

578 Approaching Danger

"You're finally back, Su Yang?" Liu Lanzhi said to him after noticing his figure from her window at the Yin Yang Pavilion.

"Sorry it took longer than I'd anticipated," he said. "Did something happen during my absence?"

"Her Highness was looking for you, and a few disciples also wanted to Cultivate with you."

"I see." Su Yang nodded before turning around and heading to Xie Xingfang's living quarters, and he knocked on her door a few minutes later.

"Su Yang. You're back." She greeted him with a beautiful smile.

"Un. I had some business at the Burning Lotus Sect. Did you want to speak to me?"

"Please, come inside." She said.

Su Yang nodded, and the moment he entered the house, he could feel Xie Wang's spiritual sense watching him.

"Calm down, old man. It's not like I will eat her or anything." Su Yang chuckled.

"Grandfather, we are the guests here, not the other way around…" Xie Xingfang also voiced her displeasure.


A moment later, the spiritual sense following Su Yang disappeared.

"Let me pour you some tea."

Xie Xingfang quickly retrieved a teapot from her storage ring that was still hot and poured a cup for him.

"Thank you." Su Yang calmly sipped on the tea.

"You can drink the tea while I speak," Xie Xingfang said to him, and she continued, "So I wanted to speak to you regarding the pill that will allow people besides myself to enter the Abandoned Forest, and after using my family's resources, we were able to find the ingredients to concoct the pill."

"Oh? That's good to hear." Su Yang said.

"Yes… however, we have a slight problem. While we were able to secure the ingredients for the pill, due to the rarity for one of the ingredients, there are only enough ingredients to concoct one pill."

"I know this may sound incredibly selfish, but I would like to ask you to accompany me to the Abandon Forest…" she said to him in a bashful voice, as it was quite difficult and embarrassing for her to request his help after everything he's already done for her.

"Besides my father and my grandfather, I cannot imagine anyone else who could defeat the Purple Qilin, and I feel safer with you than with them."

Su Yang placed the tea down with a smile and said, "How can I refuse a request from a beauty like you, especially when you say something like that? It will be my pleasure to accompany you to the Abandoned Forest."

Seeing the handsome smile on Su Yang's face, Xie Xingfang blushed, and she nodded, "Thank you, Su Yang. One day… I will definitely repay you for everything that you've done for me and my family."

"When would you like to head to the Abandoned Forest?" He asked her.

"Although we have located the ingredients, we still need to have them delivered. We can head to the Abandoned Forest after my family opens up the Celestial Pond. There's also the dinner that my family owes you."

Su Yang nodded.

Sometime later, Su Yang returned to the Yin Yang Pavilion.


When he approached his room, he noticed a small and incredibly beautiful figure quietly standing in front of his door.

"Xiao Rong has been waiting for your return, Master," she said to him.

"Hmm?" Su Yang immediately noticed something different about her aura; it appeared more mature and elegant than before.

'I guess whatever Qin Liangyu has been teaching her is working…' he smiled inwardly.

"Do you need something from me, Xiao Rong?" he asked her.

She nodded and said, "That bad cat is approaching this place."

"Huh? Bad cat? What are you talking about?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

"The one from the Holy Central Continent," she said.

However, Su Yang remained confused.

Seeing this, Xiao Rong explained to him about her encounter with Patriarch Gold, who had tried to assault her after seeing her.

"Oh… so that's why you destroyed their entire Sect. I understand the situation now." Su Yang nodded.

"So it turns out that the expert coming to hunt Xie Xingfang is the same person who tried to assault you, huh? Why am I not surprised?" Su Yang calmly shook his head.

"How long until they arrive?" he then asked.

"About one week," she responded.

"Then there is plenty of time to prepare — not that we need to, anyway."

"Should I just kill him?" Xiao Rong asked him.

"No, I will deal with him personally. Even though you have already punished him for trying to assault you, I have yet to do so. Furthermore, I have a duty to protect Xie Xingfang, who sought protection from me."

Xiao Rong nodded.

"Anyway, I am going to train a few disciples now."

Before leaving, he said to Xiao Rong, "By the way, you have matured slightly since the last time I saw you. If you continue to grow, I will allow you to taste as much Yang Qi as you want from me."

Xiao Rong's eyes widened with surprise after hearing his words, and she nodded with a delightful expression, "Yes, Master!"

"But don't cause too much trouble for Qin Liangyu."

"I won't, Master!" Xiao Rong said before disappearing from the place, presumably returning to Qin Liangyu's side for more practice.

"Patriarch Gold, huh? Looks like I will have to visit the Holy Central Continent sooner than I'd anticipated. I wonder how those two are fairing now?" Su Yang mumbled to himself before leaving the Yin Yang Pavilion to look for the disciples that wanted to cultivate with him.

After spending the next few days cultivating with all of the female disciples, Su Yang prepared to head to the Heavenly Swan Sect.

Meanwhile, during the last few days, what happened at the Assembly Hall has spread throughout the entire Continent like wildfire, and there's not a single person who hasn't heard of the Alchemy Master from the Holy Central Continent and his world-changing pills.

579 Visiting the Heavenly Swan Sec

"Did you hear about the Heaven Transcendence Pill? It's just like the Earth Advancement Pills but even better, allowing people in the Earth Spirit Realm to enter the Heavenly Spirit Realm with a high success rate!"

"Of course, I have heard about it! With everybody and their grandmother talking about it, there's not a single person who hasn't heard about it by now!"

"Because of this Heaven Transcendence Pill, the entire Cultivation World is in a turmoil, much more so than when the Earth Advancement Pill was announced."

"That's only obvious. Do you have any idea how many Cultivators have reached the Heavenly Spirit Realm that is still alive? Around ten people! However, with the Heaven Transcendence Pill, that number will definitely double, if not triple or more!"

"Even if you say that, how does one even obtain a Heaven Transcendence Pill? I heard that only the Fang Family's Matriarch managed to obtain one, and she had to pay a massive bill of 30 million spirit stones for it."

"Nobody knows, but there are people trying to contact Senior Xiao's disciples regarding the pills."

"Who were those three disciples, again?"

"If I recall correctly, Sect Leader of the Heavenly Swan Sect, Senior Zeng's old disciple, and the youngest daughter of the Cai Family."

"What? All three of them are beautiful women? This Senior Xiao is incredibly lucky. If I had such beautiful disciples, I would do most of our lectures in bed!"

"Does anyone know what this Senior Xiao looks like? Hopefully, he's some ugly old man, hence why he needed to disguise himself."

"Who cares if he's ugly or not? With his current reputation, even the most beautiful women would not hesitate to give their bodies to him."

"Damn it! If only I was born in his shoes! Lucky bastard!"

Whilst the entire world talked about Senior Xiao and his three disciples, Su Yang was making his way towards the Heavenly Swan Sect.

And when he reached the front of the Sect, all he could see was a massive crowd standing outside the Heavenly Swan Sect, looking like a sea of people.

However, he was not interested in why these people were there, so he flew towards the Heavenly Swan Sect before everyone there.

"Look over there! There's an expert approaching us!"

Someone in the crowd warned everybody when he noticed Su Yang's approaching figure.

"Black alchemy robes and a mask… Could that be Senior Xiao, the Alchemy Master?!"

When they realized who he was, they immediately made way for him despite being on the ground.

Su Yang descended from the sky and calmly walked the path made by the crowd.

"The Heavenly Swan Sect humbly greets Senior Xiao," bowed the Sect Elder who had been dealing with the crowd just now.

"Is Bai Lihua available?" he asked.

"The Sect Leader is currently waiting for you inside."

Su Yang nodded. "Let me see her."

The Sect Elder then opened the gates to allow Su Yang inside whilst the others watched.

Once Su Yang entered the Sect, the Sect Elder spoke to the crowd outside, "Now you understand why the Sect Leader is not willing to see any guests right now. If you wish to speak with our Sect Leader, you should come back at a later date."

The crowd of people did not utter a single word afterward, and they all began leaving shortly later.

Meanwhile, inside the Heavenly Swan Sect, Su Yang was greeted by over a thousand disciples the moment he passed through the gates, and every single one of them was female disciples.

A nostalgic smile appeared behind his mask as he recalled a similar situation that had happened before.

The Heavenly Swan Sect is as its name suggests, with every disciple in the Sect as beautiful as a heavenly swan.

"Welcome to my Heavenly Swan Sect, Master." Bai Lihua appeared a few moments later with a bright smile.

Ever since she became his disciple, her reputation along with the Sect's status has skyrocketed with almost every influential family knocking at their doors.

"You didn't have to send so many disciples just to greet me. I'm sure they have better things to do." Su Yang said.

"That's not right, Master. I didn't ask these disciples to greet you. They wanted to greet you on their own accord." Bai Lihua said to him.

"Is that so? To have so many beautiful young ladies greeting me at once, I feel like the luckiest man in the world at this moment." Su Yang spoke in a joking tone.

"Please, follow me, Master. I have prepared for you the best living quarters we have available in the Sect."

"You shouldn't have. I won't be staying here for long, after all."

"That's fine, since I made it your living quarters permanently, so it will always be available for you whenever you decide to visit the Sect."

Su Yang followed Bai Lihua a few moments later.

"What do you girls think about this Senior Xiao? Do you think he's actually a handsome man, contrary to the rumors of him being of some ugly old man?" One of the disciples asked after they left.

"It's hard to tell just by his body figure…"

"I wish I could see what's behind that mask."

Meanwhile, Bai Lihua brought Su Yang back to her own living quarters.

"Let me introduce you to my own disciple, Su Yin." Bai Lihua said.

"Greet Senior Xiao, Su Yin."


However, Su Yin silently stood there with a weird expression, seemingly in deep thoughts.

Although she has never seen this man before, there was something familiar about him.

And then she realized why, and she asked him, "Why do you smell like my Brother?"


Bai Lihua's eyes widened with shock after hearing Su Yin's words, and she turned to look at Su Yang.

"Hahaha!" Even Su Yang couldn't help but burst out laughing. Although he'd disguised his voice and figure, he did not do anything to his smell. However, he truly did not expect Su Yin to sniff out his real identity. Either Su Yin also has talent in Alchemy, or she's simply that obsessed with Su Yang.

Chapter 580 I Am Not Su Yang

"S-Su Yin! How could you say such a thing to my Master?! Apologize right now!" Bai Lihua said to her with a frown.

"But it's true… I can smell my Brother's scent on him…" she said.


"It's fine." Su Yang casually waved his hand and spoke, "You really love your Brother, Su Yang, don't you?"

"I love him very much!" Su Yin quickly nodded.

"Well, I happen to be a very good friend of Su Yang, and since you are his little sister, if he cannot solve something for you, you come to me for help." Su Yang said.

"There's nothing in this world that my Brother cannot solve." Su Yin said with a confident smile.

"If you say so…" Su Yang smiled behind his mask.

"Anyway, let's talk more privately, shall we?" He then turned to look at Bai Lihua, who nodded.

Sometime later, Su Yang entered Bai Lihua's room.

"Although it's nothing fancy, please have some tea." Bai Lihua said as she poured him some tea.

However, Su Yang did not immediately drink the tea and only silently stared at it.

Bai Lihua wondered if there was something wrong with the tea, but when she realized that he was still wearing his mask, she quickly apologized, "I-I'm sorry, Master. I forgot that you can't drink tea while wearing your mask…"

"No, it's fine. I can take off my mask." Su Yang suddenly said.

"Eh? Really?" Bai Lihua looked at him with wide eyes, as she did not expect him to reveal his face so soon.

"You are my disciple now, so there's no longer any reason for me to hide my face." Su Yang said as he reached for his mask.


Bai Lihua swallowed nervously as she watched Su Yang's fingers approach the mask, her heart filled with anticipation.

A moment later, Su Yang removed the mask and showed her his face.

"Y-You are?! S-Su Yang?!" Bai Lihua exclaimed in a shocked voice after seeing his face.

However, although his face resembled Su Yang's facial features, it was also different at the same time, as his face appeared more mature and handsome than Su Yang.

"I know what you are thinking, but I am not Su Yang." Su Yang said with a smile on his face. "We happen to look the same, but I can assure you that we are two different individuals."

"Is that even possible…?" Bai Lihua continued to stare at him with wide eyes. "I find it harder to believe that you are not Su Yang than everything you've shown me so far…"

"Hahaha… Trust me, I was as surprised as you are now when I first saw Su Yang and the resemblance we have." Su Yang continued to act as though he was a different person despite having almost the same face.

If it were anybody else in Su Yang's shoes right now, they would surely not be able to convince even an idiot that he was not Su Yang.


"Are you telling me the truth?" Bai Lihua narrowed her eyes at him, clearly still suspicious of him.

"Of course. What would I gain by lying to you?" he calmly sipped on the tea.

"I see…" Bai Lihua nodded a moment later, and she continued, "I'm sorry for doubting you, Master, but it's simply too hard to believe such coincidences…"

"I understand your position, so there's no need to feel guilty."


Bai Lihua continued to stare at Su Yang's face even many moments later, seemingly in a daze.

"So? Why did you wish to speak with me?" Su Yang asked her after many moments of silence.

"Oh, right!" Bai Lihua quickly snapped out of her daze and said, "Well, I originally wanted to speak to you about buying some Earth Advancement Pills, but now that I am your disciple, it means I can concoct them myself, right?"

Su Yang nodded, "Indeed, I plan on sharing the recipe for the Earth Spirit Realm to all three of you, but it'll take at least a few years of training before you can actually concoct it."

"I-I see…" Bai Lihua showed a disappointed face after hearing his words.

"Well, if you need Earth Advancement Pills, I have some with me right now. You can take it since I have no use for it." Su Yang then retrieved a few bottles of Earth Advancement Pills and placed it on the table.

"T-Thank you, Master!" Bai Lihua's eyes flickered with excitement after seeing the thirty or so pills on the table. This is the most Earth Advancement Pill she has seen at once to date.

"There's no need to thank me. It is also a Master's responsibility to help out their disciple whenever they can." Su Yang said with a smile, causing Bai Lihua to blush.

'Damn it! Even though he looks like Su Yang, he's incredibly handsome and totally my type! Would Su Yang also look like this in ten or twenty years from now? That would be problematic for me for many reasons!' Bai Lihua pondered to herself, feeling as though her heart was beating through her chest.

"Well, if you have nothing else for me, I shall take my leave." Su Yang said as he stood up and covered his face with the mask again.

"You're already leaving, Master? You just got here…" Bai Lihua said, seemingly reluctant to see him go.

"I would stay here longer if I could, but unfortunately, there are matters I must attend to. I will stay here longer for my next visit when I start your lecture, so you should study the three techniques I gave you."

"I understand… Then at least let me escort you to the exit."

Su Yang nodded, he followed her until they were outside of the Sect.

"Please have a safe trip, Master." Bai Lihua bowed to him.

"I will see you again next month." Su Yang nodded and took flight, before disappearing into the distance shortly after.


Bai Lihua remained standing outside the Sect even many minutes after Su Yang had left, seemingly dazed.

"Haaa… what should I do? I have never felt like this before…" Bai Lihua sighed, and she moved her hands to her chest, feeling its strong throbbing.

"But I am his disciple, and I doubt he would find any interest in a woman like me…"

One could say Bai Lihua has fallen for the mature Su Yang at first glance, but because of their Master and Disciple relationship, such feelings could only be described as a burden to her.

Meanwhile, after returning to the Profound Blossom Sect, Su Yang knocked on Xie Xingfang's door.

"Hello, Su Yang. How may I help you?" Xie Xingfang greeted him at the door.

"They are going to be here in a few days," he said.

"They…? Who?" Xie Xingfang tilted her head in a puzzled manner.

"Who else but the people coming from the Holy Central Continent."


Xie Xingfang's eyes widened with shock.

"What?! The Moonlight Blades actually managed to reach the Holy Central Continent and somehow convinced the people there to help them?! Impossible!" Xie Wang appeared out of thin air while shouting loudly.

"Are you certain about this information, Su Yang?" Xie Xingfang asked him.

He nodded and said, "I have a friend who can sense people from a very long distance, and she told me a few days ago that they were approaching this place."

"A few days ago?! Why did you wait until now to tell us something so important?!" Xie Wang exclaimed in a slightly angered voice.

Su Yang shook his head before looking at them with a serious expression, "Are you scared, old man?"


Xie Wang was speechless.

"In case you forgot where you are at right now, take a look around you." Su Yang pointed at the sky, and he continued, "As long as you remain inside this formation, no harm will come to you or Xing'er."


After a moment of silence, Xie Xingfang spoke, "While that may be true, what about the people outside of this formation? As a member of the Xie Family, I have a responsibility to protect our citizens. What if the expert coming starts killing the innocent and causing havoc in the Eastern Continent while I hide inside this formation like a turtle? I'd rather sacrifice myself than to let innocent people suffer because of me."

"Xing'er…" Xie Wang looked at her with a painful expression.

Meanwhile, Su Yang showed a gentle smile on his face.

"You are truly a kind woman, Xing'er — too kind, in fact. However, if you weren't like this, I wouldn't be doing so much for you." He said to her, and he continued, "You can leave the expert to me. I won't let him harm even a single tree on this land, let alone an innocent person."

"Su Yang… what are you going to do?" Xie Xingfang asked him with a worried expression.

"There's still a few days before they reach the Continent, and I will be there waiting for them when they do." He calmly responded.

Chapter 581 Golden Lion Academy's Invasion 1

"That sounds incredibly dangerous! And what do you plan on doing once you meet the people from the Holy Central Continent? Don't tell me you're going to negotiate with them, hoping they'd leave peacefully." Xie Wang asked him.

"Hahaha!" Su Yang suddenly burst loud laughing, before making a grim expression a moment later.

"Negotiation? There is no room for negotiation, as I have some personal feud with them, and once I see them, I am going to slaughter all of them."


Both Xie Wang and Xie Xingfang looked at Su Yang with a slightly nervous feeling in their hearts, as they have never felt such an intimidating aura before, and they wondered what those people had done to offend Su Yang.

"Then do you need our help with your preparations?" Xie Xingfang asked him a moment later.

He shook his head and said, "The only thing I need you to do for me is to relax and wait until everything is over."

"T-That's impossible… After all, this is also my problem, and you are doing this to help me…" Xie Xingfang said, feeling incredibly selfish and useless for letting him do everything for her.

"Don't worry too much about it since this is how I am." Su Yang said with a smile.

"T-Then can I at least come with you?" Xie Xingfang asked.

"What?! Absolutely not! Why would you want to leave the formation and deliver yourself to the enemy?! That would defeat the entire point of keeping you safe here!" Xie Wang exclaimed loudly.

"Hmm…" Su Yang looked at her with a pondering expression.

"What is your reason for wanting to follow me to the battlefield?" he asked her a moment later.

"Wha—?! Regardless of her reason, I won't allow it!" Xie Wang quickly responded.

However, Xie Xingfang ignored his words and spoke calmly, "Because I have been hiding for far too long. Besides those that have failed to capture me, I don't even know the faces of my enemies. I know that I came to the Profound Blossom Sect for protection, but I didn't plan that because of the formation."

"Instead, I came to the Profound Blossom Sect for your protection, Su Yang, and I am confident that you can protect me even if I am not inside this formation."

"You sure have a lot of confidence in me, who's even younger than yourself." Su Yang said with a smile.

"The date of one's birth is irrelevant to Cultivators like us, and that only becomes truer the stronger you are. Even though you may be younger than me by a few years, your Cultivation is already far above my own by many, many years. If you want, I wouldn't mind calling you my Senior." Xie Xingfang said with a serious expression.

"And I promise you that I won't make things more difficult for you when we are there, as I have my own methods to protect myself."

After a moment, Su Yang nodded his head and spoke, "Well, I have never missed an opportunity to impress a beautiful woman whenever I can, and I am confident that I can protect you even if they attack me with you in my arms."

"W-Wait a moment, Su Yang! Are you seriously going to take her with you?" Xie Wang said with wide eyes.

He nodded and said, "If you are that worried, you can also come with us. And it's not like I am going alone."

"What do you mean? Who else will be coming with us?" Xie Wang asked.

"Let's just call her an expert with unfathomable power." Su Yang said.

"Unfathomable power… and a woman?" Xie Wang immediately thought about Qiuyue, who was the only person who could fit such a description in his mind.

'If she's also coming, then I don't have to worry about Xing'er safety at all…' he thought to himself.

"If there's nothing else, let's meet here tomorrow morning." Su Yang said.

The two of them nodded, and they went away to prepare shortly after.

Su Yang also returned to the Yin Yang Pavilion, and he went to find Xiao Rong.

"Xiao Rong, come with me tomorrow. I need you to be there to make sure that he doesn't run away and as insurance just in case anything goes wrong." Su Yang said to her, who calmly nodded her head.

"Where will the two of you be going tomorrow?" Qin Liangyu, who also happened to be in the room, asked him.

"Well, somebody from the Holy Central Continent will be arriving at this place soon, and I have some business with him." Su Yang said.

"The Holy Central Continent? That place really exists?" Qin Liangyu's eyes became filled with wonder.

"So even the Southern Region is aware of that place, huh?"

"Of course. Although nobody has managed to go there recently, there are records of people going to that place before."

"When the time comes, I can bring you to that place."

"Really? I cannot wait!" Qin Liangyu said.

"Anyway, you can continue doing whatever you were doing just now." Su Yang said to them before leaving their room.

Sometime later, he knocked on Qiuyue's door.

"What do you want? I still don't feel like talking to you yet." Qiuyue's voice resounded a few moments later.

A bitter smile appeared on Su Yang's face, and he spoke, "I figured that you should know that someone from the Holy Central Continent will be coming here soon, and I am going to meet him."

"Who…?" Qiuyue asked him.

"The Sect Leader of the Golden Lion Academy."

"That pervert? Why the hell would he come all the way over here? It would take even someone like him many months to reach this place." Qiuyue said in a disgruntled voice.

"Oh? You also know him?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah… That pervert jumped at me during our first meeting, so I gave him a beating until he was half-dead." Qiuyue sighed just recalling that memory.

'Is that so…? Now I have even more reasons to kill that bastard.' Su Yang nodded to himself.

Chapter 582 Golden Lion Academy's Invasion 2

"Wait a second… Why are you going to meet with that pervert?" Qiuyue asked him with a frown on her face.

"Because I am going to kill him." He responded in a calm and casual voice.

"W-What…?" A surprised noise resounded inside the room, and a few moments later, she asked.

"Why would you do that?"


Su Yang proceeded to explain the situation to her, from what happened to Xiao Rong to Xie Xingfang's situation.

"I see…" Qiuyue mumbled.

Sometime later, she spoke in a low voice, "Do you… need me to come with you?"

"It would make things easier with you there, but it's not necessary, since I already have Xiao Rong coming with me." Su Yang said to her.


Inside the room, Qiuyue had a frown on her beautiful face. For some reason, Su Yang's last sentence had caused an uncomfortable feeling in her heart, as it made her feel like she was being replaced by Xiao Rong.

A few moments later, the door opened, and Qiuyue looked at Su Yang with a serious expression on her face. "I am coming with you," she spoke in a stern voice.

Seeing this, Su Yang merely nodded his head with a smile, and he said, "We will be leaving tomorrow."

Qiuyue nodded before quickly closing the door again.

'Heavens! If I had to look at his face for another second, my emotions would've gone out of control! That was incredibly dangerous!' Qiuyue cried inwardly afterward, feeling the beat of her heart resembling war drums.

If it had taken her all of her resolve to speak with Su Yang without blushing just now, she cannot imagine how torturous it will be for her tomorrow.

The following day, Su Yang left the Yin Yang Pavilion with Xiao Rong by his side, and Qiuyue, who was walking many meters behind them.

And after walking a few minutes, they could see Xie Wang and Xie Xingfang in the distance waiting for them.

"It's really the Goddess!" Xie Wang's blood pressure immediately soared after seeing Qiuyue's otherworldly appearance and domineering aura.

However, there was another person there that also captured his attention — the young girl walking beside Su Yang, who looked just as beautiful as Qiuyue, even resembling her appearance slightly.

'Who's that little girl?' he wondered inwardly.

In Xie Wang's eyes, Xiao Rong appeared to be Su Yang's and Qiuyue's daughter at glance, but after recalling Su Yang's young age, it was simply impossible for him to have a child at Xiao Rong's age.

"This Junior greets Senior…" Xie Wang respectfully bowed to Qiuyue when she got close enough.


Qiuyue merely glanced at him and slightly nodded her head in acknowledgment before ignoring him again.

Although it may appear disrespectful, Xie Wang was already satisfied just from her acknowledgment.

"Are you prepared to leave?" Su Yang asked the two of them.

"Yes… but…" Xie Xingfang looked at Xiao Rong with a puzzled gaze, and she asked him in a worried voice, "Who may this young lady be? And do you plan on bringing her with us?"

Su Yang nodded and said, "Don't underestimate her because of her young appearance since she's actually the strongest one here."

"W-What?" Xie Wang and Xie Xingfang looked at him with wide eyes.

Could this innocent-looking little girl really be the strongest one amongst them?

'She's even stronger than that Goddess? Impossible! I cannot even feel any spiritual energy coming from her!' Xie Wang was immediately suspicious of such claims, as it was simply too hard to believe.

When Su Yang saw the doubt on Xie Wang's face, a mysterious smile appeared on his face, and he said to him a moment later, "If you're not convinced, would you like to have a taste of her abilities?"

"What?" Xie Wang's eyes widened with surprise upon hearing his words.

Although he could feel an ominous feeling coming from Su Yang's smile, he was also very curious about Xiao Rong's strength.

"If you are worried, I can restrict her movements so that she won't move even a single limb against you. Furthermore, she will not use any techniques. All she is allowed to use is her mouth — a single breath to defeat you."

"A single breath to defeat me? Aren't you looking down on me too much, Su Yang? In case you have forgotten, I am still at the Sovereign Spirit Realm." Xie Wang said with a frown on his face, feeling as though he was mocked by Su Yang's words.

"I don't mean to look down on you, but I also don't want her to accidentally kill you right before Xing'er." Su Yang shrugged.

Xie Wang's eyebrows suddenly trembled, and he quickly shouted in anger, "You've done it now, Su Yang! If she cannot defeat me with a single breath, I will make you regret looking down on me!"

"Grandfather…" Xie Xingfang sighed.

Su Yang smiled, and he looked at Xiao Rong and said to her, "You heard everything. Defeat him in a single breath, but don't kill him."

Xiao Rong calmly nodded.

"Okay, whenever you are ready." Su Yang said to Xie Wang, who immediately began gathering his spiritual energy.


Within just a few seconds, Xie Wang used almost all of his Profound Qi to create a barrier made of spiritual energy between him and Xiao Rong.

"Go ahead!" He said after his preparations.

"You heard him." Su Yang said to her.

Hearing his words, Xiao Rong took a slightly deeper breath than normal before gently blowing it towards Xie Wang's direction.



An immensely powerful gust appeared, and the barrier made by Xie Wang did not even last for half a second before it shattered into a million pieces.

However, that was not the end, as Xiao Rong's breath continued in Xie Wang's direction.


Xie Wang suddenly felt as though he was hit by a steel wall, and he was sent flying thousands of meters into the distance before disappearing from their sights like a mosquito getting swatted.

"G-Grandfather!" Xie Xingfang covered her mouth from shock after witnessing this grand scene.

Chapter 583 Golden Lion Academy's Invasion 3


After being hit by Xiao Rong's breath, Xie Wang landed a few miles away from the Profound Blossom Sect with a few broken bones in his body.

He laid on the ground with a dazed expression, seemingly speechless about what has just happened.

'Are people from the Holy Central Continent all this powerful?' he pondered inwardly.

If he traveled to the Holy Central Continent, will he also be able to cultivate to such an extreme level?

"Ugh… I haven't experienced this kind of injury for over a hundred years…" Xie Wang struggled to even get on his feet, before flying back to the Profound Blossom Sect.

"Grandfather! Are you okay?!" Xie Xingfang showed a surprised face when she saw his messy appearance, looking like he'd just fallen down a cliff.

"I have a few broken bones, but it's nothing life threatening…" he sighed.

Once Xie Wang returned, Su Yang extended his hand and offered a pill to him.

"Take this pill, it'll help you with your internal injuries."

Xie Wang nodded.

However, he did not immediately swallow the pill and silently admired the flawless-looking pill in his hand for a few moments, as this is his first time seeing a pill with such few impurities inside if there were any at all.

'Whoever crafted this pill must be a peak Alchemy Master…' Xie Wang silently paid respect to the creator of this pill before swallowing it.

"So potent!" He exclaimed in a shocked voice when all of his internal injury healed within just a few seconds after swallowing the pill.

"Where did you obtain this pill?" he asked Su Yang afterward.

"Not sure. I think I picked it up on the side of the road sometime ago." Su Yang casually shrugged.

"...Just say so if you don't want to tell me." Xie Wang shook his head.

"Anyway, I admit defeat, and I also want to apologize for looking down on you because of your young appearance. I'm sorry, Senior." Xie Wang bowed to Xiao Rong, who remained nonchalant.

"Now that you are aware of her abilities, let's head to the location." Su Yang said, and he turned to look at Xiao Rong. "Which direction are they coming from?"

Xiao Rong quickly pointed to the south.

"It will take at least an entire month to reach the Southern Sea from here even if we fly there nonstop…" Xie Wang said.

"Qiuyue, let's use your flying ship." Su Yang said to her.

She nodded and retrieved her large flying ship.

She then tossed the flying ship into the air, and it expanded until it was the size of a real ship.

While Xie Wang and Xie Xingfang admired the flying ship, Su Yang and the others boarded it.

Sometime later, when everyone was on the ship, Qiuyue used her spiritual energy to navigate the ship towards the south.

Meanwhile, the disciples within the Profound Blossom Sect were shocked speechless when a massive ship suddenly appeared above their Sect, and it was only after Liu Lanzhi explained to them the situation did they finally calm down.

"What a mythical treasure!"

When Su Yang and the group arrived at the Southern Sea in just a few minutes, Xie Wang expressed his admiration for the flying ship, as he had never experienced moving this fast before, nor did he imagine that it would be possible.

And while Xie Wang was focused on the flying ship, Xie Xingfang pointed towards the sandy land that was right before the Jade Sea, and she spoke, "Look at the people gathered over there! They are the Moonlight Blades!"

"What?! Let me see!" Xie Wang quickly walked beside her and looked at where she was pointing, and he could see at glance over a hundred people wearing the Moonlight Blades' uniform camping near the Jade Sea.

"Those bastards must be waiting for the people from the Holy Central Continent! It seems like we have come to the right place! I should go down there and kill every last one of them!" Xie Wang's eyes flickered with killing intent.

"Wait a second." Su Yang suddenly stopped him, and he said, "We can kill them after we gather some information."

"Su Yang, can I come with you? I'd also like to have a word with them." Xie Xingfang suddenly said.

"Of course." He nodded.

Meanwhile, at the Moonlight Blades' camping area, they quickly noticed the massive flying ship that appeared out of nowhere without making a single sound, almost as though it was a ghost ship.

"W-What the heck is that?!"

"How did it get there without making any noises?!"

They were baffled by this phenomenon.

A few moments later, they noticed three figures jumping off this flying ship and slowly descending towards their direction.

And when they saw Xie Xingfang's face among those three figures, the Moonlight Blade was immediately alerted.

"W-What's she doing here?!"

"Look beside her! That's Xie Wang! The Xie Family's Ancestor!"

"Impossible! How did the Xie Family find us?!"

"Fuck! It's over! We're all dead!"

The Moonlight Blades began panicking with some even running away.

However, before they could flee very far, Su Yang waved his sleeves, instantly creating a restriction array around them, entrapping them in a semi-transparent barrier.

"What the hell is this?!"

"Let me out of here, you bastard!"

"T-That's Su Yang?! What's he doing here with the Xie Family?!"

A few people in the Moonlight Blades recognized Su Yang's handsome face.

"Give it up. You won't break the formation even if all of you attack it for a year straight." Su Yang said to them as he approached them.

"What do you want from us?!" One of them asked him.

"I only have a few questions for you." He calmly responded.

"If we answer your questions, will you let us go?"

Su Yang nodded and said, "Of course. If you answer all of my questions, I will remove the formation and let you all go. However, if you lie even once, I will slaughter every single one of you."

Chapter 584 Golden Lion Academy's Invasion 4

"What do you want to know?! We will tell you everything we know!" The Moonlight Blades immediately answered.

"My first question is how did you guys manage to travel to the Holy Central Continent?" Su Yang then asked.

"The Leader has this spiritual treasure that can transport people to the Holy Central Continent, but it only works one way, so it cannot be used to bring them back."

"Who is your Leader?" Su Yang asked.

"We don't know! In fact, only the higher-ups are allowed to meet the Leader! We have never seen him before!"

"However, we've been told that the Leader will appear to greet the guests from the Holy Central Continent when they finally arrive!"

"Is that so?" Su Yang nodded.

"Then where's your hideout? I heard it's impossible to find."

The Moonlight Blades turned to look at each other with perplexed expressions. If they reveal their hideout and the higher-ups find out, they will surely be killed even if they escape from this place alive.

"If you don't want to answer my question, I can simply kill one of you at a time until someone gives me an answer." Su Yang suddenly said with a grim expression, sending chills down their spine.

"I-I will talk!" One of them quickly said, and he continued, "The reason our hideout has remained hidden for so long is because we don't have a hideout in the first place…"

"What? Then how do you communicate with each other?" Xie Wang spoke with a frown.

"It's a one-way communication. Whenever there is a mission, we are contacted by the higher-ups through multiple unique methods, such as feeding rats with messages and using techniques to control them."

"So if we want to get rid of you bunch, we'll have to start cleaning up from the top, huh?" Su Yang nodded.

He then turned to look at Xie Wang and said, "I have changed my mind. Instead of killing them after we have our information, we should kill them when their Leader arrives. If we kill them now, their Leader will become suspicious."

"Even if you say that… How are we going to keep them here after all of this? It's not like you can keep them inside that formation since it'll definitely alert someone." Xie Wang said to him.

"Don't worry, I have an idea." Su Yang said with a smile.

"W-Wait a moment! I thought you said that you wouldn't kill us if we answered your questions!"

"That's right! Are you going to go back on your words, you bastard?!"

The people inside the formation immediately began cursing at Su Yang.

Seeing this, Su Yang merely shook his head and spoke in a calm voice, "I only said that I'd let you leave this formation. Who said anything about letting you leave with your lives? However, even though I said that, I won't be the one killing you guys."

He then pointed to Xie Wang and continued, "You guys have been targeting Xing'er for many years now, I'm sure that the Xie Family has some built-up anger they'd like to relieve."

The people there quickly turned to look at Xie Wang, who was staring at them with murderous eyes, looking like a hungry tiger before its prey.

"P-Please! Have mercy! We are only doing as we're told! In the first place, the only person interested in Lady Xie is our Leader!" One of them pleaded.

However, Xie Xingfang coldly snorted and said, "Do you think this is just about the Moonlight Blades trying to capture me? You guys have been trying to ruin my Xie Family for many years now, not to mention the countless incidents you guys have caused around the entire Eastern Continent!"


The Moonlight Blades were speechless, as everything Xie Xingfang said was true.

The main purpose of the Moonlight Blades was to conquer the Eastern Continent and spread chaos and fear as far and wide as possible. It was an evil organization that has no redeeming qualities. In fact, the entire world would be much more peaceful without their existence.

"Xing'er, you can deal with them all you want later. For now, I will erase their memories, making it appear as though we were never here in the first place." Su Yang suddenly said.

"You… can erase memories?" Xie Wang looked at him with a bewildered look. Is there anything in this world that he cannot do?

A few moments later, Su Yang stepped inside the formation without any hesitation.

When the Moonlight Blades members saw this, they wasted no time and immediately attacked him.

"Get him!"

And over a hundred Cultivators between the Elementary Spirit Realm and the Profound Spirit Realm rushed at him simultaneously.

Seeing this, Su Yang merely shook his head with a calm expression before his index finger glowed a golden light.

"You guys should enjoy your last few days of being alive before it ends…" Su Yang said to them as he casually dodged their attacks while poking them on the forehead at the same time.

The Moonlight Blades members rapidly collapsed on the floor, and within just a few moments, they were all effortlessly knocked unconscious by Su Yang.

Su Yang removed the formation afterward.

"They won't remember anything that has happened in the last hour when they wake up. Let's return to the flying ship for now. Once their leader shows up, we can deal with them once and for all." He said to Xie Xingfang.

"Even if you say that, where are we going to hide with such a massive and eye-catching flying ship floating in the air?" Xie Wang asked him. "They will see us even from miles away."

"Don't worry, this flying ship can do more than just traveling at a fast speed; it can even camouflage itself with the background and make it appear invisible, and unless they have someone with a powerful enough spiritual sense to see through the illusion, they won't be able to see or sense it even if we are right above them." Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

"..." Xie Wang was speechless, but he was not too surprised, as he was beginning to grow numb after being shocked so many times by Su Yang and his companions.

Chapter 585 Golden Lion Academy's Invasion 5

"Qiuyue, can you activate the concealment array within the ship? We'll be camping up here for a few days." Su Yang said to her after returning to the ship.

Qiuyue nodded, and a few moments later, a transparent barrier surrounded the entire ship.

"This is it? Are we invisible now?" Xie Wang asked him.

"Yes, and unless they bump into us or have someone skilled enough to see through the formation, they won't even feel our presence." Su Yang said.

"Then all we have to do now is wait for their Leader to appear…" Xie Wang said as he stared at the unconscious people below them.

A few minutes after Su Yang wiped their memories, the Moonlight Blades' members began waking up one by one, and they were all completely baffled by the mysterious situation.

"W-What the hell happened? Why were we all sleeping?" One of them said.

"I… can't remember anything... "

"I don't recall anything, either!"

Meanwhile, a few thousand miles away from their location, a middle-aged man with a large, ugly scar on his face stood before ten other figures, and all of them wore the Moonlight Blades' uniform.

"Leader Lai, the reinforcements from the Holy Central Continent should arrive within the next three days," said one of the figures.

The middle-aged man, who was the leader of the Moonlight Blades nodded, and he spoke with an expression that could hardly contain his excitement, "At long last… after spending countless efforts throughout many decades and sacrificing thousands of our soldiers, we can finally take down the Xie Family once and for all!"

"Congratulations, Leader Lai!"

"Congratulations, Leader!"

"The Eastern Continent is finally yours, Leader!"

The ten figures began praising him, who burst out laughing, "Once the Eastern Continent is in my hands, I will finally be able to exact my revenge on the Xie Family! I will make that bastard Xie Yimu regret ruining my life, and I am going to do so by ravaging his beloved daughter right before his very eyes! If he dies an early death, I will play with her body on your damn grave instead, Xie Yimu!"

The Leader's aura radiated with killing intent, his voice filled with deep hatred.

"Leader, I have a question." One of the figures suddenly said. "Can we really trust the reinforcements from the Holy Central Continent?"

"What if they want more than what we offered?"

"Isn't it a bit too late to ask that now?" The Leader said, and he continued, "Even if they decide to betray us, as long as I can have my revenge, nothing else matters."


The ten figures became silent.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Jade Sea, a massive ship could be seen approaching the Eastern Continent at an extreme speed.

"Patriarch, there's another Dragon Eel approaching us!" Someone on the ship alerted Patraich Gold.


A powerful roar suddenly resounded, and a massive serpent-like beast leaped out of the water with its fangs aimed at the moving ship.

"Get lost!"

Patriarch Gold suddenly appeared in front of the Dragon Eel and punched it with his fist glowing gold.

"Heavenly Lion's Smash!"


A massive hole opened up in the Dragon Eel's body exactly where Patriarch Gold had punched, instantly killing it.

"As expected of the Patriarch! He can kill even a peak Heavenly Spirit Realm Dragon Eel in a single strike!"

"Hahaha! He's the Sect Leader of the Golden Lion Academy for a reason!"

The people on the ship quickly celebrated Patriarch Gold's overwhelming victory.

"Without Patriarch Gold, we would've never made it this far. The Jade Sea is simply too dangerous — even more so than I'd imagined."

"Indeed. We have been attacked constantly ever since we began our sail many months ago, and the sea creatures were all between the Earth Spirit Realm and the Heavenly Spirit Realm with even a few at the Sovereign Spirit Realm."

"If the surface of the Jade Sea is already this dangerous, I do not want to imagine what it would be like deep within the Jade Sea."

"Can you not talk about that? My body is shivering just from the mention of it…"

After defeating the Dragon Eel, Patriarch Gold returned to the ship and said to the crew, "We should arrive in the Eastern Continent in a few days. Prepare yourselves, because we are going to have some fun once we get there!"

The entire ship trembled with people shouting from excitement shortly afterward.

"Xing'er, you can sleep in any of the available rooms." Su Yang said to her once the sky turned black.

"Thank you, but I don't feel tired at all." Xie Xingfang said.

"Would you like to watch the stars with me?" she suddenly asked him.

"It would be my honor." Su Yang said.

A beautiful smile appeared on Xie Xingfang's face, and she gently patted the floor beside her.

"You can sit here," she said.

Su Yang nodded, and he sat beside Xie Xingfang on the floor.

Once he sat down, Xie Xingfang returned to staring at the flickering stars in the sky and spoke in an admiring voice, "I have never seen so many stars in the sky before."

"Maybe it's because I am always stuck inside my room by my father's will and I never get the chance to experience this kind of situation before. However, I don't blame him, as I know it's for my own safety."

"But ever since I met you, Su Yang, I feel as though I am leaving my room more and spending more time in the outside world."

Su Yang smiled and said, "I have met many people in similar situations — people who are born with elite statuses along with invisible shackles that bind their freedom. And for some reason, I always feel the desire to help them escape their shackles."

He then turned to look at her with a handsome smile on his face and said, "If you ever need help removing those shackles, I will gladly assist you."

"Su Yang…" Xie Xingfang looked at him with a slightly dazed face, seemingly mesmerized by his dazzling smile.

Chapter 586 Golden Lion Academy's Invasion 6

After staring at Su Yang's handsome face for a good minute Xie Xingfang finally snapped out of her daze, and she spoke with a reddened face, "Thank you, Su Yang."

And afraid that she might continue staring at his face, Xie Xingfang returned to gazing at the stars.

Meanwhile, standing on the other side of the ship, Xie Wang sighed inwardly, 'If only she could accept Su Yang despite his flaws, our Xie Family will flourish to a level never seen before.'

Two days later, Xie Wang, who has been watching the Moonlight Blades' every movement for the past two days suddenly said, "Hey! Look over there! There's a new group of people approaching them, and they are all at the Earth Spirit Realm with one of them even at the Heavenly Spirit Realm! I am willing to bet that the person at the Heavenly Spirit Realm is the Moonlight Blades' Leader."

Su Yang and Xie Xingfang went to his side to see the situation below.

A group of 11 individuals, all wrapped in black clothes, approached the Moonlight Blades' camp.

"It's the Elders! The Elders are here!"

The guard standing watch in the camp suddenly alerted everyone there, and a few moments later, every person in the camp appeared before these 11 figures and lowered their heads to them.

"What's the situation?" One of the Elders suddenly spoke.

"Reporting to the Elders and the Leader! We received a message from the Holy Central Continent's reinforcements just a few hours ago! They are expecting to arrive at the Eastern Continent by tomorrow noon!"

"Good. Then has anything suspicious happened around here lately?" The Elder continued to ask.

"Nothing suspicious has—"

Just as the man was about to say nothing suspicious has happened to them, he recalled that time when everyone was mysteriously knocked unconscious without being able to remember anything just two days ago.

"Actually, something weird did happen. Although we don't know why or how it happened, we were all knocked unconscious for an unknown amount of time, and when we woke up, we couldn't remember the reason for our unconsciousness."

"What kind of nonsense is that?" The Elders looked at the man with frowns on their faces.

People don't just get knocked unconscious for no reason, after all.

"Wait a second… let me see your head." Leader Lai suddenly stepped forward and extended his hand, touching the man's forehead.

A few seconds later, he exclaimed, "Their memories have been altered! Someone manipulated their memories!"

"What?! Who would do such a thing?! And what for?!" The Elders exclaimed.

"Who's there?!" The Leader suddenly felt three presence appear out of thin air not too far away from them, causing him to turn to look in that direction.

In the air, Su Yang, Xie Xingfang, and Xie Wang were descending from the sky.

When the Moonlight Blades' members that had their memories wiped saw Su Yang, they felt an indescribable feeling of fear in their hearts. Although they do not remember him, their hearts could instinctively remember it.

"Xie Xingfang?!?!"

When Leader Lai saw her beautiful figure, he was immediately stunned.

"If you try to run away, I will kill you before you can even take one step." Xie Wang spoke in a cold voice while restricting their movements with pressure from his Sovereign Spirit Realm Cultivation base.

'That's Xie Wang! What the hell is the Ancestor of the Xie Family doing all the way out here?!' Leader Lai cried inwardly.

"You are the Moonlight Blades' Leader, right? Let me see your face!" Xie Wang waved his sleeves, causing the cover around Leader Lai's face to tear apart.

"You are General Lai!"

When Xie Xingfang saw the middle-aged man and the ugly scar on his face, she immediately recognized him.

"General Lai? That bastard who committed treason as the General of the Xie Family's army 100 years ago? You were alive this entire time?" Xie Wang also recognized him, as his treason had caused a massive uproar within the Eastern Continent when it happened.

"So the Xie Family still remembers me, huh? That's right, I am indeed General Lai who once led the Xie Family's elite army, but after barely escaping with my life, I have created the Moonlight Blades with only one purpose — to make the Xie Family pay for ruining my life and take over the Eastern Continent!"

"You created the Moonlight Blades just for the sake of revenge?! Are you insane! Furthermore, you were the one who ruined your own life! How dare you blame my family for your own mistakes! If you hadn't betrayed the Xie Family — the Eastern Continent with your ludicrous ambitions, you could've become one of the greatest Generals in history!" Xie Xingfang said in a loud voice, her tone filled with anger.

"What's wrong with having a grand ambition?! It is ambitions that drive all Cultivators to greater heights! Without ambitions, can you even be considered alive?!" Leader Lai roared back.

"There's nothing wrong with having ambitions, but there is also a limit! When your ambition is to rule over an entire Continent through manipulation and destruction, it has crossed that limit!"

"Nonsense! Hypocrite! I am merely doing what the Xie Family is currently doing!"

"My family's method of ruling is completely different from your term of 'ruling'! And we don't treat our own people as slaves! Don't you dare compare us to you!" Xie Xingfang said.

"You can stop wasting your breath on him, Xing'er. People who are blinded by their ambitions — people like him cannot be reasoned with." Su Yang said to her while shaking his head.

He then turned to look at Leader Lai and spoke, "Now, before we kill all of you, why don't you let me see the treasure that allowed you to send people to the Holy Central Continent? Although I don't personally need it, there are many people who would love to have their hands on that thing."

Leader Lai looked at Su Yang with narrowed eyes and spoke, "Su Yang, huh? I didn't expect the Eastern Continent's number one genius to show up in this place. Why don't we team up instead? I'll let you have half of the Eastern Continent and that woman beside you if you help me rule the place. With your talents, I'm sure you can't stand being ordered around by the Xie Family."

Chapter 587 Golden Lion Academy's Invasion 7

"You want me to team up with you to conquer the Eastern Continent?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows, seemingly surprised that Leader Lai was shameless enough to ask him such a question right before the Xie Family.

"Don't listen to his nonsense…" Xie Wang shook his head.

However, Su Yang smiled and said, "What do I gain by teaming up with you?"

"You…" Xie Wang looked at him with wide eyes.

Leader Lai's eyes flickered with hope in this desperate situation, and he quickly spoke, "Everything! I can give you anything you want! If you do not have money, I will give you so much money that you cannot spend it all! If you want fame, I will make you the most famous person on the Eastern Continent! And if Xie Xingfang is not good enough for you, or you are simply bored of her, I can make all of the women in the Eastern Continent obey your every command!"

"Hoh? That's quite the tempting offer. However, what if I say that I am not content with just the Eastern Continent? What if I want to rule every Continent in this world?" Su Yang said.

"Y-You want to rule the world?" Leader Lai looked at him with wide eyes, as even he did not expect Su Yang to have such ambitions.

"What? Don't tell me that you cannot help me rule the world? Even though you said that you'd give me everything." Su Yang shook his head in disappointment.

"W-Wait! If that's what you want, I will arrange for it! Once we rule over the Eastern Continent, we can start working on the other Continents, and eventually, we will rule even the Holy Central Continent!" Leader Lai said without thinking.

"Hahaha!" Su Yang burst out laughing, before turning to look at Xie Wang and spoke, "Did you really make an idiot like him a general?"

He then returned to Leader Lai and continued, "There is nothing you offer me that I cannot already get myself. Fame? That means nothing to me. Wealth? All of the things I desire cannot be bought with money. Women? I already have enough beauties to keep me entertained for thousands of years. As for ruling the world… While that does sound interesting, I have more important matters in my life to worry about. And if I really decide to rule the world one day, I sure as hell wouldn't need any help!"

Not just Leader Lai but even Xie Wang and Xie Xingfang were dumbfounded by Su Yang's words, as he made it seem like there was nothing in this world that he cannot obtain.

"Now that the negotiations are over, what are you going to do?" Su Yang looked at Leader Lai with a nonchalant expression.

"W-Wait! You want the spiritual treasure that can transfer people to the Holy Central Continent, right?! If you let me go, I will give it to you!" He quickly said.

"Or I can just kill you right now and take it off your dead body without any hassle."

"Good luck with that, because I did not bring the treasure with me, and I hid it in a place you'll never find!" Leader Lai laughed arrogantly.

"Is that so?" Su Yang then turned to look in the sky at the invisible flying ship.

"Xiao Rong, come down here for a moment." He said to her.

A second later, Xiao Rong's small figure appeared beside him like a ghost, shocking everybody there.

"If I recall correctly, Phantom Cats are especially good at finding treasures. See if you can find this guy's treasures. It should emit the same spiritual energy as him since he'd used it before." Su Yang pointed at Leader Lai, who held a dumbfounded expression on his face.

Xiao Rong nodded and turned to look at Leader Lai with a narrowed gaze.


Leader Lai felt as though all of his clothes and even his skin were stripped before Xiao Rong's sharp gaze.

After staring at Leader Lai for a moment, Xiao Rong released her Ancient Realm cultivation base, sweeping the entire Eastern Continent within just a few seconds.

"Xiao Rong found it. Be right back."

Xiao Rong suddenly disappeared from the scene.




After a few moments of silence, Xiao Rong's figure reappeared beside Su Yang, and in her hands was an ordinary-looking yellow talisman.

When Leader Lai saw this yellow talisman, his eyes widened with shock, and his jaw dropped to the ground.

"What?! Impossible! H-How?!" he exclaimed in a terrified voice, almost as though he was staring at a ghost.

Seeing Leader Lai's reaction, Su Yang knew that Xiao Rong had found the right thing, and he spoke with a smile on his face, "What's the matter? Judging by your reaction, I am pretty confident that this yellow talisman is exactly what I'm looking for."


Leader Lai remained silent, as he was still shocked speechless by what had just happened.

Even Xie Wang and Xie Xingfang looked at Xiao Rong with a dazed expression, as they cannot even comprehend what had just happened.

Due to their high innate mental strength, Ghost Cats are able to use their spiritual sense for an insanely wide range, not to mention Xiao Rong's Ancient Realm cultivation base. Furthermore, Xiao Rong is a Phantom Cat with superior talents and abilities than Ghost Cats, and in a small place like the Eastern Continent, she can easily search the entire continent with her spiritual sense.

This is another reason why Ghost Cats are often sought after, as their abilities to find spiritual treasures were the best even within the Divine Heavens.

"Now that I have what I need, there is no longer any reason to keep you alive, right?" Su Yang said, and he turned to look at Xie Wang.

"You can do whatever you want to them. I'll return to the ship." After saying that, he created a restriction array and trapped the Moonlight Blades again, before returning to the ship with Xiao Rong.

Chapter 588 Golden Lion Academy's Invasion 8

"What should we do to them, Grandfather?" Xie Xingfang asked him after Su Yang left them alone.

"I'd like to kill all of them right now, but we will give them the proper punishment after we return to the family." Xie Wang said.

"Okay." Xie Xingfang nodded.

"Hahaha!" Leader Lai suddenly started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Xie Wang looked at him with a frown. "I will kill you right now if you do not shut up."

"Then go ahead and kill me!" Leader Lai spread his arms with a provoking expression on his face, and he continued, "Even if you kill me, you cannot prevent the inevitable! Once the reinforcement from the Holy Central Continent arrives tomorrow, the Eastern Continent will become like a wildfire, and my revenge will be fulfilled either way! Hahahaha!"

"You crazy bastard…" Xie Wang narrowed his eyes at Leader Lai, feeling a strong urge to kill him.

However, Xie Xingfang suddenly spoke, "Unfortunately for you, Su Yang will be here to prevent that."

Leader Lai looked at her with a mocking expression, and he spoke, "Su Yang? What the hell can he do? Although he may be the number one genius here, compared to the experts in the Holy Central Continent, he's as insignificant as an ant! And it will only take a single finger for the expert coming from the Holy Central Continent to kill him!"

"You may not know this, but the person coming here is actually one of the peak experts from the Holy Central Continent! He is even the Sect Master of one of the largest Sect on the Continent, and his cultivation is even more impressive, being at the fourth level Sovereign Spirit Realm! Hahaha! And you are telling me that a mere junior at the Heavenly Spirit Realm has what it takes to protect this place from him? You are dreaming!"

Xie Xingfang remained calm even after hearing his words, and she said, "No matter who is coming from the Holy Central Continent, they won't even get the chance to step on this land!"

"Hahaha…" Xie Wang burst out laughing, and he said, "Sovereign Spirit Realm? You have no idea what you're up against, General Lai! If you think Su Yang is alone then you're sorely mistaken! He should be the least of your worries!"

"What the hell do you mean by that?" Leader Lai immediately frowned.

"I'm saying that there's someone stronger that's backing Su Yang! In fact, I had a taste of her powers not too long ago! I wasn't even able to last a second under a single breath from her! Even if these people coming are at the peak of the Sovereign Spirit Realm, they won't be able to defeat her!" Xie Wang spoke with pride despite mentioning his defeat.

"W-What?! That's impossible! How could such a powerful individual exist in this place without anyone knowing?!" Leader Lai immediately doubted his words.

"There is a saying that all of the true experts within this world remain hidden from the rest of the world, so it's not weird for one or two unknown experts to show up out of thin air every once in a while." Xie Wang shrugged his shoulders.

"And if you still don't believe me, remember what happened not too long ago. You just witnessed this very expert achieve the impossible."

"D-Don't tell me that the expert you are speaking of is that little girl?!" Leader Lai exclaimed.

Xie Wang did not respond and merely showed a wide smile on his face.

"Anyway, you should try your best to enjoy your time inside this formation. It'll be the last few moments of your life, after all."

Xie Wang and Xie Xingfang returned to the flying ship shortly later, leaving the Moonlight Blades' members trapped within Su Yang's formation.

"What are you all doing?! Hurry up and break this formation!" Leader Lai shouted at the people inside.

"Yes, Leader!"

The Moonlight Blades Elders began attacking the formation with their Earth Spirit Realm cultivation base, and Leader Lai also began attacking the formation with his Heavenly Spirit Realm cultivation base.

However, the formation remained unchanged even after taking countless techniques from them for many hours.

"Impossible! How is this formation so powerful when he took so little time to create it?! It shouldn't be this sturdy and powerful!" Leader Lai gasped for air after running out of spiritual energy from attacking the formation.

Even the other members laid on the floor with exhausted expressions.

Meanwhile, on the flying ship, Xie Wang and Xie Xingfang casually watched them trying to break out of the formation, feeling somewhat entertained by their pointless efforts.

"Su Yang, how confident are you with that formation?" Xie Wang asked him sometime later.

"Although it's not very powerful, it should keep them inside for about a week even if they continuously attack it without rest." Su Yang casually responded.

"By the way, what do you think about those people coming from the Holy Central Continent? General Lai said that they are peak experts over there." Xie Wang suddenly asked him.

"He's not lying." Su Yang said, and he continued, "The individual coming here is the Sect Leader of a Sect called the Golden Lion Academy, and they are one of the top three Sects over there."

"Do you think he's powerful enough to subdue the entire Eastern Continent by himself if you guys were not here?"

Su Yang nodded, "Without a doubt. Not including us, the strongest person in the Eastern Continent is you, who has only recently entered the Sovereign Spirit Realm. If you want comparisons, even if you trained for another thousand years, you still wouldn't be able to defeat him. Even if all of the Cultivators at the Heavenly Spirit Realm attack him at once, he would still win with ease."

"He's that powerful…?" Xie Wang felt a drop of sweat roll down his cheeks after hearing Su Yang's words.

"Well, that's only natural, as he was born in the Holy Central Continent, where the Profound Qi is much denser and higher in quality compared to this place."

"I see…" Xie Wang nodded.

Chapter 589 Golden Lion Academy's Invasion 9

"By the way… that treasure you obtained from General Lai… can it really send someone to the Holy Central Continent?" Xie Wang asked Su Yang sometime later with a serious expression.

"Do you want to go to the Holy Central Continent?" Su Yang smiled at his obvious intentions.

"Yes!" Xie Wang nodded, not even bothering to beat around the bush.

If he could go to the Holy Central Continent that is regarded as a Cultivator's heaven, perhaps he might be able to further improve his cultivation base. At his current age and with his talents, Xie Wang was aware of his slim chances for another breakthrough, and entering the Sovereign Spirit Realm was already a miracle.

Su Yang then said, "After examining this talisman, I can say for sure that it has the ability to transport people. However, we don't really know if it'll really transport you to the Holy Central Continent or somewhere else in the world. Perhaps the Moonlight Blades merely got lucky with their location and ended up in the Holy Central Continent."

"I am willing to test the talisman!" Xie Wang quickly volunteered.

"You might end up in the middle of the Jade Sea, you know?" Su Yang said.

"I don't care even if I end up at the bottom of the Jade Sea! As long as there's a chance that I can go to the Holy Central Continent, I am willing to take the risk!" Xie Wang said.

Su Yang smiled at his eagerness and said, "You know… If you really want to go to the Holy Central Continent, I can bring you there with the flying ship. It won't take more than a few minutes, and it has zero risks involved."

"R-Really?! Can you really do that?!" Xie Wang's eyes widened with shock. But when he recalled the flying ship's speed, his excitement skyrocketed.

Su Yang nodded and said, "I plan on visiting the Holy Central Continent after dealing with the person coming from that place anyway. It won't make much of a difference if I brought along a few people with me."

"Thank you! I won't forget this debt for the rest of my life!" Xie Wang quickly bowed to him.

"You're exaggerating. I don't need anything in return." Su Yang shook his head.

"Anyway, there's less than a day left before they arrive. I'm going to cultivate and prepare myself." Su Yang said to him before disappearing into the ship.

Once Su Yang left the scene, Xie Xingfang said to Xie Wang, "I never thought there'd be a day where the Xie Family would owe someone a debt that cannot be paid fully."

"Do you finally feel like giving yourself to him now?" Xie Wang asked her with a wide smile on his face.

"That's not a very funny joke, grandfather."

"Who said I was joking?" Xie Wang shook his head and said, "If I was a woman, I'd be willing to do anything just to be with him."

Xie Xingfang looked at him with a weird expression, but she couldn't refute his words.

"I know you want him to be exclusive, but the truth is, men with status and power are more often than not shared by many women. Of course, there also exist women who have multiple husbands at their beckoning. If you are looking for someone like Su Yang but without the other women, then you might as well be looking for a real dragon."

"Then why does my father only have one wife?" Xie Xingfang asked him. "What about you, grandfather? Where are your parents?"

Xie Wang laughed out loud after hearing her words, and he spoke, "Although I may not look like it, I used to be quite the playboy back in my prime days with over a hundred beauties as my partner simultaneously. Though, I am now too old to find any enjoyment in that kind of stuff. As for your father… he also used to have many partners. However, after meeting your mother, he also stopped seeing other women. But unlike my situation, it was your mother who used her charms to convince him."

"You two are…" Xie Xingfang looked at Xie Wang with a dumbfounded expression, clearly speechless about their history.

"And before you start having weird ideas, just remember that Su Yang's not a normal Cultivator but a Dual Cultivator. His life revolves around many partners in his life."

"...I know, grandfather… I know…" Xie Xingfang sighed, and she spoke a moment later, "I'm going to rest now. I'll need as much energy as I can get for tomorrow…"

Once Xie Wang was alone, he returned to watching the Moonlight Blades members trying to break out of Su Yang's formation.

"Keep struggling, you little ants. The more you struggle, the more despair you will feel." He mumbled with a slight smile on his face.

Time passed exceedingly fast, and within the blink of an eye, an entire day has passed.

"Master, they're here." Xiao Rong suddenly appeared in Su Yang's room like a ghost and warned him, who had been sitting on the bed with his eyes closed.

Su Yang slowly opened his eyes, and a profound flicker appeared within his gaze.

"Let's greet our visitors, shall we?" He said as he got off the bed.

After leaving his room, Su Yang went to notify everyone in the flying ship regarding the situation.

"So they are finally here…" Xie Wang narrowed his eyes with a serious expression.

"I will greet them with the old man first. Don't show yourselves for now." Su Yang said to the three beauties.

"Un." Xiao Rong nodded.

"What a shame. I was looking forward to beating him up some more." Qiuyue said with a calm expression.

"Be careful, Grandfather, Su Yang…" Xie Xingfang said to them with her fists tightly grasped into a fist. Although she showed a calm appearance, she couldn't help but feel nervous about the whole situation inwardly.

Seeing this, Su Yang gently grabbed her hands and spoke in a soft voice, "Relax. As long as I am here, even if the entire Holy Central Continent were present, I would not let them touch a single hair on your body."

After hearing Su Yang's soothing and feeling his warm touch, Xie Xingfang immediately felt more relaxed, and she nodded with a rosy face, "Thank you, Su Yang…"

A few moments later, Su Yang and Xie Wang left the flying ship.

590 Meeting With the Golden Lion Academy

"Are you sure we should meet them by ourselves? Wouldn't it be safer to have one of the experts with us?" Xie Wang said to him after they left the flying ship.

"Don't worry, they won't hurt you." Su Yang said with a smile.

A few moments later, they arrived at the Jade Sea.

"I can already sense them. Let's go greet our guests." Su Yang said before flying above the Jade Sea.

However, not even half a minute later, a large and ugly-looking fish leaped out of the water with its jaws wide open and aimed at Su Yang.

Su Yang merely glanced at the fish before retrieving his sword and cutting it in half with ease.

"They are more aggressive than I'd thought." Su Yang said afterward.

"Of course. They will attack you even if you are clearly stronger than them, almost like it's their nature to attack anything in sight, and the sea creatures will only become stronger the further you travel. This is why nobody dares to travel the Jade Sea."

After flying for a few minutes and slaying over a dozen sea creatures, Su Yang could finally see a large ship in the distance with his bare eyes.

"No wonder why they dared to sail the Jade Sea. They have such a profound spiritual treasure." Xie Wang expressed awe after seeing the ship that was emitting a powerful aura.

Just like Qiuyue's flying ship, the ship from the Holy Central Continent is a spiritual treasure with many defensive functions, allowing them to traverse the Jade Sea without fearing that it might be destroyed by the sea creatures.

Meanwhile, on the ship, Patriarch Gold also noticed Su Yang and Xie Wang's presence.

"One at the Sovereign Spirit Realm and one at the Heavenly Spirit Realm… Are they with you guys?" Patriarch Gold turned to look at the Moonlight Blades messenger by his side.

"N-No! Although I do not recognize the person with the Heavenly Spirit Realm, that expert at the Sovereign Spirit Realm must be the Xie Family's Ancestor, Xie Wang!" said the Moonlight Blades messenger.

"Xie Family? The current ruler of the Eastern Continent, huh? Did they know about our arrival beforehand?" Patriarch Gold asked again.

"That's not possible! Even if they somehow found out about our plans, they shouldn't be here! Something must have happened to the Moonlight Blades!"

"Well, it does not matter what they are trying to do. I can handle the two of them by myself." Patriarch Gold said before he jumped off the ship and soared towards Su Yang and Xie Wang.

During his flight, a massive sea creature almost as big as the ship at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm leaped out of the water and tried to bite Patriarch Gold.

However, Patriarch Gold merely snorted before slaying the thing with a single fist.

When Xie Wang saw Patriarch Gold's sharp aura, his eyes widened with shock.

"That man's very powerful! Much stronger than I am! Are you sure we don't need any backup?" Xie Wang said with a worried frown.

"Are you really an expert at the Sovereign Spirit Realm? I have already told you not to worry. I don't know what else to say." Su Yang shook his head.

A few moments later, Patriarch Gold arrived before them with a domineering aura.

"What the hell do you weaklings want?" He said to Xie Wang.

"Are you Patriarch Gold from the Holy Central Continent?" Xie Wang wanted confirmation.

"Hoh? You know of me? For someone hundreds of thousands of miles away to know of my name, I must be more popular than I'd thought." Patriarch Gold spoke with a proud smile on his face.

"What is your purpose for coming to the Eastern Continent? If you came here with good intentions, I can guarantee you a satisfactory experience here, as my family rules this place. However, if you are here to cause trouble... " Xie Wang stared at Patriarch Gold with narrowed eyes.

"Hahaha! Are you threatening me? With your strength? How laughable!"

Patriarch Gold was laughing so loud that it made both the Jade Sea and Xie Wang tremble.

Once he stopped laughing, Patriarch Gold spoke with a grin on his face, "I have only one purpose here! Bring me the woman with the Divine Body! Since you are from the Xie Family, you should know who I am talking about!"

Xie Wang gritted his teeth after hearing Patriarch Gold's words. Although he'd already expected something like this, it still made his blood boil in anger.

"What are you going to do if I refuse?" Xie Wang spoke a moment later.

"Refuse…? Hahaha! I am not asking you for permission! I am ordering you to bring me the woman! And weaklings like you do not have the luxury to refuse!" Patriarch Gold suddenly released his cultivation base, causing a powerful pressure to appear in the area.


Xie Wang felt as though he was an ant before Patriarch Gold's powerful pressure. It was a powerless feeling that he never thought he'd experience ever again.

"If you do not bring me the woman with the Divine Body, I will flip the entire Eastern Continent upside-down until I find her! And my friends on the ship will also join in on the fun!"

"This fucking bastard…" Xie Wang's body trembled in anger, and his eyes flickered with killing intent.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, old man." Patriarch Gold snickered after sensing the killing intent.

"Even if the two of you attacked me at once, you won't be able to defeat me, much less the twenty-five Heavenly Spirit Realm experts on the ship that I've brought with me."

"Anyway, I won't waste my breath any longer! You have ten seconds to decide!"

"Like hell we are—"

Just as Xie Wang opened his mouth, Su Yang interrupted him and said, "Okay, we will bring you the woman."

"What the hell are you thinking, Su Yang?!" Xie Wang asked him in a suppressed angry voice.

"Just shut up and let me handle it." Su Yang quickly said to him, and he continued, "Give us a few minutes. The woman with the Divine Body is actually not too far away from here."

"Oh? If what you say is true, then I will give you an hour to bring me this woman." Patriarch Gold said with a pleasantly surprised expression on his fierce-looking face.

"I will be back in ten minutes." Su Yang said.

"Don't even think about running away, young man, because I will find you no matter where you hide." Patriarch Gold said to him.

"Hahaha… you don't have to worry about that, as I have no plans on running away. In fact, this old man can stay here with you while I get the woman for you." Su Yang responded in a mysterious voice, causing Patriarch Gold to frown.

'What does this brat have planned…?' he wondered inwardly.

"Are you nuts, Su Yang?! How dare you leave me here alone with that crazy bastard!" Xie Wang quickly rejected his idea.

However, Su Yang shook his head and said, "If you continue acting so cowardly, your cultivation won't improve even if you went to the Holy Central Continent."

"W-What do you mean by that?!" Xie Wang looked at him with wide eyes.

However, before Xie Wang could even receive an answer from him, Su Yang turned around and flew back to the Eastern Continent, leaving him alone.

Chapter 591 Courting Death Would Be an Understatemen

Once Su Yang disappeared from the place, Patriarch Gold said to Xie Wang, "If you even move a little bit, I will kill you."

"..." Xie Wang frowned, but he was truly powerless at this moment.

'To think I once believed that I would be invincible once I reach the Sovereign Spirit Realm! The Cultivation world is truly harsh,' he sighed inwardly.

After warning Xie Wang, Patriarch Gold returned to the ship.

"Sect Leader, are we really going to leave if they give us the woman?" One of the people there asked him in a low voice.

"What do you think?" Patriarch Gold grinned and said, "Even if they voluntarily hand me the woman, I didn't travel hundreds of thousands of miles across the Jade Sea while risking my life just to return with a single woman! Once they hand me the woman, we are going to enjoy the Eastern Continent to our fullest extent!"

Meanwhile, on the flying ship, when Xie Xingfang saw Su Yang returning so quickly and without her grandfather by his side, she quickly asked him in a nervous voice, "Su Yang! What happened to my grandfather?!"

"Don't worry, he's keeping our guests entertained right now." He said with a smile.

"Then why have you returned?" she raised her eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

"I have come to pick you up. Don't you want to meet the people who are trying to ruin your life?" He said.

Xie Xingfang looked at him with a dazed expression before nodding her head.

"Good." Su Yang then said out loud, "Qiuyue, Xiao Rong, you can also come with us. However, keep your presence hidden until I tell you to come out."

A few moments later, Qiuyue and Xiao Rong appeared before him. However, their aura and spiritual energy were completely gone, almost as though they didn't even exist.

'What a profound technique…' Xie Xingfang thought to herself when she could not sense their presence despite standing right before them.

"Let's go." Su Yang said.

Sometime later, Su Yang returned to Xie Wang's side with Xie Xingfang with him.

"You really brought her here…" Xie Wang looked at him with disbelief.

"Don't worry, grandfather. Although you can't sense them, the seniors are also here with us." Xie Xingfang said to him.

"Oh! That's great!" All of the worries in Xie Wang's chest immediately disappeared after hearing her words.

"Patriarch Gold! Look over there! That beauty beside that young man!" The people on the ship said to him with excitement, as they were bewildered by Xie Xingfang's beauty.

"She's a real fairy! A real fairy, I say!"

"There are not many people who could rival her appearance even in the Holy Central Continent! To think there'd be such a treasure in this place!"

"I can only name two people who might be able to rival her appearances in the entire Holy Central Continent, and they both belong to the other two Ancient Academy!"

"Congratulations, Patriarch Gold!"

Although the people congratulated him, they were all filled with jealousy inside their hearts. After all, Xie Xingfang was truly a beauty who can topple an entire kingdom with just her looks!

"Hahahahahaha!" Patriarch Gold could not help but laugh out loud when he saw Xie Xingfang. Even he did not expect someone as beautiful as Xie Xingfang would appear, and he felt as though he'd struck gold.

'This trip was definitely worth it! Even if she is the only woman on this land, it was totally worth it coming here!' Patriarch Gold continued to laugh inwardly before flying towards them.

"I will be lying to you and myself if I said that I am not surprised. To think that you'd turn out to be such a beautiful woman! I truly did not expect such an outcome!" Patriarch Gold said, before raising his hands to make a beckoning gesture.

"Now hand her over to me and I'll leave the Eastern Continent alone."

However, Su Yang casually shook his head and spoke in a calm voice, "Although I said that I would give her to you, I never said it was going to be free."

Patriarch Gold's eyes widened with surprise, and he spoke in a slightly dumbfounded voice, "You want me to pay for her? Are you serious? And to think I thought you were somewhat smart!" Patriarch Gold suddenly frowned, and he continued to speak, "You have ten seconds to hand her over before I go over there myself."

However, Su Yang's expression remained nonchalant, and he spoke, "Did you really think I'd hand her over to you just like that? You are quite foolish for someone at the Sovereign Spirit Realm."

"You little bastard…" The space between Patriarch Gold's eyebrows furrowed deeply, and his gaze became filled with killing intent, as it has been many decades since anyone has dared to mock him in such a manner.

"I should be saying the same thing, you little bastard." Su Yang narrowed his eyes, and his aura suddenly exploded with fierceness.

"How dare you try to touch my — Su Yang's women? Even Immortals would think twice before they approach my women! Courting death would be an understatement, you damn animal who can only think with his lower head!"

"Su Yang…" Xie Xingfang's face flushed with redness after hearing his words, completely misunderstanding Su Yang's words when he mentioned 'his woman', as she thought he was talking about her.

However, she did not correct him for calling her his woman, even feeling joy at this moment.

"Hahahaha! You sure talk big for someone so weak! So what if I want your woman?! Weaklings like you do not deserve a woman of her caliber anyway! Don't worry, I can promise you that I will take good care of her and play with her every day after I kill you!" Patriarch Gold burst out laughing before releasing his Sovereign Spirit Realm cultivation base.

Hearing his words, Su Yang merely smiled and said, "You are not the first person who wants to covet my women and you certainly won't be the last. However, a few things are for certain — you won't succeed, and you will most certainly die in the process!"

Chapter 592 The Pinnacle of Sword Techniques

Both Su Yang and Patriarch Gold stared at each other with their spiritual energy growing stronger and stronger.

"I never thought the day would come where an ant at the Heavenly Spirit Realm would dare to bare his fangs at me…" Patriarch Gold showed a wide smile on his face, and his aura soared, causing a powerful ripple to sweep the place.

Deep within Su Yang's eyes flickered a profound light, and he released the drop of Celestial Qi within his body, causing his aura to expand exponentially until it rivaled even Patriarch Gold's aura.

When Patriarch Gold saw this, his eyes widened with shock.

'Impossible! How can someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm rival my aura?! He's not even at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm! He must be using a spiritual treasure to achieve this feat!' He cried inwardly.

"Anyone who dares to try to covet my women… dies!" Su Yang was the first one to make a movement, and he suddenly flew at Patriarch Gold with the Black Scorpion in his grasp.

Patriarch Gold, who usually fights with his bare fists, could feel an ominous feeling from the Black Scorpion, so he brought out two golden gauntlets and wore them before meeting with Su Yang.


The Jade Sea slightly slips in half as the two of them clash.

"You are truly full of surprises, brat! Once I kill you, I will take all of your secrets for myself!" Patriarch Gold said as he punched at Su Yang with immense strength.

"Golden Thunder!"

Patriarch Gold's gauntlets cracked with lightning as it rushed at Su Yang.

"Heaven Consuming Strike!"

Su Yang slashed at him with the Black Scorpion that was covered in black flames.


Black flames exploded in every direction upon impact, and Patriarch Gold retreated a dozen steps from the exchange.

'What a powerful technique!' Patriarch Gold could feel his hands trembling after the exchange, feeling as though he'd just hit a steel wall with his bare hands.

However, among his feelings of shock Patriarch Gold was also filled with excitement, as he cannot wait to kill Su Yang and learn his secrets.

"Have a taste of the Golden Lion Academy's techniques! Heavenly Transformation!"

Patriarch Gold's body suddenly began growing larger and larger, and even his hair was growing longer.

A few moments later, thick golden fur covered Patriarch Gold's body, and his figure resembled that of a beast, almost like a lion.

"What kind of technique is that?! He's essentially turned into a beast!" Xie Wang watched his transformation with wide eyes.


Patriarch Gold roared loudly after his transformation, and his cultivation skyrocketed to a new level.

Seeing this, Su Yang exchanged the Black Scorpion for an ordinary Spirit-grade sword.

"Divine Sword!"

When the sword began glowing a golden color, Su Yang suddenly tossed the sword in the air.


The sword began expanding many folds — until it was the size of an entire pagoda with ten floors, and it was larger than even the ship that Patriarch Gold traveled the Jade Sea with.

The enormous sword also emitted an otherworldly aura that caused everyone there to feel as though they were before the presence of an almighty existence they cannot comprehend, making them feel incredibly insignificant. Furthermore, their strength was disappearing, almost as though it was being sucked away by a mysterious force.

"What the hell is this?!" Patriarch Gold was shocked when he realized that he could not control his transformation under this otherworldly aura, causing him to return to his original form. However, that was not all, as even his cultivation base was beginning to decline.

"What the fuck did you do to me?!" Patriarch Gold shouted at Su Yang afterward.


Su Yang gazed at him with an indifferent expression, and he spoke, "The Divine Sword is the pinnacle of sword technique, and it is also the most powerful sword in existence. Even Immortals and Gods bow before its presence. And anything before its presence will be restricted— even one's cultivation base. Although I can only use a tiny portion of its power right now, it's more than enough to deal with an ant like you."

"The most powerful sword in existence…? Don't screw with me and fight me fairly!" Patriarch Gold roared with a fuming face.

"Fight you fairly? That's quite funny coming from someone who's proudly bullying someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm while being at the Sovereign Spirit Realm." Su Yang's gaze remained indifferent, and he continued, "If you want fairness, then I shall restrict your cultivation base to the Heavenly Spirit Realm level."

The Divine Sword in the sky suddenly trembled, filling the area with its profound aura.

A few moments later, Patriarch Gold could feel his Sovereign Spirit Realm cultivation base declining until it was at the level of someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

"T-This is…" Patriarch Gold stared at his sweaty palms with his entire body trembling from fear. He has never experienced such a crazy fight before, nor has he ever felt this powerless.

"It was never a fight since the beginning." Su Yang's voice suddenly resounded in front of him.

When Patriarch Gold looked up, Su Yang was standing right before him with a cold expression.

"When I am before someone who tried to covet my women, it's inevitable that I become a bully who will trample my enemy until there is nothing left of them."


Under Su Yang's cold gaze, the usually domineering and almighty Patriarch Gold felt as small as an ant.


Patriarch Gold no longer had any desire to fight and immediately turned around to run away.

"Xiao Rong." Su Yang mumbled her name.

And before Patriarch Gold could run very far, a small figure with heavenly beauty appeared before him like a ghost to block his path.

When Patriarch Gold saw Xiao Rong's face, unlike the lust and desire he felt before, his face twisted with shock and fear.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-You are!!!" He immediately recalled what happened at the Golden Lion Academy, and the trauma he'd long forgotten re-emerged.

Chapter 593 Have Mercy!

"W-What are you doing here, you damn monster?!" Patriarch Gold trembled nonstop before Xiao Rong's presence, his complexion white as sheets, almost as though he'd turned into a ghost.

"How can you call a beauty like her a monster? That's quite rude." Su Yang said with a calm smile on his face.

"Y-Y-You! What's your relationship with her?! Why is she here?! Just who are you, really?!" Patriarch Gold looked at him with a terrified expression.

However, instead of Su Yang's voice, another voice responded to his question.

"You have really screwed yourself over this time, you perverted animal," Qiuyue spoke as she approached them from a distance.

"Y-Y-You are! Immortal Fairy Su Yue?!" Patriarch Gold exclaimed.

"S-Shut up! Don't you dare mention that name again!" Qiuyue suddenly appeared before Patriarch Gold with a flushed face and slapped him so hard that he was sent flying many miles away.

"Aiya! Are you trying to kill him before I can?" Su Yang shook his head at her.

"I-I held back!" she quickly said.

"It sure didn't look like it! In fact, it looked like you struck him with your full strength!" Su Yang said.

He then looked at Xiao Rong and said to her, "Can you bring him back here?"

Xiao Rong nodded and went to grab Patriarch Gold before returning with an unconscious body a few seconds later.

"Look, you really did kill him!" Su Yang said when he saw the unconscious Patriarch Gold.

"Nonsense!" Qiuyue approached Patriarch Gold and gave him a few more slaps.

"Wake up! I know you're not dead!"

"Huh?! What happened to me?! Where am I?!" Patriarch Gold woke up a moment later completely confused by his situation, almost as though he'd lost his memories.

However, when he saw Qiuyue and Xiao Rong, he quickly recalled his situation and said, "What are you going to do to me?! I am the Golden Lion Academy's Sect Leader! You can't kill me!"

"I can't kill you? Have you gone retarded after that slap just now?" Su Yang coldly snorted, and he said, "Since you tried to covet my women, I will kill you even if you are the Heavenly Emperor's son!"

"P-Please! I was wrong! I shouldn't have even thought about trying to touch your women! Spare me, exalted one!" Patriarch Gold began begging for his life.

"This is all because of my cultivation technique that increases my sexual urges significantly, almost like a beast, and most of the time I cannot even control it!"

However, Su Yang remained nonchalant after hearing such words, and he said, "Blaming your cultivation technique for your own misdeeds… are you really a Cultivator? Whose fault is it that you cannot control the technique? Did your cultivation technique also force you to come all the way to the Eastern Continent to bully the weak? It's nobody but your own fault for being incompetent."

After saying those words, Su Yang slowly raised his hand towards the heavens.

"P-P-Please! Have mercy! Have mercy!" Patriarch Gold pleaded with tears in his eyes.

But alas, Su Yang's gaze remained cold, and he said, "What would you do if you were in my shoes? Would you let me live? What about the women you have assaulted before? Did you stop when they begged for mercy? I don't think so."

Su Yang casually waved his hand downwards, causing the massive sword in the sky to tremble. A moment later, the massive sword began shrinking until it was the size of a normal sword again, but its divine aura remained, even growing stronger than before.

"Divine Sword."

The sword suddenly emitted a bright light, before it shot itself towards Patriarch Gold.

"N-N-No! No! No!"

Patriarch Gold immediately turned around to run away, but the sword had arrived in front of him before he could even move.


The sword pierced Patriarch Gold directly in the middle of his chest, before pushing his body towards the Jade Sea.


The Jade Sea was pushed aside by the Divine Sword's divine aura, and Patriarch Gold was sent plunging into the deepest part of the Jade Sea.

A few moments later, Patriarch Gold reached the bottom of the Jade Sea, and he was pinned onto the ground by the sword, feeling powerless to remove it.

However, for some odd reason, despite being at the bottom of the Jade Sea, Patriarch Gold was still able to breathe normally, albeit a bit painful.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die so easily. The Divine Sword has the ability to keep you alive with the surrounding spiritual energy, and it will chase away any sea creatures that might want to eat you with its aura. I will have you repent your mistakes for the rest of your life underwater while being surrounded by ugly sea creatures." Su Yang's voice resounded in Patriarch Gold's head.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Patriarch Gold screamed at the top of his lungs, but alas, nobody was to hear it.

After sealing Patriarch Gold away at the bottom of the Jade Sea, Su Yang turned to look at the ship and the people Patriarch Gold brought along with him.

And when the people on the ship noticed Su Yang looking at them, all of the Heavenly Spirit Realm experts immediately flew in the opposite direction.

However, before they can get very far, the sea creatures that had been silent this entire time began attacking them.


And without Patriarch Gold to protect them, even the Cultivators at the Heavenly Spirit Realm could only last for a few seconds against these powerful sea creatures before being devoured by them.

As for those people that could not fly and could only remain on the ship, Su Yang used a sword to cut the entire ship in half, sinking the entire thing and everyone in it, allowing the sea creatures to deal with them.

After dealing with the Golden Lion Academy, Su Yang returned to Xie Wang and Xie Xingfang's side.


Of course, both Xie Wang and Xie Xingfang had been completely speechless throughout the entire event, feeling as though they'd just witnessed something they were not supposed to.