
924 to 930

Chapter 924: I'll Gift You a Successor!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"The Misty Illusory Manor may have plenty of experts and is strong, but most of them are old in age. They can't compete with a maniacal prodigy with rapid advancement speed like Jun Mo Xie! Jun Mo Xie is barely twenty. Standing in a battle alone, he killed Zhan Mu Bai with not a single scratch on him. And he was capable of killing over twenty Holy Land experts in a single sweep after battling a Saint Emperor! What sort of power is that?! What sort of potential is that?! I can almost confirm that he will not be past thirty when he reaches the peak of this world!"

"When that time comes, even if its us, Misty Illusory Manor, what do we have to resist against Jun Mo Xie?" Cao Guo Feng sighed in grief. "It'll still be alright if Jun Mo Xie doesn't set his eyes on Misty Illusory Manor, but if he really does, then… the consequences are unimaginable!"

"Then Big Brother means… that we should get rid of Jun Mo Xie now? Get rid of the threat once and for all?!" Bai Qi Feng furrowed his brows and asked.

"No. That sort of thing, perhaps the three Holy Lands can do it without feeling any guilt, but the Misty Illusory Manor must not! And dares not! You must all remember: if you kill someone because you envy their speed… then there is no doubt that you have a subconscious belief in your own heart that 'I'm incomparable to him'. This is a great taboo in cultivation! Even if we ultimately kill him, he will become an inner-demon that will live forever in the deepest parts of your heart. And from then on, you will never be able to improve for eternity!"

Cao Guo Feng's eyes were full of worry. "If there is no Jun Mo Xie, the Misty Illusory Manor has no reason to be anxious. But now that he exists, we must absolutely find a suitable successor that has a great physique comparable to the enemy. This matter is of utmost urgency! Because we must guarantee that a thousand years later, there is still someone who is able to support the entire Misty Illusory Manor!"

Realization dawned on Bai Qi Feng. But his face turned into that of fury, and he uttered through gritted teeth: "This sort of ideal successor… we had actually found it… but it's a pity that its all destroyed by the three Holy Lands! Those b*stards! If I could, I'd eat them alive!"

Another person piped up cautiously. "When put in this way… if one day, the Misty Illusory Manor is destroyed in the hands of Jun Mo Xie, then isn't it all because what the three Holy Lands had done?"

"That is correct! That's why I said… We must not let them off so easily." Bai Qi Feng said heavily, his eyes filled with killing intent. His hand pressed on his sword as he looked south. That was the direction of the three Holy Lands!

"Now that things have come to this, there is no use in talking about all this anymore; there is no point… The real important thing is where do we go and find a successor whose physique is able to contend against Jun Mo Xie? Otherwise, the Misty Illusory Manor that has been around for ten thousands of years is really running out of time!" Cao Guo Feng let out a long sigh, frowning.

The other six people all thought it through and let out long sighs, at the ends of their wits.

Just then, they heard an eerie, maniacal laughter ringing out. And the sound was coming from not far away. Everyone exchanged looks of shock. A gleam appeared in Cao Guo Feng's eyes as he asked, "Which expert is acting like ghosts before us? I invite you to come out and meet us."

The faces of Bai Qi Feng and the rest darkened. From the sound of the laughter, this person's strength was definitely not beneath any of them present, and even a little more superior! If this person was really an enemy, it'd be a terrifying one!

They all did not open their mouths to speak, completely focusing in stand-by mode, getting ready to attack at any moment.

After a long time, they heard that eerie voice speak slowly. "Weren't you guys looking for a successor with a good physique? This old man sees that you have been searching too hard and pities all of you for being so old with age and left with not much time to live. So I specially came to gift one to you. This old man is a kind person, right?!"

This person's voice was vague and indistinct; sometimes it was in front, sometimes it was at the back, and sometimes left and right. Yet sometimes, it seemed as if he were spinning in the air, changing positions constantly. Even the supernatural powers of the seven Saint Emperors could not clearly discern the direction this person was hiding at, what more his general location!

The moment the person had finished his sentence, the faces of the seven of them changed. This person could clearly listen to the contents of our conversation earlier, while we cannot do anything about him at all… Doesn't this mean that this person's strength is beyond all of us?

And this person's voice was not friendly, so clearly he was not a friend!

Why would such a powerful enemy appear in such wilderness?

After a moment of silence, suddenly, a bloodcurdling scream ripped across the air. The voice sounded young, and the person was definitely not beyond the age of twenty. Then, this eerie voice laughed gleefully and said, "Come, come! Hahahaha… come and welcome your disciple… Free and Natural Physique… it's really rare to find…"

A white figure seemed to be tossed in the air with great force. It spun twice in the air, blood spurting out from his mouth and across the air. Then, it landed heavily on the ground with a pa , blood and flesh flying about.

"This old man is going off now, hahaha…" This eerie voice seemed to be coming from underground now, vanishing completely without a trace.

"Go!" Bai Qi Feng yelled and ran over first.

"Qi Feng! Be careful; it may be a trap!" Cao Guo Feng warned. He flew into the air with his sword, cautiously observing the surroundings. In this position, no matter what was happening nearby, he would be able to immediately render aid to his comrades and deliver a fatal blow to the enemy from the top!"

This was the mutual understanding that the seven of them had developed after undergoing battles together for a long time. Nothing needed to be said; when faced with an enemy, they would naturally get into the best formation, each occupying the best and most advantageous position that would be able to provide the best protection for their comrades!

Cao Guo Feng was full of alert in the air when he suddenly heard Bai Qi Feng yelling anxiously. "Big Brother! Hurry over and see! Its… It's really that child with the Free and Natural Physique! Come over quickly!"

Cao Guo Feng who was hovering mid air jolted and landed where Bai Qi Feng was with a whoosh. He was instantly enraged at the sight!

On the ground laid a person.

That person was already covered in blood; aside from terrible wounds, he was completely unconscious. He only had the strength to breathe out and not inhale any air…

Looked like this person was dealt a heavy hit by the person speaking earlier and tossed from a high place. It was already not easy for him to still hold onto his breath…

Cao Guo Feng walked over and checked his pulse. He couldn't help but curse again. The meridians of this youth before them were almost completely destroyed! He was practically a cripple!

This youth had a handsome face; both his brows were furrowed in agony, and both his eyes were tightly shut… But it was none other than the prodigy with the Free and Natural Physique!

To think that he was kidnapped away when he was in Chrysanthemum City but delivered back again only now. But in such a pathetic, dying state. Cao Guo Feng only felt an heartache. His hand that had always been steady was trembling a little. He forced himself to control his emotions and shut his eyes as he asked, "Can he still be saved?"

With Cao Guo Feng's prowess and judgment, asking this sentence was enough to show the amount of concern he had for this youth with the Free and Natural Physique.

Bai Qi Feng sighed and replied, "I'm afraid it'll be difficult…"

Actually, not only was Cao Guo Feng upset, even Bai Qi Feng was not necessarily feeling any better!

Cao Guo Feng's entire body jerked as his back gave way. As if in this moment, he had suddenly aged numerous years…

"But it is not completely impossible… just… just that we must see if… it's worth it…" Bai Qi Feng said hesitantly.

"What way? " Cao Guo Feng turned around sharply, looking at Bai Qi Feng with a fervent look in his eyes.

"The seven of us take turns to use our Xuan Qi to protect his pulse. Then, we hurry all the way back to the Misty Illusory Manor! If he can sustain till we get back to the Misty Illusory Manor, there may be a chance with powerful effects of the Seven Colored Holy Fruit… But if he can't last till then, then there is nothing we can do… But from the looks of his current situation, thinking of lasting until then… it's difficult! Really difficult!" Bai Qi Feng said.

"No matter what, this is the last hope we have now! Let's do it this way! We head straight back to the Misty Illusory Manor! The prodigal physique of this lad directly concerns the future of the Misty Illusory Manor, and failure is not an option! Let me be the first to sustain his life…" Cao Guo Feng said decisively.

Cao Guo Feng stretched his arms out, and Xuan Qi rushed out. With a grunt, a formless bed that was completely made from condensed Xuan Qi appeared suddenly!

He grabbed at the air with his right hand. The body of the youth on the ground silently floated up and onto this Xuan Qi bed. There was not a single movement on his body, as if he had fallen comfortably into the clouds.

Dense Xuan Qi emitted from Cao Guo Feng's palms as he went over the body. Everywhere the palms went, the wounds on the youth's body began to dry up and scab. The bleeding wound just now instantly got better!

"The Return of Spring Skill! Big Brother, you're insane!" Bai Qi Feng was shocked. "Are you sick of living?"

The Return of Spring Skill was a special skill for treating injuries. The user used his own life force to transform into the power for healing, allowing the injured party's injuries to get better! Even the most severe of injuries would get better when this skill was used!

But in Misty Illusory Manor, this secret skill was a tabooed skill!

Chapter 925: Apprehensions!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

There was no other reason; the moment the Return of Spring Technique was used, the user's life would be greatly exhausted regardless whether the injured was saved or not! He may even die from using up all of his life force!

Cao Guo Feng smiled and said, "This old man has already lived for one thousand years, but I have not lived enough. Yet, I definitely cannot watch a prodigy get destroyed like this before my eyes! The three Holy Lands can be full of jealousy and kill for precaution, but this old man will never ever do something like that! Being greedy for life does not mean that I fear death!"

After saying this, he grabbed the wrist of the boy and began to transfer all of the Xuan Qi into him, continuously, with no reservations…

This youngster who was close to death with the 'Free and Natural Physique' was naturally Young Master Jun. Right now, Young Master Jun was feeling extremely conflicted. Cao Guo Feng's wholehearted care and concern had caused Jun Mo Xie to feel guilty.

Because Cao Guo Feng was sincerely thinking for Young Master Jun's life, but Jun Mo Xie was lying to him. Although Cao Guo Feng's ultimate goal was for the Misty Illusory Manor, but Jun Mo Xie still felt that his own behavior was a little despicable.

At the same time Cao Guo Feng used the Return of Spring Skill, Jun Mo Xie distinctly felt the life force in Cao Guo Feng's body decreasing rapidly. He sighed internally and secretly activated the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune and transferred the life force back to Cao Guo Feng through a unique air circulation.

First, he forced it into the air, controlling it using the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune and seeping it into Cao Guo Feng's body. Although it was slower, much slower than Cao Guo Feng's output, but its advantage was that it was consistent and hard to be detected.

And the life energy that was processed by the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune was stronger. So Cao Guo Feng who had used the tabooed skill no matter what the consequences were had instead gained an advantage, prolonging his longevity.

Jun Mo Xie also felt a little more at ease. At least in this way, I've made it up to you and didn't make you lose everything…

As to whether we'll be friends or foes in the future, only time will tell. I'll do my best not to cause you harm! Jun Mo Xie shut his eyes and said mentally.

For the sake of Dugu Xiao Yi and Guan Qing Han, I really have no other choice.

Because if I requested for it directly, you will absolutely not give it to me. What I need is not a small quantity…

Please allow me to be selfish once!

I'm sorry!

Jun Mo Xie had always been very self centered. He had committed countless things selfishly. But only this time, he was really moved by how Cao Guo Feng used his own life force to sustain his life with no hesitation.

Jun Mo Xie would not feel any guilt if he killed Cao Guo Feng in a face to face battle. Even if Cao Guo Feng was a Saint, he would also… not give way. If he was really injured, then it was still reasonable, but right now… he was not injured at all…

The human's conscience is truly a magical thing. To think that a cold-blooded person like me could also develop such complicated emotions… Jun Mo Xie laughed bitterly.

Bai Qi Feng couldn't help but frown at the sight Cao Guo Feng ceaselessly transferring his Xuan Qi. "Big Brother, I'm afraid that this matter requires greater considerations. This ideal successor with the Free and Natural Physique is indeed difficult to come by, but right now, is it really worth it for us to take such a big risk for him when he is in this state?! Since the enemy is able to leave him half dead and deliver him back to us, there may be a bigger plot behind this! What if the person just now already destroyed the sensibility of this child? Even if we save him back physically with the Manor's treasure, we may not be able to salvage his mind! If we saved an idiot, so what if he has the Free and Natural Physique?! This is an important thing that we cannot neglect!"

Young Master Jun who was feigning his severe injuries cursed mentally. F*ck you, you're the idiot! Your whole family is full of idiots! When this Young Master Jun shows his skills, I'll definitely turn you into an idiot! How dare you insult this young master!

Cao Guo Feng smiled and shook his head without saying a word.

"Big Brother, even putting aside what I said earlier, all of us will use large amounts of Xuan Qi to sustain this child's life… if an enemy ambushes us, not only will this child die, even the seven of us will… also have the possibility of dying on the journey. Aren't the stakes a little big here?" Bai Qi Feng began to turn anxious seeing how he couldn't convince Cao Guo Feng.

There was really too many suspicious things about this matter. Bai Qi Feng couldn't help but think hypothetically. The Free and Natural Physique had been rare to find since ancient times. But the enemy was willing to destroy it in such a mangled state and return it… Why would he do that if he didn't have any plots?

If this was a trap… then the consequences were really severe!

"You are not wrong at all." Cao Guo Feng finally slowly opened his mouth to speak. "Everything before us is obviously a trap! I had already figured this out just now, but this is a trap that we have no choice but to walk into! Even if we know that there is a high chance that we won't walk out of it alive, we must still walk into it!"

"Since the thousands of years Misty Illusory Manor has been built, we have been full of talents and countless prodigal cultivators. But one that has the Free and Natural Physique is completely unheard of. This has led to a huge restriction in the development of the Misty Illusory Manor… especially when the Evil Monarch Jun Mo Xie has coincidentally emerged in the outside world! Qi Feng, amongst us, we can't conceal the fact that we are old; how much hope is there for us? But the Misty Illusory Manor must remain, and it must be an existence that lasts throughout all the ages!"

Bai Qi Feng had wanted to try and convince him, but he couldn't say it out loud. He only sighed and lowered his head.

"This youth before us is the hope of the Misty Illusory Manor! The terrifying potential of the Free and Natural Physique; there is nothing comparable to it. I believe that this child must have had special encounters that allowed him to retain his Free and Natural Physique, which would disappear in his early childhood without a master! And he even developed a strong foundation of Xuan Qi! What does all this represent? You and I are aware of it. The future development of this youth with great luck is definitely unlimited! He may not be inferior to that Jun Mo Xie!"

Cao Guo Feng once again increased the speed of the Xuan Qi he was channeling in. "Now at this moment, when the internal is troubled and there is an external threat, we have gotten this miraculous opportunity again. How could we abandon it? Even if the seven of us are to perish here, we must not give up on it! Even if there is the slightest chance, we must bring this youth with the Free and Natural Physique safely back to the Misty Illusory Manor! We must take the risk this time!

"If we abandoned this youth for our own safety today, and the Misty Illusory Manor comes with any mishap in the future and is wiped out, then everything will be due to us! We are the sinners who caused the Misty Illusory Manor to be annihilated!" Cao Guo Feng said heavily.

"Big Brother always takes into account the greater picture and thinks and considers greatly at length. You are right, I was not considerate enough earlier." A look of embarrassment flashed across Bai Qi Feng's face. "It can be said that I owe the Misty Illusory Manor a great debt of gratitude. Since we've come to this point, then even if it means staking my life on it, I must safely bring this child back!"

All five of them had a solemn look on their faces, and they nodded their heads resolutely!

Cao Guo Feng laughed, feeling heartened. "Since that's the case, let's hurry up and set off! My skills are slightly stronger, so let me be the one to sustain for the first part of this journey until I'm exhausted. Then, you guys take turns and go about it according to the way I did it. Absolutely must not let him feel any sudden movements in case of further complications!"

Bai Qi Feng responded and rushed ahead of Cao Guo Feng. "I'll open the path." He rushed off.

Cao Guo Feng carried the 'severely injured' body of Young Master Jun and followed closely behind Bai Qi Feng. The other five formed a circle around Cao Guo Feng. The seven of them formed a secure formation and dashed off at high speed!

The seven people bolted forward like lightning. Although they were in a dense forest, there was not a single sound made! These Saint Emperor experts did not get their reputation for nothing.

Right now, these seven experts were behaving as if they were about to meet a huge enemy. All of them spread their spiritual sense far and wide.

They were already about to exit the mountains, but that scary opponent still made no move.

If there was something unusual, there must be something wrong. These seven people did not lower their guard; instead, they became even more alert!

Since the enemy has already set up this trap, how could he let us escape away so easily?

All seven of them had the same thought.

After traveling for quite a distance, Cao Guo Feng noticed something odd about his own body. My Xuan Qi is indeed more superior than the rest, but I had just greatly exhausted my strength in using the Return of Spring Skill. Technically, my body should be weaker than usual, but right now, there is nothing unusual about my body. Furthermore, I don't seem to be showing signs of fatigue when I've released so much of my Xuan Qi.

This usual situation caused Cao Guo Feng to feel extremely elated. Could it be that my sudden explosion of moral character, exhausting my own lifespan to use a tabooed skill, is able to allow myself to return back to my best state? This is truly bizarre!

But no matter what, this situation that had appeared was still a good thing! As long as he retained his own strength, there might not be big danger even if they met with an enemy! As long as he maintained it until they returned to the Misty Illusory Manor, it was absolutely worth it, even if it costed him his life!

Chapter 926: Impasse!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The mountain pass was right before their eyes: a narrow and long ravine. Sunlight did not enter, forming an eerie and long shadow. From afar, it looked like a cold viper quietly crawling on the ground.

Bai Qi Feng raised his hand and all seven people instantly halted. He looked at what laid before them cautiously, a sharp look in his eyes. "If the enemy set up an ambush in this area of the mountain, this will be their last stage and also the most treacherous one! It is most suitable for ambush… everyone get ready; the battle is very likely to be before us!"

The remaining others responded in agreement. They couldn't help but reach for their swords looking at that narrow ravine before them, only feeling their palms turn cold and sweaty.

These people had been living on the edge of life and death for thousands of years and were already old beyond description. Even in the face of death, when the swords were upon their necks, it might not even bring a frown to their faces.

But right now, when faced with this rather ordinary looking ravine, they were all feeling fearful!

But this fear was not for themselves, but for the huge responsibility they were all carrying upon their shoulders! The future of the Misty Illusory Manor was in the arms of Cao Guo Feng! There was no room for mistakes!

The only thing they knew right now was that the opponent was a powerful and mysterious enemy. That person was hiding in the shadows, ready to deliver a fatal blow at any moment. As to where this person was from? Why was he targeting the Misty Illusory Manor like this? Which force did he belong to? What was the strength of the forces behind him?

They had no clue about any of these!

The mental pressure on these seven people was even greater because of this layer of mystery.

The seven people carefully used their immense spiritual sense to scan the ravine and the two peaks before them thoroughly, but they didn't find anything! But because they didn't find anything, they were even more nervous!

The unique trait of humans feeling fearful about what they did not know—even Saint Emperors were no exceptions!

There was completely nothing, which meant there were only two possibilities. One, there was no one at all. Second… the enemy's strength was beyond all of theirs. But… the enemy had already set up such a thorough and cruel plan, how could he not arrange for the final blow?

None of the seven Saint Emperors of Misty Illusory Manor would believe that there was no one over there.

The ravine was only five zhang wide, but the sides were extremely steep, as if it were cut by a knife. The most unique thing about the ravine was that the top was mutually connected, making it seem like a giant tunnel…

Bai Qi Feng furrowed his brows and looked. "I'll go and check it out first. If anything goes wrong… just go the other way, and don't bother about me! This place is really odd and treacherous!"

Cao Guo Feng raised his head and looked at Bai Qi Feng, intense emotions in his eyes. "Qi Feng… you must be careful, if you notice anything amiss, retreat immediately and don't try to test it."

The other five members also had worried looks on their faces.

If this was the past, the seven brothers would rather live and die together, insisting on barging their way through as one! But right now, they couldn't. Even if they knew clearly that Bai Qi Feng had a low chance of making it out alive… this scouting was necessary! Even if Bai Qi Feng didn't go, someone else would still have to do it. It was only a matter of who was the one doing it.

Bai Qi Feng nodded his head heavily. With a flash, he charged straight in at high speed. The six people behind looked at the view of his back, a look of anxiety in their eyes.

Bai Qi Feng had already arrived at the entrance of the ravine. His white figure paused for a while; he turned about slightly, as if he wanted to turn around to look at his brothers, but ultimately, he didn't. After this pause, he accelerated and vanished into the ravines!

That instant when Bai Qi Feng's figure disappeared into the ravine, everyone was feeling extremely anxious, vaguely having an ominous feeling that they would never meet again in this life…

But it didn't take long before the white figure appeared again and Bai Qi Feng emerged, a look of surprise on his face. "There is no ambush here! There is completely no ambush! This… this is really amazing…"

Everyone was relieved. Cao Guo Feng scolded jokingly, "Don't tell me you are disappointed that there is no ambush? What a wretch."

Bai Qi Feng chuckled and replied, "Big Brother, this place is the best place for an ambush, but they didn't set one… the moment we pass this place, the rest of it will be a wide and open plain. Trying to kill Saint Emperor experts on a open plain… isn't it a joke? That's why I said I can't figure it out."

Cao Guo Feng scoffed. "Don't bother thinking about things that you can't figure out! Since there is no ambush then let's hurry along. If we all make it back to Misty Illusory Manor safely, isn't it a joyous matter!"

Everyone's anxieties were erased and they all entered happily.

The width of the ravine may be narrow, but it was extremely long. When the seven people had just seen the light at the other side, Cao Guo Feng suddenly had a bad feeling, all his goosebumps appearing. He suddenly yelled, "Halt!"

This was a thunderous shout, clearing all the clouds above. Especially in a narrow ravine like this, the other six people's ears were ringing from the volume.

The other six all instantly halted from shock. They all looked over at the narrow opening where the light was entering from. Their skills were slightly inferior to Cao Guo Feng, but they didn't find anything amiss. They couldn't help but turn around to look at Cao Guo Feng in surprise.

It was as if Cao Guo Feng's sharp eyesight could see all the way through to the outside. "A honest person does nothing underhanded; since you are already here and you intend to cause trouble for us, do you still need to do put up that shady disguise? Just come straight out!"

The six people's hearts sank upon hearing this.

The darkness before dawn was the darkest. They knew that endless brightness came with one more step forward, but they just had to be trapped in the darkest moment!

They were almost at the end of the ravine; the enormous mountain body was at their sides, removing all possibilities of breaking through the walls to escape. At a time like this, if the enemy blocked them from the front and back, there was no way out… and the consequences were really dire!

Just at this timing, a long whistle rang out from outside. A graceful voice rang out. "As expected of Saint Emperor Cao Guo Feng, truly impressive! We all thought we left no traces, but to think that Saint Emperor Cao could still detect us from so far away. Truly, your reputation is fully justified."

Then, as that clear and melodious laughter rang out, ten black figures emerged on the exit of the tunnel, blocking out the other exit.

The seven Saint Emperors were taken aback, and some of them were even confused, unconsciously turning around to look behind.

That person laughed slowly. "There's no need to turn around, because the way you came in from has already been blocked. We deployed almost one hundred experts in the operation for this ambush! Cao Guo Feng, hehehehe, the seven Saint Emperors of the Misty Illusory Manor, today shall be your death day! This eerie and narrow ravine is really a suitable and apt place for your resting place ah!"

Cao Guo Feng understood that all of them had fallen into an impasse that they had never encountered before. But he still did not give up on transferring his Xuan Qi. He only asked, "Who are you? Since we are about to die, my friend, why don't you meet us with your real appearance? Let the few of us die understanding why. If we are really dying in the hands of our old acquaintances, the seven of us would not be dying in injustice."

It turned out that all the people at the exit were donned in black, and they all had black cloth masking their faces, only revealing their gleaming eyes. Upon hearing Cao Guo Feng's words, the leader laughed heartily. "Even if you are all eradicated, the forces behind you will still remain. Saint Emperor Cao, we are all clear of the strength of you seven brothers. Although we may have the geological and manpower advantage, but we only have ninety percent confidence in keeping all of you here."

He laughed eerily. "Ninety percent; although it is relatively high, but it is still not hundred percent! For precaution's sake, we absolutely will not reveal our identities before you all are dead."

He looked at Cao Guo Feng and said menacingly, "Of course, I definitely will not let a big shot like Saint Emperor Cao die confused; so… when Saint Emperor Cao is really unable to move later and has one last breath left, I will fulfill this wish of Saint Emperor Cao's."

This person cackled weirdly. "Perhaps, when that time comes, Saint Emperor Cao will really be elated."

"It is yet to be determined whether I'll be elated or not." Cao Guo Feng scoffed. "Can all the things of the world go according to one's wishes? You may not have that opportunity to witness if I'm elated or not!!"

"Indeed, that is the case. That is why I do not dare to reveal my identity right now. Better to be safe than sorry; there is nothing wrong with being cautious!" This was beyond everyone's exceptions. That person had outrightly acknowledged this fact.

Cao Guo Feng was even more on guard. The person they were facing was not arrogant or hot-tempered. He had a steady and deep temperament. Indeed, he was a formidable opponent!

It could be said that Bai Qi Feng was responsible for everyone from the Misty Illusory Manor falling into such a treacherous circumstance because he did not do a good job in scouting. There was no way out or for retreat. It was truly a bad situation.

But none of the six people brought this matter up. The reason why they were in this circumstance now was because of the decision all seven of them had made. They had no intentions of blaming anyone.

But Bai Qi Feng suddenly panted heavily. He let out a loud shout, drew his sword, and charged forward. Even if the brothers did not blame him, caring about the brotherly ties they had, Bai Qi Feng felt that it was all his fault! And he could not make up for it even if he died a hundred times! Because it was his own mistake that caused all seven of them to be in this state of impasse!

Possibly ruining the future of the Misty Illusory Manor!

Chapter 927: Breaking Out!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

At this point, Bai Qi Feng had already given up on living!

The only thought in his mind now was to go all out!

Only by risking this life of his could he let his six brothers escape!

That was the only thought in his heart!

But Cao Guo Feng had been noticing him this entire time. The moment he moved, Cao Guo Feng had already appeared in front of him, staring coldly at him. With a loud pa sound, a ruthless slap landed on his face!

Bai Qi Feng caressed his face, somewhat stunned. In the past thousand years, no one had ever slapped him before. But today, he'd been slapped so ruthlessly under the eyes of everyone! But in that instant, he actually did not feel any rage at all.

"Was that comfortable?" Cao Guo Feng stared coldly at him and asked. "Do you know that those people there are simply waiting for you to charge over so that they can pick us apart with greater ease? Do you know that if you dashed out now, the lives of all seven of us will be lost in your hands along with the future of the Misty Illusory Manor? Do you know that if you charged out now… If you died, the six of us would also give up on escaping even if we had the chance? Bai Qi Feng, when did you become this stupid?"

Bai Qi Feng's determined face finally gave way slightly, and his eyes grew red as he muttered in a low voice, "But…"

"But what? But everyone's situation is only so bad now because of you, right?" Cao Guo Feng cut his words short and reprimanded fiercely. "The situation is already like this; what use is there even if you charged out there? With regards to this debt, all of us will remember it for you! When we get back to the Misty Illusory Manor, we will naturally look for you to settle accounts! You're thinking of ending everything with your death? How can there be such a simple matter in the world?"

"Indeed! Second brother Bai, with regards to this debt that you owe us, everyone will naturally obtain it back from you slowly in the future. There's no way that we'll let you off so easily! Dying is too cheap for you!" The other five also laughed and said, their words seemingly very relaxed and carefree.

In the face of life and death, these people completely discarded all their concerns and instead became more carefree.

Bai Qi Feng's emotions gradually calmed down, and he nodded solemnly. He didn't say anything else, and his eyes regained their calm.

"Pa pa pa…" A series of clapping sounds rang out, as an eerie voice rang out. "Hahahaha… what a close relationship! The Misty Illusory Manor is indeed a place of great talents! However, some people's face are indeed a little too thick. If it was me who made such a grave mistake, implicating my brothers, I would have already drawn my sword and taken my own life in embarrassment! How would I have the have had the face to stand there with my brothers so righteously? The thickness of some people's face is truly unparalleled under the heavens ah! What an eye opener; impressive, impressive!"

Bai Qi Feng snorted coldly and was just about to speak when he realized with a start. "Brothers, we must rush out now immediately! The fact that those people haven't attacked yet and are stalling for time here now means that they're waiting for the people from the other side to rush over here, pincering us in! If we…"

Cao Guo Feng's eyes widened as he exclaimed, "You're right! Brothers, slaughter a path out with me!"

Seeing that they'd finally caught on, the person from the other side laughed aloud. "So you finally realized; but it's already too late!" The laughing sneers of tens of people rang out behind them. Quite clearly, the enemy had already arrived!

Cao Guo Feng did not even turn around, roaring loudly. "Bai Qi Feng will lead the charge; the five of you will assist his flanks, and we'll all rush out together in one stroke! Victory or defeat will all depend on this one stroke!"

Bai Qi Feng roared madly, and with a loud whooshing sound, his white sleeves billowed menacingly as he took the lead, charging out. His speed grew faster and faster, and by the time he dashed out of the cave, green smoke was rising from the hems of his white robes!

The stress in this kind of dire situation coupled with the immense guilt and responsibility in his heart caused Bai Qi Feng to actually break through his internal shackles, displaying unprecedented peak power!

The other six followed closely behind him like seven of the sharpest swords, intent on piercing through the darkness into the light!

A loud roar rang out behind him as the enemies at the back charged after them!

Bai Qi Feng dashed forward like a streak of lightning; at the height of his speed, the long sword in his hand shrilled loudly, turning into a streak of scaldingly hot white light, stabbing forward dazzlingly!

In the instant the sword stabbed out, Bai Qi Feng's eyes had already turned as red as blood. His long hair billowed behind him magnificently, and he leaned forward and flew forward; before he'd reached even three zhang in distance, the swordlight had already condensed into the thickness of a cylinder. Swordlight blasted out in all directions, emitting dazzling rays in the darkness. With every step he took, it grew thicker and thicker!

It was like a nuclear bomb, detonating in the darkness!

Only when the swordlight appeared in front of the enemy did a loud bang sound explode behind Bai Qi Feng!

The speed of this sword had actually exceeded the speed of sound by many times!

This was an extremely fearsome 'Sword and Man As One' charge!

Bai Qi Feng's Sword and Man As One this time had already completely surpassed what the limits of Sword and Man As One should be!

"Everyone, be careful! Attack together! Combine your strengths and deal with this lunatic first!" That person shouted as 10 people stood up together. Numerous swordlights shot out like multi-colored rainbows, slicing towards Bai Qi Feng!

At this time, the backup and attacks of the other five from the Misty Illusory Manor had also arrived!

Along with Bai Qi Feng's sword, the other six Saint Emperors also attacked with all their might!

Success or defeat all depended on this one combined attack!

If this attack was blocked and they couldn't charge out, the seven of them would immediately fall into a dangerous situation, being caught in the middle of the encirclement! Of the seven Saint Emperors, it was likely that not a single one of them would be able to survive!

The leader on the other side gritted his teeth as his eyes shone with anxiety. Cursing lowly, he shouted. "F*ck!"

Before his words could finish, the two sides' attacks clashed together!

A loud boom rang out, and the entire valley reverberated unceasingly with powerful explosions. Countless large rocks rained down from the top like a heavy storm of hailstones.

Bai Qi Feng's side had seized the initiative after all, and the seven of them had all gone all out, holding nothing back as they attacked with their full strength. This frigid and sorrowful force was really enough to make even an army of 10,000 flinch!

In the instant that the two sides clashed, both sides felt like the strengths of the opponent had reached an exceedingly terrifying level!

Bai Qi Feng's sword was relentless and fierce, suppressing a large half of the enemy's attacks by himself. Right now, he only had a single very pure idea: Charge out! He must definitely charge out together with his brothers!

Countless new tears and sword marks continuously appeared on his white robes. However, he didn't seem to have noticed those scars at all. In just an instant, over a hundred scars had appeared all over his body!

The leading black robed expert on the other side attacked with frenzied vigor, but he was pushed back over and over again. Bai Qi Feng's sword Qi cut the black robes on his body into tatters causing his clothes to look like a bunch of ribbons!

At this time, Cao Guo Feng who was in the middle of the seven man formation suddenly turned, and his eyes landed on the shredded clothes of the black robed man. A small section of a purple waistband could be seen under the black robes, revealed by the hole. In that moment, he roared with rage. "It's really you all!" His voice was filled with rage and disbelief!

The experts of the Elusive World of Immortals all wore purple gold waistbands on their hips, while the people from the Illusory Blood Sea also wore this kind of stuff all the time! In that case, thy ones who sneak attacked them were actually people from the three Holy Lands!

Cao Guo Feng gritted his teeth with hatred, nearly passing out from the anger! He'd only suspected it a little just now, but now that there was concrete evidence, there was no room for doubt! You spoilt our interests, provoked us repeatedly, forced us out of Chrysanthemum City, and now you lie here to ambush us?!

Who in the world behaves in such a shameless manner!

No wonder they had treated that Free and Natural Physique child so cruelly. From the looks of it, they must have been trying to make the Evil Monarch the scapegoat! No wonder they dressed themselves all in black like the Evil Monarch's people…

Stealing the sky and put up a sham sun, diverting trouble to innocent bystanders!

Truly too despicable!

The black robed man raised his brows with shock; scanning himself quickly, he discovered the hole in his clothes, and subconsciously moved his hand to cover the purple belt. A look of surprise could be seen on his face as he bellowed, "What nonsense are you spouting! What you all, we all, really, and falsely!"

But this instant of anxiousness actually caused a gap to appear in their incredibly tight defense! Bai Qi Feng did not hesitate as he drove his sword forward, charging into the gap with all the strength of his blood and body!

With a loud roar, Bai Qi Feng burst out of the encirclement, his entire body drenched in blood, the sun shining on his body. The other six followed closely behind him, charging out as well. Without pausing, Cao Guo Feng roared, "Ignore everything, run with all your might!"

All seven of them were seasoned experts. Without so much as turning their heads, they continued charging forward at full speed!

No matter what, today was not the day to engage in a battle to the death!

The loud rumblings sounds behind them had not stopped at all, and rocks continued raining down from the mountain. A series of enraged shouts could be heard from the back. "F*ck, why did an avalanche happen at this kind of timing! How frustrating!"

Heaven always leaves a path out for men; this time, it was an avalanche which blocked the pursuit. Cao Guo Feng let loose a sigh of relief as he carried Jun Mo Xie in his arms and continued running like a bolt of lightning. At the same time, his heart blazed with rage. The three Holy Lands, if this old man does not settle this account with you, I will not be a man!

Cao Guo Feng only thought like this to himself. But the enraged Bai Qi Feng directly roared, "Bastards of the three Holy Lands, listen well! This old man has remembered this debt of blood today! From today onwards, we are irreconcilable enemies, and we will not relent until one side is dead!" The other five also had varying degrees of injuries on their bodies, and their hearts were also filled with rage, not any less than Bai Qi Feng's!

When they thought back to that close battle earlier, all of them felt a lingering fear in their hearts!

If the group of them had been even one second slower in charging out just now, the seven of them might be a pile of white bones by now! That fight had been exceedingly short, and they had at most only exchanged a few blows. However, the precariousness of the situation was unprecedented!

In that short moment, every single one of them had brushed by death tens of times. At that time, because they were in an extremely alert state, with adrenaline pumping through their veins, they still did not feel that it was that close. But now that they thought of it again, all of them only felt cold sweat pouring down their backs. As they ran through the vast plains, feeling the cold wind whipping against their skin, the precarious situation earlier felt ever more head numbingly scary…

A hatred and enmity of this level… how could it be easily resolved?

Chapter 928: Before the Doors of the Misty Illusory Manor

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

As they watched the seven Saint Emperors disappearing into the distance, the black robed men finally stopped. As they exchanged a look with each other, they suddenly burst out in loud laughter. One person hugged his stomach and said with satisfaction, "After today's matter, I'm afraid the three Holy Lands and Misty Illusory Manor will become mortal enemies. Young Master's plan is truly sinister."

"It might not be that simple… After all, both sides still have higher level leaders controlling them. But although they might not reach a level of wanting to fight each other to the death, there will definitely be no possibilities of them having an alliance like before anymore!" Another person stoked his chin and said.

"Apart from that, those seven Saint Emperors from the Misty Illusory Manor are truly strong. They were in such an unfavorable position, and they still had to face the combined attacks from the 10 of us. To think that under our combined attack, they were actually able to break out successfully, even dealing heavy injuries to a few of our guys! The impressive name of the Misty Illusory Manor is indeed well deserved."

The black robed man who was speaking took off his mask and revealed a cold smile. If Cao Guo Feng could see this person now, he would certainly exclaim with shock: how could it be you?

This person was actually the Hurricane Swordsman Feng Juan Yun!

There was no need to talk about it; these were naturally Jun Mo Xie's people.

The entire ambush this time had all been a part of Jun Mo Xie's plan. For a Free and Natural Physique youngster to just drop out of the sky without any sinister trap following it was truly too suspicious. Who would believe such a good thing like a pie dropping out of the sky?

So Jun Mo Xie had meticulously arranged this ambush operation to justify the entire thing. Of course, it was mostly just an elaborate show. No matter what, it was necessary to go easy on them… If all seven Saint Emperors were killed… Jun Mo Xie wouldn't even have any tears to cry even if he wanted to cry…

"That's true… one must know that we have 11 Saint Emperors on our side ah!" The others also began to discuss with astonishment. One by one, they took off their masks. Who else were these people if not the same few who had been watching the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master?

At this time, the people from inside the cave also came out. Although there were quite a number of them, it did not make much of a difference in a battle between Saint Emperors. These people were all soldiers of the Heaven Destroyer and Spirit Devourer troops. The strongest among them were Fourth level Saints. Such a force was already exceedingly powerful. But against Saint Emperors like Cao Guo Feng… they were not too threatening. If they clashed together, they would only be gifting away their lives!

It was no wonder that they'd only been shouting madly at the back, not having intentions of charging forward…

That was simply too unrealistic…

"Alright, mission accomplished! Come, this daddy will treat everyone to a drink!" Solitary Eagle's voice rang out as he beckoned.

"Brat, how old are you? To think that you have the face to call yourself this daddy in front of us?!" This person was Saint Emperor Lu. He rolled his eyes and looked at Solitary Eagle, seemingly quite dissatisfied.

Solitary Eagle pursed his lips and swallowed, not daring to retort. This person who was addressing him as a 'brat' was an existence who'd lived for over a thousand years. As for himself, he was only 60, 70 years old. Calling himself 'this daddy' in front of him was no doubt a joke! On the other hand, it was completely reasonable for the other party to call him a brat!

"Little fellow, for your punishment, this daddy will use my true form to drink with you this time!" Saint Emperor Lu announced arrogantly. The other Tian Fa Saint Emperors also chorused their agreement as they rubbed their palms together excitedly, swearing to drink to their heart's content!

Solitary Eagle and Feng Juan Yun both exchanged a glance, completely speechless with disbelief. If these guys used their huge, original bodies, they likely would need at least several ten thousand jins of wine to feel drunk?

Solitary Eagle touched his slightly parched wallet as his lips twitched uncontrollably…


Three days later.

"We're finally reaching. Once we crossed this mountain in front of us, we'll be at the front doors of the Misty Illusory Manor." Bai Qi Feng pointed with a relaxed face. Although the injuries he'd received previously were not light, but with a few days of recuperation, it was already nothing serious. The strong recuperative abilities of a Saint Emperor were still rather useful.

Ever since he'd led everyone out of the deadly situation while bearing a great amount of the pressure, Bai Qi Feng no longer felt as guilty. However, he still felt somewhat embarrassed in his heart. But the group did not bring the matter up at all, saving him quite a bit of awkwardness.

At this moment, Jun Mo Xie was being carried in the arms of another Saint Emperor and was still in an 'unconscious state'. Throughout the journey, he'd already been swapped around five, six times.

This kid's lifeforce was truly somewhat strong, causing the seven Saint Emperors to all feel quite surprised. Everytime they looked at him, he seemed like he would breath his last at any second. However, his lifeforce somehow managed to endure all the way stubbornly until now, maintaining the same half dead half alive state.

It seemed like giving him Xuan Qi and not giving him Xuan Qi were the same thing. His situation did not improve, but it did not deteriorate either. At the start, the group was still exceedingly worried that this kid would just suddenly die once he couldn't endure anymore. But at this point, they were feeling much more relaxed…

From the looks of it, he was not going to die this time.

Jun Mo Xie had also been quite worried the past few days. F*ck, why are these fellows walking so slowly? Did you think lying down everyday is such an enjoyable matter? This brother's butt is almost going to drop off…

Finally, they were almost going to reach the entrance of the Misty Illusory Manor! Jun Mo Xie loose a sigh of relief, thinking that his ordeal was finally going to be over soon. Later on when the Illusory Manor's doctor tends to me, I will definitely give him lots of face for sure… Once the medicine is administered, I will immediately crawl up and thank him a thousand times…

Alas… Facts had proven many times that there were always many setbacks before success.

Just as the Saint Emperors were excitedly discussing their course of action after returning to the Misty Illusory Manor…

All of a sudden—

"The seven of you actually dare to dream about returning to the Misty Illusory Manor? This Young Master has been waiting here a very long time for you fellows!" A creepy voice rang out. "How would it be this easy for anyone who harmed this Young Master to get away? Where will this Young Master put my face if the people who hurt me can get away without paying a price?"

As soon as the icy voice rang out, a figure materialized soundlessly and without warning in front of everyone.

This person was dressed completely in black. He'd suddenly appeared like a malignant spirit, and although it was broad daylight right now, everyone felt a chill travel down their spines when they saw him.

This person had a head full of long black hair, divided in the center and reaching all the way to his waist. His body was tall and slim, and his legs were long and straight. Although he was standing right in front of everyone, no one could see what his true appearance was. Only that pair of cold and electric eyes shone with endlessly frigid killing intent. As his gaze swept through the group, everyone felt as if they'd angered a divine being!

He couldn't be matched!

No one was capable enough to match him!

This person who'd suddenly appeared was naturally the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master!

The moment this voice rang out, Jun Mo Xie cursed vehemently in his heart. Motherf*cking Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master! Couldn't you have looked for trouble some other time? Why must you come out at the most critical juncture? If you spoil my plan, this Young Master will grind you into dust!

When Cao Guo Feng and the others saw the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master this time, they had the feeling as if the latter had 'changed'. Although the previous Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was also very ruthless and cruel, he didn't seem to be this scary!

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master now like a living walking hell!

Unfathomable and boundless.

Without question, the injuries he'd received before were now completely healed! Including all the energy that had been sealed for so long, as well as all his external and injuries… He'd completely recovered!

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master right now was undoubtedly at his peak strength!

Cao Guo Feng and the rest exchanged a glance as the same thought appeared in their hearts. But at the same time, a look of hopelessness appeared in all of their eyes.

The last time, the three Holy Lands, Heaven Saint Palace, and seven people from the Misty Illusory Manor had all ganged up to deal with the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master who'd just broken out of the seal, having only 20 to 30 percent of his strength left. In the end, the latter had completely routed their forces, killing and wounding numerous people, before leaving with heavy injuries!

At this time, there were only these seven Saint Emperors left among the initial 20 something Saint Emperors at that time! The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master in front of them was also at his full strength this time! How were they supposed to fight this battle?!

Cao Guo Feng's face was as pale as the color of ash. Stepping out, he said in a light manner, "Since Brother Fourteenth is here to collect the debts, us debtors will naturally not run away. How do you wish to settle this debt? Us people of the pugilistic world are destined to sooner or later die by the blade. The seven of us have been prepared for this day a long time ago! To be able to die in the hands of the famed Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is no doubt better than dying on quilted mattresses of old age and sickness! Come!"

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master smiled strangely and said, "Did you think that this act of looking death calmly in the face, fully embracing and not fearing for your life would cause this Young Master to appreciate your heroism and thus let you off? Let me tell you, whether you knelt down and begged today, or if you fought bravely with your lives, or if you tried employing schemes to get away, the results would still be the same! Today, no one can save the seven of you!"

He stared sternly with his eyes as he continued, "Today, this Young Master is intent on slaughtering the seven of you!"

Everyone's faces were instantly filled with rage. No matter what, all of them here were Saint Emperor level experts. How would they be willing to suffer such humiliation? Losing their lives was one thing, but this abuse was too much!

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master snorted coldly and drifted forward expressionlessly…

Just at this time, a faint voice that sounded like a mosquito's buzzing surged into his ears. "… Holy f*ck, can you please not toy with me like this… It wasn't easy for me to trick them to take me into the Misty Illusory Manor, and you're here to mess things up for me. Do we have such a great enmity between us?"

Hearing this, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master instantly froze! His eyes slowly travelled down to the source of the voice and immediately saw Jun Mo Xie who was wrapped up tightly and delicately like a rice dumpling. In the moment, he could not help but chuckle bitterly in his heart!

Why the f*ck is it this kid again? Just how long does this Young Master need to continue repaying the favor owed to your old master and you ah… How utterly vexing…

Chapter 929: Entering the Misty Illusory Manor

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Impossible! This Young Master is determined to finish these bastards off today! Otherwise, where will I place my face in the future!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's rage rose to the sky, and he felt exceedingly aggrieved. Why is this master and disciple duo so full of troubles? This Young Master is not even related to you all; why do I have to listen to you and give way every single time? Even if I owe you a favor, you can't expect this Young Master to throw away my free will…

If you all come and interfere with everything I do, how will I live?

"F*ck! You… is the thing you owed so simple as to be summarized with just the word 'favor'? You're simply devoid of gratitude and forgetting the kindness you've been shown! To think that my master had gone to such great efforts, not minding greatly exhausting his cultivation, risking his life to rescue you… My master only knows how to act tough, but he's actually too kind on the inside, having the gall-bladder of a sword and the heart of a lute… towards you, he could be said to have been exceedingly sincere! To call his actions a favor tantamount to giving you a new lease on life is not overboard… But today, you're actually determined to spoil the grand plan that we've set up with so much effort! You, you… do you still have a conscience? Do you still have the bearings of an expert? Look at this yourself; just how are you repaying this favor? Do you still know how to write the word 'human'?!" Jun Mo Xie's chest was stuffed with anger as he transferred his voice and scolded unrelentingly.

Jun Mo Xie was extremely anxious in this moment. If the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master insisted on not leaving, wouldn't all his elaborately set up schemes have been for nothing?

How much manpower had been spent on this setup, ah? If I knew it was going to be like this, I might as well have gone to pick up some girls!

"F*ck! What nonsense are you speaking? How is this Young Master ungrateful and forgetting my favors? Think about it yourself; has this Young Master not helped you enough so far? If you continue to stain this Young Master's character, this Young Master will kill you first! You think that I won't dare?!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was clearly extremely enraged, to the point where he was about to go crazy.

"If Fourteenth Young Master is indeed that noble and upright, leaving directly now will be the greatest proof. I will naturally also not be able to stain your name." Jun Mo Xie continued to act shamelessly.

"… It's not impossible for this Young Master to leave. However, you need to promise this Young Master a condition. Otherwise, the death of these seven people today will be a guaranteed matter. Even if you want to call this Young Master an ingrate, it wo't change anything." The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master stood there in a cool manner and transmitted his voice as he locked his aura on the seven Saint Emperors.

"What condition? Say it; if I can do it, I will naturally give it my full effort!" What kind of person was Young Master Jun? He would always leave some leeway for himself in his words instead of agreeing outright. If the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's condition was too difficult to fulfill, he would naturally still need to consider!

"I trust that for you to spend such great effort to infiltrate the Misty Illusory Manor, it must not be to do anything good in there. In that case, you might as well do it more thoroughly."

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master still maintained that look of a heroic expert on the outside, but his words sounded extremely wretched no matter how one listened to them. "Due to certain special reasons, this Young Master's treasured weapon was lost inside the Misty Illusory Manor many years ago… Despite so much time having passed, it's still difficult for me to find the interest to craft another one again. No matter what, nothing will be more suitable for me than the original one. If you agree to help me retrieve it, I will leave right away. It's a very simple condition, right?"

"A personal weapon?" Jun Mo Xie hesitated and asked.

"En. Long ago, this Young Master crafted my personal weapon 'Divine Tune' using the Nine Nethers Yin Flames. In the last battle, this Young Master was encircled by the experts of the three Holy Lands, Misty Illusory Manor, and the Lord of Tian Fa together, resulting in me losing Divine Tune. This Young Master also ended up being trapped in the Nine Nether Pathway due to their schemes, while Divine Tune ended up in the hands of the Misty Illusory Manor's experts.

"That is undoubtedly the greatest humiliation of this Young Master's life!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master gritted his teeth and said. "As long as you promise to help me retrieve it and return it to this Young Master, this Young Master will be merciful today and let these seven go."

Jun Mo Xie gasped internally with realization. No wonder, ah! He'd seen this Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master fight a few times, but even when he was in that extremely precarious situation at Tian Fa Forest, he hadn't used any weapons to fight. So it turned out to be like this…

To even lose his personal weapon… no wonder this fellow was so angry!

"Fine! Isn't it just a weapon? I'll just bring it out for you!" Jun Mo Xie promised as he thought to himself. My target this time is the Seven Colored Holy Fruit! In terms of value, it is undoubtedly much more precious than your Divine Tune.

Since he was already going to steal the most precious thing, would he be afraid of going after the less valuable stuff?

Young Master Jun was quite determined in his heart, but he still felt a little gloomy.

To the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, the three Holy Lands and Tian Fa were merely targets that he wished to subdue. The Misty Illusory Manor was actually his greatest foe! But to Jun Mo Xie, the feeling that the Misty Illusory Manor gave him was that they were too much stronger than the three Holy Lands!

Up till now, the Misty Illusory Manor had only sent out seven Saint Emperors. And the friendship between the seven of them had even been enough to move Jun Mo Xie. That was what he would consider as true friendship.

Among the seven of them, Cao Guo Feng was the undisputed leader. As for the second placed Bai Qi Feng, his character was brash and extreme, often doing things without considering the consequences, resulting in him creating many unnecessary problems for their group.

Regardless of whether it was the issue of him pouring leftover food onto He Zhi Qiu's bed, or the conflict with Zhan Mu Bai in Chrysanthemum City, or this most recent incident of him leading the entire team into a death trap as a result of his erroneous scouting…

All of those were matters that were exceedingly hard for normal people to accept! Furthermore, any of those matters, if the results had been even more serious, would have definitely resulted in a different scene today; the people standing here would definitely not have been the entire complete group like this!

However, the other six never said half a word of complaint or blamed him.

When there were no troubles, they would tease and bicker with each other, hanging out jovially. When trouble appeared, all of them would come together as one to face the challenge and resolve it. It didn't matter how the trouble began, or who caused it. All they needed was a single sentence, and their brother's trouble would be their trouble.

None of them had ever told each other such a thing; instead, they'd proved it with their actions!

That was the most commendable and praiseworthy aspect!

Even Jun Mo Xie felt a trace of warmth when he observed these guys. At such times, he would often be reminded of Tang Yuan. If there was a day where he proved a trouble greater than what he could handle, he was sure that Tang Yuan would definitely step out without consideration for whether or not he could handle the trouble as well! Even if he would lose all the fatty oil on his body, he would definitely support him with all his abilities!

The unscrupulous and underhanded fatty in the eyes of the world was exactly this kind of person!

And this same disgraceful fatty was his friend. The only friend he had in this life; the only true friend whom he acknowledged!

Jun Mo Xie treasured such a friendship very dearly. At the same time, he was also quite reluctant to harm others who also treated their friends so genuinely.

Moreover, there was also the care that Cao Guo Feng had showered him with, even going as far as to sacrifice his own lifeforce to selflessly heal his injuries, extending his life. This was a huge favor!

Although he hadn't truly been injured and the whole thing was actually just an elaborate scam, although Cao Guo Feng had gone that far because of his love for talent, and his concern for the Misty Illusory Manor, not knowing his true identity…

This sincerity had been shown to him, and he could also clearly feel it for himself!

Although he had only received this care and protection because he'd deceived them, Jun Mo Xie had no wish to hurt Cao Guo Feng. It was not entirely because he wanted to give a plum in return for a peach, returning a favor with a favor. But simply because of the true sincerity he'd seen, Jun Mo Xie was unwilling to allow Cao Guo Feng to suffer a huge loss in his lifeforce!

Therefore, he had not hesitated to revolve the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune, replenishing Cao Guo Feng's lifeforce, even strengthening it and increasing his longevity as a result.

And when the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master appeared this time brimming with killing intent, Jun Mo Xie had quickly stopped him. Simply because he wouldn't allow these people to be killed like that in front of him!

It was not entirely because of the Seven Colored Holy Fruit, which was at the tip of his fingers! It was more for his own conscience!

Jun Moxie could take by force and deceive, or even completely ignore the so-called morals of the world. But there was one thing that he would not move from: regardless of repaying enmities or favors, he must have a clear conscience! No matter what he did, he must be accountable to his own conscience!

As long as his conscience was clear, even if he was committing murder and arson, his heart would be at peace!

As for him going against the three Holy Lands and his irreconcilable relationship with them, everything had started because the latter was the one who initiated hostility against him, wanting to kill him and his family. So Jun Mo Xie would not feel burdened in the slightest when slaughtering them. Even if the three Holy Lands were really filled with noble heroes, Jun Mo Xie would still kill without feeling any guilt.

But it was a completely different case for the Misty Illusory Manor.

The Misty Illusory Manor was a place that was still quite unknown to him. Their people had never directly threatened or harmed his interests. Furthermore, this time, it was clearly him who was looking to them for trouble first… there was an idiom that went 'An ordinary person has no wrongs, but a wealthy person sins by causing another's greed'. And right now, the Misty Illusory Manor had the Seven Colored Holy Fruit that could retain a person's youth!

Jun Mo Xie also happened to be in urgent need of that item.

To Jun Mo Xie, that was sufficient reason for him. But to the Misty Illusory Manor, it was a completely unprovoked disaster!

If he asked for it properly, the Misty Illusory Manor would definitely not give it up willingly…

And that was where the conflict would lie.

If the Misty Illusory Manor doesn't react too fiercely after the matter… in the future, after I successfully cultivate some Seven Colored Holy Fruit in the Hongjun Pagoda, I can return it to them—double the amount I took. Whether they accept this solution or not, I don't have any other options right now. As for the Heaven Saint Palace… I guess I'll handle it the same way too… Jun Mo Xie smiled bitterly and thought to himself.

You guys treated me sincerely, so I saved your lives. Although you may not know what I did, I still feel at ease and happy in my heart!

There were some matters that even he knew were not very right or were too selfish… However, if he had to be like those old fellows in the Heaven Saint Palace, watching their wives die in front of them and turn into a pile of dried bones, while they continued living on for a thousand years or several thousand years…

Jun Mo Xie definitely could not do that!

On this matter, Jun Mo Xie was completely willing to behave selfishly!

If he couldn't even take care of his own family, what use was there in talking about the common people? Such a thought might be somewhat biased, but it wasn't completely unreasonable.

Hearing Jun Mo Xie promise him, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master snorted coldly. "Brat, you've promised this Young Master; you'd best not forget! Otherwise, even if your master is protecting you, this Young Master will still kill you!"

Jun Mo Xie returned a snort of his own as he replied arrogantly. "Even if this daddy really forgets… what can you do?"

Cao Guo Feng and the rest thought that they were doomed, and their faces were filled with hopelessness and despair. Against a fully recovered Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master… unless all the Saint Emperors of the Misty Illusory Manor along with some of the old Seniors attacked together, it was impossible to suppress him!

But right now, there were only the seven of them. Their difference in their abilities were too far apart. The group of them together probably did not even have the qualifications to force the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master to cough out a mouthful of blood.

The seven great Saint Emperors were all wallowing in an atmosphere of absolute despair, only to see the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master simply standing still there with a dumb look on his face after declaring that he would kill them.

F*ck, if you want to kill or slash, go ahead; will it kill you to be more straightforward? What's the meaning of leaving us here to dry? Are you waiting to play a game of cat and mouse? The few Saint Emperors cursed in their hearts.


While their hearts were fluttering with unease, they saw the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master suddenly furrowing his brows, looking at a mountain in the distance. All of a sudden, he cursed aloud. "F*cking thing, what's going on this time? How did it get out again?!"

After saying that, he leapt off and dashed away into the distance with a xiu sound, disappearing completely in the blink of an eye!

He actually did not even leave a single word behin, and had rushed off so hurriedly.

Just what was going on?

The seven Saint Emperors were completely befuddled as they looked dumbly at each other. That fellow came here screaming about killing and murdering. In the end, he'd just patted his butt and left without a word?

A lunatic as expected! That fellow truly cannot be judged with common logic. But regardless, the results was good. At least, the threat on their lives had been dispelled temporarily. That alone was stronger than anything…

"Everyone, let's hurry up and leave. That lunatic has clearly been distracted personally by something. We must hurry and escape into the Misty Illusory Manor before he comes back! Otherwise, our lives will really be forfeited here!" Cao Guo Feng was the first to regain his senses as he cried out. Grabbing Jun Mo Xie off the ground, he dashed off like a bolt of lightning.

The others also quickly woke up and followed after him. Bai Qi Feng remained behind until everyone had passed, placing himself at the rear.

This was the coordination that they'd built over the years. In dangerous situations, the boss would charge out first, opening the path at the front. The second strongest would be in the rear, securing their retreat. Such an arrangement naturally had its logic. If there were any obstructions at the front, it would naturally be the best to have their strongest fighter Cao Guo Feng break through that obstacle for the rest. If even he could not charge through the obstacle, then it was even more hopeless for the rest of them.

With Bai Qi Feng in the rear, even if the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master chased after them, he could still delay the latter for a bit if he risked his life and went all out, allowing them the chance to escape into the Misty Illusory Manor.

Jun Mo Xie also felt that such an arrangement was rather admirable.

A normal group would usually have the boss in the middle, surrounded by all the others as meatshields while they enjoyed the safety and benefits without doing anything. A group like this with a leader who was willing to risk himself to protect his brothers was extremely rare…

Amidst the swirling snow and winds which covered the sights of man, there was a small tavern. If Jun Mo Xie could open his eyes and took a look, he would definitely recognize this place. This was the tavern that he'd stopped at when he was bringing his mother back. It was here where he first came into contact with the Supreme Assassin Chu Qi Hun!

The group of seven did not pause for even a moment as they directly rushed past the tavern. After another few li of travelling, they arrived at a snow covered mountain pass. Cao Guo Feng raised his hand and waved, and the snow on the ground flew up. A strange pattern was revealed on the sheer cliff of the mountain.

The crowd exchanged a glance, and they all let loose a sigh of relief.

Cao Guo Feng and Bai Qi Feng placed their palms against each other, bellowing heavily. At the same time, they revolved their full strength and two bouts of pure Xuan Qi instantly burst out. A puff of white mist floated out of their palms, twisting and turning in the air before forming into a ferocious dragon. With a shu sound, it burrowed into the strange pattern on the cliff.

As the dragon disappeared into the strange pattern, the ground suddenly rumbled as a huge door appeared!

If the door had appeared because of a mechanism, it wouldn't be very surprising. However, the door had not appeared from the mountain. Instead, it seemed to exist in a separate space. Jun Mo Xie had been observing everything through his spiritual sense from the start, and he was truly quite startled by this phenomenon.

From the looks of it, the person who first created this Misty Illusory Manor was truly a great genius!

Jun Mo Xie could clearly tell that the Xuan ability Qi flow that Cao Guo Feng and Bai Qi Feng had jointly created was definitely not regular Xuan Qi. At the very least, it was different from the battling kind. It appeared to be a different unique ability…

Perhaps, it was a unique energy that was needed to gain entry into the Misty Illusory Manor…

As he mused to himself, he felt his body being lifted up. After that, a light jolt, and he felt as if he'd arrived in a spatial void. After a long time, he finally felt Cao Guo Feng, who was carrying him, landing back onto the ground…

The Misty Illusory Manor… I've finally arrived at this place of legends!

Right now, there were still five months and 10 days until the War for Seizing the Heavens!

Jun Mo Xie calculated as he closed his eyes. On his side, he already had 11 Saint Emperor level experts. Mei Xue Yan, Solitary Eagle, Feng Juan Yun, and the eight Tian Fa old Saint Emperors… if he counted himself, that would be 12.

But those eight Tian Fa Seniors had been in power in Tian Fa Forest for too long; it wouldn't be an easy matter to control them. However, he did not have any intentions of commanding them. The current situation was already sufficient.

After consuming the Spirit Stone Immortal Milk, Big Bear, Long Crane, and the other Beast Kings could also rush for the Saint Emperor realm. When he returned, he could make the next level of pills to help them improve again, and everyone's abilities would grow even more impressive… the strength of the Heaven Destroyer and Spirit Devourer troops would also need to be raised further…

All the preparations needed to be completed before the War for Seizing the Heavens! After that would be the actual War for Seizing the Heavens. When that was done, he would directly kill his way past the Pillar of Heavens Mountains without pause, slaughtering those disgusting strange races and removing the source of all trouble!

Right now, that was the plan…

There was only one precondition left: his operations in the Misty Illusory Manor must go successfully. Furthermore, the entire process had to be completed as soon as possible! That way, he would be able to make it in time to prepare for for the other things. In other words, the Seven Colored Holy Fruit and the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's Divine Tune… needed to be obtained within two months time. After that, he must leave and return to Tian Fa without delay!

The time was truly tight to a scary extent!

As he calculated, Jun Mo Xie could not help but to sigh lightly in his heart… Every second and minute from now on must count for something!

Cao Guo Feng and the others rushed forward with Jun Mo Xie in the middle. Through his spiritual sense, he could tell that they were rushing toward a huge hall.

On both sides of the road, there were numerous rows of private residences. Green trees could be seen everywhere, and there was a su, and clouds in the sky… the cries of people hawking their wares could be heard from all sides. To think that there was even a market…

Jun Mo Xie could not help but to exclaim in his heart. My goodness!

The things in the Misty Illusory Manor were actually no different from the outside world.

Just as Young Master Jun was filled with wonder and shock, Cao Guo Feng had already brought him and charged into the great hall.

"Palace Lord! Please look at this child… you must save him! This child has the Free and Natural Physique of the legends! The one in a million Free and Natural Physique!" Cao Guo Feng's words had just rang out, and the noisy great hall instantly fell into silence!

Then with a frenzied whooshing sound, a crowd rushed over as they examined the 'unconscious' Jun Mo Xie as if they were looking at a rare treasure.

Free and Natural Physique!

Just there four words were already enough to cause everyone here to lose their calm!

That was a legendary physique that only the Nine Nether First Young Master had! Speaking harshly, even a stalk of ginseng that had gained spirituality and transformed into a human would not have as great a potential as the Free and Natural Physique!

A hand was placed against Jun Mo Xie's wrist as a gentle energy coursed through his body. After revolving a few rounds around his veins, Jun Mo Xie clearly felt the wisp of Qi shake for a moment. From the looks of it, the shock that the person had received was not small.

Cao Guo Feng exclaimed with worry. "Palace Lord… y-you… please be gentler! This child is too weak right now; he cannot cannot the Xuan Qi impact!"

Hearing this, Jun Mo Xie naturally complemented like the good actor he was. Coughing lightly, his body trembled as a line of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth…

Following that, the gentle energy instantly exited from his body. A pair of eyes scanned his body excitedly as a voice rang out. "Indeed! The meridians areas empty as bamboo, and his body is like jade even without reaching Spirit Xuan. His dantian is also as clear as a lake! This.. is indeed the Free and Natural Physique of the legends! My god… quick quick quick, bring the Seven Colored Holy Fruit over quickly…"

As soon as those words rang out, the sound of a person running off could be heard.

The person who was speaking surrounded Jun Mo Xie and walked around him a few times, rubbing his hands excitedly. Jun Mo Xie could clearly hear the irritating sound of old skin rubbing together as the voice grew ever more agitated. "Free and Natural Physique… it's really the Free and Natural Physique! The ancestors are protecting us; our Misty Illusory Manor is finally going to rise again! This old man is definitely going to take this talented child in as a personal disciple to groom! If the child is not taught properly and led astray by an inept teacher, wouldn't it be a great pity?"

Hearing this, Bai Qi Feng and the rest stared at each other speechlessly, while Cao Guo Feng's mouth and eyes hung wide open in a dumb manner…

Chapter 930: Consuming the Holy Fruit

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Palace Lord… that child is my disciple…" Saint Emperor Cao said with his mouth gaping.

"Isn't it all the same? In any case, everyone is doing this for the future of the Misty Illusory Manor. On that basis, it's only natural that the child gets the best teacher." The palace lord said sanctimoniously.

Cao Guo Feng was completely speechless.

Those were the exact words that he'd wanted to say. However, the other party said it first.

"Palace Lord… he has already accepted me as his master. Y-you… you can't snatch it by force; this… this is not good." Cao Guo Feng was so frustrated that he was about to beat his chest and stomp his feet…

"That's no matter; when his injuries have healed, you can just expel him from your discipleship. It's not a problem at all; I won't mind…" The palace lord continued happily.

What? You don't mind? You definitely wouldn't mind. However, we mind! Us seven brothers would all mind very much…

Bai Qi Feng stepped forward and clasped his fists respectfully. "May Palace Lord bear with my words. In order to bring this Free and Natural Physique disciple back this time, eldest brother Cao did not hesitate to fall out with the people of the three Holy Lands, fighting with Zhan Mu Bai for a long time, even exchanging blows with He Zhi Qiu and Hai Wu Ya. Along the way… we even fell into the ambush of those bastards from the three Holy Lands. If not for eldest brother Cao, rallying everyone to charge out with our lives on the line, we would have already been wiped out. That was not all. In that scuffle, the disciple was heavily injured by those evil bastards, resulting in his life hanging by a mere thread. If not for eldest brother Cao selflessly sacrificing his own lifeforce using the taboo Return of Spring Skill to save him, he would have already…"

Bai Qi Feng's tone grew more and more agitated as he spoke. "Also, not long ago, while we had almost reached the Illusory Manor, we ran into the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master who wanted to kill us. If not for that malignant star suddenly having an urgent matter to attend to and left in a hurry, we would all be dead right now! Palace Lord, eldest brother Cao had really contributed too much for this youth. Furthermore, this is the ONLY disciple that he'd taken in in hundreds of years!"

He did not finish his words, but that last sentence was exceptionally heavy. It was as if he were shouting: You can't snatch from him! Nobody may snatch from him! Even if you're the Palace Lord, it's still not an exception! Bai Qi Feng's skinny face was filled with impassioned rage. His eyes were bright and scorching, causing others to avoid his gaze.

Seeing how agitated Bai Qi Feng was, it was likely that if the palace lord still wanted to insist on snatching away this disciple, Bai Qi Feng would surely start scolding and shouting. It was even possible that they would start fighting..

The crowd fell silent in a moment. Nobody had thought that Cao Guo Feng had actually done so much for this youth. In a moment, nobody spoke. But after some time, a sharp voice rang out. "Bai Qi Feng! You dare to speak in that manner? You'd better watch your tone! Is that how you speak to the Palace Lord? Absolutely rude and insubordinate!"

Hearing that, Bai Qi Feng was even more enraged. Turning around swiftly, he opened his mouth, ready to curse back.

At this time, the Palace Lord waved his hand and smiled lightly. "Saint Emperor Bai has his own reasons for speaking that way. Since Saint Emperor Cao has already contributed so much for this child, this Seat will not insist! In that case, this child shall go under the tutelage of Saint Emperor Cao. Also, although Saint Emperor Bai's words had been a little too brash just now, he said those words out of indignation for his brothers. Those were merely sincere words spoken out of zeal; there's no need to take offense. To have people of such genuine character in our Misty Illusory Manor should be a cause for celebration; how can we blame him instead?"

"Palace Lord's magnanimity and wisdom is admirable." The crowd clasped their fists and said respectfully.

The palace lord took two steps forward and smiled. "What is there to admire? When you saw that others had taken in a good disciple just now, didn't you wish to poke your nose in for a share as well?! Thinking about it now, wasn't it still because your mental states are still not refined enough? Actually, no matter who the disciple comes under, isn't it still the shared fortune of our Misty Illusory Manor? The reason Saint Emperor Cao went so far as to risk his life for this child, even using the Return of Spring Skill while burning his own lifeforce… could it be that he'd done all that for himself? Everything is also for the sake of the Misty Illusory Manor. Saint Emperor Cao's actions should be what everyone should admire!"

Cao Guo Feng immediately clasped his fists and bowed. "Palace Lord overly praises me."

This journey had been exceedingly trying. Just thinking back to the entire sequence of events left his heart trembling with fear. Of all the countless life and death situations he'd experienced in the past few hundred years, nothing could match the dangers they'd encountered in this single journey!

The palace lord chuckled lightly and continued. "Since everyone's original basis and motive is in consideration for the Misty Illusory Manor, why is there a need to vie against each other? Let's do it like this… this child will be Saint Emperor Cao's disciple and will be considered as a successor of Saint Emperor Cao's legacy. However, apart from Saint Emperor Cao's martial skills, everyone can also teach him your unique skills; there's no need to be stingy. The sooner a genius with the Free and Natural Physique grows into power, the sooner our Misty Illusory Manor will rise in strength. What does everyone think?"

"Palace Lord is wise; this suggestion is perfect! We agree." Everyone bowed together.

At this time, the sound of hurried footsteps rang out from afar. The footsteps sounded like the person was still several hundred zhang away, but in the next instant, the person who'd ran off to retrieve the Seven Colored Holy Fruit had already returned.

With a whooshing sound, several afterimages burst into the hall as an aged voice cried out anxiously. "I heard that our Illusory Manor has a disciple with the Free and Natural Physique?"

Following that, another seven, eight voices rang out, all filled with excitement and incredulity. This news had simply been too sudden!

For a legendary physique to appear in front of them, these several thousand years old experts with immeasurably deep cultivation could hardly contain their emotions!

In the next moment, several old faces were squeezed together, hovering above Jun Mo Xie. Their gazes were fervent and filled with infatuation, as though they were admiring the most exquisite work of art in the world. After that, seven, eight aged old hands stretched forward and began feeling and kneading his body from head to toe, leaving nowhere untouched…

Jun Mo Xie very nearly squirmed and jumped up out of disgust.

Dear Heavens ah, great Earth ah, I've actually been molested by a bunch of old perverts! F*ck… why do I feel like a Japanese actress…

"Indeed… it's indeed the Free and Natural Physique of legends…" The old fellows all mumbled with disbelief, as though they were in a dream.

For the legend to truly appear in front of their eyes, all the experts were incredibly agitated and filled with endless praise!

A freakishly rare talent like this was naturally not something that anyone from the mundane world could compare with. There was truly no longer any need to worry about not having a successor to hold the Misty Illusory Palace up in the future!

"This genius had been hurt to such an extent; why isn't anyone administering the treatment?" An old fellow jumped up and roared with rage. "If he accidentally died, what will we do?"

Everyone's faces were filled with black lines as they pursued their lips.

If not for you bunch of old fogies suddenly turning up, insisting on checking if the kid really possessed a Free and Natural Physique, the Seven Colored Holy Fruit would have already entered this kid's stomach by now, reviving him from the point of death…

The palace lord coughed awkwardly a few times and said, "Uncle Master… don't be anxious, this youth's life is still not in danger for the time being…"

"What not in danger? Brat, are you blind? From this old man's perspective, his life is very much in danger! Look… this area is turning black, and even his tongue had hardened. This child could turn into a Free and Natural corpse at any time! And you still say don't be anxious?! Are your brains flooded with water?!" The old man jumped up and unleashed a fierce tirade with spittle flying all over the place. From the looks of it, he was truly anxious. Otherwise, even though his seniority and status were above the palace lord, it still wasn't appropriate to speak like that to the leader of the Illusory Palace.

The palace lord's face turned somewhat red, and he shouted fiercely: "Bring the Holy Fruit over!"

He had decided not to bother about those old fellows. If he continued bickering with them, by the time they were done, that Free and Natural Physique child would have already died.

A light pa sound rang out, as if something had been popped open. A strange fragrance permeated the entire area, and the hall was filled with the ethereal smell. As soon as one breathed in the scent, their heads was filled with a refreshing sensation, and their spirits were soothed.

The palace lord personally picked up the Holy Fruit and brought it to Jun Mo Xie. With a light swish of his finger, the skin of the fruit was split open, and the ripe fleshy pulp inside instantly turned into liquid.

Following that, Jun Mo Xie felt his chin being lifted, and his mouth was opened. Then, any icy cool liquid was poured into his mouth, travelling down his throat and into his stomach. The liquid was very sweet, yet not thick as to cause one to feel sick of it. It was simply too delicious…

Young Master Jun savored the taste, his mouth opened wide as he waited for more. Such an excellent tasting fruit, even if he ate a thousand or 800 a day, it wouldn't be too much ah…

Following that, another icy cold taste permeated his tongue as another trickle of juice was poured down his throat. Jun Mo Xie waited in anticipation of the taste. All of a sudden, an exceedingly bitter taste burst forth in his mouth, causing him to almost retch in response. However, he still remembered his current state; he was still supposed to be heavily injured and unable to move…

Was is the Seven Colored Holy Fruit or the Chinese goldthread 1 ? Why the f*ck is it so bitter? Even Chinese goldthread is not as bitter as this right?!

As his thoughts wandered, another round of juice entered his mouth. This time, it was extremely spicy!

If Jun Mo Xie hadn't used the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune to control his body at will, he would have burst into sweat from the spiciness. Before the spicy taste subsided, his tongue was covered in sour juice so astringent that his tongue nearly shrivelled up and dropped off. Young Master Jun felt as if he'd been thrown into a pickling jar and left to ferment… It was simply too, too sour! Before he could react, another taste followed…

Just like that, he experienced the extremities of sourness, sweetness, bitterness, spiciness, saltiness—the five tastes of life. Fortunately, the sixth taste was much simpler, being completely tasteless like water, allowing him the chance to recover his senses. Following that was the seventh taste. It was an exceedingly strange taste, as if tastes and emotions of all living beings in the world were concentrated in this seventh fruit. Even the feelings of despair, sadness, joy, happiness, and so on were all culminated in this taste!

When all seven fruits were consumed, Jun Mo Xie instantly felt a ball of flame rise up in his dantian, instantly burning through his entire body. Seven powerful energies rampaged through his veins and merged with his dantian forming a massive torrent flow. After that, it rushed into the meridians with a firm and steady momentum!