
931 to 937

Chapter 931: Splendid Acting Skills! Skilled Actor!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Everywhere the energy passed, the feigned injuries would instantly heal and regain its original vitality! One had to know that although these wounds were fake, the extent of their damage was not any weaker than the real thing! Otherwise, how would it have been so easy to deceive so many experts?

But after the miraculous energy of the Seven Colored Holy Fruits passed through, all of it disappeared without a trace! The effectiveness of this Seven Colored Holy Fruit was truly extraordinary!

Having experienced the efficacy of this fruit himself, Jun Mo Xie felt exceptionally joyful in his heart. He could tell that apart from its effects being amazing, another important aspect was that the release of this medicinal energy was smooth and controlled, only having nourishing effects for the body and not dealing any harm.

In other words, even a completely ordinary person who had never cultivated would be able to handle the energy of this seven Holy Fruits with ease. Just this aspect alone made it many times more superior to a huge amount of legendary heavenly treasures. Even the mysterious pills recorded in the Hongjun Pagoda were inferior to it in this area…

With this Holy Fruit, wouldn't it mean that… even Guan Qing Han and Dugu Xiao Yi could also consume it with ease?

The entire treatment process actually did not require any outside help at all. The Holy Fruit's energy simply completed the entire process by itself! The palace lord and the others simply stood around him, watching intently. At the same time, they listened Bai Qi Feng recount the events of the past few days.

The Holy Fruit's energy was slow, calm and gentle, nourishing Jun Mo Xie's body. When he felt the energy flow through the Shanzhong acupoint in front of his chest, Jun Mo Xie knew that it was time for him to wake up…

If he still didn't wake up, those old fellows might really throw him out like a corpse. Even if they didn't treat him like a corpse, he would be considered a 'vegetable'…

Thus, Young Master Jun grunted softly, before waking up 'gradually'. He opened his eyes and looked around fraily at the crowd of old faces hovering over him. His pupils trembled, and he looked around with a perfectly crafted 'lost and confused' expression, tinged with a hint of 'pain'. "I… this… where am I? Didn't I… die already?"

One truly had to admit; the current expression on Young Master Jun's face was definitely enough to earn him a nomination at the Oscars for best actor! The look of confusion and fear on his face, that light trembling of the eyes and the unspeakable terror of unfamiliarity… Everything was perfectly blended together, not being overly exaggerated or too little.

Perhaps even a person who'd truly gone through all the dangers and events he'd claimed to have experienced would not be able to produce an expression as accurate and perfect as Jun Mo Xie.

The performance that Young Master Jun gave right now was definitely good enough to be consigned among one of the greatest in the history of acting! This would be a textbook performance that could be studied and referenced by all in the performance arts circle in the future! The most precise textbook example!

"This is the Misty Illusory Manor! Child, are you feeling better now?" An old face squeezed through the crowd and croaked with an ugly smile.

"The Misty Illusory Manor… where is that? Is it one of the palaces of the nether realm?" Young Master Jun shrunk back in a terrified manner as he widened his eyes and cried. "Dare I ask if you are Lord Horse-face of the Ox-head Horse-face devils? 1 I-I… I haven't done anything bad in the mortal world… boohooo… I'm innocent ah…"

"Lord Horse-face??" The old face suddenly became filled with black lines as the long horsey face grew extremely conflicted. The faces of the other old faces at the side all grew convoluted as they nearly burst out in laughter. Fortunately, their reactions were quick enough and they hurriedly covered their mouths.

This old fellow's nickname back in the day was exactly 'Horse-faced Heavenly King' because of his long facial shape. Hearing this little fellow call him Lord Horse-face the moment he saw him, the other old fellows were so seized by laughter that their intestines almost twisted up.

"Hm? Could it be that you're not Horse-face? How can it be? Unless… you're Lord Ox-head!?" Jun Mo Xie gave him an exceedingly strange look and muttered, seemingly to himself. "But… Ox-head shouldn't look like this…"

An expression of deep thought appeared on his face. "At the very least, Ox-head should have a pair of horns right?"

"Pu… HAHAHAHAHA…." The other old fellows finally could not endure their laughter, and they immediately clutched their stomachs and roared aloud, their entire bodies shaking with peals of laughter.

This Horse-faced Heavenly King's horsey face instantly became the color of a pig's gut as he growled with rage. "This old man is not Horse-face! Nor am I Ox-head! Bastard brat, this daddy is a human!"

"I'm sorry…" Jun Mo Xie hurried apologized in a frightened manner. After that, he looked up innocently again and asked. "Erm… human? You said that you're human? Although you do have some resemblance to humans… does the netherworld palace have humans too? Could it be that you're a judge? I heard those judges look the most like humans. But where is the Book of Life and Death, and the Judge's Pen?"

"…" Old man Horse-face was completely defeated. He stared widely with disbelief, unable to say a single word.

"Hahaha, the young speaks freely indeed. There's no need to take offense…" Loud booming laughter rang out. It's almost been 2,000 years, and this was the first time they saw this old fellow pranked into speechlessness like this. Today was truly an eye opener. Especially that innocent and fearful expression on his face while he uttered those completely unexpected words…. it was simply too funny!

Just like that, Jun Mo Xie created an uproarious atmosphere to signify his arrival. Everyone quickly came to know that such a cute and confused little kid had appeared, actually mistaking the Misty Illusory Manor for the netherworld palaces.

Furthermore… Lord Horse-faced Heavenly King had actually been mistaken for the Horse-face and Ox-head demons, as well as a judge of the netherworld…

This matter was a source of joy for the entire Misty Illusory Manor for a long time and made the place a lot more bustling…

On the third day that Jun Mo Xie came to the Misty Illusory Manor, he finally 'completely recovered' his health!

This matter caused Cao Guo Feng and the rest to feel greatly gladdened. The medicinal efficacies of the Seven Colored Holy Fruits were indeed extraordinary. And the Free and Natural Physique was also similarly heaven defying!

The most important reason was that Young Master Jun simply could not continue lying down for much longer… otherwise, with his 'injuries', it would be more normal for him to continue lying down for another dozen or so days…

Jun Mo Xie even felt that he was about to develop aches in his butt from lying down too much…

Another factor was that he could not get any peace at all these few days while he laid there pretending to be hurt. Countless people would come by every so often to marvel at the legendary Free and Natural Physique… There was an old fogey whose teeth had almost all fallen off, hobbling in one day to examine his body while gasping in shock the entire time. This was an extremely normal and frequent occurrence here, so Jun Mo Xie simply ignored him.

But this old toothless turtle actually peeled open his blanket and took a look, immediately jumping back with shock and endless exclamation. "As expected of the Free and Natural Physique! My goodness, what a huge one it is…"

Jun Mo Xie nearly smashed a foot into that old pervert's face… F*ck, even if you're checking out the Free and Natural Physique… it shouldn't be done in such a way right?

This was a matter of a person's privacy! Are there still moral standards in the cultivation world…

At this moment, Young Master Jun was sitting leisurely on a chair in the yard, basking in the sun.

This was a personal yard that belonged to Cao Guo Feng.

From the moment he was moved here, Jun Mo Xie had not gone out at all.

The main thing was that he'd just arrived, and the Free and Natural Physique was too attention grabbing. Naturally, he couldn't move rashly for now. Of course, the most important thing… was that Saint Emperor Cao was simply paying too much care and attention on him. Everyday, he would come over five or six times, as if he were taking care of an infant…

Instead of him taking in a disciple, this manner of treatment was more like he'd invited an ancestor into his home, serving him with great care everyday in a happy and contented manner…

If Young Master Jun suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night and Saint Emperor Cao discovered that his precious infant was missing… wouldn't he simply die of anxiousness?

Bai Qi Feng and the other Saint Emperors who'd come back with him also turned into regular guests at this place now. Everyday, they would only leave very reluctantly late at night, then return early the next day again. The intentions of these Saint Emperor Seniors were naturally good. How torturous was it for a healthy strong lad to be forced to lie and sit all day long? How lonely was that ah…

Thus, we must naturally accompany him…

This was not just threefold; it was fourfold, fivefold, sixfold…

But what they didn't know was that this endless flood of care and concern had almost driven this Free and Natural Physique youth to the verge of a mental collapse!

As he breathed the air in here lightly, Jun Mo Xie could feel that it was actually not much different from the outside world!

Cao Guo Feng sat beside him, looking at him dotingly. Although they hadn't gone through an official teacher disciple ceremony, Cao Guo Feng felt that it was fine to skip those troublesome procedures anyway. As long as the kid was here, where could he run to? This was the inside of the Misty Illusory Manor! Who would be so shameless as to come and snatch him away?

Even the palace lord hadn't managed to snatch the person away; others naturally did not even need to think about it!

"Is this the legendary Misty Illusory Manor? How come it's a bit different from what I imagined?" Jun Mo Xie seemed to be chatting idly.

"The Misty Illusory Manor exists in an entirely separate and independent space! But although it's in a different space form the Xuan Xuan Continent, there's intrinsically no difference between the two spaces!" Cao Guo Feng introduced happily. Just accompanying and talking to this precious disciple of his made him feel happy and an indescribable sense of blessedness…

"That year, when Senior Nine Nether First Young Master came back from his travels, he opened this space using the powerful strength of his own body. He initially wanted to link it to other places…" A look of respect hung on Cao Guo Feng's face as he mentioned the Nine Nether First Young Master. This was the first time he'd ever seen Cao Guo Feng express such a look of admiration and respect for anybody.

"But later, he discovered that this space could only connect to the Xuan Xuan Continent and nowhere else, so it was unable to meet his requirements. Eventually, it was closed off and turned into a personal storage space for himself… The Seven Colored Holy Fruit here is also something that Senior planted himself…"

Jun Mo Xie nodded lightly, but he sneered internally. That fellow Nine Nether First Young Master must have came back from Earth, discovering the usefulness of storage spaces there, and decided to come back and create his own.

As for the Seven Colored Holy Fruits, they were most likely prepared for his wives. After all, those wives of his all ultimately left with him. Even if there were a few of them with strong cultivation, it was definitely impossible for all of them to be like that. His wives definitely needed a startling heavenly treasure like the Seven Colored Holy Fruits as well!

Setting out to paint a tiger, but ended up drawing a cur. After messing around and creating a giant space, he could only continuously add seals and formations to maintain the stability of the space… After reaching the required realm, he directly used the energies of primordial chaos, Yin-Yang, the five elements, and the stars, creating his own world…

It was said that the first generation Misty Illusory Manor ancestor was the Nine Nether First Young Master's disciple. From the looks of it, this saying had its basis, and that ancestor was exactly his disciple!

Chapter 932: Special Treatment

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

From Cao Guo Feng's description, the Nine Nether First Young Master was truly wild. To think that while establishing a private space, he was still planning to use this place as a starting point to connect to other spaces. How grand… Jun Mo Xie was so impressed by that person from 10,000 years ago that he almost prostrated himself in admiration…

"Essentially, the inside of this place is not different from the Xuan Xuan Continent in any way. The Misty Illusory Manor can be said to be in another big world! Or perhaps, it may be slightly smaller than the Xuan Xuan Continent, but there's no big difference!"

Cao Guo Feng said with a smile. "So the Misty Illusory Manor that the people describe as a small place, just a mere manor… is actually all incorrect and wrong! How could the Misty Illusory Manor be compared to a mere three Holy Lands?"

Cao Guo Feng delivered this line with a sense of pride. From the way Jun Mo Xie saw it, it was to be expected.

The Misty Illusory Manor controlled a giant world on its own; were the three Holy Lands capable of that?

"It has been unbearable staying for the past couple of days. I wish to go out for a walk; may I?" Jun Mo Xie requested.

"No problem!" Cao Guo Feng agreed without any hesitation. "But your body has not fully recovered yet, so don't wander too far. I'll send two people to accompany you to go for a walk, but don't tire yourself too much. Remember to come back earlier."

"Understood." Jun Mo Xie agreed casually, yet he was thinking. I wonder if there is any distinction of territories or countries… going out for a walk… I'll take it as a tour…

"Right, there is one more thing you must remember… Don't go to that Main Palace of the Misty Illusory Manor for now." Cao Guo Feng reminded. "That's the place you walked out of after you had recovered from your injuries. That place is the foundation of the Misty Illusory Manor, and there are countless rare treasures within it. They are all the rich inheritances the Nine Nether First Young Master left behind back then… but there are also countless dangers!"

He warned seriously. "If it is discovered that someone attempted to go near that place or think of vandalizing it… they will be killed regardless of who they are! Even if you are my disciple, or the owner of the Free and Natural Physique, the protectors of the place will show no mercy. It's your first time here, so you don't know the rules. If you cause any trouble, no one can save you."

"Oh the Main Palace of the Misty Illusory Manor is the place where the fruit is produced, right?" Jun Mo Xie asked 'innocently'. "That fruit is really horrid in its taste! It can't even compare to an apple. It only smells good, but its taste is so bad it makes people gag. Is there really anyone who wants that thing…"

"Stinking brat! What nonsense are you blabbering!" Cao Guo Feng was shocked. "That fruit is the treasure of the Manor. God knows how many people dream of having it one day. You dare to say it tastes horrible? This old man has spent 800 years in this place and has never eaten it before! Don't be so ungrateful. Count your blessings…"

Saint Emperor Cao paused before continuing. "But the tree of that fruit is not in that Palace… Didn't you grow up in the mountains? How can fruit trees grow in the palace?"

"But Palaces have all their own gardens and stuff; this is common knowledge…" Jun Mo Xie said.

"What common knowledge? You know nothing! Those are only flower gardens. How can they grow spiritual fruits! Who has ever seen a giant tree that reaches into the heavens being planted in a palace?" Cao Guo Feng chided, not knowing to laugh or cry.

"Oh, so that tree is pretty big ah." Jun Mo Xie continued to fish for information.

"Of course! That three is already 10,000 years of age. How could it be small?! Even a ginseng will grow into a human shape after 10,000 years! What more the Seven Color Holy Tree that already had thousands of years of age when it was replanted here?"

"Then… a tree that is 10,000 over years in age… the fruits will fall when ripen and will wither and become books. Since it's been 10,000 over years, it should have developed into an entire orchard by now right? Why haven't you gotten to eat it with your high status? This doesn't make sense ah!" Jun Mo Xie said in a roundabout manner.

"Do you think that this is an apple or hawthorn? If this thing is so easy to grow then we'd have a whole orchard by now! But until now, we could only successfully nurture two, and these are only alive… only the original tree can bear fruits even now… and we can only harvest once every 500 years… And there are only fourteen fruits each time! If we calculate in groups of seven, there are only two batches that are produced every 500 years! And the accumulation of 500 years, half of it has been used on you! And here you are, talking big!"

Cao Guo Feng said harshly.

"So little? How can there be so little?!" Jun Mo Xie cried out in surprise. This time, he wasn't acting it! Only two batches in 500 years… this level of efficiency was a little too low?! Even the Great Immortal Zheng Yuan's Ginseng Fruit could produce thirty each time… not even to mention Queen Mother of the West's peaches of immortality… 1

Two… how could it be enough? And it seemed like they only had one batch left…

"Such a rare treasure of the world; how much of it do you think there is?" Cao Guo Feng said crossly. "Furthermore, for the past 2000 years, one of the batch of the fruits that were harvested are provided to the three Holy Lands. As providence for the All Seeing Eye of Qiao Ying… This means that every 500 years, there is only one batch produced! Thousands of years, we only managed to accumulate three or four batches of them, you had already eaten up one entire batch on your own. What more do you want?"

Jun Mo Xie looked at Cao Guo Feng flabbergasted.

Then if that was the case… then what use is there for my trip this time? Even if I plunder it all… it's only three batches… it's absolutely not enough to go around, and it'll attract the endless pursuit of the Misty Illusory Manor…

If Cao Guo Feng knew who he was taking in, he'd definitely fly into a rage. Immediately firing this precious disciple he had just taken in!

"Go for a walk. From today onwards, you'll be living in the Misty Illusory Manor. Under most circumstances, if your cultivation is not at that of a Spirit Xuan, I will not let you out. Even if you go out, you must conceal your identity appropriately…"

Cao Guo Feng laughed before continuing. "Actually, in this place, there is not much difference from the Xuan Xuan Continent. It is also where the pugilistic world exists. This is something that you must know. But just that under the suppression of the Misty Illusory Manor, no one dares to behave recklessly, that's all."

"To think that it's like this! Then how many people are there in the Misty Illusory Manor all together?" Jun Mo Xie asked curiously.

"We never calculated properly, but there should be a few million. Oh right, when you go out there, you must remember one thing. There are some people that you must not offend. At least, before you are strong enough, you mustn't provoke them."

"Must not offend?" Jun Mo Xie's brows unconsciously twitched. "Who are they? Are the forces behind them powerful?"

"Someone that even my disciple cannot afford to offend would naturally have immense forces behind him. The very first of the list is a youth that wears black clothing everyday. This child is surnamed Zhan, called Zhan Yu Shu. This person is the great-grandson of the Chief Elder of the Misty Illusory Manor, Zhan Tian Ya. Elder Zhan can be said to be highly respected in the Misty Illusory Manor, and his Xuan Skills are extraordinary, already surpassing the level of regular Saint Emperors. But this Elder has a bad habit: he is extremely overprotective and dotes on this great-grandson of his especially. So no one dares to offend this Zhan Yu Shu in the Misty Illusory Manor. And do not stir up such a big trouble for a small thing; it's not worth it…"

Cao Guo Feng sighed. "Actually, not only Zhan Yu Shu. No one in the Misty Illusory Manor dares to carelessly provoke anyone from the Zhan Family. This also caused the Zhan Family to become one of the big families in the Misty Illusory Manor aside from the Main Palace. Actually aside from being overprotective, he is really not a bad senior…"

Jun Mo Xie nodded his head and said, "Zhan Yu Shu, a young man dressed in black. I've remembered it."

Cao Guo Feng chuckled, feeling heartened, thinking that his beloved disciple had already remembered his warnings and would definitely not go and provoke that Zhan Yu Shu. But how would he know that since Jun Mo Xie found out that there were only those few pieces of the Seven Colored Holy Fruit, he was already full of rage that fueled his gut. Then plus the depression that overwhelmed him, if he didn't take this opportunity to vent it a little, how could he rid this feeling of frustration?

Don't offend?

F*ck! This daddy dares to offend the entire Misty Illusory Manor! In my blatant process of offending, how could a mere Zhan Yu Shu count as anything?!

"You said that there were a few people just now; I believe there are others right?" Jun Mo Xie asked, full of interest. His expression was very sincere and humble, as if he really intended to remember them and absolutely would not go and provoke them.

Whereas in fact, what he was scheming was that he would definitely remember them carefully and naturally go and offend those that he could not offend. He would also absolutely go and provoke those that he didn't offend after creating a suitable opportunity!

Wrecking havoc and turning this place upside down then escaping out of this place…

"There is indeed one more person. This person is also a young man. He is more inconspicuous than this Zhan Yu Shu, so he is ranked second. But this person is more ruthless than Zhan Yu Shu. Although he doesn't take action easily, if he does, it will absolutely ruthless and decisive, easily taking away someone's life. So you must be extra careful when dealing with this person… especially when it comes to women, if possible, try not to clash with him! Youngsters are full of sap and are most likely to clash in respect to these areas. But you must know, your goal is to stand at the top of the world, not to gather beauties as your wives!"

Cao Guo Feng said this in an odd tone, as if he detested this. "You have the legendary Free and Natural Physique; everyone in the Misty Illusory Manor is aware of this. The world outside will definitely pay even more attention to you. All of us old fellows know your potential, but those young juniors, anyone of them were at the top of the world before your sudden arrival, so naturally they won't be able to accept it. And… because of your physique, I believe that may girls… will be interested in you."

Cao Guo Feng's expression when saying this was full of glee and pride, as if he were looking at his own handsome son who would have no problems looking for a wife. "You can choose, and you can also not choose. You must know that because you just recovered from your grave injuries, we have rejected many visitors these past couple of days. Otherwise, all those people who are looking for you to become their son-in-law will have been queuing for a long time outside now…"

Jun Mo Xie's jaw dropped. It was merely a Free and Natural Physique; no matter how heaven-defying it was, it was just a unique type of physique right? Like a rare blood type on earth, that's all. But over here, it was in such high demands to this extent…

Chapter 933: Three Who Must Not Be Offended

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

This this this… was too incomprehensible!

To think that there would be many people offering their daughters for picking… this was the treatment that Emperor had! No, Emperors may not even have such grand treatment. At the very least, when an Emperor was injured, no one would offer something like the Seven Colored Holy Fruit!

"Why? Do you feel confused?" Cao Guo Feng chuckled. "This sort of treatment and you are surprised! That's not all; as long as you are able to display your talent and advance through training, it won't be long. When you are of suitable age, the Palace Lord will personally host a Hundred Flower Festival for you."

"Hundred Flower Festival?" Jun Mo Xie asked in surprise. I wonder what is this Hundred Flower Festival thing.?

"Hundred Flower Festival… From within the entire Misty Illusory Manor, the Palace Lord will find someone for you! All the girls of a suitable age in the Misty Illusory Manor will be filtered, and the cream of the crop will be selected. When there are a hundred of them, you can choose your lifelong partner from amongst them. According to the customs of the world, you can select seven—three wives and four concubines… Of course, if you wish to choose more, it is possible. If you want to accept all of them, we will also permit you to do so!"

"There's something this great?" Jun Mo Xie was really surprised this time! All the best beauties in the Misty Illusory Manor gathered… for me to choose at my will? Heavens! Earth! Oh my god! Jesus and Buddha!!

This news was too shocking!

"Of course, but that is on the prerequisite that you are capable enough. If you are unable to reach that standard, you won't even get to choose anything."

Cao Guo Feng watched him in amusement, observing his expressions. "Lad, you think that it is very easy to attain that standard? Let me tell you, since ancient times until now, out of the entire Misty Illusory Manor, there were not more than two people who were worthy enough to enjoy this treatment!"

"10,000 years, and only two?" Jun Mo Xie was surprised, but he also calmed down. That sort of treatment was indeed too grand, so the standard of the requirements for it would definitely be high!

"Two is already a lot. The two of them also have the legendary Free and Natural Physique, although it is not the same level as the Free and Natural Physique that you have. One of them was the Free Xuan Physique, while the other was the Clear Spirit Physique. The former fought alone against the Nine Nether Seventh Young Master 7,000 years ago and perished along with him. The latter fought with the Nine Nether Ninth Young Master 5000 years ago, and both sides suffered grave injuries. But ultimately his injuries could not be treated and he passed away!"

Cao Guo Feng looked at Jun Mo Xie with a passionate look in his eyes. "Just thinking of how terrifying the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is, you can understand what sort of level of experts these two people where, right?"

Jun Mo Xie was astonished. To think that such powerful figures had appeared in this world before!

How powerful was the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master? With a mere fifth of his entire strength he could go against the joint attack of over twenty Saint Emperors! And killing many of them before retreating with his heavy injuries! He had already returned back to his full strength now, which means he was really the number one person in the world ah!

Then if the Nine Nether Seventh Young Master and the Nine Nether Ninth Young Master could come here from the Nine Nethers, then perhaps they may not be comparable to the Nine Nether First Young Master back then, but they were definitely not too inferior to the current Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master!

And there was someone from the Misty Illusory Manor who was able to bring one of them to death, and another who injured the other severely, all on their own! It can be imagined how powerful they were!

Cao Guo Feng looked at him meaningfully. "As your Master, I've mentioned earlier that the Free Xuan Physique and the Clear Spirit Physique were also considered spiritual physiques that were extremely rare. But compared to your Free and Natural Physique, they are far, far inferior!"

"Cultivating Xuan Skills first looks at your aptitudes and your comprehension. Mere perseverance and courage is not enough! Hard work… perhaps might make it for those below a Spirit Xuan. But if you wish to advance to even higher levels and become an existence that stands at the peak, that is absolutely not possible to work."

"So the Free and Natural Physique that you have is so highly regarded by the Misty Illusory Manor!" Cao Guo Feng said earnestly. "The Misty Illusory Manor is able to give someone like you the best environment, the best material needs, and even the best beauties! But… the condition that your achievements are able to make the Misty Illusory Manor feel satisfied!"

"Work hard, lad. I have high hopes for you." Cao Guo Feng laughed.

"Then how did those two seniors pick for their Hundred Flower Festival?" Jun Mo Xie asked, curious for some gossip.

"Those two, ah, are two different extremes." A smile appeared on Cao Guo Feng's lips. "One of them, the Emperor of Wind and Frost, Chen Feng Shuang, selected every single one of the hundred beauties presented and was still unsatisfied!"

"Selected all hundred of them! And was still unsatisfied!" Jun Mo Xie rolled his eyes. "This is too much; can he endure it? Even if it's the Emperor, he only has three palaces, six courtyards, and at most, seventy two imperial concubines. That's not even one hundred people either! This senior is unsatisfied with one hundred women. Isn't he afraid to die from excessive ejaculation?!…"

"That I'm not sure…" Cao Guo Feng's old face turned red with embarrassment. After all, discussing such things with his own disciple was a little…

"Then, what about the other one?"

"The other one, the Ice Frost Swordsman, Dugu Piao Ling. He did not choose a single one of the hundred beauties presented to him. Until he returned back to the Misty Illusory Manor after sustaining grave injuries, from start to end, he had never gone near women, spending the rest of life in solitude!" A look of respect appeared on Cao Guo Feng's face. "That is a true martial practitioner! His entire life, he had no friends, no kin. The only companion he had was his sword!"

"Persevering is persevering, but that's too extreme. That sort of life is really too boring. One should always have things they pursue in life. Not having any emotions and desires is really too tedious!" Jun Mo Xie curled his lips.

"Isn't persevering throughout one's entire life a form of pursuit? Or even a most stubborn form of it?" Cao Guo Feng said sternly. "Precisely because Senior Dugu persevered on relentlessly, his only goal in life was the peak of the martial ways, so he was able to reach that peak! You should learn from him instead!"

"But that The Emperor of Wind and Frost also got to that level with so many wives! And there's the legendary unrivaled powerful person, the Nine Nether First Young Master. Didn't he also have many wives?" Jun Mo Xie rebutted.

"…" Cao Guo Feng's face darkened. "Didn't you say that you wanted to go for a walk? Why? You don't want to go now? Then why don't you accompany this old man and sit here." He was a little angry…

Probably because this question was truly not easy to answer.

The tales and legends of the Nine Nether First Young Master said that he had so many wives that it was uncountable. But the Emperor of Wind and Frost really just had that many women. This was no secret in the Misty Illusory Manor. Was he supposed to tell Jun Mo Xie that that the Emperor of Wind and Frost really was practicing the highest form of skills for boosting vitality, his bed skills were exceptionally amazing, and the more wives he had the stronger he was Then what if this lad also made the same request? What should he do? This was not a joking matter!

This little brat is full of youthfulness. Who knows what he is thinking? Which youngster doesn't dream of love?

"If you don't want to say then forget it, please don't get angry… Oh right, you still have yet to tell me who the third person I must not offend is. There's a first and second, so there must be third and fourth right!" Jun Mo Xie tactfully changed the subject.

"There are only three people who must not be offended. As to the third person… that third person who must not be offended…" Cao Guo Feng revealed a smile. "This third person is truly the one whom you must not offend! This person is a young lady, the granddaughter of the current Lord of the Manor. She can be said to be the most beloved daughter of the entire Misty Illusory Manor! Lad, towards her, you'd better remain at a respectful distance. Because no matter which party you provoke… you will have to be prepared to be skinned alive! There is no exception even if you have the Free and Natural Physique!"

"So severe?" Jun Mo Xie stuck his tongue out.

"Severe? How can it be described with 'severe' alone!" Cao Guo Feng feared that this Free and Natural Physique disciple got curious and went to provoke other people's precious daughters without realizing the severity of the matter and bringing death upon himself. He persuaded patiently. "I'll tell you another secret: this little girl is the other lucky person aside from you in the past 1,000 years who had consumed the Seven Colored Holy Fruit, and she had used it with the treasure of the Heaven Saint Palace, the Exquisite Lotus!

"As to why she was able to use both treasures of the Palaces… it was not because of her unique status, but… because her physique is the Xuan Yin Female Body, which is very rare! You wouldn't understand from the name Xuan Yin Female Body alone, but even if I explain to you in detail, there is too much knowledge about the body anatomy for you to digest. You only need to know that her physique is no inferior to your Free and Natural Physique! So you must not offend this girl!"

"Xuan Yin Female Body…" A memory of an introductory paragraph flashed across Jun Mo Xie's mind. That was records and comments of the Xuan Yin Female Body in the Hongjun Pagoda: the Xuan Yin Female Body was the physique of a female who was extremely Yin, which was very rare. If a male with success in his Xuan cultivation did a double cultivation with this female, the effects would be amplified a hundred times with only half the amount of work… Note: A virgin's body, a body that has yet to be tainted, a first awakening of love, mutually in love; an absolute condition for double cultivation! Not a single one must be missing, if it is forced, not only will it be useless, both male and female will be in danger from the backlash of the Xuan Yin.

'A virgin's body, a body that has yet to be tainted'… this condition is believable and understandable. As to 'a first awakening of love'… it must be the first love of that girl. It should be more or less that… As to 'Mutually in love'… the female must be hopelessly attracted to the male then…

This basic requirements for double cultivation was really high…

Jun Mo Xie couldn't help but pondered over it… double cultivation? Looked like something that'd be advantageous… Um… but let's see how it goes… even if it's a beauty, it's up to whether this Young Master has the appetite for her unless she is really pleasing for my eyes. Otherwise I'll really not try to force it; if the other party is an elephant then there's no need for any consideration…

"Before your arrival, the greatest hope of the Misty Illusory Manor was all placed upon her! For 10,000 years, to breakthrough the void and travel through immemorial! Which is also what the Misty Illusory Manor has been pursuing for 10,000 years, our only goal! The ultimate goal!"

Chapter 934: Mo Jun Ye

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"So nothing must happen to you, and the same goes for her! Plus with the unique status as the little princess of Misty Illusory Manor, naturally she is slightly more important than you, who only has the Free and Natural Physique…" Cao Guo Feng scoffed as if he were a little peeved by the fact that there was someone who was above his own disciple and he could not do anything but to accept it…

"The most crucial thing: if you offend her, in the future, you can forget about tasting even a tiny bit of the Seven Colored Holy Fruit!" Cao Guo Feng warned. "Because her father and her mother are the ones who are supervising the Spiritual Herbal Gardens."

"Ah?" Jun Mo Xie thought to himself. Those two from before who I must not offend, I'll definitely be offending them, but this one… is really one who I cannot offend…

"Right, you haven't told me the name of that female ancestor? How does she looks like? I can only be prepared if I know roughly how she looks ah!" Young Master Jun pressed on, taking the opportunity to find more information about that girl.

"Female ancestor? You mischievous boy, knowing how to give others a nickname! But using this term to describe that girl is rather appropriate!" Cao Guo Feng chuckled, shaking his head.

"Didn't you say she is someone nobody can afford to offend! Then what else can she be other than an ancestor! How does she look like? Is she ugly or pretty? I cannot possibly shun any lady I see right? Then, I'll end up being the one who has problems." Young Master Jun was really intrigued to find out more about this 'female ancestor'.

Spiritual Herbal Gardens; this name was indeed rather poetic. But the most important thing was that that was where the tree of the Seven Colored Holy Fruit lay! And it seemed that there was not only one. This was a heaven-defying treasure.

Young Master Jun was originally a little disappointed but…

He suddenly remembered the unique ability he had – the Power of the Five Elements!

Especially the Power of Wood that he had not used in a long time!

The moment this thought popped up, Young Master Jun was about to break into maniacal laughter! This Seven Colored Holy Fruit will only be able to bear fruit after 500 years in someone else's hands, but in the hands of this Young Master… As long as I have sufficient Spirit Energy as foundation, this daddy will be able to make it bear fruit 365 times in a month!

*When that time comes, there's no problem treating the Seven Colored Holy Fruit as a regular fruit tree, arranging them in different patterns for display in the living hall! Back to the same old sentence: There were always only things that people could not think of, but there was nothing that could not be done! Isn't this proof again? *

So he definitely must go to this Spiritual Herbal Gardens. And the security there will definitely be extremely tight… no matter what, caution was of utmost importance. If this female ancestor was offended, it would definitely cause many many other troubles…

There was one common knowledge from the previous life and this life: All women are petty… Just that some of them look more seductive, that's all…

If a lot more implications arose out of offending this female ancestor… then the gains would not make up for the losses!

*So if there is a need, as long as the girl's appearance can still be accepted… This Young Master can also consider making a sacrifice and selling his body out… although I'm being taken advantage of and is likely to be called one that is living off a woman, but… so be it! Who asked me to be a man; when I should be hard, I can be extremely hard, but when I should be soft, I can be soft… *

"That girl is called Miao Xiao Miao. She is always donned in light yellow clothing. Not only is she talented, she's the number one beauty amongst the younger generation of the Misty Illusory Manor! It's just that her personality is a little eccentric and not easy to get close to. But that's good; it'll save a lot of unnecessary troubles."

A gentle smile of adoration was on Cao Guo Feng's face when he mentioned Miao Xiao Miao. This Miao Xiao Miao was clearly very adored by him. And this sort of adoration was not directed to Young Master Jun.

"Miao Xiao Miao… Number one beauty…" Jun Mo Xie suddenly thought of a possibility. I wonder if this Young Master is able to profit both wealth and beauty this time? As he thought along, the Young Master Jun, whose certain 'part' that hadn't been getting any relief, transformed into a wolf, drool was almost falling out of his mouth. He mumbled to himself. "Since she's so beautiful, then I'll find a time and just do her, then that'll be…"

Cao Guo Feng was instantly enraged upon hearing this. He immediately grabbed onto his ear and hollered, "Brat! If you dare to do her! This old man dares to guarantee that you will be done by all the old seniors of Misty Illusory Manor in less than two hours!"

Young Master Jun didn't imagine that he would unconsciously say it out, so he was caught in a bad situation. He was pretending to be severely wounded, so naturally he could not dodge, instantly getting caught by Cao Guo Feng. *Of all places to grab, you just had to grab that place… That seems to be the exclusive place that my mother Dongfang Wen Xin uses… *

Just as he was cursing away mentally, he heard Cao Guo Feng's harsh warnings. Young Master Jun's heart turned cold, instantly feeling his chrysanthemum clenching, as his intestines twisted. Cold sweat poured out profusely. All those indecent thoughts were instantly frightened away…

Suddenly, Cao Guo Feng asked, "Lad, how old are you this year?"

Young Master Jun said bashfully, "I'm eighteen this year… They always say eighteen years old is a flower in full bloom… Why? Are you going to host a Hundred Flower Festival for me?"

"Get lost!" Saint Emperor Cao was angry but amused, landing a kick on Young Master Jun's bottom. Jun Mo Xie cried out aiya and used that force to run off.

Cao Guo Feng looked at his backview and mumbled to himself. "Eighteen years old… To think that he is a year younger than that girl, if… it should still work, this old man will also be more than happy to see it happen… but those two fellows have been pining for so many years. How would they be willing to give up so easily? Disciple, you can play and create all the trouble you want and it'll be alright, but just don't go and offend that huge trouble for this old man ah… if that happens, I'm afraid even this old man cannot mediate…"

Since he walked out of the little courtyard, Young Master Jun instantly felt relieved from head to toe. Without all the supervision from a few old fellows and surrounded by an amount of spiritual sense, there was a sense of long awaited freedom, as if a tiger had returned to the wild.

Subconsciously, Jun Mo Xie couldn't help but walk with wide strides, humming to a Beijing opera tune that no one could understand. "Remembering… the matter from that year… how very distressing, I'm just like… a bird in a cage… with nowhere to spread my wings, I'm like a tiger that has left its mountain… and suffered loneliness. I'm like the goose that flies from the South… separated from the rest of the group…"

He walked out from the doors as he sang, both his hands behind his back, shaking his head, full of the air of the number one debauchee of Tian Xiang City in the past.

Behind him, two middle-aged man secretly tailed after him, their faces expressionless.

These two people were the disciples of Cao Guo Feng. Right now, they were on the duty of protecting Jun Mo Xie. And Young Master Jun would naturally also need to change his name in this place. He would be called Mo Jun Ye.

Mo Jun Ye. Mo Jun Xie; there was another homonym meaning which was… also Evil Monarch 1.

It could be seen that the evil personality in this Evil Monarch didn't change…

Slowly strolling out of that remote alley, the scenery began to become more and more bustling with life. There were restaurants and sweet-sounding chords of instruments all about, and there was even the occasional voices of story-tellers. The bustling scenery was not inferior to Tian Xiang City or Chrysanthemum City…

"That's a city in front? Or is it a small town?" Jun Mo Xie turned around to ask the two bodyguards.

The two men looked at him and replied expressionlessly. "There are a total of seven cities in the Misty Illusory Manor. They are the Psychedelic City, Magical City, Purple Fantasy City, Golden Fantasy City, Blood Fantasy City, Heaven Fantasy City, and Heart Fantasy City. This place, including the place we had walked out of, all belongs to the central region of Misty Illusory Manor, the Heart Fantasy City! Away from the rest of the common world, the few li of road ahead are where the common people reside… All the needs of the Main Palace of the Misty Illusory Manor are all purchased here."

Jun Mo Xie hummed in response.

The other person said, " Young Master came from outside of the Misty Illusory Manor, so perhaps you are not aware of the culture we have here. Although the members of the Main Palace are above worldly creatures, but they do not view the common folks differently like ants. All the young masters and young ladies in Misty Illusory Manor often come sightseeing here daily. In fact, most of the people are gathered here, which is probably why this place is the most bustling region of the Misty Illusory Manor."

The meaning behind his words was more or less a reminder or warning. He must have been told by Cao Guo Feng to absolutely not let this little master stir any trouble.

"I understand now; thank you for your information." Jun Mo Xie chuckled and asked. "Oh right, I heard from Old Cao that there is a Spiritual Herbal Gardens in Misty Illusory Manor… which City is this mysterious garden located in?"

That cold looking man replied, "The Spiritual Herbal Gardens… you better not try to find out about it." He paused for a while, as if feeling like he had sounded a little too threatening, before continuing. "The Spiritual Herbal Gardens is not in any of the cities… in fact, that garden is not even within the space of this Misty Illusory Manor!"

Jun Mo Xie was stunned!


*What sort of b*llshit is this? Not in the Misty Illusory Manor? Could it be in Xuan Xuan Continent? Then why did I come here for? For a stroll? To sightsee?! *

"Not in the Misty Illusory Manor? Could it be in the outside world? Could it be somewhere in Xuan Xuan Continent?!" Jun Mo Xie asked, clenching his fist.

"Of course, it is still within the regions of the Misty Illusory Manor, but it is not within this space." That bodyguard stared at him for a long time before answering carefully.

"In the Misty Illusory Manor, but not in the space! What does this mean?" Jun Mo Xie pondered for a while. "Could it be that there is one or more independent unique spaces in the Misty Illusory Manor, and one of it is used especially for storing spirit herbs? And that space is called the Spiritual Herbal Gardens?"

"That's more or less the case; Young Master is intelligent. As excepted of the talent of the Free and Natural Physique." The two of them praised indifferently. But Jun Mo Xie could tell from their tone that they didn't mean it.

Looks like these two are not very satisfied with me. Young Master Jun scoffed mentally. *It seems like I've snatched both their positions with my arrival alone; of course they will not be convinced. But… you can keep that to yourself; now that I could tell, aren't you guys just digging your own graves? If this matter is known by Old Cao, you'll definitely not have it good. *

The trio was not slow in their movements. They quickly arrived in the city. Right now, Jun Mo Xie was like Granny Liu 1 who entered the Prospect Garden 1, exclaiming and praising everything in sight.


Ch 934 Footnote 1

Also read as Mo Jun Ye.

Ch 934 Footnote 2

A distant relative of the Mother of the West.

Ch 934 Footnote 3

A garden in the Chinese novel Dream of the Red Chamber

Chapter 935: City's Officials?…

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

There was no other reason; the moment he stepped into this place, Jun Mo Xie practically thought that he had returned back to Tian Xiang City and was about to go around looking for Tang Yuan's Aristocratic Hall.

This place is really no different from the outside world…

The two bodyguards behind him exchanged glances, seeing the unfeigned look of contempt in each other's eyes. The one with the Free and Natural Physique? Pei! It's just a complete country bumpkin who had just entered the City! He has never seen the world! To think that the Free and Natural Physique has befallen someone like this; the Heavens must be blind, to cast pearls before swine, wasting resources…

He can even spend such a long time looking at someone selling vegetables… The f*ck, don't tell me you haven't seen a greengrocer before?…

This place was the main street of the Heart Fantasy City. There were numerous stalls on both sides of the street, some selling handmade ornaments, carvings of small birds and animals. There were also some that sold fresh greens and food stalls and toys… The interior of the shop fronts on both sides were also a delight to the eye. All sorts of things were available.

There were countless signboards of wine shops along the street, it was a majestic sight to behold. The smell of cosmetics drifted from everywhere, leaving people intoxicated in a drunken stupor. There were also occasional giggles of females that could be heard—yes, they arrived at a brothel…

There were some people donned properly entering this place, and there were also people coming out with no strength in their legs… Their faces were full of satisfaction as they lingered in the aftertaste. The customers entering and exiting the wine shops were endless, and waves of the aroma of wine filled the entire street…

"It is really lively ah." Jun Mo Xie exclaimed sincerely. This place seems to be livelier than Tian Xiang City by a bit.

Casually tossing a copper coin, he grabbed a stick of tanghulu 1 . Jun Mo Xie munched as he walked, dirtying his entire face with the sugar coating and didn't even bother to wipe himself.

"Sweet! Delicious! Truly yummy! One more!"

The two behind him exchanged looks again, feeling utterly embarrassed following behind this fellow… The thought of this country bumpkin garnering all the attention of the Misty Illusory Manor the moment he arrived and being worshiped like an ancestor by Cao Guo Feng… the two of them felt completely bitter!

Heavens! Earth! Buddha and Jesus ah… Open your eyes! Hurry up and send lightning down to strike upon this fellow…

This is really insufferable ah…

Just at this moment, a group of fierce-looking people came rushing over, all of them holding a white-waxed rod in their hands. The were dressed untidily in their hats and robes, but every one of them hand an ominous glint in their eyes.

"The City's Officials are here; everybody run…" It was not known who was the first to let out such a cry, but all the peddlers along the street panicked and fled in all directions.

"City's Officials?" Jun Mo Xie looked at all these people with his eyes wide open. F*ck… To think that this place is so advanced! They already have City… Officials…

His sudden halt instantly drew the attention of one of the guys. "What are you looking at? You've never seen this daddy before? Look some more and I'll dig your eyeballs out! You little b*stard!"

Jun Mo Xie staggered. This bunch of people are too bold, to dare to offend me without knowing who I am! But little did he know that with his current appearance, even if he was donned in dragon robes, he looked nowhere like a Crown Prince!

But all the other few people had already began using their rods to chase people. There was even one who delivered a heavy kick to a peddler that did not manage to flee in time. He lifted his rod high and hammered it down as he cursed and assaulted the peddler violently, casually snatching the bag of money from the peddler and shoved it into his own pocket.

Then he continued to rain blows upon the peddler, as he cursed. "F*ck your daddy! You have been selling for a whole day but you only earned such a pathetic amount! Are you ashamed?! You still have the cheek to come out and set up your stall? Why don't you go and die…"

That peddler curled into a ball, grabbing his head and crying for mercy. His entire body was covered in blood…

A prostitute exclaimed and laughed lovably, taking the opportunity to strike at an influential figure. Yet that man instantly glued himself over, hugging her lustfully in broad daylight, and began to tease her without any restraints…

The other few men watched this scene in jealousy. They walked into shops on both sides of the road, their faces full of annoyance. Stepping on the table, a menacing look in their eyes, they bellowed, "Collection time for protection fee! Hurry up! F*ck, you're sick of running your business, aren't you? Moving so slowly, f*ck you! Do you believe that this daddy will make your close shop tomorrow?! Hurry the f*ck up!"

Then the shop owner came over with a polite smile, bowing in greeting. First, he offered up countless silver taels, then he secretly shoved some things into the pockets of the few men…

These few men touched their pockets before a look of joy appeared on their faces. With a whistle, they exited the shop and continued to plunder along the street…

"What sort of people are these? Why are they so tyrannical?" Jun Mo Xie was stunned looking at this very familiar scene. His intestines were cramping a little: he suddenly felt like he had transmigrated again…

The two bodyguards barely had the time to reply when that burly man not far from Jun Mo Xie was already pissed. He stormed over. "Why? Lad, you're trying to find out who I am?" Then, he grabbed a passerby and kicked him to the ground. He stomped on that unlucky fellow's chest and said, "Tell this brat who these daddies are!"

That passerby was walking cautiously on the road, practically walking sideways in fear of bumping into them, but who knew such an absurd disaster would fall from the sky. He cried out pitiably, his tears and snots flowing down as he quickly replied, "Sir, Sir is the manager of Heart Fantasy City, Sir is the upright and honorable official for us common folks ah…"

That burly man scoffed, clearly satisfied. He lifted his leg up and let the person go; that person quickly ran away without looking back. This burly man looked at Jun Mo Xie from the corner of his eyes. "Did you hear that? Brat, come over obediently, acknowledge your mistake, and kowtow to this upright and honorable Sir. Then, use that pink little tongue of yours to lick this daddy's boots clean… and I'll let you of! Otherwise, hehe, you are a spy! If I go through the trouble, you're going to be in it for good!"

"I'm a spy?" Jun Mo Xie almost broke out in laughter. "How did you know?" This great 'City's Official' is really wise, to be able to tell I'm a spy from one look; impressive, impressive, so many Saint Emperors and other stronger experts couldn't even discover this…

That's right, this Young Master is a spy! What are you going to do?

"You're not a spy?" That burly man laughed maniacally, the black hair on his chest trembling. "Even if you are not a spy, if I say you are a spy, then you are a spy! Why? Don't look at me so angrily; be careful this daddy beats you to death right here! Even if this daddy really kills you, you will be dying in vain!"

"I understand what sort of people you are now…" The look in Jun Mo Xie's eyes turned cold. To think that there were such people everywhere regardless of which world! I've really widened my horizons. The so-called Misty Illusory Manor, the land of peace and equality, is no different!

The two bodyguards behind him watched on with a smile. Watching how this country bumpkin was going to resolve this matter. They were aware that although this country bumpkin had shocking talent and the Free and Natural Physique, he had barely mastered any high level Xuan cultivation and may not necessarily be able to deal with this current problem. As long as he can't settle it on his own, then we don't have to worry about him begging the both of us for help.

But what followed after left both of them too late for regrets.

"The two of you! Come here! Kill this scum for this Young Master!" Young Master Jun ordered. Since there was free labor around, why would Jun Mo Xie take the risk of exposing his real identity to handle this matter himself? "Hurry up! Otherwise I'll go tell my Master, say that I was bullied outside and the both of you were just watching the spectacle! You think Master would believe me or you both? If I really suffered any injuries, how do you think Master will take care of the two of you?!"

The two men instantly looked at each other. They had not expected that this brat who seemed to have no shrewdness to actually do something like this. If he really went back to complain… no matter if it was true or false, the two of them were doomed to be unlucky!

This brat not only could complain to Cao Guo Feng alone—there were still six other Saint Emperors!. Which one of them did not view him as their baby?

If… then the future of the two of them would really be doomed!

If he exaggerates things a little too much, then those few Senior Saint Emperors will probably tear the two of us alive! That is definitely not something they'll feel any pity for!

These two people were Spirit Xuan experts. With their own level of cultivation, they were not beneath Solitary Falcon back then. Right now, they were full of anger, but they couldn't do anything to Jun Mo Xie, so they took it all out on this bunch of 'City's Officials'.

Pa! A slap landed on that man's face, sending him flying and spinning in the air, his broken tooth flying out of his mouth as he spun along…

The other person leapt into the air and yelled, "All of you blind bastards! Gather here for this daddy! If you do not come here in ten breaths, then forget about coming forever!"

This was proof that a Spirit Xuan had immense might no matter where they were! These 'City's Officials' all trembled and their legs turned jelly from the sight…

They had not imagined that they were only out to enforce the law, but they had offended such a big shot…

Eight men walked over honestly in less than five breaths, quickly standing into single file. The two bodyguards did not say a single world, just raining punches on all of them! As they beat them up, they were feeling extremely frustrated. We are Spirit Xuans; although we are no big deal in the Manor itself and are not some high, supreme extreme, but… beating up ordinary people like this is really a first…

This was too aggrieving!

The two of them may be rough, but they were well aware. It's alright to teach them a lesson, but we must not beat them till they die! After all, the cleanliness of the City is relying on these people… besides, this is one of the basic constituents of the Misty Illusory Manor…

But after the two of them stopped, they were all shocked!

The eight people on the ground were still crying in pain earlier, but right now, all of them were bleeding from all their eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth, their eyes bulging and themselves completely stopped breathing!

They were all dead… not a single one was alive!

What is going on? Although we didn't hold back in our strength, but we didn't even use our Xuan strength, so it is only the strength of a regular human. There's no way they could have been beaten to death ah…

Chapter 936: Zhan Yu Shu

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Just at this timing, the onlookers from the crowd finally cried out in shock. "Someone died, Somebody has been killed!…"

It was hard to tell if the one who cried this was scared or excited or laughing at the misfortune. But all in all, after this cry, all the owners and workers of the shops on both sides turned pale and hurriedly closed for the day in a frenzy…

Beating a City's Official to death ah, how big of a deal was this…

Whoever wanted to be implicate could continue to show their own faces…

A few youths riding on horses came from the other side of the long street. The one right in front smirked upon looking at the scene before him, bemused by it. "Ya, aren't these the two great envoys under Saint Emperor Cao? What's wrong? You're in great spirits today! To be interested in killing a few City's Officials for sport? A cultivation level of a Spirit Xuan, killing the City's Officials, who are mere ordinary folks, truly mighty and impressive ah…"

The two bodyguard's faces instantly darkened.

They turned around to look for Jun Mo Xie, only to find that this fellow had already disappeared. Then, it suddenly occurred to them that the loud voice that cried out, 'Somebody has been killed!'… seemed to belong to this fellow… No wonder he was so excited…

"The two of us brothers offer our greetings before Young Master Zhan." The other party may be young, but he had influential background, and the two bodyguards knew that they could not afford to offend him, so naturally they did not behave rashly.

As it happens, this handsome, tall young master before them was the first person Cao Guo Feng had nagged at Young Master Jun to not offend.

Zhan Family—Zhan Yu Shu!

Even the other youths behind Young Master Zhan were all the descendants of the few big families in Misty Illusory Manor. These two brothers could not afford to offend any one of them.

Cao Guo Feng,and the forces around him did not fear them, but they would also not try to have any clashes with these families. Everyone had a mutual understanding to maintain harmony on the surface.

For example, if Young Master Jun had met with these few young masters of the worldly families, Cao Guo Feng would naturally stand up for him and would be willing to even fight against them, but if these two bodyguards offended these few young masters, Cao Guo Feng would definitely not stand up for them and would even punish them severely. Chasing them out of the Manor and ridding them of their skills was also possible. This was a matter they could not do anything abou. They were all the same—humans—but they had different lives!

"Wang Neng, Li Jie; I heard that… the two of you have a new young master now?" Zhan Yu Shu narrowed his eyes as he looked at them contemptuously, as if he were looking at ants. "I heard that… he's some Free and Natural Physique? I heard that… he is really powerful? Is it?"

He had used 'I heard' thrice in a row and intentionally dragged his tone out, not hiding a tiny bit of his contempt and disdain. The few youths behind him broke out in uncontrollable laughter.

One of them opened their mouth and said, "What Free and Natural Physique; it's probably a country bumpkin only. Probably a bastard that was picked up from god knows where, compared to our Big Bro, he's just a pile of feces!"

Another person added, "Calling him a pile of feces is already lifting his status. This young master has read numerous books, and although I do not dare to claim that I know everything in the world, but I have never heard of some peculiar physique called the Free and Natural Physique. A bastardly thing that wormed out of nowhere, trying to make us bow to him with something that has never been seen before, he is really retarded! With Big Bro Zhan around, which young man in Misty Illusory Manor dares to proclaim himself first! A frog that lived at the bottom of the well, overestimating his own capabilities, an arrogant barbarian that comes from the filthy mortal world!"

Zhan Yu Shu maintained his smile, a proud look on his handsome face. But if one looked more closely, it could be noticed that in the darkest parts of his eye, there was a calmness that was focused on the faces of the two before him, not letting go. He was also observing the bunch of people following behind him through the corners of his eyes.

If Jun Mo Xie was present, he would definitely be able to tell that this legendary Young Master Zhan was no idiot! But it was a pity that he had already slipped off to elsewhere.

"Young Master Zhan is right. Saint Emperor Cao has indeed taken in a disciple with the Free and Natural Physique. The reason why we are here is to accompany Young Master Mo to visit Heart Fantasy City." Wang Neng said, his face turning slightly green.

Zhan Yu Shu carefully caught the change in color on Wang Neng's face, chuckling with his eyes narrowed. "In this way? Didn't all the eighty years the two of you spend waiting bitterly go up in smoke? Pity ah pity, it is really a pity!" He was speaking of pity, but his tone was full of mockery at their misfortune.

The moment he said this, Wang Neng and Li Jie's faces changed instantly.

But Zhan Yu Shu continued to ramble on, continuing in an extremely haughty tone. "Haha, thinking of all the open and covert fighting the two of you did all these years to achieve the position of Saint Emperor Cao's successor, yet all of that has gone to waste now. This Young Master can't help but laugh; it's too hilarious hahaha, all those decades of hard work, yet everything went to someone else. I believe both of you are feeling extremely comfortable internally?"

Li Jie's face darkened, but he still dared not show his anger. He let out a bitter laugh. "Young Master Zhan must be joking. How could the two of us have our current achievements if not for Saint Emperor Cao's guidance back then. Saint Emperor Cao's greatest wish is to find a successor that he is pleased with, and now that he has found one, the both of us are extremely happy for him. There is only joy, nothing else; Young Master Mo's Free and Natural Physique makes him a divine talent. For 10,000 of years, only the Nine Nether First Young Master had this sort of extraordinary physique! So his physique can be said to be unrivaled throughout from ancient times till now. No matter how we may think otherwise, we are sincerely convinced and ready to concede! Young Master Zhan's last sentence was extremely right; the two of us do feel extremely comfortable internally!"

Zhan Yu Shu chuckled coldly. This reply was humble and polite and put himself down, but there was an underlying meaning. And it was a rebuttal to what his own friend had talked about in terms of his physique! Mocking that his own physique was nowhere close to that person who came later! No matter how he flattered himself or worked hard, it was all useless. That was a fact, and he was only humiliating himself by arguing otherwise…

Zhan Yu Shu's face instantly darkened after hearing Li Jie's words.

"Is there a need to argue?! Two trashes that were casually tossed away by your own families, good-for-nothings who followed for decades only to become a replacement! Bullying ordinary people with your strength of the Supreme Golden City, culprits who brutally killed the Officials of Heart Fantasy City, and you dare to mock this Young Master?" Zhan Yu Shu's face was cold and sinister. "Men! Capture these two men! Hand them over to the prison to await sentencing!"

The moment the order was given, the countless number of bodyguards rushed forward.

Zhan Yu Shu had a cold and merciless look in his eyes like a vicious tyrant. He looked at Wang Neng and Li Jie disdainfully and said, "These two people have ignored the laws of the Misty Illusory Manor and challenged the lawmen, using cruel methods to kill eight innocent Officials on the streets, staining the ground with blood. They're heartless, cruel and vicious. All of us saw it and are eyewitnesses! Their crimes are undeniable, and in the name of righteousness, we law-abiding good people shall assist the prefectural magistracy of the Misty Illusory Manor to detain these two culprits before us! If there is any resistance, they'll be killed regardless! Anyone who kills them will be excused for their crimes for taking them down!"

Wang Neng and Li Jie took a step back instantly, their faces green. "Young Master Zhan, we are all from the same family and all belong to Misty Illusory Manor. There is no need to be this ruthless, right?"

Zhan Yu Shu scoffed. "Pei! You two scums actually dare think of associating with this Young Master? It's not talk about how that is impossible, but so what even if you are able to? This Young Master is currently carrying out justice for heaven, ready to punish one's own family if justice demands it! The both of you blatantly ignored the laws, murdering so cruelly in the middle of the street, and the officials of the city at that!"

The six Spirit Xuans behind Zhan Yu Shu approached them with a villainous grin. Wang Neng and Li Jie's face turned as pale as a sheet, instantly falling into utter despair. They were cursing at Jun Mo Xie mentally…

"Young Master Zhan, the reason this happened is because these blind fools offended our Young Master. And the reason why the two of us intervened is because we were given orders. We have our own difficulties and had no choice! Young Master Zhan, we are all aware and clear; since someone has died, why don't we wait for the authorities to come and resolve this matter? Why must we take matters into our hands? Besides, it is only eight City's Officials who died… it's no big deal! Why must we blow the matter up and make things ugly for everyone!"

"Your Young Master? That country bumpkin surnamed Mo? That person with the Free and Natural Physique? He is also here?" Zhan Yu Shu's mind instantly shifted to the location of Young Master Jun.

Wang Neng instantly replied him while thinking internally. We had just said we were accompanying him on this trip, and now you are pretending that you didn't know that…

"Tell the law management of the City that this Young Master will temporarily intervene in this matter; tell them not to pursue it for now." A sharp glint appeared in Zhan Yu Shu's eyes. "Bring the two of them to Drifting Fragrance Lodge. Spread the word that Young Master Mo Jun Ye is to come at midnight personally to Drifting Fragrance Lodge to collect them! If he doesn't arrive on time, then these people shall be handed over to the authorities and punished according to the law! Paying with their lives for murder!"

A couple of people responded in acknowledgment. Wang Neng and Li Jie also heaved a sigh of relief. The few young masters behind Zhan Yu Shu also had a look of excitement, all thinking of how should they make things difficult after this Young Master Mo Jun Ye arrived.

Chapter 937: Girl in Yellow

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

As to those few City's Officials who died… to these people, it was just a small matter! Not even worth mentioning; if they wanted to destroy the entire law enforcement department, it wasn't a problem at all…

All these City's Officials were essentially a bunch of ruffians. How important could their deaths get…

Wang Neng and Li Jie exchanged looks, understanding it all now. It turned out the real objective of Zhan Yu Shu was that Mo Jun Ye and not the two of them. They were just very unlucky to become the pawns for them to initiate this clash…

The reason why he had gone such a big round was merely so that he had a good reason which made it harder for Mo Jun Ye to redeem the situation, that's all…

But the two of them weren't worried at all; instead, they were relieved. As long as they were out of the mess, that was good enough. As to that Mo Jun Ye… who cared if he was dead or alive? It would be to their wishes of he was tortured to death by Zhan Yu Shu…

That country bumpkin should just die; the earlier the better…

So the two people followed Zhan Yu Shu's underlings very cooperatively to Drifting Fragrance Hall, determined to cooperate with this show to the end. There was no worry about Cao Guo Feng knowing of this matter… it was indeed Mo Jun Ye who gave the order to take action. People died because of him. This was not made up; it was the truth…

Zhan Yu Shu raised his brows and narrowed his eyes and mumbled under his breath. "Mo Jun Ye… Also Evil Monarch… this Young Master Mo really has an interesting name! This Young Master wants to see how this Mo Jun Ye is 'Also Evil Monarch'. Forget it if you don't come, but as long as you come… This Young Master will let you know how powerful Zhan Yu Shu is! I'll guarantee it'll be unforgettable! What Free and Natural Physique… Hehehe…"

He turned around and left, his steps light and carefree.

As to Young Master Jun, he was already on another street. He was not interested in bothering with the things over here. He had already successfully caused trouble for those two, so Young Master Jun quickly slipped off…

As to those City's Officials who suddenly died, obviously it was the work of Young Master Jun. He was extremely clear that Wang Neng and Li Jie would not kill people according to his command; after all, murdering Officials on the street had dire consequences…

In fact, regardless of the consequences, both of them would not willingly and obediently carry out his orders…

But Jun Mo Xie just could not stand the sight of those people! Not only those City's Official scums, but Wang Neng and Li Jie too. So when they were delivering their punches, Young Master Jun secretly directed his spirit energy into the wounds that the duo had inflicted, ruthlessly drilling it in, shattering all the arteries of the City's Officials! With Young Master Jun current achievements, even Wang Neng and Li Jie couldn't escape from death!

Stealthily and unnoticeable!

What was the point of keeping all those vermin? Even if they really contributed to the security of Misty Illusory Manor, from their actions, they still deserved to die!

Regardless of his previous life or his current one, Jun Mo Xie would never show mercy to such people! But he really didn't have much thrill in killing them this time.

So depressing…

Now that he had no one tagging along, Jun Mo Xie felt extremely refreshed. Strolling about and looking around, he still discreetly dispersed his spiritual sense in all directions, carefully observing which direction was more rich in Spiritual Qi, which direction had the greatest fluctuations in Spiritual Qi, and which directions had experts…

Through this scout, Jun Mo Xie couldn't help but be taken aback. In this entire Heart Fantasy City, the place with the densest Spiritual Qi was the place he had exited from; but in this City, there were countless powerful spiritual sense that were lingering about in the air…

Although they were drifting along their own paths, they were present in all directions, encompassing the entire Heart Fantasy City within it…

But this was also something to be expected. How could a place where Saint Emperors dwelled not be a crucial and important location? How could the core region where the power and influences of the Misty Illusory Manor lay not have experts guarding it!

Jun Mo Xie was secretly impressed. As expected of the legendary Misty Illusory Manor, the distribution of peak experts in this place were hundred folds of the outside world… a force like this, if directed against someone, even the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master who had fully recovered may not have it easy in this place.

No wonder that fellow didn't kill his way into the Misty Illusory Manor and had to aggrieve himself to ask me to help him loot his weapon back. So it was all because he had apprehensions about this place…

Young Master Jun was deep in thought when he suddenly detected an unusually strong spiritual sense coming towards him. In a blink of an eye, it was already close by. And at the same time, there was an elegant fragrance that assailed his nostrils, carrying a hint of coldness within it. As if someone had used their powerful spiritual sense to firmly lock on his location.

Jun Mo Xie scoffed coldly in his mind. This spiritual sense is strong compared to average, but it is not enough for Young Master Jun to be bothered by. Right now, the search for the Seven Color Holy Tree was his priority, and it was best to avoid as many of all these minor things as possible. He had no interest nor mood to deal with something like this.

Jun Mo Xie wanted to turn around and leave.

He had just spun around when he saw a young lady donned in bright yellow clothes walking up to him with a smile. She stopped before him, scanning him with eyes full of curiosity. Her clear voice rang out: "May I ask if you are the successor of Saint Emperor Cao, Young Master Mo, Mo Jun Ye?"

This young lady was fair and well-proportioned in her built, and the dimples on her face appeared as she smiled and looked at him with bright eyes, her head slightly tilted. She was probably about sixteen years old.

Jun Mo Xie was stunned, he asked politely, "This young lady is?" Young Master Jun was most scared when people treated him politely.

"This maid offers my greetings to Young Master Mo." The young girl bowed and smiled bashfully. "Young Master Mo, my young lady would like to invite you over to meet her. I wonder if Young Master would be willing? Can I trouble you to make the trip?"

After saying it, she pointed to the side and looked up. "My Young Lady is waiting for Young Master's arrival over there."

Jun Mo Xie rubbed his nose and laughed bitterly. "Young lady, you are impressive; you've forced me to the point I cannot refuse, yet you still dare to ask me for my opinion. It shall be as you requested; let's go over to meet your Young Lady."

This girl was extremely polite in her speech, there was no problem with that. The problem lay after she pointed over, Jun Mo Xie had completely lost all reason to refuse. Because her young lady was standing right there watching him ah…

If he didn't go over, he'd really be offending her!

He had just arrived here, and she was able to recognize him already, so naturally she had quite a background, most likely a relative of one of the higher ups of the Misty Illusory Manor… Jun Mo Xie could even tell from the clothes of this girl, that her young lady was very likely to be the 'third person he cannot afford to offend' in the Misty Illusory Manor!

The most beloved granddaughter of the Palace Lord of the Misty Illusory Manor, Miao Xiao Miao…

Jun Mo Xie shook his sleeves, a helpless look on his face. The girl couldn't help but burst out in laughter seeing his comical behavior.

"Lass, what's your name?" Jun Mo Xie asked as he walked.

"Aren't you ashamed? Young Master, you may not be that much older than me, but you are calling me a lass. I'm called Little Beansprout, hehe, this is the name my young lady has given me." She said while making a funny face.

"Little Beansprout…" Jun Mo Xie halted and carefully looked at her. He praised. "It is indeed an interesting name; looking at young lady's dressing. This is not a little beansprout, but a little yellow beansprout…"

"Young Master is teasing me…" Little Beansprout's face flushed red as she shook her body shyly. She continued to lead Jun Mo Xie to the left.

Up in one of the restaurants not far away, an elegant and graceful young lady sat alone in the spot that offered the best view. Her jade fingers gently propped up her chin with a look of deep thought in her clear eyes. "Gu Fei Yu, what do you think of this person?" she asked indifferently.

This young lady was wearing a veil across her face and was donned in a light yellow dress. She looked like a fine jewel that did not belong to this world; although she was currently in the center of the busy city, she was like a snow lotus that stood alone, spotless! Untainted by all the vices of the world!

As if all the entire world was muddy and dirty, she would still be able to stand clean and still within it!

And beside her stood a young man donned in green. Clearly, this was the person she was speaking to earlier.

This young man in green also focused on Jun Mo Xie who was walking over. A look of wariness and caution in his eyes, and even a faint hint of killing intent.

As if he had discovered an enemy that was about to snatch his most precious treasure.

This young man had sharp brows and a handsome face. His built was tall and sturdy, with muscular arms and a narrow waist. Upon first glance, no one could not exclaim: What a fine young master of the world, an elegant and beautiful youth!

But the sinister intent in his eyes greatly destroyed that picturesque image. In that pair of long and narrow eyes, there was a lascivious look in his pupils, his chiseled cheekbones protruding, adding on a tinge of sinister ruthlessness… At his waist, a simple long sword in its sheath hung.

This youth had a look of confidence and arrogance. Clearly, he was someone of status within the Misty Illusory Manor, but before this girl, he did not sit down… perhaps, he couldn't be bothered to sit down, or maybe he was unwilling to sit down, or perhaps… he didn't dare to sit down.

But no matter what, he didn't sit down and only remained standing.

Upon hearing the young girl's question, he hurriedly chuckled and replied, "What does Little Sister Xiao Miao think?"

That girl in yellow slightly furrowed her brows, replying indifferently. "I'm the one asking you."