

Chapter 711 - Creating the Antidote

"Anyway, what are we waiting for? Now that we have collected all of the ingredients, let's hurry up and heal Xing'er!" Xie Wang said a moment later.

"Calm down, old man. There's no need to be so impatient. Nothing will have to Xing'er even if we wait a few more days," Su Yang said to him.

"Huh? Why wait when we can heal her now?" Xie Wang asked him with wide eyes.

Su Yang shook his head and said, "Just because we have the ingredients does not mean we can immediately use them. We will need at least another week to prepare the antidote for her condition."

"Is that so…" Xie Wang nodded, and then he looked at the large egg in Su Yang's hands and asked, "By the way, what kind of egg is that? I have never seen anything like that before."

"That's the Purple Qilin's unborn baby. We brought it back with us hoping to grow and train it to become a powerful Guardian Spirit for the Eastern Continent," Xie Xingfang said.

"What?! The Purple Qilin's baby?!" Xie Wang and Lord Xie exclaimed at the same time.

"Purple Qilins?" Lian Li raised her eyebrows, hearing of their existence for the first time since they did not exist in the Holy Central Continent.

"Even if you say that… How exactly do we train Purple Qilins? And how long do they usually take to hatch?" Lord Xie asked.

"Uhh…" Xie Xingfang turned to look at Su Yang for help.

Su Yang looked at the Purple Qilin egg for a moment before speaking, "Judging from the spiritual energy coming from this thing, it should hatch within four to six months."

"Six months, huh. That's not bad."

"As for training Purple Qilins… I have no idea since they're not really Guardian Spirits. Though, Purple Qilins obey the strong, so as long as assert your dominance and let it know that you are its owner, it should listen to you."

"Eh? We cannot train it as a Guardian Spirit?" Xie Xingfang said in a surprised voice.

Su Yang shook his head and said, "Guardian Spirits are called Guardian Spirits for a reason— not every magical beast has the capability to become a Guardian Beast. However, that is not to say you cannot train magical beasts to act like one, as the concept is pretty much the same."

"I see…" Xie Xingfang nodded.

"Anyway, you can take this thing. I am going to prepare the medicine for Xing'er. Ah, in the meantime, bring me some more ingredients," Su Yang said as he handed the large egg to Xie Wang before pulling out a piece of paper and brush.

After writing a list of things, he handed the list to Lord Xie and said, "The ingredients listed there are neither rare nor hard to find, but I will need them in large quantities. Have it ready before the medicine is ready next week."


Lord Xie was speechless. When did the Xie Family start working for Su Yang, and why are they being treated as though they were his servants?

But alas, as much as he wanted to complain, he didn't dare to utter a single word, as he had enough of being scolded by Su Yang, and it was much easier to just do as he was told than to argue with Su Yang since it was impossible to win against him.

After handing the list of ingredients to Lord Xie, Su Yang said, "I am going to go into closed cultivation for an entire week until the medicine is ready. Do not disturb me until then."

The people there nodded before watching Su Yang calmly return to his room.

Once Su Yang locked himself inside his room, he retrieved all of the ingredients needed to create the antidote and a cauldron and began working.

Meanwhile, the Xie Family scrambled to gather the new ingredients listed by Su Yang.

"Heavens, why does he need so much medicine? They may not be rare, but wanting such large quantities of medicine with such a short notice is also as difficult as gathering rare medicine!" Lord Xie complained to the empty air as he organized the entire thing.

"This is enough medicine to last an entire sect for multiple years or treat over one million patients!"

Meanwhile, Xie Xingfang was dragged by Zhu Mengyi and the other ladies into another room, where they spent an entire week talking to each other about their experience with Su Yang and anything related to Su Yang, almost like a group of girls during a sleepover.

A week passed in the blink of an eye, and after leaving his room, Su Yang went to look for Lord Xie to retrieve his ingredients.

"Do you have them?" Su Yang asked Lord Xie, who had an annoyed expression on his face.

"Take it." Lord Xie tossed a storage ring to Su Yang.

"What about the antidote? Is it complete?" Lord Xie asked Su Yang afterward.

"Yes. I am going to treat Xing'er now." Su Yang nodded.

"Really? I will come with you." Lord Xie said.

"Do whatever you want."

Lord Xie then followed Su Yang around.

Sometime later, everyone was gathered before Su Yang.

"Xing'er, I am going to treat your body today," Su Yang said to her.

"Okay. I just need to bathe in it, right? The bath is already prepared, we can do this whenever—"

"We're going to do this elsewhere," Su Yang suddenly interrupted her.

"Huh? Where are we going to go?" Xie Xingfang asked with raised eyebrows.

"Follow me."

Su Yang proceeded to lead everyone outside Snowfall City and towards the mountain range a few miles away.

"This direction is… The Celestial Pond?" Xie Wang immediately realized where Su Yang was trying to bring them.

"That's right." Su Yang nodded.

"But the Celestial Pond is closed already…" Liu Lanzhi said to him, still feeling slightly bitter about what had happened.

"Closed? We'll see about that," Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

Chapter 712 - Opening the Formation

After reaching the location that contained the Celestial Pond, Su Yang proceeded to stare at the empty space for many minutes in silence.

Meanwhile, the others there wondered what he was doing.

"What's he doing?" Zhu Mengyi asked out loud, as this is her first time being there.

"He's probably trying to break the formation that conceals the location of the Celestial Pond," Liu Lanzhi said, and she proceeded to explain to them the Celestial Pond in detail.

"The Celestial Pond only opens once every 100 years for seven days before closing again. However, Su Yang thinks he can open the Celestial Pond sooner than that. Though, even if he can open the portal to the Celestial Pond, I don't know how he'll use the Celestial Pond since it recently dried up."

"Lord Xie, if I recall correctly, you doubted my abilities, right? You think I cannot open the portal to the Celestial Pond by myself, right?" Su Yang suddenly looked at Lord Xie with a smile on his face.


Lord Xie sighed inwardly, as he can already imagine the humiliation that he's about to experience once again.

"That's right." However, Lord Xie did not back down and nodded his head with a serious expression on his face.

"And even if you somehow manage to crack the formation and open the portal to the Celestial Pond, the Celestial Pond has already dried up its resources and unless you have heaven-defying abilities to restore the Celestial Pond, even you cannot do anything about it!"

"You sound very confident about that, little boy. But are you confident enough to make another bet with me?" Su Yang narrowed his eyes at Lord Xie.

"L-Little boy?"

A strong chill appeared in Lord Xie's spine, and his body trembled a second later, yet he didn't dare to refute Su Yang, as he was indeed a mere child in the presence of someone who used to be an Immortal.

"If you want me to run around the city n.a.k.e.d then I will have to refuse…" Lord Xie narrowed his eyes and said.

"Hahaha… Don't worry, I won't ask for something like that. Instead, if I manage to open the formation and restore the Celestial Pond, I will take something you value the most in this world," Su Yang said, dumbfounding him.

"What I value the most in this world?" Lord Xie raised his eyebrows in a puzzled manner. What did Su Yang mean by that? He couldn't understand the meaning behind Su Yang's words as it was too vague.

Meanwhile, Xie Xingfang immediately realized Su Yang's intent and blushed in the background.

"In return, if I cannot break the formation or restore the Celestial Pond, I will give you a Divine-grade cultivation technique and a Divine-grade martial technique that is above the Immortal-grade." Su Yang suddenly said, shocking everybody there.

"Divine-grade cultivation technique and martial technique?! Are you serious?!" Lord Xie exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes, it's something that belongs to the Divine Heavens." Su Yang nodded.

"Deal!" Lord Xie immediately said a second later, as he was not willing to let go of such a chance no matter what he had to sacrifice!

"Very well…" A mysterious smile appeared on Su Yang's face before he turned around and returned to facing the empty air.

A few minutes later, Su Yang finally moved, and he gently tapped the empty air with his finger that was glowing golden light before drawing a complex pattern in the air, making it seem as though a firefly was flying around.

After drawing the first symbol in the air, Su Yang continued onto the second one… a third symbol… until he drew 99 symbols in the air.

"This is the last one." Su Yang's eyes then flickered with a profound light, and he stabbed his finger into the air as though it was a sword, creating a streak of golden light in the air.


A massive crack suddenly appeared in the air before exploding into countless fragments, revealing the hidden portal.

"Although I do not know who placed this formation here, it's actually quite complex. Furthermore, if one tries to force their way through the formation, it will explode, and the formation contains enough spiritual energy to blow up everyone here and Snowfall City instantly," Su Yang said afterward.


Everybody there exclaimed in a shocked voice after hearing this shocking revelation. The formation could've exploded and destroyed the entire city? That's ridiculous!

"And you didn't even try to warn us before trying?! What if you'd screwed up?! You would've killed all of us!" Lord Xie exclaimed in an angry voice.

"Hahaha… that's only if I tried to force my way through it. I didn't do that, so even if I'd failed, it wouldn't explode." Su Yang laughed at his reaction.

"Then what did you do?" Lord Xie asked him.

"I opened it with the key, that's all." Su Yang shrugged.

"That doesn't even make any sense!" Lord Xie frowned.

"It's the difference between someone opening a closed door with the keys and another opening the door with a forceful kick. It's two completely different things," Su Yang shook his head and said.

"Anyway, now that the portal to the Celestial Pond is opened, let's hurry and deal with the other problem— restoring the Celestial Pond."

Su Yang then jumped into the portal without any hesitation, and the others quickly followed.

'Can Su Yang really restore the Celestial Pond?' Lord Xie pondered to himself with a serious expression on his face as he entered the portal, as that would, without doubt, shake the entire world, allowing them to use the Celestial Pond multiple times without needing to wait 100 years every single time!

Sometime later, once everyone was inside the portal, they approached the dried-up Celestial Pond and watched as Su Yang stood beside the golden tree before placing his hands onto it and closing his eyes, seemingly trying to analyze it.

Many minutes of silence later, Su Yang opened his eyes, and he turned to look at Lord Xie with a smile on his face, "Make sure you watch closely. You don't want to miss this, as this will be the moment I take your most valuable treasure."

Chapter 713 - Restoring the Celestial Pond

"If you can restore the Celestial Pond then hurry up and do it…" Lord Xie said in a sighing voice, already feeling defeated despite nothing has happened yet.

Su Yang then retrieved the ingredients he'd asked Lord Xie to obtain right before he entered closed cultivation and tossed them all into the empty Celestial Pond.

"What the heck? This is why he wanted those ingredients? For the Celestial Pond?" Lord Xie watched with wide eyes as Su Yang filled the small pond to the brim with enough medicine and herbs to last for many years.

Once everything was inside the pond, Su Yang turned to look at Zhu Mengyi and said, "Go ahead and use your Alchemy Flames to burn everything in here."

"Huh?" Zhu Mengyi looked at him with wide eyes.

"You want me to burn everything? Like until it turns to ashes?"

She asked him just in case.

"Yes." Su Yang immediately nodded.

"If you say so…" Zhe Mengyi then tossed a ball of her Azure Flames into the pond, quickly burning the medicine and herbs until only ashes remained.

"What on earth…?" Lord Xie stared at the pitch-black pond with a dazed expression on his face.

"How the hell is this going to restore the Celestial Pond?!"

He couldn't help but exclaim a moment later.

"Just shut up for a minute and watch won't you?" Su Yang shook his head before returning to the Celestial Pond that is now filled with burnt medicine and herbs.

He then retrieved a glass bottle from his storage ring that contained some mysterious liquid, and instead of pouring it into the pond of burnt medicine, he splashed it onto the golden tree.

A few moments later, the golden tree released a drop of golden liquid, falling directly into the burnt medicines in the pond.

The moment the drop of golden liquid from the tree touched the burnt medicine, almost as though it was being dyed, all of the burnt medicine in the pond quickly turned gold in a ripple effect!

"What the…?" Lord Xie and the others watched with wide eyes as the burnt medicine suddenly turned into something entirely different!

Once all of the burnt medicine turned golden, Su Yang retrieved another bottle of liquid and poured it into the golden medicine.

A few seconds later, the golden medicine began melting until the entire Celestial Pond was filled with golden water again, resembling what the Celestial Pond looked like before it had its resources dried up!

"Heavens! The Celestial Pond has been restored!" Xie Wang cried out loud when he sensed the powerful spiritual energy emitting from the golden water. In fact, the water feels even more luxurious than normally!

"This is…" Lord Xie suddenly began approaching the Celestial Pond.

Once he was right before it, he kneeled on the ground and scooped up a handful of the golden water before staring at it intensively in silence.

A few moments later, Lord Xie placed the golden water back into the pond before turning to look at Su Yang with a perplexed expression on his face.

"You win. What do you want from me?" Lord Xie spoke in a defeated voice.

However, despite losing the bet, he did not feel bitterness. In fact, he was overwhelmed with excitement and delight.

And hearing Lord Xie's question, a smile appeared on Su Yang's face as he slowly lifted his arm and pointed towards Xie Xingfang's direction.

"Your daughter— I'll be taking Xing'er," Su Yang spoke in a calm voice.

"You… what?" Lord Xie could feel his eyes popping out of its sockets when he heard Su Yang's words.

Even Xie Wang was no different as he stared at Su Yang with his eyes and mouth as wide as saucers.

Meanwhile, Xie Xingfang lowered her head slightly to hide the redness and smile on her face. Even Liu Lanzhi and the other two disciples couldn't believe their ears and stood there with a dazed expression on their faces.

"Did you not hear me? I said I am going to take Xing'er with me, as she is one of your most valued treasures." Su Yang repeated a smile on his face.

He then turned to look at Xie Xingfang and spoke, "Xing'er, come over here."

Xie Xingfang nodded in a bashful manner before walking to stand beside him.

Su Yang then wrapped his arm around Xie Xingfang's shoulder before continuing with a smirk on his face, "Xing'er, your father has lost a bet with me, so I'll be taking you for compensation, and you'll be my woman from now on."

"Outrageous!" Lord Xie shouted in an angry voice a moment later, creating ripples in the Celestial Pond.

"What are you angry about? You lost a bet, and as agreed, I'll be taking your most valued treasure, which is your daughter, Xing'er. Or are you going to go back on your words, huh?" Su Yang shook his head.

"You… you…!" Lord Xie pointed at him with his entire body trembling from anger. "You tricked me, you bastard!"

"Su Yang, you can stop teasing my father now," Xie Xingfang said to him when things were starting to get out of control.

"W-What?" Lord Xie turned to look at Xie Xingfang with a dumbfounded gaze. He was being teased?

Xie Xingfang then turned to look at her father and spoke with a serious expression on her beautiful face, "Father, your bet with Su Yang has nothing to do with this, as I would've followed Su Yang regardless of the results."

"You… huh?" Lord Xie still held a dumbfounded expression on his face like a dumb chicken, as he was unable to comprehend the situation.

Xie Wang, on the other hand, shook his head with a bittersweet smile on his face as he understood everything.

Seeing that her father was still puzzled about the situation, Xie Xingfang sighed in a low voice before turning to look at Su Yang.

"Su Yang, kiss me," she said to him with a rosy blush on her face.

"With pleasure," Su Yang immediately lifted her chin with his hands before kissing her on the lips directly in front of Lord Xie.


The next moment, Lord Xie's eyes rolled behind his head and fainted, and he fell into the Celestial Pond a second later, dumbfounding everyone there with his exaggerated reaction.

Chapter 714 - You'll Never Win Against Him

"Fa-Father?!" Xie Xingfang shouted in a surprised voice before she quickly went to drag Lord Xie out of the Celestial Pond so that he wouldn't drown, which will surely become one of the most ridiculous deaths ever in history for a Cultivator at the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

"If he cannot handle a little kiss on the lips, who knows how he'll react once he learns about 'that'..." Su Yang shook his head at Lord Xie's exaggerated reaction.

"Xing'er… Have you really decided to follow him?" Xie Wang suddenly approached them and asked her.

"Un." Xie Xingfang nodded her head before speaking, "I no longer have any more hesitation or doubt in my mind or heart. I want to follow Su Yang no matter where he goes."

Xie Wang released a long sigh before nodding, "I knew this day would come sooner or later. Despite your hesitation before, I knew it wouldn't last long with someone like Su Yang."

He then looked at Su Yang and continued, "Congratulations on conquering my granddaughter, Su Yang. If it had been anyone else, I wouldn't be this calm or supportive. However, you… I know you will take care of her no matter where you guys decide to go."

Xie Wang then picked up Lord Xie and said, "I'll take him back home for now, and don't you dare come back without a healthy body again."

After Xie Wang left the Celestial Pond with Lord Xie, the others there also decided to leave them alone.

"Good luck, Su Yang, Xing'er…" Liu Lanzhi said to them before leaving.

Once everyone disappeared from the Celestial Pond, leaving Su Yang and Xie Xingfang alone, Su Yang said, "Let's get this over with, shall we?"

Xie Xingfang nodded.

"We are going to use the Celestial Pond as your bath, as that would increase the effects of the poison and improve the chances of healing your body," Su Yang said.

"Won't that also affect the Celestial Pond itself? If we contaminate it with the poison…" Xie Xingfang expressed her concerns.

"You don't have to worry about contaminating the Celestial Pond with the poison, Xing'er, since the real Celestial Pond is this tree right here, and as long as we don't get it into its roots, it'll be fine. I have already created a formation around the tree to protect it against the poison later," Su Yang explained to her, relieving her of her worries.

Su Yang then retrieved a dozen pills and around 7 bottles containing unknown liquids, placing them right in front of the Celestial Pond.

"Are those…?" Xie Xingfang could feel the toxicity coming from these items even without touching it, feeling as though she had returned to the Abandoned Forest.

"Yes, these are the ingredients that were gathered for this occasion. Every single one of these could instantly kill even a Sovereign Spirit Realm Cultivator before they can open their mouth and scream."

Xie Xingfang began to sweat after hearing his words. Despite having the Thousand Poisons Body and being immune to nearly every poison in existence, bathing in such potent poison still caused her spirit to tremble.

Seeing how Xie Xingfang was trying to remain calm and hide her nervousness, Su Yang chuckled and said, "Don't worry, none of these poison items would affect you. If you still had the Hundred Poisons Body then perhaps you should be worried, but the current you can eat these and still be fine."

And he continued, "Anyway, I am going to toss these into the Celestial Pond one at a time, and you will bathe in it at least 10 hours every time. This is going to take a few days, so you should get as comfortable as possible."

Xie Xingfang understood the meaning behind his words and began to remove her clothes, revealing her slender body and jadelike skin.

"Oh, you can also take off that talisman." Su Yang pointed at the area between her legs.

Xie Xingfang nodded and peeled the talisman from her slit, and Yang Qi immediately began flowing out like a waterfall.

'There's so much…' Xie Xingfang thought to herself as the Yang Qi dripped onto the floor, creating a small puddle beneath her.

"Hm?" Xie Xingfang suddenly realized something, and she turned to look at Su Yang with wide eyes. "Does… Does this mean I am already pregnant?"

Hearing her question, Su Yang nodded with a warm smile on his face, "Yes, your egg should be fertilized by now."

A bright smile appeared on Xie Xingfang's face, and she uncontrollably embraced him.

"Thank you, Su Yang!" she said in an excited voice.

"Me, too, Xing'er. I am thankful that you chose me." Su Yang said.

Sometime later, Su Yang tossed one of the poison pills into the Celestial Pond, instantly turning the golden liquid into a greyish color.

"Go ahead and start cultivating inside. I will let you know when you can stop so you can focus on cultivation," Su Yang said to her afterward.


Xie Xingfang dipped her toes on the water before stepping into the Celestial Pond and submerging herself in the toxic water.

Once Xie Xingfang closed her eyes, Su Yang also sat down and proceeded to watch over her like a Guardian Spirit.

Meanwhile, back at the Xie Family's house, Lord Xie finally woke up.

"What happened? Where am I?" Lord Xie mumbled in a confused voice as he opened his eyes.

"You're back in your room, my son." Xie Wang, who was sitting not far away, said to him.

"Father…? Ah! Xing'er!" Lord Xie quickly recalled what happened at the Celestial Pond and said, "T-Tell me that was a dream! That my daughter didn't kiss Su Yang right before my eyes!"

Hearing his words, Xie Wang smiled and said, "You should have known about Xing'er's feelings for Su Yang long ago so why are you acting so shocked now? Just give up and let Su Yang have her— you'll never win against him, anyway."

"..." Lord Xie frowned after hearing Xie Wang's words, but he didn't know how to respond to such words, as he was unable to refute Xie Wang's words.

Chapter 715 - Xie Xingfang's Recovery

"Xing'er… How is she doing? What about her condition?" Lord Xie finally spoke after many minutes of silently sitting in his bed with a dazed expression.

"Su Yang should be treating her right now. We can only wait here while they do their thing." Xie Wang said.

Lord Xie turned silent again for a few more minutes before he spoke, "Su Yang… Do you think he'll stay here and take my place in the future if I begged him?"

"What do you think?" Xie Wang shook his head, and he continued, "I think we both know the answer to that question."

"Haaa…" Lord Xie sighed, and he turned to look at the ceiling.

"Looks like I will have to find another heir. However, in order to do that, I will have to find another wife…" Lord Xie sighed again afterward.

"That's why I told you to find another partner when your previous wife passed in that accident, as things like this can happen." Xie Wang shook his head.

"But you also only had one child! Me!" Lord Xie then said.

"Well, I didn't have a daughter, nor is there someone like Su Yang running around during my generation." Xie Wang shrugged. He cannot imagine having to deal with Su Yang when he still sat on the throne.

"Whatever…" Lord Xie shook his head before getting out of the bed.

"Where are you going now?"

"I'm going to look for another partner!" Lord Xie said.

"Now?" Xie Wang looked at him with raised eyebrows, and he continued, "With Su Yang still here? If I were you, I would wait until he leaves this world before you bring another woman into this household. Who knows what might happen with Su Yang here."


Lord Xie nearly tripped on empty air after hearing Xie Wang's words. However, after pondering about Xie Wang's words, Lord Xie found Xie Wang's words quite logical and decided that it would be safer to wait until Su Yang left this world.

Meanwhile, in the Celestial Pond, Su Yang tossed the second poison pill into the water, causing the greyish water to become even darker and grimmer.

About ten hours later, Su Yang tossed another poison pill into the water.

He continued this action until all of the poison pills were dumped into the water.

Once all of the pills had gone into the water, Su Yang began pouring the bottles of liquid into the Celestial Pond, turning the already black water even darker— until it resembled the night sky.

Meanwhile, Xie Xingfang could feel her body heating up more and more as time passed until she was feeling no different than taking a steaming hot bath without the clean water and the steam.

"If you are feeling a sensation that means the treatment is working. It may hurt a bit but you need to endure it," Su Yang said to her after noticing that she was struggling.

Xie Xingfang nodded with her eyes closed.

Many hours later, Su Yang poured the final bottle of liquid into the Celestial Pond.

The instant this liquid touched the pitch-black water, as though a miracle had happened, the black water instantly cleared up, becoming nearly transparent.

Su Yang looked at Xie Xingfang's beautiful body through the transparent water, yet there was not a single hint of l.u.s.t in his gaze.

A few more minutes later, blood began seeping through Xie Xingfang's body, dying the transparent blood red.

Once the Celestial Pond had turned completely bloody, the water began to boil, causing Xie Xingfang's body to sweat like crazy.

Seeing this, Su Yang retrieved a medical herb from his storage ring and tossed it into the boiling water, quickly calming it down within a few seconds.

A few more hours later, Su Yang spoke out loud, "Xing'er, you can stop cultivating now."

Xie Xingfang opened her eyes after hearing his voice, and she turned to look at him, "Am I…?"

Su Yang nodded and said, "Yes, all of the poison within your blood has been ejected from your body. Take a look around you."

It was at this moment Xie Xingfang noticed that she was submerged in bloody water.

Seeing this, Xie Xingfang quickly left the Celestial Pond.

Su Yang handed her a clean towel and said, "Don't put on your clothes yet."

"Okay…?" Xie Xingfang nodded as she dried her body, wondering what else needed to be done.

Su Yang then waved his sleeves, surrounding the Celestial Pond with Alchemy Flames.

A few minutes later, all of the water in the Celestial Pond evaporated from the intense heat coming from the alchemy flames.

Once the Celestial Pond was empty again, Su Yang retrieved some herbs and tossed them into the Celestial Pond before burning them until black.

"This is…" Xie Xingfang immediately realized what Su Yang was trying to do after witnessing the familiar process. "You're going to restore the Celestial Pond again?"

"That's right. And to celebrate your recovery, we're going to have some fun in it." Su Yang responded with a calm smile on his face.

"Have some fun… in the Celestial Pond?" Xie Xingfang's eyes widened with surprise after hearing his words.

"You don't want to?" Su Yang asked her as he continued to restore the Celestial Pond.

"I-I do!" she quickly said.

Su Yang then said, "Once we have some fun alone, I'll call in the others."

"The others… I understand." Xie Xingfang nodded with a resolute expression on her face, as she has already accepted the fact that she won't always be alone with him and that it was only natural for one man with many partners to have multiple people on the same bed at once.

Seeing this, Su Yang smiled.

A few minutes later, once the Celestial Pond has been restored for a second time, Su Yang removed his clothes, and he picked up Xie Xingfang like a princess before entering the golden water.

Shortly after entering the Celestial Pond, Su Yang inserted his rod into Xie Xingfang's cave and began pounding her in the water, creating wave-like ripples in the Celestial Pond.

Chapter 716 - Four Peerless Beauties in the Celestial Pond




Xie Xingfang m.o.a.ned passionately as Su Yang had his fingers firmly wrapped around her slender arms and pounded her l.u.s.tful body from behind.

The two of them have been cultivating for many hours now, as Su Yang cultivated with Xie Xingfang without using any dual cultivation techniques, allowing her to endure it for much longer.

After a few more minutes, Su Yang released his Yang Qi into her hole for the dozenth time, and the excess Yang Qi flowed into the Celestial Pond.

"Haa... haaa... haaaa... I need a break, Su Yang…" Xie Xingfang said afterward.

"Okay." Su Yang nodded, and Xie Xingfang sat in the Celestial Pond a moment later like she was taking a casual bath.

"You can call the others in here if you want," Xie Xingfang suddenly said.

Su Yang then said, "Watch this."

He closed his eyes and remained silent for the next few seconds.

Meanwhile, inside their room in the Xie Family's household, Wu Jingjing, Zhu Mengyi, and Lian Li could suddenly feel their Family Seals heating up, almost as though it was beckoning them.

"This is… Su Yang?"

They exchanged glances with each other before turning to look in the direction of the Celestial Pond.

"I think Su Yang is calling us through the Family Seal," Wu Jingjing said.

"I am also getting that feeling!" Zhu Mengyi agreed.

"Let's head to the Celestial Pond and see if that's the case." Lian Li said.

A few moments later, they all flew towards the Celestial Pond.

"Su Yang? What was that feeling coming from the Family Seal? Did you call for us?" Wu Jingjing asked him after they entered the portal to the Celestial Pond.

"Yes, I summoned all of you here so we can cultivate together," Su Yang nodded his head with a smile.

"To cultivate?" They turned to look at Xie Xingfang, who was sitting in the Celestial Pond with an exhausted yet satisfied expression on her face.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," Su Yang said to them.

"Nonsense! I would never refuse to cultivate with you!" Zhu Mengyi said, and then she continued, "However… who's going to take care of the babies while we cultivate?"

Hearing her question, Su Yang snapped his fingers, instantly creating a large black square-shaped formation not far away from the Celestial Pond.

"You can just leave them inside— they'll sleep through the whole thing." Su Yang said with a smile.

Wu Jingjing and Zhu Mengyi walked into the formation a moment later that was as spacious as a small room, and it felt as though they'd suddenly entered the void, but they were surrounded by flickering stars, almost like they were really in the starry sky.

"What is this place? I am getting sleepy just from standing in here" Wu Jingjing asked as she suddenly began yawning.

"It's a formation that naturally puts people to sleep, the background is just there to make it look pretty. I use it to put the kids to sleep whenever I cultivate with their mother so that we won't be disturbed…" Su Yang casually said.

"As expected of you, Su Yang, to have something like this in his sleeves…" Zhu Mengyi said with a dazed expression on her face.

"We still need a bed for—"

Before Wu Jingjing could even finish her sentence, Su Yang waved his sleeves, sending a mattress towards her way.


Wu Jingjing was speechless. She didn't think he would be this prepared.

A few moments after putting Wu Min and Zhu Jiayi on the soft mattress beside each other, their mothers watched as they fell asleep within a heartbeat.

"Wow… What a wonderful technique this is— Maybe I should learn this for myself when I need some rest…" Wu Jingjing said.

"How long will they be asleep for?" Zhu Mengyi asked.

"The formation doesn't forcefully put them asleep, so they'll wake up normally whenever it happens," Su Yang said.

"Then we need to hurry up and cultivate before they wake up!" Zhu Mengyi said as she quickly removed her clothes and entered the Celestial Pond.

Wu Jingjing and Lian Li smiled and also joined them a moment later.

Once the Celestial Pond was filled with four heavenly goddesses that could topple even an entire kingdom with their beauty alone, Su Yang began pleasing all of them at once.

The water in the Celestial Pond splattered everywhere as they cultivated, and very quickly the ladies' Yin Qi and Su Yang's Yang Qi would fuse with the golden water in the Celestial Pond, creating a unique liquid that would boost their cultivation base significantly.

Su Yang continued to cultivate with the beauties without any breaks for nearly an entire day until the babies woke up and began crying for their mothers.

When that happened, the mothers left the Celestial Pond to tend their daughter, but Lian Li and Xie Xingfang remained in the Celestial Pond and continued to cultivate with Su Yang.

Although it was an awkward feeling at first for the two princesses that had never cultivated in a group before, after being around each other and listening to each other m.o.a.ning for some time, they eventually got used to it.

"Well? What do you think? Did you enjoy it? If not, that's fine too, as I'll make sure we will only do it privately in the future," Su Yang asked the two princesses as they sat beside him with his arms wrapped around their shoulders.

"It was definitely a unique experience… I like it." Lian Li said as she rested her head on his shoulders.

Xie Xingfang spoke afterward, "Although I don't dislike it, and I don't mind doing it occasionally, I still prefer having you to myself."

Su Yang nodded and said, "I understand— I will keep that in mind."

"Anyway, because I forcefully restored the Celestial Pond, it won't last seven days like previously, and we have at most a few more hours before it dries out again."

Lian Li nodded and said, "Then let's continue for a few more hours."

"I like that idea," Su Yang chuckled, and they returned to cultivating.

Chapter 717 - Announcing Their Alliance

Once the Celestial Pond was close to drying up, Su Yang and the ladies stopped their cultivation and left the pond.

"Are we ready to leave this place?" Wu Jingjing asked them after seeing them leave the Celestial Pond.

"Yes, just let me clean this place up a bit." Su Yang said as he waved his sleeves, collecting the dirty water into an empty storage ring.

Afterward, they walked through the portal and left the Celestial Pond.

Sometime later, they returned to the Xie Family's household.

"Are you going to return to the Profound Blossom Sect now?" Xie Wang asked him.

"That's right. Now that Xing'er is healed, you no longer need me here." Su Yang nodded.

Xie Wang then looked at Xie Xingfang and asked her, "What about you, Xing'er? Now that you are following Su Yang, are you going to live in the Profound Blossom Sect with him?"

However, Xie Xingfang shook her head and said, "Since I am going to be following Su Yang in the future to somewhere far away, I'd like to spend the rest of my time in this world with you and father. Do you mind, Su Yang?"

"Why would I? If you ever feel lonely, just send me a message using a message talisman and I'll immediately come here to keep you company," he said with a smile on his face.

"..." Xie Wang looked at them with wide eyes.

"D-Did you two already…?" he asked him in a trembling voice, yet he somehow already knew the answer before they even answered.

"I am already pregnant, grandfather," Xie Xingfang revealed this shocking revelation to him.

"P-P-Pregnant?!" Xie Wang fell onto his butt with a shocked expression on his face, looking as though he'd just seen the ghost of his ancestors.

"Wow, that was fast…" Zhu Mengyi mumbled after hearing that.

"Looks like you'll have another sibling in the near future, Wu Min," Wu Jingjing chuckled.

"Actually, I am pregnant, too." Lian Li suddenly revealed to them.

"Y-You too?" Zhu Mengyi looked at her with wide eyes.

"When did it happen?" Wu Jingjing asked her with a dazed face.

"On our way here from the Holy Central Continent," Lian Li responded with a bashful smile.

"Wow… At this rate, who knows how many children will be in the family by the time we leave this world and head to the Divine Heavens," Zhu Mengyi said.

"The more the merrier," Wu Jingjing giggled.

Sometime later, Xie Wang calmed down and stood back up again.

Then he said with a serious expression on his face, "Congratulations, Xing'er, Su Yang. I cannot wait to see the child and become a great grandfather."

"Thank you, grandfather. By the way, where's my father?" Xie Xingfang finally noticed his absence.

"Oh, he's dealing with a few things now. We plan on announcing the Xie Family's alliance with the Profound Blossom Sect, not to mention the gathering that was requested by Su Yang," Xie Wang said.

"By the way, should we also announce that you and Su Yang are now together? This way, we would stop receiving marriage proposals from the other families."

Xie Xingfang turned to look at Su Yang and asked him, "What do you think, Su Yang?"

"I will let you decide," he said with a smile on his face.

Xie Xingfang pondered for a moment before nodding her head, "I want it to be announced. However, I want to be the one to announce it."

And then she continued, "Su Yang, can you be there with me during the announcement?"

"Of course. When do you want to make the announcement?" Su Yang asked.

"I will do it during your gathering if you don't mind, as everyone is already gathered there."

"Sounds good," Su Yang nodded.

"By the way, Xing'er, let's keep the thing about your pregnancy a secret from my son for now," Xie Wang suddenly said.

"Why?" Xie Xingfang tilted her head.

"Well, he already has enough going on in his mind right now. I don't want to burden him even more with such news for now," Xie Wang said.

"Then when should we let him know?" Xie Xingfang tilted her head.

"We don't. He'll eventually know once he starts your belly blowing up— hahaha!" Xie Wang laughed out loud.

Su Yang merely shook his head with a smile, as this wasn't any of his business.

"Anyway, I will return to the Profound Blossom Sect now," Su Yang said.

"Okay! I will see you soon, Su Yang!" Xie Xingfang gave him a passionate hug and kiss before letting him go.

Sometime later, Su Yang gathered everyone from the Profound Blossom Sect and the Holy Central Continent before boarding the large flying ship and flying back to the Profound Blossom Sect.

Meanwhile, news of the Xie Family and the Profound Blossom Sect forming an alliance began spreading throughout the entire continent like wildfire, shocking everybody that heard this unprecedented news.

"What?! The Xie Family formed an alliance with the Profound Blossom Sect!? What does this mean?! Where does the Profound Blossom Sect stand in terms of their status within the power balance?"

"What will happen to the Elite Sects from now on? How much power does the Profound Blossom Sect hold now compared to the other sects and families?"

Nearly everybody questioned the situation, as they have never experienced something like this before.

However, not only did the Xie Family announce their alliance with the Profound Blossom Sect but they have also announced a gathering for pretty much every sect and family in the Eastern Continent— it was a massive gathering that only happens once every century.

As for the purpose of this gathering, the Xie Family did not say and only mentioned that it was very important. And while it was not mandatory to attend, nobody would dare to miss a summoning by the Xie Family regardless of its importance.

After returning to the Profound Blossom Sect, Su Yang said to Liu Lanzhi and the other disciples that participated in the Celestial Pond, "I know what happened at the Celestial Pond was discouraging, but I have something that should make up for it."

Chapter 718 - Introducing the Family

Liu Lanzhi and the other two disciples looked at Su Yang with anticipation. What could possibly be better than the Celestial Pond that boosts their cultivation base significantly?

Su Yang then retrieved two cultivation techniques and handed them to the two disciples— Disciple Ji and Disciple Chen.

"This is an Immortal-grade cultivation technique. Although the Celestial Pond may affect your cultivation speed, it is only temporary. However, with this cultivation technique, it will be a permanent effect."

Disciple Ji and Disciple Chen accepted their cultivation technique with trembling hands, their expressions blank and seemingly in a daze.

"Thank you, Sect Master!" They bowed to him deeply.

Once the disciples left, Su Yang turned to look at Liu Lanzhi and asked her, "What do you want?"

"You don't have anything prepared for me?" Liu Lanzhi raised her eyebrows.

"Hahaha… Who knows?" A mysterious smile appeared on Su Yang's face.

He then reached into his robes and retrieved a scroll.

"Here," Su Yang extended his arms and offered it to her.

"What's this?" Liu Lanzhi accepted the scroll before opening it to read it.

As Liu Lanzhi read the first sentence, Su Yang spoke, "That's a Divine-grade cultivation technique. It's above the Immortal-grade technique."

"Eh?" Liu Lanzhi immediately stopped reading the scroll and lifted her head to look at him with a surprised face, her eyes blinking in a dazed manner.

Even the other ladies there turned to look at him with wide eyes. Divine-grade cultivation technique? Such a powerful cultivation technique does not yet exist in this world— not even the Holy Central Continent has one!

"D-Divine-grade cultivation technique, you say? And you're giving this to me?" Liu Lanzhi asked him in a dazed voice.

"That's right. You are the Sect Master of the Profound Blossom Sect that is going to be the number one sect in this world in the near future; it's only natural for someone of your stature to have something special like a Divine-grade cultivation technique." Su Yang said to her with a smile on his face.


Liu Lanzhi was speechless. And after a long moment of silence, tears began flowing from her eyes— tears of happiness.

"Hey, hey. I didn't give you the Divine-grade technique so that I can watch you cry," Su Yang said to her with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry… I just don't know how else to express my feelings…" Liu Lanzhi said in a trembling voice.

"Just smile and say thank you— that's all you need to do."

Liu Lanzhi nodded before wiping her tears and speaking with a beautiful smile on her face, "Thank you, Su Yang!"

Once Liu Lanzhi returned to the Yin Yang Pavilion and back to her own room, Su Yang turned to look at the three beauties standing behind him with envious gazes.

Su Yang chuckled when he saw this, and he said to them, "There's no need to be envious. Once we return to the Divine Heavens, I will give you all cultivation techniques and martial techniques that far exceed your current understanding."

"Really?" Zhu Mengyi's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Yes. I would give the cultivation techniques to you right now, but it wouldn't do you any good with the low-quality Profound Qi in this world."

"Anyway, I am now going to give you a quick tour around this place before introducing you to the others in the family that is currently in this place," Su Yang said.

The three ladies nodded, and they proceeded to follow Su Yang around the sect.

Of course, the disciples in the sect were greatly dumbfounded when they saw the three peerless beauties following Su Yang, as they have never seen someone so beautiful before, much less three at once in the same place.

However, since two of these beauties were carrying a baby in their arms, the disciples were also greatly confused as to who they were since they didn't think someone like Su Yang would be willing to have children.

"Who are those beauties following the Sect Master? I have never seen them before!"

"I don't know, but they are incredibly beautiful!"

"There's no way someone like that would be a nobody! You can tell at glance just by the profound aura they're emitting that they're all powerful Cultivators!"

"Heavens, I wonder where the Sect Master found them and what are they doing here at the Profound Blossom Sect?"

"Well, knowing the Sect Master, they're probably here to cultivate." One of the disciples said.

"Cultivate? Even though they brought their babies along? I highly doubt it!"

"Don't underestimate the Sect Master! I'm willing to bet that he can seduce even a woman who's currently in the middle of pregnancy with another man!"

As every disciple they passed chatted with each other, Su Yang and the three beauties eventually stopped in front of a medium-sized building.

"What building is this?" Wu Jingjing asked.

"Why don't you take a guess?" Su Yang said with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Hmmm…" Wu Jingjing narrowed her eyes at the building, but she was unable to find anything special about it. However, a moment later, she could feel the Family Seal on her body reacting to this place.

And just as the Family Seal began heating up, the entrance to the building suddenly opened, and a very pretty young lady stepped out of the building.

"Su Yang?" Sun Jingjing raised her eyebrows when she saw him with three beautiful but unfamiliar faces standing outside her house.

Because her Family Seal started warming up, she decided to come outside, expecting to see either Su Yang or Su Liqing as that is the only time her Family Seal would react.

And to her surprise, there were three extremely beautiful fairies that she did not recognize with Su Yang, and she felt a connection with all three of them, indicating that they also had a Family Seal somewhere on their body.

However, two of these three women were carrying a child in their arms, which baffled Sun Jingjing almost instantly, and questions immediately appeared in her head.

Chapter 719 - Introducing the Family(2)

"S-Su Yang…? W-Who are they? And why do I—" Sun Jingjing asked him in a dumbfounded voice as she approached them.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Whatever you're thinking, it's probably right."

"Go ahead, introduce yourselves," Su Yang then said to the three goddesses.

Wu Jingjing was the first to react. She stepped forward and bowed slightly, "Hello, my name is Wu Jingjing, and I am from the Holy Central Continent. This baby in my arms is Wu Min, and she's my daughter with Su Yang."

"D-D-Daughter with Su Yang?!?!?!" Sun Jingjing accidentally tripped on herself after hearing such shocking words from Wu Jingjing.

After she recovered from the stumble, Sun Jingjing looked at Zhu Mengyi and spoke in a trembling voice, "Don't tell me she's also…"

"Yes, she's Zhu Jiayi— Su Yang and my daughter! I am called Zhu Mengyi, and I am also from the Holy Central Continent." Zhu Mengyi introduced herself next.

"My name is Lian Li, and I am also from the Holy Central Continent." Lian Li quickly introduced herself.

"Heavens, Su Yang! You disappeared for a month only to return with three beautiful women and two children? You are always full of surprises!" Sun Jingjing said as she approached Wu Jingjing and Zhu Mengyi to take a closer look at the babies.

"Are they really your children, Su Yang? If you tell me this is a prank right now, I promise I won't get angry…" Sun Jingjing looked at him, clearly doubtful whether these two cute babies were really his children.

After all, children require time to make— something he cannot have achieved after leaving for a month. Unless he i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.ed these women over a year ago, it was simply impossible for him to be the father for these two children. Furthermore, he was only between the Profound Spirit Realm and the True Spirit Realm a year ago. How did he manage to seduce these powerful-looking Cultivators with such an insignificant cultivation base? It would be a miracle if they even paid attention to him, much less cultivate with him.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Let's talk inside. I'll tell you everything that happened, but it's going to be a long story."

"Okay," Sun Jingjing nodded.

Once they went inside her home and sat down, Su Yang began recalling how he met these ladies from the Holy Central Continent and when he i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.ed them to Sun Jingjing.

A few hours later, once Sun Jingjing had heard their story and their individual background, she sighed out loud, "A child with you, huh? I'm afraid that I'm still too young to have a child— mentally and physically."

Then she looked at Wu Jingjing and said, "Though, to think we have the same given name— what a coincidence, huh?"

"Yes, I am still surprised that you are also a 'Jingjing'." Wu Jingjing chuckled.

"Anyway, I am…" Sun Jingjing proceeded to introduce herself and her own background.

After the three girls chatted with Sun Jingjing for another hour and familiarized themselves with each other, they left her house and followed Su Yang to another place— the Medicine Hall.

"What an energetic young lady that was— I can tell why you choose someone like her to be in the family," Zhu Mengyi said after they left, as she found some similarities between Sun Jingjing and herself during their conversation.

Sometime later, they arrived at the Medicine Hall.

"What do we have here? A medicine store?" Zhu Mengyi immediately picked up the scent of the medicine and herbs inside.

"This is the Medicine Hall. Disciples come here to get treated when they're injured or whatever." Su Yang gave them a brief explanation before walking into the building.

"Su Yang—!"

The disciples inside immediately noticed his presence, but their attention was quickly snatched by the three peerless beauties following behind him, as their presence was simply too overwhelming for these young disciples who were not even at the Earth Spirit Realm.

"I'm here to see Liqing today," Su Yang said to them before he approached the stairs and walked to the second floor.

"Liqing, it's Su Yang."

He knocked on the door and called for her.

A few seconds later, Su Liqing opened the door to let them inside.

"Uh… This is…" Su Liqing was immediately baffled by her Family Seal's reaction to the three women who came with Su Yang, especially the two women who held a baby in their arms.

However, Su Yang didn't delay the reveal this time and introduced the new girls personally, "Everybody, this is Su Liqing who used to be named Lan Liqing and is actually my first cultivation partner in this life. And Liqing, these ladies are from the Holy Central Continent, and as you can tell, they have also accepted my Family Seal."

"Starting from the right we have Lian Li, Zhu Mengyi, and finally, Wu Jingjing.

He then pointed at the two cute creatures and said with a smile on his face, "These two are my daughter, Wu Min and Zhu Jiayi."

"Your… children?" Su Liqing stood there with a blank expression on her face after hearing his words, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart.

A moment of silence later, to everybody's surprise, tears suddenly began flowing down Su Liqing's face.

"Eh…? What's this? Why am I crying?" Even Su Liqing was surprised by herself when the tears began falling.

And whenever she wiped her tears, even more tears would come out.

"I-I'm sorry, Su Yang, but I don't know why I am…" Su Liqing said to him as she continued to wipe her eyes with her soft sleeves.


Su Yang was completely speechless for once, as he also didn't know why Su Liqing would suddenly start crying.

The atmosphere became awkward incredibly quickly, and the ladies exchanged glances with each other.

"You can introduce us later, Su Yang… We'll wait outside for now," Wu Jingjing suddenly whispered in his ears.

"Okay." Su Yang nodded.

Wu Jingjing and the others then left the room before closing the door, leaving Su Yang and Su Liqing alone.

Chapter 720 - I Will I.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e You as Many Times as You Want

Once Wu Jingjing and the other ladies left the room, Su Yang approached the crying Su Liqing and gently placed his arms around her waist, almost as though he was afraid of hurting her.

He then slowly pulled her towards the bed before sitting down and placing Su Liqing to sit on his lap.

"What's the matter, Liqing? If there's anything that's bothering you— anything at all— just let me know and I will immediately deal with it." Su Yang spoke to her in a soft voice, sounding as though he was trying to calm down a crying child.

"And if I did something wrong, you can also tell me and I will—"

Hearing his words, Su Liqing immediately shook her head, and then she said, "There's nothing wrong with you, Su Yang. Nothing at all. However, I really don't know why I am crying. It began flowing unconsciously when I saw the children— your daughters, and I don't know why. Please believe me, Su Yang…"

"The children…? Of course, I believe you. Why wouldn't I believe you?" Su Yang said as he gently caressed her hands.

"I'm sorry for making you worried, Su Yang…" Su Liqing sighed a moment later. "This has never happened before."

"It's okay. I'm just relieved that it's nothing serious," Su Yang said.

Su Liqing lifted her head and stared at Su Yang in the eyes with a passionate gaze.

Su Yang, obviously, stared back at her.

A moment later, their faces approached each other and they began kissing intimately.

After many minutes of kissing, Su Yang suddenly said to her, "Liqing, if you ever want children, do not hesitate to ask. Although I used to refuse to have children no matter what, things have changed."

"Me…? Children?" Su Liqing looked at him with a dazed face.

"You already have two daughters and you still want more?" Su Liqing laughed softly.

"Actually, there's more than two. Although it didn't seem like it, Lian Li and Xie Xingfang are also pregnant with my child right now." Su Yang said.

"W-Wait a second… Xie Xingfang…? Her Highness…? When did you two…" Su Liqing looked at him with a shocked expression on her face.

"Haha… It's a long story so I'll tell you another time."

"So you already have 2 daughters right now with at least 2 more coming in the future, huh? Congratulations, Su Yang. I cannot believe you were just an Outer Court disciple not long ago." Su Liqing said to him with a beautiful smile.

And then she continued, "Though, if you don't mind me asking, why do you want so many children? According to my knowledge, most Dual Cultivators choose to not have any children with their partners— at least not until very late down the line. I know that you used to be an Immortal in your previous life, but you are barely 18 years old right now."

Su Yang showed a bittersweet smile and said, "My desire for children is probably due to something that happened in the past with my first wife."

"Your… first wife?" Su Liqing raised her eyebrows.

"Yes— this is way before I was a Dual Cultivator and way before I even had any reputation for myself. I was just like any ordinary young man who yearned for a partner back then, and when I found my first wife, I dedicated everything to her."

Su Yang closed his eyes to recall his memories— the beautiful face of his first wife.

"My first wife… Her name was Meiqi— Su Meiqi after she took my surname. And she has wanted a child with me ever since our first night together. However, no matter how many times we tried, she could not conceive. Because she used to be a powerful general who fought multiple wars, perhaps her inability to conceive was due to an injury she received during a battle, or maybe it's simply because she was born like that— we don't know."

"Anyway, even though it mattered a lot to Su Meiqi that we have a child, it really didn't matter to me, as my only purpose at the time was to make her happy by fulfilling her every desire. But alas, no matter what we tried, she was still unable to conceive— even until the day she died of old age."

"..." Su Liqing was speechless, as she didn't think he would have such a tragic backstory with his first wife.

Su Yang continued sometime later, "When I became a Dual Cultivator, the first thing I did was practice this cultivation technique that allowed me to have perfect control of my Yang Qi, which would allow me to i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e a woman whenever I desired with 100% efficiency. Of course, that doesn't help those who do not have the ability to conceive like my first wife, so I started practicing medicine, which allowed me to fix that problem. However, despite spending many years perfecting both techniques, I never really got the chance to use those skills, as I never had any intentions to i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e my partners."

"Of course, there had been countless women who wanted to bear my child, but I would always refuse, as I was never interested in that matter, not to mention that I have many enemies throughout the world, and having children would only give them more power over me."

"However, I have changed. This world— you girls have changed my mind. I want to start a family no matter what. After all, I cannot call myself a real man if I cannot fulfill my partners' desire because I am afraid of my enemies."

Su Yang then looked at Su Liqing in the eyes and said, "Therefore, if you also want a child with me, I will i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e you as many times as you want."

After staring at Su Yang with a dazed expression for a long minute, Su Liqing suddenly spoke with a blushing face, "Su Yang… I want your child."

Su Yang then smiled and said, "Although I would begin now, we cannot make the others wait outside too long. Let's do this another time— tomorrow."

"Okay." Su Liqing nodded.

Chapter 721 Compatibility

After Su Yang's conversation with Su Liqing ended, the ladies waiting outside were finally told to come back inside.

"I am really sorry about what had just happened…" Su Liqing bowed to them afterward, and she said, "I hope it didn't cause any misunderstandings. If it did, let's try to clear it up now."

"As long as you're okay and we weren't the cause, it's fine," Wu Jingjing said to her with a smile.

"Anyways, now that everything's back to normal, let's introduce ourselves again?" Zhu Mengyi said.

And she continued, "I'm Zhu Mengyi, and this is Zhu Jiayi. I am also an Alchemist, so I know a thing or two about medicine. If you need any help, you can come to me. Of course, I am nothing compared to Su Yang."

"I am Wu Jingjing, and this is Wu Min. I belonged to a sword sect in the Holy Central Continent. Although I don't know anything about medicine, if you need someone to talk to, I am always here."

"My name is Lian Li, and I used to belong to the Lian Family in the Holy Central Continent. If you know the Xie Family of the Eastern Continent, my Lian Family is basically the Xie Family of the Holy Central Continent."

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you— My name used to be Lan Liqing, but after accepting Su Yang's Family Seal, I have decided to take his surname as my own, so I am currently Su Liqing."

"Can we call you Sister Liqing? You can also address us as such," Zhu Mengyi said to her.

"Yes," Su Liqing nodded.

"Great! Then let's talk about your first time with Su Yang! You were his first partner after his reincarnation, right?" Zhu Mengyi then asked her.

Hearing her question, Su Liqing smiled and said, "Okay, but this might take a while, so take a seat on the bed."

Once they were all seated on the bed, Su Liqing began recalling her background and how she met Su Yang from behind her own desk.

After Su Liqing finished her story, the three ladies began telling her their own story.

Three hours later, Su Yang and the three ladies left the Medicine Hall.

However, Su Yang said to Su Liqing before leaving, "Prepare yourself because I am going to knock you up the next time we see each other."

"Un." Su Liqing nodded with a rosy face.

After leaving the Medicine Hall, Su Yang brought the three ladies to the final family member in the Profound Blossom Sect— to Zhang Xiu Ying's living quarters.

"So this young girl is the last family member here, huh? She's much younger than the last two." Wu Jingjing looked at Zhang Xiu Ying with interest, as Zhang Xiu Ying appeared to be the most ordinary girl they've met. Of course, Zhang Xiu Ying was incredibly pretty, but other than her pretty face, they were unable to sense anything unique about her. In fact, she was so ordinary compared to the others that it became her uniqueness!

"Hello, Seniors, I am Zhang Xiu Ying, and I used to be an ordinary disciple from the Burning Lotus Sect before I found Su Yang," Zhang Xiu Ying politely introduced herself.

A few minutes later, once the three ladies introduced themselves, Zhang Xiu Ying covered her mouth in surprise and said, "Wow… I really feel out of place now…"

"Don't say that. You're unique in your own way, and since we all have Su Yang's Family Seal, we're all equal no matter what background we came from— isn't that right, Su Yang?" Wu Jingjing asked him.

"That's right. No matter where you came from or what status you held before, as long as you are in the family, I will treat you all equally," Su Yang confirmed.

After spending some time speaking with each other, Su Yang and the others left Zhang Xiu Ying's living quarters.

"You really surprised me just now, Su Yang." Lian Li suddenly said to him afterward. "I didn't think you'd accept someone so ordinary into your family. Ah— Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that's a bad thing. I am simply used to seeing you surrounded by impressive women."

Su Yang merely smiled and said, "It may be true that Zhang Xiu Ying is only an ordinary girl compared to you princesses, but it doesn't mean that she isn't pleasant to be around. What I consider the most important when considering who to accept into the family is our compatibility."

"No matter how beautiful one may be, if we are not compatible with each other, there's simply no way that I would accept them into my family and pretend I like her— that's simply impossible for me."

"Zhang Xiu Ying may be an ordinary girl, but I enjoy her company as much as I do with everyone else in the family, and that is the only thing that matters to me."

The ladies were speechless after hearing Su Yang's words, but they understood and agreed with everything he'd said.

"Anyway, I have a few more people that require introductions," Su Yang then said to them.

"Huh? I thought Zhang Xiu Ying was the last family member in this place," Wu Jingjing raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, that's true, but these people are very special. Although they may not be in the family right now, I already consider them as family."

And he continued, "You'll understand it when you meet them. In fact, one of them is actually a family member from the Divine Heavens."

The ladies looked at him with wide eyes, yet they were unable to comprehend the full meaning behind his words.

Sometime later, they arrived at the Yin Yang Pavilion.

However, before they could even enter the building, a peerless woman resembling a real goddess appeared before them with a perplexed expression on her face.

When the three ladies from the Holy Central Continent saw this goddess's unique features, mainly her silver hair and eyes that resembled the moon at night, their eyes widened with shock.

"You are… Immortal Fairy Su Yue!" Lian Li exclaimed.

Chapter 722 Real Daughters

"I-Immortal Fairy Su Yue!" Wu Jingjing and the other ladies unconsciously took a step back after seeing the frown on Qiuyue's face, as they recall how ruthless she could be whenever she's annoyed, and she looked incredibly annoyed right now.

"What is the meaning of this? Why are the three of you here?" Qiuyue asked them after a moment of silence.

"Well… Immortal Fairy Su Yue…"

"Don't call me that!" Qiuyue quickly interrupted.

The three ladies exchanged glances with each other, clearly in a bind.

"Why are you making things difficult for them, Qiuyue? You should already know why they're here…" Su Yang approached her and said.


Qiuyue looked at him for a second before turning to look at Wu Min and Zhu Jiayi.

"Don't tell me…" She looked at Su Yang again, her gaze filled with shock.

"That's right. They're my daughters. I impregnated them during our previous visit to the Holy Central Continent," Su Yang said to her.


Qiuyue immediately became speechless with a perplexed expression on her face.

Seeing this, Su Yang took this moment to introduce her to the other three goddesses.

"Although you may already know her as Immortal Fairy Su Yue, her real name is Qiuyue, and she's originally from the Divine Heavens like me," Su Yang said to them, and he continued, "However, due to some events in the Divine Heavens, she somehow managed to arrive in this place and has been here ever since."

"Umm… Immortal— Senior Qiuyue… It's a pleasure to finally see you…" Lian Li bowed to her.

"Although you may not recognize me, I am…"

"You're Emperor Lian's daughter, right? I remember you." Qiuyue quickly said to her. "There's no need for any introduction. I know every single one of you— Lian Li, Zhu Mengyi, and Wu Jingjing."

Qiuyue then turned to look at Su Yang and asked him, "Since they are here, it means they are going to follow us back to the Divine Heavens, right?"

"Un." Su Yang nodded.

Qiuyue turned to look at Su Yang's two daughters again before sighing inwardly, 'Father's real daughters, huh? If only I was also...'

"Do whatever you want," Qiuyue said a moment later before turning around and returning to the Yin Yang Pavilion and her room.

"T-That was surprising… I didn't expect Immortal Fairy— Senior Qiuyue to appear in front of us so suddenly…" Zhu Mengyi sighed in relief afterward.

"Yes. And it felt like she'd gotten more grumpy than before…" Wu Jingjing said with a smile on her face.

"Hahaha! Don't worry about her cold attitude— she does that when she's not able to express her emotions properly. You'll get used to her sooner or later." Su Yang laughed out loud.

"I can hear you, Su Yang!" Qiuyue's voice resounded from inside the building a second later.

Hearing her voice, Su Yang only laughed even louder.

"What's so funny, darling?"

A calm voice suddenly resounded, and another figure appeared before them.

The three ladies turned to look at this young lady who appeared to be around the same age as Su Yang, yet there was this otherworldly aura surrounding her that made her seem much more mature and mysterious, and it felt rather similar to Su Yang's aura.

"Lingxi." Su Yang looked at her.

"Hm?" However, right as she was prepared to speak, Tang Lingxi suddenly noticed the unique aura emitting from the three ladies, and then she saw the two cute babies in their arms.


Tang Lingxi immediately stopped her movements to stare at them with a gawking expression on her face, or more precisely, she was staring at the babies.

After a long moment of silence, she turned to look at Su Yang in a stiff movement.

"I-I don't want to believe this but… Are those two little creatures… Do they, by any chance, belong to you?" she asked him in a dumbfounded voice while pointing at them with trembling fingers.

"That's right. Do you like them? These little creatures?" he responded with a smile on his face.


However, Tang Lingxi did not immediately respond to him and instead turned to look at the babies again. She then approached Zhu Mengyi and Wu Jingjing, who quickly became nervous due to the profound aura surrounding Tang Lingxi.

Tang Lingxi stopped a moment later in front of Wu Jingjing, and she spoke, "Do you think I can hold onto her for a second?"


Wu Jingjing's eyes immediately shifted to Su Yang, who nodded his head with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, all of the doubt in her heart disappeared, and Wu Jingjing handed Wu Min to Tang Lingxi.

And to her surprise, Wu Min didn't cry despite being held by a stranger, as this was a first besides Su Yang.

"Haha… Look at this, darling. I am actually carrying your child— I didn't think this would happen even in ten thousand years!" Tang Lingxi laughed with a beautiful smile on her face while making an expression that even Su Yang hasn't seen before.

"I didn't know you liked children that much. In fact, I thought you hated them," Su Yang said to her a moment later.

"You are right, I despise children. However, since they are your children, this is an entirely different story," Tang Lingxi chuckled.

"Actually, I can say the same to you, darling. I didn't know you wanted children. I'm pretty sure I have heard you say something like 'I will never have children' before," Tang Lingxi said.

Su Yang chuckled at her words for a moment before speaking, "Yes, I did say something like that in the past, but you seem to have recalled only half of that sentence, and I actually said 'I will never have children in this life'."

Sometime later, Tang Lingxi handed Wu Min back to her mother Wu Jingjing.

And then she said, "I know this is a little bit late, but my name is Tang Lingxi. However, the 'me' you are seeing now is not the real 'me', as I am only borrowing this young lady's body using a forbidden pill."

"Huh?" The three ladies looked at Tang Lingxi with wide eyes, clearly shocked and speechless about her sudden revelation.

Chapter 723 Blossom Spring

Seeing their bewildered expressions, Tang Lingxi smiled and said, "I don't know whether Su Yang already told you or not, but I am someone from the Divine Heavens, and I also belong to the Su Family."

"And in order to reunite with Su Yang, I have consumed a forbidden pill called Soul Invading Pill, which allowed me to transmigrate my soul into another body and take control of their body temporarily. I know that sounds wrong, but you don't have to worry, as this body— whose original owner is named Hong Yu'er— has given me permission to use her body, and in return for borrowing her body, I am helping her cultivate."

After a moment of silence, Zhu Mengyi spoke, "Heavens… This Soul Invading Pill— what a terrifyingly powerful pill! I cannot even begin to imagine the terror it would cause if such a pill landed in the wrong hands…"

"It is indeed quite a scary pill, but that's why it's a forbidden pill, and it's not something anyone can just obtain, as it's heavily regulated and protected by the Alchemy God, who is also the only person in the world that can concoct such a pill, so you don't have to worry about it getting into the wrong hands."

"The Alchemy God…?" Zhu Mengyi wondered what kind of person this Alchemy God is.

"Anyway, enough about me. Tell me about yourselves— junior sisters who have accepted Su Yang's Family Seal."

The three ladies then proceeded to introduce themselves.

However, right as they were going to mention their backgrounds, Tang Lingxi said to them, "You don't have to tell me your backgrounds, I don't really care about it."

After all, as the princess of the Asura God Clan, no matter how impressive their backgrounds may be in this world, it wouldn't even qualify to be compared to the Asura God Clan. Furthermore, one's background did not matter in the Su Family, so it wouldn't have mattered regardless.

"Instead of your background, I want to hear about your experiences with Su Yang. But we should go somewhere more comfortable. Follow me to my room," Tang Lingxi said to them as she entered the Ying Yang Pavilion.

"I guess it's your room now," Su Yang shook his head with a smile on his face.

"Anyway, you girls can go ahead without me. I have something else to do right now."

"Okay." They nodded before leaving him alone.

Once the ladies went inside the Yin Yang Pavilion, Su Yang turned around and began making his way back to the Medicine Hall.

"Su Yang? Did you forget something?" The disciples inside the Medicine Hall were puzzled to see him return so quickly.

"Something like that," he nodded.

"If you're here for Master, she just left the building not long ago," one of the disciples said to him.

"Hm? Where did she go?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows, as Su Liqing rarely leaves the Medicine Hall.

"Master went to the Blossom Spring to clean herself. She should be back in an hour," said the disciples.

"Blossom Spring? This is my first time hearing of this place." Su Yang said with a slightly surprised expression. How come he's never heard of this place before?

"Ah, that's probably because only female sect elders are allowed to go there, and it's located in a secure area somewhere on the Blossom Mountain a few miles outside our sect, so not many people know about it. We only know about it because our Master goes there once a month to bathe in the spring that is also said to cleanse impurities within one's body."

"Cleanse one's impurities?" Su Yang asked the disciples a moment later, "Where can I find this Blossom Mountain?"

"I'm not exactly sure about its exact location, but it should be towards the south."

"Thank you," Su Yang said to them before leaving the Medicine Hall.

Once Su Yang left, the disciples sighed, "Haaaa… It must be nice to have so much of Su Yang's attention. If only I was in the Master's shoes."

"Keep dreaming junior sister. Su Yang is too much for us. We're already immensely lucky to get to cultivate with him. Don't push your luck too much."

"What's wrong with dreaming? It's called dreaming for a reason!"

While the disciples chatted with each other, Su Yang flew towards the south even after he left the sect.

A few miles later, Su Yang could see a small but beautiful mountain that was filled with blossom trees, and at the end of the mountain, there was a small spring that was also covered in blossom petals that had fallen from the large blossom tree that was located right next to the spring, resembling the Celestial Pond.

Once Su Yang got closer to the spring, he was able to see Su Liqing's beautiful figure bathing in the Blossom Spring with her eyes closed, and he decided to approach her.

Meanwhile, Su Liqing was completely relaxed and unaware of Su Yang's presence.

"I never knew such a beautiful place existed until today," Su Yang's voice suddenly resounded, startling Su Liqing.

"S-Su Yang?! What are you doing here? You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Su Liqing sighed in relief after realizing that it was him.

"I'm sorry if I scared you just now. As for what I am doing here… have you already forgotten what I said to you not long ago?" Su Yang said to her with a smile on his face as he descended onto the ground beside the spring.

"Eh? But you said tomorrow… That's why I am preparing myself right now." Su Liqing said with a dazed expression on her face.

"I know, but I cannot wait, so here I am," he said, still with a smile on his face. "Or are you going to keep me waiting until tomorrow?"

Su Liqing chuckled in a defeated voice before nodding her head, "Can you at least wait until I clean my body? Of course, you can join me if you want."

"I wouldn't refuse such an offer even if it's the last thing I do," Su Yang said, and he removed his clothes before entering the Blossom Spring with Su Liqing.

Chapter 724 Impregnating Su Liqing

After entering the spring, Su Yang sat beside Su Liqing and placed his arm around her shoulders before pulling her towards his body.

"Su Yang, you know… I never thought I would be having a child with you so soon," Su Liqing suddenly said.

"I knew it was going to happen one day, but I never really thought about it until I saw your daughter with Wu Jingjing and Zhu Mengyi. It was as though something within me had awakened."

"Trust me, I know that feeling very well. If you went to the past and told me that I would be willingly impregnating my partners, I would simply laugh at you," Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

"Once we return to the Divine Heavens, I can already imagine what might happen once the others see our child."

"The more the merrier, right?" Su Liqing laughed gracefully.

After a moment of silence, Su Liqing spoke again, "Su Yang, what are you going to do once we go to the Divine Heavens?"

Su Yang closed his eyes for a moment before speaking, "I am… going to take care of a few businesses and fulfill a few promises that had been delayed for 2,000 years due to my reincarnation, and once everything is taken care of, I am going to settle down somewhere with all of you and live the rest of our life in peace."

"I am going to create a utopia— a paradise for all of us and our children."

"A paradise, huh? I am looking forward to it," Su Liqing said with a gentle smile on her face as she imagined such a lifestyle with Su Yang and their child.

After spending many minutes submerged in the refreshing water, Su Liqing turned to look at Su Yang and spoke with a longing gaze, "Su Yang… I am ready… Can you 'knock me up'?"

Su Yang smiled at her words and nodded, "As you wish."

Su Liqing then closed her eyes and lifted her head slightly, gesturing her desires.

Seeing this, Su Yang kissed her on the lips, and their lips remained on each other for many minutes.

"Haaa… haaa…"

Su Liqing was already breathing heavily before they even began the real thing.

A few moments later, she stood up, turned around, and bent forward towards the edge of the spring, shoving her flawless buttocks in the air and towards Su Yang.

"Go ahead, Su Yang…" she said to him with a red face.

Su Yang nodded, and he approached her with his little brother already filled with energy and rock hard.

The next moment, Su Yang inserted his dragon into Su Liqing's already slippery cave, entering her body with ease.


Su Liqing moaned softly as her hole stretched into a wide circle.

Once the entire rod was inside Su Liqing's body, Su Yang began moving his hips, pounding her tight cave with his stiff rod and her buttocks at the same time with his body.

The water in the spring splashed loudly, but they were easily masked by the sound of Su Liqing's intense moaning.

After pounding Su Liqing for a few minutes, Su Yang suddenly bent his body over Su Liqing's back and grabbed her breasts from behind.


Su Liqing's moaning increased as Su Yang massaged her breasts and nipples while pounding her hole simultaneously.

Many minutes later, Su Yang released his Yang Qi into her hole, filling every nook and cranny inside.

"Yes~ Impregnate me, Su Yang!" Su Liqing moaned with passion, feeling incredibly full from the ejaculation.

However, Su Yang didn't stop there and refused to remove his meatstick from her cave afterward. A few moments later, he began moving his hips again, pounding Su Liqing's body again.

The two of them continued to cultivate for many hours in different positions with Su Yang releasing his Yang Qi into Su Liqing's body multiple times throughout their time together, overfilling her hole every time.

By the time they finished cultivating, it was already dark outside with the starry night looming over the world.

"After being filled by your Yang Qi so many times, I will definitely get pregnant, right?" Su Liqing asked him as they gazed at the stars together from the spring.

Su Yang nodded and said, "That's right. Unless you are naturally incapable of conceiving like my first wife, then you'll definitely become a mother. However, even if you are incapable of conceiving, unlike previously, we are not hopeless, as I have multiple ways of fixing such problems."

After resting in the Blossom Spring for an hour, Su Yang carried Su Liqing back to the Profound Blossom Sect as though she was a princess.

Once they returned to the Medicine Hall, Su Liqing asked him, "Su Yang, do you think you can stay here tonight?"

"Of course," Su Yang nodded.

And thus, Su Yang spent the rest of the night with Su Liqing in her room, even cultivating with her a few more times after Su Liqing was unable to sleep due to the excitement of becoming a mother.

The following day, Su Yang left the Medicine Hall whilst Su Liqing slept from exhaustion after cultivating for the entire night without much rest.

"Eh? You stayed here the entire night?" The disciples in the Medicine Hall were dumbfounded to see Su Yang leaving their Master's room so early in the morning, as none of them witnessed Su Yang and Su Liqing returning yesterday.

"Yes. And your Master might need to rest for today, so don't bother her unless necessary," Su Yang said to them.

"We understand, Su Yang!" The disciples nodded.

After leaving the Medicine Hall, Su Yang returned to the Yin Yang Pavilion.

As he approached the building, he noticed a beautiful figure sitting at the entrance with a seemingly exhausted expression on her face.

"Liangyu? Are you okay? What are you doing sitting there alone and looking all tired?" Su Yang approached her with a smile on his face.

"Su Yang…" Qin Liangyu looked at Su Yang with a bittersweet smile on her face, "I am okay. I am just a little tired as Xiao Rong's adviser."