
Chapter 1126 to Chapter 1134

Chapter 1126 Seems Rather Dangerous

A few days later, Lin Fan got to know about an alarming piece of news.

One of the nine sects – the Emperor Dao Sect – had been destroyed, and their disciples were all fleeing away. The Northern region had completely turned into a land of frost. In Lin Fan's mind, this was something that was absolutely incredulous. While the Emperor Dao Sect might have been the weakest of the nine sects, there was no reason why they could have been destroyed at such a speed!

And to his greatest bewilderment, it was the fact that that vast area up in the North had been covered completely with frost!

It didn't take long before Lin Fan was summoned over by the Old Master.

In the depths of the sect…

Upon arriving, Lin Fan asked out hurriedly, "Old Master, just what in the world happened?"

Geng Yangtian's face was grim right now. "I also just got the news that the Emperor Dao Sect had been destroyed entirely. For some absurd reason, the entire Northern region is completely covered with frost. When all of the surrounding smaller sects realized the changes, they managed to withdraw from the area in time. In my opinion, this must be the work of one of the Master Gods from the Moon Shadow Mainland."

"I don't think so, right? If it were a Master God of the Moon Shadow Mainland, how was it that we did not notice and hear anything at all?" Lin Fan could not believe it. How could any of the Master Gods from the Moon Shadow Mainland possess such incredible abilities to actually freeze up the entire Northern region without anyone noticing until it was all too late?

Geng Yangtian shook his head. "I've got no idea, but the situation doesn't look optimistic at all. I'm afraid that the Moon Shadow Mainland must have already started invading in from the North, and is going to turn that entire place into their base. All the other living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland from the other areas have already withdrawn back as well. This means that they truly must have managed to breach into our main grounds. To think that we've only realized it at this point in time. It's too late now."

Lin Fan wanted to go check it out, because in his opinion, this was something that should have been impossible. Just what sort of a Master God could possibly possess such capabilities? This was absolutely incredulous.

"Old Master, I wish to go check it out." Lin Fan said.

The issue with the Boundless Future Buddha Lord was already a huge headache for Lin Fan. And now, there was another sicko like this coming from the Moon Shadow Mainland. If this were something caused by a group of people, then so be it. But, if it truly were a single Master God, then that was going to be really horrifying.

Geng Yangtian was a little worried. "This might get really dangerous. I'd suggest for you not to."

Lin Fan waved it off with his hand. "If I don't head over, we will never ever find out what's going on at that side. Don't worry! Even if I can't win against the other party, saving my own neck wouldn't be an issue at all."

Eventually, Geng Yangtian did not say anything more, and Lin Fan rushed over to the North.

Han Juntian spoke up at this moment, "Old Master, let me go as well then. If anything untoward were to happen, at least we can cover for one another."

Geng Yangtian nodded his head. In the records of the sect, there had never been a precedence for something like this. Therefore, they truly had no idea what was going on.

Lin Fan left the sect and rushed over to the North.

A few days later…

As Lin Fan arrived at the area, he was totally astounded by the sight that greeted him.

The entire sky was snow white, without an end in sight. Chilling winds gusted and howled out across the Heaven and Earth.

Landing on the ground, Lin Fan stepped a foot into the frost.


With that, he felt an ice cold typhoon ripping out at him.

"So cold!" Lin Fan's brows furrowed. His Physical Body State was already rather accomplished, and yet, he could fully feel and experience the coldness that was brought forth by that wind.

Lin Fan did not linger on as he continued pushing forward.

A long time later…

He caught sight of a group of people walking in this World of Frost. By the looks of it, they seemed as though they were about to die.

"Who are you guys?" Lin Fan descended down from the void and asked.

The group of people were wearing the same set of uniform — they should be disciples from the same sect. However, all of their bodies were covered with a thick layer of frost as they shivered uncontrollably.

When one's strength was cultivated to such a state, they should have long been able to disregard the changes of the weather. But, to think that these people could be frozen by a layer of frost right now; that was something truly incredible!

When those people first caught sight of someone actually appearing before them, they were shocked. But, after realizing that it was someone from the Endless Mainland, they broke out in shivering voices, "S-Save us…W-we a-are disciples…of the…Emperor Dao S-Sect…"

Looking at how weak the auras of these people here were, Lin Fan knew that if he did not step in to save them, they were most likely just going to die here.

Those frightfully pale faces of theirs started flushing with a tender redness as their auras started rising back once more, helping their voice get clearer as well.

"Thank you!" The masses shouted out in gratitude. They did not know what was happening the entire time. They had the ability to fly; however, when they were up in the void, they started to realize that the icy winds blowing out at them were getting stronger and colder with time, causing their powers to seem frozen up. Hence, they could not do anything at all.

Eventually, they had no other choice but to walk manually. At the start, it was still tolerable, but as time slipped by, their movements started to get sluggish as though they were freezing up as well. With no way out, they were just trawling their feet ahead one step after another.

"I am from the Heaven and Earth Sect. Just what in the world has the Emperor Dao Sect met with? How has this entire Northern region turned as such?" Lin Fan's heart was filled with questions.

"Woman…" The leader of the group of disciples answered with a single word.

"Woman?" Lin Fan was stunned. What had all of this got to do with women?

When that disciple spoke of the woman, his entire face was filled with shock as though he had just seen the scariest thing in the world.

"That woman was way too horrifying! Wherever she passed by, the entire place would be frozen up! The elders, Grandmaster, and even Old Masters of the sect were no match for her! Before they could even see the other party make any moves, they were frozen up into ice sculptures! Noticing how everything didn't seem right, we broke off into a run immediately. However, that woman didn't seem bothered about us in the slightest bit. Otherwise, there was no way we could run out at all if she was bent on killing us!" That disciple answered in shock. He had not expected that there could possibly be such a terrifying existence out in this world.

By the time that woman had arrived at the Emperor Dao Sect, the entire world was turned into a World of Frost. Despite their elders and Grandmaster deploying their strongest mystic skills ever, that woman didn't even budge a single inch! With just a single glance, she caused the Grandmaster and the others to freeze up entirely.

Lin Fan frowned. Could this really be a Master God of the Moon Shadow Mainland? However, which Master God could it be to possess such horrifying strength and might?

Those Old Masters of the Emperor Dao Sect were no ordinary people — they were all Immortal King state beings! This was especially the case for Old Master Emperor Immortal. He was someone who wasn't weaker than Geng Yangtian at all. But, to think that he could have been frozen with just a single look of the other party — this was totally inconceivable!

But at that point, Lin Fan's thought suddenly moved to a startling realization – could that woman be of the Heavenly Lord state?

But, that shouldn't be the case. If there were a powerful being of the Heavenly Lord state on the side of the Moon Shadow Mainland, she should have mowed the entire path over from the beginning. Things would not have even had a chance to get to this state.

Lin Fan planned on going to take a peek sneakily. "You guys head over to the Heaven and Earth Sect first. It's safer there for the time being."

"Are you going to head forth?" One of the disciples asked.

"Yes." Lin Fan nodded his head.

"I'd advise you not to head up, honestly. That horrifying woman is not the only thing there. All the other living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland are there as well. There's completely no hope for you to head over at all. At the same time, your powers will start to freeze up in this chilling frost, causing you to get frozen by it eventually."

Against Lin Fan, the frost had no effect at all. Therefore, he disregarded it completely, waving it off with his hand. "You guys just leave first."

Looking at how insistent he was about going forward, they did not try to persuade him out of it anymore.

After the masses left, Lin Fan looked at the distance as his mind started to whirl. Seemed like the situation was rather dangerous right now.

Chapter 1127 I Was The One

"One can never dream about obtaining the cub without facing the tiger. No matter how dangerous this is, I will have to give it a shot. Who knows, I may even get some surprising rewards out of it!" That was the way that Lin Fan thought about things. But, the way that those disciples were talking about things did come across as rather frightening.

And by the looks of that frost, based on psychology studies, that woman must definitely be mental. Lin Fan definitely had to be more careful when it came to meeting such a twisted person.

Without hesitating, Lin Fan dove into the void immediately.

In this World of Frost, there were many living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland that were setting up base here. And, it seemed as though those frosty winds could recognize them as they gusted around them and blew by.

These armies here were huge and majestic. Lin Fan did not step in to strike at them at all, as he did not want to arouse their attention.

This time around, he was only here to scout out things. If things were not that dangerous, he would strike out immediately. But, if they were, he would have to hold it steady and play it safe.

Stealth mode!

While he was moving in Stealth mode, there was no difference whether or not he was in Stealth mode. However, he still felt more at ease when he was moving in Stealth mode. Otherwise, it would always feel as though something was missing.

Soon, Lin Fan arrived at the place where the Frost Intent was the strongest. This was the base of the Emperor Dao Sect.

Right now, that entire base of the Emperor Dao Sect had been occupied. Lin Fan realized that there were many ice sculptures outside the Emperor Dao Sect, all in various weird stances. It was as though they had been frozen up instantaneously and retained the final poses before they died.

"What a bloody sicko!"

Lin Fan could not help but lament over this sight. With the dense cluster of ice sculptures, the entire place had just been turned into an exhibition of ice sculptures entirely. To think that there could be someone with methods as such to be able to freeze everyone up like this! And by the looks of it, no huge fight had happened at this place at all!

This was clearly enough to tell that those people of the Emperor Dao Sect did not have a single chance of fighting back at all!

Right at that moment, an icy cold voice sounded out in the void.

"Yet another fine material for an ice sculpture has appeared…"

The moment Lin Fan heard that voice, he jumped as though he had just seen a ghost. To think that he would bloody be discovered even at this moment! Did she have to be so f*cking strong?

With that, Lin Fan didn't even have to think at all before bolting right into the void, sprinting for his life.

There was no need to even see the other party to know that she was absolutely going to be incredibly strong! He might truly not be a match for her after all!


At times, one should really run if they knew that they couldn't beat the other party in a fight. This was especially the case for an opponent as such. If he were to not run, what could he do? Wait to get abused?

In the blink of an eye, he bolted off, crossing a thousand miles in a single run. But right at that moment, Lin Fan realized that there was already a single voice waiting for him up ahead.

The figure of a woman!


A single glance over and Lin Fan could tell that the aura of the other party was even stronger than the Boundless Future Buddha Lord! Not only that, this aura was extremely cold! Now that they were so near, this was literally bone chilling!

Lin Fan coughed out gently, "Who are you? I'm only passing by here."

The Frost Master God turned around. But when Lin Fan caught sight of that face, he was stunned. "Water Master God…!"


In a flash, that figure disappeared. Next thing Lin Fan knew, she was standing right before his face. In that very moment, Lin Fan suddenly felt a cold, frosty feeling spreading from his chest as he bolted backward right away in astonishment.

He was absolutely alarmed right now. 'Such speed!'

The Frost Master God looked at Lin Fan. "You've met my sister before…"

The moment Lin Fan heard that, he froze for a moment. The Water Master God was the sister of this sicko right here?

Then, he could absolutely not let her know about the way he had abused the Water Master God to death so miserably! There was no wonder now why this Frost Master God looked so similar to that Water Master God!

However, what Lin Fan could not understand was how the difference in strength between the Water Master God and the Frost Master God could be this huge! This was practically a world of a difference!

Just as Lin Fan was hesitating, the aura of the Frost Master God turned even sharper. All the snowflakes floating out in the void suddenly turned into snow crystals, dipping the temperature even lower, such that even the void seemed as though it was freezing up.

"You've met my sister before?"

The ice cold voice traveled out once more, even colder than it was before.

Lin Fan's heart froze up before he let out a frightened expression. "I don't dare to say anything. I'm afraid I may be killed after I say it."

The eyes of the Frost Master God turned icy. "If you don't say it, I'll kill you."

Lin Fan looked over at the Frost Master God before speaking up, "The Boundless Future Buddha Lord was the one who had her killed."

Right now, the Frost Master God was silent. Lin Fan did not know what exactly was going on. But no matter what, she should give a reply at least, right?

In a split second, the aura of the Frost Master God was locked onto Lin Fan. "You're lying…"

Lin Fan started to cuss out at her mother in his heart right away. However, the words that he said out were just like water splashed over. No matter what, he was going to lay the blame onto the Boundless Future Buddha Lord. Otherwise, he swore that his surname wouldn't be Lin anymore.

"I'm not…!" Lin Fan looked at the Frost Master God straight in her eye, without any bit of fear in his heart.

"Hmph! Courting death…!" The Frost Master God's body flashed out as she appeared before Lin Fan instantly, bursting forth with a frosty aura. Lin Fan discovered to his horror that his entire body was showing signs of freezing up!



His entire body was being covered by the frost such that he was unable to escape at all.

Lin Fan could finally feel what all those people were talking about earlier on. The powers within his body were genuinely starting to congeal right now such that he couldn't channel them at all!

The Frost Master God looked at Lin Fan. "The consequences of telling a lie is death!"

Lin Fan tried his hardest best to fight against the frost. However, there was nothing he could do about it. He then roared out, "Why do you refuse to believe me!"

"The Boundless Future Buddha Lord does not have the guts…"

Holy f*ck!

Just that single reply was something that rendered Lin Fan entirely speechless. To think that he couldn't find any words to refute that statement at all!

The Boundless Future Buddha Lord was craftier than anyone else, and had an extremely formidable might. But, to think that in the eyes of the Frost Master God, the bald monk didn't have the guts to do that! Just what sort of might and prowess should one possess to have that sort of confidence level?

At this moment, Lin Fan did not have much time to waste considering other stuff. His body was gradually being frozen up, and if he did not come up with any plan soon, he would definitely turn into an ice sculpture.

Pills Through Thought!

Lin Fan's palm suddenly burst forth with a ball of flames. The heat from that fire caused the layer of frost to melt away instantly. At the same time, the powers in his body started channeling out once more.

The face of the Frost Master God was perplexed, as though she could not believe that this Indigenous Being was able to melt her frost!

Lin Fan bolted far away from the Frost Master God instantly. The strength of that woman was truly sick indeed, and there was no way for him to comprehend those powers she had over frost. There was no wonder why the entire world was being affected by the frost that she was producing!

He definitely had to think up of a way to escape this place no matter what.

The strength of this woman was far stronger than the Boundless Future Buddha Lord. Even though she was not at the Heavenly Lord state just yet, in Lin Fan's opinion, this woman was probably a mere step away from attaining that coveted state.

And just as Lin Fan was busy contemplating about these things, the void trembled furiously. In the blink of an eye, two icicles shot out such that there was no time for anyone to react at all.


Those two icicles pierced right through Lin Fan's shoulders as those two gaping holes started oozing out fresh blood. On the surface of the skin, a layer of frost started to eat out at his body.

"So strong…!" Lin Fan knew that he was definitely no match for this woman here. Lighting up Pills Through Thought, the flame burnt up as he slapped out at both gaping holes on his shoulders, purging away that frost that was setting in. The life force within his body started to burst forth right away, healing up the wounds repeatedly.

"Since you've lied, you can just go to hell then." The Frost Master God scoffed out coldly, and right after that, the frost from the void started to go wild and berserk. To think that the entire world would start freezing over immediately as the froze extended outward, blocking away Lin Fan's path of escape.

Looking around the entire place, Lin Fan's heart clenched. 'It's over!'

The void around the entire world started freezing over with a 'krrrrrk' sound and converged down, forcing everything down onto this corner where he was standing.

Lin Fan's brows furrowed out. He definitely had to think up of a plan.

"I'LL TELL YOU THE TRUTH…!" At this critical juncture, he howled out loudly. With that, the surrounding frost stopped freezing over immediately. "Speak."

Lin Fan looked at the Frost Master God. "I can tell you the truth, but you must let me out of this place."

With a cold and frosty tone, the Frost Master God replied, "Alright."

Lin Fan shook his head. "No! You've got to swear on it."

With that, the brows of the Frost Master God knitted up, evidently displeased over this suggestion.

"If you can't even agree to that request, you can kill me right away then. But, you will never ever know who killed your sister."

The Frost Master God looked at Lin Fan carefully. "Alright, I, the Frost Master God shall swear to the Master of Chaos…As long as you tell the truth, I'm not going to kill you today, and will allow you to leave. If I renege on that promise, my Godhead will be destroyed."


Instantly, the entire world boomed with a deafening sound — her oath had been made.

It was only at that moment that Lin Fan knew that this was the Frost Master God. To think that her might would be this formidable.

"Speak now." The Frost Master God spoke up.

Lin Fan looked at the Frost Master God calmly before saying out carefully.

"Actually, I was the one who killed her…"

Chapter 1128 How To Kill A BOSS

The moment those words came out of Lin Fan's mouth, the entire world went eerily silent.

His little heart was skipping up and down furiously. Honestly, it was really quite a stressful experience to speak the truth at times. This was especially the case when it was in front of someone like the Frost Master God, whose strength was so darned formidable. Given Lin Fan's current strength, he was truly not a match for her.

Stunned for a moment, that supremely peerless face of the Frost Master God suddenly took on a stark change.

"What did you just say?" The Frost Master God asked coldly, causing the entire place to feel as though there was an endless snowstorm ripping out all of existence. Compared to before, everything was even more threatening right now. In her mind, she could have never thought that this Indigenous Being before her would actually dare to spout out such words.

Right now, Lin Fan expressed his exasperation. Honestly, he did not want to let this out. But, no matter what he said, the Frost Master God would not believe him at all. He had wanted to throw the blame onto the Boundless Future Buddha Lord. But well, well, well. Guess what? She had managed to knock down that entire accusation with a single statement.

'The Boundless Future Buddha Lord does not have the guts.'

The moment he heard that, he was just rendered helpless. If the Boundless Future Buddha Lord had heard that personally, he would have definitely tried his best to prove that he had the guts even if it would mean the end of his life. After all, which man would want to say that they did not have the guts?

Lin Fan heaved in a deep breath of air and looked at the Frost Master God straight in the eye. "I said that the Water Master God was killed by me."

Right now, he was feeling really nervous in his heart, wondering if the Frost Master God would kill him for spouting out such words. However, he didn't reckon that that might happen. After all, the Frost Master God had made an oath, and it was something that was already set in stone. If the Frost Master God dared to strike out to suppress him, her Godhead would definitely be destroyed.

The changes on the face of the Frost Master God were endless as the chilly aura in the air turned ever stronger by the moment. She then glared wide eyed at Lin Fan. "You…!"

Lin Fan could feel an enormous killing intent being emanated from the body of the Frost Master God, as though she was bent on having him killed right here. But seemingly recalling something, the Frost Master God did not take action right away.

Lin Fan asked her carefully, "You swore earlier on. You'll… keep that oath, right?"

The Frost Master God closed her eyes and heaved in deeply before jerking them wide open once more. "I'll definitely abide by that oath and not kill you today for sure. You can leave."

Lin Fan heaved a sigh of relief. Thereafter, not daring to linger for the slightest bit, he bolted off far into the distance. This Frost Master God was simply way too dangerous. However, his trip to the Northern region this time around could not be considered as a huge loss either — he had managed to find out that there was such a Master God that existed within the ranks of the Moon Shadow Mainland. If he did not know about this beforehand, there might have been a high chance that he could get himself f*cked over by these Master Gods the next time he went up against the Moon Shadow Mainland just because he would have ended up underestimating them.

But, at that moment, the thing that had Lin Fan feeling shocked was that the Frost Master God had actually started moving as well! She was just following him side by side.

Lin Fan came to a stop. "Frost Master God, could we somehow be headed in the exact same direction? Or how about this? Perhaps, you can leave first and I'll look for another way to go?"

The thing that he was the most afraid of was happening right now. However, he still maintained his composure and commented.

The Frost Master God looked at Lin Fan. "I swore that I would not kill you today and will let you off from this Northern region as well. However, the moment the day is past, your death shall arrive. You can just walk your own way and I'll just follow you all the way. I'm not breaking the oath at all."

"F*ck me…!"

This was THE thing that Lin Fan was the most afraid of. From the very beginning, he had thought that this was an extremely normal oath. But, it was only after the oath was made that he noticed something was really off with it.

She was going to let him off today. But, given the strength of the Frost Master God, she could just follow him all the way; and once tomorrow arrived, she'd just f*ck him over. There was nothing wrong with that really.

Lin Fan replied exasperatedly, "How can you do this? This is just reneging on your words."

Looking at Lin Fan with her icy expression, the Frost Master God merely scoffed out a few times coldly without say anything more.

Given her strength, if Lin Fan wanted to ditch her in the dumps, that was something just not possible.

At that moment, Lin Fan felt his entire heart breaking down. The Frost Master God was no fool or retard. Perhaps, she was already prepared to have him killed from the very beginning.

Lin Fan started thinking things through. Things were really getting dangerous now. No matter what, he would have to ditch this Frost Master God away. Otherwise, the outcome would really be unimaginable.

"Frost Master God, do you have to be this shameless? You've promised to let me off, yet you're just following behind me all the way. Isn't that just lying blatantly?" Lin Fan remarked once more, hoping that this could persuade the Frost Master God to leave.

But once again, the Frost Master God said nothing more, choosing to just look at Lin Fan silently instead.

Shaking his head, Lin Fan bolted into the void and started sprinting for his life. But, no matter how fast Lin Fan's speed was, he found that the Frost Master God just sticking to him the entire time. This was something that had him feeling totally stupefied. While the strength of the Frost Master God might be much stronger than hers, there was no need for her to mess with him like this, right?

"F*ck this! I'm going for it!"

"Power of Biggra!"

At that moment, the Power of Biggra burst forth as a rich mist of Biggra enveloped the entire Heaven and Earth with it. Instantly, the Frost Master God frowned as she increased the intensity of her chilling aura. To Lin Fan's astonishment, he was discovering that his Power of Biggra was actually showing signs of being frozen up, such that it could not approach the side of the Frost Master God at all!

Holy f*ck! To think that it would be useless!

Did he really have to resort to using that soap of his?

But, he did not know whether the soap had any use on the Frost Master God as well.

The strength of this Frost Master God before him was way, way stronger than the Boundless Future Buddha Lord. If he were to have her killed, perhaps his strength would be able to leap up instantaneously as well!

Without any hesitation, Lin Fan took out the soap before turning around to face the Frost Master God. "Are you going to leave or not? Do you know what this item in my hand is?"

The Frost Master God said nothing, neither did she reveal a single trace of fear or anxiousness on her face. Evidently, Lin Fan was nothing to her.

F*cking hell!

To think that even after he took out the Lin Brand's Soap, this Frost Master God would not even bat a single eyelid! She was clearly belittling him! Intolerable! Absolutely intolerable!

Lin Fan contemplated for a moment. If he could have this Frost Master God f*cked over to death by the soap, then everything would be worth it.

In that case, the number of experience points gained would be extremely astronomical. After that, even if he were to meet the Boundless Future Buddha Lord, he wouldn't have to fear the other party at all. In fact, he might even be able to slay him at that time.

At that moment, Lin Fan did not think twice.

"Go on out, soap!"

Lin Fan tossed the soap out.

Under normal circumstances, the Frost Master God would definitely pick up the soap, and with the slip of her hand, it would then drop down onto the ground.

But all of a sudden, Lin Fan froze up.

After he tossed out the soap, the Frost Master God did not even budge a single inch when a notification came forth from the System.

'Lin Brand's Soap cannot be used on the female sex. This is a gay item…'

When Lin Fan heard the notification from the System, he was completely dumbfounded. Oh my god! What the flying shit! Did it really have to be this f*cked up? If it did not have a single use on the Frost Master God, how in the world was he supposed to escape?

The soap flew back into Lin Fan's hand as he gave off an awkward laugh before holding onto it.

But at that moment, Lin Fan thought of an idea! His eyes sparkled with a bright glint. 'That's right! I really have it now!'

"Frost Master God, you swore that you will not kill me today. But, I did not swear that I will not kill you instead. If I were to strike out and you were to kill me, you'd be disobeying your oath then, right?" Lin Fan roared out in laughter before rubbing his hands together.

He was ready to use his Twisting Heavens and Earth so that he could turn this Frost Master God into a male. By then, the Frost Master God would definitely be in tremendous pain, and would lose every single bit of fighting strength! Even if she didn't lose her will to fight, he would still have his backup plan with the Lin Brand's Soap!

That was right!

After coming up with this idea, Lin Fan sniggered out sinisterly.

This was going to be a firm plan!

Chapter 1129 How Are You So Shameless!

Even though he had already said it out as such, the Frost Master God still seemed as though she was looking down at him with a gaze similar to how she would view an ant; she was filled with an endless disdain.

Lin Fan did not say anything more as he furrowed his brows, bursting forth with all his powers. He then roared out before grabbing at the Frost Master God, exuding an immense power of Yin and Yang. Right now, Lin Fan's powers were already at the Immortal King state, and Twisting Heaven and Earth was already at its pinnacle. As he deployed that move, the might sent forth was absolutely supernatural and far from ordinary.

Spreading his fingers open, every single finger of his was wrapped with the Power of Interchanging Yin and Yang. No matter who it was, as long as they were to be struck by this move, they would definitely find the Yin and Yang within their bodies swapping instantly and going chaotic from its very core.

While the strength of the Frost Master God might be extraordinary, even someone like her would have her sex forcefully changed if she were struck by this move.

Against this boundless Power of Yin and Yang, the Frost Master God knitted her brows; she could sense that it was far from ordinary. To think that an ant-like Indigenous Being could actually possess strength of this level.

However, when she thought about her oath, she could only bear with it for now.

A layer of ice shrouded the Frost Master God entirely, blocking Lin Fan outside without any chance of penetrating through at all.


When that single punch of his landed onto the ice shell, it was shut out without any chance of pushing even the slightest bit in.

Lin Fan knew that the might of the Frost Master God was extraordinary, but he had not expected for it to be THIS formidable. However, there was no way he could just let this get him down. The Power of Yin and Yang rippled tremendously and surged through the entire void. With that, the entire voids went into a state of chaos.

However, the Frost Master God just retained her cold expression while looking at Lin Fan. After a long time later, she finally spoke up, "Just give it up. There's no way you can break through my defenses."

"Hmph! Don't you get cocky now!" Lin Fan hollered out before casting Pills Through Thought, filling his palm with a ball of flames. These were the flames of Pills Through Thought, something that could burn all existences

Using that, he slammed out onto the ice shell of the Frost Master God with it.

Sizzle, sizzle!

When that unyielding ice shell of hers actually showed signs of being melted, the Frost Master God could not help but frown and step back furiously. She narrowed her gaze and stared at Lin Fan; to think that this Indigenous Being could actually have such capabilities!

Even though the Frost Master God was one of the Master Gods of the Moon Shadow Mainland, she was someone with a broad knowledge of things. But even then, she had never ever encountered a flame as such! "Just what in the world is that flame? To think that it would be even stronger than that of the Flame Master God."

Lin Fan chuckled out, "You've haven't seen this before, have you? I've got more things that are even more incredible than this. All I can say is that if you insist on staying by me, your eventual outcome would definitely be extremely tragic."

The Frost Master God gave a single cold laugh as she stood her ground, choosing to merely increase the intensity of her frost from before.

Lin Fan slammed down onto the ground with a single palm. Even though he was melting the ice, he discovered that it was just regenerating at a crazy speed, that had him blocked out entirely!

This Frost Master God was truly far from ordinary with an astounding might. Even though the flames from Pills Through Thought were able to defrost the ice of the Frost Master God, the speed at which the ice was freezing back was simply way too fast, such that he could not break through at all.

Seeing this, Lin Fan came to a stop. Right now, he could not help but be convinced that this Frost Master God was truly incredible; he could not help but acknowledge her might.

"Are you going to leave or not?" Lin Fan looked at the Frost Master God. He realized that he truly had no way about this at all. Even when this Frost Master God was just standing there for him to attack as he'd like to, he had no way to deal with her! If word of this were to get out, wouldn't it bloody scare people to death?

The Frost Master God looked at Lin Fan icily. "You killed the Water Master God. Do you really think that you can get out of this alive?"

Lin Fan returned the gaze. Without saying anything more, he started stripping his clothes.

He refused to believe that this Frost Master God could actually be this shameless. If a man such as himself were to strip right before her and she could just continue to stand by and watch, he would really just have to be convinced of her tenacity.

Looking at Lin Fan, the Frost Master God broke out into asking, "What are you trying to do?"

Lin Fan peered at the Frost Master God without stopping his hands. "It's too hot. I'm going to strip myself nude. If it doesn't bother you, then you can continue watching by all means."

In Lin Fan's mind, he presumed that the Frost Master God would definitely shut her eyes in embarrassment while saying out in a huff, "You're so naughty! How can you be this shameless?"

Well, at least that was what would happen back in his past life. Since the opportunity presented itself today, he could give it a try as well and strip entirely clean. Based on his plan, this chick would definitely be caught at a huge loss for words. By then, he would just capitalize on the opportunity and f*ck her over. That was the plan alright!

But at that moment, the words of the Frost Master God had Lin Fan flabbergasted entirely and even stopping his movements. This mother*cker was way too shameless, wasn't she? As a woman, how could she be even lewder than a man?

"Nopes, I don't mind. You can go ahead and strip. Honestly, I've never really seen the body of an Indigenous Being just yet. If you can satisfy me, I can allow you to become an ice sculpture tomorrow…"

Lin Fan heaved out, "Frost Master God, just what in the world do you want? Well, of course, other than killing me, if you have any other requests, you can just lay them out. As long as I can fulfill them, I'll definitely have you pleased."

Looking at Lin Fan, the Frost Master God just chuckled out coldly, "I only want you dead."

"Then that's a no deal!" Lin Fan waved it off with his hand.

This was truly a grave situation. There was no way he could bring this Frost Master God over to the Heaven and Earth Sect. If he were to head there, those normal disciples of the Heaven and Earth Sect would definitely not be able to defend against this monstrous being here.

And this was especially the case for these Ice Seals of hers that extended out for thousands of miles, seeming extremely horrifying. Anyone with a low cultivation state would be turned into ice sculptures right away by these Ice Seals. Even Geng Yangtian and the others should not be able to do anything much against this Frost Master God.

How could there be a powerful being as such from the Moon Shadow Mainland? This just didn't make any sense at all!

And with that, time was slipping by gradually.

Lin Fan had been contemplating hard about what he should do. Using her ice shell to protect herself, this Frost Master God was absolutely impenetrable. Even his attacks had no impact on her at all.

"Frost Master God, don't you get overboard with your bullying now!" Lin Fan roared out.

Frost Master God, "Even if I'm bullying you, what can you do about that?"

Motherf*cker, this woman…!

Right now, Lin Fan was truly admitting defeat. "Good, very good! You were the one who forced me to do this."

At that moment, Lin Fan's entire body jerked out furiously. While maintaining a fixed distance from the Frost Master God, his eyes were shining with an endless glint.

'Since that's how things are going to be, come on then!'

Lin Fan lowered his head. Back before he had arrived in the Xuanhuang World, Lin Fan had learned a Kung Fu skill that was the most tyrannical out of everything in the world. After all these years, he had never once used it because he looked down on it.

But now that he was pushed to this extent by the Frost Master God, he could not be bothered to think about it too much anymore.

"Frost Master God, you were the one who asked for this yourself." Lin Fan roared out, his eyes sparkling brightly.

The Frost Master God's gaze at Lin Fan was cold and icy, as though she was waiting for this monkey to perform its acrobatics.


At that moment, a long howl arose.

The place where Lin Fan stood exploded as a boundless power erupted forth from beneath his feet. Raising his speed to its maximum, he used his body as a sharp object and rammed straight at the ice shell of the Frost Master God.


There wasn't a single crack on the ice shell of the Frost Master God.

"What are you doing?" The Frost Master God laughed out coldly. But all of a sudden, she realized that the body of this Indigenous Being before her was actually exploding out, with fresh blood bursting from every single place!

Lin Fan wobbled out wildly as a series of long, deep cuts tore across his body. His scream howled out through the entire Heaven and Earth. "ARGHHHH…! IT HURTS! IT HURTS SO BADLY! I'M GOING TO DIE…!"

The Frost Master God was stunned. Just what in the world was going on here?

Right now, Lin Fan was rolling about in the void as his body began to break down repeatedly.

"HOW DARE YOU USE YOUR ICE SHELL TO RAM AT ME! RIGHT NOW, I'M GRAVELY INJURED ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! I'M GOING TO DIE! I'M REALLY GOING TO DIE!" Lin Fan yelled out tragically while his eyes shone with a vicious glint.

This was a trial attempt. He refused to believe that it would not work.

Based on the oath of the Frost Master God¸ she could not kill him today. But, if he were to die because of this ice shell, that would be considered as a kill by the Frost Master God as well.

Lin Fan's aura was dipping lower as though he was about to dissipate at any moment now.

"You…!" The Frost Master God was completely stumped. She had not expected that this Indigenous Being could actually be this bloody shameless!!!

Chapter 1130 Chop You To Death, B*tch!

When it came to shamelessness, there was no one who could beat Lin Fan. He truly refused to believe that he wouldn't be able to take a smelly b*tch in hand today. Instantly, he gave himself a great taste of his Twisting Heaven and Earth. What was the use of being a man anymore? He might as well just go and turn into a tranny!

"ARGH! THAT HURTS SO BADLY! I'M GOING TO DIE…!" Lin Fan wailed out tragically, as though he could barely hang on any longer.

Lin Fan had sealed his Mythical Parasol Tree and some other moves of his, such that even the slightest drop of life force could not leak out at all.

Looking at Lin Fan, the Frost Master God knitted her brows. Raising her head up into the void, she could sense a mysterious will that was gathering over in the Heavens.

An oath was an oath. Even though she had sworn it to the Master of Chaos, the oath did not differentiate between either of them. If the oath were reneged, she would definitely suffer the consequences.

Following the weakening of Lin Fan's aura, the sense of danger felt by the Frost Master God was getting stronger by the moment.

"ARGH…! I'M GOING TO DIE…!" Lin Fan yelled out as he extended his tongue and was prepared to wait for the arrival of death.

"NO…!" Suddenly, the Frost Master God could sense this extremely tyrannical yet inexplicable will that was bolting down from the Heavens, driving itself straight into her God Core.


A single crack appeared on her God Core while the Frost Master God spat out a mouthful of fresh blood, her face turning frightfully pale. Evidently, she had not expected that this Indigenous Being would actually resort to such a method!

At the same time, she could not have imagined that such a method could actually implicate her as well.

What had this got to do with her? She didn't even budge a single inch, and he himself was the one who had come ramming over! And yet, the oath was making her accountable for it!

"No… NO…!"


Lin Fan's aura was getting feebler and weaker, causing more cracks to appear on the God Core of the Frost Master God. An existence such as the Frost Master God would be completely doomed if her God Core were to be shattered. With that, her self healing capabilities would be less than 10% of her initial self — wanting to recover from an injury as such would require an extremely long time.

"INDIGENOUS BEING, YOU ARE WAY TOO DESPICABLE…!" The Frost Master God screamed out at Lin Fan at the top of her lungs as the fiery flames of rage in her heart burned ever more ferociously. She could not wish for anything more than to slay this Indigenous Being right now.

"What am I being despicable about? You ARE clearly the one that's killing me right now! I'm being rammed to death by that ice shell of yours!" Lin Fan hollered out. He had already realized that there was something off with the aura of the Frost Master God — the God Core within her body should most probably be breaking down at this moment then!



Those shattering sounds were ever so ear-piercing, yet it was ever so pleasurable in the mind of Lin Fan. A shriek rang out as the Frost Master God was prepared to make her escape. At the same time, she laid down her threats, "INDIGENOUS BEING, I'LL DEFINITELY RETURN TO KILL YOU!"

This wasn't a place where she should continue lingering in. She knew that this Indigenous Being was just trying to f*ck her over. While there was absolutely no way that the Indigenous Being was going to die, the cracks appearing on her God Core right now had a monumental impact on her. Just for precaution, she definitely had to get out of this place as soon as possible.

Right now, the God Core was already damaged, and she had to spend time to repair it properly.

Lin Fan looked at the Frost Master God and felt flustered for a moment. Unlocking his Mythical Parasol Tree, life force started to gush back into his body furiously as he brandished his Eternal Axe before chopping over at the Frost Master God. "Smelly b*tch! You had better stand there for Yours Truly! Yours Truly is going to chop you to death!"

The initially half dead Lin Fan suddenly sprung to life as he rushed after the Frost Master God.

With that, the tides of battle had taken on a huge turn.

"Lin Fan…!" Han Juntian tore out of the void, not knowing what was going on at this moment.

When Lin Fan caught sight of Han Juntian, he shouted out immediately, "Grandmaster, hurry and follow me to have that b*tch chopped down! We mustn't let her escape!"

The Lin Fan who was wielding his Eternal Axe was filled with imposingness. That ferocious stance he had right now was absolutely earth-shaking. When the Frost Master God looked at Lin Fan, her eyes shone with an unbridled rage. "INDIGENOUS BEING, I'LL BE BACK!"


Instantly, the void shattered just like a mirror, blocking Lin Fan in his path. And with that, the Frost Master God vanished from the void instantaneously.

Lin Fan heaved out a sigh of regret. To think that the Frost Master God would have really given him the slip! What a mother*cking dogsh*t event everything turned out to be! The fact that he failed to capitalize on such an amazing opportunity was absolutely heartbreaking!

Han Juntian rushed forward. "What's going on?"

"That was a Master God of the Moon Shadow Mainland… the same one that had landed the entire Northern region in this state. She is extremely strong, but I had managed to find a way to f*ck her over despite the overwhelming odds. To think that she would have managed to escape despite those wounds. If I could have had her slain, the losses sustained by the Moon Shadow Mainland would have been absolutely immense." Lin Fan explained.

Han Juntian froze up slightly, evidently filled in disbelief. To think that a single Master God could have had such capabilities! However, he definitely believed in Lin Fan's words firmly.

At that moment, the frosty skies started to clear up as the entire snowy grounds returned to their previous state.

Suddenly, Lin Fan's mind thought about the living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland that had set up base in this Northern region, and his interest was piqued immensely. "Grandmaster, even though that Master God has managed to escape, all those other living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland must not have had the time to react to this just yet! Let us hurry and go annihilate them! This will deal quite a huge blow to the Moon Shadow Mainland as well!"

Han Juntian nodded his head in agreement. The reason why he had followed Lin Fan over here was naturally because he was afraid of anything happening to this lad. As for the frost around this area, he had only managed to sense it after arriving here. It was extremely formidable indeed! Despite being an Immortal King, he could actually feel the powers within his body showing signs of freezing over completely.

That was something absolutely incredulous in his eyes. Being someone who could manipulate the frost to such a level, it was evident that the other party was far from a simple being.

Lin Fan flew over to the distance, and aha! He could indeed catch sight of those living beings struggling to make their escape right now. All of them were scared silly at this moment, not knowing why the territory of their Frost Master God had turned out into such a state.

"HAHAHA…!" Lin Fan roared out in laughter as his voice reverberated through the entire world. When the living beings caught sight of that figure up in the void, they were even more astounded.

"It's an Indigenous Being of the Endless Mainland…!"

"Let us hurry and escape!"

Looking down at the living beings below, Han Juntian's eyes were filled with a disturbed expression. "There are truly way too many of these living beings here. They are even more than an entire sect in itself!"

Lin Fan nodded his head. "Grandmaster, I was initially thinking about having them killed. But, by the looks of things now, if we can turn them over and make use of them, that could probably reduce the losses that are taken on by the sects of the Endless Mainland as well."

Han Juntian shook his head. "How could they possibly allow themselves to be made use of by us?"

Lin Fan chuckled out, "Well, we don't know that for sure. Check this out."

At that moment, Lin Fan heaved in a deep breath as his aura took on a stark change, causing an infinitely bright Buddhist light to shine out from his back. Those Buddhist lights were just like banners that extended out into the void.

Shrouding the entire world, it shone down across the Heaven and Earth.

The Great Buddha's Light of Purification was something that was so darned heaven revolting, and could purify the living beings of the entire world. This was especially the case for these living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland who were so puny and weak; how could they possibly defend against this?

As he muttered out his Buddhist Sutras, Buddhas appeared in the void one after another. Dense and numerous, they started enveloping up those living beings within their ranks as a bright, golden Buddhist light shone down over the entire world.

After the living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland were touched by that Buddhist light, their bodies turned stiff as though they had been frozen.

"Lay down your sins and you shall turn into a Buddha on the spot…"

As he closed his palms together, a boundless Buddha light exuded out from within them and caged all of those living beings up within it.

Standing by the side and witnessing everything, Han Juntian was totally petrified. How in the world could such a mystic skill exist in the universe? Even the Good and Evil Buddha Sect might not be in possession of something like this, right?

Ever since Lin Fan had come forth from the Ancient Saint World, he was starting to realize that the mystic skills that he had obtained from either the Ancient Saint World itself or the Xuanhuang World were not that weak at all. In fact, they might not even lose out to the mystic skills of the Endless Mainland; some of them were probably even stronger!

Chapter 1131 Starting On The Path of Massacring

"What a tyrannical Immortal Art!" Han Juntian gasped out. This was an Immortal Art that was far from ordinary. Purifying all of those living beings from the Moon Shadow Mainland in one go was just absolutely inconceivable before this point! He could sense an extremely strong power of the Buddha clan emanating out of this Immortal Art.

Compared to the Good and Evil Buddha Sect, it was just equally formidable, if not even more mystifying.

Looking at the living beings that were purified down below, Lin Fan let out a grin. "Grandmaster, now that these living beings have been purified, we'll let the Moon Shadow Mainland kill amongst themselves. That would serve to help preserve the resources of our Endless Mainland."

"Indeed!" Han Juntian nodded his head, feeling that everything Lin Fan had just said truly made sense.

Lin Fan looked at the Northern region. "By now, all of the sects in the Northern region have withdrawn. As for those that didn't manage to leave, they have all been turned into ice sculptures. I wonder if those elders, the Grandmaster, and the Old Masters of the Emperor Dao Sect who had been turned into ice sculptures could be reverted to their states before."

Seeing the might of this Master God of the Moon Shadow Mainland, Han Juntian was unnerved right now. For someone to be able to freeze up powerful beings of Immortal King state, how strong did they have to be? This wasn't something that any ordinary Master God would be able to do.

However, now that that Master God had been injured by Lin Fan, it might not be too soon before she could recover.

The two of them arrived at the skies above the Emperor Dao Sect. The Grandmaster and those Old Masters who had been frozen into ice sculptures were lying on the ground motionlessly. Even though the ice had already melted off, there was no way of telling if they were dead or alive.

Han Juntian's brows furrowed. "Are they dead?"

"No." Lin Fan shook his head. As he pointed out his finger, a stream of life force gushed out of the Heavens and entered their bodies.

Gradually, the bodies of the Grandmaster and Old Masters of the Emperor Dao Sect started changing slowly, until it was followed by sounds of breathing eventually.

The Grandmaster of the Emperor Dao Sect was the first to bolt up as he sucked in a huge breath of air. "I'LL FIGHT YOU TO DEATH…!"

But when he finally realized what was going on around him, he was somewhat stumped. "What's going on here?"

"Brother Ning Dao…" Han Juntian landed down from the void and heaved out a huge breath of relief. The fact that the Grandmaster and the Old Masters of the Emperor Dao Sect were not dead was the best possible outcome they could possibly wish for.

Otherwise, this would have been a tremendous loss for the Endless Mainland.

What sort of existences were Immortal Kings? Even if they could not defeat the strongest Master Gods out there, they could still ensure the safety of a part of the world at the very least.

"Brother Han?" The Grandmaster of the Emperor Dao Sect looked over at Han Juntian as his face lit up. But, it was filled with bewilderment soon after. "What's going on over here? Where has that witch gone to?"

Lin Fan spoke up, "Grandmaster Ning, that Master God has left with injuries."

Ning Dao looked closely at Lin Fan. It took him a while before his face changed and he gasped out, "Lin Fan?"

Lin Fan sniggered out. Seemed like he was still rather famous after all, such that even some of the major sects knew about his name. He then nodded his head back to greet Ning Dao.

Ning Dao's gaze surveyed his surroundings as it was gradually filled with an enraged look. He then asked, "What about my disciples…?"

Lin Fan shook his head. "The strength of that Frost Master God was way too strong. Given the strength of those disciples, there was no way they could have defended against her powers. Their life forces had long dissipated out from within their frozen ice forms. It is because your powers are stronger that you were still able to hold out. But, if things were to delay further, I'm afraid you guys would have probably ended up the same way as well."

The hearts of the Grandmaster and those Old Masters of the Emperor Dao Sect were filled with wrath. To think that as one of the nine sects, they would be destroyed by a single Master God of the Moon Shadow Mainland. Even though they themselves were still alive right now, but those disciples of theirs…! Hais!

Han Juntian continued, "Brother Ning Dao, fellow Old Masters, this is a critical period for the Endless Mainland right now. We must no longer operate like a plate of scattered sand. I feel that we should gather and stand against the Moon Shadow Mainland together."

Ning Dao nodded his head. "Alright! Now that those darned Master Gods of the Moon Shadow Mainland have caused my Emperor Dao Sect to be destroyed, if I don't seek revenge for those disciples of mine, how am I befitting of being their Grandmaster?"

Han Juntian nodded his head as well. "Right now, we already have several major sects that are gathering one after another so that we can discuss about the big matters on hand. Take this Northern region for example. There are so many sects that are either dead or escaping with their lives. If we are to continue letting the Moon Shadow Mainland eat us up as such, it will be too late by the time we come to realize what's happening."

At this point, Lin Fan felt a tremendous amount of pressure setting in. If he had not met the Frost Master God, he would not have felt this way. But now that he had, he was truly feeling the stress. The strength of that Frost Master God was truly far from ordinary. In front of her, he found even himself completely useless and incapable of fighting back at all.

If there were other Master Gods of that level within the ranks of the Moon Shadow Mainland, what was he to do?


Absolute strength!

That was the only thought running through Lin Fan's mind at this moment — he wanted to raise his strength as quickly as possible. Once it was to reach a certain state, he would be able to defend against all troubles that they were to face.

Lin Fan commented, "Let us take a short separation from this point first. After this matter, I'm in dire need of finding a way to increase my own strength. Otherwise, if we were to meet with another powerful being that's similar to that Frost Master God, I'm afraid it's going to be extremely difficult to fend against them."

Han Juntian wanted to say something, but when he thought about how Lin Fan had plans of his own, he could only nod his head in agreement.

Given the current circumstances, there was no time available for them to hesitate anymore. If anyone were to hesitate, the only outcome awaiting them was death.

"Alright! But, always remember that your safety MUST come first." Han Juntian warned.

Lin Fan nodded his head. Without waiting any longer, he dove right into the void. Right now, he was going to look for those Master Gods. He definitely had to think up of some way to have those Master Gods killed.

If he wanted to seek out extremely strong Master Gods such as the War Master God and such, he truly had no way about it. But, he would just kill the likes of the Radiant Master God and the Water Master God he could actually come across without feeling even the slightest bit of pressure.

At this moment in a World of Frost, the void trembled slightly as a figure suddenly appeared suddenly.

The face of the Frost Master God was frightfully pale right now, with fresh blood dripping from the sides of her lips. Her body was quivering slightly as she wobbled out. She had not expected things to turn out as such. That Indigenous Being was simply way too crafty!

"Damned Indigenous Being!" The Frost Master God cursed out in her heart before spreading her arms wide open, causing a surge of frosty winds to gust over from all directions.

In this World of Frost were many ice sculptures fixed on their spots. But, at that moment, those Ice Sculptures were actually showing signs of cracking as their Essence, Spirit, and Vitality gushed out in streams toward the Frost Master God.

This was her method of healing up her own body. The reason why the Frost Master God had kept this many ice sculptures was just so that she could take in all the energy that was preserved behind by these ice sculptures at critical moments as such.

Closing her eyes gently, the Frost Master God was enveloped by ice all over her entire body.

Under this healing energy, that cracked God Core started to regenerate. However, the speed of it was simply way too slow. There was no way of telling when this would actually heal up completely.

After parting ways with Han Juntian and the others, Lin Fan's priority right now was to look for those Master Gods of the Moon Shadow Mainland.

By now, the living beings of the entire Moon Shadow Mainland had already occupied a good half of the Endless Mainland's territories. Therefore, it was only by going to those places that Lin Fan had the greatest chance of seeking out Master Gods of the Moon Shadow Mainland.

Floating up in the void, Lin Fan felt that it was going to be rather odd going around with this face of his. No matter where he went, he would definitely be recognized by a single look.

But thankfully, he had a mask which could alter one's appearance as they willed. Even auras and whatnot could be concealed.

Spinning a circle, Lin Fan changed his entire appearance altogether.

'That's right!'

With the way he looked right now, there was probably no one who could recognize him anymore.

Chapter 1132 Sneaking Into Enemy Ranks

By now, Lin Fan had already arrived at the area that was occupied by the living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland. Choosing not to fly through the void, he decided to walk instead. At the same time, he crafted out a gigantic sword so that he could disguise himself as one of the warriors from the Moon Shadow Mainland.

Although Lin Fan did not know the cultivation methods and skills of these living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland, the way he looked right now would enable him to blend right into the living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland without anyone discovering him.

Lin Fan sighed out. For the sake of him turning stronger, he could have been considered to have given it his all. If he were to not bump into any Master Gods of the Moon Shadow Mainland, that would definitely be an immense loss for him.

"Who's there?"

At that moment, a group of living beings from the Moon Shadow Mainland walked over.

Turning around, Lin Fan caught sight of his targets: three Wizards and two Warriors. Their strength wasn't strong at all — they were just the cannon fodder of the Moon Shadow Mainland.

Lin Fan nodded his head which sufficed as his greeting in return. Since these people weren't even strong, he couldn't be bothered to exchange any proper greetings with them at all.

One of the Warriors had a well built body with bulging muscles. He then patted out on Lin Fan's shoulder. "My name is Oaf. What about you?"

Lin Fan chuckled out, "Nicholas."

"That's such a weird name." Oaf remarked suspiciously. Unbothered about it thereafter, he continued, "Seems like you're a Warrior. Are you headed to the side of the Hunting Master God to take on missions for killing the Indigenous Beings of the Endless Mainland?"

Lin Fan's brows furrowed, his heart filled with bewilderment. But, he didn't think too much about it as he nodded his head. "Yes."

Hunting Master God?

At that moment, Lin Fan was interested in checking this guy out for himself.

To think that the Endless Mainland would actually turn into a place for this Hunting Master God to hand out missions. And, the reason why the living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland were arriving at the Endless Mainland continuously should have a big connection with what this Hunting Master God was doing.

Oaf then smiled out. "Let's head there together then. Who knows, we might even be able to partner up after receiving the missions."

Since Lin Fan was unfamiliar with this entire place, it would be better for someone to bring him around as well.

"Alright, together it is then!" Lin Fan spoke up.

Along the way, Lin Fan asked a number of questions sneakily, and at the same time, he found out about how the Moon Shadow Mainland was completing their invasion.

With the Hunting Master God handing down missions, it attracted tons of people who had no religion. These were people who did not bear faith or swore allegiance to the Master Gods. But at this moment, there was a Master God that was handing out rewards for those who completed his missions. In the face of such handsome rewards, it naturally attracted quite a number of people to head over.

And not only that, there were many large scale missions that would take in a large number of people so that they could all fight together and complete the missions together.

After a long time…

Lin Fan followed Oaf and the others to arrive at a place that looked like some sort of a Sacrificial Altar.

This was a place that was long crowded by many living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland, who were gathered here in wait for receiving missions.

Sweeping through the entire place with a single glance, Lin Fan could tell that there was a light screen above the Sacrificial Altar with countless missions imprinted onto it. Some of those missions were really simple, merely asking for them to kill countless disciples of the Endless Mainland.

At the same time, there were some missions concerning the Heaven and Earth Sect; the ones that required someone to destroy the Heaven and Earth Sect were the highest graded missions, with exceptionally handsome rewards. Following close behind were missions related to the different other sects.

For the living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland, this was their fastest method of raising their strength. Every single high difficulty mission wasn't limited to a single person; anybody could come and take it on. For example, for a mission that entailed them to take down a small sect, there were countless people who had taken on something like that and headed out together. Because of that, the parties formed were mini powerhouses in themselves that those small sects could not deal with at all.

Naturally, Lin Fan knew that the Moon Shadow Mainland and the Endless Mainland were the same — there are both good and bad people mixed in there. However, given the current circumstances, there was really no room for him to think that much about things. Lin Fan had already decided that he was just going to have all of these invaders purified. As to how things would eventually turn out, that would have to depend on their own fates and doings.

At that moment, Lin Fan raised his head and looked toward the Sacrificial Altar. He could sense the aura of the Hunting Master God emanating out of there. Only, he could tell that the latter wasn't around himself.

Seemed like he would have to come up with another way if he wanted to seek out the Hunting Master God.

And right then, Oaf spoke up, "Today, the Hunting Master God is going to appear himself and start handing out new missions once more."

Coming to a stop, Lin Fan's heart leaped with joy. "You're saying that the Hunting Master God is going to come?"

Oaf nodded his head. "That's right. Each time the missions handed down by the Hunting Master God are completely gone, he would come forth and publish the latest missions. Now that the missions here are mostly coming to an end, the Hunting Master God will naturally appear with more missions to be handed out."

Lin Fan was immediately ecstatic on hearing this. To think that he would actually have obtained this opportunity! If the Hunting Master God were to appear, he might probably have a chance to get that guy killed! Although, the main thing was still to check out just how strong the other party was first.

Time passed by the seconds and minutes…

Just as Lin Fan was getting a little impatient from waiting, the void trembled slightly as a beam of God Light shone down from the Heavens.

Seeing this, the surrounding crowd started clamoring out.

"The Hunting Master God has appeared…!"

Lin Fan raised his head over and was immediately enveloped by that God Light of the Hunting Master God. Descending from the void, it floated out gently toward the Sacrificial Altar.

The strength of this Hunting Master God was nowhere as strong as the Boundless Future Buddha Lord. But, he was still rather decent all the same.

"My people, all of you have done well to complete the missions. Your God here is extremely heartened to know that. Right now, Your God is going to start handing down even more missions, that will bring for you guys even more handsome rewards." The Hunting Master God spoke up.

All of these living beings were not the followers of the Hunting Master God. Therefore, when they caught sight of him, there was only a fearful type of respect, and not reverence and idolization.

Looking down at these living beings before him, the Hunting Master God naturally had plans of his own in his heart. He then pointed out with his finger, causing countless latest missions to appear out on the light screen. When the living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland caught sight of those missions, all of them started exclaiming out — the rewards for those missions were simply way too incredible!

At that moment, the Hunting Master God spoke up, "My people, are you guys willing to turn into the followers of Your God here? If you guys are the followers of Your God, you shall receive the blessings of Your God when you go through with the missions. That will help you complete the missions with greater ease."

Every single Master God required followers. Compared to the rest of the Master Gods, the Hunting Master God had the least number of followers out there.

Amongst all of them, the one with the most followers was the War Master God. That was because war was something that broke out really often in the Moon Shadow Mainland. Every single living being then thirsted for power, and lusted to stand forth as the sole victor of wars.

Even though the Hunting Master God had spoken at that moment, many of those living beings started hesitating. They knew that if they were to worship and pray to a Master God, their bodies would no longer belong to themselves, and would be connected together with the Master God.

If the Master God wanted one to live, one would live; if he wanted one to die, one would die.

The Hunting Master God continued, "My people, if any of you wish to become the people of Your God, walk onto the Sacrificial Altar and receive the mighty grace of Your God!"

At that moment, some people started walking toward that altar one after another.

Lin Fan did not hesitate as well. Right now, he wanted to kill the Hunting Master God. How could he do that without getting close to that guy?

Because of that, the Hunting Master God let out a bright smile. How could he not be happy upon knowing that he would have a rise in his number of followers? That was a fact that naturally brought a smile to his face.

But suddenly, a voice broke out of the void.

"Hunting Master God, to think that you would have started recruiting for followers once again."

Lin Fan narrowed his gaze over and saw a golden brown shade of color appearing in the distance. From there, a single figure descended upon the Heaven and Earth.

All of the living beings down below exclaimed out, "Great Earth Master God…!"

Lin Fan's heart skipped a beat.


There was another Master God that had arrived?

Chapter 1133 Hurry And Take It!

The arrival of the Great Earth Master God brought forth exclamations from countless people as many living beings prostrated down onto the ground and kowtowed in respect. In the Moon Shadow Mainland, the Great Earth Master God enjoyed an extremely high status, with many living beings placing their faith in him. Therefore, he was naturally more popular than the Hunting Master God.

At this moment, the difference between Master God to Master God was perfectly exemplified: the Great Earth Master God was in no lack of followers, while the Hunting Master God lacked them greatly.

All the Master Gods that were coming forth to invade the Endless Mainland this time around were looking to gain more benefits for themselves. Some of them wanted to be able to step foot into that coveted unparalleled and unrivaled Creation state, while others wanted to just expand their number of followers.

This Hunting Master God, for example, wasn't all that popular back in the Moon Shadow Mainland, and the people did not wish to place their faith in someone like him. Therefore, now that this chance had presented itself, he naturally had to try his best to work hard at gaining followers.

For the Master Gods, the more followers they had, the greater the amount of faith they could collect. With that, their strength would be able to be raised greatly.

The Hunting Master God looked at the Great Earth Master God and furrowed his brows. "What do you mean by that?"

The body of the Great Earth Master God was well built and seemed as though it was draped with a layer of golden brown outer shirt. He gave off a rich, intense aura of being indestructible as he chuckled out, "Hunting Master God, don't be mistaken now. I'm merely here to notify you that the War of the Master Gods is about to begin. It's about time for the Endless Mainland to be annihilated."

"So quickly?" The Hunting Master God was slightly taken aback, feeling that everything had happened way too quickly. Remembering that he still had something to do, he continued, "Now that you're done telling me what you have to, I suppose it's time for you to leave then. After all, I'm in the midst of transmitting my powers over to my new followers."

Chuckling out, the Great Earth Master God looked at the people down below, not really bothered with the proceedings. "Sure, continue with your recruitment of followers. I'll just stay here and take a look."

The strength of the Hunting Master God was nowhere as strong as the Great Earth Master God, and therefore, his ranking amongst the Master Gods wasn't all that high either. But, the good thing was that there were no wars between the Master Gods in the Moon Shadow Mainland. Even if there were wars, those would only be wars between the followers. As for the Master Gods, they would simply observe with amusement like watching a movie. From time to time, they would step in and offer some of their followers miracles. That was an act to bring forth a point, 'God is always with you.'

Right now, Lin Fan was thinking about his plans as well. He wanted to have both of these Master Gods killed. But, given the way things were right now, if he were to rush up with brute force, that might bring forth a series of unnecessary troubles. That was because he did not dare to guarantee that he could instakill this Great Earth Master God. If he were to delay things and give the other Master Gods a chance to sense that something was wrong over here, he would be f*cked if he ended up being surrounded by them.

After pondering for a bit, Lin Fan finally thought up some ideas.

The Hunting Master God spoke up at this moment, "Those who wish to be the followers of Your Master God, come on forth! Let Your Master God cleanse the impurities from your bodies!"

Some of the living beings that were in dire need of turning stronger immediately started walking toward the Sacrificial Altar. When the living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland took on the faith of a single Master God, it would allow them to communicate with the powers of that Master God. Not only that, if they were lucky, they might even be able to receive the blessings of the Master God at times.

Taking Wizards, for example, the only way for them to cast out even stronger magical spells was by following Master Gods.

In the legends, Forbidden Curses were said to be a part of the Master Gods' powers. If there were Wizards that did not have a faith, they would never be able to cast any single Forbidden Curses in their entire lives. Therefore, the end path of a Wizard was always to seek out the faith of a Master God.

That was also the reason why Master Gods such as the Radiant Master God, Flame Master God, etcetera would never be lacking in followers. That was because their powers had already determined that they would gain quite a number of followers.

At this moment, people arrived before the face of the Hunting Master God one after another while kneeling down on a single knee, preparing to receive his blessings.

The reason why the Hunting Master God was here handing down missions for the living beings to complete was for them to slowly understand through receiving the rewards that they would be able to gain even greater benefits if they were to place their faith in him.

And, the reason why some of the living beings out there did not have any faith nowadays was clearly because they had yet to experience the benefits of gaining one.

Therefore, this time around, the Hunting Master God was prepared to impart even stronger powers down to his followers. This would help those followers who were not placing their faith in him to know just how good things would be under his faith.

At that moment, the Hunting Master God realized that there was a single living being that was not heading forth. He then pointed over at Lin Fan while asking, "Since you're here at the Sacrificial Altar, why do you choose not to come over?"

Right now, the first one Lin Fan wanted to make a move and kill was the Great Earth Master God. Since the Great Earth Master God was quite a lot stronger than the Hunting Master God, if Lin Fan could have him killed, the experience points gained would definitely be much more than what the Hunting Master God could offer.

If he were to just kill the Hunting Master God first and allow the Great Earth Master God a chance to make his escape, his losses would be extremely heavy. Therefore, after thinking back and forth, Lin Fan decided that it was still for the best for him to have the Great Earth Master God killed first.

Lin Fan replied calmly, "Respected Hunting Master God, when I caught sight of the Great Earth Master God, I was reminded of my father. He was a follower of the Great Earth Master God. Before his death, he had told me to follow him and give up my entire life for the Great Earth Master God. However, the one I wanted to place my faith in right now is you, Hunting Master God. But, when the Great Earth Master God appeared right before my face, that had me feeling extremely uneasy in my heart. To go against the last wishes of my father is something that is causing my heart to be filled with guilt."

The Hunting Master God had initially thought that this fella was going to go over to the side of the Great Earth Master God. But when he heard the later part, his face broke out into a smile. "Oh, my people, I shall pardon you in place of your father."

"Hunting Master God, his father was my follower. If anyone should pardon him, it should be me." The Great Earth Master God said.

Lin Fan continued, "Great Earth Master God, in order to repent for my sins toward you, I'm intending to give you a mysterious treasure that I had obtained from the Endless Mainland. I hope that that will be enough for me to seek your forgiveness."

When the Great Earth Master God heard that, his interest was piqued. "Oh…? What sort of a treasure is that?"

On the other hand, the brows of the Hunting Master God furrowed with some displeasure. This fella really did not know what was good for him. If it were a treasure, it should be presented to Your Master God, shouldn't it? How could he give it over to the Great Earth Master God?

But, given the current circumstances, since that fella had already said it out, what else could he say about that? He could only watch silently. If it were just any normal treasure, he could just forget about it. That was what the Hunting Master God felt. He didn't think that it would be anything spectacular. After all, the strength of this commoner should be rather weak.

At that moment, Lin Fan took out the Heaven and Earth Smelt.

"Great Earth Master God, this is the treasure that I had obtained from this Endless Mainland. It can refine every single living being between the Heaven and Earth. However, after thinking about it, I decided that only a treasure as such is befitting to seek the pardon of the Great Earth Master God." Lin Fan propped up the Heaven and Earth Smelt with both hands up high. At the same time, the Smelt gave off an extremely mystifying aura, causing the expression of the Great Earth Master God to change slightly.

He could tell that this thingy held in the hands of this fella was something good.

When the Great Earth Master God sensed out the mysterious power that was exuding forth from it, his eyes shone with an unusual glint before he eventually broke out into a smile. "I can sense your sincerity."

When the Hunting Master God caught sight of this, his eyelids twitched. He could bloody tell that this was definitely some incredible item through and through!

Bloody mother*cker!

Was this commoner some f*cking braindead retard or something? To think that he would give such a wonderful item over to the Great Earth Master God instead of himself! T-This…!

Lin Fan was secretly smirking inside him.

'Hurry up and come over to take it!'

Chapter 1134 Framed

The Great Earth Master God did not think too much about it because he had already seen through the strength of this person before him from the very beginning. Weak…Extremely, extremely weak! However, the aura emanating forth from the treasure was extremely strong on the other hand. There was an exceptionally mystifying feeling about it.

Raising both of his arms up high, Lin Fan declared, "Great Earth Master God, I seek for your pardon."

The face of the Great Earth Master God was filled with a bright smile as he came before Lin Fan's face. He then placed his hand onto the Heaven and Earth Smelt. "Don't worry. Your God here pardons you…"

Lin Fan smiled out as well as he lowered his hands slowly.

Holding onto the treasure, the Great Earth Master God was filled with excitement in his heart. He could sense the power that was contained within it.

Tremendous! That was incredibly tremendous!

The Hunting Master God could only stare at the Great Earth Master God with envy, jealousy, and hatred. His heart was filled with indignance. Why did all the benefits have to go over to the hands of the Great Earth Master God?

He could even sniff out the smell of that treasure from this distance — that was the smell of power.

It was intoxicating!

With that, the Great Earth Master God remarked with a face of satisfaction, "Not bad, not bad indeed, my peo…ple?"


Instantly, the entire Heaven and Earth fell silent.

Lin Fan replied indifferently, "Yepp, it truly is not bad indeed…"

The face of the Great Earth Master God, which was initially filled with satisfaction, changed all of a sudden, flushing blood red like that of a pig's liver entirely. He then switched between shades of green and white at this moment. Slowly, his lips spread apart as he heaved in a huge breath of cold air. He could feel a sense of pain surging right into the depths of his heart. This, too, was a mystifying sensation.

A ball crunching sensation found its way entering the very bottom of his heart. This was a feeling that he had never experienced before in his life. He could only feel as though there was something that was crushed entirely into smithereens between this Heaven and Earth here.

Looking at everything before him, the Hunting Master God was bewildered. What was the meaning of this? Could this be the latest sort of worship position or something?

Or perhaps, was this the way that the Great Earth Master God liked his followers to behave?


An extremely sharp wail shot all the way up into the Heavens as the legs of the Great Earth Master God broke out into a wobble and collapsed over. He then glared at Lin Fan with an extremely complex expression. "YOU…! Y-YOU…!"

Lin Fan heaved out a sigh of relief. Seemed like his plan had gained yet another success story to tell.

At that moment, Lin Fan did not wait for the Great Earth Master God to make any unnecessary actions as he controlled the Heaven and Earth Smelt to have that guy caged within it immediately.


"Just who in the world is that fella? Where has the Great Earth Master God gone?"

"What happened? Why did the Great Earth Master God seem to have vanished all of a sudden?"

At that moment, all of those people down below started getting into a state of nervousness.

But, just as the Hunting Master God was about to speak up, a figure appeared before him.

Stunned, the Hunting Master God stood there as though he was unable to recover from the shock while Lin Fan merely slapped down his palm onto his shoulder. Chuckling out, Lin Fan's mask disappeared instantly as he revealed his original face.

"You're that Indigenous Being of the Endless Mainland…!" The Hunting Master God exclaimed out all of a sudden, dumbstruck once more.


A stabbing sound came forth.

The face of the Hunting Master God grimaced up as he revealed a look of disbelief. Lowering his head, he found a dagger stabbed right into his stomach.

Fresh drops of blood were dripping down from the blade of that dagger.

The Hunting Master God felt that he had just been stabbed by someone. Wait a minute… no! He WAS indeed being stabbed by someone right now!

"You…!" Immediately, the Hunting Master God grabbed out at the arm of the other party. But, he could sense that there was a surge of power that was infiltrating his body through it. That stream of power blocked away his God Powers such that he could not fight back at all.


The dagger was pulled out.

But, it didn't take long before another stab was dug in.

The face of the Hunting Master God changed drastically as his body shivered uncontrollably.

"Just who in the world are you?" The Hunting Master God spoke up, his voice hoarser than ever. He could sense that his lifeforce was being lost continuously, and could disappear at any moment now.

Lin Fan's expression was calm while he let out a gentle smirk. "Lin Fan of the Heaven and Earth Sect."

The Hunting Master God did not know who this fella was at all, but he could not imagine that this fella would have been able to keep himself hidden so deeply that he couldn't tell in the slightest bit at all.

"I don't even know you…" The Hunting Master God just could not figure out why this person would have chosen him. He did not seem to recall ever having offended this guy before! While he wanted to beg for mercy, the dignity of being a Master God did not allow him to do so.

"Goodbye now, Master God." Lin Fan declared.



In and out, in and out, his motions were swift as he stabbed a couple more times.

This series of motion continued till the point where the Hunting Master God had lost every single bit of aura before coming to a stop. This was simply way too amazing of a feeling!

Lin Fan did not know why, but all of a sudden, he seemed to have fallen in love with this move of stabbing someone continuously. Each time he stabbed someone, he would feel this incredible and unrivaled pleasure!

In fact, at this point, he had already forgotten about the number of people that he had stabbed to death. He only knew that there were plenty for sure.

Even till his death, the Hunting Master God did not retaliate at all. This was something that was of the utmost humiliation for him.

'Ding… Congratulations on killing Hunting Master God.'

'Ding… Experience Points + …'

'Ding… Obtained Hunting Dimension.'

Lin Fan was slightly baffled — to think that he would have actually obtained something! He had slain so many Master Gods by now, but none of them seemed to have dropped anything for him just yet.

The Hunting Dimension was just a crystal object, and Lin Fan could not tell of what was special about it.

'Hunting Dimension: Formed from the God Core of the Hunting Master God. It can encompass brave hunters to take on missions of hunting within the Hunting Dimension…'

'Current Hunting Dimension (None).'

This thingy seemed to be rather decent. It was pretty similar to some Master God Dimension or something.

But for Lin Fan, this thingy didn't seem like it would have much use. Furthermore, there wasn't even any Hunting Dimension right now; that was as good as being useless.

But perhaps, he could keep it and research it properly in the future.

"Ahhhhh…! He killed the Hunting Master God!"

"Hunting Master God! That's THE Hunting Master God…!"

At that moment, all of those living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland were completely flabbergasted. They had not expected that things would turn out as such! That was a MASTER GOD! And yet, this Indigenous Being was able to have both of them killed!

That strength he possessed…! This…!

Unimaginable! This was truly unimaginable!

Looking at those living beings that were making a break for it, Lin Fan's lips curled into a grin as the Great Buddha's Light of Purification shone down upon the entire world.

Since he had already come over, it would truly not be enough to recoup for his efforts if he did not purify some living beings.


Against that boundless Power of Purification from Lin Fan, there was no one who could do anything to defend that all.

One after another, tragic shrieks rang out across the entire world as those menacing faces took on a stark change.

From evil, they turned to good.

From good, they turned into completely letting go of every attachment to the world.

Buddhas started singing out with Buddhist Sutras beside the ears of these living beings as the Power of Purification wrapped itself around every single one of them.

With that, a series of notifications rang out from the System.

Lin Fan's lips curled into a grin — this was the type of effect that he had wanted. Under the Power of Purification, there was no person who could escape at all.

And right at that moment, something happened up in the void.

Lin Fan raised his head over; he could sense the aura of the Boundless Future Buddha Lord.

"Lin Fan, to think that you would actually dare to appear here…" A boundless Buddha voice boomed over, causing the entire void to explode out in its might.

"Boundless Future Buddha Lord, seems like you're ready to die." Lin Fan smirked out brightly.

"Insolent!" At the first instance, the Boundless Future Buddha Lord had sensed out this vast Buddha power from afar. When he arrived at this place, he could not believe that the lad had dared to make his appearance here. This was practically a case of him wandering into Hell when he could stay safe and alive by hiding out.

Lin Fan looked over at the living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland that he had purified. "Go and attack him…!"


All of a sudden, the Boundless Future Buddha Lord was surrounded by those living beings.

Lin Fan roared out in laughter, "Bald monk! Come at me if you've got the guts!"

"Courting death…!" The Boundless Future Buddha Lord barked out in rage as he slammed down with a single palm.

How could these living beings of the Moon Shadow Mainland possibly be a match for the Boundless Future Buddha Lord? With that single palm strike, it was only natural that there would be an entire river of blood ensuing.

Standing there, Lin Fan cast his sights into the distance before vanishing from the spot.

Right at the moment that Lin Fan had vanished, he heard a few mighty voices coming forth from the void.

"Boundless Future Buddha Lord…How dare you kill my people of the Moon Shadow Mainland…!"