
875 - 885

Chapter 875 - Cover Their Retreat!

A cold flash of light shone passed Ling Lan's face. She raised her hand again and the strings around the officers became tighter. The expressions on their faces showed they were visibly in panic. They could already feel the string slicing through skin and feel drops of blood dripping down their bounded body to the floor.

"We can talk! Let's be civil for a bit and talk, alright? Don't be rash. What do you want? I'm willing to cooperate!" The commanding officer could feel death looming over his head, so he became very agitated as he spurted out words to calm Ling Lan down.

"Yes, yes. We are willing to cooperate." Under the threat of death, the regiment commanders were all willing to take a step back.

"Little Four, have you gathered all the information?" Ling Lan asked Little Four in her mindscape.

"Yes, Boss. I've settled everything," Little Four replied in a proud tone.

Ling Lan smiled and the cold aura around her disappeared. However, the commanding officer was surprisingly not shocked by her smile at all. Thinking that Ling Lan was distracted by something, he released all his force of presence to break free from the thin strings. But, as someone at the peak of Qi-Jin, he was unable to resist against a domain realm master.

Bang! Blood appeared everywhere as splattered all over. The officers that were still celebrating a moment ago had turned into piles of blood and meat.

"Quite surprising for a commanding officer of a base like this. He is not weak. What a good disguise. Luckily, I'm always careful." Ling Lan looked at the gory scene and mocked the commanding officer. When these officers were pleading her to think about her actions, they collaborated with one another, trying to send the news that they were invaded out of the base. If Little Four hadn't taken control of the mainframe, this piece of news would have been sent out of the base.

"Little Four, make a fake order by the commanding officer stating that the entire base is allowed to celebrate Haliya's victory." Ling Lan talked so much with these people because she wanted to get samples of the images and sounds of the commanding officer. She needed those images and sounds to stop the mecha clans in the base to move around, as this would decrease the chance of finding out their supplies were being transported out.

"Yes, Boss." Little Four imitated the voice and attitude of the commanding officer and sent an order down to the base. He told everyone that Hailiya had successfully gained control of Planet Haijiao. Hence, the commanding officer specially allowed the various departments to celebrate together, even the logisticians should celebrate too.

This news was sudden but Hailiya had already taken over most of Planet Haijiao. Thus, the news was kinda expected. All the soldiers in the base cheered excitedly. None of them suspected that the order was fake. The destruction of the satellites disrupted the contact of the Federation's bases, but they also caused Hailiya's bases to lose contact with each other. They were only able to send and receive news within their own base like a bubble. This stopped Ling Lan's lie from being exposed.

When the logisticians heard this piece of good news, they followed their commanding officer's order and went back to their camps to celebrate. Their commanding officer specially allowed them to drink for this occasion, and the soldiers had not had any alcohol for a long time, so they took the alcohol sent by the logisticians and started drinking without any worry. The entire base turned into heaven.

"They are so lucky. Why do we have to be on duty! Ah!" One of the logisticians on duty stared at the empty mecha hold and complained in frustration.

"Bear with it. Once the last two patrols come back, we can leave," the other logistician consoled him. If they didn't service those mecha operators, the mecha operators would definitely kick up a fuss. This was why they still remained here.

"Hey, they seemed to be back." Someone heard the sound of mechas entering the ports and immediately reminded his co-worker to start working.

"Hurry up!" They quickly returned to their positions and prepared to welcome their mecha operators back.

The mechas entered one by one. The logisticians wanted to send the mechas back into their designated positions but one of the logisticians suddenly said, "Strange. This mecha looks weird." The color was the same as their mechas but the design was different.

The logistician pondered for a while. Suddenly, he realized that these mechas, besides their color, looked more like the mechas from the Federation.

"No. That is…" The logistician finally understood what was happening. He shouted in fright. However, he suddenly realized that he wasn't able to make any sounds, as a strong hand holding his throat firmly.

"Boss is right. The crucial moment is after we enter the base." Qi Long brutally snapped the logistician's neck and fresh blood stained his hand. It became red. He frowned slightly. Then, he slowly put the person down. The next second, he appeared in another position and killed all the logisticians on duty.

Soon, all the team members in team 03 and team 08 entered the mecha hold and they saw Qi Long giving them a v-signal. Then, they knew that the people in the mecha hold had all been killed.

"Did you destroy their bodies?" Han Jijyun asked.

"I don't have an ability like our Boss's. So, I just threw the corpses into a small room." Qi Long was frustrated. He admired his Boss's domain, as it had an amazing technique that could destroy bodies and remove all traces of the murder.

"We need to find a safe transport route." Han Jijyun reminded everyone of their next task. "I wonder where Boss is. Is he in danger?" Han Jijyun knew that his Boss could handle everything but he still couldn't help but worry.

"Since we are able to enter successfully, it means that Boss has controlled the mainframe of the base." Qi Long had ultimate confidence in his Boss.

"But, Boss is alone…" Han Jijyun muttered.

"The people in the base are all celebrating now. As long as you don't make a huge commotion, you won't alert them." At this moment, Ling Lan's cold voice appeared on their team channel.

"Boss!" Qi Long and Han Jijyun shouted in surprise.

"You all broke the military rule. After this mission, go and get your punishment from Zhong-qing," Ling Lan reminded them that they broke the military rule again indifferently.

"Yes." Qi Long and Han Jijyun willingly accepted their punishment. This was nothing to them. As long as their Boss was here, they felt at ease.

"This is the transport route. You all are in charge of guarding the area. Once you notice someone is nearby, kill him." Ling Lan passed them a map with the transport route marked on it. At the same time, she gave them an order to kill.

"Yes." Qi Long and Han Jijyun led their team and positioned themselves on this route. They guarded the route carefully. Once someone got near them, they would kill him secretly.

Liu Furong received an order to enter the base. He led the eight mecha clans that had already gathered together and surreptitiously entered Base Ailan.

Thus, under Hailiya's nose, the soldiers from the Federation sneaked the supplies out of Base Ailan. Their mechas that were supposed to be fighting in wars became transport mechas. They placed heavy bags of supplies on their shoulders and between the arms of two mechas. Then, these mechas quickly left the base.

Liu Furong and Han Jijyun's team left with these mecha clans too. They were supposed to escort the eight mecha clans to ensure their safety. As for Ling Lan, she was still in the base as she had other plans for Base Ailan. Han Jijyun was weaker compared to the other people in the base so letting him stay behind would just be putting him in unnecessary danger. Hence, she only allowed Qi Long's team to stay back.

Ling Lan didn't want to return Base Ailan unscathed to Hailiya. Hailiya destroyed numerous of their bases so it was time to collect some interest.

Ling Lan sat in the command center. The massive screen in front of her showed her eight mecha clans leaving Base Ailan. If she didn't take control of the mainframe of the base and gave that fake order, the mechas from the Federation wouldn't be able to sneak into the base so easily and steal the supplies without anyone noticing.

Hailiya didn't choose to attack Base 013 because they knew that they didn't have many supplies left, right? Unfortunately for them, they would never expect her to have a bugged character like Little Four. Without Little Four, she wouldn't be able to do this.

"Boss, I've put TNT in all the locations you gave me." One hour later, Qi Long and his team finally completed the mission Ling Lan gave them.

"Wait." Ling Lan didn't move, She must wait till the transport team was at the first line of defense of Hailiya before letting the bombs explode, as this would attract the attention of the bases at the first line of defense, thus giving more time for the transport team to retreat.

Of course, she and Qi Long's team would be surrounded if that happened. They might not even be able to go back.

Time passed slowly. Ling Lan sat in the quiet command center like a rock statue. She seemed to be asleep and resting. Suddenly, she opened her eyes and stood up.

"Qi Long, go back to the mecha hold. Prepare to leave." It was time to act.

Qi Long was already feeling a little frustrated from waiting. He instantly turned attentive and quickly ordered his team to leave their positions.

"Regiment commander!" Everyone shouted excitedly when they saw Ling Lan.

"Let's go. This time, we need to fight our way back. Leave your final words here." Ling Lan threw a recorder into Qi Long's hand.

Qi Long was stunned. He immediately understood what Ling Lan meant. He held on the recorder and laughed. "Father, I'm glad to be able to be your son. I'm glad to be able to come to Planet Haijiao with my Boss and work together with him to let our comrades retreat safely. I'll remember the teachings of the Qi family and not embarrass you all. Goodbye!"

After he finished speaking, he passed the recorder to his deputy. The mecha operators from 250 Ace Mecha Clan were all experienced mecha operators who had been through many battles, so they all understood what this meant. They left their final words and then passed the recorder back to Ling Lan.

Ling Lan on the recorder and looked into the camera. She remained silent for a few seconds before saying, "I'm happy to be able to come to this world and become your child. Father, mother, I love you!"

After she finished speaking, she kept the recorder safely. She turned serious and said, "Enter your mechas."

Everyone entered their mechas. Ling Lan stomped her left leg and flew into the auxiliary seat of Qi Long's mecha, as her mecha was still in the mountains. Thus, she must use Qi Long's mecha to leave the base.

Ling Lan ordered Little Four to explode the bombs after 10 minutes of them leaving.

Little Four asked Little Blossom to give him one of his replicas and he stuck it into the mainframe of base Ailan.

Little Four gave a burst of evil laughter. "I hope they don't try to recover the data in the mainframe. If they do… they are dead!" Little Four immediately started the countdown for the bombs. Then, he returned back to Ling Lan's mindscape. There were no satellites so Little Four could only rely on radio waves to move. Hence, he couldn't stay too far away from Ling Lan. If not, he wouldn't be able to come back.

Ten minutes later, a huge explosion occurred in Base Ailan, destroying the entire base. Most of the drunk soldiers in the base died in the explosion with only a few lucky ones managed to survive.

At the central command center of Hailiya, the commander-in-chief was looking at the details of the reinforcements by the Federation. Their current position was written in the documents too. He was thinking about the best time to conquer Planet Haijiao.

Ling Lan was right. Hailiya had a huge appetite. They wanted to gobble up Planet Haijiao as well as reinforcements sent by the Federation. This was why they surrounded Base 013 but didn't seize it. The moment the reinforcements entered Planet Haijiao's atmosphere, they would destroy the bases left and make Planet Haijiao theirs. That way, the reinforcements would become invaders of Hailiya. Then, they would be able to send their two god-class operators as well as their imperial operators to instantly destroy the hundred fleets sent by the Federation. This would prove that Hailiya was not a small country that could be easily messed with.

"Beep beep beep!" His mainframe suddenly sounded. It was the signal for an emergency. The commander-in-chief quickly answered the call. "What happened?"

"Commander-in-chief, we just received news that a base at our second line of defense, Base Ailan, suddenly exploded." An agitated voice sounded in the mainframe.

"Huh?" The commander-in-chief sprung up. "Have you sent someone over?"

"The bases around it had sent a patrol team over. They mentioned that the entire base was destroyed, and it was not an ordinary explosion."

"I know. Immediately report if there are new updates." The commander-in-chief hung up and walked out of his office.



The staff officer department was in a frenzy.

"Lieutenant general, you know what happened to Ailan, right?" A major general saw the commander-in-chief walking over and immediately spoke to him.

"Yes. Let's take a look at the map." The commander-in-chief asked the person to come with him. They walked over to the 3D map in the center of the room. They looked at the burning base and frowned.

"Did you notice anything?" The commander-in-chief looked at Base 013 which was more than ten miles away. He was clear about what had happened.

"There are two possibilities. One, the surviving soldiers from the fallen bases gathered together and attacked the base. Second, Base 013 attacked Ailan with a motive." The major general spoke his mind. "I'm more inclined to believe the second possibility."

"Major General Luo Qi, you are indeed the leader of the God-Killers. You saw the truth at a glance." The commander-in-chief nodded. He touched his chin and asked the adviser beside him. "How long has Base 013 been surrounded?"

"16 days," the adviser replied instantly.

"How many soldiers do they have left?" The commander-in-chief asked again.

Chapter 876 - Can't Fool Him!

"There are around a million soldiers." The adviser had always been keeping watch of the data in Base 013 so he was able to answer the question immediately.

"A base usually only has a month's worth of supplies for 300 thousand soldiers. Now, there are three times more soldiers. After 16 days, they must have reached their limit." The commander-in-chief sneered. "Ailan is a base where we store our supplies, right?"

"Yes. From the information we received, Ailan had become a logistics base," the adviser replied as he looked at his commander-in-chief with respect.

"The supplies should be still on the way back to their base!" The commander-in-chief was certain. "We must stop them."

They must not let Base 013 get the supplies. What he wanted was a harmless base that could be easily broken when it needed to be. He didn't want a base filled with well-rested and energetic soldiers who were able to fight with them fiercely.

"When was the last time Base Ailan contacted the other bases?" The commander-in-chief looked intently at the huge 3D map.

"Ten minutes ago," the adviser hurriedly replied.

"They should be here now!" The commander-in-chief pointed at the area between Base Ailan and their first line of defense. His eyes turned cold as he gave his new order. "Order all the bases on the first line of defense to send an army to move towards Base Ailan. We must destroy this bunch of bastards." How dare these people to provoke them. They must pay the price for it.

"Yes, commander-in-chief." The adviser took the order and left.

The commander-in-chief looked at Major General Luo Qi and his cold aura suddenly disappeared. He smiled and said, "Major General Luo Qi, I forgot to ask you if you have anything else to add on."

"I'm wondering if it's possible that they have already reached this area." Luo Qi pointed at the area between Base 013 and the first line of defense.

"That's impossible. The mainframe of Base Ailan lost contact with us 10 minutes ago. Even if we give them the full ten minutes to retreat without dodging our patrols, they won't be able to reach here." The commander-in-chief smiled as he shook his head. The God-Killers were used to fighting small battles so they didn't understand how the mainframe worked. Unless the commanding officer of Base Ailan betrayed Hailiya, they wouldn't let their enemy transport the supplies out without informing the central command center.

Anyone that was able to become the commanding officer of a base was loyal soldiers. They would never betray Hailiya.

"I see! It seems like I'm thinking too much." Major General Luo Qi only expressed his thoughts. Since the commander-in-chief said that it was impossible, he didn't probe further.

The two people continued discussing the situation for a while. After that, they made some arrangements. Major General Luo Qi left the central command center and returned to the camp of the God-Killers. He brought some people and flew towards the area around Base Ailan. They were here to cooperate with the other bases there and search for the thieves who stole their supplies. The commander-in-chief felt that their opponent must have at least sent out 15 to 20 mecha teams. If not, they wouldn't succeed. It wasn't hard to find such a huge number of people.

Soon, Luo Qi sent the various teams in God-Killers to different bases. He also led another team to Base Jiemi which was closest to Base 013. He waited there for the other teams to report their results from the search.

When a few teams reported that they didn't find any signs of any transport mechas, Luo Qi felt that something was amiss. The mainframe of the base contacted the other bases 10 minutes before the explosion. However, who could prove that during that time, the base still belonged to Hailiya at that time? Why couldn't it be already controlled by the Federation? They could have used fake news to fool them. The commanding officers of the bases went through many tests before they took on this position but after so many years on the battlefield, no one could be certain that he still remained loyal to Hailiya.

If the commanding officer betrayed Hailiya and opened the doors of his base to their opponents, the mainframe couldn't do anything too. It was not human. It didn't have the ability to think so it wouldn't know who was their enemy without the commanding officer's orders.

"There is a loophole!" If their opponent purposely delayed the time for an hour, the transport mechas would have reached the area between their bases and Base 013. Their action of patrolling the area near Base Ailan gave their opponents the chance to sneak away.

If this was true, the person who thought of this scheme was very smart. Unfortunately… malicious intent flashed passed Luo Qi's eyes. They couldn't fool him.

Luo Qi didn't inform anyone else with his revelation. He just led his team out of Base Jiemi and flew towards Base 013. Luo Qi felt that the transport mechas were in this area but he couldn't be 100% certain. Hence, he wanted to search this area first and confirm his suspicions. Of course, he was confident that if his team found the transport mechas, they would be able to slow them down, as his team was full of imperial operators. They just had to block their opponents and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

There was also another reason why Luo Qi acted secretly. Since the commander-in-chief said that their opponent was in the area between Base Ailan and their first line of defense, if he insisted on searching in another area, he would be humiliating the commander-in-chief. It was alright if his prediction was correct but if it was wrong, he would embarrass himself. Luo Qi was an arrogant person so he couldn't accept this.

"Hide!" The newest model of radar system Chang Xinyuan created allowed the transport team to evade another Hailiya's patrol.

"Leader Liu, after we cross this line of defense, we'll enter Base 013's territory." Han Jijyun looked at the small battle map on the screen as he whispered to Liu Furong.

"Yes. Once we enter Base 013's territory, we'll be safer. But, we are able to have such a smooth journey because our regiment commander attracted the attention of our enemies. They should be in danger now." Liu Furong frowned as he looked back at the direction where Base Ailan was at.

The patrols they met during this period of time were all heading towards Base Ailan. They just searched through this area haphazardly. Liu Furong had many battle experiences so he knew that Ling Lan must have done something to Base Ailan to cover them up.

Han Jijyun's expression darkened when they heard this. He said indifferently, "Our mission is to escort the supplies to the base safely. As for our Boss… I believe that he will be able to solve their crisis."

'Why aren't I stronger? If I were stronger, I would have been able to stay at the base along with Qi Long.' For the first time, Han Jijyun hated himself for being too weak. If he could, he wanted to become a mecha expert like Qi Long and stand beside their Boss in a battle.

Chapter 877 - The Path Home!

"You're frustrated and annoyed," Liu Furong suddenly said. This was exactly what he felt many years ago. He hated himself for being too weak. He couldn't do anything but watch as his comrades indirectly or directly killed themselves for him. He was unable to forget that sense of helplessness until today.

Han Jijyun didn't reply to him. He just looked started at the patrolling mecha flying past him quietly.

"This was how I felt many years ago. However, I woke up from that nightmare too late. You still have a lot of time compared to me." Liu Furong sighed. "Since you know that you are weak, just work hard to catch up with them. Don't get abandoned by them again and wallow in sadness alone."

"Thank you, Leader Liu," Han Jijyun sincerely thanked him.

"Let's go. Just like what you said, our mission is to escort the supplies to our base safely. There are a million soldiers still waiting for us." Liu Furong looked at Base 013. The people inside were waiting for these supplies so that they could stay alive and continue fighting for their lives. Because of this, their regiment commander exposed himself even though he knew that he would be surrounded. He attracted their enemy's attention just to increase the chance of them running away with the supplies.

This was all for one goal: To ensure the survival of more soldiers from the Federation. This was the only way they could maintain their last hope.

"We mustn't disappoint our regiment commander," Liu Furong said seriously. If they weren't able to complete this mission, they wouldn't be able to face their regiment commander who cleared the path for them by risking his life.

"Yes, I will complete this mission." Han Jijyun clenched his fist firmly and gritted his teeth. He saw that there were no mechas around them so he immediately gave an order to move.

"Regiment commander, you brought Leader Han out because you wanted him to recognize his flaws, right?" Han Jijyun was not so decisive in the past. Even if he knew that his judgment the correct one, he would still discuss it with the other leaders first before making the final decision. Now, Han Jijyun was much more resolute.

'Han Jijyun is extremely lucky to have such a caring and thoughtful regiment commander.' Liu Furong looked at Han Jijyun's mecha with envy, while also feeling pity and dejected. If his previous regiment commander was like Ling Lan, his life might have been very different.

Han Jijyun and Liu Furong didn't know that someone had seen through Ling Lan's scheme and were moving towards them quickly.

"Regiment commander, we didn't find any transport mechas." Luo Qi's team searched their surroundings as they moved. But, they didn't find anyone. Luo Qi started to suspect himself. 'Am I wrong?'

"Regiment commander, we will be entering Base 013's territory if we continue moving forward," the team member reminded him.

"Continue." Luo Qi didn't give up.

The instant they entered the territory of Base 013, the long-range cannons in Base 013 were fired in their direction. Luo Qi operated his mecha and dodged the attack easily. He scoffed, "Why is this base still so fierce? The commander-in-chief might have a hard time trying to defeat them if he was planning to surround them and make them lose without a fight."

"Regiment commander, He'er Li reported that there is an imperial level operator in Base 013 who is stronger than him. He is dead set about taking revenge so he even used the high-efficiency restorative agents. He didn't have to use it, but to ensure that he can participate in the last battle, he used it fearlessly." One of the team members appeared schadenfreude. The high-efficiency restorative agent was good but there were some side effects. Thus, they would only use it if they were in dire circumstances. The God-Killers were banned from using this agent. However, He'er Li got impacted heavily by the loss so he ignored all consequences and used this agent in the hopes of getting revenge.

"So they have a pillar of support." Luo Qi smiled with disdain. This person would only give them support for this period of time. When the time comes, he would personally kill their hope and destroy their faith.

Victory will always belong to Hailiya! Luo Qi was filled with confidence, as the Flying Dragon Special Forces was nothing to him. They would be defeated by the God-Killers easily. In the human world, the Flying Dragon Special Forces was ranked second in the list of elite mecha forces of every country while the God-Killers were ranked fifth. Luo Qi didn't really accept this ranking, as he felt that they were no weaker than the Flying Dragon Special Forces. He believed that they were given such low ranking in comparison to the Flying Dragon Special Forces because the Federation was stronger than their country, Hailiya. This time, after they took over Planet Haijiao and defeated the Federation, the God-Killers would overtake the Flying Dragon Special Forces and become the ultimate second rank.

As for the first place, he didn't think about it at all. The Devilbeast from Caesar was able to remain in the first position because they had produced many God-class operators. This was why they were above the Flying Dragon Special Forces, as the Flying Dragon Special Forces never produced any god-class operators. This had caused many controversies about the Flying Dragon Special Forces' ranking. It was what made the other elite mecha forces unwilling to accept their position too.

"Regiment commander, we still didn't find anything. We'll be entering Base Yaqi's territory soon." After flying for some time, one of the team members reminded him again. "Shall we go back to Base Jiemi?"

"Fine, let's go back," Luo Qi said dejectedly. Suddenly, he thought of something and said hurriedly, "Wait!"

"Zuo Luo, open the map," Luo Qi ordered his mainframe.

"Zuo Luo understands." Soon, a miniature map of the battlefield appeared on his mecha screen. Luo Qi looked at it and realized something.

"Ai'er, inform Base Yaqi that we'll be entering their territory to carry out a search mission." Luo Qi ordered excitedly, "Finally, I'll be able to catch you all. I didn't expect you all to make a roundabout. Unfortunately, you all are still going to be caught by me."

As expected, after entering the territory of Base Yaqi, they found some traces of the transport team. Luo Qi and his team quickly controlled their mechas and flew over. After flying for some time, they saw a huge army in front of them moving silently across the territory of Base Yaqi. They were about to enter the territory of Base 013.

"Regiment commander, we really found the transport team. We really found them." The team members shouted happily. This would be a great merit.

"This is bad. Our enemy has found us." Liu Furong saw their opponent's mechas flying towards them and knew that they were in a lot of danger.

Han Jijyun quickly moved closer to Liu Furong's position and saw the familiar mechas. Blood seemed to be drained out from his face when he said, "It's those imperial operators." 'Damn it, why did we meet these fellows? Without their Boss, they couldn't resist them.'

Liu Furong's gaze turned cold. Since they couldn't evade them, they had to take them on forcefully. Their regiment commander exposed himself so that they would be able to leave safely. Now, the transport team was about to enter the territory of Base 013. How could they let these bastards stop them from going home?

Chapter 878 - Attack!

"Team 02, follow me! Leader Han, I'll pass the transport team to you." Liu Furong threw this sentence down and led his team to block the attack of their opponent.

Han Jijyun saw this and immediately commanded, "Team 08, attack together."

He knew that team 02 would be unable to block these mecha operators who were all imperial operators. Hence, he commanded his team to fight along with Liu Furong.

He knew that his power was too weak to participate in this battle so he operated his mecha and came to the front of the transport team. He urged the various mechas to move quickly.

Since they were found out, there was no need to hide anymore. The mechas all rushed towards their base.

A team member from Luo Qi's team noticed that the transport team stopped hiding and were moving quickly towards Base 013, so he hurriedly reminded his regiment commander. "Regiment commander, they are trying to escape."

"Bastards! Have you contacted Base Yaqi and Base Jiemi yet?" Luo Qi cursed. These people didn't panic when they saw him. Instead, they rushed forward decisively. 'Do they even know we are imperial operators?'

"Regiment commander, we are unable to contact Base Yaqi and Jiemi. The signals around us are in a mess." One of the team members noticed this situation and quickly reported it to Luo Qi.

After Liu Furong found that their enemy had seen them, he turned on his signal interference device decisively. Imperial operators were frightening but they could still force themselves to fight with a 12-man-team. If the imperial operators called for reinforcements, they would really have no chance of escaping.

From the start, Liu Furong had decided to fight with the imperial operators until either side got completely annihilated.

The mecha operators in the God-Killers were not stupid, so they immediately knew what the other party wanted to do. One of the team members laughed uncontrollably. "Regiment commander, they still dare to fight with us. What imbeciles."

"They won't give up until they die. Jia Na, bring your team and mess up the transport team. Don't let them escape." Luo Qi sneered. Even if there were no reinforcements, they were able to finish off these people.

"Yes." Senior Colonel Jia Na brought his small team of three mechas and left the main team. They quickly rushed towards the transport team.

"Deputy Yao, bring your team and stop those three mechas." Liu Furong was observing his surroundings carefully so he didn't miss that sneaky team of mechas. He quickly gave an order to his deputy.

"Yes." The deputy leader of team 02, Yao Jian, was an elite ace too. He brought his small team and left the main group without any hesitation.

The mechas from the two sides collided with one another. A starting of a brutal battle.

At Base 013, Li Lanfeng frowned when he saw the mechas from God-Killers circling their base.

"Is this a form of provocation?" He saw the mechas evading their attacks easily. They even flew low and almost touched their base. Zhao Jun, who was beside Li Lanfeng, slammed the table in front of him in anger.

"What is the use of doing this?" Li Lanfeng closed the file in his hand and stood up with a cold expression. He walked to the full-length window and looked at the imperial mechas which were moving further and further away.

"That is all because you won't allow us to go out and fight." Zhao Jun glared at Li Lanfeng's back. If it wasn't for Li Lanfeng, he wouldn't be sitting here and stomping his feet in frustration.

"Besides our regiment commander, who is their match?" Li Lanfeng looked at the mechas as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. 'Am I supposed to send them to death? Rabbit will come back and reprimand me for acting rashly if I did something like that. I won't make such a mistake that would risk the relationship between Rabbit and me.

No one expected Hailiya to be so bold to break the United Nations Agreement by sending so many imperial operators disguised as ace mecha masters. Unfortunately, they didn't have any evidence. They only knew their level because they exchanged blows with them but this couldn't be used as evidence against them.

"Are we supposed to just let them off like this?" Zhao Jun was unable to stand this provocation. He stomped his feet angrily.

"They never did this before…" Li Lanfeng muttered to himself. "Why did they change their style of attacking and became so arrogant? They used to be very cautious." He quietly pondered about this question for a while.

Suddenly, he thought of something. He hurriedly walked to the 3D map and looked at Base Ailan's position. Then, he looked at Base 013 and he started calculating in his heart.

"They came from Base Jiemi. Now, they are moving towards Base Yaqi." If everything was smooth, the transport team should be on their way back now. Hailiya must have realized that their supplies were snatched but were unable to find the transport team.

They must have found nothing at the territory of Base Jiemi… If they weren't at Jiemi, they must be in Yaqi's territory!

Li Lanfeng understood why the imperial operators appeared on top of Base 013. They were searching for the transport team that went to snatch their supplies.

He charged to the mainframe and called Yang Mingzhi and Gu Dongyang. He said agitatedly, "Leader Yang Mingzhi, Leader Gu Dongyang, leave the base with your teams immediately. I'll send you your mission and destination in a while. Time is tight. Please do not delay."

Yang Mingzhi and Gu Dongyang had been waiting at the mecha hold all these while. When they heard the order, they were shocked. 'Is Li Lanfeng asking them to fight against those arrogant imperial operators?' However, they remembered Li Lanfeng's personality. He was calm and never acted rashly. Something bad must have happened for him to have no choice but to send them out.

"Yes!" Yang Mingzhi and Gu Dongyang didn't know what had happened, but they didn't dare to waste any time. They arranged their team members to be ejected out of the base in the quickest time possible. Soon, sounds of mechas getting continuously shot out of the base were heard. The mechas flew around and arranged themselves in two teams. Then, they rushed towards the direction where the imperial mechas went.

Li Lanfeng sent his prediction and the calculated position of the transport team to Yang Mingzhi and Gu Dongyang as soon as possible.

Zhao Jun stared at Li Lanfeng as he carried out his actions. When he saw the content of Li Lanfeng's message, he said hurriedly, "Lanfeng, brother, I want to go too…"

Li Lanfeng turned around and looked at Zhao Jun. His expression was stern. "Zhao Jun, our opponents are imperial operators."

What he meant was that Zhao Jun was still lacking in terms of ability. That was why he didn't order Zhao Jun, Luo Lang, and Xie Yi to lead their teams out. In terms of mecha piloting, these two experienced mecha operators were only one level below Ling Lan, so those two team leaders were the best candidates to reinforce the transport team.

Chapter 879 - It Could Only Be Me!

"Lanfeng, if I'm afraid of danger, I won't be able to improve." Zhao Jun was resolute. "I already missed my chance to advance on Planet Azure. I don't want to miss this chance again."

"Even if you might die?" Li Lanfeng told Zhao Jun every possible outcome.

"Yes," Zhao Jun replied firmly.

"I'm just a commoner. If I didn't befriend you and follow Boss Ling Lan, I might be satisfied with my current status. However, if I stop moving forward now, I won't be able to find my position in Lingtian anymore." Zhao Jun seemed a little lost. "There is no weakling in Boss Ling Lan's team. Lanfeng, you are afraid of being abandoned by Ling Lan, right? Me too! I don't want to be left behind alone. I don't want to see your backs anymore. I don't want to get further and further away from all of you. I want to fight with you all and walk till the end with everyone."

Zhao Jun revealed his true thoughts. Li Lanfeng had been lost before, and so did he. Li Lanfeng accompanied Ling Lan for a period of time when he was young but he didn't. The distance between him and Ling Lan's team was the greatest. Although his Boss tried his best to be fair, he could still feel the difference between him and the other people. Xie Yi was in the same awkward position as him. However, Xie Yi was in a slightly better situation than him, as he had been with Ling Lan for a longer period of time.

The person who couldn't find his position in Ling Lan's team was him. He kept this uneasiness deep inside his heart, but this feeling of uneasiness It gave him a strong desire to become more powerful.

Li Lanfeng was shocked after hearing what Zhao Jun had said. He didn't expect the confident and aggressive Zhao Jun to feel unconfident too. This feeling of uneasiness ballooned even further when Zhao Jun couldn't advance to the domain stage when seemingly everyone around him was already in the domain stage. Hence, he wanted to challenge the impossible this time.

"Fine." Li Lanfeng finally replied after keeping quiet for some time.

"I'll give you a chance. However, you must promise me that you'll come back safely." Li Lanfeng stared at Zhao Jun intently with eyes filled with sincerity and seriousness. Zhao Jun managed to convince him, and as Zhao Jun's close friend, he must support his decision.

"Lanfeng, thank you for trusting me. I'll definitely come back." Zhao Jun nodded and quickly left the command center.

Li Lanfeng looked at Zhao Jun's back and felt complicated. He was touched and consoled at the same time. However, most of his heart was filled with a strong fighting desire. He whispered to himself, "It seems like I'm not the only one who doesn't want to be abandoned by you. But, I'll not lose to anyone. Rabbit, the person beside you has to be me. It can only be me."

At this moment, Ling Lan and Qi Long made use of their radar system which was more advanced than Hailiya's radar system, evading many of the patrolling mechas around them. As time went by, more search parties were sent out by the various bases. The search area got bigger and bigger. It was harder for Ling Lan to evade their enemy.

Yet, they were only halfway between the first line of defense and the second line of defense.

"Boss, there is a patrol team 13 degrees to our right and another one at 30 degrees." Qi Long looked at the two teams on his radar and instantly reported to Ling Lan.

"Calculate their widest searching range. We'll go around it." Ling Lan was decisive.

"70 degrees to the left. We can evade them if we move at our fastest speed," The deputy leader of team 03, Jin Lin, answered Ling Lan immediately.

Without waiting for Ling Lan's command, the mecha operators from team 03 accelerated their mechas to its fastest speed and flew at low heights in the 70 degree direction. They managed to escape the radar of their enemies just in time.

After escaping many dangers, everyone's back was soaked full of sweat. They were at a state of high alert every second. If they were found, they would really be surrounded and have almost zero chance of escaping. Before they could heave a sigh of relief, their radar sounded again. Red dots that represented their enemy blinked furiously. This time, there were as many as five teams. They came towards them like a fan. Unless Ling Lan retreated, they wouldn't be able to evade them.

"Boss?" Qi Long asked nervously.

"Land immediately and activate the chameleon system," Ling Lan ordered in her cold voice. They mustn't be discovered now.

The mechas quickly flew down and activated their chameleon system. They concealed themselves perfectly.

The chameleon system was hard to get but it was nothing to Ling Lan, as nothing was too hard for her to get. To ensure the safety of the mecha operators in her mecha clan, she personally went to look for He Xuyang and got these rare chameleon systems. Because of this, He Xuyang ordered his subordinates to reject all of Ling Lan's calls and visits in the future. This showed how frightened He Xuyang was.

This was the reason why Ling Lan dared to bring Qi Long along. Although having the chameleon system didn't mean that they were 100% safe, it could still fool the normal mecha operators from Hailiya but in the face of the imperial operators, Ling Lan wasn't sure if they would be fooled too. She suspected that these people had systems that could decode the chameleon system.

Five patrol teams flew past them. They didn't seem to have noticed them. Ling Lan felt relieved. She waited for them to leave the range of her radar before letting team 03 moved again. They rose 50 meters into the air and flew low.

"Boss, they came again." After some time, another patrol team appeared on the radar.


Everyone activated the chameleon system again.

"Damn it. We couldn't find those thieving rats after searching for so long. Where did those bastards go?" This was a small team from the God-Killers. They had been searching for a few hours but found nothing. This made these elites of the elites furious and impatient.

"Li Ang, our regiment commander said that they might have split up. That's why he asked us to search carefully. Everyone, be cautious. We'll definitely find them." As the team leader of this team, Jia Na calmly reminded his team members that their regiment commander had predicted this situation.

"Do you think that they are hiding?" One of the team members voiced out his thoughts.

"Even if they're hiding, we'll find them. We have the most advanced searching system. It is able to detect even the slightest anomaly," another team member said proudly.

Their country had been preparing for this battle for a long time. The mechas they were operating now were specially built for this war too. It looked like a normal ace mecha but the equipment inside had reached the basic requirements of an imperial mecha. When they operated normal ace mecha, they would only be able to unleash half their abilities. Now, if they operate their current mechas as per normal, they could unleash 70% of their ability. If they were good enough, they might even be able to reach 80%. In simpler words, they were invincible among ace mecha masters.

Chapter 880 - Found!

The other mecha operators from the God-Killers all agreed with what their team member had said. Another mecha operator replied, "If they want to escape from us, all of their mechas must install the chameleon system in them."

"But, how's that possible? Acquiring the chameleon system comes at a very high cost. Only the top echelon of ace mecha masters have the right and financial capabilities to get this system. Since they have destroyed Base Ailan, they must have more than 10 thousand mecha operators participating in this mission. If there is really a mecha clan that had chameleon systems installed in all their mechas, we wouldn't be able to control Planet Haijiao so easily," the mecha operator denied this possibility.

The team leader suddenly had another thought. "Do you think that a small team within that 10 thousand mecha operators have the chameleon system installed in their mechas, so that they could scout the area ahead of them to evade us?" 'Could it be that the scouts found out our patrol routes so they guided the main army and evaded us?'

"Team leader, what you said is very likely."

"Damn it, if that's the case, we might have missed them just now." The members of God-Killers started cursing out loud.

"Team leader, can the vibration detection system in your mecha see through the chameleon system?" This was the newest invention of the Hailiyan R&D department, created specifically to counter the chameleon system. However, this was the first time they used it so no one knew how good its effect was.

"I've already activated it…" The team leader looked at his screen and prayed that they would find some traces.

"There is nothing… there are probably no enemies here." The team leader observed his screen carefully and confirmed that there were no anomalies.

"Looks like we were too paranoid," one of the team members mocked himself.

"What's wrong with being paranoid? If the regiment commander knew we let them escape because of our negligence, you all will be punished. Since there's no one here, let's go look at other places," the team leader laughed as he scolded them.

"Yes, team leader."

The members of the God-Killers flew towards the direction where Ling Lan and her team were at.

Just as they were about to fly out of the range where Ling Lan was, the team leader vibration detection system started beeping.

"What happened?" The team leader got a shock. 'We didn't see anything just now, right? Why was my alarm sounding now?' He searched in front of him but there was nothing. He was confused. Suddenly, he thought of something and quickly searched behind him.

Around 3km behind him, many red dots started appearing on the screen. Enemy mechas appeared in the area they just flew by.

The team leader reacted quickly. He knew that these mechas must have the chameleon system on them. The vibration detection system took some time to process the feedback it got, so he almost missed Ling Lan and her team.

"Prepare for battle. These thieving rats finally appeared." The team leader licked his lips in excitement. After he killed them, he would be able to gain some merits to enjoy back home.

"Yes, team leader." His team members shouted in excitement. They turned their mechas and moved towards the position where Ling Lan and her team were hiding.

Ling Lan thought that she escaped this time too, but when their opponent started flying back towards their direction quickly, Ling Lan knew they were probably exposed.

She ordered calmly, "Everyone, prepare for long-range attack."

"Yes!" The mecha operators from team 03 silently took their beam guns and aimed it at their opponents. They waited for their opponents to enter their guns' range.

Ling Lan watched them as they got nearer and nearer. She suddenly hesitated. If their opponents didn't discover them and just wanted to lure them out, they would be exposing themselves if they start firing. However, if their opponents discovered them and they didn't do anything, they would lose their advantage of using long-range attacks. Ling Lan really didn't want her team to fight against imperial operators using close-range attacks.

Within a few seconds, their opponents entered their guns' range.

She never left her fate to luck. Ling Lan made a decision in an instant. Her gaze turned cold and she shouted, "Shoot!"

The mecha operators were already well-prepared so they all pulled the trigger of their guns. More than 20 beams shot towards the members of the God-Killers.

In the face of this sudden attack, the members of the God-Killers moved elegantly in the air and successfully evaded the first round of attack.

The mecha operators of team 03 had expected this, so they weren't flustered at all. If they were so easy to deal with, they wouldn't be imperial operators anymore.

The mecha operators of 250 Ace Mecha Clan, besides the people from Ling Lan's battle team, were all experienced soldiers who had been through countless battles. Thus, each of them had their own specialized shooting skills. They knew that if they didn't kill their opponents, they wouldn't be able to go back alive. Hence, they had no choice but to use their most powerful shooting skills.

Bang! One of the mechas of the God-Killers was shot. Thereafter, other mechas got continuously shot too, but the mechas seemed to be not affected by any of the shots.

The reason for that was because these mechas were special mechas with strong defensive systems. The normal ace mechas couldn't be compared with these mechas. Hence, even though they were shot, it didn't affect their combat abilities. On the other hand, these proud members of the God-Killers felt humiliated when they got shot. It ignited the viciousness in their hearts. They wanted to kill everyone in team 03 to vent their anger.

"Why are these mechas as hard as a tortoise shell?" One of the members of team 03 started complaining. Normally, after a few rounds of shooting, they should be able to destroy one or two mechas. Yet, none of the mechas were destroyed.

"Their mechas had been modified." Ling Lan replied calmly, "Prepare for close combat. Remember to attack their weak spots."

At Ling Lan's order, all the mecha operators took their cold weapons. Then, a vicious fight with the mechas of the God-Killers had started.

Ling Lan's target was the team leader of this group. It was obvious who the team leader was, as Ling Lan managed to find him with just one look.

The team leader was one of the strongest among his team, so only Ling Lan had the ability to fight with him. The mecha operators from team 03 knew this so they evaded the team leader to find a suitable opponent for themselves.

When the team leader saw a normal ace mecha attacking him, he sneered in derision. He planned to use his ability to tell his opponent that his sacrifice was not enough to stop this massacre.

Bang! Two giant swords collided. The team leader, who was confident that this attack was enough to knock his opponent back, was the one moving back.

"What is happening?" The team leader was flabbergasted. He moved his fingers quickly as he tried to stabilize his mecha.

The moment his mecha managed to stand up straight, he saw his opponent raising his sword and slashing it at him.

'This is bad!' The team leader exclaimed in his heart. He raised his sword hurriedly to block the attack.

Chapter 881 - My World!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Ling Lan slashed her sword three times. With each slash, the force behind the sword was greater than the last, and with the final slash, the team leader of this small team lost his balance and fell down from the sky.

"Damn it!" The team leader felt frustrated. Under the ferocious and fast attacks of Ling Lan, he was unable to unleash his full strength. Hence, he could only passively defend himself. 'Is he really just a normal ace operator?'

When the team members saw their team leader falling to the ground, they exclaimed in shock.

"Team leader!" They wanted to help their team leader but the mecha operators from team 03 held them back with their unrelenting attacks. Team 03 had more mecha operators than them so each imperial operator had to deal with two mecha operators from team 03 fighting with him. However, as imperial operators, they were still able to even out the situation. They couldn't retreat but they were not at a disadvantage too. This proved that the ability of an imperial operator and an ace mecha master were vastly different.

The team leader couldn't allow himself to be on the losing end in front of his team members. The pent up frustration of him not being able to proactive attack came bursting out which allowed him to release his full strength. Around 100 meters from the ground, he managed to stabilize his mecha.

Ling Lan followed closely behind him. She raised her sword and prepared to kill this team leader once and for all.

Hzzg! Ling Lan felt her sword cutting through the air. Her opponent actually dodged her attack.

Everyone spectating the fight saw the team leader suddenly twisting his mecha to the left in a seemingly impossible way. This unexpected movement allowed him to evade the fatal blow.

Qi Long narrowed his eyes when he saw this. This movement was similar to the technique his Boss had taught him. 'Did Hailiya manage to learn Boss's ultimate technique? Did someone from their team betrayed their Boss and the Federation?'

The team leader looked at the data on his screen and cursed silently. That single movement destroyed two of his secondary engines. This kind of unexpected movement which go against inertia relied heavily on the mecha's engine. But, to dodge the fatal blow, he had no choice but to make this sacrifice.

However, he still managed to turn the tides around. Even with one engine, he could fight with this mecha and show Ling Lan who was the actual boss.

The team leader raised his sword and spun it around. Then, he slashed it at Ling Lan, who had lost her balance.

"Ah, regiment commander!" This time, the members of team 03 were the ones feeling agitated.

But, their worry was for nothing. Ling Lan lost her balance but she twisted her mecha's leg and kicked her opponent's giant sword away.

Bang! Ling Lan made use of the force from this kick to distance herself from her opponent. Then, she stabilized herself.

Bang bang bang! When the team leader saw that Ling Lan was trying to distance himself from him, he started to go on the offensive. He propelled himself forward and attacked Ling Lan furiously.

Ling Lan blocked all the attacks without any error. These two instances show that Ling Lan was able to switch between attacking and defending seamlessly. Only the team leader of this God-Killers team was able to be on par with Ling Lan in this aspect.

When they saw their regiment commander blocking the attacks perfectly, the members of team 03 heaved a sigh of relief. However, this was just the beginning of their end. The members of the God-Killers got stunned by the abilities of team 03 but as imperial operators, they adapted to the situation quickly. When they saw their team leader taking control of the fight, they started to concentrate to take control of their fights too.

Clang! A mecha from team 03 didn't dodge in time and got hit. It managed to escape the fatal blow but one of its arms was still chopped off. If his teammate didn't cover him up in time, he would already be killed.

Ling Lan, who was in an intense fight with the team leader, was burning with anxiety. They needed to kill this team quickly. If they could not kill all of them before their reinforcements arrive, they would all be dead.

Ling Lan gritted her teeth. Her gaze turned cold as she decided to use the forbidden skill that Mu Shui-qing banned her from using.

"Ling Lan, this technique you thought of is very powerful, even I have to be careful when using it. However, you must know that the stronger your technique is, the greater the backlash will be. Once the backlash exceeds your tolerable range, your spiritual power will be permanently damaged, which might affect your future advancements. Please be aware of this." Ling Lan remembered the warning Mu Shui-qing gave her.

"Master, I know what can be done and what can't be done. My future is important but it's nothing compared to the lives of my comrades." Ling Lan's gaze turned resolute as she activated the forbidden skill.

The portion of her spiritual power that had been sealed got released in full force. The sudden rush of spiritual power frightened Little Four greatly. He shouted in agitation, "Boss, you're crazy."

Although Ling Lan's body was especially strong now, Ling Lan's spiritual power was even stronger. After learning the skills of the Divine Command sect from Mu Shui-qing, her spiritual power became so strong that even Little Four was in awe.

But to ensure Ling Lan's safety, Little Four sealed a portion of Ling Lan's spiritual power. He didn't expect Ling Lan to unseal this portion of spiritual power personally.

"Little Four, if anything happens to me, you'll take control of the mecha temporarily." Ling Lan dared to use this method because she knew that Little Four was here to help her if anything was to go wrong. If she suffered from a backlash and was unable to control her mecha, Little Four would be able to take over the mainframe of her mecha and help her escape.

Little Four wanted to say something, but when he saw Ling Lan's resolute gaze, he bit his lips and nodded.

Spiritual power could be seen visible seeping through the cockpit of her mecha. Waves of spiritual power came crashing down on everyone. But in Ling Lan's eyes, the time had stopped moving. No, time didn't stop, it just got slower. It moved so slowly that Ling Lan was not able to feel it.

This was her spiritual world. In this world, her vision pierced through the cockpit of all the members of the God-Killers team and the members of team 03. She could see… the dread, the nervousness and the excitement on their faces.

"This is my world. If I want it to exist, it'll exist. If I want to destroy it, it'll be gone." Ling Lan's eyes turned cold. "Yin Yang World, devour and devote. Activate!"

The peaceful spiritual world started to swirl clockwise, warping everything in the scene into two different coloured Taichi fishes. Half of the spiritual world turned into a black fish with serene white eyes as its eyes started devouring and twisting all the energy present, draining all of the spiritual power of half the spiritual world. The other half of the spiritual world turned into a white fish with calm ink black eyes. Energy was continuously gushing out from the ink black eyes of the white fish continuously, filling up half of the spiritual world with spiritual power.

This was a frightening and powerful technique that Ling Lan had comprehended when her spiritual power exploded not long after she graduated from the military academy. It was a domain but it also wasn't domain. The peculiar energy cycle this technique created had a peculiar way of functioning. As the Taichi ring got bigger, the energy cycle between the two sides would get faster and faster. As the speed of the energy cycle increases, the backlash Ling Lan would suffer would also increase.

At some point, Ling Lan couldn't handle it anymore and she vomited out mouthfuls of blood. Blood spattered on the controls of the mecha, staining it red.

Chapter 882 - Regurgitation!

At the same time, the small team of God-Killers members suddenly felt their heads were hit by something hard and dull. Their hands making moving around in their cockpit instantly stopped and the large sword that were moving towards their opponents' mechas stopped as well. It was as though someone had hit the pause button on the world.

On the other hand, mecha operators in team 03 felt their minds were being cleared thoroughly as if they had meditated for a few hours. The exhaustion from their body and mind disappeared in an instant. How could they let a chance where their spiritual power was replenished go to waste? In unplanned unison, they activated their strongest techniques and ruthlessly attacked their opponents.

Ling Lan fought through the dizziness and pain that were brought from the backlash of the technique, and decisively landed her strongest attack on the team leader.

"Bang, bang, bang…" A continuous sound of swords slashing against their cockpit rang through the cockpits of the God-Killers one mecha after another. All of the mecha operators in team 03 executed techniques that went straight towards a vital point.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"…A continuous sound of explosion rang through the air, causing the entire sky to erupt with loud noise. The broken pieces of mechas fell from the sky with smoke and fire coming out of them, smashing onto the ground with a giant thud.

Those ruthless attacks made by mecha operators in team 03 completely wiped out this small team of God-Killers. This included the leader who Ling Lan was fighting against.

Qi Long looked at the burning debris below them with a stunned expression. He felt that he shouldn't have lived past this battle. He originally thought that they would be the ones to become pieces of debris in the middle of nowhere, not their opponents.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go." Ling Lan's hoarse and strained voice rang through all of the commlink channels of the team members.

This voice was different compared to the cold tone of voice they were used to.

"Boss, are you alright?" Qi Long still couldn't help but ask worriedly. His Boss sounded like he sustained a severe injury.

"It's fine. Let's retreat first." Ling Lan stopped Qi Long from questioning her any further and made Qi Long lead team 03 to quickly retreat.

Hearing Ling Lan's orders, team 03's members didn't dare to stay there any longer so they all piloted their mechas away quickly.

Although they didn't say anything, they knew fully well what had happened just now. They could imagine that the feeling they felt was definitely because their regiment commander used a secret or forbidden technique to hold the 12 mecha operators from the God-Killers in place, which allowed them to successfully defeat their opponents.

There were many secret and forbidden techniques among the elite families in the Federation. Even if they had never seen one, they would still have been able to see the top-secret military documents before they left their military positions. It was just that after using a secret or forbidden technique, there would be an extreme backlash towards the user. This made the team members become worried about their regiment commander's injuries.

"The battles after this must be fought by all you now." When they were flying away quickly, Ling Lan told team 03 the bad news.

Qi Long and the others immediately understood. Their regiment commander's injuries were so severe that he could no longer fight.

"Understood Boss. Just leave the fighting to us now," said Qi Long earnestly.

He had once said that if someone wanted to hurt his Boss, they must get past his cold dead body. However, he had never reached that point yet. Every time, he could only watch as his Boss faught by himself. This time, he must take his Boss back to the base safely. He made this promise with his life.

"Then, I'll leave it to you Qi Long." Ling Lan chose to believe in Qi Long. After saying those words, she could no longer hold on and passed out.

Seeing this, Little Four immediately controlled Ling Lan's mecha to fly it forward properly.

Little Four could control the optical supercomputer to fly the mecha perfectly. However, battling was something that required ample amounts of experience, something Little Four lacked. When faced with attacks, he wouldn't be able to accurately go against them accordingly. This was why Ling Lan handed over the fighting to Qi Long and not to Little Four.

Although Little Four was a god in the virtual world, he was still a newbie when it comes to mecha battling. He was definitely unable to fight in a high-level mecha battle.

Therefore, Little Four just concentrated on controlling Ling Lan's mecha while being frustrated with himself. If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't break through the optical supercomputers of those mechas, his Boss wouldn't have used her forbidden technique. In the end, he was still too weak.

He remembered in the database that those who were of his species and stronger were able to take control of the enemy's optical supercomputer's mainframe in an instant. Little Four decided that he must be as strong as them to not let his Boss feel this pain ever again.

While Little Four was frustrated, Ling Lan was unconscious in the cockpit. Her original mindspace that was full of life was no longer a vast and limitless spiritual ocean. Now, it was only an endless desolate desert.

Using a vast amount of spiritual power instantly and using a forbidden technique drained all of her spiritual power in an instant. This was why Ling Lan became unconscious. There wasn't enough spiritual power for Ling Lan to stay awake.

Right at that moment, inside the center of her spiritual power sea, the white and sparkling egg-shape created from the time they were going to Planet Juhao, which was Ling Lan's spiritual power core, suddenly began to tremble. The spiritual power core was originally devouring the extra spiritual power Ling Lan had continuously. Now, because Ling Lan's spiritual power had been completely depleted by using a forbidden technique, it suddenly turned from devouring to releasing.

Soon, the dried up spiritual power sea was filled up once again. This time, it was even more pure than before. If Ling Lan's previous spiritual power had some sort of violent nature causing her spiritual power sea to be in a state of unrest before, it was now as peaceful as a mirror surface. If no one went to touch it, they would think it was an actual sea and not a spiritual power sea.

Ling Lan regained consciousness. She looked at her own spiritual power space and couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Is this my mindscape?" From the violent and raging mindscape, Ling Lan entered a seemingly solidified world. Ling Lan was dumbfounded. She closed her eyes and raised her hand. Suddenly, a portion of her spiritual power flew out from the silent and solidified mindscape and moved along with her finger's movements.

"This is the real telekinesis!" Ling Lan was overjoyed as she watched the spiritual power happily dance around her finger. Normally, she must concentrate on controlling her spiritual power to use spiritual power techniques. It wasn't like now where she only had to think it and her spiritual power would follow her whims.

'Could it be that the spiritual power core had the effect of taking in pure spiritual power?' Ling Lan finally understood the secrets of the white spiritual power core. However, if it wasn't for her luck that made her use a forbidden technique which depleted the spiritual power inside her mindscape, perhaps she would have never known what the spiritual power core could do in her lifetime, as the spiritual power core was fickle. It would definitely not spit out the spiritual power it had devoured when she still had spiritual power in her mindscape.

Ling Lan also felt the damage the training her spiritual power had done to the mindspace in the past few years was slowly being repaired because of the spiritual power core's regurgitation. Ling Lan didn't think something that was originally a huge crisis actually was a blessing in the end. Instead of being a danger, it resolved some of the underlying issues with her mindspace.

However, Ling Lan also knew that she shouldn't use the forbidden techniques too often. After all, the spiritual power within the core wasn't limitless. This time, it replenished Ling Lan's depleted spiritual power just once, and it had already caused the original sparkling white color core to become faint. Ling Lan felt that the energy within it was almost all used up. If she used the forbidden technique again, her mindspace would actually break apart.

After thinking about the consequences, Ling Lan became very afraid. If her mindspace was to break apart, even if she regained her consciousness back, she would no longer be able to live as a normal person in this lifetime and would have to live like how she lived in her past life. This was why Mu Shui-qing warned her that unless she was in a moment of life-or-death, she shouldn't use this forbidden technique.

Chapter 883 - Loyally Serving the Country!

Ling Lan felt that her spiritual power didn't have any more problems now, so she wanted to continue to pilot her mecha. However, she discovered that she couldn't leave her mindscape and was stuck there.

"Little Four, Little Four." Ling Lan called for her omnipotent underling, Little Four.

"Boss, you're awake? That's great!" Little Four instantly appeared in Ling Lan's mindscape. He shouted with joy when he saw that Ling Lan had regained consciousness.

"Little Four, why am I stuck in my mindscape and unable to return to my physical body?" Ling Lan asked with a frowning expression.

Hearing this, Little Four immediately examined Ling Lan's spiritual power sea and her physical body. He felt the pure and limitless spiritual power within Ling Lan's mindscape. There were some terrifying forces in there that even terrified Little Four. Little Four ignored them and quickly searched through his database to find the cause of Ling Lan's predicament. In the end, he found a note in the corner of his database that was related to Ling Lan's current situation.

"Boss, it might be because the spiritual power in your mindscape is too pure. Although it's still the same space, the power it is holding now is hundreds or thousands of times stronger than what it was before. Your body may not be able to withstand the spiritual power and handle it. Thus, your body instinctively rejected the original consciousness from the body." Little Four told Ling Lan the reason for her current situation.

"I can never return to my physical body anymore?" Ling Lan was stunned after hearing his explanation.

"No, as long as your body adapted to your spiritual power, your consciousness would automatically return to your physical body and take control of it once again."

"Then, how much time does my body needs to adapt to it?" Ling Lan was anxious, as she didn't forget the situation her physical body was in. There were dangers at every single corner on the outside world and her comrades were probably fighting fiercely to protect her. If she could wake up then she would be able to calm the volatile situation. Then, everyone would have a higher chance of returning home alive.

"Boss, please be patient. We have to wait now. Trying to do something would be useless anyways." Little Four hurriedly left those words and left. On the outside world, there was still a huge battle going on, so he still had to focus all of his attention to control the mecha to carefully and perfectly dodge the attacks that rained down upon them like raindrops.

Ling Lan, who was not in the real world, didn't know that team 03 was in a very precarious situation. Although they managed to destroy the small team of God-Killers because of Ling Lan's secret technique and avoid being discovered by larger teams because of Little Four's scouting skills, they were still on a very active battlefield, and thus they could not avoid Hailiyan military's blanketing search of the area, causing them to unluckily encounter some patrolling mecha operators

Qi Long looked at the enemy mechas that had already gotten around to their flanks and decisive shouted, "Break through!"

Now the situation had reached the point where the strongest individuals were occupied with each other, so they could no longer hold back anymore.

Everyone took out their sharp weapons and dove straight in.

The instant Qi Long rushed towards his opponent, he glanced at Ling Lan's mecha to check on her. He was relieved when he saw Ling Lan perfectly dodging every attack coming her way. 'It seems that although Boss is injured, he can still perform basic piloting.' He thought. However, Qi Long also knew that his Boss's severely injured body would not be able to take on the recoil of fighting a mecha battle. 'It is probably because of this reason that Boss is not taking out his sword to attack and is just focusing on evading the incoming attacks.'

Qi Long didn't even consider that Ling Lan wasn't the one piloting the mecha. Instead, it was Little Four, an intelligent entity that had never appeared before them.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Finally, the two groups of mechas met up with each other. On one side was Qi Long and his team, on the other side was filled with mechas from Hailiya. Deafening sounds of weapons clashing sounded in the air.

Qi Long and the others needed to create a way for them to return home. Hailiya on the other hand needed to take down these enemies who had destroyed Base Ailan. There wasn't any so-called right or wrong on a battlefield. It was just the beliefs of the soldiers and the honor of their countries that made these two groups of people who would stop at nothing to strangle each other's throat.

Although Hailiya's numbers were almost twice as much team 03, team 03's capabilities were much stronger than these normal Hailiyan mecha operators. Soon, many Hailiyan mechas were shot down by team 03. As the situation became more advantageous for team 03, one member, who was constantly focused on the radar suddenly shouted, "Not good. Leader! Two large patrol teams have appeared. One 3 clicks east and the other 7 clicks to the west of us."

More Hailiyan mechas began to appear in the sky. Everyone in team 03 knew that this was only the beginning. As time passes by, the sky would be filled with more and more Hailiyan patrol teams, and eventually surround them completely.

"Sh*t, they definitely have announced that we're here." Although Qi Long already knew that this was going to be a very possible outcome, he was still distraught when what he dreaded to happen the most, happened.

"Leader, you and your protectors leave first to escort our regiment commander to the base. We'll stay behind." Team 03's deputy leader Sun Yaofei decisively shouted towards Qi Long. Instead of all of them dying here, they might as well let their regiment commander and leader, who had a much brighter future ahead of them to leave first.

"No! How can we do that?" Qi Long didn't even think about it and just immediately rejected the idea.

"Stop being naive about the situation! Do you want our regiment commander to die here?" Sun Yaofei shouted angrily. His anger and frustrated mood made the speed of his fingers increase once again. Before he had realized, he had broken through the limit he was stuck at for decades. He then instantly and cleanly defeated his opponent.

Faced with a small team of imperial operators who could easily destroy all of them, their regiment commander decisively used a forbidden technique to save them. Now, they must do everything they could to save their severely injured regiment commander. He must let their regiment commander and leader escape from here!

Faced with Sun Yaofei's hardened resolve and attitude, Qi Long only started into his eyes. Finally, he bit his lip and shouted, "Protectors, follow me to escort our regiment commander to the base."

"Yes, leader." After receiving their orders, two mechas suddenly moved away from the rest of the team. These two, along with Qi Long, flew behind Ling Lan's mecha in the shape of a fan.

Little Four was moved by this act. 'No wonder Boss didn't care about her life to save them…' He wanted to leave something for the brave soldier fighting for his Boss, thus he imitated Ling Lan's voice and spoke to the members of team 03 who were staying behind, "Remember, I'm going to wait for you all back home!"

Afterwards, Little Four piloted the mecha and quickly flew towards the direction where there was no patrol team. Although he was moved by the act, Little Four still felt that Ling Lan's safety was the most important, even if he had to abandon a few of them, it would still be worth it.

Qi Long and the other two mechas followed closely as they saw Ling Lan began to retreat.

Seeing this, Sun Yaofei felt happy. If Ling Lan had wanted to stay behind and fight, he would have been disappointed and angry. A proper regiment commander must be decisive in these types of situations, even if their actions seemed extremely cold-blooded. Plus, making this decision was the best for all of them because in reality, Ling Lan would be a useless burden to them if she had stayed behind. She should leave to lessen the burden of the people watching over her. Without carrying the burden of watching over her, the mecha operators would be able to calmly their enemies even at the face of their deaths. Plus, who knows if they could perhaps find a way out of the situation.

"A man should die in battle! Now is the time for us to serve our country. We will be staying behind. Do you regret this?" Sun Yaofei teared up but he still asked with a smile on his face.

"We don't regret it!" The members all shouted. If they were trash and died a peaceful death, they might regret it. However now, they were reborn from the ashes of their trash self and became qualified soldiers again. They could finally earn the honor of dying in battle. To them, this was already the greatest outcome they could possibly imagine. They would not have any regrets in this life.

Chapter 884 - Dying in Battle!

"Remember, our regiment commander is still waiting for us on the other side!" Sun Yaofei shouted loudly as he rushed forward to meet with his new opponent.

The most gruesome fight of this mission finally began in the skies around this area. In order to make sure the Hailiyan mecha operators did not get past them and chase after Ling Lan's group of four, everyone in team 03 put all of their efforts into holding back their opponents. After being unable to break through team 03's human barricade, Hailiya's forces knew that if they didn't completely defeat team 03 who blocked their way, they wouldn't be able to chase after those Federation mechas that had escaped. Thus, they set up their positions and began surrounding team 03.

Qi Long and the others who were flying quickly towards the base, suddenly heard loud explosions coming from behind them not long after they had left. They felt their hearts tremble in that instant. However, instead of slowing down they decisively put their engine into full throttle, causing their mechas to instantly break through the lightspeed barrier as it moved like lightning towards Hailiya's first line of defence, while doing so, they didn't dare and couldn't look back. Their comrades were willing to sacrifice themselves to delay the enemy from chasing them just to increase the chance of them surviving. They definitely couldn't waste their sacrifice on reminiscing the past.

Sun Yaofei saw his team members self-destruct one by one and his eyes began to redden. However, he couldn't order them to retreat because the time they gave Ling Lan and Qi Long to escape was not long enough…

"Hold them back for three more minutes…" Sun Yaofei encouraged his team members again, even though he knew that after three minutes, none of them might even survive. However, he still told everyone to stand their ground. That was because the more time they could hold on, the higher the chances of Ling Lan and Qi Long escaping…

They were originally trash and useless. Even though they were reborn, they still missed out on the peak times of being a successful mecha operator, but they had no regrets. However, their regiment commander and team leader were still growing day by day with immeasurable futures ahead of them. Even if all of team 03 members' lives were used to exchange for their futures, it was worth it. Sun Yaofei thought this way and those from team 03 thought this way too. This was why they were willing to die and self-destruct to not let Hailiya's forces get past them even by one step.

In a battle where death was imminent, some of the mecha operators managed to break through their limits in this life-or-death situation. Their mecha piloting skills suddenly climbed to new heights which allowed them to hold the fort for three more minutes.

Seeing the radar indicating that there were more and more enemy mechas coming their way, Sun Yaofei knew that this was their limit. If they continued to stay here, no matter how many people they had, they still wouldn't be able to hold off the overwhelming number of enemy forces.


Sun Yaofei gave an order as he slashed away the two mechas who were surrounding him with his large sword. He then put the mecha's engine on full throttle and began to retreat quickly!

There were only three others who successfully got away from the enemy forces with Sun Yaofei. These three mecha operators' situation were like Sun Yaofei's where they had all advanced to become imperial operators after breaking past their limit in the life-or-death moment. In this battle, only imperial operators could manage to create a way for themselves to get away.

"Deputy leader, we'll leave our regiment commander and leader to you." Seeing that they had no hope of escaping, three other members who were left behind screamed out their last wishes before they decisively held onto their opponent and self-destructed.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The three continuous sounds of explosions were oddly piercing loud, as they made Sun Yaofei's heart tremble. He tried to look forward with his reddened eyes, but tears just kept blocking his vision! Out of the 21 members who had stayed behind, the only ones who were able to escape was four people including himself. The other 17 members all perished in battle. This was the most terrible loss 250 Ace Mecha Clan had ever sustained since entering Planet Haijiao's battlefield. Team 03 was completely crippled.

"Let's go!" Sun Yaofei held himself back from wanting to just curl up in a fetal position and cry as he shouted. The reason they were not staying behind and fighting to their deaths was not because they were afraid to die, it was because their mission wasn't completely yet. Protecting their regiment commander and leader until they reach Base 013 was the most important thing they had to do, even if they were to die, they needed to die while serving that purpose.

At that moment, team 02 and 08, who were escorting the transport team, was fighting fiercely with the strongest team under the God-Killers' regiment commander, Team Luo Qi. Team 02 and 08 also had sustained a lot of injuries and deaths during this battle.

Right when the two sides encountered each other, the two teams were clearly at a disadvantage when going against a battle team filled with imperial operators who were more capable than them. If it wasn't for Liu Furong and others who had already reached the peak level of ace and halfway towards becoming imperial operators, along with their fearlessness, and causing the opponents a great deal of trouble by fighting recklessly, they would have been completely annihilated.

In the skies above the transport team, the officers led by Yao Jian had encountered Team Jia Na. Deputy Leader Yao Jian's capabilities were similar to Leader Liu Furong. The two mecha operators in his team of mecha operators were also two of the few ace mecha operators from team 02. This was also why Liu Furong gave the most difficult task of stopping the enemy to Deputy Leader Yao Jian. In Team 02, other than the leader's officers, only Yao Jian's officers had hopes of holding back a team full of imperial operators.

Yao Jian knew clearly of the difference between them and their opponents, so he just gave the order to try their best to hold the enemy back and make them unable to attack the transport team down below them.

It should be known that Yao Jian and his officers perfectly held back the enemy. As the three mecha operator from Team Jia Na began fighting with them, those three began to feel very frustrated. They were clearly more capable than their opposition, but they couldn't get their enemies to fight them head on. Instead, their enemies were like bees, buzzing around them constantly. If those three from Jia Na were to get close to them, they would just run away as fast as they could. If they wanted to make a move against the transport team below them, Yao Jian's team would attack them from behind. If they changed their targets to them, Yao Jian's team would evade again… It was clear that Yao Jian's team of three were obeying the rules Ling Lan had set. 'If the enemy was to attack, you would retreat. If the enemy was to focus on a different target, you would interfere. If the enemy was to become exhausted, you would attack. If the enemy was to retreat, you would give chase.' Yao Jian's team of three instilled these words into their real battle and made the three people from Team Jia Na almost spat out blood in frustration.

However, even the best way of holding back your opponents would slowly lose its effectiveness if there was a great difference in capabilities. Soon after, the three from Jia Na became used to Yao Jian's team way of fighting before they finally caught a chance where Yao Jian's team were slower at retreating. Yao Jian's team now had no choice but to fight a tough battle because they couldn't evade in time.

Seeing Yao Jian's team became gradually disadvantaged and was nearing a crisis, Song Yiqing, who was pushing the transport team to quickly move forward, bit his lip in frustration before he immediately ordered the leaders to put down the supplies in their hands and aim their beam guns towards the three people from Team Jia Na to attack them furiously. Han Jijyun was also among Song Yiqing's group and he also couldn't just watch his comrades lose their lives in front of his eyes.

Even with Han Jijyun, Song Yiqing and the others' help, Yao Jian's three man group were still under a lot of pressure from the attacks coming their way. Suddenly, one person in their team got hit in his mecha arm, causing that arm to be cut off instantly.

Seeing this, Han Jijyun, Song Yiqing and the other mecha operators attacked more ruthlessly, making the three operators from Team Jia Na feel even more frustrated. Having enough of this fiesta, Jia Na ordered one of his mecha operators to give up on his opponent to go get rid of the troublesome people below them.

Seeing one of the imperial operators splitting off from his team and ruthlessly pouncing towards his direction, Song Yiqing's expression changed instantly as the attack coming towards him was at a level which could kill him instantly.

Chapter 885 - Prolonging Hope!

Song Yiqing tried his best to evade the attack from the enemy, but how could his mecha's speed be compared to the speed of an imperial mecha? Song Yiqing's ace mecha was just the standard ace mecha used by the Federation. It wasn't like the ones from 250 Ace Mecha Clan which were modified by both Lin Zhong-qing and Chang Xinyuan. They modified the ace mechas to have more power than those standard ace mechas, creating ace mechas that were much closer in specs to imperial mechas. This was why Liu Furong and the others could hold on against Team Luo Qi until now. The similar specs of their mechas made up for the vast difference in mecha piloting skills, and the difference between the two teams should only show up after fighting for some time.

Seeing death coming its way towards him at lightning speed, Song Yiqing's mind instantly went blank. A random thought suddenly popped up in his head, 'I regret the decision of helping 250 Ace Mecha Clan by shooting at those imperial operators.'

"Bang!" A loud crashing sound was heard, which woke Song Yiqing in shock.

"Bang!" It was the sound of a mecha falling to the ground. After looking at the scene Song Yiqing knew that in the most dangerous moment, Han Jijyun, who was next to him, instantly used his mecha to crash onto the imperial mecha that was attacking him. Of course, because of the difference in strength, Han Jijyun was instantly sent crashing down into the ground. However, his valiant actions still successfully pushed the opponent away and saved Song Yiqing.

"Bastard." The member from Team Jia Na was furious when his sure-kill attack was stopped by a standard ace mecha. The crash also made him feel a bit nauseous and furious. In anger, he held up his beam gun towards Han Jijyun, who was on the ground with no more energy to stand, and pulled down on the trigger.

"Ah!" Everyone began to shout in horror. Song Yiqing felt his body freeze up and his fingers cramping on the control panel. He clearly had the chance to protect Han Jijyun, but in that moment, he hesitated.

Although he lost an arm and was pushed away by his opponent, he still saw his leader being shot at by the imperial operator. The deputy in Yao Jian's team who was crippled with one arm went forth to block the beam without a care for his own life. He wasn't able to save Song Yiqing the first time, but this time, he managed to arrive on time.

The beam instantly shot through the already depleted beam shield of his mecha. "Bang!" The mecha now had a large hole in the center of it, a mixture of oil and blood was seeping through hole. Then, there was a creaking sound, which was followed by another and another before it all burst up in flames. The debris created from it fell around Han Jijyun's mecha in circle, surrounding his mecha within a dome of smoke and fire.

This scene stunned Han Jijyun. He didn't think that those veterans, who gossiped about them and looked down on the young team leaders, would actually not care about their own lives and sacrifice himself to block the sure-kill beam…

"Huh? You're team 08's team captain? Out of all the captains, it seems you are the weakest. Are you related to Regiment Commander Ling or something and used your connections to get here?" Members from the other teams would say that to him during their resting period when they saw him.

Han Jijyun externally seemed to be experienced and steady, and was very good at strategizing, but in reality, he was more emotional than others. These words that hurt his feelings were just buried deep in his heart and were not shown externally.

If these words were said to Qi Long, Qi Long would just show a modest smile on his face, making everyone not want to continue to talk about it. If these words were said to Zhao Jun, he would just laugh it off and not think much of it. If told to Luo Lang, Luo Lang would think of those words as praise and would feel overjoyed. He would even say that he was in great relations with Boss and let them be envious of him… If it was told to Li Yingjie, Li Yingjie would definitely not let it go because he was stubborn. He would make a scene and fight with whoever told him that and take his revenge. If it was told to Xie Yi, Xie Yi would admit that those words were correct and go workout with the rest of the members. He would use his actions to prove that he had worked hard. As for Li Lanfeng, no matter what the veteran mecha operators said, he would be able to accept it with a smile. However, he would find all types of methods to make them lose layer of their skin in secret and never back down.

Thus after spending mucha long time in 250, 250's veteran mecha operators all had determined what type of people these young team leaders were like. Big Leader Li should be left alone if possible, in case they get caught up in something because of it. Little Leader Li was someone they should go to when their moods were down. Leader Qi Long… It didn't feel good no matter if it was bullying an honest individual or be bullied by one. Zhao Jun was clearly someone who took nothing into his mind and was boring. Xie Yi was a masochist. He would only lead his team and increase training, making the members cry out in agony. Thus, these members who could no longer take the additional training, warned the members from other teams to stop teasing their leaders. Given the circumstances, people started to slowly stop teasing Xie Yi. They didn't want to anger an entire team just because they wanted to tease him. They didn't want to get into a fight.

After looking around, only Han Jijyun, who was not brazen and could only swallow his emotions, was an easy target. This was the reason Han Jijyun was continuously teased by 250 Ace Mecha Clan's veterans. However, because of this, Han Jijyun believed that he was the worst and was a leader who the veterans from 250 Ace Mecha Clan didn't trust. He was also constantly worried that he would be abandoned by his comrades in his times of need. Over time, it became the source of his anxiety. This was also the reason why he reacted so strongly when he was pressured by Li Lanfeng and felt he was incomparable to Li Lanfeng.

His determination to follow Ling Lan stealing supplies was Han Jijyun's trying to save himself! He wanted to use his capabilities to prove that he could also do what Li Lanfeng could do and that he was not weaker than Li Lanfeng.

Ling Lan, who just watched coldly as a bystander, knew what Han Jijyun was worried about. This was why Ling Lan agreed to it and didn't give Li Lanfeng any chance to say no. If Han Jijyun wanted to become stronger, then Ling Lan would give him that chance. Even if this chance could lead to Han Jijyun giving up his life as the price, Ling Lan still wouldn't stop him.

However, the scene right now completely destroy what Han Jijyun had believed in for so long. 'Isn't he a leader whon the veterans looked down on? Didn't they just bear with him because of Boss Ling Lan's orders? Didn't they hate him? Why, why, why, would they use their lives to save an incompetent leader?'

"Han Jijyun, what are you staring at? Stand up!" Han Jijyun suddenly heard Liu Furong shouting in his ears. Liu Furong who was usually calm and collected, and would never shout and insult someone. However at this moment, his voice was filled with anger.

"Why would he sacrifice himself to save me?" Han Jijyun bit his lip and made his mecha stand up with a still burning desire for an answer.

"It's because you are our hope. Our future. We would rather die here than to let our hopes and future die here," shouted Liu Furong angrily while the large sword in his hand blocked the attack from Luo Qi.

Luo Qi looked at his opponent, who was originally at a disadvantage, with a dumbstruck expression on his face. He thought he would have been able to take care of him if it wasn't for the fact that there were two mechas protecting him, interfering with his attacks.

However, from the counterattack made by the operator halfway into the imperial level made him feel that his opponent was now no longer weaker than him. Instead, he was now fighting against a similar level opponent. There was no doubt that his opponent was no longer a peak ace operator who was halfway into the imperial level. Instead, he was now a real imperial operator.