

Chapter 961 - Mei Xing's Mother

"Hello, my name is Xiao Yang, and I am the Manager of Heavenly Massage. Although I am here to visit you under Mei Xing's request, I am personally interested in what kind of woman gave birth to such an intelligent little girl." Su Yang greeted her with a charming smile on his face.

"I didn't think you'd visit me so soon… I apologize if I've caused any inconvenience…" Mei Xing's mother said.

And she continued, "My name is Mei Ying."

"Then Madam Mei, I heard you wanted to speak with me? Oh, you don't have to worry about your next customer because I will be your customer for the rest of the day."

"Y-You mean you…" Mei Ying looked at him with wide eyes.

After a moment of silence, she continued, "Please, take a seat."

She pointed at the bed with her hands.

Su Yang nodded and took a seat on the large bed.

"Allow me to apologize in advance if I'd offended you for doubting you, but I was just worried about Mei Xing working for a place I have never heard of before. Can you tell me a little more about yourself? Why did you decide to work at the City of Pleasure? And what are your goals?"

"I don't mind. I completely understand your situation as a mother. As you already know, my name is Xiao Yang, and I came to the City of Pleasure to do what I enjoy doing after failing my scholar exams— giving massages. As for my goal… I honestly don't have one for now. I know that sounds weird, but I just want to experience working by myself until I have an idea what I want to do next."

"Eh? Does that mean you won't stay in the City of Pleasure forever?" Mei Xing was the first to speak after hearing his words.

Su Yang shook his head, "I do not intend on staying here forever. I will probably be here only for a couple of months— maybe a year at most."

"Is that so…"

Mei Xing lowered her head in a dejected manner after learning that he will only be in the City of Pleasure for a few months.

"Do you have any plans for after you leave the City of Pleasure?" Mei Ying suddenly asked him.

"Not yet, but I hope to travel the Four Divine Heavens and improve my cultivation some more," he said.

"Oh, right. Mei Xing mentioned to me that you are a cultivator and that you'd lend her a cultivation technique, not to mention her salary. Thank you very much for your generosity…"

"But are you sure you want to give her so much money? 100 gold coins is a lot for a month's worth of work as a receptionist…"

Su Yang smiled and said, "My business is doing much better than I'd expected, so I can afford to give a little more than others, and listening to Mei Xing's story made me want to help your situation out even if it's a little. It must be difficult being a single mother while working in this place. If you need help, just let me know."

"Thank you, but just your thoughts are enough, and you've already helped us plenty by allowing Mei Xing to work for you. If she ever causes any trouble for you, please let me know and I will scold her properly."

"Mother! I won't cause any trouble for the Manager!" Mei Xing pouted after hearing that.

Su Yang chuckled, "I don't think I have to worry about that. Despite her age, she's very mature. In fact, sometimes I forget that she's only 12 years old."

"Yes, I understand very well how you feel." Mei Ying also laughed a little in a graceful manner.

Mei Xing's eyes flickered when she saw her mother laugh genuinely, something that very rarely happens.

After chatting with each other for almost an hour, Su Yang suddenly said, "Do you want a massage? I have noticed some stiffness within your movements. Maybe I can loosen up your body a little."

"A-Are you sure…? I don't want to trouble you any more than I already am…"

"It's no trouble at all, and as a masseur, I cannot ignore someone like you," Su Yang said with a charming smile on his face.

"I-If you insist… Please take care of me…"

A moment later, Mei Ying laid on the bed, her body still completely naked.


Su Yang narrowed his eyes when Mei Ying removed the blankets covering the bruises and scars on her body.

When Mei Ying noticed that Su Yang was staring at her injuries, she said with a bittersweet smile, "Please don't mind them. I have had a couple of rough customers throughout the years…"

Su Yang closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He then placed his hands on her smooth body and began massaging her back.

Mei Xing watched Su Yang massage her mother from the sideline, realizing that this was her first time witnessing Su Yang's massage with her own eyes.


Mei Ying released a soft moan when Su Yang began massaging her body, but she quickly covered her mouth with her hands, as she didn't want to make such noises when her daughter was literally in the same room.

However, it was incredibly hard to not moan when experiencing Su Yang's godlike hand techniques.

"It's okay, mother. Just let it out." Mei Xing suddenly said to her in a calm voice.

Mei Ying looked at her with wide eyes.

And she continued, "In fact, I can wait outside."

Mei Xing then started walking towards the door.

"It's okay, you can stay here." Su Yang said to her, and then he snapped his fingers, creating a formation around the bed.

"You can also let your voice out now. Mei Xing won't hear a thing as long as this formation is here." Su Yang then said to Mei Ying.

Hearing his words, Mei Ying immediately removed her hands from her mouth and started moaning in pleasure.


Mei Xing proceeded to watch as her mother display blissful expressions in silence.. Even though she couldn't hear anything, it was clear that her mother was enjoying the massage very much.

Chapter 962 - I Am Also A Doctor



Mei Ying moaned loudly as Su Yang massaged all over her body, starting from her neck until he reached her feet.

Once Su Yang was finished massaging her back, he had her flip over so that he could massage the front of her body.

Mei Ying gazed at him with a yearning look on her beautiful face as Su Yang massaged her body with respect by allowing her to feel extreme pleasure without touching any of her private parts, keeping things pure for Mei Xing who was watching from the sidelines.

Of course, Mei Ying's lustful expressions were anything but pure. However, as someone who was born in the City of Pleasure, Mei Xing was used to these kinds of things, so she remained unfazed, acting like it was only normal.

After working as an escort for many years, Mei Ying has long gotten used to the sensation of 'pleasure', and she had even forgotten what it was like to moan genuinely after spending many years faking her moans to act like she was enjoying whatever her customers were doing to her numbed body.

However, after experiencing Su Yang's hand techniques, she immediately began moaning genuinely, and it felt as natural as breathing.

Su Yang continued to massage Mei Ying's body until he loosened all of her stiffened muscles, allowing her body to finally move properly.

The massage lasted for over an hour, and at the end, the bed was soaked in Mei Ying's sweat and Yin Qi.

"Haaa… Haaa… Haaaa…" Mei Ying finally had a chance to breathe properly when she stopped moaning, yet her body continued to twitch uncontrollably.

Su Yang removed the formation a moment later and said to Mei Xing, "I am done."

Mei Xing nodded and approached the bed before asking Mei Ying in a calm yet curious voice, "Mother, how was the Manager's massage?"


Mei Ying looked at her daughter who had a cheeky look on her face and said, "I can see why his massage parlor became popular in such a short time. I thought you were exaggerating, but after experiencing it for myself, I understand everything."

"Hehe…" Mei Xing chuckled after hearing her mother praising Su Yang's skills, acting as though she was the one being praised.

"How do you feel?" Su Yang asked her a moment later.

"I have never felt better," she quickly responded.

And she continued, "My body feels so relaxed but also different at the same time that I am doubting whether it's actually my own body or not."

"That's good to hear. However, no matter how effective my massage is, you still need to properly rest your body, so you should spend the next few days resting your body."

"The next few days…? But what about my work? I cannot just stop working..." She said with a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry about it. I will reserve you for the next week so you won't see any customers."

However, the worried expression on her face remained, and she said, "As much as I appreciate it… I have a lot of customers waiting for me… If I don't tend to them…"

Su Yang noticed a hint of fear within Mei Ying's voice and deep within her eyes.

'I see…' He instantly understood why Mei Ying was nervous about not working when he saw her reaction.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Mei Xing, can you leave us alone for a few minutes?" Su Yang suddenly asked her.

"O-Okay." Mei Xing nodded, leaving the room the next moment.

"I-Is something wrong?" Mei Ying asked him afterward.

Su Yang created a formation around them again and said, "You know, I am not only a masseur… I am also a doctor."

"Eh?" Mei Ying's eyes widened with surprise.

"When I massaged your body just now, I also took a look inside your body, and you… You're sick, aren't you?"

Mei Ying realized where Su Yang was going with this, and her body trembled with fear.

"P-Please! Don't tell Mei Xing about my condition! I will do anything you ask me to!"

Su Yang narrowed his eyes on her and said, "If you continue working in that condition… You won't live long. In fact, you'll most likely die before Mei Xing could even grow up to be an adult."

Mei Ying's body trembled some more after hearing Su Yang's cold words.

She bit her lips and said, "I know, but I don't think that's a bad thing. If I die, Mei Xing will no longer need to worry about me, and she will finally be able to leave the City of Pleasure. As long as I am alive, she will not leave me behind, and I am nothing but a burden to her."

Hearing her words, Su Yang sighed out loud, "You know, I have met many women like you throughout my life— mothers who think they're doing their children a favor by dying. However, none of these women knew how much pain and suffering their children had to endure after their death because, well, they're dead."

"Why do you feel the need to die to give your children a better life? What sense does that make?" Su Yang asked her.

"B-But if I don't die, how will she ever leave my side? I have only been a toy for another's pleasure ever since the first day I became an adult! Someone like me won't survive for long outside this city, but Mei Xing is different! She has many choices in life! And with her intelligence, she will be able to overcome every obstacle before her! I am sure of it!"

Su Yang then said, "Honestly, I have no business in your situation, nor will I try to convince you to change your mind, but I will let you know that Mei Xing won't act like how you think she will once you die. She may be intelligent for someone her age, but you must remember… She is still a child."

After a moment of silence, Su Yang retrieved a pill from his storage pouch and placed it on the bed.

"That pill will cure your body, but whether you accept it or not will be entirely up to you."

Chapter 963 - I Will Take Care Of You And Your Daughter

Mei Ying stared at the beautiful pill sitting at the edge of the bed with a silent gaze.

"Also, I will still reserve you for the entire week, but if you want to continue working, that is your choice."

"If you're afraid of your customers getting angry and hurting you for it, you can quit working here and come to my massage parlor. It's called Heavenly Massage, and it's only a couple of streets from this place. I don't mind having an extra pair of hands around the place in case I need it."

"If you decide to come work for me, I will take care of you and your daughter for as long as I can. Although I won't remain in the City of Pleasure forever, I can help you leave the city and also make sure you have everything you need to live a peaceful life for the rest of your lives."

Mei Ying stared at Su Yang with her eyes as wide as saucers.

After listening to Su Yang's words, she couldn't help but ask him in a low voice, "Why…? Why are you doing so much to help us? You barely know us…"

Su Yang then said, "When I look at Mei Xing, I see an energetic and determined little girl who has ambitions bigger than she can fully understand. Even though I have only known her for two days, I want her to be successful in life, and from the way I see it, you are what's keeping her ambitions alive. If you die… so will Mei Xing alongside her ambitions."

Mei Ying was left speechless by Su Yang's words. This is the first time she has met someone who cared so much about her family.


"You don't need to say anything." Su Yang interrupted when Mei Ying tried to speak.

"Take your time to decide."

Su Yang then removed the formation in the room and opened the door.

"Are you finished speaking with my mother?" Mei Xing asked him after seeing him leave the room.

"Yes. You can stay here with your mother for the rest of the day. I will return to the massage parlor. See you tomorrow."

"Okay! Thank you, Manager! I will work even harder starting tomorrow!" Mei Xing nodded with a bright smile on her face.

Su Yang patted her head for a moment before walking down the staircase and exiting the building.

"E-Esteemed guest! Is everything okay?" The tall middle-aged man greeted him.

Su Yang nodded and said, "Here's another medium-grade spirit stone. I am going to rent her for the rest of the week. Do you have any problem with that?"

The middle-aged man trembled inwardly when he felt a domineering aura that didn't match his appearance around Su Yang, and he quickly shook his head, "No problem at all. Mei Ying is all yours for the entire week, esteemed guest."

"Good. And in case you get any funny ideas, I only work a few streets away from this place."

"Absolutely not! I wouldn't dare to do anything funny!" The man said.

Su Yang nodded and walked away in a calm manner.

'Just who is that young man? I have never seen him before even though I have lived in the Pink Light District for many decades now.' The man wondered to himself.

"Is everything okay, mother?" Mei Xing asked her after Su Yang left, as she could feel that something was amiss about her.

"You look kind of sad…"

Mei Ying smiled and said, "You're just imagining things. Come over here so I can hug you."

Mei Xing nodded and got on the bed.

She then noticed the pill on the bed and picked it up.

"What's this?" She asked.

"Oh… That's a medicine pill the Manager gave me. He said it'd help with relaxing my body even more. Can I have it?" Mei Ying said.

"Here you go." Mei Xing handed her the pill while completely unaware of the true circumstances.

"Thank you." Mei Ying took the pill before hugging Mei Xing.

"Mother, you'll catch a cold if you continue being naked, and the bed is still wet. Allow me to clean it for you." Mei Xing said to her a moment later.

"Okay. I will go take a shower as well."

While her mother went to clean her body, Mei Xing changed the dirty bedsheets and blankets for new ones.

Once Mei Ying returned, she wore a piece of mature pajamas that barely covered her body which wasn't any better than being completely naked. Though that didn't matter once they went under the warm blankets.

"What do you think of the Manager? He's just like I said, right?" Mei Xing asked her sometime later.

After a moment of silence, Mei Ying nodded, "Yes… You were right. He's a wonderful person. If he stayed any longer, I might've even fallen for him."

"Ooooh! Does this mean you will accept the Manager if he wants to be with you? I would love to have the Manager as my father!" Mei Xing quickly said.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Mei Xing. We live in two completely different worlds, and there's no way he'd want a dirty woman like me." Mei Ying sighed.

"Mother, don't say something like that! You're not dirty at all!" Mei Xing said with a pouting face.

"Alright… I am sorry… I won't say something like that again— I promise," she said.

Mei Ying eventually fell asleep while hugging Mei Xing, as she was incredibly exhausted after receiving Su Yang's massage.

Once Mei Ying was deep asleep, Mei Xing quietly got out of the bed without waking her mother up, and she took a seat by the window where there was some light source, and she proceeded to take out the cultivation technique Su Yang gave her, studying it for the entire night without sleeping.

Despite her young age, she was aware that those without talents must work twice as hard if not even more than those that were born with talents.. Thus, she could only sacrifice her sleep to try and cultivate, as she has work in the morning and half of the afternoon.

Chapter 964 - Rowdy Crowd


Mei Ying slowly opened her eyes, feeling a little drowsy from sleeping more than she normally got to sleep.

The first thing she noticed when she woke up was that Mei Xing had disappeared from her side.

Mei Ying thought that Mei Xing had already gone to work, but then she noticed the small figure sitting by the window.

Once her vision cleared, to her surprise, it was Mei Xing, and she appeared to be fully indulged with the scroll in her hands.

"Mei Xing…?" Mei Ying subconsciously called out to her.

However, Mei Xing didn't respond, almost as though she didn't hear her name being called at all.

Mei Ying then slowly got out of the bed and walked to stand behind her.

'Is that the cultivation technique she got from the Manager? How long has she been studying it?' Mei Ying wondered to herself.

This is the first time that she has seen Mei Xing being so absorbed in something before.

'She really wants to become a cultivator, huh?'

Mei Ying then recalled what Su Yang told her yesterday.

"Haaa…" She couldn't help but release a stressed sigh after remembering everything.

"Hm? Mother? Good morning."

Mei Xing finally noticed her mother's presence, and she stopped reading the cultivating technique.

"Mei Xing, how long have you been studying that cultivation technique?" Mei Ying decided to ask her.

"Ever since you went to sleep," she responded honestly.

"W-What? You stayed up all night?" Mei Ying stared at her daughter with wide eyes.

This is also Mei Xing's first time experiencing a sleepless night, as she would normally fall asleep before her mother due to her work.


"Are you going to be okay for the rest of the day like that? Won't you be tired?"

"I will be fine, mother." Mei Xing said with a confident look on her face.

"You say that now… But once the fatigue starts to kick in, you will regret staying up all night."

"I will keep that in mind." Mei Xing nodded.

Sometime later, Mei Xing left the building and made her way to the massage parlor for another day at work.

"Good morning, Manager!" Mei Xing greeted him, feeling a little different than usual when she saw him today.

Perhaps it was due to him visiting her mother yesterday, but Mei Xing felt very close to Su Yang for some reason, and she wondered if this is what it would feel like if she had a father.

"Morning." Su Yang greeted her back.

A few minutes later, they opened the massage parlor, and Mei Xing began greeting the customers.

"Welcome to Heavenly Massage!"

Everything went well for the first few hours, but Mei Xing was beginning to feel drowsy when fatigue from missing last night's sleep started affecting her body and mind.

Unlike a cultivator that can operate without any sleep as long as they cultivated, Mei Xing was a mortal, and a child at that, so missing sleep really messed with her.

However, Mei Xing somehow managed to make it to the end of the day without falling asleep through sheer determination and willpower.

"Are you okay? You look like you are about to fall asleep at any second now." Su Yang said to her with a smile on his face.

"Yes… I just stayed up all night yesterday studying the cultivation technique…" She said in a low voice, her body swaying slightly, clearly struggling to stay awake.

Su Yang chuckled and said, "Let me take you back home."

"I apologize for the inconvenience, Manager…" She said to him.

"Don't worry about it."

Su Yang then carried Mei Xing on his back.

The moment Mei Xing felt his back, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Sometime later, Su Yang carried Mei Xing back to the hotel, and to his surprise, there was a crowd of people standing outside the place, and all of them were men.

"What's the meaning of this?! You told me yesterday that she will be available today, but now you're telling me that she won't be available for another week? What kind of fucking bullshit is this?! I paid in advance, you know!"

"Right?! I didn't pay you to keep telling me that she's not available! Why are you keeping her from us?!"

The tall middle-aged man showed a bittersweet smile on his face, and he said, "How many times do I have to apologize? It's not that I am keeping her away from you guys… It's just that she's been reserved by an esteemed guest… I have already offered to refund your money, but with none of you willing to accept the refund, there's nothing I can do..."

"You know what you can do?! You can let us see Mei Ying!" Another person there shouted.

Obviously, these people gathered outside Mei Ying's brothel were her customers— people that were supposed to see her yesterday and today, but because of Su Yang's actions, they were forced to wait an entire week.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that since the esteemed guest—"

"Esteemed guest my ass! You keep talking about this 'esteemed guest' but you have yet to give us a name! Who's this esteemed guest?! We'll decide if he's really an esteemed guest or not!"

The middle-aged man felt cornered, but as though the heavens had answered his call for help, he noticed Su Yang approaching them.

"E-Esteemed guest!" The man immediately called out to Su Yang.

When the others heard this, they all turned to look at Su Yang.

"He's the esteemed guest that reserved Mei Ying for an entire week? If you're going to fart, at least make it less obvious! How can someone like him be an esteemed guest?! He looks just like the rest of us!" The people there immediately doubted that Su Yang was the esteemed guest because of his ordinary appearance that had nothing 'esteem' about it.

However, Su Yang ignored the rowdy crowd and approached the building.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" One of them called out to him.

Su Yang turned to look at him and spoke in a calm voice, "Where? I'm going to see the woman I paid good money for, obviously."

His words immediately left the crowd speechless.

Chapter 965 Mei Ying"s Decision

"You're the esteemed guest? Bullshit. I don't recognize you. How could you possibly be an esteemed guest?" Someone there doubted him.

Su Yang snickered and said, "Do you know everybody in the Four Divine Heavens? If so, that's very impressive. Not even the Heavenly Emperor would dare to claim that he knows everyone in the Four Divine Heavens."

"You little bastard think you're smart, huh?" The man frowned upon hearing his response.

"Hey, Manager Shen! How much did he pay you? I will pay twice the amount!" Another person there suddenly said.

The tall middle-aged man turned to look at the man that just spoke and said with a bittersweet smile on his face, "He paid me 2 medium-grade spirit stones."

"T-Two medium-grade spirit stones?!"

The crowd were shocked to hear this. How could anyone be this wasteful with their money? A single medium-grade spirit stone could easily buy the women working in the brothel, yet someone had actually spent that much just to rent one for a week?

Although Mei Ying is the best worker the brothel has, even she wasn't worth that much money!

"Why do you all look so surprised? It's only 2 medium-grade spirit stones. Well? Are you going to pay 4 medium-grade spirit stones now?" Su Yang asked the person that just spoke, but that person immediately lowered his head to stare at the floor in silence and embarrassment.

"What? You can't afford it? Then keep your mouth shut." Su Yang suddenly changed his attitude, turning cold, and he narrowed his eyes on them.

"If you still have something else to say, you can tell me at the Heavenly Massage a few streets down tomorrow; it's where I work."

After saying these words, Su Yang walked upstairs, but nobody there dared to stop him.

"W-Wait… Did he just say the Heavenly Massage? That immensely popular place that popped out of nowhere just recently? He works there?"

"If I recall correctly, there's only a single masseur managing that place, and he charges an exorbitant price of 5 medium-grade spirit stones for a single 30-minute session, yet customers line up in front of his store like a group of ants!"

"What? 5 medium-grade spirit stones for a 30-minute massage? No wonder why he can throw money away in such a manner! That man is loaded with money!"

"Fuck! How lucky! I can only see the high-end brothels in the Red Light District earning so much money!"

The crowd outside the brothel eventually left the place after they realized who they were up against.

In their minds, they only needed to wait a week before seeing Mei Ying again, and it wasn't worth offending someone like Su Yang for a woman in the City of Pleasure.

Meanwhile, Su Yang carried Mei Xing on his back as he slowly climbed the staircase.

Once he reached the third floor, he knocked on the door.

"Who's there? I already have a customer." Mei Ying's voice resounded from inside.

"It's me." Su Yang said.

"M-Manager?" Mei Ying was definitely surprised to hear Su Yang's voice so quickly again.

"Please, come inside," she then said.

Su Yang opened the door and entered the room with Mei Xing.

When Mei Ying saw Mei Xing unconscious on his back, she began panicking.

"D-Did something happen to Mei Xing?!" She cried out loud in a terrified voice.

"Calm down, she's just sleeping." Su Yang said.

"She didn't sleep last night, right? Although she managed to work the whole day without falling asleep, she was on the verge of falling asleep at the end of the day, so I offered to carry her back, and she fell asleep while I carried her here."

Su Yang explained the situation to her.

Once Mei Ying realized that Mei Xing wasn't harmed, she immediately released a sigh of relief.

"Good heavens… You scared me by carrying her back in that condition. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Manager." Mei Ying bowed to him.

"I don't mind it. She did a great job at work today, too." Su Yang smiled.

After putting Mei Ying on the bed beside her mother, Su Yang prepared to leave.

However, Mei Ying stopped him and said, "Please wait a moment, Manager."

"What is it?" Su Yang stopped walking and turned around.

"I have been thinking about what you said yesterday ever since I woke up…"

Mei Ying looked him in the eyes and continued, "Do you… Do you really think I have a chance of surviving outside the City of Pleasure?"

Su Yang then said, "What do you think the world outside the City of Pleasure is like? It's not like you cannot continue to work in your profession outside the City of Pleasure. In fact, although the City of Pleasure is one of the most popular places in the Four Divine Heavens when it comes to these kinds of stuff, it's not the only place in the world that has such an environment."

"The City of Pleasure is definitely the most popular and populated, but there are places out there that are far superior when it comes to the quality of workers and the overall cleanliness of the place."

"And with your appearance, I'm sure you can earn money no matter where you go."

Mei Ying sighed and said, "Although I may be good at acting, and my body is only good for pleasing others, I actually want to quit this job. I have hated this job ever since I first started, but because I had no money and nowhere to go after my parents dumped me in this place when they could no longer support me, I had no choice but to survive with this job."

Su Yang raised his eyebrows after hearing that she'd been abandoned by her parents. Is this why she didn't give up on Mei Xing despite knowing very well that she won't be able to support both of them at once?

"Then what do you want to do?" Su Yang asked her a moment later.

"I… I had dreams of becoming a performer before… I mean I am technically a performer right now, but this is not what I had in mind. I wanted to be on a large stage, but I am limited to this small bed for almost the entire day every day. I wanted to act and perform in front of a large audience, not for a single individual."

"However, these dreams are only the dreams I had as a child. Now that I am an adult, I no longer have such passion. Furthermore, as a mother, I desire nothing but the best for Mei Xing. I don't care what I have to do— even if I have to continue working as an escort, I want Mei Xing to live a good life."

Mei Ying suddenly got out of bed and approached Su Yang with unstable movements.

Once she was standing before him, she lowered her body until she was kneeling on the floor.

She then bent her body and kissed the floor with her forehead.

"Manager, I want to leave the City of Pleasure with Mei Xing, but I do not have the capability to do so in my current state. Therefore, I can only shamelessly ask you for help."

"I thought that it would be for the best for the both of us if I'd died, but after hearing your words yesterday and witnessing Mei Xing's dedication for a better future, I realize that I had made a grave mistake. I don't want to die prematurely… I don't want to continue living every day wondering if my next customer will kill me… I want to live… with Mei Xing…"

A gentle smile appeared on Su Yang's face, and he spoke in a calm voice, "I have asked you this yesterday, but I will ask you again… Do you want to work for me? Although I won't be in the City of Pleasure forever, I can guarantee you that you will earn more than enough to live comfortably for the rest of your life with Mei Xing by the time I leave."

"It would be my pleasure." Mei Ying immediately responded.

After thinking about everything for the entire day, Mei Ying has already decided to try her best to leave the City of Pleasure with Mei Xing— alive.

Su Yang nodded, "Great. Then you can start working tomorrow morning with Mei Xing. However, I don't really have any job for you at the moment, and you still need to rest, so your job for the next few days is to rest."

"As for your current workplace, since you will no longer be working here, you will need new living quarters. Until you find a more permanent place, you can stay in a hotel in the meantime. You also don't have to worry about paying for it since I will take care of everything."

"I really cannot thank you enough, Manager…" Mei Ying sighed, feeling a little guilty for receiving so much help from Su Yang without doing any in return for him.

"You don't have to thank me. I am doing this on my own accord— because I want to."

"Go rest. I will return early tomorrow morning to pick you two up." Su Yang said to her before leaving the building shortly after.

Once Su Yang left the place, Mei Ying went to retrieve the pill Su Yang gave her yesterday and swallowed it without hesitation.

After drinking some water, Mei Ying returned under the blankets and hugged Mei Xing's small figure until she fell asleep a few minutes later with a blissful smile on her face.

Chapter 966 Scarlet Phoenixes

"Hey." Su Yang approached the tall middle-aged man standing outside the building.

"Is there something wrong, esteemed guest? If this is about earlier, I apologize—"

"I don't care about that," Su Yang interrupted him and said, "Mei Ying… I am buying her from you."

"E-Excuse me?" The man looked at him with wide eyes, clearly doubting his ears.

Su Yang then retrieved a high-grade spirit stone and showed it to the man.

"This should be enough to buy Mei Ying from your store, right?"

The man's jaw dropped at the sight of the high-grade spirit stone.

However, as much as he wanted to agree, he was unable to.

"I'm sorry, esteemed guest, but I do not have the authority to make that decision." The man shook his head.

"You're not the owner of this place?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Unfortunately, I am only the manager of this brothel. The women are owned by another brothel, as this place is only a branch. If you want to buy Mei Ying, you'll have to visit the Scarlet Phoenixes at the Red Light District."

"I understand." Su Yang then left the place and started making his way to the Red Light District that is known as the most popular district within the City of Pleasure due to its high-quality entertainers.

Once he arrived at the Red Light District, Su Yang could instantly see a difference in the atmosphere and environment. Compared to the Pink Light District that looks like an ordinary restaurant on a dirty street, the Red Light District looked more like a luxurious restaurant with dazzling furniture and decorations.

Furthermore, there were beautiful women standing in front of nearly every building he walked past.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where the Scarlet Phoenixes is located?" Su Yang asked a couple of pedestrians for directions.

"Oh, it's right down this path if you walk 15 streets down."

"Thank you."

Once he had the directions, Su Yang walked straight to the place.

Fifteen minutes later, Su Yang stood before a majestic red building that had a red phoenix statue with its wings spread placed at the peak of the building.

"Hello, handsome. Are you looking to have some fun?" A beautiful woman wearing a revealing red robe approached Su Yang with a sexy smile on her face.

Su Yang looked at the woman with a calm gaze and said, "I want to see your boss."

The woman's eyes widened, and she said, "Do you have a reservation with her? The boss doesn't do walk-ins."

'The boss is a woman, huh?' Su Yang thought to himself.

"This is business-related," he then said.

"Oh? Can you clarify?"

"I'd like to buy a woman from one of your branch locations," he explained.

"I see… Please follow me inside. I will speak with the boss."

Su Yang then followed the woman into a guest room.

"Can you tell me about yourself so that I can tell the boss?"

"Xiao Yang, owner of the Heavenly Massage in the Pink Light District."

'Heavenly Massage? I don't recall this place in the Pink Light District. He must be new.' The woman thought to herself.

Although the Heavenly Massage is incredibly famous within the Pink Light District, it was still unknown to the majority of the City of Pleasure, especially the Red Light District, which is at the center of the city whilst the Pink Light District was on the outside.

"Please give me a few minutes to speak with the boss."

After leaving Su Yang, the woman went to the top of the building and knocked on a door.

"Who is it?" A clear voice resounded.

"It's me, Third Phoenix. There's a guest who wishes to buy one of our girls from a branch location. His name is Xiao Yang, and he's the owner of the Heavenly Massage."

The woman said, addressing herself as 'Third Phoenix' since everyone working in the brothel was considered a 'phoenix'.

"Heavenly Massage? I have never heard of this place before. What about you?"

The door opened, and an extremely beautiful woman with long red hair and sharp phoenix eyes appeared before the woman.

"I haven't heard of them either, so it must be pretty new."

The red-haired woman then said, "What do you think? Do you think he's worth my time?"

The woman pondered for a moment before speaking, "He looks pretty ordinary and young on the surface, but there's this unfathomable demeanor around him that I cannot describe. The way he looked at me also gave me chills for some reason."

"This is the first time I have seen you speak about someone in such a manner. Now I really want to meet him…" The red-haired woman licked her lips.

The woman then led her to the guest room.

Hearing the door open after a couple of knocks, Su Yang turned to look at the entrance, where the woman returned with a red-haired beauty.

"My name is Feng Tianwei, owner of the Scarlet Phoenix as well as multiple branches across the City of Pleasure. I heard you want to buy one of my small phoenixes?"

Su Yang nodded with a charming smile on his face, and he bowed to her in a respectful manner, "My name is Xiao Yang. I am the owner of Heavenly Massage, a newly opened massage parlor in the Pink Light District. I was fortunate enough to encounter a woman named Mei Ying working in the Pink Light District, and I have been captivated by her, so I have come here to buy her from you."

"The phoenixes working in the Pink Light District are all mortals, but that doesn't mean they'll be cheap. How much are you willing to pay?"

"I will leave that decision up to you, Madam Feng." Su Yang said, still with a friendly look on his face.

"What if I refuse?" Feng Tianwei then said.

"Then I will try to convince you to change your mind."

"Oh? And how are you going to do that?"

Su Yang suddenly narrowed his gaze on her, and he said, "I can see that your shoulders are a little stiff. How about a free shoulder massage?"

Feng Tianwei and the woman beside her were taken by surprise by his response.

"Hahaha! You're going to convince me with a massage? You're a funny one, Xiao Yang!" Feng Tianwei started laughing out loud.

"Well, it's what I'm best at." Su Yang said.

Once Feng Tianwei stopped laughing a moment later, she walked to the chair and took a seat.

"You're right. My shoulders have been a little stiff lately. Let me see how good your massage is. If it sucks, I will tear down your massage parlor, okay?"

Feng Tianwei's words made it sound like she was joking, yet her tone was dead serious, and she even looked at Su Yang with a serious gaze.

It was clear to Su Yang that Feng Tianwei didn't like people trying to buy her girls.


Su Yang responded in a calm voice as he approached her.

'Oh? So he's willing to risk his business for this woman? I wonder who he wants so badly…' Feng Tianwei wondered to herself.

Although Mei Ying technically belonged to her since she worked for one of her branches, Feng Tianwei didn't actually personally hire Mei Ying, nor does she really communicate with the other locations that often.

In fact, even Mei Ying herself doesn't know about Feng Tianwei's existence, nor the fact that she was owned by Feng Tianwei despite working at that brothel for many years. However, this was pretty common within the City of Pleasure where branch locations are everywhere.

In the midst of Feng Tianwei's thoughts, Su Yang started his massage on her shoulders.


Feng Tianwei suddenly released a soft moan when she felt a sudden wave of pleasure in her body, interrupting her thoughts.

Third Phoenix's eyes widened with shock after hearing Feng Tianwei's moan.

'D-Did she just moan? From a shoulder massage?' Third Phoenix wondered to herself.

Feng Tianwei was also shocked that she'd actually moaned just now.

"T-That surprised me just now… Not bad…" she said a moment later in a somewhat stiff voice.

"I'm glad that you like it." Su Yang said as he slowly increased the intensity of his massage.

Feng Tianwei tightened her jaw trying not to moan again, but the shoulder massage felt too good.

'How is a shoulder massage affecting my whole body?! I have never experienced anything like this before!' Feng Tianwei cried inwardly.

"T-Third Phoenix… Can you go ask around about this Heavenly Massage?" Feng Tianwei suddenly spoke to her using spiritual sense.

"I-I understand…"

Third Phoenix knew that this was only an excuse to make her leave the room, but she didn't dare refuse and left the place shortly after.

Once they were alone, Feng Tianwei stopped forcing her mouth shut and loosened her jaws.

She started breathing heavily at first, but she eventually gave up and started moaning, and her body would tremble every time Su Yang pressed his fingers into her shoulder.

Meanwhile, Third Phoenix asked around to see if anyone had heard of a Heavenly Massage in the Pink Light District. Although her attempts were unsuccessful at first, she eventually found someone who had heard about it.

"The Heavenly Massage? It's a newly opened massage parlor in the Pink Light District, but it's been getting all of the attention lately, and from what I heard from my friend who went there, it was an unforgettable experience that left her body dehydrated due to how much she climaxed during the massage."

Third Phoenix was speechless after hearing this testimony, and her interest in this Heavenly Massage grew.

Chapter 967 Help Me Climax!



Feng Tianwei moaned without restraint a few minutes into the shoulder massage, feeling tingly all over her body.

After a few more minutes, she suddenly turned around and grabbed Su Yang by his wrist.

"Is there something wrong?" Su Yang remained calm and asked her.

"I have changed my mind. If you want to buy my phoenixes, you will have to make me climax," she said while staring at him with a narrowed gaze, her eyes filled with lust.

Su Yang raised his eyebrows upon hearing this, and he spoke, "How do I know that you'll keep your words this time and won't try to change it again?"

"You don't," she quickly responded.

"Fair enough." Su Yang said with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Let's go somewhere more comfortable." Feng Yuxiang stood up and walked to the door, but her movements were a little sluggish.

Feng Tianwei acted like she didn't notice it and escorted Su Yang to her bedroom.

Once they were inside the luxurious bedroom, Feng Tianwei sat on her red bed and said, "So how will you make me climax? I'll let you know that nobody has been able to make me climax for the past 200 years."

"I will be giving you a massage, of course. It's what I do," he said in a calm voice.

Feng Tianwei sneered, "If you think you can make me climax with just your hands, you're vastly overestimating yourself. Although your shoulder massage felt great, it wasn't enough to satisfy me."

"We won't know until we try."

Feng Tianwei no longer said anything else and removed her clothes, showing Su Yang her beautiful body that had phoenix art engraved onto her entire back.

A few moments later, Su Yang approached the bed and started massaging her back, slowly working around her body, but he purposefully avoided Feng Tianwei's sensitive areas.

Of course, Feng Tianwei would moan quite often throughout the massage, but her body was actually nowhere near reaching the climax point.

"Is this all you got? If so, you won't be able to buy your beloved at this rate." Feng Tianwei said to him a few minutes into the massage when Su Yang was just casually caressing her back.

"I am just getting started."

After saying those words, Su Yang suddenly pressed his fingers into her body, pressing all ten of her vital spots at once.


Feng Tianwei released a sharp moan, and her lower body began drooling with Yin Qi.

With a single movement, Su Yang had managed to stimulate Feng Tianwei's body from zero to a hundred.

If Feng Tianwei hadn't resisted her urges at the last second, she would've climaxed on the spot.

'W-What was that just now?! What kind of technique did he just use?!' Feng Tianwei cried inwardly as Su Yang kept his fingers pressing on her vital spots, keeping her body on the verge of climaxing.

Su Yang kept his fingers pressed on Feng Tianwei's body for ten whole seconds. Luckily for Feng Tianwei, Su Yang removed his fingers after ten seconds, or she would've climaxed if he was even a second late.

Of course, Su Yang was aware of this, but he didn't want to defeat Feng Tianwei so easily, barely letting her endure it.

"I am finished with your back. Can you turn around now so that I can work the front?" Su Yang asked her.

However, Feng Tianwei remained faced-down for another minute before she eventually turned around with a weird look on her face.

Su Yang acted like he didn't notice it and started massaging her front body, and once again, he purposefully avoided her sensitive areas so that she could rest.

This time, Feng Tianwei didn't utter a single word and allowed Su Yang to do his thing.

Many minutes later, Su Yang slowly caressed her body until his hands were slightly below her belly.

Then, without any warnings, Su Yang suddenly pressed his fingers into her skin again, immediately sending waves of pleasure throughout Feng Tianwei's body.

Feng Tianwei's body trembled in response, and her lower lips leaked a lot more Yin Qi than previously.

Su Yang acted like he didn't notice it and continued to tease Feng Tianwei's body, keeping her body on the verge of climaxing.

Of course, if Feng Tianwei wasn't so stubborn, she would've already climaxed when Su Yang used his technique for the first time. But since she threw away that chance just to defeat him, she unknowingly screwed herself over.

Now Su Yang was in complete control, meaning if he didn't want Feng Tianwei to climax, she would not climax no matter how much wants to.

Thus, Su Yang proceeded to spend the next fifteen minutes just teasing Feng Tianwei's body until she was able to climax, but he would suddenly stop before she could actually climax and return to casually massaging her body.

Feng Tianwei eventually realized that Su Yang was playing with her, so she exploded with anger, "Are you messing with me?!"

"What do you mean?" Su Yang asked her, feigning ignorance.

"You could've made me climax multiple times now, but you would suddenly stop whenever I am on the verge of climaxing! You're definitely doing this on purpose! You dare mess with me, Feng Tianwei?! I definitely won't sell my girl to you now!"

Hearing her words, Su Yang stopped his movements entirely, and he said, "I understand."

He then got off the bed and started making his way towards the exit, leaving Feng Tianwei speechless.

"W-Where do you think you are going?!" She called out to him.

"Hmm? I am leaving. If you're not going to sell her to me, I have no reason to be here." Su Yang said in a calm voice.

Feng Tianwei gritted her teeth in anger, yet she didn't dare to say anything rude.

After 200 years, she has finally managed to find someone who could make her climax, and her body was screaming for satisfaction due to Su Yang's constant teasing, so she couldn't afford to make Su Yang leave now, or she will remain sexually frustrated for heaven-knows-how-long.

"Come back! If you help me climax, I will sell her to you— No! I will give her to you for free! I swear to the heavens!" Feng Tianwei swore a moment later.

"Good enough." Su Yang nodded after hearing her words, and he returned to the bed.

Once he was beside her body again, Su Yang went straight for the slit between her legs and began massaging it.


Feng Tianwei's body quickly experienced a massive tremor, and she could feel her body skyrocketing to the climax once again.

Su Yang didn't stop this time and continued to massage her slit and its pink pearl, even sticking a few of his fingers inside the cave to stimulate her body further.

A few seconds later—


Feng Tianwei's body jumped uncontrollably as her lower cave gushed with Yin Qi that sprayed all over the bed and floor, even reaching the wall many meters away.

Su Yang didn't say anything and allowed Feng Tianwei to rest on the bed until she could finally think properly again.

Many minutes later, Feng Tianwei asked him, "What would it take for me to experience climax using the thing between your legs? Don't worry, I will keep my promise and give you that woman you're so interested in even if you don't agree."

Su Yang remained silent for a second before speaking, "If you visit me at the Heavenly Massage as a client and ask me then, I will think about it."


Feng Tianwei didn't say anything after that.

Once she was able to move her body again, she retrieved a scroll and said to him, "Her name was Mei Ying, right? Show this scroll to the manager working at that place, then you can take that woman with you."

Su Yang accepted the scroll.

"Thanks," he said to her before walking towards the exit.

"Xiao Yang… Who are you, really?" she asked him right as he reached the door.

Su Yang turned around and said with a calm smile on his face, "I am only a failed scholar who decided to open up a massage parlor in this place."

Once Su Yang left the place, Feng Tianwei mumbled in a low voice as her gaze remained on the exit, "Mei Ying… What a lucky woman to receive his attention…"

Sometime later, Feng Tianwei called Third Phoenix to her room.

"Did you learn anything about the Heavenly Massage and that masseur?"

Third Phoenix nodded and began telling Feng Tianwei everything she discovered about Xiao Yang and his massage parlor, but most of it was information given to her by his customers.

"Is that so…" Feng Tianwei mumbled as she laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling with a dazed look on her face.

"Is everything okay?" Third Phoenix asked her.

"I have a feeling that the City of Pleasure will have a new powerhouse in the near future," she responded in a low voice.

"Excuse me?" Third Phoenix raised her eyebrows.

"Cancel all of my appointments for the rest of the day and tomorrow, then reschedule it for another day." Feng Tianwei then said, and she continued, "I am going to sleep, so don't disturb me unless it's an absolute emergency."

"I-I understand. Rest well." Third Phoenix bowed to her before leaving her alone.

Once she was alone, Feng Tianwei closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep on her large bed that was still soaked in her Yin Qi.

When she woke up the following day, Feng Tianwei changed her clothes and left the Scarlet Phoenixes, making her way to the Pink Light District.

Chapter 968 Leaving the Brothel

After leaving the Scarlet Phoenixes, Su Yang returned to the Pink Light District and showed the tall middle-aged man the scroll he'd obtained from Feng Tianwei.

"Heavens… You actually managed to buy Mei Ying?" The man was greatly surprised since he was aware of how difficult it was to buy their women, as many customers have tried to in the past but to no avail.

Once the man confirmed that the stamp on the scroll belonged to Feng Tianwei, the man nodded, "I understand. Mei Ying is no longer part of the brothel. I will give you her ownership papers in a few minutes, please wait here while I look for it."

'Ownership papers?' Su Yang raised his eyebrows, feeling like he was buying a slave from them.

A few minutes later, the man handed Su Yang Mei Ying's ownership paper and said, "As long as you have this, Mei Ying is yours."

Su Yang accepted the paper and looked at it for a second before using his alchemy flames to burn it until there was nothing left.

His actions left the middle-aged man speechless, but Mei Ying was no longer his problem, so he didn't really care about it.

"I will return tomorrow for her."

Su Yang then left the place and returned to the massage parlor to cultivate until morning.

"Good morning, mother." Mei Xing woke up later than her mother, which was very rare.

And to her surprise, Mei Ying was packing for some reason.

"Morning, Mei Xing."

"What are you doing?" Mei Xing asked her.

"A little something," she responded with a mysterious smile on her face.

Mei Xing tilted her head in a puzzled manner, but she didn't continue to ask since she knew that Mei Ying was keeping it a secret for some reason.

Once Mei Xing finished washing her face, she prepared to leave.

"I am going to work now, mother," she said as she approached the door.

However, right as she reached the door, someone knocked on it.

"It's me, Xiao Yang."

"Manager? What are you doing here so early in the morning?" Mei Xing asked him after opening the door.

"I'm here to escort you to your new living quarters," he said.

"Eh? New living quarters? We're moving?" Mei Xing turned to look at her mother with a questioning expression on her small and cute face.

"Yes, we're going to move out and live somewhere else starting today."

"W-Why?" Mei Xing asked.

"You'll find out later," she chuckled.

"Have you finished packing?" Su Yang asked her a moment later.

"Yes, there wasn't much to pack anyway."

Su Yang then used his storage ring to carry the luggage and said, "Let's go. I have already picked a place for you."

"Thank you." Mei Xing nodded.

As Mei Ying approached the door, Su Yang noticed that she was having difficulty walking, most likely because her body was still recovering.

He then lowered his body and showed his back to her and said, "I will carry you."

"I-I don't dare to inconvenience you any further…" Mei Ying kindly refused.

"It's okay. I am a cultivator, so I most likely won't even feel your weight," he insisted.

Mei Ying eventually gave in and nodded her head.

She then laid her light body on Su Yang's back.

Su Yang stood up a moment later, carrying her on his back.

Mei Ying quickly began blushing. Although she looked like she was in her early twenties, she was actually in her late thirties, and it was embarrassing for someone at her age to be carried around in such a manner.

Mei Xing stared at her mother and Su Yang with a profound look on her face, but she remained silent.

Sometime later, Su Yang walked downstairs and left the building with Mei Xing following behind them.

They then walked to the hotel that was only a street away from the Heavenly Massage.

Of course, they attracted a lot of attention, especially since almost everyone in the Pink Light District knew of Su Yang's reputation.

"Who's the woman being carried by Xiao Yang?"

"No clue."

"Hey, I recognize her. She's a pretty popular escort for mortals from a cheap brothel not far from here. What's she doing with someone like Xiao Yang?"

"They look pretty intimate with each other. Do you think they're 'that'?"

"Impossible. There's no way Xiao Yang would have any special relationship with a mortal whore when he has hundreds of beautiful women lining up at his business every day. He's probably just helping her."

Once they arrived at the hotel, Mei Xing looked up at the tall and luxurious building in front of them with a dazed face.

"W-We're going to live here? Mother, I don't think we will have the money to live at such a luxurious place even with my income…" Mei Xing said a moment later.

Mei Ying looked at Su Yang from behind and said in a surprised voice, "M-Manager, are you sure? This place looks incredibly expensive. We will be satisfied even if it's just an ordinary hotel."

"This is the only place near the Heavenly Massage that still has available rooms," he said in a calm voice.

"W-We can walk even if it's a little far," she then said.

Su Yang smiled and said, "It's okay."

He then walked inside the building and teleported to the top floor using a minor teleport within the hotel.

"Here's your room. I have already rented out this room for an entire year so you don't have to worry about that."

"An entire year? Manager, how much did it cost?" Mei Xing couldn't help but ask.

"If I tell you, you'll have to pay me back the full amount, okay?" Su Yang said to her with a joking smile on his face.

However, Mei Xing took his joke seriously and immediately began sweating.

"I-I will try my best to pay it back even if I have to sell my body!" she responded in a shaky voice.

Su Yang chuckled and said, "I am only joking. You don't have to pay me back."

"Mei Xing, I have told you multiple times that you shouldn't even think about selling your body! Unlike me, your body is still pure and very precious, so you must keep it pure for your significant other in the future!" Mei Ying scolded her afterward.

"Manager, you can put me down now," she then said to him.

Once Su Yang put her down, she bowed to him, "Thank you for carrying me all the way here."

Su Yang nodded, and then he handed her the keys to the room.

"Go rest. If you need anything, you can just speak with one of the workers standing by in the hallway. They will be there all day. I have to open up the store soon, so I will speak with you later."

Su Yang left the hotel shortly later.

"See you later, mother!"

Mei Xing said to her before following Su Yang.

Once she was alone, Mei Ying laid on the bed and proceeded to stare at the beautiful ceiling with a dazed look on her face.

She would remain in that state for many minutes while wondering if she was dreaming before falling asleep.

After returning to the massage parlor, Su Yang immediately opened up the store.

'Mother still hasn't said anything about why we suddenly had to move. The Manager even paid for the hotel…' Mei Xing wondered this for the remainder of the day while she greeted the customers.

About two hours after the Heavenly Massage opened, the business owners in the Pink Light District were surprised to see a certain individual from the Red Light District show up in their district.

"H-Hey, isn't that Madam Feng Tianwei from the Red Light District? What's someone like her doing out here in the Pink Light District?"

"I have no idea, but it's not often you see people from the Red Light District here. I think it's been over 10 years since someone from the Red Light District visited this place, and that person wasn't even nearly as influential as Madam Feng!"

"L-Look! She's actually lining up with the others at the Heavenly Massage! Don't tell me that she came all the way here just to get a massage?!"

The business owners were shocked to see the famous Feng Tianwei standing in line outside a massage parlor like an ordinary customer.

Although Su Yang's massage parlor is incredibly famous within the Pink Light District, it has not seen a famous or influential customer until Feng Tianwei showed up.

"Once news spreads that even Madam Feng from the Red Light District showed up for his massage, his massage parlor will blow up even more!"

The business owners there were in awe but also envied Su Yang's business that had exceeded all of their expectations, and it was all done in such a short time.

"Welcome to Heavenly Massage!" Mei Xing greeted Feng Tianwei when it was finally her turn.

Feng Tianwei raised her eyebrow at this little girl working as the receptionist. This massage parlor was more eccentric than she'd anticipated, and the environment didn't match the quality of this place.

In her eyes, the Heavenly Massage was a cheap place with a real dragon upholding it, something one wouldn't normally expect.

"I want a massage," she said to Mei Xing.

"The waitlist is currently three weeks long if you don't mind."

"T-Three weeks?!" Feng Tianwei was shocked to hear this.

Although she knew this place was popular from the rumors and because of the number of customers waiting outside, she didn't expect it to have a waitlist for 3 whole weeks.

However, this was a problem. Would she be able to endure waiting three more weeks before she could experience Su Yang's massage again?

Chapter 969 Is That Your Real Size?

"Can I pay extra to skip the line?" Feng Tianwei decided to ask, as she wasn't willing to wait 3 weeks for a massage.

"Yes, there is a priority system. If you pay 15 medium-grade spirit stones, you get to skip the line for that day, but you will still have to wait until the end of the day when the store closes. However, all of the slots today are already full even for priority." Mei Xing said.

"Can I just pay for tomorrow's priority?" Feng Tianwei asked the obvious.

Mei Xing shook her head and said, "Unfortunately, to keep things fair for everyone, we do not have a waitlist for priority. It's a first come first serve basis."

"So I just have to be here early to get a slot, right?"


"I understand." Feng Tianwei nodded and left the store.

The day continued as normal until the massage parlor closed doors for normal customers.

Once Su Yang finished satisfying his priority customers, he said to Mei Xing, "You can go home now."

"I understand. I will see you tomorrow, Manager."

Su Yang smiled and said, "I think we'll see each other again sooner than that."

"Eh? Are you visiting us again?" she asked him.

"Yes, I have to massage your mother for at least a couple more days before her body is fully recovered."

"I see… Thank you for your hard work, Manager."

Mei Xing then returned to the hotel first.

However, as she left the massage parlor, she noticed someone standing outside the store.

"Excuse me, but we are already closed for today." Mei Xing recognized this pretty woman who wanted priority but was a little too slow.

"I know." Feng Tianwei said, and she continued, "This is for tomorrow."


Mei Xing silently admired this woman who was so dedicated for a priority slot.

She then left Feng Tianwei alone and returned to the hotel.

A few minutes later, Su Yang came outside the store and looked at Feng Tianwei.

"Hm? What are you doing here?" Su Yang acted surprised by her appearance there.

"I'm lining up for tomorrow," she said with a nonchalant look on her face.

"You know I can't let a beautiful woman such as yourself stand there the entire night, right? I won't be able to sleep peacefully knowing this. Come inside. I will give you special treatment just for today. You can consider it as my gratitude for giving me Mei Ying."

Feng Tianwei wasn't humble and immediately accepted his offer.

Su Yang returned to the massage parlor with Feng Tianwei a moment later.

"Please lay down there for me." Su Yang pointed at the mattress in the center of the room.

Feng Tianwei stared at the mattress and spoke in a low voice, "Why are you working in such a shabby-looking place? With your skills and popularity, I'm sure that you will be able to find a much better place than this dump— excuse my language, but I just can't comprehend your thoughts."

"If you need help finding a better place, I can help you." She then offered to help.

Su Yang smiled and said, "I appreciate your thoughts, but I am satisfied with this place. I can only accept so many customers a day, so even if I got a bigger building, it wouldn't change the number of customers I accept every day. Furthermore, with the waitlist being a thing, this place is usually quite empty."

"Whatever. It's your store, anyway."

Feng Tianwei then removed her clothes and laid on the mattress.

She immediately realized how comfortable this mattress was and said, "Hey, where did you buy this mattress? I want them for my brothel."

Su Yang chuckled and said, "They are custom made… by myself."

Feng Tianwei looked at him with wide eyes filled with disbelief.

"If you want a few mattresses, I can give you a couple, but it will take some time since I have to make them."

"How much do you want for each mattress?"

"It's for free… technically."

"I don't understand."

Su Yang then explained, "You don't have to pay a single copper for the mattresses, but in return, you'll do me a favor."

"What kind of favor?"

"It's quite simple, really. I just want you to spread your experience here to a few of your friends."

"So basically, you want me to advertise your massage parlor for you?"

"Pretty much." Su Yang nodded.

"I don't mind, but I won't lie to them. If my experiences are not satisfactory, I will tell them as it is."

"That's perfectly fine. I would never ask you to lie about your experiences at my massage parlor, either way."

"Then let's begin."

Su Yang started pressing his fingers on her back shortly after.

However, not even a minute into the massage, Feng Tianwei said in an unhappy voice, "Hey, I was prepared to stand outside for an entire night. I will be very angry if all I got out of that is an ordinary massage."

Su Yang knew what she was implying, and he said, "Don't worry, I know what you're here for. There's plenty of time, so there's no need to rush things."

Feng Tianwei no longer said anything and allowed Su Yang to massage her back.


Despite her words just now, Feng Tianwei was actually very satisfied with the massage that stimulated the lust hidden within her body.

And in just five short minutes, Su Yang managed to make Feng Tianwei climax with just an ordinary back massage.

Seeing Feng Tianwei twitching on the mattress while her lower cave flowed with glistening Yin Qi, Su Yang stood up and started removing his clothes.

Feng Tianwei turned around to peek at his body, and her eyes immediately widened with shock when she saw the massage dragon between his legs.

"T-T-That is your real size? You didn't enhance it with pills or something?" Feng Tianwei asked him in a trembling voice.

"Pills? Are you looking down on me? I will have you know that this is 100 percent authentic and real." Su Yang said while standing there with a prideful aura around him, leaving Feng Tianwei speechless.

Chapter 970 That Was Just the Tip

"Are you ready?" Su Yang asked Feng Tianwei as he and his majestic dragon stood before her.

Feng Tianwei swallowed nervously before nodding her head slowly.

Su Yang then got onto the mattress and positioned himself right between her slender legs.

Once he was comfortable, Su Yang began rubbing his hot rod between her slit that was drooling with Yin Qi.

A moment later, once his rod was soaking wet with her Yin Qi, Su Yang inserted the tip of his dragon head into Feng Tianwei's cave.


Feng Tianwei's body suddenly began trembling, and her lower body gushed with Yin Qi.

"Hmm? You came already? That was just the tip." Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

He then started slowly drilling deeper inside her cave with his divine rod.

The deeper Su Yang's rod reached, the more Feng Tianwei's body released Yin Qi.

Su Yang's tip eventually reached the deepest part of her caves, but even then, there was some space left on his rod.

Feng Tianwei's cave was smaller than he'd anticipated, but the tightness of it was just as he'd expected.

"I will start moving now." Su Yang said as he began pulling his rod out of her cave.


However, Feng Tianwei's suction was so powerful that it immediately pulled his rod back inside her cave.

Su Yang smiled and started thrusting his hips with more force.



Intense moaning filled the room, and Feng Tianwei felt as though she was in heaven.

Thirty minutes passed by in a flash as Feng Tianwei was completely absorbed in their cultivation session, and Su Yang didn't stop moving his hips even for a second the entire team.

The number of times Feng Tianwei climaxed during their thirty-minute session was too much to count, but it was definitely enough to compensate for 200 years of being unable to climax.

Su Yang unplugged his rod from Feng Tianwei's hole, and his Yang Qi flowed from within alongside her Yin Qi.

"You can rest here for tonight." Su Yang retrieved a blanket and covered her trembling body.

Feng Tianwei didn't say anything and closed her eyes, quickly falling asleep.

Su Yang then left the store and locked the doors before making his way to the hotel.

"It's me." Su Yang knocked on the doors.

"Welcome, Manager!" Mei Xing greeted him a moment later.

"I am here to give you another massage." Su Yang said to Mei Ying, who was sitting up on the bed.

"I will be troubling you again." Mei Ying nodded.

"I will continue studying the cultivation technique!" Mei Xing said as she sat on the floor and returned to studying the cultivation technique Su Yang gave her.

"Make sure you don't stay up too long, or what happened last time will repeat itself." Mei Ying said to her.

"I know, mother. I won't stay up all night."

Once Mei Xing started focusing on her cultivation technique, Mei Ying removed her clothes and laid on the bed.

Su Yang then created a formation around the bed so that they don't disturb Mei Xing's concentration.

"Eh? My scars… They're gone?" Mei Ying suddenly realized that all of the bruises and scars on her body had disappeared.

"The pill I gave you not only heals your body but also your wounds," Su Yang said to her.

"Such a powerful pill, it must have been expensive…" Mei Ying felt an urge to cry again while also feeling incredibly guilty for using so much of Su Yang's resources without doing anything in return for him.

"It's nothing much. I got it for free, anyway." Su Yang chuckled.

If Mei Ying knew that it was a pill personally concocted by the God of Alchemy herself, who knows how she would react, as such a pill would go for millions of high-grade spirit stones.

Su Yang began massaging her body shortly after, and her body felt vastly different compared to when he touched it during their last massage, almost like it was a new body altogether.

After the massage, Mei Ying quickly fell asleep on the bed.

Once Su Yang covered her body with the blankets, he removed the formation and turned to look at Mei Xing, who was still fully absorbed in studying the cultivation technique.

Su Yang decided to not bother her and went into another room.

Although he rented this hotel for Mei Ying and Mei Xing, since there was a second bedroom, he might as well use it.

The following morning, Su Yang left the room to see Mei Xing still sitting in the exact same spot.

Clearly, she'd skipped another night of sleep, but it wasn't intentional, she Mei Xing was simply so absorbed in her studies that she didn't realize how much time had actually passed.

"Hey, Mei Xing." Su Yang approached her.

"Eh? Manager? Oh, right. I should go to sleep now," she said, completely unaware that it was already a new day.

Su Yang chuckled and pointed at the windows.

Mei Xing followed his fingers, and to her surprise, there was light coming from the windows.

"You didn't sleep again," he revealed to her the truth.

"O-Oh no! It didn't even feel that long when I was studying the technique!" Mei Xing exclaimed.

"Don't worry, that happens more often than you think when one is absorbed in their studies, especially when it comes to cultivation techniques. Sometimes, years could have passed but it would still feel like days."

Mei Xing then turned to look at her mother, who was sleeping peacefully in the bed.

"D-Does mother…"

"No, she doesn't know… yet…"

"M-Manager! Can you please keep this a secret? I don't want to worry her, and I promise this won't happen again." she pleaded.

Su Yang smiled and said, "I wouldn't make that promise if I were you because you will definitely break it, as it will happen again. It's an inevitable thing that all cultivators experience— losing track of time, that is."

"T-Then what should I do, Manager?"

"Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do but accept it whenever it happens. Though, you will be able to control it in the future once you're capable enough." Su Yang said.

Chapter 971 A Second Receptionis

"I-If I can't control myself, can I inconvenience you to snap me out of my daze so I don't miss sleep again, Manager?" Mei Xing asked him after being told that she will experience this situation again.

However, Su Yang shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, I cannot do that, since it's dangerous to disturb someone when they're absorbed in cultivation."

"You may not be a cultivator now, but if I distract you while you're being enlightened, I could ruin your chance to learn the cultivation technique."

"I see… Then I guess I can only stop studying the cultivation technique for now…" Mei Xing sighed in a regretful voice since she wanted to be a cultivator as soon as possible to earn more money.

Su Yang looked at Mei Xing with a pondering look.

A moment later, he spoke, "I think I have a solution for that."

"Really? What?" Mei Xing looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"I can simply hire another receptionist and split your work in half, so you don't have to work every day, allowing you to have an entire day cultivating."

"Eh? If I work half as much, does this mean you'll also cut my income in half? I cannot do that, Manager!" Mei Xing quickly refused to have her work taken away from her, as that also meant less money.

Su Yang chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I won't reduce your pay. It'll stay the same."

"Then it'll make me feel guilty instead! I am already earning much more than I deserve. If I work any less, my guilt will…"

"You will understand everything later." Su Yang said.

After a moment of silence, Mei Xing asked, "When will you find another receptionist?"

"I have already found one, but that person won't be starting work until a little bit later due to some problems," he said.

"I see…" Mei Xing nodded without suspecting anything.

Sometime later, Mei Ying woke up from her sleep and said, "Good morning, Mei Xing…"

She noticed Su Yang afterward, "Eh? Manager? You're here so early today!"

Su Yang chuckled and said, "I never left. I am currently occupying that room over there. I hope you don't mind me living with you."

"O-Of course not! You paid for this hotel, anyway! You can live here for as long as you'd like!" Mei Ying quickly said.

"Manager, where have you been living until today? Don't tell me you lived inside the massage parlor this entire time?" Mei Xing asked him.

"Yes, I have used the massage parlor as my living quarters since I didn't really need a room." He nodded.

"Unbelievable…" Mei Xing mumbled.

Sometime later, Su Yang said, "Mei Xing, can you open up the store for me today? I will follow you in a bit since I have something to talk to your mother about."

"Okay!" Mei Xing gladly accepted the task.

Once she got the keys to the store, she immediately left the hotel and made her way towards the massage parlor that was only a minute walk away.

"You needed to speak with me?" Mei Ying asked him after Mei Xing left.

He nodded and said, "I told you that I wasn't sure what to make you do even if you worked for me, right? I have a job for you now, but you don't actually have to do it now. You can start working after your body is healed."

"What do you need me to do?"

"It's actually quite simple. You'll be doing exactly what Mei Xing is doing right now."

"You mean as a receptionist? Having two receptionists is…" Mei Ying wasn't sure how that would work.

Su Yang then explained, "Don't worry, you won't be working at the same time. I will have you both rotate working days, so you will work one day while Mei Xing rests, and then Mei Xing will work the following day while you rest."

"This will give time for Mei Xing to study her cultivation technique and do other things, as she doesn't have much time to herself since she has to work every day, and if she does it after work, there's a good chance that she won't get any sleep since it's quite easy to lose track of time."

"I am perfectly fine with that. In fact, I was going to ask you to allow me to replace Mei Xing once in a while so that she could rest." Mei Ying nodded, agreeing with his plans.

"Great. Then it's settled. I haven't told Mei Xing that you'll be working with us, so I will leave everything to you."

"Thank you, Manager."

"Then I will see you later."

Su Yang left the hotel shortly after.

Meanwhile, after unlocking the doors and entering the massage parlor, Mei Xing was shocked to find a naked woman sleeping inside the massage room.

'T-This lady is the one from yesterday… Did she break in when we left last night?' Mei Xing wondered to herself, mistaking Feng Tianwei for a burglar.

'Luckily for us, the Manager doesn't keep any money in the store…' Mei Xing sighed in relief.

It was at this moment Feng Tianwei woke up after a great night of sleep.

"Mmm? Who are you…? Where am I…?" Feng Tianwei was still half asleep, and she'd slept so well that she had forgotten about the events yesterday.

Then she remembered everything and immediately began blushing.

'I-I actually fell asleep in his massage parlor?!' She cried inwardly.

"I will call the authorities if you don't leave!" Mei Xing suddenly said to her with a frown on her face.

"Authorities? For what?" Feng Tianwei looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"For breaking and entering!" Mei Xing quickly said.

"Is that so? Go ahead." Feng Tianwei got out of the mattress and went to wear her clothes.

"I-I will really do it!" Mei Xing continued.

Once she was fully dressed, Feng Tianwei returned to the mattress and sat down.

"I am waiting," she then said with a playful smile on her face.

Chapter 972 Can I Embrace You Tonight?

Su Yang entered the massage parlor a few minutes after Mei Xing opened up the store, and when he arrived, he saw Mei Xing and Feng Tianwei in the midst of what appeared to be a staring contest.

"What are you two doing?" He asked them.

"M-Manager! This woman waited until we left the store before breaking and entering!" Mei Xing said while pointing at Feng Tianwei.

Su Yang raised his eyebrows after hearing this, and then he chuckled, "She didn't break in. I was the one who allowed her to enter last night after you left."

"Eh? You did? Why?" Mei Xing asked.

"To give her a massage, of course."

"But you limited the number of priority customers we get a day… or did you decide to change it?"

"No, it's still the same. I was just doing her a favor since she helped me greatly. In fact, she's the reason why your mother was allowed to leave the brothel."

"R-Really?" Mei Xing turned to look at Feng Tianwei.

She then lowered her head and apologized, "I'm sorry for mistaking you as a burglar."

"Would a burglar even sleep in the place they plan on robbing?" Feng Tianwei asked her.

"N-Now that I think about it…" Mei Xing mumbled.

"Did missing a night's worth of sleep already start affecting your ability to think?" Su Yang joked.

Mei Xing didn't respond and merely blushed in silence.

"Anyways, I have already stayed here for long enough." Feng Tianwei said as she stood up.

"Don't forget about our agreement." Su Yang said to her as she made her way towards the exit.

Feng Tianwei didn't say anything and merely waved her hands in a casual manner.

The day then proceeded normally.

Of course, since Mei Xing didn't sleep last night, she started dozing off midway through the day, but she managed to endure it until the end of the day.

"Do you want me to carry you back again?" Su Yang asked her.

"Please, Manager…" she nodded, almost falling asleep from that movement alone.

Once Mei Xing felt Su Yang's back, she immediately rested her head on his back and fell asleep.

When Su Yang returned to the hotel and Mei Ying saw Mei Xing's state, she sighed with a bittersweet smile, "So she didn't sleep last night again…"

"I fully understand why you want to give her days off now…"

She then continued, "Manager, I think I can start working tomorrow."

"Hmm… Let me examine your body to see if you're able to work."

Mei Ying nodded.

Once he laid Mei Xing on the bed, Su Yang began examining her body.

Of course, even without examining her body, Su Yang was confident that Mei Ying was already fully healed.

After all, she consumed a pill created by the God of Alchemy.

The only reason he hasn't told her that she's fully healed was to let her rest more, as the pills only affected her physical body, not her mind.

"I think it should be fine if you start working tomorrow as long as you don't exert yourself too much."

"Great! I have been getting bored from lying in bed all day for the last few days!" Mei Ying appeared ecstatic that she finally got to work again.

Though she was more excited about the fact that she'll finally be able to assist Su Yang and repay some of their debt to him even if it wasn't worth anything compared to what he has done for them.

Su Yang then massaged Mei Ying's body for half an hour before retiring for the day inside his room.

However, about an hour later, Mei Ying knocked on his door.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked her.

"No," she shook her head.

And she continued in a somewhat timid voice, "I… I have been thinking about how I can repay you for everything you have done for us, but I don't really have anything of value besides my experience, so if you ever feel 'stressful', you can ask me for help, and I will do my best to relieve your stress."

"I-I know that my body is dirty from working many years in this city and that my body is pretty much worthless, but if you're okay with someone like me…"

Su Yang stopped his cultivation and stood up.

"Take a seat." He then pointed at the bed behind him.

Mei Ying nodded and entered the room before closing the door behind her.

Once she was seated on the bed, Su Yang sat beside her and said, "Even if you— or others— see yourself as dirty or worthless, you're nothing like that in my eyes."

"I don't judge a woman's worth based on their body or their background— only their character and actions."

"In my eyes, you're a hardworking mother who is trying her best to improve her daughter's life. That alone makes you more valuable than many people I have met in the past, and those people are all individuals with powerful backgrounds and plenty of authority within the Four Divine Heavens."

"Also, I am not fond of women using their body as a sign of 'gratitude' or to repay their debt, so if you're going to approach me, give it to me straight."

Mei Ying swallowed nervously after hearing his words, and she lowered her head, "I'm sorry. Please give me a second chance."

Su Yang nodded.

Mei Ying then stood up and walked out of the room.

A moment later, she knocked on the door and spoke from the outside, "Manager, may I have some of your time?"


Once she got his approval, Mei Ying entered the room and closed the door before walking up to him.

"Manager, I have been wanting to embrace you for a while now, but I never had the courage to ask, and with my daughter always around, it only makes things more difficult for me. Tonight… Can I embrace you tonight?" Mei Ying stared at him with an earnest gaze.

A smile appeared on Su Yang's face, and he nodded.

Chapter 973 I Might Get You Pregnant Again

"Come over here." Su Yang opened his arms wide for her after creating a formation around the room so that they wouldn't wake Mei Xing up.

Mei Ying nodded and entered his embrace.

Su Yang then laid on the bed with Mei Ying in his embrace.

They would stay like that for a few minutes while Su Yang enjoyed the shape of her figure and the fragrant scent coming from her body.

Suddenly, Mei Ying grabbed his hand and placed it on her chest.

"You can do whatever you want to me tonight…" she muttered in a low voice.

Su Yang then started feeling her round and soft breasts that fitted his grasp perfectly, almost as though it was made for him.

A few moments later, he laid Mei Ying on the bed, loosened her clothes, and proceeded to stare at her beautiful body with a look of admiration.

Mei Ying didn't shy away from his gaze and stared back at him with an enchanting expression on her beautiful face.

Su Yang positioned himself in front of Mei Ying's body before grabbing her legs and spreading it wide open.

He then lowered his body and started licking the pink meat that was inside her clam, savoring its taste and moist texture.


Mei Ying tightly held onto the bedsheets as she experienced heaven from Su Yang's skillful mouth techniques that were just as good as his hand techniques, and her body would uncontrollably squirm around as her body grew more sensitive.

Su Yang continued to devour her body for many minutes until Mei Ying could no longer endure it.

After resting for a bit, Mei Ying said to him, "Please allow me to please you now."

Su Yang nodded and removed his clothes before lying on the bed with his stiff rod pointing at the ceiling.

Mei Ying covered her mouth in shock when she saw his sword. Despite working as an escort for many years with countless clients, she has never seen such a perfect and domineering rod before.

A single glance made Mei Ying nervous, but she was also intrigued and excited.

Mei Ying then laid beside Su Yang and started licking his hard rod.

She began with the shaft before moving to the jewels underneath, skillfully using her tongue and lips to please him.

Once his rod was fully soaked in her saliva, Mei Ying opened her mouth and swallowed the entire rod to the best of her abilities.

Of course, her mouth wasn't large enough to fit his entire rod, so she went deeper and made use of her throat.

It started slowly at first, but once she was comfortable with using her throat, Mei Ying would speed things up, giving him a loud and somewhat messy fellatio.

A few minutes later, Su Yang released his Yang Qi inside her mouth after warning her, which went directly inside her throat and into her stomach.

Once it stopped coming, Mei Ying removed her mouth from his rod and panted heavily, as it wasn't easy trying to breathe with such a large object in her mouth and throat.

Mei Ying could also feel a warm sensation in her belly after swallowing so much of his Yang Qi, almost like there was a fire inside her stomach, but it wasn't painful, and it was actually quite the pleasant feeling.

"Are you okay?" Su Yang asked her afterward.

"Yes. You know, I have actually never swallowed before despite getting asked frequently? You're my first in that aspect," she said.

"It's an honor," he chuckled.

Mei Ying shook her head and said, "No, I should be the one feeling honored."

She then got on top of his body and started rubbing her clit on his rod, soaking it even more with her Yin Qi.

Once she was prepared, Mei Ying inserted his rod into her cave, but since it was her first time accepting something so big inside her body, it was incredibly painful, and it felt like she was dual cultivating for the first time.

"I-I am bleeding…?" Mei Ying was surprised when she realized that she was bleeding from her lower cave. Even though her cave was being spread to its limits, it shouldn't be bleeding.

Su Yang looked at the blood coming from her cave and said, "The pill that recovered your body must have also restored your hymen, so you're experiencing your 'first time' again. I noticed it when I was tasting it before."

"H-Huh? My hymen was restored? Can that even happen?" Mei Ying was shocked to learn this information.

Su Yang nodded and said, "Yes. In fact, there are even special cultivation techniques out there that can return a mature woman's body back to its pure state and technically make them a maiden again."

"Unbelievable…" Mei Ying mumbled in a low voice.

Once she snapped out of her daze, Mei Ying continued to push Su Yang's meatstick deeper inside her cave until it poked the end of her cave.

She then started moving her hips, riding his rod like riding a horse.

Su Yang watched as Mei Ying moved her figure in an erotic and graceful manner.

Many minutes later, they switched positions with Mei Ying being the one lying down and Su Yang the one doing the moving.

When Mei Ying felt Su Yang's rod twitching and growing hotter, she knew that he was close to releasing it.

"You can release it inside me," she said.

"Are you sure? I might get you pregnant again if I release it inside," Su Yang said in a teasing voice.

Mei Ying's eyes widened when he said that, but after a moment of pondering, she said with a bashful smile, "I wouldn't mind it if it's your baby…"

"Even though I will have to leave soon?" Su Yang asked.

She nodded with a resolute expression, "If I really get pregnant with your baby, I will take care of it even if you decide to leave us."

Su Yang chuckled and said, "Don't worry, you won't get pregnant. I know how to control my Yang Qi, so unless I want to impregnate someone, it won't happen by accident."

Mei Ying was somewhat relieved by his words, but she also felt slightly disappointed to know that she wouldn't be able to conceive his child, as she was prepared to raise his child if she really got impregnated by him.