
851 to 857

Chapter 851: Probe!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Another point was that Jun Mo Xie was the first one to explore this cultivation technique, and he'd already finished forging a proper path. All Mei Xue Yan had to do was to cultivate according to his instructions. There was no need to go through the wrong turns again, and it saved her a lot of work. In addition, Xuan Beasts cultivated faster than humans by nature. This series of coincidences resulted in her perverse speed of advancement.

However, there were drawbacks as well. When Jun Mo Xie broke through in the past, each breakthrough was accompanied by large amounts of benefits provided by the Hongjun Pagoda. Whether it was techniques or treasures, all of them were things that could only be encountered, not sought for. Mei Xue Yan obviously did not have the same advantages.

Because although she was cultivating in the Hongjun Pagoda, she… was not the true owner of it…

So although she was practicing the same cultivation technique, she couldn't achieve the same effects as Jun Mo Xie. For example, the Yin Yang Escape art that Jun Mo Xie obtained from the first level and the Flame of Primal Chaos and Furnace of Good Fortune from the second floor—Mei Xue Yan didn't get any of them.

Jun Mo Xie furrowed his brows and thought for a moment and said, "I'll pass some chants over to you later; remember them and see if you can cultivate them. If you can, it's naturally a great boon. If you can't, there's also no need to force the issue." Seeing how stern he was, Mei Xue Yan nodded seriously.

"Days and nights are Yin and Yang, Heaven and Earth are Yin and Yang, the biochemical cycles of beings are Yin and Yang. A person is also Yin Yang from the time of its origin, and whether faced with good luck or bad, and whichever side the person decides to show, everything is Yin and Yang. Everything can be hidden, and everything can be investigated, because everything will always remain…. Yin and Yang."

This was the verbal chants for the Yin Yang Escape art!

And Jun Mo Xie was reciting them to her one word at a time!

The Yin Yang Escape art could be said to be the most invincible and most mysterious ability in this world! It gave one the ability to fight across ranks, and as long as one was proficient in it, even if one only had a Silver Xuan level cultivation, even a Saint Emperor will not be able to hurt him or her!

In the battles to come, not only would the danger grow higher and higher, the strength needed to contend against the enemy would also increase. Although Mei Xue Yan's current strength was extraordinary, it was still far from sufficient against Saint Kings and Saint Emperor level experts. It was not even sufficient for self preservation. Perhaps only by mastering this Yin Yang Escape art would Mei Xue Yan be able to preserve her life in any situation!

To Jun Mo Xie right now, the lives of his loved ones were more important than anything!

Jun Mo Xie attempted to let Jun Wu Yi learn this technique in the past as well. However, Jun Wu Yi was completely unable to even gain an initial feel for it. From the looks of it, this technique could not be cultivated by just anyone. Or rather, only a person who cultivated the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune could learn this mysterious art…

Right now, Jun Mo Xie only had a 'try and see' expectation. If it succeeded, Mei Xue Yan would have a powerful and permanent life-saving card in the future…

Mei Xue Yan concentrated seriously and committed the chant to memory. Her clever and talented mind very quickly memorized everything perfectly.

"This is the essence of my unique secret technique, the Yin Yang Escape art. After cultivating it, you can hide your body in the void at ease. Whether its an environment of metal, wood, water, or fire, you can still travel freely through it. Furthermore, not a shred of your aura will be leaked out. This can be said to be the number one technique in this world." Jun Mo Xie said seriously. "You must make good use of this time to practice. This is my greatest escape and life preservation technique!"

Although he'd said it in such a calm manner, Mei Xue Yan was completely shocked!

To be capable of hiding oneself within the void at will…

She finally understood what Jun Mo Xie meant by shocking 'magical movement technique' that stunned the world was. To think that such a wondrous technique actually existed in this world…

And he'd actually decided to pass this exclusive magical technique to her without any reservations. At this moment, her heart was filled with a sweet feeling, and she felt extremely happy! Not only because of the secret technique, but because of Jun Mo Xie's meticulous and painstaking love—magical techniques were never spread to others so easily; this was not an exception, even between husbands and wives!

But Jun Mo Xie had actually done it!

This was the equivalent of him telling Mei Xue Yan: no matter when or whatever the circumstances, I will never suspect you!

But saying was one thing; to actually prove it with action was far more weighty than just telling it to her!

"Mo Xie… You will be fine, and I will be fine too…" Mei Xue Yan's eyes turned red.

"Silly lass… If I don't teach it to you now, I will still teach it to our kids in the future. What kind of secret is this? Don't think too much; it's exhausting." Jun Mo Xie chuckled lightly. "If you really feel uneasy about learning the secret technique, how about paying for it with a stripdance? If you dance for me, I will definitely feel extremely happy. That way, you will also feel easier! My idea is not bad right?"

"Scram!" Mei Xue Yan gave him a kick with annoyance… Why must this fellow always say such filthy things just when I'm feeling touched…

The two of them had finally been reunited after so long; Jun Mo Xie would naturally want to be intimate with Mei Xue Yan. Although Mei Xue Yan looked unwilling on the surface, she actually didn't have that much resistance in her heart. However, both of them controlled their impulses and chose to continue waiting.

There were no other reasons other than the fact that Green Hunter was also in the Hongjun Pagoda.

Although she no longer had any awareness of the outside world, she had been injured because of Jun Mo Xie. Her injuries had even reached such a serious point, so how could Jun Mo Xie and Mei Xue Yan not be moved? Although she never revealed anything before, the two of them were clear about the deeply buried feelings in her heart!

If they behaved so intimately in her presence, they would undoubtedly feel guilt-stricken!

Regardless of whether Green Hunter could see it or not, or if she could feel it, such a thing was still too cruel to her!

Mei Xue Yan continued staying inside the Hongjun Pagoda to comprehend the Yin Yang Escape art. Jun Mo Xie once again guided the Primal Chaos Purple Qi through Green Hunter's meridians once, stabilizing her condition before exiting.

While waiting for Mei Xue Yan to breakthrough, quite a lot of time had already passed. If the three Holy Lands moved quickly enough, they might have even arrived at Chrysanthemum City.

Jun Mo Xie still needed to properly consider his strategy for this fight. Even though he looked extremely confident when talking to Dongfang Wen Qing, victory was always left to those who were well prepared.

So as soon as he exited, Young Master Jun used the Yin Yang Escape art to disappear into the depth of Chrysanthemum City…

Because the instant he returned, he could distinctly feel that in just the short time of one and a half day, the entire Chrysanthemum City had completely changed!

On the surface, Chrysanthemum City was still the same Chrysanthemum City. But with just a quick sweep of spiritual sense, one would detect countless powerful presences! These powerful presence had formed into a giant net, constantly observing the actions of every single person in the city!

No one was an exception, and no one could be an exception!

Feeling the ever constant, almost omnipotent spiritual sense lingering in the air, Jun Mo Xie could not help but cluck his tongue with surprise. It looked like the three Holy Lands truly brought out the large guns this time. For this battle, so many shocking experts had been sent out! Each of them were all peak level experts, renowned throughout the world!

After he carefully maneuvered around the encompassing spiritual sense net, Jun Mo Xie showed himself and quietly walked down the streets, slowly moving towards the Chen Manor.

The closer he got, the more keenly he could sense the lingering spiritual sense growing stronger and more dense. Right now, the Chen Manor was like an impenetrable steel wall that couldn't be infiltrated!

Jun Mo Xie laughed lowly in his heart. Looks like the three Holy Lands still chose the Chen Family as their core this time. They were certain that everything would start from this place, beginning the conflict from both sides.

Compared to the people gathered here this time, the Chen Family's Chen Qing Tian, whether in status or strength, was not considered an important character at all. Before this, he was only an inconsequential family head of a small family of the three Holy Lands. But now, he'd actually become the person whom the three Holy Lands' face lay with!

Jun Mo Xie's previous plan was to secretly spread news to the world that the three Holy Lands had sent all their experts out to prevent Chen Qing Tian from being assassinated. Although most people would express disbelief as to the authenticity of this news, the three Holy Lands' reputation would still be completely dragged through the mud if Chen Qing Tian ended up being killed!

That way, they would have no choice but to provide him with heavy protection!

However, Jun Mo Xie no longer intended to do that. Or rather, that move was just to probe how the three Holy Lands would react.

What Jun Mo Xie was truly aiming for was to utterly destroy the three Holy Lands. It wasn't something that would stop at just having their reputations be destroyed!

To Young Master Jun, even if the three Holy Lands remained revered as the principal model in the eyes of the world after he'd killed them all, it wouldn't matter to him!

All I want is your life! After all of you are dead, I'll be truly happy!

Thus, whether the Chen Family's head died, it was completely unimportant to him!

As he sensed the formidable auras coming from the Chen Family Manor, Jun Mo Xie smiled coldly in his heart. He'd already thought of a comprehensive counter strategy.

Not hesitating any longer, Jun Mo Xie slowly turned around and followed the human crowd, returning the way he came. At this moment, Young Master Jun looked no different from a regular passerby. His footsteps were heavy, and his eyes were dim. He seemed like a person without a shred of martial skills.

Numerous strands of spiritual sense swept over him, continuing on with pause…

Jun Mo Xie's expression remained unchanged as he lowered his head and hurried along. Suddenly! Jun Mo Xie's body shook heavily as he stopped! He'd felt an exceedingly shocking aura, the kind that was cold to the extreme. It was like it'd abruptly sprung up from the depths of his heart, instantly permeating his entire body. It was incredibly fast, and in such a short instant, Jun Mo Xie already had an inexplicable feeling as if his entire body was about to freeze!

It was like how a person walking alone on a starless night and suddenly came upon an unmarked coffin right in front of him!

Even on the coldest peak of the snowy mountain, Jun Mo Xie hadn't felt this way. But now, he'd actually experienced such an intense cold!

Jun Mo Xie could clearly remember that he'd just passed this street only a short moment ago. There weren't any anomalies just now—not even the slightest wisp of one. Only a short while had gone by when he'd walked there and back again. However, the feeling this street gave him was completely different!

This was something that he only discovered because of his supernatural senses!

That was a most intense feeling!

There was definitely something strange here!

Chapter 852: Silence as Loud as a Clap of Thunder!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In just an instant, the queer feeling disappeared as quickly as it had come…

Jun Mo Xie lowered his head silently, but his brain was replaying the entire experience with lightning speed.

Every single person that had walked past the area was imprinted clearly in his mind with his super memory as he screened each one of them carefully!

Not much time had passed, and even the person who'd walked the furthest was only around 100 zhang away! Furthermore, although there were a lot of people on the street just now, it was actually less than 1,000! With such a population density, it could be described huge!

But Jun Mo Xie's powerful spiritual sense was able to perfectly recreate the entire scene in his mind, allowing him to scrutinize each and every single person clearly. In the end, his spiritual sense was locked onto seven people! Only those seven people!

These seven people had all just stepped into the peripheries of his 100 zhangspiritual sense detection range!

After a round of elimination, Jun Mo Xie finally turned his body lightly and walked back. Before him, there was a black-robed youth walking forward at an even pace, not too quick and not too slow. His right leg seemed to be somewhat inconvenient as he hobbled ever so slightly. His face was completely expressionless, and his eyes were turbid. His eyelids were a little swollen, and his footsteps were light, as if he would be blown away by a gust of wind…

But Jun Mo Xie's instincts told him that there was definitely something fishy about this person!

Because he could sense a faint trace of Yin Evil from him!

This kind of evil energy was strangely familiar, yet alien.

Furthermore, there was an odd feeling that even Jun Mo Xie felt somewhat frightened of…

If this person was an expert, he must have reached such a terrifying level where even his essence and aura could be retracted back into himself, returning to simplicity!

Jun Mo Xie had never felt seen such a level of strength, even on a Saint Emperor!

Jun Mo Xie's spiritual sense told him that this person's path was actually leading towards the weakest point in the three Holy Lands' spiritual sense web! As his steps slanted towards that direction more and more, this feeling of his grew more obvious.

The three Holy Lands' experts' spiritual sense sweep always somehow missed this person. Because each time the spiritual sense swept by, he would have already dodged it in advance…

Quite clearly, this person was also using his own spiritual sense to probe, allowing him to determine his path with certainty. The most ridiculous thing was that the three Holy Lands clearly had several Saint Emperors present, but none of them had been able to discover him!

Such an ability was something that even Jun Mo Xie could not do!

If not for that split second of aura, even Jun Mo Xie would not have discovered this person's spiritual sense's fluctuations!

This person—although his actions looked casual and ordinary, Jun Mo Xie's keen senses detected that the fine hairs on his body were in the most optimally relaxed state! His way he walked was the least energy consuming, the simplest way. Every action of his, although looking simple and normal, seemed to have a profound meaning behind it in Jun Mo Xie's eyes…

As he looked at this black-robed man's back, his lips curled slightly as a mysterious smile appeared on his face… It couldn't be… him right?

Just as Young Master Jun had a flash of inspiration and guessed the mysterious man's identity, the latter suddenly halted and turned around, facing Jun Mo Xie. An odd smile lingered in his eyes as he laughed. "Kid, you've followed this Young Master for so long; could it be you wish to treat me to a drink?"

Jun Mo Xie froze slightly and he looked up with a smile as well. "Why not? To meet is also considered a kind of fate. What's a treat worth… I can certainly treat you to a drink, but I didn't bring any silvers with me now. How about you foot the bill first, and I'll return it to you another time."

Wanting to take advantage of this Elder Brother Jun? You must be dreaming. But if it's just me doing the treating while you foot the bill, that can still be discussed!

"Fated as expected. This is truly a coincidental meeting." The black-robed man shrugged and said, "I didn't bring any silvers as well." He looked at Jun Mo Xie with a strange look. "I wonder if it's possible to drink without silver?"

Jun Mo Xie mimicked his actions, shrugging lightly and smiling. "How about… we give it a try? Perhaps we can still get to drink!"

"Interesting, interesting…" The black-robed man chuckled and looked at Jun Mo Xie calmly. "Try.. let's try."

"Since none of us brought any silvers, and you wanted me to treat you to a drink, let me be the host for this meal then. Please!" Jun Mo Xie said generously and stretched his hand out to indicate the way.

"So it's possible to play host even without any silvers… the world has truly changed." The black-robed man shook his head and said with some emotion.

The two travelled together, towards a certain direction. In front of them was the Tanguan Hall.

Young Master Jun was revisiting an old haunt.

Although the two were practically walking shoulder to shoulder, keeping pace with each other, and they looked very peaceful and harmonious on the surface, their actions were filled with strange pace changes.

When Jun Mo Xie moved forward, the black-robed man would lift his leg right after Jun Mo Xie stepped out, moving towards the same direction. The black-robed man was standing on Jun Mo Xie's right hand side, but with every step, Jun Mo Xie's right shoulder would, intentionally or otherwise, move backwards a little.

Stepping forward, but pulling back with the shoulders. Such postures were undoubtedly extremely strange! It was as if some invisible line was pulling him back, but he wanted to move forward.

The black robed man's actions were coincidentally the opposite. Jun Mo Xie's steps were all right before he raised his leg; but his shoulders were leaning forward. Fortunately, they were not moving very quickly. Otherwise, they would look like they were barging around randomly.

The postures of the both of the were both unique, but one thing was certain. If they were moving at full speed, Jun Mo Xie would definitely fall flat on his back before long. Of course, at the moment that Jun Mo Xie lost his control, the black robed man would also end up falling on top of him, kissing him straight on the lips!

The two of them maintained that weird posture, actually even managing to chat cheerfully and jovially along the way, seemingly very pleased with themselves.

In the instant their sights crossed, the other party would gaze at their own postures, either moving half a step forward or shifting slightly backwards. They would not let the other party's eyes land on the place they were looking at!

By the time they arrived before Tanguan Hall, the two looked as if they'd been through a tough battle. Even their foreheads were filled with sweat.

The entire journey was only a short dozen or so zhang . But secretly, they've already exchanged several hundred rounds of blows! Practically every lift of the foot, every wave of the hand, every step, and the slight movement of the shoulders was accompanied by an exchange of skill! The exhaustion of mental strength was extremely heavy, and from the looks of it, their exchange had not been inferior to a exhilarating battle!

Although Jun Mo Xie always maintained the initiative, he wasn't able to gain the advantage in shifting his body's center of gravity.

This extremely odd battle was actually the most terrifying one he'd been involved in ever since he crossed over to this world! Young Master Jun would never have imagined that there was actually someone with the same reaction speed as him, who'd cultivated the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune! Even if he merely raised his eyebrows slightly, or moved his eyes, the black robed man would always have the most appropriate counter measure. And the positions he'd concealed were all the most optimal points for Jun Mo Xie to attack!

Young Master Jun, who'd guessed the identity of the person, could not help but exclaim from the bottom of the heart. There are indeed no weaklings with a great reputation! Because he knew that he'd actually been contending with the opponent while having a big advantage! This black-clothed man, who was now equally matched with him, was carrying heavy injuries. His strength was practically running on empty! Furthermore, the wound on him was enough to kill any other average man a hundred times!

But in such a situation, he was actually able to control Jun Mo Xie perfectly!

My luck today is too great!

Although the black-clothed man's walking posture seemed passive, he held the absolute initiative all the way in reality. The only light flaw in the entire process was just the first move by Young Master Jun, causing him to lose the initiative to Jun Mo Xie, which he never managed to regain again.

But even though he'd lost the initiative, his postures turned completely in a reactive, defensive position! Although the two looked fairly matched, to the naturally lofty black-robed man, this was an unbearable shame!

He'd actually let a little brat ride all over his head, forcing him into a reactive state all the way! Every time he wanted to take the lead and step out first, he would be disrupted by that kid's subtle brow movements, or head movements. If he tried to seize the initiative back by force, he would have to pay a heavy price!

Bloody hell, he hadn't come out for a few hundred years, but had the Xuan abilities of this world grown to such a shocking level? Even a hairless little brat was such a perverse monster?

Pui, even calling him a hairless brat is an overstatement. This fellow is simply a snotty-nosed rascal still reeking of his mother's milk! But this little rascal, whether it be in strength of soul, spiritual sense, or reaction, has reached a miraculous level!

Unblinking even if heaven and hell becomes a sea of blood,

Not turning back to look even if the Nine Nethers overflows with hate!

Body transforming into the heavens and earth;

Heart roaming freely like a dragon's pearl!

This was a realm that he'd reached only after hundreds of years of painstaking cultivation.

If there were a few more of such perversely powerful characters in this world, was there still a point of him partaking in this world? Surely this was too insane?!

The short tens of zhang distance that they'd walked so far was only a quiet exchange of skills without using any Xuan skills. However, the risks and dangers they faced were shocking! If it were a real fight, and the the cultivation of the two of them were similar, then no matter which one of them, both of them would already have died hundreds of times over!

There was an old saying that goes: silence as loud as a clap of thunder! The hidden battle they'd just engaged was an excellent example of that! Perhaps even the most striking thunder in a quiet place was less shocking than this soundless exchange!

Although the battle was fierce, the road had come to its end. In the instant they walked into the Tanguan Hall, the battle was concluded. Both sides had their some scruples, and they did not linger on the matter. Finding an empty table, they sat down across each other. The black-robed man's face remained as expressionless as before, but the back of his robe had obviously been drenched. The previous battle, though short, had exhausted a great amount of mental energy.

Young Master Jun was even more unresigned. He placed both his hands to support his waist, rubbing them in an unrefined manner. For the entire journey, he'd been walking in a strange manner, causing him to feel as if his back were about to break… If the road had been slightly longer, and he'd continued moving in that manner, it would be a miracle if he didn't develop any long lasting back problems!

Chapter 853: Why are you so Difficult to Please?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Jun Mo Xie waved his hand and called over the waiter, casually ordering some dishes without even glancing at the price. He directly ordered a huge table of dishes, causing the waiter to celebrate internally as he brought over a pot of tea before running to the kitchen to inform the chefs.

That handsome young master was obviously a rich person ah, this time, his commision would surely be huge. But who would have thought that this rich looking young master was actually just an empty shell. Not only would he not have the money to pay for the entire table of food, he didn't even have any money to pay for a single dish!

"What's your name?" The black-robed man looked at Jun Mo Xie and asked with a deadpan expression. Jun Mo Xie realized that this fellow had actually managed to cultivate to such a high level that even the look in his eyes could be changed at will!

"Is there really a need to ask for a name? Names are just symbols, what's the point of going through so much trouble!" Jun Mo Xie looked at him exasperatedly. "How nice would it be to just have a good drink? After drinking, you go your way and I go mine. Isn't that more straightforward?"

"Nonsense! You used your spiritual sense to probe this Young Master and followed behind me like a fly, all to have a drink with me? Do you think this Young Master is an idiot?" The black-robed man said icily. "Stop playing the fool with this Young Master. What do you want? Quickly say it!"

"Alright, alright, I'll speak honestly. There's no need to raise your voice and speak so domineeringly." Jun Mo Xie smiled in a graceful manner, pretentiously.

Although the black-robed man was behaving coldly, his interest was still aroused as he asked, "What's the reason?"

Jun Mo Xie splayed his hands and spoke. "Truthfully, it's like this: from the moment I first saw you, I discovered that you're like a firefly in the darkness, radiating eye-catching light. Although you were among a sea of people, an outstanding man like you, stood out like a crane amongst a group of chickens no matter where you went. Your individual splendour was so great that it caused me to feel incredibly amazed and impressed… Your dazzling radiance caused me to feel faint, and I felt like if I couldn't treat you to a drink, it would be a great crime, the gravest of sins. Even three lifetimes of regret would not be able to describe the gut-wrenching regret I would have felt if that happened… So even though I didn't have any money, I was still determined to treat you to a drink…"

"Stop!" The black-robed man's cold expression finally broke, and his emotionless eyes moved. He raised his head, rolled his eyes, and looked at the ceiling for a long time, looking as if he was about to faint. Finally, he shook his head a few times and smacked the table. "Rascal thing! What the father f*cking f*ck are you talking about? Are those the words of a human?"

"Did I not make myself clear enough? I basically meant to say… you and I are fated! Our fate has lasted for many lifetimes; in the last life, I was a man and you were a woman…" Jun Mo Xie said with complete seriousness, his tone deep and emotional. A look of truthfulness shone in his eyes as he continued with conviction: "… You were my wife!"

"Your mum's fart! Why don't you just go and die?!" The black-robed man's thousand over years' cultivated patience and self reservation completely disappeared in an instant as he swore incoherently. His face had already turned as dark as the bottom of a wok. Even from the arms that he'd placed on the table, one could see a layer of goosebumps slowly rising out. His body frame that was normally as stable as a mountain was shaking as if he were sitting in a freezer…

"I know you have your doubts, but it's the truth." Jun Mo Xie shook his head and said. "If you don't believe me, you could go down there and ask around. Although all our relatives from the last life are no longer around, their souls are still there. If you can go and ask them, I'm sure they will definitely give you a reply! This way, you should believe me now right?! My fated person!"

Go and ask? So I should kill myself first and then go to the underworld to seek the answers?! Fated person? Dogfart fated person! The black robed man who was on the brink of collapse grabbed the two sides of the table, his veins bulging dangerously as he gritted his teeth tightly. His eyes were blazing with fire, and even his breath had become heavy and ragged. "Little rascal, you think that it's very fun to play with this Young Master? Do you know how to write the word death?"

His veins along his temples throbbed heavily as he spoke, and his eyes raged with anger!

It'd been over a thousand years, and no one had ever been able to anger him to such an extent before; no matter when, he'd always maintained a graceful attitude like an unstained prince. Even when he was being chased around by the entire world, this hadn't changed at all. Even when faced against a situation of near certain death, he still greeted it in a graceful manner. But after meeting this brat today, this mental state of his had been completely shredded into pieces! How could his mental state be this unstable?!

But, that fellow's words were simply too… disgusting… who can bear it?

"Look at you… I already said that there wasn't a specific purpose, but you wanted me to say it. Now that I've said it… you don't believe me!" Jun Mo Xie shrugged his shoulders helplessly. "Why are you so difficult to please?"

After saying that, he narrowed his eyes and continued. "Besides… even if I really have a motive, did you think that I would tell you just because you asked? Aren't you a bit too naive? Although naive people are cute, it's quite a challenge to even survive in this complicated world. Your strength is not bad, but it's not enough to deal with the schemes of the pugilistic world! You should listen to me…" Jun Mo Xie advised seriously.

The black-robed man suddenly spat out a long breath of air. This breath stretched on for five whole minutes, until Jun Mo Xie's words were stuck in his mouth, and his hair and sleeves fluttered behind him like a heavenly celestial. One could see that this person's anger had already been pent up to a level far above what a normal person could endure…

After he was done, he slapped the table heavily, shouting, "Waiter! Why isn't the food served yet? Could it be that you are going to the fields to plant the grains now?! Hurry it up for this old man!"

He turned his head not even looking at Jun Mo Xie. He felt that if he looked at that detestable sissy face again, he would not be able to stop himself from risking the worsening of his heavy injuries to pluck out the tongue of this little creature!

He felt incredibly exasperated in his heart. This old man has lived for more than a thousand years, but I've never seen such a base person person! How motherf*cking… infuriating!

You were the man and I was the wife in our past life… This Young Master will f*ck you! Just with this Young Master's thousand years of age, it should be more than enough for you brat to live more than 10 lifetimes?!

The black-robed man rolled his eyes speechlessly. All this was too sudden, and he felt that it was a grave mistake! If he knew that he would meet such a character, he would have rather remain sealed underground for another 500 years…

"Hohoho… er, this little brother", Jun Mo Xie chuckled in a hair raising manner, asking, "what's your esteemed name?"

"This little… brother?!" The black-robed man's face was instantly filled with black lines. Clenching his teeth forcefully and sucking in a deep breath of cold air, he spat. "What the f*ck?! Even the ancestor of your ancestor of your ancestor does not have the qualifications to call this Young Master little brother! Do you understand?!!!"

"Alright, I understand, I understand; it's just a form of address. Why are you so upset again… then… this old brother, what's your age?" Jun Mo Xie changed his words and said with a friendly smile.

The black-robed man banged his head against the table and grabbed his hair with both hands, seemingly breathless with anger. Faint wheezing sounds came out of his mouth as he gnashed his teeth. "Can you just shut your damn mouth?! Will you die if you don't talk?!"

"It's naturally fine to not talk. But it shouldn't be linked to the level of life and death right? Could it be that this old brother is still not happy with this form of address? Then how about young bro? Old pal? Which one do you like more?… Don't look at me with such fierce eyes; this one's heart is thumping madly because of it… Actually, the food at this Tanguan Hall is really very good. The last time I was here, that taste… ah, it's truly delicious… it was somebody else's treat the last time and that was simply enjoyable. This time, it's my turn to do the treating, but I didn't bring any silvers…"

Jun Mo Xie blabbered on and on, his mouth continuing nonstop as he asked anxiously. "Er… although I did say I was treating today… but you… really didn't bring any money? Money, that means silver coins, bronze coins, paper money, or gold is fine too… you really didn't bring any?"

The black-robed man lifted his head lightly and banged it down against the table repeatedly, all the while accompanied by helpless sighs on the verge of tears…

"It's fine, it's fine… there's no need to feel so sad…" Jun Mo Xie patted his chest and consoled. "Relax! Isn't it just a meal? Besides, forgetting to bring some silvers is not any embarrassing matter. Everyone's experienced it before. I already said that I'm treating, so they won't accuse you of being a free loafer. Let me tell you, the last time I was…"

The black-robed man raised his head with a despondent face and looked at Young Master Jun, as if he were beholding a tall mountain with awe and great admiration. Suddenly he grabbed Jun Mo Xie's hands and cried out with tears in his eyes. "Elder brother… I'll call you elder brother, okay? This lifetime… for over 1,300 years, I've never been convinced with anyone with before. But today, I'm truly convinced by you… could you just shut your mouth? Just shut your mouth?! My dear elder brother ah ah ah ah!!!"

By the end of his sentence, the black-robed man was already howling and banging his head against the table in a deranged manner… such a painful sight, anyone who saw it would feel a surge of pity rise from their hearts. This fellow looked like someone whose chrysanthemum had just been abused by a gang of Xuan Beasts. And those Xuan Beasts were all huge and powerful creatures like bears, lions, tigers, elephants, and such…

His voice was simply a little too loud, and right now was still a peak hour meal time for the restaurant. In an instant, all the guests in the Tanguan Hall turned their heads to look, scratching their heads with confusion. What was all this about elder brothers and little brothers? What's going on to cause such a commotion?

Jun Mo Xie cleared his throat dryly for a moment, stood up and clasped his fists to the crowd as he explained. "My apologies everyone, my brother here is autistic. He's fine normally and is a good person…"

As he said that, a chorus of 'OHHH' rang out through the restaurant.

"You're the autistic one! Your entire family is autistic!" The black-robed man waved his sleeves and roared, his face painted with wrath, his entire body tottering like a chrysanthemum flickering in the wind…

He was truly angered to an extreme point…

Chapter 854: Comprehension—True Self, Origin!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Everyone should have already guessed by now; this black robed man was precisely the expert infamous throughout the entire continent, the number one lunatic under the heavens: the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master!

But this legendary number one lunatic under the heavens was currently forced to the verge of tears, depressed beyond words!

After the battle at Tian Fa, this number one lunatic had even truly earned the title of number one expert! Being ambushed by so many Saints and even the frenzied attacks of Saint Emperors, while he was weakened, he still survived from his extremely severe injuries!

At the very least, wanting to recover to his original strength was an impossible matter… So although he had a great deal of unwillingness in his heart, he could only hide away to recuperate, in the hopes of returning to dominate the world as soon as possible!

But after just one month, a certain song suddenly spread madly through the entire continent, and with frightening speed, quickly on the mouths of everyone in the Xuan Xuan Continent!

This Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master did not claim to be a "Young Master" for nothing. He was also a feverish music enthusiast! In fact, his personal weapon was actually a strange musical instrument made from melted Nine Nether Frost Blades that looked like a cross between a zither and a guqin…

That song was something that even he considered "divine music"!

From this, one could tell the extent that he loved good music.

When he was only halfway through this 'Song of Laughing Proudly in the Pugilistic World', he immediately proclaimed it as music from the heavens. He was so enchanted by it to the point where he even forgoed food and drink, spending all his time pondering it. But the most unbearable thing was that no matter where it spread, it was never the complete version… it was always lacking something compared to the original. This cause the music enthusiast Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master to feel exceedingly depressed.

After enquiring around, he finally confirmed that this song first originated from this Chrysanthemum City! At the same time, there was an accompanying legend that a charming white-robed young master unstained by the filth of the world was playing this song and singing atop the Tanguan Hall when a heaven shocking battle occured. Defeating two esteemed Venerable experts and a large number of cultivators, he departed in an exceedingly graceful manner, singing and riding the clouds like an immortal…

In just a single night, that mysterious, white-robed youth had turned into an idol in the hearts of all women in the world…

From the looks of it, he'd even become the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's idol!

But the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master also understood that because of that white-robed youth, the three Holy Lands would also send out countless peak level experts and gather them in Chrysanthemum City. Although his injuries had improved, they were still exceedingly heavy. He didn't have the ability to engage in a real fight. But after careful considerations, he still decided to make the trip.

The three Holy Lands were undoubtedly assembling there to deal with that mysterious, white-robed youth! If they truly succeeded, then the "Song of The Proud, Smiling Wanderer" would really become the youth's swan song!

In other words, from then on, it would be impossible to hear the original version anymore… To a music enthusiast like the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, this was an unbearable thought!

So he came. Apart from that, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was confident that as long as he did not reveal his traces and used any of his unique Xuan techniques, even if all the ancestor-level characters from the three Holy Lands and the Misty Illusory Manor lined up in front of him, they would not recognize him!

So although he couldn't attack, he was actually not very worried about his safety!

Today was actually the first day that he'd stepped into Chrysanthemum City! And it'd even been less than an hour since he'd entered this 'Mecca for Music', making his way towards the famed Tanguan Hall, fantasizing about meeting the idol in his heart… What kind of a person was this musical talent that could make a song like the "Song of The Proud, Smiling Wanderer"?

But who would have thought that before he had had the chance to meet his idol, he would bump into such a base character!

A base fellow whose ability and age were high enough to shock even him, whose mouth was so infuriating that it made him want to tear his hair out!

It wasn't clear what was wrong with the kid's head, to follow him around like that all of a sudden for no apparent reason. He had tried to shake to him off, but it was impossible to shake him off. Then after a competing for the entire journey, he could confirm that the little fellow was definitely not simple. At least, the latter had the qualifications to share the same table with him!

Then, he was somewhat curious about the kid. Who is he? What does he want? And most importantly, did he recognize my true identity? Why would he fix his eyes on me in the first place? Could it be there's some flaws in my concealment?

So the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master accepted the little fellow's invitation. Since he was going to Tanguan Hall anyway, and somebody was volunteering to treat, why wouldn't he go? The Fourteenth Young Master did not think that this youth before him could do anything to him anyway.

But right now, he truly regretted it! At this moment, he felt that him accepting this fellow's invitation was the worst mistake he'd committed in this last 1,300 over years!

If only time could be rewinded… this Young Master would rather receive a harsh beating than share a table with this person… no, he wouldn't even have exchanged a single word with him!

It was really too… tormenting!

From what he remembered, he'd only asked that despicable fellow for a name. In the end, the matters leading from that single question had nearly caused him to collapse… If he had asked a few more questions… the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master felt his entire body tremble intensely from the mere thought of that!

Terrifying ah…

The most scary thing was that right now, he couldn't even use a single ounce of Xuan Qi.

Right now, he was in the center of Chrysanthemum City, the place where trouble was most prone to occur. All the experts of the three Holy Lands were gathered here; if it were in the past, he wouldn't fear anything even if his identity was exposed. But since his strength hadn't recovered yet, he didn't dare to reveal himself!

Although he and the three Holy Lands had a great hatred between them, if it came down to choose between destroying them or saving himself, he would definitely choose to preserve his own life.

The strongest characters here now were all Saint level experts. Most of them were old enemies who wouldn't rest until he was dead. As long as he exposed even the slightest aura, they would definitely rush over and surround him completely, ripping him to shreds!

With his current strength, not mentioning defeating them, even escaping was a problem!

But if he didn't use his abilities, wanting to get rid of this relentless fly in front of him…

Was simply an impossible dream!

Just like that, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master fell into a tragic situation!

And it was a very tragic situation!

An unprecedented tragic situation that he'd never encountered every since the day he was born!

Right now, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had a miserable feeling as if he were a dragon that had fallen down into a ditch, or a tiger cast out of a mountain!

Even when the table was completely filled with food, this number one lunatic under the heavens had still not extricated himself from that miserable state. Looking at Jun Mo Xie's eyes, it seemed as if he was waiting to eat someone alive!

"Come come come, please eat, please eat, no need to be courteous;" Jun Mo Xie gestured warmly. Judging from a standpoint of a good host, Jun Mo Xie would definitely score extremely highly. But his next sentence caused the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master to feel an urge to flip the table with rage: "… In any case, we didn't bring any money, so it's a dine and dash… keke, we might as well eat. Hurry up, there'll be food if your mouth is fast. If your mouth is slow, there won't be any…"

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had only just picked up his chopsticks and he nearly spat out the wine in his mouth as he looked at Jun Mo Xie exasperatedly. "This Young Master is quite curious… can you still be even more shameless?"

"Don't speak nonsense ah, how is this Young Master shameless? This Young Master wanted to treat you to a meal out of goodwill, and you actually stain my name like this? You're really difficult to get along with! However, since you've asked, this Young Master will still be generous and teach you a thing or two. This thing called shamelessness is actually something without a limit! The art of shamelessness is actually a broad path that leads to heaven; it's a major field of study that's easy to pick up but difficult to master! It's something that's worth a lifetime of research and experimenting, that one could endlessly explore, create and learn. We need to persevere in our pursuit of this knowledge, studying and learning earnestly… We must always strive to breakthrough to greater realms of shamelessness! Of course, this Young Master is only a careless beginner in this field; how could you say that this Young Master is being shameless…" Jun Mo Xie gestured gracefully and explained, as if he was reciting a poem.

"Ai… there's no need to continue, I've already witnessed the highest peak of this field of study from you! I believe that in this particular field of expertise, your achievements has already surpassed the ancients and amazed the contemporaries, unprecedented and unparalleled in history, unexampled ever afterwards…" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master sighed in a heartfelt manner. Grabbing the wine jar, he raised it to his mouth and swallowed in huge gulps. His face was the very picture of the words 'there is no grief so great as despair'. Apart from drinking, he did not have the mood to pick up even a single piece of food on the table.

Without any appetite, forcing oneself to eat would be no different from eating wax. In that case, one might as well not eat!

Jun Mo Xie chuckled secretly in his heart, but his spiritual sense was keenly posting tabs on every single action of the person opposite him, comparing it with his own understanding in his heart.

Right now, he was already certain that this person was the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master! Furthermore, he could tell that the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's injuries had obviously not recovered yet. Otherwise, how would Jun Mo Xie dare to behave so outrageously in front of him? This was a well-known lunatic, if he still had any strength left, just a single slap would be able to smash into meat paste! Although Young Master Jun never thought lightly of himself, he still acknowledged the shocking strength of the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master.

But now, he no longer had those scruples. Jun Mo Xie would naturally not expose his true identity. All that nonsense and random talk earlier was actually done with a purpose. Otherwise, with Jun Mo Xie's character, how could he possibly do something that only provided temporary joy yet would leave behind huge troubles?

But after this round of interaction, Jun Mo Xie discovered that the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was actually not as brash and explosive as the stories described!

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master didn't have any airs about him, nor any overbearing flairs.

Actually, this was also the same kind of realm that Jun Mo Xie was pursuing!

It was also the reason for his endless nonsense earlier.

Because he was consulting and comprehending!

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's every movement and expression, represented his achievements. And this achievement was also guiding Jun Mo Xie in his comprehension, step by step!

Every step taken for a person from poverty to success, was actually a process. Without status and power, one would behave in a certain way. But one they attained success, even the most humble people would have times when they forgot themselves.

This was human nature, and there was nothing to be said against it!

That was why people of that level often began to pursue things like class, bearing, and all the things that could display one's so-called "inner qualities".

Whether it was being aloof or indifference to the world, or arrogant and domineering, they were all a kind of mask! So-called aristocratic bearings were exactly so. Purposefully pursuing such things, even if one obtained them, they would only end up losing their true self!

Only by taking another step further from that level could one reach the true peak, beginning to recognize what they truly wanted. And people of that level always used their true feelings to face the world, come what may.

If they wanted to cry, they would cry. If they wanted to laugh, they would laugh. There were no masks, no hypocrisy. That was what it truly meant to return to simplicity! Returning to simplicity with martial arts, achieving the same goal with different means!

But returning to simplicity with one's true character was the real transcendent realm! Only the current Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was the best example of such a natural being! This kind of realm, when paired with the return to simplicity with martial arts, would form the true expert!

Such outstanding people were truly rare! For the entire planet, there might not even be one person achieving such a level of harmonization even in several thousand years!

This was the true level of self achievement! Even Young Master Jun himself had not reached such a level.

Since the course of known history, Young Master Jun only knew of two person at most, who'd achieved such a realm. The first, was the Nine Nether First Young Master, who'd actually reached an even higher level that transcended even the realms of returning to the natural state. As for the other person, it was this Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master in front of him!

Although the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was still far off from Nine Nether First Young Master's level, he was still truly in that realm!

Jun Mo Xie wanted to see, just how far had he reached in that kind of realm? Could he truly merge his true self and his martial arts together such that they were both a part of himself in the most natural sense? And how far away was he from such a realm? Was it within reach, or still a far away thing?

Ever since he'd heard about the deeds of the Nine Nether Young Masters, Jun Mo Xie had a faint kind of understanding; regardless of whether they be praise or scorn, whenever the Nine Nether Young Masters were discussed, regardless of who it was, the evaluation was always the same!

Whether they were considered as mad, wild, or overbearing, these people were always true to themselves!

Because of this, Jun Mo Xie thought of something: could it be that this was a result of some kind of special cultivation technique? So after he had this thought, he specially went into the Hongjun Pagoda and searched through the information database. At the end, he came to a conclusion that even left him shocked beyond words!

There really was such a realm!

This realm was called "True Self!"

If one did not even have their "True Self", whether they threw it away, or lost it… what meaning was there in talking about cultivating immortality? What was there to talk about "breaking the void and achieving the grand dao"? So even in daoist teachings, there was something called origin!

So the true reason Young Master Jun approached the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was because apart from gaining the opportunity to meet the Nine Nether First Young Master again, there was only the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master!

That was the reason why he'd tried all kinds of tricks today to rile up the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's emotions. He was trying to comprehend this "origin" by observing the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's reactions!

As the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's emotions grew more and more volatile and somewhat out of control, Jun Mo Xie's comprehension also improved. In fact, a breakthrough was even near at hand!

True Self, Origin. So that's how it is!

Chapter 855: Are You Number Fifteen?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Speaking to here, Jun Mo Xie actually still needed to thank the three Holy Lands!

If not for the three Holy Lands' Saint level experts teaming up to injure the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, and if not for the fact that there were so many experts in this Chrysanthemum City, preventing this fellow from acting rashly… How would the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master possibly sit here and endure his anger?

If not for this fortuitous encounter this time, who knew how long it would take for Jun Mo Xie to comprehend this realm…

True Self, Origin, did not mean living as one pleased, without care for consequences. Because no matter how unrestrained one was, there was always one rule to adhere to: they must have absolute power! Only when a person had absolute power could they act as they pleased, without a care for others' opinion.

But imagine a newborn infant who'd just come into the world. Even if a magnificent and powerful tiger loomed over it, threatening to eat it, the infant would still cry and create a tantrum if it was hungry and wanted milk…

It wouldn't feel any fear!

This was the truest, natural default that everyone was born with! If these natural reactions were amplified many times and applied to any areas, when every area of a person was changed to that natural level of instinct and behaviour, one would have truly reverted to nature!

Jun Mo Xie spat out a long breath…

So the truth is actually like that!

No wonder so few people in this world succeeded. So the main reason is this.

All the people who practice martial arts in this world, pursued either increased strength of their physical bodies or spirit powers cultivation which could contend against great strength. Yet, they neglected the existence of their "self", which is the so-called True Self, or the Origin. But even of one reached the apex of strength, or if their cultivation reached the very limits, what then?

Even the greatest of strengths had a limit. Apart from needing to be complemented with an equivalent level of spirit power, it required a sufficiently stable body to hold this great strength.

And this body was unquestionably the self!

As Buddhism often said, the physical body, was the treasured cage that one must break free of to transcend beyond!

Most people would deviate further and further from this path in their pursuit for more power, until finally, they've lost themselves, losing the original meaning of their True Self!

Such people were no longer using and controlling power. Rather, their bodies were being used by the power, turning them into nothing but vessels with only the mindless craze to seek more power!

This was the kind of dangerous development always depicted in fantasy stories. People who pursued only power would eventually be consumed by power!

That way, the order had been completely reversed. It would be a wonder if they could achieve anything! These people were already at the verge of suffering from cultivation deviation; wanting to ascend to an even higher realm? That was simply a fool's dream.

Now that Jun Mo Xie had a rare flash of comprehension, he was naturally reluctant to let it go as he meditated seriously. If he began progressing with this state from the start, what would be the results?

Without a doubt, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master and the other Nine Nether Young Masters all trained like this from the beginning, which was why the results were so good. But there was also one major drawback: the endless magnification of their self confidence!

Although it was good to be confident in oneself, but this kind of over confidence would instead cause a person to whether intentionally or not, become wild and uncontrollable! Because all of them felt that in this world, there was nothing that they couldn't do; they were the strongest and were invincible. Everyone should rightfully be bowing under their feet, worshipping them, and serving them!

That way, this problem was actually incredibly severe!

After all, not everyone could reach the level of the Nine Nether First Young Master. A peerless character like him was something that only appeared once in history thus far.

Although the Nine Nether Young Masters after the Nine Nether First Young Master were also shockingly amazing characters, but their strengths were still far from reaching the terrifying levels that the First Young Master had achieved back then. When a person's confidence and arrogance were not backed up by equal levels of strength, the results would only be a tragedy!

This was also the reason why among all the Nine Nether Young Masters, only the Nine Nether First Young Master had achieved such glorious results. The other Nine Nether Young Masters were all buried in history! Actually, even the Nine Nether First Young Master had met certain bumpers in his journey as well. Wasn't he eventually also defeated at the hands of another peerless expert? Compared to the other Nine Nether Young Masters, perhaps his luck was only a bit better to not have been attacked by the entire combined force of Xuan Xuan Continent's experts like the other Nine Nether Young Masters.

Young Master Jun had never lacked in self confidence as well. However, he was not so overly confident like the Nine Nether Young Masters!

Confidence was a good thing, but excessive confidence was actually a detriment! How should one find a balance between confidence and over confidence? To have enough so as not to inhibit one's own progression, and at the same time be able to face trials and challenges while believing in oneself, recognizing one's position and drawing strength from within to continue growing?

When Jun Mo Xie was deep in thought, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was looking at him with interest.

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master who had been angered to the point of almost vomiting blood a moment ago had finally managed to recover. He was a clever person, so how could his judgement be weak? Earlier, it was because he'd been too infuriated by Jun Mo Xie's words that he rambled in that manner. Now that Jun Mo Xie had suddenly shut his mouth, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master also slowly regained his clarity. As he looked carefully, he discovered that not only had this brat stopped talking, his expression had become deep and profound, as if he'd changed into a different person…

This brat was actually in the midst of a comprehension!

The kid had just finished running his mouth and angered him till he almost died, and in the blink of an eye, he'd entered a meditative state!

This was so inconceivable that no one would accept it…

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was completely speechless!

This fellow, could he get any more shameless? The state of comprehension… was something could only be encountered, not sought! Even this Young Master did not dare to say that I can enter a state of comprehension whenever I want to. What kind of important matter is this? To think that this kid could sit there drinking and spewing nonsense while committing a despicable act like dining without paying… and subsequently gain an inspiration in the middle of it!

Wait a moment…

This kind of profound aura, it seems rather familiar… Where have I encountered it before… the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master scrunched his brows deeply and thought. This… how could it be possible?! Isn't this the True Self Spirit breakthrough of our Nine Nethers tribe? How could this appear in a place like this Xuan Xuan Continent so stained by mortal coils?!

Thinking to here, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's eyes widened with shock!

Could it be that this brat was also someone from the Nine Nethers tribe? If that were the case, it would be logical for him to recognize me. But… If he was able to recognize me, how come I wasn't able to recognize him? Also… why is his spirit aura so strange? Although it is quite similar to our tribe's mental cultivation techniques, but there are still many subtle differences. I guess it can be considered as having the same result achieved by different methods.

Also… he hasn't died yet, and he was still here, preparing to fight another large battle. If this kid is truly from the Nine Nethers tribe, how did he come out? And how did he completely not feel anything? Could it be that the Nine Nethers juniors' strength have really improved so far that it's beyond my understanding?

After a long time, Jun Mo Xie's fingers moved, and he finally awoke from that miraculous state. He immediately stretched and yawned, rubbing his eyes as he sighed in a shameless manner. "Ah, that was a truly comfortable sleep, I haven't had such a great sleep in a long time…"

He treated the state of comprehension as sleeping? The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master who was still in deep thought instantly had dark lines covering his entire forehead. The anger that he'd suppressed just a moment ago with great difficulty also rose upwards again!

"Brat, are you… Little Fifteen?" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master asked with an icy expression.

"Little Fifteen?" Jun Mo Xie was stumped for a moment. "What Little Fifteen?"

"Cut the crap! This Young Master has already seen through your identity. How did you come over here?" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master slapped the table and asked angrily. "Don't you know how to respect your elders? Even if you don't care about the people of this world, you should at least be respectful to me? I really wonder how the elders of your family taught you!"

"Hey man, I really don't understand what you're talking about. Are you even speaking Chinese?" Jun Mo Xie frowned with annoyance as he asked. However, his mind instantly turned clear. So this fellow thinks that I'm the Nine Nether Fifteenth Young Master… Seen through my identity? F*ck, I wonder what's going on in his head. Besides, even if this Young Master wanted to name myself after a number, I would still be the Nine Firmament First Old Master. Why should I be numbered behind you?

"Brat, look at this." Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master stared at him and stretched out his right arm, placing his five long fingers flat against the table's surface. Suddenly, the color of his fingers slowly changed, turning into dark shadows. A layer of milky white mist hung around the shadows.

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master smiled lightly, and his fingers returned to their original form in an instant. This demonstration was extremely quick, and apart from the two of them, nobody else even saw anything strange.

This unique transformation was a special technique that only belonged to the Nine Nethers Tribe!

This technique was actually nothing amazing, and it was only a secret skill that they used as a concealment technique in the Nine Nethers realm. But in this world, it basically did not have much use. However, it had become the unique method used to identify each other…

Except the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's efforts today were no different than playing a show to a blind man. It was completely useless!

"Have you seen it clearly? Still want to continue acting in front of me?" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master smiled cynically as he looked at Jun Mo Xie. He leaned casually against his chair and looked at him with a gaze as if he were evaluating a junior. "So, how did you come here? Hurry up and say it!"

"En, I saw it very clearly! However, I still don't know what to say to you! Just now, I said that you were autistic so as to help you get off the stage. But now, I truly wonder…" Jun Mo Xie shook his head. "You… aren't really autistic, right?"

"Damn brat!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master stretched out his hand and grabbed Jun Mo Xie's wrist; Jun Mo Xie did not dodge, allowing himself to be grabbed. Internally, his guts were already getting knotted up from laughing…

Chapter 856: Zhan Mu Bai's Request

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"So you really weren't…" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master retracted his hand, a little embarrassed. He had separated a strand of Qi into Jun Mo Xie's meridians to check; he clearly felt the other party's pure and dense Xuan Qi, but it definitely was not the unique strength that only belonged to the Nine Nether race. Instead, it was a type of extraordinary, profound, and wide-ranging, powerful skill that he had never seen before…

It was clear, he had indeed been greatly mistaken.

But this lad did not avoid or shun, allowing me to just grab his pulse was an extremely rare form of trust… The Nine Nether Fourteen Young Master felt comforted. For thousands of years, this is first person who trusts me so much… although he probably still does not know of my identity…

Just at this moment, footsteps came from the entrance of Tanguan Hall that the two were facing. Two people came walking in, side by side. Behind them, five people followed them in in a single file.

Jun Mo Xie's pupils constricted, before returning to its normal state. He lifted up his chopsticks and began to feast, not the least concerned.

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had no change in his expression, completely unaffected.

Both of them had the same thought. What a coincidence! Bumping into an acquaintance again.

Jun Mo Xie was not in his original appearance, but he was also not in the disguise of the ugly 'Dongfang Da Shu'. As to the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master… God knew what he looked like originally…

But the people who had just entered were truly acquaintances, and common acquaintances of the both of them!

The two people who were leading the rest were the Saint Emperor expert of Elusive World of Immortals, Zhan Mu Bai, and the Saint Emperor expert who had led the joint attack on the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, Cao Guo Feng from Misty Illusory Manor!

Those who came in after them were other people from Misty Illusory Manor, the Saint Emperor surnamed Bai and a few others.

Jun Mo Xie and the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had extremely deep impressions of these people.

But neither of them showed any signs of abnormality.

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master currently had yet to fully recover from his heavy injuries; he had no strength to protect himself. Although Young Master Jun was full of energy, but his real capabilities were still insufficient, so he temporarily did not have the rights to go and start a fight directly yet. If there was any flaw in his expression or aura that would give him away, then he would literally be looking for his own death!

The three dead enemies had gathered all in this Tanguan Hall within one morning! This could be counted as a miracle…

"This is Tanguan Hall, the number one place for entertainment in Chrysanthemum City. Be it eating or drinking, or enjoying songs or dance, this place is the best place for it!" The person speaking was Zhan Mu Bai, as the head of the Zhan Family. Naturally, he would be the host in Chrysanthemum City. He added in a slightly proud tone. "It is also right here, where The Song of Laughing Proudly in the Pugilistic World had originated from a couple of days earlier, so popular and appealing to the masses that it spread all over the world in merely a few days!"

"Truly a great place." Cao Guo Feng chuckled gracefully. "Brother Zhan, you're playing host today, so the few of us shall have a good feast! Today, let's only have small talk and get drunk as much as we wish, alright?"

Zhan Mu Bai chuckled."Brother Cao, you didn't need to seal my mouth off first. You must know that with our level, it doesn't matter if we skimp on a meal or not. Since I've invited everyone here, naturally it is because I have a request to make."

Without waiting for Cao Guo Feng to reply, Zhan Mu Bai gestured the way and said, "Please, head upstairs."

Cao Guo Feng stood at the entrance and replied, "Why go through the trouble; why not just sit here? We have been away from the mundane world for many years. Why not let us immerse ourselves amidst the crowd; take it as a form of cultivation as well."

Zhan Mu Bai chuckled. "Haha, indeed, experiencing the lifestyle of the mundane world is also a form of cultivation. Let's go with what Brother Cao says." Then, all of them randomly settled down in their seats at a random table in the hall.

Although his words sounded pleasing, but Zhan Mu Bai was feeling a little annoyed. Cao Guo Feng refusing to go upstairs for their conversation was the equivalent of rejecting his request. How was a public place like this apt for a confidential discussion!

This place was too crowded, and perhaps to the ordinary people, it may be not suitable for a discussion in fear of listening ears. But with a Saint's capability, it didn't matter no matter what sort of environment it was; it could all be easily resolved by the voice transference technique.

But Cao Guo Feng had used this unique environment to tell Zhan Mu Bai in a roundabout manner. The matter that you want to speak to me with is extremely inconvenient; don't bring it up again!

As a willy fox who had lived for a few hundred years, he was extremely intelligent! He could easily guessed what Zhan Mu Bai wanted to request of him. So he cut it off straight away. It was better than saying it out and making everyone awkward. And Zhan Mu Bai understood the meaning behind this.

The table that they had picked was unfortunately coincidentally near the table Jun Mo Xie was at.

Jun Mo Xie and the Nine Nether Fourteen Young Master exchanged looks, revealing a bitter smile.

"Since you are not from my hometown, could you have met me before? If we had never met before, then it is really too puzzling for this Young Master." The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master asked.

"How should I say this.. Perhaps I should put it this way. The biggest reason why I struck a conversation with you is… because we are both similarly mistrustful." Jun Mo Xie had suppressed his own cultivation level to that of a Silver Xuan, but he did not suppress his volume when speaking, talking like a normal person. "Because I'm mistrustful, naturally I'd investigate upon seeing you, a suspicious foreigner who suddenly appeared here. And because you are also mistrustful, naturally you'll overthink…"

"What a great 'because of mistrust'!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master laughed. "That's right! The greatest flaw of humans is that they are too mistrustful! Precisely because of mistrust, they have missed their chance on too, too many things, to the point they even destroy their own happiness and family. But then again, it is also because of mistrust and caution that many people are able to have achievements! This is the best explanation I have ever heard. Let us have a toast to the word 'mistrust'!"

"What a great 'mistrust'! Hahaha, since ancient times, be it monarchs, generals, officials, or unrivalled experts, which one of them were not mistrustful! Your 'Discussion of Mistrust' is truly matches my tastes! I'm extremely happy!" A bright laughter came from beside them. "This Old man shall also join you for a toast! Please!"

The person who continued the conversation was Cao Guo Feng!

His pair of eyes looked at Jun Mo Xie and the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, his face expressing the same sentiments he felt. Just as his eyes landed on Jun Mo Xie, it froze. Then a glint flashed across his eyes. It was a look of extreme shock.

He rubbed his eyes, carefully observing Jun Mo Xie, full of doubt. The look in his eyes slowly changing to that of extreme joy.

Cao Guo Feng's words had instantly drawn the attention of the other few experts. Young Master Jun and the Nine Nether Fourteen Young Master simultaneously felt eight powerful spiritual senses coiling around them, thoroughly scanning through every single pore of their body, even lingering for a long time…

However, Jun Mo Xie sharply noticed that there was something off about the look in Cao Guo Feng's eyes. Could it be that he had discovered something?

The duo held their expressions, as if they had completely did not notice all those spirit sense weaving around them. Smiling, they tilted their heads and gulped down the wine in their cups.

"Brother Cao is truly in high spirits." Zhan Mu Bai instantly understood after using his spirit sense on checking out the two people at the table nearby. That youth in white could be considered a talent in terms of the mundane world, to have the cultivation level of a Silver Xuan for his age. Although it was extremely rare, it was still insignificant to draw the attention of these Saint level experts. As to the man in black opposite, he was just an ordinary person with nothing unusual about him.

Cao Guo Feng suddenly joining the conversation was clearly trying to change his topic completely, leaving him with no chance to bring it back. This left Zhan Mu Bai feeling extremely pissed internally. He instantly kept his spirit sense and got straight to the point. "Brother Cao, I believe you know what I mean. Although I have been out of the mundane world for a long time, but I am still a member of the Zhan Family. My greatest wish is for the family to continue expanding, leaving generations after generations. Today, all I seek is for one of my junior descendants to become a disciple of Brother Cao. Why must Brother Cao be so stubborn? If we are able to make good affinity through this, it will be a benefit to both of us!"

Cao Guo Feng's expression instantly changed. His tone turning serious as he slowly placed his wine cup down. He let out a long sigh. "Brother Zhan, since you spoke straight to the point, then I shall be honest with you… You should know that the Zhan Family serves the Elusive World of Immortals! And the Illusory Manor can accept people from anywhere, but we absolutely must not take any resources that belongs to the three Holy Lands… You and I are aware of the reasons behind this. Is it me being stubborn, or are you forcing me to do something? This matter… concerns the ancestral teachings that our ancestors left behind. Brother Zhan's constant forcing is an act of defying the original intentions of our ancestors, isn't it?"

"How could I be unaware of all the reasons?" A helpless look filled Zhan Mu Bai's eyes. "It is not because I wish to force you and make things difficult, but this matter… really needs Brother Cao's help. That descendant of mine has the Xuan Yin Death meridian in him. In this world, only the specially cultivated Warm Yang Xuan Qi by Brother Cao's sect is able to slowly treat it. And only by becoming Brother Cao's disciple, after the Xuan Yin Death meridian has been dispelled, then can all that Xuan Yin Qi be converted into the purest Warm Yang Xuan Qi, creating an unprecedented Xuan Qi talent! If Brother Cao is unwilling to help… then all that Xuan Yin Qi in that descendant of mine will have no means of being neutralized, and he will definitely not live past thirty…"

Cao Guo Feng held his wine cup and went into deep thoughts before speaking, "Brother Zhan, the Zhan Family population is in abundance, so there should be a few thousand of you. As the senior of the Zhan Family, you should treat everyone the same and view them all equally. But why are you so fixated on this youth? To be willing to lower yourself to make this request of me?!"

Zhan Mu Bai laughed bitterly. "Back when the Zhan Family was a mere small family, I was just one of the subsidiaries of the family. I had managed to gain the rightful heir through my efforts. For hundreds of years, indeed the Zhan Family has been expanding, but the Zhan Family that has blood relations with me, only has this single child left today! If Brother Cao is really unwilling to lend me your aid this time, I'm afraid that in a few decades, while the rest of the Zhan Family continues to have many offsprings, but this one subsidiary under me will really have no descendants anymore…

Chapter 857: Free and Natural Physique

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"So that was the case!" Cao Guo Feng came to a sudden realisation. No one could imagine the fixation people their level and age have towards having their own direct line of descendants. So when Zhan Mu Bai mentioned it, he also instantly understood.

But precisely because he had understood, he felt even more troubled.

If he helped this favor, he would go against his ancestral teachings. If he didn't help, he would greatly offend Zhan Mu Bai. After this descendant passed, he would have made himself a strong enemy without any reason! He may not be afraid, but it would still be a big problem!

What should I do? No matter what choice I pick, it will still be wrong!

There was benefit to situating themselves in public. Zhan Mu Bai did not lower his voice when he was talking and simply laid everything out in the open. Everyone present heard it. This left Cao Guo Feng with no way to retreat.

Jun Mo Xie and the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master who had coincidentally overheard this conversation also naturally understood. The two exchanged looks, mutually taking delight in Zhan Mu Bai's misfortune. Who knew this powerful Saint Emperor Zhan Mu Bai was going to face the crisis of not having any more descendants soon…

"The Warm Yang Xuan Skill that our sect passes down is definitely the best for basic cultivation for countering Xuan Yin Death meridian…" Cao Guo Feng said with great difficulty. "But that is still on the basis accumulated work and the process of dispelling will take a long time, making progress with each bit of the Xuan Yin Death meridian before being dispelled. Only then can it be converted to personal Xuan Qi through the secret incantations. As to completely converting all the meridians of the body from Xuan Yin to Warm Yang… It will take about thirty years at the very least, and it will be an extremely long process where both Master and disciple will need to fork out large amount of efforts…

"Due to the peculiar nature of our sect's Xuan Skills, we have only passed our skills down to a single disciple between generations. For hundreds of years till now, I have never accepted any disciples because I was choosing one to inherit my skills. If it was before Brother Zhan had brought up this matter like this today, I may accept it no matter how difficult it is, but…

Cao Guo Feng laughed bitterly without a choice. "Let's not even talk about our ancestral teachings. I accidentally discovered someone who has another type of peculiar physique that is the dream disciple of all Xuan cultivators… Free and Natural Physique! And this person is right before me… I cannot help but feel tempted…"

"Free and Natural Physique? Is it really Free and Natural Physique? Who is it? Where?" Not only Zhan Mu Bai paid attention, but all the other Saint Emperor experts couldn't hold back their curiosity and asked. A look of extreme shock upon their faces. Some of them even had a fervent look in their eyes.

You couldn't blame them for overreacting. This so-called 'Free and Natural Physique' was truly too rare!

It made a natural prodigy for cultivating. Be it their soul, bone structure, muscles, or meridians, they were all in a natural state of being 'free and natural', completely untainted!

And a natural genius like this was too hard to come by.

Because no matter what sort of physique this person had innately, the moment they were born, they'd be in this sort of unique state, but over a couple of days, because of food intake and breathing, they will be tainted. This was a fact that no one could escape from.

But these Xuan Cultivating Sects could not gather and wait outside every delivery room of woman giving birth. Besides, even if they watch over hundred thousands of women giving birth, they may not necessarily be able to meet a child that was of a free and natural physique…

So this had always been a legend. In the ten thousands of years of Xuan Xuan Continent, it seemed like only one had appeared before! This was mentioned in the Nine Nether First Young Master's personal letter that had been passed down, hence there was no doubt. And thus it became a legend that was passed down…

If a baby possessing the free and natural physique were really to appear before these Saint Emperor experts right now, they'd probably all be exchanging blows to snatch the rights to him!

The Nine Nether First Young Master's letter had clearly stated, as long as it was nurtured according to unique methods, after he had grown, he would be able to level up to a Saint within fifty years!

A fifty year old Saint! This was a godly miracle!

Vestige that belonged to the Gods!

And this sort of achievement was only the beginning. This person had absolutely no limits in his future. As long as this wonder was given enough space to grow, his achievements would be unprecedented!

This was a big affair that brought pride and glory to the ancestors! The number one expert in the whole of history! Whoever who took in a disciple like this would be the master of the number one expert!

When that time came, how could a Saint Emperor compare?

No one doubted this vague legend that had no proof. Because the Nine Nether First Young Master had admitted in his letter. He himself was a cultivator with a free and natural physique!

What sort of achievements did the Nine Nether First Young Master have? He was the unrivalled peak throughout history, the founding ancestor of Xuan Skills, all the Xuan cultivator of Xuan Xuan Continent! The absolute existence that all Xuan cultivators from past till now admired!

Everyone's breathing got heavy. They all looked intensely at Cao Guo Feng. It looked like if Cao Guo Feng did not spill it, everyone would attack him already…

Cao Guo Feng let out a bitter smile, a look of genuine regret on his face. He was careless and accidentally let it slip. He felt the urge to knock himself to death… With great difficulty, he said, "Everyone here has their own close disciples; there's no need to fight with me over him. Besides, I am still unable to confirm. It is just a hunch…"

"A hunch? Who is it? Whose child is it?" Zhan Mu Bai's face was extremely red as he breathed heavily. Perhaps others would be embarrassed to fight for it, but for him, all his disciples were surnamed Zhan, so naturally he counted them as his own descendants. Passing of skills within the family didn't count as snatching a disciple…

If he had a disciple who was a prodigy with a free and natural physique, having that supreme glory… Something like this could have Zhan Mu Bai fainting from merely imagining it for a while! If he could really have this glory, then so what if he really had no descendants!

"Seemingly far away, actually close at hand. This person with the free and natural physique… is him!" Cao Guo Feng was left without a choice under the eyes that looked like they were about to devour him. He understood that if he didn't spill it, he would offend all seven people. And they would keep tight surveillance on him, so his wishes would also be unable to be accomplished. Left without any other choice, he pointed his finger.

Everyone looked in the direction of his hand, their sights landing on an extremely surprised face! Under the scrutiny of everyone, that face instantly crumbled and looked troubled!

Cao Guo Feng had pointed at… Young Master Jun!

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master jerked, suddenly breaking out in loud laughter, spitting his tea all over the stupefied Jun Mo Xie. Jun Mo Xie had the urge beat this maniacal jerk to death. I am wearing a mask! What is up with you spitting all over me? If my real appearance is exposed cause of this, then aren't I doomed for good?

He hurriedly carefully dried himself. This really frightened him… Even if the mask did not fall off, it would be game over even if I accidentally wrinkle the skin when drying off…

Fortunately, this did not happen, although the current situation was a little 'dramatic'…

But luck would never follow one person for too long, and a even more dramatic scene occurred!

The next instance, eight men instantly stretched their hands over. Young Master Jun had yet to have any reaction, and his entire body was captured by those Saint Emperors and placed on the table, carefully scrutinized.

Observing Young Master Jun's body with a fervent and intense look in their eyes! Thank goodness there were clothes covering him, or if not, what would it become?!

Cao Guo Feng was extremely happy and surprised! He had never imagined that randomly coming to meet Zhan Mu Bai, just by randomly joining someone's conversation to change the topic, he had discovered a treasure! It was simply too lucky!

The two who were conversing, that youth in white, was of the legendary free and and natural physique!

Cao Guo Feng had barely believed his eyes earlier, but after carefully taking a few looks, he finally confirmed. It really is! Oh my God, it's real…

Cao Guo Feng at this moment was barely away from having a stroke! Heavens! Earth! Which fairy deity did such a good thing? To let such a wonder appear right before my eyes!

Thank goodness I refused to accept any disciples all these years, otherwise… I can only pass down to one person from each generation! Pei, so what if I had accepted a disciple, I can just chase the one I accepted earlier out and accept this one before me. Even if there is great price to pay, it'll be worth it…

So since he had found out this super prodigy, Cao Guo Feng's brain was clearly not enough for use anymore. His speech barely matched the conversation, only focusing on how could he secretly bring him back without anyone suspecting. There were numerous despicable people who were easily jealous in this world… Even if it were himself, seeing someone else take in a disciple like this, he'd probably be extremely jealous…

But because his thoughts were wandering, he finally let it slip!

Cao Guo Feng did not give any consideration when Zhan Mu Bai brought up the physique of his descendant. He was just trying to reject it, but because of a moment of folly, he accidentally let the words 'free and natural physique' slipped…

At that instant, Cao Guo Feng had the urge to kill himself!

I… what did I say just now… I accidentally let that secret out… I… I deserve to die…

How great would it be if I had secretly accepted this disciple, bringing him back to nurture him? The Misty Illusory Manor has no relations with the mundane world, and there is so much room for growing in there! And by the time I die of old age, this disciple would more or less be invincible already…