial Capital, much less the Ninesuns Sky Sect. Rather, the reverse should be true.

Shangguan Yanqing smiled. "There's no one else here, so I won't beat around the bush. Others may not know of young lord Zhen's identity, but we surely do."

Not a hint of emotion flickered through Jiang Chen's face. "What, did you come all the way here just to say this to me?"

"Of course not," Shangguan Yanqing smiled back. "I am here on the sect head's behalf to parley with you."

"Parley? What's there to discuss between us?" Jiang Chen frowned.

"Let me speak more plainly, young lord Zhen. Many years ago, our ambitions brought us to Myriad Domain. We acknowledge our offenses and duly apologize for them. However, we weren't the mastermind behind the domain's destruction. In fact, that has nothing to do with us at all. The Eternal Celestial Capital has swindled us both. When two dogs strive for a bone, the third runs away with it. Our sect head has always regretted what's happened since then between us… especially now that your fame is spreading far and wide, I'm sure you understand."

Jiang Chen maintained a half-sneer, coldly gazing at Ninesuns' emissary. He wasn't in a hurry to respond just yet.

"You wasted many of your days in the sixteen kingdom alliance and the Precious Tree Sect, but we were the ridiculous ones in the end. Our inspectors only slaved over the minor details without discovering you in the rough. It's our blindness that's at fault, truly."

Shangguan Yanqing's words were a little exaggerated, but they sounded plausible to a certain extent. Jiang Chen found no real reason to trust these half-truths the man was spouting. He didn't care much about praise from them given his current position.

"The Purple Sun Sect's total defeat at the Precious Tree Sect is entirely because of you. After that, our plans in the Myriad Domain went entirely awry. The Tristar Sect's destruction and various other misfortunes led to our schemes being completely crushed, and the Purple Sun Sect being bankrupted in the region. We were furious at the time, but I can see now that the results were a foregone conclusion."

The smile on Shangguan Yanqing's face didn't recede a bit. "Look at how Emperor Shura is doing these days. Look at Pillfire City. They've both experienced defeat at your hands, young lord Zhen. How does the bit of trouble we had in the past match up against that? Not at all, I say, not at all! I'm thankful that there's no bitter vendetta between us, no mortal enmity. Truly."

The inspector paused a moment, his eyes looking fervently toward the young lord. "This is what I came to say, young lord Zhen. Our sect head wishes to make peace with you. Let our past animosity be settled. Yes, we did commit some unbecoming acts towards you at the time. You've also killed two of our best disciples, along with a few other young geniuses. But even so, I don't think there's any need for us to fight to the death. What do you think?" After a long-winded talk, Shangguan Yanqing had finally arrived his main purpose.

The Ninesuns Sky Sect was looking for a reconciliation? This defied Jiang Chen's initial expectations. As one of the strongest among the Upper Eight Regions' first rank sects, they had a habit of acting recklessly and with impunity. But apparently, they now sought an armistice from the young lord of Veluriyam Capital! He considered the proposition thoughtfully, assessing the truthfulness in the man's proposition.

Shangguan Yanqing's eyes were sincere and plain. "We at the Ninesuns Sky Sect value pragmatism. If young lord Zhen hadn't grown up to be such a character, we would never have offered our invitation. But since your meteoric rise can't be stopped, it's unwise for us to hold onto old disputes. That's right, Cao Jin and Xiao Paohui were two true disciples. But such disciples cannot sway the path of an entire sect. You have a vicious fight against Pillfire City in your own future, young lord Zhen. Surely you don't wish to make an additional enemy?"

The Ninesuns Sky Sect's attempt at reaching out for peace was honest, but Shangguan Yanqing wasn't exactly going to grovel. That was an unrealistic expectation. They were a first rank sect, after all. While Ninesuns was unwilling to have Veluriyam as its opponent, it was unlikely to toss away its own dignity in the process.

Any request for peace had to be tempered with reasonable respect.

"I'm beginning to believe that the Ninesuns Sky Sect is genuinely seeking reconciliation. That's right, I killed Cao Jin because he threatened my life. As for Xiao Paohui, I guessed that he belonged to your sect when I fought him."

"If we're looking to resolve our conflict, the past shouldn't matter so much," smiled Shangguan Yanqing. "The dead can't be revived. Not to mention that we gave great offense back in the day. Why don't we call it even? We don't wish to be enemies with young lord Zhen, and I'm sure you would rather have one less enemy?"

After some thought, Jiang Chen realized that his dislike of the Ninesuns Sky Sect was far outweighed by the deep acrimony he had of the Eternal Celestial Capital. In fact, Ninesuns probably hated him more than he did them.

"I can accept your request, Inspector Shangguan. However, I must take some time to observe the trustworthiness of your sect's actions."

"Naturally." Shangguan Yanqing chuckled. "Though I will say that our sect head always makes good on his promises. If he's decided to stop fighting with young lord Zhen, why would he change his mind?"

Jiang Chen knew that the Eternal Celestial Capital was the real mastermind behind Myriad Domain's destruction. The Great Scarlet Mid Region was also a faction directly under its control.

The Ninesuns Sky Sect had participated a fair amount in earlier days, but it wasn't responsible for a majority of the damage. They had nothing whatsoever to do with the fall of Regal Pill Palace. As for their pursuit of him much later, the men they'd sent had all been slain at the Valley of Infant Shriek.

The crux of the matter was that the Ninesuns Sky Sect had suffered much more at his hand than the reverse. If they were willing to take the loss, Jiang Chen was willing to reciprocate by allowing them to step back.

"Our sect head is coming in a few days to visit you himself, young lord Zhen," continued the inspector. "If you don't believe me, he'll swear an oath with you then. I hope that will be expression enough of our sincerity."

"Hmm, if the Ninesuns Sky Sect is indeed so forthright, then I am obliged to respond in kind. I maintain my position from earlier. But if this is a lie covering up disruption, I have plenty of ways to respond. If that happens, the sect will forever be classified alongside the Eternal Celestial Capital as a faction I must destroy." His tone hardened as he uttered the threat.

"Bold words, young lord Zhen." Hearing those words upset Shangguan Yanqing somewhat, but he had enough self-control to say nothing. Successful mediation was at hand. There was no need to jeopardize it through idle squabbling.

"Alright, I'm sure you're tired from your trip. Come, take our guest to his rooms. Make sure he rests well in preparation for the Tiger and Dragon Meet." Jiang Chen dismissed his guest.

After Shangguan Yanqing's departure, he mulled the matter over a little while longer. The Ninesuns Sky Sect's olive branch was likely authentic.

The situation was clear. As Veluriyam Capital's young lord, he occupied a position that the Ninesuns Sky Sect couldn't challenge. Because of this, there was no reason for them to renew hostilities with him. It was better to put their problems in the open and resolve them.

Shortly after, another subordinate reported in. "Young lord, representatives from the Moon God Sect and Eternal Celestial Capital have entered the capital."

"What? Did they come together, or separately?"

"Together, sir."

The young lord furrowed his brow. What was the meaning behind this gesture? The Moon God Sect was definitely unaware of his difficult history with Eternal Celestial Capital, so they didn't necessarily mean anything by it. But Eternal Celestial Capital definitely had ulterior motives for the action.

His mind alert, Jiang Chen asked, "Who's come from the Moon God Sect?"

"Its third sectmaster, young lord, and two holy maidens. And their entourage, of course."

"Which two holy maidens?"

Chapter 1254: Get Out Of Here, Now!

Jiang Chen was highly perturbed that the Eternal Celestial Capital had arrived together with the Moon God Sect and immediately asked for clarification.

"The two holy maidens are Holy Maiden Xu Shan, the senior sectmaster's newest disciple, as well as Holy Maiden Zi Qiong, the third sectmaster's direct disciple."

"Holy Maiden Qingxuan didn't come?" Jiang Chen couldn't resist asking.

"The calling card states that only Holy Maiden Xu Shan and Holy Maiden Zi Qiong are here."

Jiang Chen took the calling card and nodded after a short glance. The second sectmaster was eccentric and overprotective of her most beloved disciple. A stubborn old woman like her would never allow Holy Maiden Qingxuan to come to Veluriyam Capital. She was already suspicious even though Jiang Chen had only spent a brief moment alone with Xu Qingxuan during the Moon God Precious Tree incident.

Jiang Chen didn't have a good impression of the second sectmaster. Setting aside the fact that she'd separated his parents, she was shackling Xu Qingxuan with unreasonable rules.

He was rather fond of his sister even though they'd only met once. Her playful yet straightforward personality was very refreshing. Because of their shared blood, he felt an indescribable sense of kinship with her. Naturally, he didn't want his sister to be restrained by such an unreasonable antique.

He was most worried that the second sectmaster's incessant brainwashing of Xu Qingxuan would turn her into an ingrate who would betray her parents. It'd be awful if she was turned into a puppet whose sole purpose was to cultivate, abandoning everything else that made her human.

Fortunately, Xu Qingxuan was rather resilient to the second sectmaster's brainwashing. Jiang Chen was quite consoled. Even though he was a little disappointed that his little sister hadn't come, he was equally relieved. Without her, he could be more straightforward in his dealings with the Moon God Sect.

If the sect had truly joined forces with the Eternal Celestial Capital, he had no qualms taking them down a notch through a show of force. Of course, that wouldn't be the case if the sect was being manipulated by the Eternal Celestial Capital instead.

"The Moon God Sect, where are they staying?" the young lord asked.

"Young lord, lodgings for the representatives of the eight first ranked sects have been arranged at the Coiling Dragon Clan's old manor."

The Coiling Dragon Clan Manor was one of the most prominent manors in Veluriyam Capital. It had been left empty after Emperor Coiling Dragon had achieved a breakthrough and established his own faction.

The emperor generously offered to let his manor be used in the event. Once the largest and most prominent clan in Veluriyam Capital, its manor was fittingly spacious and magnificent. It was perfectly capable of housing eighty factions, let alone just the representatives of the eight great sects.

"Invite Emperor Coiling Dragon and Emperor Peerless for a visit right now." Jiang Chen ordered.

Both arrived in no time at all. "Gentlemen, do you mind accompanying me to the Coiling Dragon Manor?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Oh? Only the representatives of first ranked sects are there right now. Young lord, who do you seek?" Emperor Coiling Dragon smiled faintly.

"The representatives of the Moon God Sect," Jiang Chen answered bluntly.

"Oh? Have they arrived as well?" Emperor Coiling Dragon had yet to receive news of their arrival.

"Not just them. The Ninesuns Sky Sect and the Eternal Celestial Capital have arrived as well. The eight great sects have all convened." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Tsk tsk, all of the great sects are here. Young lord, your influence knows no bounds." Emperor Coiling Dragon sighed.

Emperor Peerless laughed. "These factions are each more and more shrewd than the other. With so many attractive rewards, it was only a given that they'd come."

A messenger arrived during their conversation. "Young lord, the representatives of the Moon God Sect and the Eternal Celestial Capital request an audience."

Jiang Chen was stunned. Emperor Coiling Dragon cracked a joke. "It seems our young lord has saved himself a trip. Your influence is so great that they show up at the door themselves! The entire Upper Eight Regions must be itching to exchange moves with you!"

Everyone laughed.

"Show in the Moon God Sect representatives first. The men from Eternal Celestial Capital can wait in the side hall." Jiang Chen would rather not receive both of these factions at the same time.

The third sectmaster, Holy Maiden Xu Shan, and Holy Maiden Zi Qiong were soon shown in.

"Third Sectmaster, it's a pleasure to have you here. I apologize for not greeting you sooner. Older sister Xu Shan, it's been a long time! You've grown much stronger since we last met! This is a cause worthy of celebration!" Jiang Chen was openly admitting that he was young lord Shao Yuan.

Xu Shan turned as red as a tomato when Jiang Chen called out her name. "Should this older sister call you young lord Zhen or Sir Shao?"

"You may call me anything you like." Jiang Chen answered with a grin.

A chill ran down the third sectmaster's spine when she saw how casual Jiang Chen was behaving. Xu Shan's blush extended to her ears and her eyes glittered with joy. This wasn't a good sign for a holy maiden. Love was clearly blossoming in her heart.

The senior sectmaster had entrusted Xu Shan to the third sectmaster and implored her not to let Xu Shan fall under young lord Zhen's spell. Thus, the sectmaster panicked and walked forwards to interrupt them. "Young lord Zhen, we have yet to repay you for the incident related to our sacred tree. I've come with a gift of thanks. We hope that you'll accept it."

The third sectmaster wanted to hand over a storage ring, but Jiang Chen stopped her with a sweeping gesture.

"We should leave matters of the past behind. I would've asked for a reward back then had I wanted one. Truly, it was nothing. If the third sectmaster insists on giving me a gift, I'll take it as an insult to me and my capital."

The third sectmaster froze. She couldn't push the gift onto the young lord after all that. The sect had planned on making a statement with the gift that help would be returned with kindness, but he had to leave their holy maidens alone.

Unfortunately, the young lord had refused their gift. Can it be...

The third sectmaster was depressed. Did young lord Zhen really covet the holy maidens? It'd be a huge headache if that really was the case. His fame, talent in pill dao, and countless legendary stories were an extremely lethal combination for these young maidens.

Xu Shan idolized him and viewed him as a savior. Even Xu Qingxuan was showing too much concern about the young lord's matters. It was unfortunate that Holy Maiden Xiyuan hadn't shown any interest in the young lord as she was the most likely candidate to be married off. She lacked wisdom and was more tinged with mundane impulses.

Jiang Chen didn't realize that the third sectmaster was besieged by thoughts. He smiled warmly. "I heard that the Moon God Sect and the Eternal Celestial Capital arrived together. Are your factions close?" he asked probingly.

The third sectmaster thought nothing of the question. "We met by coincidence on the way here and thus travelled together. Our sect consists of mostly women, so we don't have much contact with the other sects. Sadly, the Eternal Celestial Capital was simply too enthusiastic, making it difficult to turn them down. Young lord Zhen, in a way we must thank you for getting them off our backs," she responded nonchalantly.

Holy Maiden Xu Shan and Zi Qiong nodded in agreement. They were clearly annoyed by the Eternal Celestial Capital's harassment as well.

Jiang Chen had expected as much. The Eternal Celestial Capital was putting on a show to fool the world into thinking that the two were about to form an alliance.

"That's good to hear." Jiang Chen flashed a warm smile.

"Good to hear?" The third sectmaster was flabbergasted. Why?

"Third Sectmaster, you might not know this, but I'm rather fond of the Moon God Sect. However, I can't say the same about the Eternal Celestial Capital. Their nature is awful and it reflects in their reputation. Since you two aren't close, I won't have to give them face. This is why I said that this is good to hear."

The third sectmaster finally put two and two together. Veluriyam Capital and the Eternal Celestial Capital had a great falling out because of the Longevity Pill. During the Vassal Meeting, they were the only faction that supported Emperor Shura other than Pillfire City. It was natural that Sacred Peafowl Mountain would be on bad terms with them.

"Young lord Zhen, please don't misunderstand. Due to our sect rules, we have always kept a distance with other sects. We aren't affiliated with the Eternal Celestial Capital whatsoever," the third sectmaster immediately clarified.

"It's true. Young lord Zhen, our factions only met by coincidence along the way." Xu Shan explained with a blush.

"Mm. Of that I have no doubt." Jiang Chen said while smiling. "I must say, I'm very grateful that the Moon God Sect would travel all the way here to participate our event."

The third sectmaster smiled. "Rumors of the Tiger and Dragon Meet's rewards have spread far and wide. Are the ones related to the Pinecrane Pill and Myriad Abyss Island true?"

"What do you think?" Jiang Chen smiled enigmatically.

"We naturally know what you're capable of. If it hadn't been for your help, our Precious Tree might no longer be alive. Thus, we remain quite impressed by you, young lord."

Jiang Chen sent them off politely after another round of pleasantries.

By now, the representatives of the Eternal Celestial Capital had waited for over four hours. They were furious when they learned that they'd be seen only after the Moon God Sect left.

"Young lord Zhen, our factions arrived at the same time, yet you're only showing them preferential treatment. This is extremely subpar treatment. Your neglect has been most unpleasant." The saint holy king immediately raised a torrent of complaints after laying eyes on Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen smiled coldly at the Saint Holy King. "I never imagined that the Eternal Celestial Capital would actually be brave enough to come."

"Young lord Zhen, what are you trying to say?" The saint holy king feigned ignorance.

"All first ranked sects in the Upper Eight Regions are welcome in my capital except yours. I won't be killing you today. Hurry on home and praise your holy emperor for escaping so quickly with his tail between his legs back then. He won't be so lucky next time. And now, scram!" Jiang Chen didn't give the Eternal Celestial Capital any face or leave any grounds for negotiation.