
858 to 864

Chapter 858: Exceptional Talent!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Cao Guo Feng was still rather confident in his life expectancy. He believed that with the cultivation level of a third level Saint Emperor, there was no problem with living for another three hundred years!

And someone with a free and natural physique could become a Saint by the age of fifty. Then… Three hundred years?! He will be stronger than me then no matter what? And across the entire world, how many people dare say that they are stronger than me?

Less than five!

But he had accidentally let it slipped when his mind was preoccupied and feeling perturbed! Now there was no chance of hiding it. Right now, how could he even feel a little apologetic to Zhan Mu Bai? Cao Guo Feng was so frustrated he felt like killing Zhan Mu Bai in one strike! You dare to dream of asking me to take in your grandson of god knows how many generations as my disciple?

Keep dreaming! Is that descendant of yours with the Xuan Yin Death meridian such a big deal? He is doomed to die, so why won't he die yet?! The earlier he dies, the lesser burden he becomes to everyone!

Zhan Mu Bai, you goddamn old bastard!

You! You! You! It is you who ruined everything for me! Heavens curse you to have no descendants!

Cao Guo Feng was so agitated he had the urge to go on a rampage. But he still needed to maintain a good image before his 'future disciple', forcing himself to put on a kind and carefree image, although he was feeling extremely upset internally…

"Oh my god!… It really is! It really is the legendary Free and Natural Physique!" One Saint Emperor shrieked in surprise… His tone simply sounded like a young girl who suddenly saw her idol, like a Buddhist follower suddenly seeing Buddha in real life!

The table was already clean, and only Young Master Jun sat upon it like a plate of dish, his eyes dull and a face full of helplessness.

There were eight Saint Emperors, sixteen shining bright eyes scanning his body, from top to toe. Even if a great beauty were standing stark naked in this crowd, she may not be able to make these eight Saint Emperors reveal such a focused and engrossed expression and look in their eyes!

How extraordinary Young Master Jun's supreme charm was!

Although he was still fully clothed, but Jun Mo Xie had a disgusting feeling as if he had been stripped bare naked. He felt like crying! I'm being thoroughly scanned by eight old demons who have lived for god knows how long… Why is my life so bitter?

Right now, he suddenly understood the same feeling of being provoked to the point of explosion but being unable to do anything about that he had brought upon Nine Nether Fourteen Young Master earlier. Truly instant retribution!

It was not that retribution wasn't coming; it just wasn't time yet. When the time was here, would will happen instantly! And in such a shocking and embarrassing manner! Help!

Who knew that simply coming out for a meal would cause such huge trouble?

These are eight Saint Emperors right before me—all the peak experts of the world! Assessing like me they are assessing the quality of meat. The look in their eyes is undisguised greed!

The f*ck, are you treating this young master as longevity meat 1 ?

Actually, these people were all mistaken. Jun Mo Xie was definitely not of some free and natural physique! This body, before Jun Xie had taken over, was complete garbage. It had no 'natural aptitudes' to speak of at all!

The Free and Natural Physique was indeed extremely rare; from ancient times till now, it seemed like the Nine Nether First Young Master was the only person with it!

But these people did not know that although Jun Mo Xie's physique was not the Free and Natural Physique, but it was much much more rare than the Free and Natural physique!

Who was capable of using the purest Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi to cleanse his body? And frequently in a day! Who was capable of undergoing transformations everyday? Changing every hour?

And who was capable of using the number one art in all of history and the world to cultivate? Who was able to perpetually use the number one treasure in the world, the Hongjun Pagoda, to aid himself!

And the most shocking, who was capable of owning an endless supply of Primal Chaos Purple Qi? This was a heaven-defying thing that even immortals could only pine for!

Under such a long period of such nourishment, Jun Mo Xie's body can no longer be described as 'natural endowments'. The current him was indeed and truly even more valuable than longevity meat!

Jun Mo Xie had always concealed his body condition very well. But he didn't know if it was bad luck or his poor karma. He was provoking the Nine Nether Fourteen Young Master without restraints, and because of this, he entered a state of enlightenment, causing his state of mind to be greatly different before enlightenment, but this had caused a slight fluctuation.

Just as he had finished his enlightenment, Zhan Mu Bai came in with Cao Guo Feng and the rest. Had it been any other Saint Emperor, they would probably brush past him, dismissing him as a small prodigy of the mundane world.

But the person who came was Cao Guo Feng!

Cao Guo Feng's sect focused on changing Xuan Qi in their cultivation. And they had always only passed their cultivation methods to a sole disciple from generation to generation! Cao Guo Feng was hundreds of years old, but he had never found someone whom he deemed suitable to be his disciple!

This Saint Emperor Cao was looking at all the so-called prodigies like a hungry wolf.

Cao Guo Feng himself was blessed with superior natural endowments; otherwise, he wouldn't be capable of cultivating to the supreme realm of a Saint Emperor. But he was still not any of those few types of unique natural physiques!

Cao Guo Feng had already reached his limit in attaining the cultivation of a Saint Emperor. He was probably incapable of breaking past it for the rest of his life! But he was still a few levels lower than his Master! And this was the greatest regret in his life!

So Cao Guo Feng once swore that no matter what, he must find the disciple with absolute natural endowments that could surpass all of his ancestors!

Coming to Tanguan Hall by chance today was truly a case of rain coming across an area of prolonged drought!

To think that he could come across the 'natural and free physique' that only existed in legends. Cao Guo Feng was naturally full of jealousy; his blood was also starting to boil. The current Saint Emperor Cao had already made his decision. No matter what, I must make him my disciple! Even if I have too fall out with all these old friends of hundreds of years, or even turn them into enemies, I don't care!

And there were at least three other Saint Emperors who had the same idea as Cao Guo Feng! And one of them was Zhan Mu Bai, the Saint Emperor Bai who had dealt a sneak attack on Jun Mo Xie!

But Zhan Mu Bai was destined to not have any chance at this. Because for the sake of convincing Cao Guo Feng of the Misty Illusory Manor to accept his descendant as his disciple, he had came alone today. As long Cao Guo Feng agreed, Zhan Mu Bai had prepared lavish gifts for the other six people as well. Not for the sake of bribing them to keep hush about the matter, but just to ensure that his great-great-great-grandson could receive the best care and benefits in the Illusory Manor…

But in a great situation where pies fell from the sky like this now, Zhan Mu Bai was all on his own… The other party had seven people, seven Saint Emperors, and they were all from the Misty Illusory Manor! He was well aware of the differences in strength!

Young Master Jun was about to use his Yin Yang Escape Art to flee from the eight Saint Emperors, but a peculiar thought bubbled in his heart. And it was this thought that stopped Jun Mo Xie in his tracks.

Jun Mo Xie recalled something Mei Xue Yan had mentioned in the past. "… there's a Seven Colored Tree within the Misty Illusory Manor! The Seven Colored Tree produces a kind of seven colored fruit, called the Seven Colored Holy Fruit… And in the Heaven Saint Palace of the three Holy Lands, there's a Sacred Lotus Pond. Within it, there's a stalk of Nine Segment Exquisite Lotus… Consuming one Seven Colored Holy Fruit and the petal of the Nine Segment Exquisite Lotus together will increase a person's cultivation by 500 years and retain the appearance of the person for 500 years…"

Guan Qing Han, Dugu Xiao Yi, and his mother… This matter had always been on Jun Mo Xie's mind. He had never forgotten about it. But… the Misty Illusory Manor has always been extremely secretive, and he had no idea how to even go in, what more think about stealing the Seven Colored Holy Tree…

Perhaps the situation today is an opportunity? It is up me to use it, but no matter what, this path must not be cut off completely yet!

Jun Mo Xie was anxiously making his considerations, temporarily forgetting the awkwardness of being surrounded like an exhibit…

"Lad, what is your name? How old are you?"

"Who is your master? Who do you learn from?"

"Where is your home? Who else is there in your family?"


Countless questions came from the eight Saint Emperors at the same time, causing Jun Mo Xie to be at a loss as to what to do. He had no idea whose question to answer first. After great difficulty in answering all these interrogations, he heaved a sigh of relief.

For the sake of his future plans, Jun Mo Xie's white lies left these eight Saint Emperors extremely pleased: an orphan, all alone this world from young, his Master was a Jade Xuan warrior whom he was mutually dependent on…

As to the profound question of how he could maintain his Free and Natural Physique after growing so big, Jun Mo Xie gave a similar odd look and said, "it is said that I grew up in the tiger's den when I saw younger; I do not know of anything else."

Question: Have you ever eaten anything?

Answer: When I was young, I came across this white stone that had suddenly broken, and there was water inside, so I drank it, but they said that I was unconscious for a few days before I woke up again…

And thus, all the Saint Emperors came to a realisation. Sixteen brightly-lit eyes looked at Jun Mo Xie as they exclaimed, "No wonder! So it was the legendary Spirit Stone Immortal Milk! It may even have been a high quality Spirit Stone Immortal Milk of a few billion years; if that were the case, then everything could be explained!"

And so all of them looked at Jun Mo Xie with even greater passion in their eyes…

It truly… is a miracle!

A Free and Natural Physique was already so rare it was considered a legend. And this youth with the Free and Natural Physique had even once drank something equally legendary: Spirit Stone Immortal Milk!

This youth only needed to get a great Master, and his future achievements would be… simply be… indescribable!

All the eight Saint Emperors' eyes were full of desire…

The eight Saint Emperors were cursing and wearing simultaneously in their hearts at the original Jade Xuan Master of this prodigy. What sort of poor standard! What a waste of talent! Having a disciple who was the only one in all of history to have this physique, teaching him for a few years, but he was only at the level of a Silver Xuan…

The inadequacy of this Master was unacceptable!

How could you waste such an excellent material? Luckily, that scoundrel had yet to spoil anything else, otherwise, if he had really ruined that natural physique, these eight Saint Emperors would definitely execute that master's family a hundred times over…

Chapter 859: Vie!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

It seemed that as long as it was Young Master Jun Master, they'd all become the archnemesis of the Saint Emperor experts. Be it before or right now!

What a tragedy!

Jun Mo Xie looked over to the table he was at through the crowd of people, and just as he expected, that scoundrel Nine Nether Fourteen Young Master had already vanished without a trace! That jerk has no spirit of brotherhood, just minding his own escape even after seeing me in such a terrible situation…

You lot have really ruined my plans!

Young Master Jun felt like crying!

He had finally bumped into the Nine Nether Fourteen Young Master after great difficulty. This person was currently the number one strongest assistance to Jun Mo Xie!

During their conversation, Jun Mo Xie had already noticed a peculiar sign: no matter where the Nine Nether Fourteen Young Master went, the surrounding Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi always automatically gathered towards his body!

In other words, even if this guy did not exercise his skills, he was still in a state of recuperating at any moment! Jun Mo Xie reckoned that although this guy was severely injured previously, but he was more or less recovered right now. Although it may be a little difficult to take action now, but in a couple of days, it should not be an issue anymore.

With that sort of horrifying speed of recovery, those injuries were definitely no big issue to him!

The injuries that the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had sustained in the battle in Tian Fa Forest was so terrifying that one could be scared to death simply by looking at them. Two swords pierced through his chest alone, at the position of his heart. The third sword had simply skewered all his intestines and his stomach…

And this was putting aside all the other numerous injuries he had sustained. Had this befallen any random person, he would have been reincarnated by now. But this person was still alive and kicking, and even making a long way over as a feverish musical enthusiast…

Calculating in this way, this fellow should be capable of utilizing significant battle prowess in a couple of days more? When that time comes, if this young master cannot deal with all the enemies, wouldn't it be invigorating if I just make him the scapegoat?

Chu Qi Hun used to the scapegoat; isn't it great to have a change now?!

This was Jun Mo Xie's grand scheme!

But this perfect plan was obviously already foiled, or at the very least, not usable in the short term. Leaving whether he was able to get out of this aside, even if he was able to, it was also an impossible task for him to find the Nine Nether Fourteen Young Master in a huge place like Chrysanthemum City!

Unless he takes the initiative to come and find me!

This was utterly bad luck.

Looking at these eight Saint Emperors who were all agitated, Jun Mo Xie felt all the anger rushing to his head! Alright, since you guys decided to treat the God of Death as longevity meat, then I shall let you guys have a good surprise!

Finally, the eight Saint Emperors also realized that it was rather unbecoming to put Jun Mo Xie on the table, so they picked him up and sat him down on a chair. Then eight of them also settled back into their seats, facing each other.


"I say… Lad, I think that your aptitude isn't bad. Are you willing to make me your Master? I am the ancestor of the Zhan Family, an Saint Emperor expert in the pugilistic world, and as long as you follow me, you can have whatever you want and enjoy endless fame and fortune…"

After an awkward period, it was Zhan Mu Bai who was the most thick-skinned, opening his mouth first to take advantage of being first. It wouldn't do if he was not anxious about it; the other seven were all his opponents, but how could he, one person vie with the seven of them?

The lad is still part of the secular world; who knows, he may be swayed by fame and fortune, and it is worth a try. As long as the little fellow nods his head, I can just pick him up and go and not care about anything else.

But Zhan Mu Bai had barely finished his words when he got interrupted. "What 'as long as he follows you'? And 'fame and fortune'? I say Old Zhan, why do you sound like you are looking for a concubine? How can objects of the secular world be worthy in the eyes of people like us. Lad, don't listen to him. This old fox is lecherous, despicable, and the number one shameless person. I'm better. I was known as the Holy Sword Scholar in the past, and my reputation was far and wide. I am full of justice and my Xuan Skills are powerful…"

The one speaking was the Saint Emperor surnamed Bai. He was still addressing Zhan Mu Bai as 'Brother Zhan' earlier. But now that there was a conflict of interests, his tone instantly switched and Zhan Mu Bai had become 'lecherous, despicable, and the number one shameless person!' in his mouth!

This change in role was really extremely fast…

The more drastic the change in attitude, the more arbitrary the speech became. There was no other reason; it was just that the natural endowments of this youth before them was really at a heaven-defying state! Although he was only of a Silver Xuan cultivation right now, but the meridians in his body were crystal clear, with no obstructions at all. This also went to say that no matter what type, or what level of Xuan skills he cultivated, there was absolutely no bottleneck for him!

Which martial arts practitioner had no bottleneck? Although the eight present were all Saint Emperors, but their cultivations were the substantial accumulation of a few hundred years! And in their long duration of cultivating for hundreds of years, at least two thirds of the time was used for breaking through layers of bottlenecks!

No bottleneck…

What sort of monster must that be?

No one dared to imagine it! Although the Nine Nether First Young Master had left written proof and no one had ever doubted its legitimacy, but because it was something that had never been seen over ten thousands of years, everyone had treated it as a beautiful legend!

But right now, the legend had came true! There was this superhuman monster right before their eyes!

With this sort of heaven-defying natural endowments, he could smoothly advance easily to the level of a Saint Emperor by mere accumulation alone!

A innate talent that went beyond the limits of the world may not be unheard of, but since the ten thousand years after the Nine Nether First Young Master, there was only him alone. And it may not necessarily appear again in the future. This was definitely something that was absolutely hard to come by!

All eight old man got agitated at the same time, their greedy looks locked onto Jun Mo Xie.

Since when were Young Master Jun's guts ever small? Describing him as extremely daring was perfect. But today, right now, he was truly trembling in his guts! He really felt a little afraid!

To be honest, anyone else would also be afraid. One young man being surrounded by eight old demons that were a few hundred years old, all of them looking at him full of desire, anticipation, and greed in their eyes, which showed no intentions of letting him go. Who could be unafraid?!

After long banter, everyone was stuck in a stalemate, but no one was also willing to let go! Only a fool would be willing to let go of a talent like this!

"Enough. Making a racket like this, what a scandal! What sort of position are we all at? We are all so old already; there is no reason to snatch a disciple. Trust you guys to be capable of doing something this distasteful! We're just letting the juniors see us embarrass ourselves!"

Cao Guo Feng frowned and said, "Which one of you aren't with a whole lot of disciples and grand-disciples? I'm still without any disciples till now, and you guys are not embarrassed to be fighting with me! I believe that only I am capable of focusing solely on nurturing this child! And let him develop his fullest!"

Everyone rolled their eyes simultaneously. If this was just any regular or the few types of prodigal physique, I also wouldn't fight with you, but this is the Free and Natural Physique! Who wouldn't desire it? Saying that we are not behaving in a becoming manner, but as if you are not doing the same? Only you can solely focus on nurturing him? This is bullshit! If its a disciple like this, who would not be focused on nurturing him! Even if we have to discharge all our past disciples, it will all be worth it!

"Brother Cao speaks logically. This sort of prodigy indeed requires concentrated teaching. It is just that although Brother Cao may have no disciples, he has high positions and duties in the Illusory Manor, unlike me, who is a idle person… Haha… I also do not have a suitable disciple to impart my skills to."

Zhan Mu Bai laughed chuckled. "Brother Cao, let me have this one. With Brother Cao's capabilities, I'm sure you are capable of finding even better ones in the future. Actually that descendant of mine is not too shabby either, born with the Xuan Yin Death meridian, perfectly suitable for Brother Cao's unique teachings, you see…"

Cao Guo Feng rolled his eyes and immediately cut him off. "Even better ones? Zhan Mu Bai, you don't even have to find me one, if you can mention a better physique than the Free and Natural Physique, I will immediately let you have him! But you sure have made your sweet plans; not only do you intend to usurp this child, you still want me to put effort into your sickly great-grandson. How did you plot it? All the good things belongs to you now?"

Zhan Mu Bai was embarrassed. "Brother Cao, are you really this unreasonable? Forget it, it's fine if you don't take my descendant as your disciple—I won't force you to do it. But today, you even want to fight with me over a disciple? Brother Cao, one has to be reasonable as a human. You can't not only let me not only have any more descendants and also not have any disciple to impart my skills to…"

Cao Guo Feng was on the verge of fainting. He gritted his teeth and said, "Zhan Mu Bai! To think that you are capable of saying something this shameless! How am I being unreasonable?! The physique of that descendant of yours wasn't decided by me; if you want to find fault, you should look for his parents! If I'm willing to accept him as my disciple, it is because I am doing you a favor; if I'm unwilling, it is because of fairness. This is the true reason! Leaving everything else aside, out of all the thousand people in your Zhan Family, which one of them is not your disciple? Today, the disciple that I sought for seven hundred over years, and you dare to say that he is yours? You… Do you still have shame? Who is the one being unreasonable! Let everyone here be the judge of it!"

"Had it been any regular person I wouldn't vie for him! But this lad's physique is not inferior to that demonic existence, Jun Mo Xie! I definitely will not let go of a talent like this no matter what! Don't tell me that Brother Cao is going to rely on the fact that everyone present is an expert from your Illusory Manor and force me to give up taking this disciple!"

Zhan Mu Bai had straightaway began to act shamelessly; not only did he directly insult the Illusory Manor's intentions as wanting to bully him with the advantage of numbers, he had straightaway made Young Master Jun his disciple. This change in identity was truly of godly speed.

Cao Guo Feng was shocked. "Don't tell me that that demon Jun Mo Xie was also of a Free and Natural Physique?"

"We did not have the time to check carefully what sort of physique that Jun Mo Xie was! But Jun Mo Xie had indeed attained the second level of a Venerable before the age of eighteen! This was a fact that many of us bore witness to. Brother Cao, even if he had the guidance of a great master, this sort of advancement speed… What sort of physique did you think he was?"

Zhan Mu Bai scoffed and added. "And this lad here, although he is also of a mere eighteen or nineteen years of age, but he is still as a piece of jade that had yet to be carved; he only lacked the guidance of a master. If he had undergone careful teaching, he may not necessarily be inferior to Jun Mo Xie, or perhaps even stronger. I have the confidence that perhaps that this child is the second Nine Nether First Young Master!"

"You have this confidence, but do I not have it? The scramble for power and profit by the three Holy Lands has already caused so much chaos in the regular world. If this child is really given to you, he will definitely be destroyed. Absolute;y no way! You can keep talking, but there is no room for negotiation…" Cao Guo Feng had made up his mind that he would not let go of this disciple no matter what!

Chapter 860: The Plot Underway

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Jun Mo Xie was already dead; no matter how good his physique was, it was a thing of the past now. And this lad right here had no opponents in this world in terms of his physique! How could Cao Guo Feng let a talent like this slip past his hands? This was the future number one expert!

"Cao Guo Feng! You are really too much! On what basis are you accusing me of destroying talent?" Zhan Mu Bai had an infuriated look. "Today, you must give me an explanation!" He had already made up his mind; he couldn't be bothered anymore. He only needed to find the right opportunity to grab the youth and go.If we have to fall out then so be it! As long as I can get this heaven-defying lad in my hands, anything is worth it! He was willing to give up on the Elusive World of Immortals and even the whole Zhan Family. He'd find a secret place and hole up inside, focusing wholeheartedly on nurturing this disciple. This concerned a glory that lasted for ages, and any sort of sacrifice would be worthwhile…

Although the other six people also had the same inclinations, Cao Guo Feng was still ultimately the leader of this operation for the Misty Illusory Manor, so they could not necessarily insist on vying for the boy. So all in all, only Cao Guo Feng and himself were the ones vying for this disciple!

Strike first and gain the upper hand!

"Excuse me, all the elders here, could you allow this junior to say something?" A meek voice came from the side. It was Young Master Jun. While the eight of them were arguing here, Young Master Jun's mind had been thinking, not stopping for a moment. But he was pondering over how to utilize such an awkward situation or even gain an advantage out of it.

"Speak!" Cao Guo Feng and Zhan Mu Bai said simultaneously, but they were just trying to achieve a good image in the eyes of their future disciple.

"Um… My master once seriously warned me that to choose a master, first and foremost, that person must have shocking prowess. Why must both seniors be caught in this wrangle? I'm right here; it's not like I can run away, and I'll end up under either one of you. Since I need to make someone my Master, naturally I'll pick one who is more powerful… Why don't the two of you… exchange a few strokes on the spot? Who is stronger than the other will be obvious, and the defeated party will also have nothing else to say, right?" Jun Mo Xie stammered, cowering as he spoke.

"Hm?!" Both of them were convinced upon hearing Jun Mo Xie's words. His words did make sense. No matter how much the loser had to offer, it was all useless if he lost this fight. The two exchanged looks and saw the determination to win in each other's eyes!

"That's right, that's right. The winner is King; the winner decides it all. If you are willing to take the gamble, you'd be willing to pay the price. It is indeed a good solution to resolving this argument!" All the other six people began to egg the fight on. They naturally had full confidence in Cao Guo Feng. Cao Guo Feng was a third level Saint Emperor. Although Zhan Mu Bai was not ordinary, but he was only a second level Saint Emperor! This was a huge distinction!

The outcome of this battle determined who the disciple would belong to. This was the equivalent of allowing Cao Guo Feng to hold an invincible position!

Beads of perspiration began to form on Zhan Mu Bai's face. He gritted his teeth and held back that "fine! A fight it is!" that was in his throat.

If they really began to start this battle, he was determined to lose. And the relationship between three Holy Lands and Cao Guo Feng as well as the rest would also be destroyed because of this…

"Perhaps there is no need to rush for this matter. Brother Cao, there is still some time before you have to return to the Illusory Manor. Why don't we test this lad's receptivity during this period of time as a form of serious consideration? If this lad only has the physique but not the corresponding perception, then wouldn't we have argued for nothing… As to who shall keep the disciple, we can discuss this matter afterwards. How is that?" Zhan Mu Bai was extremely willy, churning out something that was reasonable.

"That's alright too!" Cao Guo Feng also understood that now was not a good time to fall out with Zhan Mu Bai. If there was no room for saving the situation, he would have already begun exchanging blows. But Zhan Mu Bai had relented first; if he insisted, then he was the one being unreasonable, so he agreed reluctantly. But he also realized that after Zhan Mu Bai returned, he would definitely contact the other Saint Emperors of the three Holy Lands to come forth and put greater pressure on himself. It would be difficult for him to achieve anything without support, and the longer this matter dragged out, the more the situation would turn unfavorable.

But within a few thoughts, he had already found a solution. He turned around and looked at the other six Saint Emperors present with him and solemnly said, "My six brothers, we all came upon this great talent together. If I'm the only one who takes possession of this enormous advantage, I will also sincerely feel bad, knowing how you guys fancy this lad. How about this… If I have the opportunity to make this child my disciple, then aside from being my successor, he will also have to treat the six of you as his masters? In other words… this child shall be the disciple of all seven of us combined! What do the six of you think of this?"

Not only did he occupy the position of the main leader, he had also given all six of them a favor, obtaining numerous gains from this speech alone. And he was confident that all six of them would not refuse! You must be kidding, this concerns becoming the Master of the future number one expert in the world… Even if it was just in title, it is still a grand achievement and glory!

As expected, all six people expected to back off, seeing that a fight was about to break out and had all decided to view this matter as something that no longer concerned themselves. But now Cao Guo Feng had unexpectedly given them this sort of favour, so their attitudes changed again and they were extremely elated!

"Brother Cao, do you really mean what you say?"

"How could I not really mean it at this point in time. Did you think I'm really willing to share this great disciple equally?…" Cao Guo Feng laughed bitterly and continued. "With the current situation, if we do not join forces, this disciple will be snatched away by the three Holy Lands. This place is still ultimately their turf. If they really succeed, then in one to two hundred years later, the Misty Illusory Manor will no longer be able to keep our position! Be it for the sake of passing on our legacy for Illusory Manor, the seven of us must escort this prodigal son back to Misty Illusory Manor! Although I have the intentions to monopolize him, but I am still a part of Illusory Manor, so I must do my best for the future of the Misty Illusory Manor!"

He paused for a while. "I have no regrets in saying this, since I've said that he shall be the disciple of the seven of us, then there shall be no change to this fact from now onwards! My only request is that in terms of status, he is still my successor. I only have this request and I hope you will allow this!"

His sincerity was obvious through his words, and the other six people instantly felt a little guilty for forgetting the bigger picture. Although this disciple would have the status of Cao Guo Feng's successor, but he would also be the disciple of all six of them. This was so much better compared to the situation before where they could only look on with desire and not have a single share over him. They all agreed synchronously.

"There is absolutely no problem with Brother Cao's request; you can rest assured. Since he is the shared disciple between the three of us, then even if the three Holy Lands want to try and snatch him away, the few of us are no pushovers!"

Zhan Mu Bai cried from anguish internally. This was a beautiful move by Cao Guo Feng—now he had six more extremely powerful supporters. This raised the difficulty of Zhan Mu Bai's plans by numerous folds. Even if any one of the three Holy Lands brought out their full forces, they might not be able to stand up against a force like this.

But Zhan Mu Bai was not going to let go just like this. The Misty Illusory Manor was fearful that the three Holy Lands would use this child to oppress them a few hundred years later. So he hoped that he could use this child to free the three Holy Lands from the shadows of the Misty Illusory Manor!

Free and Natural Physique… The physique of the Nine Nether First Young Master! The achievements of Nine Nether First Young Master back then… Zhan Mu Bai's agitated chest was about to explode just by thinking of this. He would not let go no matter what!

The discussion had been set, so these few old men didn't even bother eating, simply making payment and heading back to the Chen Manor.

Jun Mo Xie was escorted in the middle of the seven Saint Emperors from the Misty Illusory Manor, completely revolving around him.

Saint Emperor opening the path, Saint Emperor guarding from the back, and Saint Emperor bodyguards on life and right…

The extent of the pampering that Young Master Jun was receiving currently would leave the Nine Nether First Young Master from ten thousand years ago exclaiming in awe…

Unbeknown to Jun Mo Xie, these eight Saint Emperors, including Zhan Mu Bai, were also secretly observing him.

Despite the lad being surrounded by the aura of these eight experts, although he had no idea what was happening, but his expression remained untroubled and he wasn't flustered in his behavior as well, maintaining a calm and reserved disposition.

Truly extraordinary! No wonder it is the Free and Natural Physique! The eight Saint Emperors' appraisal of Young Master Jun had risen again!

The aura of eight Saint Emperors could easily make ten thousands of Xuan Beasts shun away even if it is in the Tian Fa Forest. How powerful was that? Although they did not intentionally release any malice or oppressing aura, but it was not something that any regular person could bear!

These eight people returned to the Chen Manor, each with their own ulterior motives. Jun Mo Xie and this fake 'Super Longevity Meat' was settled into the room right in the center of all the other rooms in a small courtyard that the Chen Family had specially prepared for the Saint Emperors from the Misty Illusory Manor.

And Cao Guo Feng was staying right next door.

Cao Guo Feng clearly could not wait to make Jun Mo Xie his disciple and impart him some skills. But seeing that hint of hesitation in his mind that Jun Mo Xie had portrayed, although he had forced himself to be calm and steady, he still couldn't conceal that tinge of helplessness, Cao Guo Feng couldn't help but feel some tender affection in his heart. Sigh, he is still a member of the secular world and is too young. He hasn't seen much of the world yet and is still lacking in experience. He has gotten a little dizzy from the glamor of the Chen Manor…

We'll need to let him adjust to things properly first. Tomorrow, I'll have the Chen Family members to come over to pay their greetings. First, to reaffirm him of my supreme status, and second, to eradicate the anxiety and fear in his heart. He is the future disciple of the seven of us; how could a mere Chen Family stand for anything? Letting them host us is already giving them a lot of face…

He wanted to carefully comfort Young Master Jun and treat him affably, making sure Jun Mo Xie was feeling extremely comfortable. He even used his skills to create a special atmosphere that would help Jun Mo Xie calm his 'panicked' state of mind…

When everything was over and Jun Mo Xie's emotions were clearly more at ease, these seven great Saint Emperors then returned to their room to practice. At their level, not sleeping was simply small matter.

Besides, these seven people's hearts were even more agitated than Jun Mo Xie's!

But they did not realize that right after their departure, a cunning and scheming look flashed in the eyes of this 'prospective disciple'… This was the perfect opportunity to sow discord… If this prospective disciple of theirs suddenly died… What would happen?

Jun Mo Xie was full of anticipation…

On the surface, these seven Saint Emperors had returned to their respective rooms to meditate, but they had already secretly started a group conversation using the voice transference technique, the seven of them getting more excited as they talked. They had even started discussing how to help this precious disciple of theirs build up his foundation when they returned to back to the Illusory Manor. Which type of rare medicines to use first, building the foundations, order to in teaching him by the unique points of each of their skills, who would follow to add on, enhance and strengthen further…

Until a certain stage, then what other method to use to level it up more… They had even discussed using the Seven Color Sacred Fruit in the Misty Illusory Manor during a certain point in his training to cleanse his meridians… To create an invincible and unrivalled expert within the shortest period of time!

The higher the cultivation level of the disciple, the earlier he graduated from his master, and the greater the glory for the Master!

They believed that with this disciple, there would be no possible problem if the Misty Illusory Manor wanted to completely oppress the three Holy Lands. It was not excessive to think that he would even surpass their elders and ancestors. The real goal would be working hard in the direction of the Nine Nether First Young Master's level, which was not something completely impossible…

The seven of them were in high spirits as they discussed, and each of them had drawn out a blueprint for their grand plan. They all couldn't help but feel extremely excited thinking about the future glory to come.

In the pugilistic world, a youth with good physique would still need affinity to be accepted under a good Master. But it was a difficult task if a top expert wished to accept a disciple who completely satisfied his requirements!

Perhaps these few Saint Emperors were unaware and had no way to confirm if there was anyone with the Free and Natural Physique in this world and how many were there, but Jun Mo Xie knew that the Nine Nether First Young Master was definitely not the only one with the free and natural physique in ten thousand years!

How many talents had been buried in history? No one was truly sure of it, but if they were to really be added up altogether, they may possibly form an army of a million men! How many talents did not have the right opportunities, turning into farmers, businessmen, and even died in poverty…

Talents were hard to find, but how many people were aware of their presence? The greatest meaning to both of them was that they cannot be without the other!

Time crept silently past.

There were no stars or moon in the sky. It was the darkest period before dawn broke in half an hour.

The darkness before dawn, the time before the first rays of light shines, the darkest period!

At the moment, Cao Guo Feng and the rest all noticed something unusual.

Although these seven were merely exchanging conversations secretly, all of them were extremely uptight. That was the legendary 'Free and Natural Physique'. Zhan Mu Bai drooled at the sight of it, and now that he had suffered such a great disadvantage, how could he take it lying down?

It was hard to promise that he wouldn't try something funny.

So as these seven people were talking, they kept their guard up. The night was just about to pass, and daybreak was about come. Everyone was just about to heave a sigh of relief, but just at this timing, something was off…

There was a subtle drifting sound of the wind. Even if someone was listening closely, they'd just brush it off as the sound of wind blowing past. But in this night, the seven of them were extremely familiar and clear of the sound of the surroundings outside. This seemingly 'natural' sound of wind blew past was a stark contrast and… it was already in the Courtyard!

The movement was really fast!

Had it been any ordinary person, how could they get past the senses of the Saint Emperor experts? They'd be discovered the moment they were hundred zhangsaway, not even when they were near the courtyard!

This person's cultivation was definitely not beneath any single one of the seven of them!

Zhan Mu Bai! You old thing really came!

Chapter 861: Zhan Mu Bai, the Two of Us Cannot Exist Together!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Although they had always refused to believe that Zhan Mu Bai would really do something this despicable with his status as a Saint Emperor, they did not take any chances and let their guard down. But right now, seeing that such a thing was happening right now, the seven of them simultaneously felt an extreme anger rising in their hearts!

Zhan Mu Bai, you really think too highly of yourself!

All seven men instantly got up, rushing out of their rooms. They only saw an extremely agile black figure breaking out of the back window of the room Jun Mo Xie was staying in, carrying something in his hand. With a leap, he had already landed on the outer walls that were a couple of meters away!

It was still done silently, but all the actions were seen by the eyes of these seven people!

This person's stature and actions were brimming with confidence, ease, and elegance. This was the trademark of Zhan Mu Bai!

With a bam, one Saint Emperor came rushing out from Jun Mo Xie's room, hollering before he was seen. "Boss Cao, bad news! The boy is missing!"

"Brother Zhan, are you really this anxious?" Cao Guo Feng was exploding with anger. Zhan Mu Bai, your methods are a little too despicable? We all agreed on fair competition, but you came in the middle of the night to kidnap the lad! Although he was chuckling as he said this sentence, his tone was full of coldness. Clearly he was extremely infuriated!

That human figure seemed to pause for a while, not turning around and not even bothering with what Cao Guo Feng said. Seeing that he had been exposed, he suddenly shot off from the wall like an arrow.

This leap was done with his full force, and he no longer tried to hide his tracks. Due to the fast speed of his body, the violent friction between the body and the air created a whoosh sound! And that the same time, faint white smoke could be seen rising from the sides of his black clothing, carrying a charred scent!

That agility was so terrifyingly fast that it had caused smoke from the friction with air alone!

Like a black meteor, a black lightning bolt, disappearing from the top of the wall in a flash!

"Zhan Mu Bai! You are really despicable!" Cao Guo Feng was so angry that his entire body was beginning to shake uncontrollably.

To think that Zhan Mu Bai is capable of something as embarrassing as kidnapping someone and fleeing when he was discovered by us! He really is too shameless…

We were really too careless. This person did not care about his reputation and viciously sneak attacked a junior, the public enemy of the three Holy Lands, Jun Mo Xie, during a conversation. That behavior alone was already extremely despicable and shameless. We still wanted to face him off with fairness; we really brought this upon ourselves!

With a whistle, seven furious Saint Emperors gave chase at full speed! They all grinded their teeth and rubbed their fists and palms! We have been away from the pugilistic world for so many years; are the three Holy Lands capable of being this arrogant now?!

To even dare to snatch a person the Misty Illusory Manor had set their mind on! And to snatch in such an arrogant, unbridled manner! If this is tolerated, then what cannot be tolerated! F*ck you! If we don't teach you a lesson, you wouldn't know who's boss!

The person ahead was fleeing at high speed, turning and changing direction, hoping to shake off those on his trail. But Cao Guo Feng and the rest were relentless in their pursuit. That person in front may have had the upper hand in having a head start, but he was still incapable of shaking them off. The seven Saint Emperors looked like they were about to catch up. He suddenly laughed in a hoarse voice and said, "Since you are so unwilling to part, then I should just return him to you then!"

That person suddenly halted, lifting the person in his left hand and raising his right palm. Letting out a sharp cry, he struck down hard on that person's head!

"No!~~" Cao Guo Feng felt his heart crumble, and the corners of his eyes were about to split from glaring. He only felt cold all over, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Everything happening seemed to have gone in slow-motion in Cao Guo Feng's eyes.That palm slowly descending, the crisp sound of pa , and that head in his hand shattering into smithereens like a rotten watermelon, the bloody innards flying across the pitch-black skies…

Then, that black figure released his grip. The body fell down like a pillar. Then, he gave it a kick, and that lifeless body fell towards Cao Guo Feng, his limbs flailing and he landed on the ground with a bam .

There was no longer any need to investigate anymore. The entire skull had been smashed into mush under this hit. Even if it were Nine Nether Fourteen Young Master who was struck, he would still not be able to survive from an injury like this.

What more a youth who was only a Silver Xuan?

All the seven people who were flying in the air were dumbstruck, almost falling from midair! Looking at that bloody corpse on the ground, they all felt like they were in a nightmare! They had never expected Zhan Mu Bai to deal such a fatal blow!

"Ah!!" Cao Guo Feng cried at the sky in a thunderous voice. Both his eyes turned red instantly, and he spat out a whole mouthful of blood in the air…

That person in black seemed taken aback, speaking in a hoarse voice. "I already said I'm returning him to you, but you don't want it? Why didn't you catch him? Look, now he has fallen to his death. You can't blame me now. It is really the will of the Heavens. Although I can't get the lad, you guys can't either, so we can all go our own ways and have nothing else to wrangle over!"

Cao Guo Feng landed on the ground, hunching over and breathing heavily. His eyes glared angrily at the person in black, hatred in his eyes. "Zhan! Mu! Bai!!"

That person in black continued to speak. "I'm afraid you've misrecognized me? I'm Jun Mo Xie; how could I be Zhan Mu Bai!"

"Jun Mo Xie is already dead! And you were the one who killed him!" Cao Guo Feng was so enraged he felt lightheaded. His body swayed unsteadily, and he almost spat out another mouthful of blood. Using all the strength in his body, he hollered, "Zhan Mu Bai! F*ck your granny!!!!!"

That man in black shouted angrily. "Cao Guo Feng! Don't get too cocky…" He was so angry he had forgotten to conceal his real voice, only realizing his mistake after he spoke. He instantly shut up and stopped talking. But with a leap, he spat a mouthful of blood to the sky, as if he were using some sort of secret technique for accelerating and vanished into the night skies at a shocking speed…

The seven Saint Emperors were all green in their faces!

Cao Guo Feng walked over slowly to the corpse on the ground, holding the slightest hope as he turned it around to look. His body swayed and another mouthful of blood spurt out as he fell on his back!

What hope was there? This corpse was only in sleepwear, but its head was completely gone. But from the built, it was definitely a youth.

"The Three Holy Lands! Zhan Mu Bai! The two of us cannot exist together!" Cao Guo Feng panted heavily, blood dripping from the corner of his lips, a sinister and crazed look in his eyes!

The other six were also pale in the face, extremely furious!

The seven of them were just excitedly discussing how to nurture and guide this disciple of theirs, envisioning the future glory of their disciple, the birth of the second Nine Nether First Young Master… Who would have known that in a turn of an eye, the disciple the seven of them were preparing to wholeheartedly nurture had become a headless corpse! Dead through and through!

This… was the Free and Natural Physique! The legendary Free and Natural Physique!! The Nine Nether First Young Master's physique…

The seven of them remained silent. Turning around and heading resolutely back to the courtyard they were residing in, like seven volcanoes on the verge of eruption! Every one of them was radiating an extremely dangerous aura!

Right now, all the seven of them had made up their mind: even if all seven of them were to lose their lives here, they must vent this anger! Zhan Mu Bai! You must pay the price!

Zhan Mu Bai's actions and words were clear. What I can't have, you guys can also forget about having it! Let's just go our own separate ways and have the three Holy Lands avoid the future crisis!

Zhan Mu Bai had already done something like this once before! In Tian Fa Forest, sneak attacking Jun Mo Xie. wasn't it the same? A scoundrel who didn't care about his reputation and sneak attacked a junior—what other despicable things was he incapable of! It was exactly the same situation this time!

But Jun Mo Xie blatantly set himself against the three Holy Lands, so it was understandable although despicable. But this disciple of ours is only a Silver Xuan; when he grows up, your old bones would already have turned into ashes, so what are you worried about? Just because we discovered a talent that doesn't belong to the three Holy Lands, you must kidnap and slaughter him?

What sort of bullshIt logic is this!

Besides, the one you just killed is the future hope of our Misty Illusory Manor!

A legendary hope that would have lasted three hundred years, five hundred years, one thousand years, or even comparable to the Nine Nether First Young Master!!

Even if the news of this matter reaches the ears of Misty Illusory Manor, it will be a situation that won't end until one of us is dead!

Zhan Mu Bai, you thought that we wouldn't know that it is you just because you changed your voice?

Aren't you taking everyone as a fool?!

Just with that Saint Emperor cultivation, that despicable behavior! In this entire world, aside from you, this trash Saint Emperor, who else is capable of doing something this despicable, this shameless, this underhanded? Who else can there be other than you?!

At the same time, the Zhan Mu Bai that was utterly hated by the seven Saint Emperors had finally came to an agreement with the Saint Emperor experts from Elusive World of Immortals, Illusory Blood Sea, and Supreme Golden City. He was the leader for this operation by Elusive World of Immortal this time, and after paying hefty prices and promising many benefits, everyone had decided to do their best to help Zhan Mu Bai get this disciple!

Zhan Mu Bai was finally relieved. Although he had paid a high price, but he still sincerely expressed his gratitude to everyone. Since the agreement had been made, everyone returned to their own rooms, and Zhan Mu Bai also returned to his own in deep thoughts. Although he obtained the promise from the experts from the three Holy Lands, but those from the Misty Illusory Manor would definitely not let go so easily. How should I go about doing this without any risks? I still need to plan carefully!

Either way, I am determined to get this disciple with the Free and Natural Physique! I will not let anyone else have him!

Just as he thought silently, dawn was already breaking. Suddenly, from after away, an infuriated holler could be heard. "… Zhan Mu Bai! F*ck your granny!" This shout was so thunderous that the entire Chrysanthemum City probably heard it.

Chapter 862: Friend to Foe! Irreconcilable Until Death!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

This shout was so heaven shocking, so vulgar, and so unbridled, that most likely the entire Chrysanthemum City had heard it!

This voice was filled with unconcealed rage and even carried an extreme hatred, causing it to sound somewhat incoherent. Zhan Mu Bai did not recognize the voice in the first instant. But the strength of this person was definitely not below his!

Who did I offend? To go to the extent of using all his strength in the middle of the night to scold me? Is he not scared that others would hear?

This was the first time he'd ever encountered such a matter after he made a name for himself in the world! Zhan Mu Bai was instantly angered. Even if the person scolding him was not beneath him in strength, it was impossible to reason with the latter anymore. He was just about to go out to investigate when all of a sudden, a loud bang rang out. A huge hole had been smashed through the wall around his yard, causing him to jump up with shock. As he flew out, a sharp object broke through the air towards him with a xiu sound. Zhan Mu Bai widened his eyes, only to see a piece of black cloth drifting towards him. Someone actually used a piece of clothing as a hidden weapon to attack him!

What nonsense is this? Could it be they thought they could deal with me with a piece of clothing?! They truly look down on me too much!

There was nothing absolute in this world. No one had ever ruled that a piece of clothing could not be used to deal with a Saint Emperor expert. There were always only things that people could not think of; but there was nothing that could not be done!

Zhan Mu Bai, who felt looked down upon, flew into a rage immediately as he grabbed the shirt. He was just about to say something, when he felt a sticky substance on his hand. The shirt was actually filled with blood, and even some white and runny substance…

Zhan Mu Bai looked around suspiciously, but did not discover anything strange. It was as if this black shirt had dropped down from the sky. Zhan Mu Bai was also a smart person. With a moment's thought, he instantly understood the situation.

Laughing disdainfully, he thought to himself. So that person who sneak attacked me was planning to set me up? With just a piece of blood stained shirt, he wants to frame me, Zhan Mu Bai? What a joke; this is just looking down on me too much! Even if you want to frame me, who would dare to come for me?!

What a loud laugh, he scoffed, "Which sneaky rat is it, to actually resort to such despicable means? How laughable!"

"Is it really funny? Zhan Mu Bai, could you tell this old man in detail just how laughable today's matter is? This old man is extremely interested!" A strangely sullen voice rang out from the outside. Even with Zhan Mu Bai's cultivation, he couldn't help but to shiver intensely upon hearing this voice.

Cao Guo Feng!

Although this person's tone was odd and different from his usual voice, Zhan Mu Bai was able to instantly tell that it was Cao Guo Feng!

The sky had already gradually brightened, and under the soft glow of the sky, seven straight and tall figures slowly walked in through the hole in gate. Their eyes were all blood red, and their hatred had obviously reached an extreme level. As they stared at Zhan Mu Bai, their eyes instantly fell on the piece of blood stain shirt on his hand. At practically the same instant, the sounds of teeth gnashing rang out.

At this time, Zhan Mu Bai could already faintly sense that something was not right. However, he didn't pay much mind to it. From the way he saw it, any matter could be talked over no matter how big it was. All of them had already known each other for several hundred years. Was there really anything that they couldn't resolve?

Chucking the black shirt to the side, he took two steps forward and smiled warmly, "Brother Cao, why are you here so early? Could it be that you're too anxious to bring the disciple with the Free and Natural Physique back, so you hurried here to discuss with this old man?"

This sentence of Zhan Mu Bai truly embodied the epitome meaning of the idiom 'picking the kettle that was not boiling' 1 , directly adding another stab to Cao Guo Feng's bleeding wound! Especially that pretentious laughter of his—it sounded even more grating to Cao Guo Feng's ears, like he was gloating about his loss!

To him, it sounded like he was taunting him. Well, didn't you refuse to take my descendant in as a disciple? You want to bring back a genius with the Free and Natural Physique? Hehe, go ahead then, bring that pile of rotten flesh back as your disciple then. Even if I, Zhan Mu Bai, cannot get it, Cao Guo Feng, you can forget about having it too! You want to be the master of the number one expert in the world? Keep dreaming!

Especially that act of flinging the black shirt to the side, as if he'd just taken it off, he didn't even seem to be trying to cover the matter up! To Cao Guo Feng and the other seven Saint Emperors, this was simply equivalent to a naked challenge!

Cao Guo Feng and the rest immediately felt their rage surge upwards, as if a cup of oil were just poured over the fire!

"Free and Natural Physique… anxious to bring the disciple back… discuss with you…" Cao Guo Feng repeated the words with gritted teeth as blood rose into his head. Suddenly, he raised his voice and hollered. "Zhan Mu Bai! F*ck your motherf*cking discussion!!"

Zhan Mu Bai's face instantly froze!

He had not expected that Cao Guo Feng would cuss at him so explicitly, without any attempts to mask it!

After this sentence rang out, Zhan Mu Bai finally reacted. The voice that scolded him just now was precisely this Saint Emperor Cao!

The two roars just now were utterly brazen, carrying my full name; it was as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was cursing me, Zhan Mu Bai!

Who was Zhan Mu Bai? A powerful Saint Emperor! Not to mention cursing at him brazenly, if others spoke to him with even a slightly heavier tone, that was already unacceptable! Was there anywhere he went where people did not try to curry favors with him?

This two scoldings from Cao Guo Feng left him without any face!

Zhan Mu Bai's anger instantly surged upwards to the nine heavens!

Even if your Misty Illusory Manor is impressive, it can't behave like this, right?

"Cao Guo Feng!" Zhan Mu Bai roared with widened eyes. "This old man had always treated you with courtesy, and for the past several hundred years, I've tolerated all your nonsense. My enduring and patience does not mean that I'm scared of you! Today, you must give me an explanation for cursing at me like this! Otherwise…"

"Otherwise what? What would you dare to do!" Cao Guo Feng laughed scaldingly as a killing intent surged out of him!

"Otherwise, I, Zhan Mu Bai, will be irreconcilable with you unto death!" Zhan Mu Bai spat fiercely.

Zhan Mu Bai's face had already turned somewhat green with anger. Adding to the fact that he felt he was acting within reason, how would he be willing to relent?

At this moment, most of the people were just getting out of bed. With Cao Guo Feng's loud voice, almost all the experts of the three Holy Lands rushed out before they could even put on their clothes properly.

When they came over, all of them were stunned like wooden chickens. The representative of the Elusive World of Immortals, Zhan Mu Bai, was actually standing in confrontation against the Misty Illusory Manor's Cao Guo Feng and seven other Saint Emperors!

Eight people, and all of them were riled up like fighting cocks. The atmosphere was extremely heavy, and a few of them were about to start fighting; everyone's face was filled with hatred and anger. Cao Guo Feng and the rest's faces were twitching, and their eyes were open so wide that their eyeballs were about to fall out. Zhan Mu Bai's face was green, and his expression was incredibly savage!

Both sides looked like enemies who would not share the same sky as the other!

Just what kind of matter could cause eight esteemed Saint Emperors to be angered to such an extent? Surely this was a bit too ridiculous? Just yesterday, the eight of them had went out to drink together, all of them smiling happily…

But in the span of a single night, the winds and clouds changed, and they suddenly became mortal enemies!

With so many people looking now, Zhan Mu Bai even moreso could not afford to lose that face. Although he knew he couldn't win, he still had to put on a forceful front. Otherwise, how would he stand straightly in front of others in the future?! As for Cao Guo Feng, he was even more unwilling to relent! Right now, the thing he wanted to do the most was smash this Zhan Mu Bai's head to pieces with a single slap!

Hearing Zhan Mu Bai's lofty and heroic words, Cao Guo Feng scoffed and laughed. "Irreconcilable unto death? Zhan Mu Bai, you sure can act. Do you think that right now, this old man is still willing to share this sky with a scum like you? What a ludicrous joke… Zhan Mu Bai, it's been 600 years. This old man had actually not discovered that you were actually this kind of person!"

He looked at Zhan Mu Bai with grief and indignation as he lamented endlessly. "This old man must have been blind ah! I was actually blind for 600 years! Zhan Mu Bai! This old man has finally seen you for the person you are today! No, the word person does not suit you anymore, you're just a beast, a beast that's worse than an animal! You said that you're irreconcilable with this old man? Fine, this old man will fulfill your wish! Today, between the two of us, only one shall leave here alive!"

"Bastard!" Zhan Mu Bai's anger rushed to his head and he roared in return. "Cao Guo Feng, you go too far in your bullying! You refused to accept my only descendant as a disciple, choosing to watch as my line ends. Then, you snatched away my disciple, leaving me without a successor either. I did not say anything because as you said helping me would be a favor, and not helping is within reason. This old man will simply treat it as having wasted 600 years of friendship with you. But now, you actually turn around to curse me! When the words left your mouth, everything came my fault! Cao Guo Feng, why don't you go and join the theater? Your talented mouth is too wasted anywhere else!"

Zhan Mu Bai was incredibly enraged. This was too infuriating! They were simply bullying people too excessively! He'd never seen such a shameless person before. It was fine if you didn't want to help; now that you found a nice talent, you immediately brought him back. I haven't even had the time to come up with a counter strategy. Besides, even if you wanted to snatch the person forcefully, I would have let you… The person is even housed at your residence right now, what more do you want?

And now, you even scream out my name and curse me in the middle of the night! Am I, Zhan Mu Bai… someone whom you can scold as you please? You, Cao Guo Feng, want face, but could it be that I don't need my face? My, Zhan Mu Bai's, face is also extremely valuable! Just because you're slightly stronger in cultivation, you think you're so amazing? If we fight, even if I can't beat you, this old man still has the ability to drag you down with me!

The experts from the three Holy Lands all tried to dissuade the situation, but necks of the eight of them were all stiffened with stubborness as they stared at each other provocatively. A huge battle was about to take place, but none of them was willing to be dissuaded!

"Zhan Mu Bai! You despicable bastard, hand over your life!" Cao Guo Feng roared, unable to endure any more. All of a sudden, his body disappeared from the spot. When he appeared again, he'd already sent tens of palms smashing ruthlessly towards Zhan Mu Bai from all directions!

Zhan Mu Bai's howled with rage, not dodging or running, directly meeting him blow for blow! Loud booms rang out, and the entire ground shook and cracked. The walls of the yards collapsed, and even the house behind them was swaying violently…

Within the dust, the figures of the two could be seen fleeting about, exchanging countless blows continuously. Leaping upwards, they soared into the sky and continued the battle up there. Before the crowd could figure out what was going on, the two of them had already begun a savage battle.

An all out fight between two high level Saint Emperors. Even if anyone had the intention to provide assistance, they wouldn't have the courage to do so. Everyone was simply looking upwards with anxiousness.

Chapter 863: Young Master Jun's Discord Sowing Plan

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

A loud bang rang out, and the most shocking scene appeared!

Following two loud shouts, the two figures clashed and parted, leaving countless afterimages in the air. The speed of their fight grew faster and faster. In the eyes of the crowd below, the sky was suddenly filled with countless Zhan Mu Bais and countless Cao Guo Fengs. Each afterimage was incredibly real with more appearing every second…

By the time the afterimages vanished, more had already appeared!

The two sides' speed had already reached the extreme!

Such a quick battle was not a foreign thing to the crowd. After all, there were many Saint level experts there. Although their abilities were not equal to Zhan Mu Bai and Cao Guo Feng, they were still existences within the same realm! While they were looking at the battle between the two with shock, they could see that they were truly fighting for real this time. Each move was meant to cause the greatest amount of damage, and neither was going light on the other at all!

As long as either one of them was slightly careless, the fight would instantly turn detrimental!

The extremely ruthless techniques used caused the crowd to feel their skins prickling with shock. If those techniques were used against them… most likely, they wouldn't be able to receive them at all.

What would happen if they couldn't receive them? Without a question, they would be dominated quickly and killed in a gruesome manner!

Fellow Saint Emperors who fought alongside each other, old friends who interacted with each other for 600 years, actually ended up fighting in such a manner, as if they wanted to kill each other!

The main instigator Young Master Jun was watching the fight in midair with great excitement. A Saint Emperor level fight was filled with so many things to learn! Moreover, these two Saint Emperors were not holding anything back, putting their lives on the line as they fought!

Although this matter was caused by him, Jun Mo Xie did not feel even the slightest bit of guilt.

One could only say… it was just a coincidence!

I never thought that I would become a rare genius in your eyes and want even less to become the successor for you bunch of old fellows. I only went out for a walk and met the number one lunatic under the heavens by chance. Just when I was prepared to execute my grand plan, you guys spoilt everything.

This Young Master is definitely not that whatever Free and Natural Physique talent. At least this Young Master still has this bit of understanding. This is not some whatever prenatal body; it's a postnatal body that cannot be more postnatal! Only at the age of 16, 17, was this postnatal body being cultivated. Regardless to whichever genius in the world, this was late by 15, 16 years!

Perhaps one should say that mine is the Hongjun Pagoda Physique. Have you heard of that before? No? That's right…

It would be strange if you've heard of it!

Besides, this Young Master's eyesight is not so ordinary and casual. You guys think you have the qualifications to give me legacies? Are your legacies better than the number one cultivation technique The Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune? Can you provide me with limitless Spiritual Qi like the Hongjun Pagoda? Do you all have any Primal Chaos Purple Qi? It's not that I'm looking down on you; most likely, you all haven't even heard of it before right? If you want to take me in as a successor, you all still need to cultivate for a few thousand more years!

Just with that bit of skill and those little rubbish techniques, you want to recruit this Young Master? Your qualifications are too lacking! At the very least, you should have the same level of strength as the Nine Nether First Young Master to barely be eligible! And that would only be a secondary consideration, not even a first choice…

The three Holy Lands are vast and mighty, and the Misty Illusory Manor is haughty and overbearing. Jun Mo Xie had sworn to oppose the three Holy Lands, but this Young Master temporarily is unable to beat them in a straight fight.

I'm currently in a bind and am looking everywhere for allies. Now, you've scared away my potential ally. Then, since you people treat me as Tangsen's longevity flesh to be eaten by you, if I don't find some trouble for you all, wouldn't I be letting down your sincerity too much?

From the moment you guys discovered me, this trouble had already landed on your heads.

If you hadn't discover me…

Then, I can only shrug my shoulders…

After all, I'm right in front of you. If you didn't discover me, that's your own problem; it can't be blamed on me…

So the entire way, Young Master Jun displayed his best acting skills, perfectly portraying the role of a simple mountain village boy who came to a famous big city, yet unexpectedly encountering a big situation, allowing the awestruck emotions and excitement of such an event to show clearly in his behaviour. Then, he even conveniently threw out the 'information' that his supposed Free and Natural Physique had also eaten the Spirit Stone Immortal Milk and also expressed his willingness to come under their apprenticeship…

A perfect performance, paired with the fact that this actor's physique was extremely similar as well!

Just a few sentences had caused those old fellows to be so taken up with him that they practically could not let him go. As long as there was an emotional attachment, it would make things easier. Whether it was a good deed or a bad deed, everything became much easier to do!

As long as there was emotional attachment, even if one was committing rape or being raped, it would be considered love making between a couple; as for framing someone else… it would be like driving a light carriage on a familiar road. When water flowed, a channel would be formed! Furthermore, it would inspire the greatest rage and hatred…

So once the Saint Emperors from the Misty Illusory Manor brought him back, he simply took the chance when they were discussing animatedly to slip out with the Yin Yang Escape Art, finding an unfortunate fellow from the Chen Family with a physique similar to his and bringing him back.

Then, at an appropriate time, he purposely created a small commotion, changed into black clothes, and floated through the window…

Young Master Jun actually did not do many things in this process. He simply ran around madly, and smashed that unlucky bastard's head into pieces with a single slap… then, after altering his voice a bit and saying a few words, he directly escaped.

The technique he used was naturally also something that was extremely similar to Saint Emperor Zhan's famed technique. It was only a pity that Young Master Jun's impersonation was not very on point. Then again, if the impersonation was too accurate, it would instead arouse the suspicions of others.

Per Jun Mo Xie's predictions, the Misty Illusory Manor and the three Holy Lands would most likely have a big argument after this, and both sides will be unhappy. It would even be possible if the alliance between them broke up.

If there's only the people of the three Holy Lands left among his enemies, the pressure on his side would lessen greatly.

But Young Master Jun seemed to have still overestimated the endurance levels of this bunch of old fogies. Or rather, he'd overestimated the importance of his 'Free and Natural Physique'! Those old fogies completely did not act according to his script and directly initiated a deathmatch!

This result was far out of Young Master Jun's expectations. It seemed a little too ludicrous?!

Too fierce!

Too shocking! Looked like this 'poison' he set was too strong…

How he supposed to know that the Free and Natural Physique was akin to a living breathing treasure in Cao Guo Feng's eyes! In terms of importance, it was even more important than all the treasures he'd accumulated in his life!

The legendary Free and Natural Physique that he'd secured with great difficulty, and his best successor, had been turned into a pile of rotten flesh. Cao Guo Feng was almost on the verge of losing his mind…

How would Jun Mo Xie have known that Cao Guo Feng had looked for such a unique physique for five, six hundred years? The hope and delight of five, six hundred years, had been turned into nothing…

If he hadn't seen Jun Mo Xie's physique himself, then even if he heard the news of such a physique being killed, he would only sigh and shake his head with pity. But now that he'd already secured the disciple and was at the height of his happiness, he was suddenly kicked into the depths of hell in an instant…

Saint Emperor Cao had experienced the extremities of heaven and hell in the span of a single night!

This contrast was simply too huge…

So Cao Guo Feng's insanity and rage had already exceeded anything that Jun Mo Xie could have imagined.

But right now, Jun Mo Xie was not considering such matters at all. He was stroking his chin and considering. Since it's already so lively now, then how should I make the situation turn even worse? If all these hundred something people could all perish together now… what a wonderful matter that will be ah…

At this time, the battle between the two Saint Emperors had already reached a feverish pitch!

Both Saint Emperors already took out their weapons, and they were truly aiming to cut their enemies down.

Two sharp swords whizzed through the air like lively dragons, and the two's figures filled the entire sky, as sword rays flashed like lightning.

On the ground, the six Saint Emperor who "knew" the situation well and a large group of completely clueless people watched with trepidation and cold sweat pouring down their brows; Saint Emperors were indeed Saint Emperors. Just this offensive strength was truly overpowered…

Fortunately, the two persons' realms were closer to each other, and it was not to a point where death or life could be determined in just a few strokes. So they could still control their strengths, and their energies did not flow out much. Otherwise, this beautiful Chen Family manor would have already turned into a pile of rubble long ago!

The Saint Emperor who came with the Illusory Blood Sea this time, Lord Hai Wu Ya, walked over, dressed in a set of purple robes. Scowling dangerously, he looked at the six Saint Emperors and asked, "Everyone, what's going on? Why are the two of them fighting all of a sudden? Weren't they just discussing the matter of the Free and Natural Physique disciple? Look at the two of them. How will they discuss now?"

Misty Illusory Manor Saint Emperor Bai Qi Feng snorted and replied expressionlessly, "Lord Hai has needlessly worried. The matter about the disciple no longer needs any discussion."

"Oh? Brother Bai, what's happened here? Please enlighten this old man." Hai Wu Ya raised his head and looked at the battle with furrowed brows as he asked.

"What else is there to say about it? That Zhan Mu Bai is despicable to the extreme! Brother Hai, your three Holy Lands truly has a galaxy of talents ah. Right now, it's just that old Cao made the move first. If he didn't, this old man would have attacked personally! Looking at a piece of trash like that dirties this old man's eyes! A person of his caliber is actually a pillar of the three Holy Lands… looks like the Elusive World of Immortals is truly declining…" Bai Qi Feng flung his sleeves with a belly full of rage as well, turning his head around, not willing to say anymore.

This disciple was also one-seventh his… but just like that, he'd been killed!

Chapter 864: Mess of Confusion

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Ah? This matter also involves Brother Bai as well? Brother Bai, you should say it clearly, in what way was Zhan Mu Bai despicable and shameless?" Another person in hemp clothes and high crown walked over. This was the Supreme Golden City's Saint Emperor, He Zhi Qiu.

Bai Qi Feng snorted angrily and gritted his teeth hatefully. "I'm sure you all should also know about the matter with the youth with the Free and Natural Physique that we found, right?"

The two of them nodded together.

Bai Qi Feng continued. "The seven of us already agreed to accept the kid as a joint disciple and bring him back to the Misty Illusory Manor to groom. Who would have thought that… just an hour ago, Zhan Mu Bai sneaked in like a common rogue, masked and dressed in black, wanting to snatch our disciple away. But when he was discovered by us, seeing that he couldn't escape our pursuit, he actually slapped the kid to death ruthlessly without a single bit of hesitation! This… this kind of behaviour… is downright despicable and shameless! Even if old Cao was willing to let him off, the six of us wouldn't! How could he even bear to do that? That kid is a rare seedling that had a guaranteed bright future! The Free and Natural Physique ah! I… F*ck!"

Bai Qi Feng gritted his teeth with anger. As he spoke to here, his facial muscles were twitching visibly. His eyes blazed with rage and in the end, he directly cursed aloud!

"WHAT? That can't be?" Hai Wu Ya and He Zhi Qiu gasped aloud and looked at each other with disbelief. If this was true, the matter was extremely serious! Who didn't know that Cao Guo Feng had been searching for a successor to groom for decades? To actually kill the disciple whom he valued so much with a single slap… moreover, this disciple was a talent with the Free and Natural Physique!

This Zhan Mu Bai was truly gutsy. If it were the two of them, they would never dare to do such a thing!

This was a deathly grudge! To Cao Guo Feng, such a level of hatred was no different than if his father was killed and his wife was raped!

The way the two looked at Zhan Mu Bai completely changed in an instant. It was as if they were beholding a tall mountain in awe… To be able to do such dumb stuff, Zhan Mu Bai was practically even crazier than the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master…

"We pursued that f*cker all the way to here. And look, there's the black shirt right there… When we arrived, Zhan Mu Bai was just taking it off… All of us saw it with our own eyes. Can it be fake?" Bai Qi Feng's voice turned colder and colder. "Besides, is there even a need for us to plot and frame a Saint Emperor from your three Holy Lands??"

"This… this… could it be real? Old Zhan really did something so crazy?" The two Saint Emperors were completely speechless. Even in their wildest dreams, no one would be able to imagine that Zhan Mu Bai would do something like that!

"Believe it if you will! This one is not in a mood to play with you all!" Bai Qi Feng rolled his eyes, nearly blowing his top. Although the other side was two Saint Emperors, Bai Qi Feng was not afraid of them at all. Since they'd already fallen out, what difference was there in fighting two more Saint Emperors? In any case, the anger in his chest still had no place to vent!

Those words were said without any bit of courtesy at all. But to Hai Wu Ya and He Zhi Qiu, it actually added credibility to his words!

Cao Guo Feng was steady and scheming, and Bai Qi Feng was as sharp as a sword. The two of them together were the golden duo of the Misty Illusory Manor. And the two of them were the least likely people to intentionally provoke a discord between the Misty Illusory Manor and the three Holy Lands.

Even if there was a one in a million possibility, the person initiating the fight would have been Bai Qi Feng. But the one who initiated the fight was actually the normally steady, calm, and unflustered Cao Guo Feng. On top of that, Cao Guo Feng and Zhan Mu Bai had several hundred years of friendship! If it wasn't that something really happened that caused this third level Saint Emperor to completely lose his mind, this normally composed and far-sighted old man would never act so rashly!

Could it be that Zhan Mu Bai really did such a dumb thing?

But… regardless of the circumstances, they couldn't possibly just sit back and watch Zhan Mu Bai get slaughtered by the people from the Misty Illusory Manor…

The two exchanged a glance and quickly arrived at a decision. Raising their voices, they shouted, "Stop fighting! We have some words to say!"

Before their words could finish, a loud bang rang out, and a figure shot down from the sky, slamming uncontrollably like a ragged dog into the side of the wall, continuously smashing through and tumbling for a long time before finally coming to a stop. A person crawled up from the ground, his face grey with dust, and his hair dishevelled. Roaring with rage, he jumped out with a sousound. This person—apart from Zhan Mu Bai, who else could it be?!

On the other side, Cao Guo Feng landed unsteadily, stumbling many steps backwards. Every step left deep footprints on the ground, sending stone fragments flying high into the air.

He continuously stumbled for 20, 30 steps, but was still unable to dispel the momentum, slamming heavily into the wall. With a loud boom, the entire wall collapsed. However, Cao Guo Feng finally stopped, and with a shake of his shoulders, he stood up straightly.

With his white beard flowing magnificently, his eyes were practically blazing like fire! With a loud shout, he once again charged towards Zhan Mu Bai, wanting to continue the fight!

Which person's eyes weren't wide open at this point? Through this exchange of blows, Zhan Mu Bai had been smashed down from the sky in an extremely wretched manner, to the point where he couldn't even stand properly, and blood was flowing from his mouth. As for Cao Guo Feng, he'd only been forced a few steps and ended up with a slightly reddened face. It was obvious that Zhan Mu Bai had taken a huge loss! If things continued like this, he might really lose his life to Cao Guo Feng.


He Zhi Qiu and He Zhi Qiu hurriedly rushed over, blocking Cao Guo Feng's path. "Brother Cao, wait a moment, please listen to us for a moment!"

Cao Guo Feng saw them coming to stop him, but not Zhan Mu Bai, and he instantly grew enraged. "The three of you wish to join hands against me? Hehe, even if the three of you come together, this Cao has nothing to fear! Today, it's either you die or I perish!"

"Brother Cao, you misunderstand." Hai Wu Ya said with a bitter smile. From the looks of it, Cao Guo Feng was truly enraged. To actually pick a fight with all of them indiscriminately!

Cao Guo Feng hadn't even had enough time to reply when loud popping sounds rang out. Looking over, they only saw Bai Qi Feng already pouncing on Zhan Mu Bai. One was already a spent force and injured, while the other was fresh and raring to go. Even without these factors, the both of them were second level Saint Emperors, similar in strength.

Who was in the advantage was already a clear result.

Zhan Mu Bai practically did not have the time to counter at all before he received a few fierce punches on his face.

"Bai Qi Feng! Even you want to go against me?! Your Misty Illusory Manor is actually so shameless and unbridled?!" At this moment, Zhan Mu Bai was already angered to an extreme level.

Dear Heavens ah, great Earth ah! Just who have I offended? Who the f*ck have I offended? F*ck, even if you want to bully a person, there must be a reasonable explanation, right?

All of you are Saint Emperor experts ah, if all of you behave in such an unreasonable manner and just beat people up without any explanation, who can endure it? What the hell is going on? You guys even skipped the step of maligning me and directly attacked? Is there still any reason in this world?

"Brother Bai, stop! Please stop! Have mercy!" Hai Wu Ya hurriedly cried out. He could only use his voice and did not dare to stop him by force. The moment he attacked, it would mean that this was a fight between the three Holy Lands and the Misty Illusory Manor! That was a heavy responsibility that they couldn't handle.

But how fast was a fight between Saint Emperor level experts? In the time that it took for that single sentence to be said, Zhan Mu Bai's face was already turned into patches of black and blue. His two eyes were swollen and black, like a panda's eyes. Blood stained the corners of his mouth, and his expression was incredibly wretched to the extreme!

After a long battle, although he looked to be in a disadvantage, and his appearance was rather unsightly, but his face wasn't really damaged. His image was still intact. But in the span of such a short time, Bai Qi Feng had beaten him into such a horrible state. And all of those blows had been directed against his face, causing this Saint Emperor Zhan to look like a pig's head!

By the time Hai Wu Ya flew over and pulled Bai Qi Feng away, Zhan Mu Bai was already in a dazed state after receiving tens of blows to his head…

All the experts of the three Holy Lands had ugly looks on their faces. This was surely a bit too much… Everyone is a famed expert of the world; is there a need to be so ruthless? Even if you killed him, you shouldn't hit his face ah!

The last leader of the three Holy Lands, He Zhi Qiu, noticed that the other five experts of the Misty Illusory Manor were actually still displaying clear killing intent in their eyes. It was obvious to see that they simply had not had the chance to attack just now, and Bai Qi Feng was a little faster than them. If they had the chance, the five of them would not necessarily refrain from attacking themselves.

He Zhi Qiu took a deep breath secretly with shock. Just what kind of trouble had Zhan Mu Bai stirred up? To actually cause seven Saint Emperors to be so angry? From the looks of it, seven of them were already prepared to join hands and tear him apart!

"This matter might be a misunderstanding! Everyone, please refrain from acting rashly. All of us have been old brothers for several hundred years. Is there any matter that we cannot sit down and talk over properly?" Although He Zhi Qiu knew that the enmity this time was definitely not light; however, he couldn't not speak up for Zhan Mu Bai and just sit at the side and watch while they beat him up! No matter what, the Misty Illusory Manor was still an outsider.

Cao Guo Feng snorted disdainfully and raised his chin. "It's impossible to settle today's matter peacefully anymore. With a single slap from that dog Zhan Mu Bai, the disciple that this old man spent several hundred years to find was turned to nothing! This enmity is unresolvable, and it's not possible for us to share the same sky anymore! Zhan Mu Bai is a narrow minded scoundrel who's jealous of the good and envious of the talented. If this old man is not given a satisfying explanation today, even if this old man must kill his way into the Elusive World of Immortals, I will get my justice!"

"Cao Guo Feng! You old bastard!" Zhan Mu Bai had just managed to crawl up from the ground, and his entire face was covered in his own blood. He was so humiliated that he was already thinking about killing himself. Shrieking like a ghost, he cried, "Cao Guo Feng, you truly go too far in your bullying! First, you cursed at me for no good reason, then you attacked ruthlessly without saying anything! Could it be that I, Zhan Mu Bai, should be bullied by you as you please?! This old man has always done things in an open and aboveboard manner. Even if I examined my conscience, I have nothing to feel guilty about. How am I a narrow minded scoundrel who's jealous of the good and envious of the talented?!"

"Your mother's fart! A scoundrel like you actually dares to claim to be open and aboveboard, having a clear conscience? Who among the people here doesn't know about your dirty deeds? We'll not talk about the stuff that's too far in the past. Just recently in Tian Fa Forest, you actually sneak attacked a junior several hundred years younger than you. A despicable person like you actually has the cheek to claim to be open and aboveboard? Do you even believe your own words?! Since Jun Mo Xie is a mortal enemy of your three Holy Lands, it's fine to not talk about whether you were shameless or not… But today, you actually dare to kill my disciple right in front of me! Zhan Mu Bai, do you really think that the Elusive World of Immortals can protect you? You think that this old man really does not dare touch your Elusive World of Immortals?!" Cao Guo Feng scoffed coldly.