
907 to 913

Chapter 907: Concede Defeat? No Way!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Brother Fourteenth… your words of wisdom today have really brought us to our senses!" Qu Wu Hui politely bowed to Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master and said with great sincerity. "If the Holy Lands still have a future… it will all be thanks to Brother Fourteen's words today! Although we stand on opposing sides, I will forever etch this favor in my heart! Even if the day comes where we kill Brother Fourteenth with our hands, we will absolutely carve Brother Fourteenth's name in the Heaven Saint Palace's predecessor tablet!"

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Thinking of killing me… With the current three Holy Lands… is it possible? Qu Wu Hui, you better stop dreaming! And don't you dare tarnish this young master's great name, carving this young master's name on your predecessor tablet. Are you showing me gratitude? That is an insult to this young master!"

"Whether I'm dreaming or not, it shall be determined at a later time." Qu Wu Hui chuckled. Then he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet and declared, "For the words Brother Fourteenth spoke today, the one thousand earthworms… this old man… will eat them!"

"Oh? Does that mean you were originally planning to go act dumb?" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master scanned him up and down and said in a meaningful tone. "As expected from one who yields from the three Holy Lands, to even dare to play foul in a bet with this young master, I've really witnessed what it means if the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked today…"

Qu Wu Hui turned red. Qiao Ying and Chen Yin Xiao also bowed to the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, thanking him for his words. The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master sighed. "Who knew that the words I mentioned unintentionally have helped my enemy…."

Everyone chuckled, but the trio's hearts were extremely heavy. What the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had mentioned was a fact and reality. And it was indeed at a considerably bad stage. How would they turn things around?

The three of them frowned and spent a long time trying to figure out what to do… but to no avail… they couldn't help but let out a sigh simultaneously…

Qu Wu Hui announced listlessly. "Third Battle, Evil Monarch's victory!"

Jun Mo Xie chuckled and watched his seven subordinates return to the troops. He turned around to look at Qu Wu hui and said, "Senior Qu, thank you for going easy on us, that Exquisite Lotus… is halfway to becoming mine!"

This sentence was clearly a reply to what Qu Wu Hui had said earlier. But right now, Qu Wu Hui had nothing to say because that was just how it was. What else was there to say?

Acting strong and holding on was even more embarrassing. Today, the three Holy Lands and Heaven Saint Palace utterly embarrassed themselves! There were only six rounds, and the opponent had already completely won three! It was already an understatement to say that he was halfway to winning his stake!

Qiao Ying pondered deeply before suddenly speaking. "Jun Mo Xie, there is no need to continue the battle anymore. Our side gives up for the battle today! The Holy Lands concede defeat! We will not go back on the Exquisite Lotus that we had promised as bet and will definitely deliver it. Let's just stop here; how's that?"

Qiao Ying was an intelligent person, and judging from the previous three rounds, she noticed that all the signs had indicated that the circumstances were really too peculiar! When the three Holy Lands sent three people, Jun Mo Xie had a three people formation waiting; when it was five people, he had a mythical formation for five people prepared. And it was the same for seven people!

Although there were three more rounds, the three guardians had already lost all their confidence. The strength of Jun Mo Xie's team was too unusual; all the people sent onto the arena did not have the same strength as those from the Holy Lands, and were in fact inferior in terms of Xuan Qi, cultivation, and state of mind.

But with those three mysterious formations, they completely turned the tides and ultimately annihilated the enemy while returning back to the troops without sustaining any losses!

It was not hard to predict following this trend: if Jun Mo Xie had formations for three, five, or seven people, what surprise was there for him to come up with even more formations?

Even if the Holy Lands sent out ten, or even twenty people, Jun Mo Xie would probably still have a formation to counter it, and it would only get stronger. There was no chance of victory for them! Especially when the last round was He Zhi Qiu challenging Jun Mo Xie. From the looks of the battle between Hai Wu Ya and Mei Xue Yan, He Zhi Qiu had no chance of winning!

Then if they continued to fight like this, wouldn't the experts from the Holy Lands be throwing their lives away like a moth flying into flames? Even if they really went through with all six rounds of battle, there was a very likely chance that they would lose all six, and all the members in the battles would perish. At the very end, they would still have to pay up the bet of the Exquisite Lotus! There was really no practical meaning to it!

So Qiao Ying instantly suggested to put an end to the battle!

Without a doubt, her decision was right and wise. Cheng Yin Xiao and Qu Wu Hui could also see this, just that they were embarrassed to raise it up, given their status. But it was understandable for Qiao Ying to raise it… because Qiao Ying was a woman, she had a natural advantage in this area…

A man could not be trusted to keep his promise, but a woman could…

This was the natural privilege of women. Even if that woman had a high status, or was a thousand year old old demoness, she was still ultimately a woman. There was no doubt about this fact, so she was allowed to have this privilege!

Of course, the two old men's faces also secretly turned slightly red… but… their faces turning red… would still be much better than staining the ground red with the flesh and blood of lives, right?

"End this battle? Concede defeat? Give me the Exquisite Lotus and we just stop here?" Jun Mo Xie was stunned. Right now, his focus was not on this matter. His thoughts were currently wandering about, thinking about something else.


"Lawmen of the pugilistic world!"

When the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master unintentionally brought out these five words, Jun Mo Xie's heart skipped a beat. This was a completely new terminology; who would have thought that the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had this sort of awareness…

Or maybe it was a case where the speaker had no particular intention of speaking, but the listener read their own meaning into it. When these five words entered Jun Mo Xie's ear, his heart was palpitating with eagerness.

I never thought of wanting to be the sovereign ruler and do not wish to rule the world… but I want to be someone who sets the rules!

Since its setting rules, then there must be lawmen!

Lawmen of the pugilistic world!

This was a supernatural force that is simultaneously in and out of the pugilistic world!

When the rules have been successfully set, then its status would be even more majestic than the current three Holy Lands!

And there is only one current prerequisite: force the three Holy Lands into submission! Or completely destroy them!

He was lost in his thoughts thinking over this matter, and Qiao Ying happened to bring up the request to stop the battle at this point. His brain had barely caught up with the situation. He looked at Qiao Ying and went. "Ah… Uh…"

In the eyes of outsiders, this was a lecher looking lustfully at Qiao Ying, mesmerized in a dazed state… As to whatever requests the other party hand, he anxiously agreed to please his beauty…

Everyone else couldn't stand watching it. Even Mei Xue Yan couldn't help but feel the urge to viciously wring his ear a couple of times…

What sort of man is this, going 'Ah ah uh uh' at the sight of a beauty! How embarrassing!

"Great! Since Young Master Jun has no objections, then this battle shall end here, right now!" Qiao Ying said in a tone of disbelief.

But her sentence immediately triggered resistance from three parties.

"Hold on, what do you mean that I have no objections? Have I expressed my opinion yet?" Jun Mo Xie felt depressed. Even if you are a woman and have the rights to twist words and be unreasonable, but you can't make the conclusion for me like this! You may be a woman, but you aren't my woman, right…

"A battle of life and death that does not cease until one party is dead; we are only half way through it; how can it just end? Who knows, maybe the Holy Lands will continue to win the next three rounds and turn things around completely?" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was clearly unsatisfied. He was just feeling extremely pleased looking at the blood of people from the three Holy Lands spilling everywhere. This was a rare big show that was hard to come by! How could it just be canceled like this? So naturally, he wouldn't be willing to give in like this, spewing out words that even he wouldn't believe himself!

"That's right! We have not lost yet! The showdown is only halfway through; we still have half an opportunity, and we may not necessarily not be able to turn things around! Especially the battle between Jun Mo Xie and I! It absolutely must not be canceled like this! I object to this suggestion!"

He Zhi Qiu's pale face was completely red, a look of anger and hatred in his eyes. Aside from the fact that they had lost three rounds, the most unacceptable thing was that all fifteen experts were sacrificed and slaughtered right before his eyes! And the opponent did not even lose a single man… when the disparity in losses of the battle was this great, how could he accept it?

When did the three Holy Lands' reputation in the Xuan Xuan Continent for ten thousand of years ever get tarnished like this? An 'Evil Monarch' that popped out of nowhere, completely trashing them. If they were to go along with Qiao Ying's request to cease the battle, then wasn't it as if they were frightened of being beaten up? How could all these experts of the Holy Lands who had always been prideful and arrogant accept it?!

And one more important matter; if the absolute treasure of the Heaven Saint Palace, the Exquisite Lotus was lost from their hands like this… If news of this went out, him, Hai Wu Ya, and the rest would be so embarrassed that they could die! Even if they managed to get out of this alive today, every time they went out, they might just hide their faces in their pants…

"He Zhi Qiu, don't tell me that you absolutely want all the strength of the Holy Lands here to be buried and turned into corpses before you are willing to concede defeat?" Qiao Ying looked at He Zhi Qiu coldly and questioned.

He Zhi Qiu paused before suddenly breaking out in a holler. " Guardian is worried that we would lose our strength, so she decided on such a poor choice? Even if I am to die here today, I will not admit defeat this easily in this battle!" His body was slightly trembling as he said in a hoarse voice. "That is the Palace's treasure… Exquisite Lotus! An existence in the Heaven Saint Palace that we cannot lose…"

"Do you think the three of us do not know this better than you?!" Qu Wu Hui said coldly. "He Zhi Qiu, you only need to obey commands right now! We do not need you to interfere with anything else. The Heaven Saint Palace… is not a place where a junior like you can make decisions for!"

He Zhi Qiu was instantly at a loss for words.

"Um… I shouldn't be interrupting with your internal affairs… but… this… I don't think I have expressed that I agreed?" Jun Mo Xie felt a little gloomy. How… everything is over? How could it end like this? Then how can I continue to train my troops? Where else can I find such excellent training partners for them to go all out and kill?

Chapter 908: Blood of Yellow Flame! A Demon-like Sword!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Young Master Jun, let's not talk about the fact that you had silently agreed earlier. There is no meaning even if you try to deny it now…" Cheng Yin Xiao said indifferently. "Even if you wish to continue to battle, you no longer have an opponent. Unless… you intend to fight with your own people? If that's the case, we would be glad to watch such exciting battle tactics. There is no harm even if you go for a few more rounds!"

Jun Mo Xie glared at the person before him. He had never imagined that this great Guardian was capable of saying such shameless words. Was this still the senior expert in the legends? The legendary existence?

"Three Guardians, even if we forfeit the next two rounds, the three of us still have an agreement with Young Master Jun, that is, the three of us are to spar with him. I seek your permission for this matter…" Hai Wu Ya said.

"Spar?" Qiao Ying and the rest exchanged glances, their minds a little swayed. If it's not a battle to life and death, the three of them would still be able to see Jun Mo Xie's true prowess… This was a not too bad option.

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was also extremely swayed! If there was this battle, perhaps he could see the unique skills of that 'Nine Firmament First Old Master' from Jun Mo Xie? He had not forgotten about the promised battle with Nine Firmament First Old Master… He had no confidence currently…

Sensing how these demons who had lived for thousands of years were looking at him full of curiosity, Jun Mo Xie laughed bitterly and said, "I don't think I agreed yet; what are you doing? All the advantage goes to the Holy Lands now?…"

"What is Young Master Jun saying, aren't we discussing with you now!" Cheng Yin Xiao said. "If you are really unwilling to promise, then how about Qu Wu Hui and I spar with you instead? We are still part of the Holy Lands, so technically we are not going back on the agreement…"

Cheng Yin Xiao was acting shamelessly now…

Pei! This doesn't count as going back on the agreement? Young Master Jun jumped in shock. I could barely handle one Qiao Ying alone, now, there is two coming at the same time… then that isn't sparring anymore; I'd be digging my own grave…

But the Exquisite Lotus is still considered mine now, then if I refuse and insist on battle all the way… Maybe these three will really not let me off. Then that would really produce the opposite of the desired result and may not be a good thing…

"Since this round is for sparring, then there is no need to fight till the death. Which one of you three will do it? Is it you, He Zhi Qiu?" Qu Wu Hui asked.

"There is no need to trouble Brother He for this battle; let this old man spar with this 'Evil Monarch'." A person slowly walked out from the side of the Holy Lands.

It was Zhan Mu Bai!

Right now, his entire face was rosy and full of vitality. He was calm and composed, unlike the pathetic state he was in previously.

There was a heavy hint of oppression when Zhan Mu Bai mentioned the word 'spar'…

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master eyes narrowed as he carefully observed Zhan Mu Bai's body. There was no one in the world is capable of undoing the Yin-Yang Refining Soul he had left, but Zhan Mu Bai was perfectly fine right now, causing him to feel surprised.

After carefully observing for a while, a glint appeared in the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's eyes as he said slowly, "So that is how it is." The fluctuation in Xuan Qi in Zhan Mu Bai's aura was extremely intense, a fluctuation that should not be appearing on a Saint Emperor. Looked like this person had used some sort of powerful but unorthodox way to forcefully suppress his previous injuries! And at the same time, temporarily suppressing the restraints that the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had left.

And there was only one kind of this sort of unorthodox method circulated in the Holy Lands: the Blood Rupturing Technique! This was the most extreme means. Once used, the user would absolutely not be able to live beyond an hour!

But during this period of time, no matter how heavy the injury, the user's powers could be instantly recovered, and even temporarily strengthened by a fold! The most important thing was… this sort of method could not be activated by the person alone! There had to be someone else helping to circulate in coordination!

Looks like right now, Zhan Mu Bai is sure of his death… could it be that he is planning to drag that Jun brat along? The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's eyes gleamed…

"Might as well. This Young Master happens to be very keen to 'spar' with Saint Emperor Zhan!" Jun Mo Xie answered, a cold smirk on his lips.

He had also enunciated heavily on the word 'spar'!

Zhan Mu Bai's sneak attack in the Tian Fa Forest back then had almost sent Jun Mo Xie into eternal damnation! The more important thing was that even now, Snake King Green Hunter's life and death was still unpredictable! This hatred that was ingrained deeply, Jun Mo Xie had kept it on his mind at all times. Right now, seeing that he had jumped out on his own, he agreed instantly without hesitation!

The two people facing each other were smiling and staring at each other. An invisible desire to kill was silently brewing, breeding and diffusing into the air.

Qiao Ying and Qu Wu Hui both shook their head and sighed at this sight. These two people were talking about 'sparring', but any wise person could tell that yet another battle of life and death was about to commence!

Everyone was aware of the fact that Zhan Mu Bai had once sneak attacked Jun Mo Xie in spite of his status, so it was understandable for Jun Mo Xie to harbor deep hatred for Zhan Mu Bai! But… why did Zhan Mu Bai hate Jun Mo Xie? It couldn't be that you sneak attacked him and got a great advantage, but was still infuriated about it…

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master looked at Qu Wu Hui mockingly. "This is the tradition of your Holy Lands! What a great righteous sect! A senior, sneaking an attack on a junior, doing something this despicable and shameless; upon seeing that the person was lucky enough to survive, his hatred became greater! Truly an excellent tradition. If this young master is to practice this sort of capability for another thousand years, I'm still very likely to remain far inferior…"

"I am also confused. Since Jun Mo Xie did not die, then it must be a death grudge, but where is Zhan Mu Bai getting this intense hatred from? It's so difficult to comprehend!" Qu Wu Hui scratched his head and said in confusion.

"Seniors like you naturally will not be able to understand, since you had not gone below your status to sneak an attack on a junior. Saint Emperor Zhan would naturally be reminded of his disgraceful past upon seeing this Young Master, who should have been dead. My sudden reappearance would also cause everyone to be reminded of the despicable deed he has done as a Saint Emperor."

Jun Mo Xie calmly replied to his question. "He must kill me, so that his heart can settle down once again and go back to being that Saint Emperor that was held in high regard by everyone! Even if it means death, he must also drag me along. How difficult is it to guess this?"

Qu Wu Hui, Cheng Yin Xiao and Qu Wu Hui exchanged looks. There were still such things in the world? If Jun Mo Xie was right, then Zhan Mu Bai's character was really extremely vile and despicable!

"You can choose not to accept this battle," the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said.

"Indeed, I can naturally choose to refuse it. I also know that Zhan Mu Bai only has a hour left to live. But… I am not willing to let Zhan Mu Bai die just like that. If Zhan Mu Bai must die, then he must absolutely die in my hands! It's absolutely unacceptable if he dies in the hands of anyone else!"

Jun Mo Xie said sinisterly. "Let's not even talk about him not dying yet. Even if he is already dead, I'd still drag him out from Hell and kill him again! Because even if he doesn't have a grudge with me, I will also come after him to settle scores! One that he owes me, and one that he owes her!"

Jun Mo Xie took in a deep breath and word by word, he said, "The battle today is inevitable! This is an account I have for myself! And an account… from me to her!"

In a flash, Jun Mo Xie's figure had already appeared in the center of the arena.

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, Qiao Ying, and the rest were all silent.

Especially Qiao Ying. She was covered in goosebumps from hearing Jun Mo Xie's last sentence. Other people may not know, but she was extremely clear that ghosts and spirits exists.

Thinking of Jun Mo Xie's line of 'Even if he is already dead, I'd still drag him out from Hell and kill him again!', she couldn't help but feel all the hair on her body stand.

This sort of terrifying grudge, a hatred that was entrenched deep into the bones was really horrifying…

The soughing sound of the wind blew across the arena. The two people had already started to attack without exchanging any words!

Not even a sentence to start the battle.

Because all that had no meaning to Jun Mo Xie and Zhan Mu Bai. Zhan Mu Bai was running out of time, and each and every second was extremely precious! And Jun Mo Xie didn't give a sh*t about all that useless talk and bullshit. They were all redundant!

The two of them had the same goal: make the other person die!

So Zhan Mu Bai used his ultimate trump card the moment he went on! Even before he struck, he had already used his Spacial Lock, World Cage, and special Flame Yang Xuan Skill at the same time!

The moment the Flame Yang Xuan Skill was used, the entire place began to suddenly turn unusually hot and suffocating. The few corpses on the arena were emitting smoke before bursting into flames. An indescribable foul burning scent permeated the air…

The flames raged on. All the people watching had heavy looks on their faces!

This battle could be said to be disadvantageous to Jun Mo Xie! Although Zhan Mu Bai had brought forward his death by using the 'Blood Rupturing Technique', but after he had forcefully advanced his strength, his powers were already at the level of a fourth level Saint Emperor and were even showing signs of breaking through!

Jun Mo Xie currently was a third level Saint Emperor at most! How was he going to fight against such a huge disparity in strength?

Just when everyone was worrying for Young Master Jun, Jun Mo Xie had already begun initiating his attacks!

Right before the eyes of everyone, Jun Mo Xie suddenly rose up to the skies like a giant white eagle. In a flash, he was already above Zhan Mu Bai.

A chilling sword light flashed. Suddenly, a glorious, proud, and aloof aura filled the entire place! Like an ancient Emperor who had suddenly opened his eyes from slumber, emitting an air of a sovereign and supreme ruler!

Divine sword, Blood of Yellow Flame!

This time it was unsheathed, it would use the blood of a top Saint Emperor to nourish itself! Although this Saint Emperor was despicable, but his cultivation was real!

The moment the divine sword was unsheathed, even when it was not completely taken out yet, the sword light radiated and filled the sky. The sky suddenly changed and turned crimson! Suppressing the Flame Yang Xuan Skill that Zhan Mu Bai had used!

This was merely the exhibition of the strength of the divine sword alone! Jun Mo Xie had yet to further coordinate with his own Xuan Qi.

Outside the arena, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was the first to notice this aura. He couldn't help but widen his eyes, and a look of shock that had never appeared for one thousand three hundred years was on his face!

"This… how is this possible? There is such a demon-like divine sword!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said. "Swords that have spirits, devour heaven and earth… Could it be that the legends are true, that there is really such a mysterious existence in the world?"

Qu Wu Hui, Cheng Yin Xiao, and Qu Wu Hui also had a look of extreme shock and disbelief. But at the same time, they also hoped that unbelievable thing was real!

When Zhan Mu Bai finished his preparations, he had been in absolute advantage in terms of aura. But Jun Mo Xie had only pulled out his sword, and merely with the might of that divine sword alone, he instantly turned the tables around!

That sword could no longer be described as a 'divine weapon'! Just as the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master put it, it was a divine blade that was like a demon!

Jun Mo Xie shouted, slicing down from the sky! The Blood of Yellow Flame whistled, like a dragon roaring into the skies, a phoenix crying into the heavens! The chilling, sinister killing aura reverberated across the air, revealing an urgent thirst and desire for blood!

Jun Mo Xie's killing aura emitted along with the sword, fusing perfectly with the powerful killing aura of the Blood of Yellow Flame. Instantly focusing an intense killing power of a King, one that shocked the heavens and earth, gods and demons!

Killing power!

When there was sufficient killing aura, it would result in a change.

Forming an overwhelming 'killing power'!

In the eyes of Qiao Ying and the rest, Jun Mo Xie had suddenly transformed into an absolute Emperor that wielded a shocking sword with absolute power. Rising proudly in the air, delivering a sword down to his own subjects! One that allowed no refusal, no dodging and no retaliation!

Everyone felt that the moment this sword was drawn, killing was something that was completely right! No matter who it was, they could only be killed! If anyone resisted, it would be an act of rebellion!

When faced with this sword, there was only… submission!

And submission only!

The three Guardians turned pale.

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's pupils radiated greatly watching Jun Mo Xie! This sword had really encompassed the essence of the word 'power'! Throughout all of ages, there may really be not many people who were capable of delivering a sword like this!

And an existence that could wield a sword like this was a peerless prodigy, a gloriously outstanding talent!

Seeing this sword alone made this trip worth it for everyone!

This blow was created by Jun Mo Xie accordingly and specially for the Blood of Yellow Flame: Supreme Sword!

Chapter 909: Don't Provoke Me!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The one who felt it the most was Zhan Mu Bai, who was personally in the battle!

Zhan Mu Bai felt like the existence standing before him was the supreme ruler! Not only did it dictate his life, it ruled over his entire soul! It was a great disrespect even if there was the slightest intention to rebel! Feeling sorry for his own conscience!

The ruthless fire that was brimming in his eyes had already disappeared. He was dumbstruck, and all the strength in his body had left him. He could not even muster any of the Xuan Qi in his body! He could barely keep a grip on the sword in his hand!

To think that there was such a tyrannical sword technique in the world! Such a mystical skill!

What sort of sword technique and skill was this?!

The chilling sword light flashed and was coming down from overhead. At a critical time like this, Zhan Mu Bai bit down harshly on his own tongue, spitting blood out. The throbbing pain in his heart began to hit him. He instantly regained all his senses and hastily brought his sword up to defend!

Zhan Mu Bai wouldn't be alive for long, and Jun Mo Xie who was aware of this would naturally show no mercy, even dropping the intention of toying with this person! He absolutely would not allow Zhan Mu Bai to die from the backlash of this unorthodox skill. He must die, but he must die in Jun Mo Xie's hand! Only then would the scores be settled for good! Jun Mo Xie absolutely had to personally cut down that head of Zhan Mu Bai that was still breathing with his own hands. Only then could his revenge be quenched, and he could return justice to Green Hunter!

This battle could be said to be the most majestic battle since Young Master Jun had debuted! Jun Mo Xie wanted to use his most berserk ways to thoroughly destroy Zhan Mu Bai in the shortest possible time! And through this, establish the great mighty name of the Evil Monarch!

The first face-on battle since the emergence of the Evil Monarch!

Was against a Saint Emperor!

With a crisp sound, both swords finally exchanged blows, Jun Mo Xie striking down from the skies and Zhan Mu Bai defending from the ground!

A loud explosion rang out, the Qi field formed into visible rings of light that spread out continuously. The ground sunk in, and the surrounding earth all flew into the air from the tremors! As if the entire space had shattered in an instant!

Cracks emerged on the earth in the surrounding forty zhang radius, as if the roots of countless giant trees had erupted from the ground! All of Zhan Mu Bai's skills, including his domain covered by the Flame Yang, were instantly shattered in this single exchange!

Such great might had greatly shocked the hearts of all the experts present!

They guessed that this Evil Monarch Jun Mo Xie was definitely powerful. How could someone who was this powerful, whose strength could allow him to look down upon the rest of the world be unable to take a single blow?

But guessing was one matter, witnessing it with their own eyes was another! No one had expected that this Evil Monarch that popped out of nowhere was capable of being this powerful! Overpowering a fourth level Saint Emperor with the prowess of a third level Saint Emperor and remaining in the advantageous position!

And there was a even more powerful and mysterious master behind him. If the disciple was already like this, then it could be imagined… how shockingly powerful the Master's strength would be!

Instantly, Cheng Yin Xiao and Qu Wu Hui's faces changed!

Jun Mo Xie hissed and borrowed the strength of this collision and shot up to the skies!

Zhan Mu Bai grunted, both his legs had already sank into the earth! He suddenly howled loudly, the soil around him began to crack open. In the center of it, Zhan Mu Bai flew up into the skies and chased after Jun Mo Xie who was midair!

In this single exchange of blows, the sword that Zhan Mu Bai was using, a sword that had hung on his waist for hundreds of years, had been cut, almost half broken!

Zhan Mu Bai's sword had a mighty reputation. It could can be said to be a legendary divine sword, the Battle Spirit Sword!

This sword could cut through anything, and its hardness was the best in the whole of the continent and it could be said to be the number one sword in the world!

Zhan Mu Bai had obtained it by a stroke of luck. Since he had gotten this sword, he never lost a single battle! Or it could even be said that this sword had contributed greatly in his reputation of becoming a Saint Emperor of his generation!

But a sword like this was half broken under a single strike from Jun Mo Xie's Blood of Yellow Flame! Then what sort of divine weapon was that sword in Jun Mo Xie's hand?

But this was not the fault of this legendary Battle Spirit Sword. There were really not many weapons in the world that were able to take the Blood of Yellow Flame with Jun Mo Xie wielding it at full strength! The Battle Spirit Sword was already not letting down its mighty reputation, successfully taking on that hit and only sustaining a nick!

Right now, Zhan Mu Bai had no time to feel heartache over this sword, and his whole mind and focus were on this great enemy, Jun Mo Xie! Although it was clearly him who had done Jun Mo Xie wrong and not the other way, in his heart, Jun Mo Xie must absolutely die!

*This extremely evil demonic spawn! Truly infuriating! Because of this demonic spawn, my clean reputation of hundreds of years is destroyed in a single day! If I do not kill you, I am not a human! *

The sword light from his sword was like a dragon, shooting straight up into the skies!

But in the heavens above, an even more dazzling sword light was already descending! Jun Mo Xie flipped around on the air, holding his sword with both his hands and he came heading downwards, yelling, "Zhan Mu Bai! Come for your death!"

Zhan Mu Bai grinned evilly, with completely no intentions of dodging. His sword thrusted forward with no delay, at the same time, his left palm came pushing! The silent palm wind, carrying the air of immense destruction, was striking towards Jun Mo Xie!

It was practically the same as the previous time—another sneak attack!

A pity, there was still a difference from the last time. Jun Mo Xie was caught off guard the previous time and was also lacking in the power to fight back. Whereas right now, not only did Young Master Jun have shocking prowess, he was alert on all of Zhan Mu Bai's actions. He laughed loudly and twirled his sword with a flash. All the palm wind from Zhan Mu Bai was instantly shattered by Blood of Yellow Flame!

The two swords met once again midair with a loud clang!

Zhan Mu Bai's Battle Spirit Sword broke into two with a crack! The top half flew away, still carrying its glistening sword light, emitting a sound of unwillingness. A cynical glint flashed across Jun Mo Xie's eyes. With the tip of his foot, he kicked on that broken half accurately.

As if that broken half of the sword had a life of its own, it suddenly accelerated and flew towards Zhan Mu Bai! As if Zhan Mu Bai, this original owner, was the culprit that had caused it to be broken into two!

Zhan Mu Bai's sword was already broken, the sword aura of Jun Mo Xie and his own came pressing down on him crazily! He was about to vomit blood from the intensity of it, and just at this time, that broken half of the sword was already shooting back like a powerful bolt of thunder!

He used the broken half of the sword in his hand to deflect it away. But at the same time, Jun Mo Xie's sword was already close to his body! The chilling sword aura had already set off every single goosebumps on Zhan Mu Bai's body!

Zhan Mu Bai no longer cared whether he lived or died. When faced with such a deadly sword, he kept his calm and laughed maniacally, tossing the broken half of the sword in his hand straight towards Jun Mo Xie's chest!

At the same time, his body rose in the air as he sent his palms and kicks out, raining a series of attacks at Jun Mo Xie! Every single strike was full of all the Xuan Qi in his body! He did not care about the impending sword that was about to claim his life!

Zhan Mu Bai was undoubtedly staking it all!

And clearly, he was fighting with his life, trying to pull his opponent to the netherworld with him!

But in the next second, Jun Mo Xie's entire body had suddenly vanished. And it was a short process, only a second. The next time he reappeared, he was still in the same position, with no change in his posture! But in that second where he had vanished, that broken sword had already flew past the position he was at and was flying at the empty skies.

It was another unexplainable situation. Like that sword had not been hindered by Jun Mo Xie's body, flying freely in the air…

Cheng Yin Xiao and Qu Wu Hui both turned to look at Qiao Ying. After all, she was the expert in this area! Stealth Techniques!

Qiao Ying shook her head and said, "Although he has stealth techniques, but most stealth techniques only make it difficult for the naked eye to discern, and the physical body still remains, so it definitely cannot be used to avoid attacks. But Jun Mo Xie's technique had clearly managed to dodge the attack. I also cannot figure it out."

The look of shock on both their faces thickened!

When they turned around again, they were met with the horrifying sight of the tip of a sword, stained with fresh blood, sticking out from Zhan Mu Bai's back!

Jun Mo Xie had already accurately stabbed that fatal sword through Zhan Mu Bai's heart!

This sword had pierced through Zhan Mu Bai's heart with no hesitation!

Zhan Mu Bai's body jolted, the malicious gleam in his eyes surged. He ignored the sword that was stabbed into his body, bringing both his palms in an attack aimed at Jun Mo Xie's head! Jun Mo Xie chuckled coldly, withdrawing his sword. With a duck, he had already avoided Zhan Mu Bai's attack.

He had just pierced the sword through, but he did not activate the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune to destroy Zhan Mu Bai's heart. Because it would really be too easy on him. Jun Mo Xie was determined for him to die, but he had some plans on how he should die.

*It definitely must not be so easy! *

The sword vanished with a flash, Jun Mo Xie switched to using his palms. He yelled, "Zhan Mu Bai! Get ready to pay your debt!"

Both his palms descended, down from the air!

Zhan Mu Bai would not wait for death. He still wanted to gamble for another chance. He forcefully mustered his Xuan Qi and brought out his palms. When four palms met, Zhan Mu Bai let out a pitiful cry, unknowingly spitting a fountain of blood. The wound he had sealed with his Xuan Qi instantly split open, and blood spurted out from both openings!

He had hastily dealt his blow, so how could it match Jun Mo Xie who dealt it with his full strength?

Zhan Mu Bai's body was descending, but he was still continuously struggling, his eyes full of unwillingness to resign like this.

Jun Mo Xie held no punches, following quickly. The might of his palms continuously rained down.

Initially, both parties were still exchanging blows. But after a while, it completely became a one-sided beating; sounds of bones shattering could be heard from the arena. Everyone's brows were twitching; just from this sound alone, they can barely imagine how many bones in Zhan Mu Bai's body were already broken…

There was a long whistle from the middle of the arena. Jun Mo Xie rose high up into the air and laughed loudly. "Zhan Mu Bai! If you come out to mingle, if you have debts, you must pay for them! This is the outcome of despicable people like you!"

He was carrying a body that looked like dried salted fish in his hand! The entire thing was limp. Jun Mo Xie's hand only need to shake once, and the entire body wriggled. It was Zhan Mu Bai!

The life force of a Saint Emperor was truly extraordinary! Even at this point, Zhan Mu Bai was still not dead!

His eyes were still turning, full of resent. Only because he already could not speak. So he glared at Jun Mo Xie, as if he want to "stare" at Jun Mo Xie to his death with his resentful look!

Jun Mo Xie laughed, extremely pleased. He stretched his hand out and the sword suddenly appeared in his hand. He said, chuckling, "Today, I offer the blood of a Saint Emperor to my sword!"

With a flash, the long sword sliced across. Zhan Mu Bai's head flew spinning into the air. The Blood of Yellow Flame let out a soft cry, as if it had felt unlimited satisfaction…

When the head that was spinning in the air began to fall, Jun Mo Xie raised his foot and delivered a kick to this head of a Saint Emperor, turning it into powder! Powder that scattered in the air!

Below, all the people of three Holy Lands had a dark look on their faces, their eyes wide open, gritting their teeth so hard that sounds could be heard!

Jun Mo Xie's act was clearly slapping the face of everyone from the three Holy Lands present!

But they could not not endure it…

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master watched the three Guardians—they definitely could not do anything. The other people could definitely interfere, but it would all be useless. They would be too stupid to just throw their lives away like that?.

Zhan Mu Bai's corpse that was missing a head fell from the air. Halfway, suddenly, a wisp of white smoke appeared from the neck, quickly forming into a small human figure. It was the size of foot, but it had all its limbs and facial features. It was a Zhan Mu Bai that shrunk in size ten over times!

Spirit Seed!

This was a unique situation that would only appear with a cultivation level of a Saint Emperor. The moment a Saint Emperor died, he would form into a Spirit Seed. And this Spirit Seed was different from the Nascent soul in cultivation. Spirit Seed was an existence that was tangible, but had no form.

If the Spirit Seed was lucky enough to escape, then it could find a family to reincarnate into and anticipate the day it could make a come back and retain all the memories of its previous life! The most important thing was that the 'Spirit Seed' was impossible to destroy using Xuan Qi.

Only Saint Emperors that died agitated could produce a Spirit Seed. For example, those few people that died in the hands of the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master…

The small human stumbled in the air, a look of shock appearing on its face. It quickly descended down, actually intending of fleeing.

Jun Mo Xie said, "Hm? Too think that there is something so interesting." He delivered a random blow with the intention to kill, but to his surprise, it had only blew that little figure further and not deal any damage.

The little figure looked at Jun Mo Xie with deep-set hatred and scorn in his eyes…

Qiao Ying flew forward, with the intention to bring this Spirit Seed back, and carefully take care of it using secret skills until it could find a suitable family for this Spirit Seed to reincarnate into. Then the Holy Lands would also send people to protect this family until the baby was born. Then they would bring it back to Holy Land to continue nurturing.

After all, this sort of Saint Emperor Spirit Seed that died in an accident was very hard to find. If it was a Saint Emperor that had died of old age, there would definitely be no Spirit Seed like this.

Once someone like this grew up, because it retained all the experience from its previous life, it would naturally be a prodigy and make shocking development! They'd become a top expert in no time, and even attain greater achievements than in their previous life!

That little figure revealed a look of glee and elation on his face seeing Qiao Ying approach. He felt that he had someone backing him up. He turned around and made a weird hand gesture to Jun Mo Xie, his face full of vengeance! Jun Mo Xie cackled. How could he not recognize that the gesture meant: 'Just you wait!'.

Clearly, Zhan Mu Bai wanted Jun Mo Xie to wait for him; he would definitely return for revenge!

Jun Mo Xie chuckled and said mockingly, "Did you think that you still have that opportunity? What nonsensical words of a fool!" With a flip of his right hand, a pitch black flame appeared on his finger tip. With a flick, that ball of flame was sent flying over, and before it reached that little human, it had already been restrained by a mysterious force and sent into the black flame!

Qiao Ying was barely five zhang away at this point in time!

Right before the eyes of everyone present, the black flame quickly came into contact with the little human like a bolt of lightning. Its face was full of extreme pain and agony. That black flame had already began to engulf both his legs, slowly, gracefully, burning as it silently descended…

Everyone present, including the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master took a step back, a look of horror on their faces.

The feeling of danger from that little ball of black flame even sent the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's hair standing…

What sort of flame was this? To be able to cause damage to an almost unbreakable Spirit Seed… This thing had gone beyond all their knowledge!

Qiao Ying halted and yelled angrily. "Jun Mo Xie! What do you mean by this? Zhan Mu Bai is already dead! Why do you not let him off, insisting on destroying even his Spirit Seed?!"

Jun Mo Xie replied indifferently, "Is Saint Emperor Zhan really dead?! I doubt so, didn't you see that little child's gesture, asking me to just wait? I have no patience to wait for him for a thousand years. I might as well just get it all over and done with and save all the trouble!"

Qiao Ying was so angry she couldn't find the words to speak. Her whole face was red, her heart thumping as she said through gritted teeth, "Jun Mo Xie! Your methods are too vicious! To not even spare a Spirit Seed! You, You… What difference is there in killing a baby? You… you are heartless!"

"Baby? Do you think that that is a regular baby? Did you not know if that the 'baby' that clearly remembers everything of today will grow up or hide somewhere… how many people from the Jun Family would die in his hands?"

Jun Mo Xie laughed mockingly, intentionally emphasizing on the word 'Baby'. "Which is more precious, his one life or the numerous lives of my Jun Family. If it was you, how would you choose? Let's not even talk about how he is less than a dog from the Jun Family in my eyes…"

He smiled at Qiao Ying and said, "Beauty, those that oppose me, even if they're dead… I can also drag him out and kill him again! Didn't I say this earlier? Now… do you believe it?"

This was too infuriating, and Qiao Ying's entire body was trembling.

Before the black ball of flame had landed on the ground, the tiny Spirt Seed was already completely burnt, not leaving a single ash.

Zhan Mu Bai, a Saint Emperor of his own generation, cultivation of hundreds of years, had been completely extinguished and erased from this world like this!

The black flame landed on the floor and continued to burn, slowly and gracefully. Although it was just a small ball of flame, it seemed like it could burn on forever… All the soil it came into contact with also slowly began to burn…

Jun Mo Xie shook his hand, and that terrifying black flame instantly returned to his finger tip. With a flip of his hand, it vanished.

A series of loud holler broke out from the other side. The remaining people from the three Holy Lands had suddenly all came charging over at the same time, their faces full of anger!

"Kill this demon! This brat is insane and savage! Kill him!"

"Kill him and get revenge for Saint Emperor Zhan!"

"Revenge for our brothers!"


Qu Wu Hui yelled, "All of you stop!"

Qu Wu Hui voice reverberated loudly. But everyone had already gone into a state of frenzy, and none of them obeyed his command.

Jun Mo Xie's face turned as cold as ice, he chuckled coldly and said, "Get revenge?! Come, all of you come at me! This Young Master doesn't mind it at all. I express my welcome, a great welcome!"

Suddenly, with a flip of his hand, he hollered at the opposite side. "Sink for this daddy!"

A giant pit appeared with a loud rumbling noise. It was a huge hole that was bottomless! The experts, including the two Saint Emperors, all fell right into it, caught by surprise.

Jun Mo Xie laughed to his heart's content. A extremely cruel look appearing on his face. With a flip of his right hand, that terrifying black flame reappearance once again.

The one that had burnt the Spirit Seed was only a small ball, but right now, it was a giant ball of black flame that was about two zhang in radius. Jun Mo Xie narrowed his eyes and coldly commanded, "Go!"

The black flame flew from his hand and exploded into numerous tiny smaller balls of flames. Completely covering the air above the pit and slowly descending!

Leaving no room for escape!

"Stop! Hurry up and stop!" Cheng Yin Xiao and Qu Wu Hui yellowed quickly, flying over at the sight. But Jun Mo Xie was like the experts from the three Holy Lands, completely ignoring them. Since he had personally said that he would start the battle with life and end it with death, he had no intentions of letting all these people off!

Now that there was such a godsent opportunity, how could he stop?

If the ones suffering the massacre were his own people, and someone yelled to stop, would Zhan Mu Bai stop? The answer was obvious; it was a completely ridiculous thing!

Being soft-hearted to his own enemy was the greatest cruelty to his own family and kins!

Jun Mo Xie had never thought that he would do something so stupid that would allow his own kin to suffer while his enemies enjoyed!

Pitiful cries and blood curdling screams rang out continuously. They were screams that came from the soul. If one didn't hear it personally, they would be unable to imagine what sort of torture where these people in the pit undergoing…

A pit like this, even though it seemed bottomless, but how deep could it be? Could it be capable of trapping Saints and Saint Emperors? Everyone waited for a long time, but no one managed to come out…

The experts in the pit were really in for bad luck!

They had charged forward earlier, ignoring Qu Wu Hui's commands, firstly because they were angry for Zhan Mu Bai; secondly, because they had seen the might of this black flame. And there was a fear instilled in them: if they let Jun Mo Xie continue to remain alive, they would never be able to be at ease… To be capable of destroying a Spirit Seed, someone like this was really too terrifying!

This was essentially destroying the future they had after their death! Someone like this must not be kept!

So they all decided to attack, determined to eradicate this future worry!

Right now, Jun Mo Xie had just finished a battle; he should have used up half of his strength. And he was close to the three Holy Lands' camp, while far from his own. Everyone was a Saints, and there were Saint Emperors. This sort of force would definitely be able to take Jun Mo Xie down in an instant if everyone struck at the same time!

So they all charged forward together!

But they had not imagined Jun Mo Xie was this terrifying! With a single lift of his hand, such a giant pit appeared on the ground! And the black flame that he wielded was not only that tiny bit; he was able to bring out so much of it…

Since the black flames covered the sky, all the experts where pushing their palms in hopes of extinguishing these flames, or even sending them away from themselves. But they had never imagined that… no matter how much strength they used, it was all futile against these black flames. They could only watch it slowly and gracefully descend.

As it descended, the gap between them became smaller, leaving no room for anyone to slip through…

Finally, one Saint would not longer endure it, stripping his long robes and using it as a barrier as he rushed upwards. Everyone was stunned, watching this brave person who took the first try. If he was lucky enough to break his way out, then everyone else also can do it. Even if he couldn't make it through, if he was able to diminish a bit of the might of that flame, his sacrifice would also not be in vain.

But their hopes were quickly burst like bubbles…

This Saint had just came into contact with that black flame, and his robes was instantly burnt through by the flames and slowly landed on his body…

Then this Saint who had endured all sorts of cruel torture without piping a single noise instantly cried out in agony, falling to the ground. He rolled around on the floor, screaming in pain, his whole body convulsing… But no matter how much he turned, that black flame engulfing his body continued to burn…

Following his rolling around, the black flame on his body began to unintentionally spread unto others. Then, those people also suddenly began to scream like mad, rolling on the ground… The black flame was like a plague, instantly engulfing their bodies…

As they rolled, the black flame spread unto even more people…

It was like a snowball, the flame began bigger and bigger…

In the air, there was still countless of black flames that were descending gracefully like black colored snowflakes…

He Zhi Qiu and Hai Wu Ya who were lucky enough not to be touched by the flames exchanged looks, fear in their eyes! Suddenly He Zhi Qiu yelled, "Tunnel! Make a tunnel to the other side!"

Hai Wu Ya instantly got back to his senses, and both Saint Emperors joined forces and blew a long tunnel. They quickly duck and rushed into the hole.

Behind them, two more fourth level Saints followed… and the others where all covered by the black flames. They were screaming and wailing in anguish… A Saint who was on fire suddenly found this hole, but half of his face was gone from the burning. Yet he still tried to enter this tunnel. He Zhi Qiu sent him flying out with no mercy…

The ground rumbled and the soil flew everywhere. He Zhi Qiu, Hai Wu Ya, and the other two Saints leaped out of it, a lifeless look in their eyes.

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master and the rest had already gathered to watch from the side of the pit and had clearly witnessed how the Saint was sent flying by He Zhi Qiu… Right now, they were looking at these four people in disdain…

No matter what the reason was, attacking your own comrade at a time of crisis was forever disdainful!

Everyone shuddered at the sight of the situation in the pit. All the experts had only half of their bodies left, but they were all writhing and screaming about, and slowly burning…

Qiao Ying's face was pale. She suddenly stomped her feet twice, all the soil poured into the pit…

She couldn't bare to watch all these happening, so she thought of just burying these people to end their sufferings, letting them die quickly…

But… something more insane happened.

The layers of rocks and soil had instantly filled up the pit, but within an instant, they slowly sank and disappeared. Countless black flames began to reemerged in the pit, gracefully burning…

This flame had instantly burnt all of the soil cleanly…

There was no more screaming inside. Only chunks of bodies were left…

The burning was almost done…

The four people turned around and looked at Jun Mo Xie in shock, fear, and disbelief.

Jun Mo Xie stood calmly with a smile. His white robes swaying in the wind like a handsome young master.

But right now, all the four experts were looking at him as if they were looking at a demon! Even the number one lunatic under the heavens, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master too!

*Is this brat a human, or a demon? *

Jun Mo Xie laughed, suddenly stretching his hands out to point at the four survivors of the Holy Lands. "Three Holy Lands, better not provoke me… There is a limit to my patience! You guys cannot afford the consequences…"

He chuckled and shook his head and sighed. "Haha, I didn't intend ill to these people, but I'm someone who is afraid of trouble. If I stop killing them… do you think I'm soft hearted? Will there be such things in the future? For the sake of avoiding troubles, I can only prove it to you… Please, please, don't ever think that Jun Mo Xie is easy to bully. In fact… it is as easy as killing chickens and dogs for me!"

Stillness filled the air!

Right now, no one had any doubt about what Jun Mo Xie had just said.

Especially the four who had just emerged from the pit. Only fear!

A hell-like scenario. They did not wish to go through it again even if they were dead!

This was simply too terrifying!

Their guts were broken; their hearts were cold!

Even the three Guardians… had a meaningful look… as they looked at Jun Mo Xie…

"Good! A good Jun Mo Xie! As expected, you are arrogant enough!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master slowly clapped as he looked at Jun Mo Xie. But he said sternly, "I have to say, you may be young, but you are powerful enough to be our opponents. This mystical flame of yours, even this Young Master may not be able to survive it if I was caught off guard!"

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was holding onto a sword with a black flame dancing on the tip of it. And the sword was slowly being engulfed in flames… it did not melt, but all the places the flames touched disappeared from existence…

Chapter 910: Explanation? What Explanation?!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master turned his hand and stabbed the sword into the ground. The black flame entered the ground and instantly burnt through it, spreading outwards slowly…

"It really can burn anything…" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master breathed out a long line of air and said. "This Young Master is truly shocked…"

Jun Mo Xie chuckled lightly in response and said in a humble manner, "This is just a small trick; everyone, I've incurred your ridicule…"

Everyone's lips twitched uncontrollably in response. If such a terrifying skill is considered a small trick, wouldn't your "large tricks" burn the entire world?

That thought was not wrong; if Jun Mo Xie had enough spirit energy to sustain the technique, even setting the entire world aflame would not be an impossible or strange matter…

"Young Master Jun's self proclaimed title of Evil Monarch truly lives up to the word 'Evil' ah. This action of yours is indeed ruthless and toxic! However…" Cheng Yin Xiao's eyes narrowed darkly as he looked at Jun Mo Xie. "Today, you killed a person of our Holy Lands in such a brazen matter. For this, you must give an explanation to the three of us!"

"Explanation? What explanation? What explanation do you want me to give you?" Jun Mo Xie smiled in a strange manner. "The four of you came here and made yourselves referees and judges… but did this Young Master ask you to do that? Considering your statuses as renowned seniors, this Young Master chose to close an eye and allowed it since you all wanted to play judge. Only, as judges… there should at least be an attitude of fairness, right? Tell me, was there any mistake in my understanding?"

"That is a matter of course. Judges naturally needs to be fair! Fairness and righteousness are the things we prioritize as judges!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said in a "gentlemanly" manner, though his eerie voice could hardly be linked with such words.

"Since Senior Fourteenth has said that, this Young Master will be direct with my words. Just now, Senior Cheng asked me for an explanation? I'm not sure what kind of explanation I should give. In any case, I'll like to ask Senior Cheng, or perhaps, all the seniors of the Heaven Saint Palace as well…"

Jun Mo Xie had a look of rage on his face as he continued. "Not long ago, an incident of the crowd surging up to attack me happened right in front of the four judges! And it was even after the judges announced the result of the battle! This is truly unbelievable; do the words of the judges have any use at all? If it was the Fourteenth Young Master who announced the results, it's one matter. But I distinctly remembered that it was Senior Qu who announced the results, right? In that case, I'll like to ask, what use do the few of you have as judges?"

Cheng Yin Xiao and the others were stumped. The truth was right before their eyes, and with their status, they would definitely not speak words that went against their conscience!

"You're speaking nonsense, brat!" Surprisingly, it was actually the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master who spoke to resolve the situation. However, he continued in a stern manner. "How did they not fulfill their duties as referees? Didn't they shout 'STOP' just now?!"

After saying that, he chuckled a few times in a manner of one taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

When Cheng Yin Xiao and the rest heard the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's words, they thought that this Fourteenth Young Master was for once being a good person, helping speak up for them. But when they listened more closely, they realized: was this still helping them resolve the situation? It was clearly pouring oil on top of a fire, beating the drenched dog!

"This junior had spoken wrongly… Senior Fourteenth Young Master's words were right; this junior had indeed heard the two Seniors shouting to stop them when those guys rushed at me…"

Jun Mo Xie said apologetically, and put on an extremely wronged expression as he exerted strongly. "However, this junior does not understand; even if we do not mention Seniors' positions as judges, why is there no deterring strength given the positions of the three Seniors in the Holy Lands? From the looks of it… the three Seniors' commands are no different from a dog's fart to the people of the Holy Lands! I'm truly shocked… this junior was simply too agitated just now and didn't understand Seniors' assistance. I hope you can understand…"

The three experts' faces instantly turned red!

The three of them and the Fourteenth Young Master had joined hands as judges, but it had still resulted in such a conclusion. One side had directly attacked a single person; no matter how one put it, such a matter was not justifiable. Especially since the three of them were extremely respected individuals of the three Holy Lands. Yet, the people under them completely disregarded their words. It was a fierce slap on their faces.

This slap by Jun Mo Xie had caused all their ears to turn red, but they could only endure it silently…

In that moment, the three of them stared fiercely at Hai Wu Ya and He Zhi Qiu, and their gazes were not kind!

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master also snorted coldly. "Those words are not nonsense this time! Speaking of explanations… this Young Master also wants an explanation! This Young Master was also one of the judges, and just like that Jun brat had said, this incident happened right under this Young Master's nose. As for whether those juniors treat the three of your words as farts, this Young Master is not interested in knowing. But this is equivalent to not placing this Young Master in their eyes as well! To me, this matter has severely affected my reputation! This matter cannot be settled so easily. Even if that Jun brat does not want to pursue the matter, this Young Master wants to pursue it!"

The three's faces instantly turned ugly. They had only been thinking about dealing with Jun Mo Xie just now, and they'd completely forgotten about this fellow… What should they do now? This lunatic was not someone who behaved in a logical manner. Furthermore, they were not on the side of reason this time. This was going to be trouble…

Jun Mo Xie nodded, his voice following close behind. "Exactly, exactly. Even if didn't talk about the problem of the Fourteenth Young Master's face and reputation, there's still the matter of this Young Master's safety! If the three Guardians wished to seek an explanation from me, this Young Master can still express some understanding. After all, so many people had died… However, those guys charged over just now. If this Young Master hadn't retaliated, perhaps I would have been torn into pieces by them in a mere instant. Unless… I should have simply stretched my neck out and waited for death?"

Speaking and harmonizing in such a perfect manner, the two wretches forced the three Guardians into a corner with their words, until their faces had turned into the same color as a pig's liver…

Jun Mo Xie raised his chin and snorted coldly. "Or perhaps to the three Guardians, the Holy Lands are only allowed to win, while I'm not even allowed to retaliate? You guys sneak attacked and surrounded others with numbers; when they died, you sought the victim who managed to survive for justice and explanation? Isn't that a bit too ridiculous and lawless… three Seniors, is your Heaven Saint Palace so unable to take losses?"

As he said that, Jun Mo Xie beckoned with his hand and the black flames on the ground jumped up and formed into a ball in his hand before disappearing…

The words "unable to take losses" had only just come out from Qu Wu Hui's mouth, when Jun Mo Xie returned it to the three of them.

"Little bastard, you're spouting nonsense! How are we unable to take losses?!" Cheng Yin Xiao hollered with rage.

The three Guardians were all incredibly enraged. However, there was nothing they could do, and they did not even have anything to retort with. Because they were originally not on the side of reason, and the matter of the group attack had just finished. If it was not them being unable to take the loss, what was it?!

Having no directions to vent his frustrations, Qu Wu Hui turned to Hai Wu Ya and the rest and scolded sternly. "Shameful things, what are you all still waiting for? Hurry up and scam!"

"Scram? Even if they want to scram, they can only go after giving this Young Master an explanation!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master snorted coldly and said. "Before I give the word, I'll like to see which one of you dares to scram!"

Cheng Yin Xiao forcefully suppress his anger and after taking two large breaths. He gritted his teeth with difficulty. "This matter was a mistake on our side. We seek Brother Fourteenth's understanding. A great man has great magnanimity; regarding this matter, please don't make things difficult for these juniors."

Such a large group of experts had all been slaughtered cleanly by the other side, and instead of getting an explanation from them, they had even been forced to bow their heads and apologize… The indignation and humiliation in Cheng Yin Xiao's heart was easy to imagine!

If it was really Jun Mo Xie who was in the wrong, then even if Cheng Yin Xiao and the rest had to fight with their life, they would still go against the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, and would even moreso not let Jun Mo Xie off.

However… this entire matter had indeed been caused by the Holy Lands! That attack had also been a bit too shameless. A large group of experts attacking a junior who was not even 20 years old. This matter was simply too embarrassing to speak about!

Who would have thought that after disgracing the four of them, they still lost such a large number of people. In the end, they even presented all the initiative into the enemy's hands! What kind of matter is this! Even if you all don't want your face, we still do! F*ck, what face do we have left now? All of it has been thrown far away already!

Cheng Yin Xiao and Qu Wu Hui gritted their teeths as they cursed in their hearts. When we return to the Holy Lands, none of these idiots will be let off lightly! We must sort them out properly!

"Oh? Since Brother Chen admitted the fault personally, this Young Master has always been a gracious person… so this time, we'll forget about it." The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said magnanimously. "You all can scram now!"

On the other side, Hai Wu Ya and He Zhi Qiu's eyes were nearly spouting fire. But under the stern gazes of Qu Wu Hui and the rest, they didn't say anything and turned to leave. In a short time, they completely disappeared from sight…

Only Qiao Ying, who hadn't participated in the quarrels, was staring at the empty grounds quietly. Those were 30 top tier experts! The people whom they'd paid such huge prices and sacrificed so much face to save! In the blink of an eye, all had been buried here!

These people were all the main forces for the War for Seizing the Heavens! To lose so many in an instant… the impact it would have on the War for Seizing the Heavens would definitely not be light, to the point where it could affect the entire situation! If there were no reinforcements, with the current strength of the Holy Lands, this War for Seizing the Heavens was lost without a doubt!

"This matter ends here!" Qu Wu Hui declared in a stern tone. "Jun Mo Xie, for the Exquisite Lotus that you won, are you going with us to claim it? Or will you wait for someone to send it to Tian Fa Forest for you?"

Jun Mo Xie furrowed his brows lightly. The two options that Qu Wu Hui had given this time were both not good choices.

Chapter 911: Jun Mo Xie's Arrangements

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Wait for them to deliver it to Tian Fa Forest? The variables in that were simply too much. They could simply quote a random reason and pilfer the Exquisite Lotus away! Right now, Jun Mo Xie did not have a single shred of confidence in the "honor" of the Holy Lands, so how could he wait for them to deliver it? Even if they did not pull any tricks, they could simply schedule the date of delivery to another three or five years later… wouldn't that cause him to die of anxiousness?!

As for him going up to the Heaven Saint Palace to retrieve it himself? That was an exceedingly difficult choice as well. It sounded nice; you won the battle, so you can naturally come to claim the prize. But once he reached the Heaven Saint Palace, what would he do if those bunch of sneaky fellows turned around and refused to acknowledge him? Who knew how many undying old monsters were waiting in that mysterious place? What kind of mysterious methods would they have?

Things like falling out and turning their backs on promises was something that the three Holy Lands had done countless times… Jun Mo Xie did not believe a single word of those people's promises at all…

Although Jun Mo Xie was arrogant, he was not conceited to the point where he felt that he could contend against the entire Heaven Saint Palace! It was the same for the current him, who'd advanced greatly in strength as well!

"Since you've won, could it be that you're not allowed to collect your price?" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said coldly. "Jun brat, there's no need to be so conflicted. This Young Master was a judge of this match, and I'll naturally also accompany you to the Heaven Saint Palace to collect that Exquisite Lotus, completing the rules of the competition! This Young Master would like to see if they dare to not give it to you!"

He'd been looking coldly from the side all along, and although Qu Wu Hui's words were fair, there seemed to be another meaning hidden within, causing him to feel incredibly frustrated. Moreover, Jun Mo Xie was the successor of his benefactor. Thus, he stood out and interfered. With the current situation, it was not exactly unreasonable for him to interfere anyway.

Jun Mo Xie was somewhat touched as he turned his head. "This junior thanks Senior Fourteenth Young Master for your kind gesture. However… with your status, it might be somewhat awkward if you went to the Heaven Saint Palace."

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had been the greatest enemy of the Heaven Saint Palace all along. If he went there now, wouldn't it be extremely awkward? The Heaven Saint Palace would most likely mobilize all their strength to make him stay there forever!

Jun Mo Xie was never one to owe anyone a favor, so how would he be willing to let Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master take such great risks for his sake?

"Forget it then, you make the decision. It's indeed somewhat… inconvenient for this Young Master to go there." The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master understood his meaning and did not force the issue: "Only, in my experience, with the reputation of the Heaven Saint Palace, they would not necessarily renegade on a bet with a brat like you."

Jun Mo Xie nodded his head with a light chuckle as he turned to Qu Wu Hui. "Since Senior Fourteenth Young Master has put it that way, I will follow you to Heaven Saint Palace!"

Qu Wu Hui's brows shot up as he raised a thumb. "Good! Great courage! That's what a man should be like!"

Jun Mo Xie scoffed lowly in his heart as he thought to himself. It's just that I have the absolute confidence in retreating without harm; not that I have such big balls to use my life to bet on you honoring your promise…

After that, he returned to the Heaven Destroyer and Spirit Devourer side and looked at Mei Xue Yan. "Xue Yan, I'm going to claim the Exquisite Lotus now and also do some other stuff while I'm there… You've been away from Tian Fa for quite some time already, and it's time you went back to take a look as well. I'll have to trouble you to bring everyone back with you first."

"Alright. Then, you… must be careful." Mei Xue Yan looked at him worriedly.

"Relax; don't you know me? As long as I want to leave… is there anything that can hold me back?" Jun Mo Xie said in a low voice as he winked sneakily.

Remembering that mysterious pagoda of his, Mei Xue Yan relaxed and nodded with a light smile.

"When you return this time, you must seize the chance to let upgrade everyone's strength quickly… Just use the two pieces of spirit vein fragments I gave you, and according to the method I taught you, just lightly scrape a layer of powder off the top, and mix it with water to drink. Although it's not comparable to the Golden Jade Fluid, it's still the essence of the Spirit Stone Immortal Milk. Remember, you must not consume too much, or the dangers will be huge." Jun Mo Xie instructed carefully.

"Got it, I'll take notice of it."

"Also, once you return, quickly bring Grandfather and Third Uncle's strengths up as well. Remember, the two of them must be prioritized before everyone else; apart from the two of us, their strengths need to be the strongest among the entire Jun Family! As for the pills, just allocate them as you deem fit…"

"En, I understand." Mei Xue Yan nodded seriously. She could also understand Jun Mo Xie's intentions very well. Although Jun Zhan Tian and Jun Wu Yi's cultivation were considered formidable in the mundane world, but in Tian Fa, they were considered relatively weak. On top of that, they were the most important characters in the Jun Family. If they continued to lead the strong with their weak strength, even with Jun Mo Xie being a deterrent at the top, it would not be good in the long term…

Thus, the most important matter right now was to raise the abilities of Jun Zhan Tian and Jun Wu Yi first! Even if the issue of their strengths were not mentioned, this upgrade would be important for extending their longevity.

"To be honest, I really miss Xiao Yi, Qing Han, and the rest, and mother as well…" Mei Xue Yan's face flushed slightly as she said.

"Relax, in terms of prestige, your position in the Jun Family is higher than mine… when you return this time, they will definitely hound you and not let you go. At that time, we'll see if you still miss them…" Jun Mo Xie had a strange smile on his face as he said this.

These were not empty words at all. Ever since Mei Xue Yan sacrificed herself to save them, the entirely Jun Family was completely convinced of this future daughter in law. Mei Xue Yan's popularity in the Jun Family had definitely reached a terrifying level…

With all the preparations completed, Jun Mo Xie was just about to turn when he saw Baili Luo Yun coming over from slowly, his mouth opening and closing as if he didn't know what to say.

Rarely seeing such a conflicted look on the face of this great assassin, Jun Mo Xie smiled and asked, "Luo Yun, what's the matter?"

"Erm… It's like this, Young Master. This time, I wish to stay a few more days in Chrysanthemum City to take care of some… private matters. So I'd like to ask Young Master first." Baili Luo Yun stammered.

"This kid saw his old lover, so he's anxious to find her!" Leng Ao, who was standing on the side, laughed. In an instant, Baili Luo Yun's ears turned red.

"Wow! Really?" Jun Mo Xie cried out in shock as he ran up and hooked his arm around Baili Luo Yun's neck as if they were good brothers. "That's great news ah. What's the situation? What's her name? What does she look like? Fat or skinny? Tall or short? Which family is she from? How heavy is she? What's her three measurements? Do you have any nudes… keke…"

Baili Luo Yun was instantly stumped, and he begged, "Young Master, please let me off…"

"She's called Zhan Meng Die…"

"The Zhan Family?" Jun Mo Xie furrowed his brows slightly. He seemed to remember having met her briefly before. This girl's appearance was pretty, and she was an outstanding beauty. Only… he'd just killed the Zhan Family's old ancestor a moment ago, and Baili Luo Yun was actually talking about a match in the Zhan Family. Although he wouldn't mind, but the other side…

"Young Master can rest your mind at rest, I know what I have to do." Baili Luo Yun's awkward face turned into a pained expression. "I will tell her the truth, and if she chooses her family, and to become enemies with Young Master… I will not force the matter, and we will both become strangers… but if she chooses me…"

A few beads of sweat rolled down Baili Luo Yun's face as he mustered his courage and bowed lowly. "If she ultimately chooses me… may Young Master… give us your blessing!"

"Don't worry! A hundred years of effort lead to crossing by the same ferry, a thousand years of efforts lead to sleep on the same pillow. If she's meant to be your wife, she will definitely be yours… Zhan Mu Bai might be the old ancestor of the Zhan Family, but he's a person from several hundred years ago. Zhan Meng Die might not have that many feelings for him, right?"

Jun Mo Xie patted Baili Luo Yun's shoulder and encouraged, "Luo Yun, everything in life depends on the effort of the person; where there's a will, there's a way. Go for it! The matter might not even be as serious as you think it is! A wife should be something to snatch to obtain! It doesn't matter if she's willing or not; once the rice is cooked… where will she run with a big stomach? Keke, if not for me being unable to defeat my wife and my heart being too soft to go hard on her, I would have already…"

All of a sudden, he felt a stinging sensation on his ears, and Mei Xue Yan's jade-like hand was tightly pinching onto his ears. Her face red and furious, she asked in a dangerous voice, "You would have what? What was that about unable to defeat and going hard?"

Jun Mo Xie begged for mercy repeatedly and stammered, "I-I meant… I would have… I would have…" His eyes turned as he searched his brain urgently. "I would have confessed my love to you long ago ah! You're so formidable, and I didn't dare to confess because I was afraid of getting beaten up by you! Are you very touched? Hehe.. hur hur… kekeke…" He laughed strangely as he coughed.

The entire camp was filled with laughter and as he laughed, Baili Luo Yun instantly felt much better in his heart.

"Luo Yun, go on them. The rest of us support you! Don't be overcautious and indecisive; you should go and grasp your own happiness!" Mei Xue Yan advised in a gentle voice.

"Many thanks… My Lady." Baili Luo Yun said with gratefulness. This single 'My Lady' caused Mei Xue Yan's face to redden, and Jun Mo Xie's heart also whooped with joy…

"Why don't you bring a few more people along. Let Leng Ao accompany you, and also choose a section of people from the Heaven Destroyer Team." Jun Mo Xie said in a domineering manner. "Whoever dares to snatch your wife, just beat them up!"

Everyone felt sweat pouring from their brows when they heard this. This Young Master was simply a classic hooligan. The title of the number one debauchee in the legends actually had some truth to it…

After settling the matter, everyone discussed for a bit more before everything was settled.

Jun Mo Xie looked at Mei Xue Yan bringing everyone and leaving rapidly like a patch of dark cloud. On the other side, Baili Luo Yun brought a few men with him and went in the opposite direction into the city.

The intense and bloody battlefield from a moment ago was now completely silent.

Jun Mo Xie turned around and saw the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master with his hands on hips, standing sternly like a manager supervising his employees. Qiao Ying and Cheng Yin Xiao both stood at the side, watching the show. As for Qu Wu Hui, he was crawling along on the ground with his butt high in the sky, and his face was extremely aggrieved as he dug at the ground with his sword as if he was looking for something…

"What's going on?" Jun Mo Xie looked at the 20, 30 earthworms squirming on the ground and asked with confusion.

Hearing him ask, Qu Wu Hui's face turned red and he gritted his teeth, continuing to dig without a word. His face was filled with an ugly look of aggrievement and pain, and he seemed like he wanted to cry but had no tears…

Even if his chrysanthemum had been abused by a hundred Xuan Beasts… it shouldn't be able to cause a Guardian to display such an expression, right? Jun Mo Xie felt quite shocked in his heart.

Chapter 912: Digging Earthworms, Eating Earthworms…

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Your battle has ended, but our bet still hasn't yet… En, the few of us made a bet during the five man fight just now. The loser has to dig out one thousand earthworms without using any Xuan Qi… He lost, so this is the result. Right now, we're carrying out the terms of the bet." The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master explained in an unhurried manner.

"Ah? Digging for earthworms? Although it's a bit awkward to go digging for earthworms with your butt in the air, but the ground is loose, and the commotion earlier must have scared the earthworms here as well, so digging for a thousand earthworms should not be any difficult matter… But what's with that aggrieved expression? If it's Qiao Ying, a lady, who's afraid of anything gross, it can still be understood. But what's a man like Qu Wu Hui being so disgusted for?!" Jun Mo Xie asked in a laughing tone, still somewhat confused.

"Ah brat, this you don't understand… We made another bet at the seven versus seven match, that the loser has to eat these one thousand earthworms. Very unfortunately, he lost again. Originally, he still had a chance to win since I very generously gave him the opportunity to choose…" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said in a very proud manner.

"Pu-ahahaha…" Jun Mo Xie laughed aloud. "In that case… Senior Qu is truly unfortunate! Ha! Who asked you to have so little confidence in me to place your bets on those bunch of weaklings? It's no wonder that you lost!"

Qu Wu Hui made a sound in his throat, rolled his eyes and did not say anything, continuing to dig earnestly.

"Earthworms! I want those black one, not the red ones! Right, the most disgusting kind…" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master pointed strictly, not leaving an inch of leniency…

The number of earthworms on the ground grew more and more… forming into a small mound. They squirmed energetically, sometimes raising their heads and tails out of top…

When Jun Mo Xie remembered that Qu Wu Hui would soon have to swallow these things into his stomach… he could not help but to retch dryly a little… and his face instantly turned somewhat pale!

That scenario was simply too terrifying to imagine!

The ground was soft and fertile, and although the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's conditions were rigid and many, one thousand thick black earthworms of the most disgusting kind were still dug up by nightfall.

Having completed his task, Qu Wu Hui's face was the color of dead ash. His body covered in mud, he crawled out of the mud and with a look as if he would rather be dead. His eyes carrying the last wisp of hope, he opened his mouth with a pleading tone. "Brother Fourteenth…"

With the most flattering and fawning smile he could muster, he walked up to the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master in a pitiful manner. All the elegance and pride of a peak expert had disappeared without a trace…

"What?" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master lifted his chin and turned his nose to the sky as he snorted arrogantly.

"Brother Fourteenth, look, I've already dug up all one thousand earthworms… I didn't slack off at all…" He said with a sweet voice.

"If you don't want to slack, hurry up and eat then. Just close your eyes and hold your breath, and everything will be over very soon!" A sinister voice rang out.

"That… my stomach isn't so good lately; can I not eat…" He smiled fawningly.

"Absolutely not! If you agree to bet, you must accept to lose!" A cold reply, unrelenting and emotionless.

"You! Don't go too far in bullying!" Qu Wu Hui raised his head with anger.

"How am I bullying you? As expected of an expert from the Holy Lands. To think that you could even utter such shameless and deceitful words. Fine then; you say that I'm a tyrant and a bully? Well then, I'll be a bully! What, you were the one who accepted the bet; are you going to be deliberately dishonest now?" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master snorted.

"I'm not trying to be dishonest… didn't I did up one thousand earthworms according to your preferences; all thick black ones…" Qu Wu Hui's neck reddened and his lips trembled as he grabbed the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's arm and swung it before calling out in a sweet voice. "Brother~Four~teenth~…" The voice was soft and coy, like a young girl flirting with her lover…

Jun Mo Xie who was standing on the side felt his entire body shiver and he nearly turned his eyes away. Even Young Master Jun's mental fortitude was not enough to withstand such a sight…

On the other side, Qiao Ying and Cheng Yin Xiao felt all the hairs on the back of their hands standing straight on their ends. Even all the cultivation that they'd accumulated in over a thousand years was not enough to prepare them for this instant…

"It's useless even if you call me Fourteenth Old Master! If you dare to bet, you should be prepared to accept the loss. No matter what you say, you still have to eat it today! Not one worm less!" Although Qu Wu Hui was ingratiating and mellow, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was tough and unyielding, completely unmoved!

"You you… You're asking me to die ah…" Qu Wu Hui stamped his foot with rage. His voice actually sounded like he was holding back tears, and his eyes were red while his shoulders trembled lightly.

"Cry?! You're crying? Go on then… if you really manage to drop some tears, I'll let you off today! Why aren't you crying yet!?" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master scoffed coldly. He had already calculated that a peak expert like Qu Wu Hui would never disregard his status like that and start crying in front of other people, especially before a junior…

Besides, eating earthworms is not such an exaggerated matter. This Young Master has also eaten some back when I was sealed… Although it doesn't taste good, those things are not toxic. If I hadn't experienced it before, how would this Young Master dare to make such a bet? There is always a backup plan for everything…

However, he'd actually greatly underestimated the terror of a matter like eating live earthworms was to ordinary people…

Before the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master could finish speaking, Qu Wu Hui plomped his butt down on the ground and started wailing loudly, smacking his palms against the ground. Tears flooded from his eyes, and he looked incredibly aggrieved…

He cried in a heart wrenching manner, touching the heavens and earth, while snot and tears intermingled and formed into a mess in front of his face…

In that moment, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, Jun Mo Xie, Qiao Ying, and Cheng Yin Xiao all had the same expressions on their faces. Their mouths and eyes were opened wide with disbelief, and their temples twitched uncontrollably. Eight eyeballs had practically fallen off their sockets and rolled onto the ground…

"I… I f*ck your granddaddy! You're actually crying for real…" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master cursed with disbelief. It was simply too unexpected… That was a Guardian of the Heaven Saint Palace ah…

"Just a few tears can save me from eating the earthworms, so why wouldn't I cry? You can try asking everyone present; how would they choose?" Qu Wu Hui temporarily stopped crying and looked up at the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master with his tears stained face. "Go on, what other styles of crying do you want to see? Do you want me to stand up and cry or should I continue sitting down? You want me to lie down and cry? Or should I face the sky and cry? Or maybe you'd like to see me run and cry or wail while jumping on the spot? Even if you want me to sway my butt and cry while dancing sexily, this old man will go all out today to meet your requirements… As long as I don't need to eat the earthworms!"

"The people of the world normally have a layer of skin on both sides of their faces. While you experts of the Holy Lands are not limited by this, one side of your skin is pasted onto the other side of the face, causing one side to have two layers of skin, while the other side is just completely bare and shameless! Such great talent is something that this junior can never hope to match! Originally, I thought that only Zhan Mu Bai, Hai Wu Ya, and the rest were like that. But it turns out that Senior is the true distinguished talent! This junior is full of respect!" Jun Mo Xie clasped his fists and said with admiration.

There was truly no choice but to be convinced ah. This was too domineering; this kind of shamelessness was simply too amazing!

"Forget it, this Young Master must have been crazy to have interacted sincerely with the lot of you! If I continue to hang around with all you shameless people, this Young Master's reputation will be completely gone."

After saying that, he shook his head, not knowing if he should laugh or cry. His body soared up and with a shu sound, he disappeared without a trace. Only a single sentence was left behind after him. "Jun brat, don't worry and go claim that Exquisite Lotus! If anything happens to you, this Young Master will, as a judge, surely pursue the matter to the end for you, even slaughtering the entire three Holy Lands thoroughly! To me, that's not a difficult thing at all; haha…"

The voice lingered in the air, while the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's figure had already disappeared completely.

However, that last promise of his before he left was the most important! That single sentence was equivalent to giving Jun Mo Xie a hundred talismans of protection! Even if the Holy Lands wanted to play punk and trick him of his reward, or no matter how much they wanted to deal with Jun Mo Xie… they wouldn't dare!

Although Jun Mo Xie had a hundred percent confidence that nothing would happen to him, but hearing these words still caused him to feel a bit moved. The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, no matter whether he was violent or crazy, he… was true to himself! He was definitely a person worth befriending!

The three Guardians of the Holy Lands all changed slightly. The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's threats were not said for fun…

Seeing that the disaster had passed, Qu Wu Hui hurriedly scrambled to his feet. Now that the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had left, there was naturally no need for him to continue crying. Turning his head to stare at Qu Wu Hui and Cheng Yin Xiao, he demanded fiercely: "What are you two laughing at? If you have the ability… why don't you go and eat those earthworms for me to see?"

Cheng Yin Xiao widened his eyes and laughed aloud. "Eat what? The two of us didn't make any bets at all!"

Qu Wu Hui snorted unhappily and turned to look at Jun Mo Xie. "Jun brat, about today's matter, you're not allowed to reveal anything! Otherwise, I will never let you off!"

Jun Mo Xie had an honest look on his face as he asked, "Senior Qu, when you said today's matter, which matter were you referring to? The battle? Or the matter about the explanation? Or perhaps you're afraid that this junior would tell others about how the Holy Lands were unable to accept defeat, breaking faith and ganging up on people? Senior has to be more specific; otherwise, how will this junior know what you're referring to?"

"You… how dare you act dumb with this daddy!" Qu Wu Hui's face was red with embarrassment and anger. His face was fierce, as if he would become violent if there were any disagreements.

"Kekeke, junior understands now. You're talking about the matter of you crying." Jun Mo Xie had a look of enlightenment on his face as he exclaimed. "I have to say, Senior Qu's crying was extremely touching and heartfelt. The voice was full of grief and pain… to be able to cry to such a standard, this junior is already exceedingly impressed. Why would I… do that?"

Qu Wu Hui's face had turned the color of pig's liver as he sputtered, unable to say a word. On the side, Qiao Ying and Cheng Yin Xiao started laughing again.

"Let's go." Cheng Yin Xiao looked at Jun Mo Xie and said. "I think Young Master Jun is also anxious to get the Exquisite Lotus."

"There's no rush; I'm quite free these days, and I still have some time to spare. Even if you want me to accompany the three Seniors to sit here and chat until next year… I still have the time. To be able to obtain guidance from the three Seniors is a good thing too." Jun Mo Xie said with a bright smile.

"You have the time… but we don't!" Qu Wu Hui shouted huffily. With a wave of his hand, the huge stone plaque tens of zhang away disintegrated into a pile of dust.

"Just let them stay buried here in peace… don't let any outsiders disturb their rest." Qu Wu Hui sighed and after taking one last look at the desolated land, turned and left…

Jun Mo Xie rubbed his nose with annoyance. Damn that fellow. I spent such great efforts to make that stone plaque, and you actually didn't even ask me before destroying it. How ridiculous. Looks like the bigger fist is still the best reason ah…

Helpless, he followed behind the three of them and left…