

Chapter 378 Second Day of the Tournamen

\"Who will you be fighting tomorrow?\" Bai Lihua approached them after she got her number and match.

\"The Yellow River Sect.\"

\"Lucky you,\" she said.

\"Why do you say that?\" Liu Lanzhi raised an eyebrow.

\"At least you have someone decent to fight. The Heavenly Swan Sect's match for tomorrow is just some average Sect. Compared to the Golden Altar Sect, they are much worse, so my disciples will not get the chance to display their true talents.\"

\"Is that something to be unhappy about?\" Liu Lanzhi didn't know how to react to Bai Lihua's words. If it was her, she would gladly accept that free victory with a smile on her face.

\"Anyway, now with the Million Snakes Sect out of the way, the only powerhouses I have to worry about is the Divine Sword Sect, the Burning Lotus Sect, and maybe the Azure Cloud Sect,\" said Bai Lihua.

\"Speaking of the Divine Sword Sect, how come they were not in any of the matches today? I also don't see their Sect Master here.\" Su Yang said as he tried to look for Elder Zhong's face.

\"Because they were the last Regional Tournament's champions,\" said Bai Lihua. \"They won't have to participate in any matches until the last day.\"

\"Is that so…\"

After everyone has their match for tomorrow, they all return to their lodging to spread the news.

\"Although all of you have an impressive cultivation base compared to them, don't underestimate the Yellow River Sect. They are mostly famous for their illusionary techniques, so beware of that.\" Liu Lanzhi warned the disciples.

\"Don't worry, Sect Master. There's no way we would lose.\" Sun Jingjing said with a confident smile on her face.

After speaking with the disciples, Liu Lanzhi sent them away before speaking with Su Yang in private.

\"What do you think?\" she suddenly asked him.

\"What do you mean?\"

\"You have seen what your fiancee, Hong Yu'er can do. She single-handedly defeated the Million Snakes Sect. There's also your little sister and the Burning Lotus Sect. Are you still confident that we can win this tournament after witnessing all of that?\"

\"Of course.\" Su Yang answered without any hesitation. \"Although Hong Yu'er's prowess is a little bit unexpected, it's still within my capabilities.\"

\"...If you say so.\" Liu Lanzhi nodded.

On the following day, the Profound Blossom Sect along with half of the city returned to the Colosseum for the second day of the Regional Tournament. In fact, there seemed to be more people here today than there was yesterday.

\"Damnit! Because I couldn't get into the city until today, I missed the opportunity to witness the Million Snakes Sect losing on the first day of the tournament!\"

\"It was really amazing. I can still vividly recall Fairy Hong beating the Million Snakes Sect disciples silly.\"

Most of the spectators were unable to forget Hong Yu'er's shocking display of strength and continued to speak of her as though it is still yesterday.

\"Welcome back to the Regional Tournament!\" Zi Dong appeared on the stage a few minutes later.

\"There were over 200 Sects fighting each other yesterday, and we are now down to 100! Although there will be fewer matches with each day, each fight will definitely be more exciting than the next!\"

\"Before I start today's matches, I shall recite the rules for those that were not here yesterday.\"

Zi Dong then proceeded to explain the rules again.

\"10 million Spirit Stones even if it's an accident? That's quite harsh.\"

\"I heard there was an accident during one of the matches yesterday.\"

\"That's right. Mao Yijun from the Million Snakes Sect had died on that stage yesterday fighting Fairy Hong.\"

\"What?! Fairy Hong killed him?!\"

\"Although that's the case, the Xie Family has yet to punish the Azure Cloud Sect for 10 million Spirit Stones, as they are currently investigating his death that was rather odd.\"

After Zi Dong finished explaining the rules again, he called for the first match to enter the stage.

\"When will you guys be fighting?\"

Wang Shuren suddenly appeared in the area and asked Su Yang.

\"In the middle,\" he showed her a note with the number '29'.

\"Are you the only one here to watch?\" Su Yang then asked her.

Wang Shuren nodded and said, \"I cannot afford to miss seeing you on the stage, after all.\"

After a moment of silence, Su Yang spoke with a smile, \"Unfortunately for you, I might not have a chance to fight today.\"

\"Eh? You won't be fighting? Why not?\" Wang Shuren raised an eyebrow.

\"Once I enter the stage, it will no longer be a tournament. Not to mention that the girls will be more than enough to secure our victory against the Yellow River Sect.\"

Wang Shuren sighed and said, \"If only the Burning Lotus Sect could remain as calm as you right now.\"

\"Despite having a dozen disciples at the Earth Spirit Realm with us, everyone is feeling uptight about the tournament.\"

\"Oh? What could possibly cause them to feel anxious?\"

Wang Shuren pointed at him with a bitter smile and spoke, \"I told them that you will also be in the tournament.\"

Su Yang burst out laughing after hearing her words.

\"They didn't believe me when I first told them that. After all, they have always thought that you were much older than your appearance. Now that they know your actual age, they are trying to convince themselves that you had borrowed your strength from a Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasure, which allowed you to walk on them on that day.\"

\"I don't blame them for being afraid of me,\" said Su Yang with a smile. \"I would also be afraid if I were in their shoes.\"

Meanwhile, Bai Lihua and Liu Lanzhi were silently listening to their conversation from the sides, and they couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about.

Why would the Burning Lotus Sect be afraid of Su Yang? Did he do something to them?

Chapter 379 An Unexpected Opponen

A few hours passed since the second day of the tournament started, and the Heavenly Swan Sect had just ended their match in an overwhelming victory once again. However, Su Yin allowed her fellow disciples to have the fun this time.

\"Good work, you girls.\" Bai Lihua praised them with a bright smile on her face.

A few matches later, the Azure Cloud Sect stepped onto the stage for their match. However, their opponents, the Cutting Leaf Sect, surrendered before even stepping onto the stage, dumbfounding the spectators.

\"They must still be afraid of facing Fairy Hong after witnessing her tyrannical matches yesterday…\"

\"I would also surrender if I were in their shoes. Fairy Hong is simply too strong.\"

\"Since they defeated the Million Snakes Sect, only the other Elite Sects will have a chance of winning.\"

After the Azure Cloud Sect left the stage, they disappeared from the colosseum.

\"It will be our match after the next one. Let's start heading downstairs.\" Liu Lanzhi said to her disciples.

\"Un!\" They all nodded with excitement.

\"Good luck, Elder Brother! Good luck, Elder Brother's… uh… partners!\" Su Yin waved at them as they left the place with odd expressions on their faces.

Half an hour later, it was finally time for the Profound Blossom Sect to enter the area for their first match.

\"For the next match, we have the Yellow River Sect and the Profound Blossom Sect!\"

Once Zi Dong called for them, Su Yang and everybody else calmly walked onto the stage.

\"Sweet lord, what kind of fairy heaven is the Profound Blossom Sect?! All of them have jaw-dropping appearances!\"

When the spectators saw the Profound Blossom Sect and its disciples, all of them were shocked speechless, especially the men when they saw the female disciples that were akin to peerless jade. In their eyes, it was simply a gathering of fairies in paradise.

\"Don't get too excited, they are a dual cultivation sect. Although they may look peerless and untainted, who knows how many men they have cultivated with.\"

The people who knew of the Profound Blossom Sect did not waste any time revealing the truth of their true nature, causing many people to feel disappointed or regretful.

\"Damn! So they are all sluts! What a pity! What a waste of beauties!\"

\"Which uncultured swine just said that?! There's a huge difference between sluts and dual cultivators!\"

As the spectators started a commotion amongst themselves, the disciples from the Profound Blossom Sect were all looking at the disciples from the Yellow River Sect, or more precisely, a certain individual from the Yellow River Sect.

\"I am disappointed in you, Li Xiao Mo!\" Sun Jingjing shouted while pointing at her.

Indeed, the person they were all staring at was Li Xiao Mo, who used to be an Inner Court disciple from the Profound Blossom Sect. However, she was one of many that abandoned them during their drama with the Million Snakes Sect, and she joined the Yellow River Sect afterward.

\"Su Yang…\" On Li Xiao Mo's face was a complicated expression that didn't know whether to be happy or miserable to see him.

\"Are you okay, Senior apprentice-sister Li? Do you want to sit this one out?\" The disciples asked her after noticing her condition.

\"No, I am fine.\" She shook her head.

\"Sect Master, may I go first?\" she then asked the Sect Master.

The Yellow River Sect's Master looked at her with a pondering face for a moment before nodding his head.

\"Although I shouldn't need to say this, even if they used to be your fellow disciples, I want you to fight them with everything you've got.\"

\"Yes, Sect Master!\"

Li Xiao Mo nodded before entering the fighting area.

\"Who wants to go first?\" Liu Lanzhi asked them.

\"I will go.\"

Su Yang suddenly stepped forward, dumbfounding them.

\"I thought you wouldn't participate in this match?\" Liu Lanzhi and the others looked at him with wide eyes.

\"Just this one,\" he said before approaching Li Xiao Mo, whose heart was beating like war drums at this moment.

\"Begin!\" Zi Dong announced after the both of them were in the fighting area.

However, neither of them moved even many moments later.

\"It's been a while, Li Xiao Mo.\" Su Yang said to her with a calm expression.

\"How's life as a disciple there? Are they treating you properly?\" he suddenly asked her.

After a moment of silence due to surprise, Li Xiao Mo nodded. \"It's been half a year, Su Yang. I am enjoying my life as a disciple at the Yellow River Sect. They are treating me very well despite being a traitor.\"

Su Yang showed a gentle smile and said, \"Don't blame yourself for deciding to leave on that day, it wasn't a wrong one. No matter what the others may think, I don't blame you or anyone else for leaving on that day, especially given the circumstances.\"


Li Xiao Mo's body trembled after hearing his words, and tears began falling on her face, feeling relieved to learn that the man she loves does not hate her for abandoning the sect, something she deeply regretted after leaving for a few days.

\"What the hell is going on down there? Why aren't they fighting yet?\"

\"That girl… she seems to be crying...\"

The spectators were puzzled by the situation.

'What's that girl's relationship with Su Yang? They appear to be quite intimate with each other…' Even Xie Xingfang couldn't help but frown.

\"I am sorry to interrupt your grand reunion but we are currently in the middle of a tournament. You can save whatever you have to say for later.\" Zi Dong said to them soon after the spectators began getting rowdy.

Su Yang nodded and said, \"Come, Li Xiao Mo! Show me what you've learned at your new home!\"

Li Xiao Mo also nodded as she wiped the tears off her face, showing him a resolute expression.

\"Then I shall show you just how much I have improved! Here I come, Su Yang!\"

Chapter 380 Fighting Li Xiao Mo

After she prepared herself, Li Xiao Mo approached Su Yang with a sword in her hands.

\"Profound Blossom Art: Petal Fury!\"

A gentle aura surrounded Li Xiao Mo before shooting out of her sword with sharpness.

\"Wha—! That's one of our sword techniques! How shameless of her!\" Sun Jingjing exclaimed when she saw Li Xiao Mo shamelessly use one of their techniques. It was a sword art that any disciple could learn once they become an Inner Court disciple. Of course, it was only a Mortal-grade technique.


Although he did not know of this technique, Su Yang casually dodged the sword strike. Despite being a disciple of the Profound Blossom Sect for quite some time, Su Yang has actually never learned any of their techniques, not that he even bothered in the first place.

\"Profound Blossom Art: Falling Petals!\"

Over a dozen consecutive strikes flew towards Su Yang in a quick session.

\"Not bad,\" said Su Yang as he gracefully dodged them.

\"Although I am no longer a disciple of the Profound Blossom Sect, I have continued to practice the Profound Blossom Art even after I have left!\" Li Xiao Mo said.

For the next few minutes, Li Xiao Mo would continue to display her Profound Blossom Art, and Su Yang would easily evade them.

\"What is senior apprentice-brother doing? Why is he only dodging her attacks?\" Sun Jingjing couldn't understand his intentions.

\"If he really wants to fight her, it would've already ended long ago.\" Fang Zhelan said.

Meanwhile, the spectators were already yawning from boredom. It was as though they were watching a friendly spar between a couple, and that irritated some people there.

\"If you do not plan on fighting seriously, get off the stage!\"

\"That's right! I did not come all the way here just to watch them dance around! Get them off the stage!\"

The spectators began voicing their complaints.

However, neither Li Xiao Mo or Su Yang heard their discontent voices, as they were too focused on each other.

\"Let's see if you can dodge this!\" Li Xiao Mo suddenly stopped moving and clapped her hands three times in a rhythmic manner.


When the three claps resounded in Su Yang's ears, his vision blurred for a moment before becoming clear again. However, when he could see again, he was no longer in the arena and surrounded by spectators. Instead, he was in the middle of a desert with nothing in sight — but not for long, as beasts started appearing from the horizon a few moments later, looking like it was a hoard of beasts.

\"An illusion, huh?\" Su Yang quickly realized the situation.

Meanwhile, in the spectators' eyes, both Su Yang and Li Xiao Mo had suddenly stopped all of their movements and stood there with a dazed face.

\"Eh? Why did they stop moving again?\"

\"It must be the Yellow River Sect's illusion technique, Yellow Illusion. Rumor has it that once you are caught inside their illusion, it's near impossible to escape it by yourself. However, the person who cast the illusion cannot move while they are using the technique, so it'll be a standstill until one of them falls.\"

\"Either Li Xiao Mo exhausts her Profound Qi first or Su Yang loses his mind to the illusion, huh.\" Sun Jingjing mumbled.

\"How long do you think it'll take Su Yang to break the illusion?\" Sun Jingjing asked Feng Zhelan. \"I think it'll take a few minutes at most.\"

\"Less than a minute,\" said Fang Zhelan without any hesitation.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the arena, the Yellow River Sect has already begun celebrating their first victory.

\"It's over for him! Once someone is caught by our technique, they will never escape! Especially not by somebody still at the Profound Spirit Realm!\"

\"Senior apprentice-sister Li can control the technique for six hours straight! I doubt his mental strength will be able to handle it for that long!\"

\"Forget about him, even we cannot beat her when it comes to illusion techniques.\"

\"It's a pity that she'd wasted many years at the Profound Blossom Sect. With her talent, if she was with us from the beginning, she would definitely be one of our strongest disciples!\"

\"He should be surrounded by beasts now. I'll give him ten minutes before his mind collapses.\" The Yellow River Sect's Master suddenly spoke with a profound look on his face.

Indeed, Su Yang was surrounded by countless beasts right now. However, he was not even the slightest worried.

\"As impressive as it may seem, this illusion lacks many things that make illusions powerful. In the eyes of an expert, this illusion is no different than a child's play.\"

Su Yang slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he reopened his eyes, the desert and the hoard of beasts were completely gone, and he was once again inside the arena.

\"Cough!\" Li Xiao Mo coughed up a mouthful of blood the moment Su Yang broke through her illusion.


The Yellow River Sect's Master and its disciples stared at Su Yang with wide eyes and their jaws on the ground.

\"20 seconds… it only took him 20 seconds to escape the Yellow River Sect's famous illusion technique?!\"

The spectators were also shocked by this unexpected outcome.

\"Although the scenery may seem threatening with all the beasts around, it's actually void of such a feeling. I suggest you take it easy and focus on just a few beasts instead of a hoard of them, as it will take up more energy and focus to control so many beasts at once.\" Su Yang explained to Li Xiao Mo her faults, even lecturing her.

Hearing his words, Li Xiao Mo smiled bitterly and spoke, \"As I thought, it's impossible for me to win against you. Even though I have used up all of the Euphoric Oil you'd given me, I am still nowhere near your level.\"

\"Oh, right. I did give you some of them.\" Su Yang recalled that he wanted her to help him with something, but after what happened with the Sect, there was no longer any need for any of that.

\"If you want more of the oil, you can always buy them at our Profound Blossom Sect. We will be selling them to the public after the tournament,\" he suddenly said.

\"Really?\" Li Xiao Mo's eyes immediately brightened.

Su Yang nodded.

\"Don't forget your words! I will find you when I have the time in the future.\"

\"Of course. I am always a man of my words.\"

Li Xiao Mo nodded, and after a moment of silence, she said, \"You win this one, Su Yang. I surr—\"

\"I forfeit this match.\"

Before Li Xiao Mo could surrender, Su Yang raised his hand and surrendered the match, dumbfounding everybody there.

\"W-Why?\" Li Xiao Mo asked him in a low voice.

\"I did not plan on participating in any of the matches today, so I have lost the moment I stepped onto the stage.\" Su Yang responded with a calm smile. \"Don't worry, this won't affect the outcome, anyway.\"

Li Xiao Mo stared at him with a dazed look, and she silently watched him exit the stage. Although she won the match, she was definitely not happy about it.

Chapter 381 A Friendly Warning

"Hahaha… what an arrogant idiot to give us a free victory!"

The Yellow River Sect's disciples laughed at Su Yang for surrendering the match despite clearly winning it. However, their Sect Master was frowning, as he saw it as a slap to their face.

"You are too kind, Su Yang." Liu Lanzhi said to him once he returned to their side.

"What do you mean?" Su Yang raised an eyebrow.

"You purposefully entered the arena so the other disciples wouldn't have to fight her, right?"

Su Yang smiled and said, "I don't know if I'm that nice. I fought her because I wanted to speak with her a little bit, that's all."

"If you say so." Liu Lanzhi said before turning to look at the other disciples and spoke, "Besides Fang Zhelan and Sun Jingjing, which one of you want to be next?"

"Eh? Why can't we go next?" Sun Jingjing showed a surprised expression.

"The two of you are the Earth Spirit Realm, whilst the Yellow River Sect have True Spirit Realm disciples at most. It won't be a competition if the two of you go first. Give the others a chance to fight. Don't worry, you will get your chance if we are close to losing."

A few moments later, one of the disciples raised her hand and said, "Sect Master, I want to fight."

"Jin Xi, huh? Go ahead." Liu Lanzhi nodded at the cute girl with a petite body before her.

"Good luck, Sister Jin!"

Her fellow disciples cheered for her as she stepped into the spotlight.

"The Profound Blossom Sect has sent out Jin Xi! Although she's only eighteen years old, she has already achieved the 6th level of the True Spirit Realm!" Zi Dong introduced her to the spectators, shocking many of them.

"She's reached such a high level in cultivation at such a young age?! And in a small place like the Profound Blossom Sect? Simply astonishing!"

"Why is such a talented young fairy at a place like the Profound Blossom Sect? If she was nurtured in a proper place, she might have already reached the Earth Spirit Realm by now!"

The spectators cursed the Profound Blossom Sect for their luck and for ruining someone as talented as Jin Xi, but little did they know that Jin Xi used to be an ordinary Outer Court disciple that was only at the Elementary Spirit Realm half a year ago.

Sometime later, the Yellow River Sect decided to send out another disciple, as Li Xiao Mo had exhausted her Profound Qi during her match with Su Yang.

"On the Yellow River Sect's side, we have Li Jun, who is at the fifth level of the True Spirit Realm!"

Once Zi Dong introduced the two fighters, he started the fight.


The moment the fight started, Jin Xi retrieved the sword by her side and approached Li Jun, who casually stood there with a calm smile on his face.

When Jin Xi entered a certain range, Li Jun clapped his hands three times like Li Xiao Mo, instantly tossing Jin Xi into an illusion, causing her to stop moving.

When the spectators saw this, they all sighed loudly.

"Don't tell me we have to sit through this for the next eight matches as well?"

"While the Yellow River Sect's illusion technique is truly powerful, it's not exactly the most entertaining to watch during a tournament."

However, not even a few moments after Jin Xi stopped moving, she started moving again, shocking everybody.

"Profound Blossom Art: Petal Fury!"

As Li Jun tried to catch his breath after experiencing a backlash, Jin Xi struck him with the same technique Li Xiao Mo had displayed against Su Yang, but its movement was much sharper and fiercer.

When Li Xiao Mo saw this, her eyes widened, and she wondered, 'No way… who is this girl? How come I don't recognize her? There's no way I could miss someone this powerful in the Profound Blossom Sect!'


Li Jun coughed up a mouthful of blood and collapsed onto the floor after being struck by Jin Xi.

"I-I give up!" Li Jun quickly surrendered after seeing Jin Xi running towards him once again.

There was simply no way he could win against someone that could break his illusion technique in seconds.

"Su Yang… just how did you train them? One cannot grow so much just from dual cultivation!" Liu Lanzhi stared at Jin Xi with wide eyes, seemingly in disbelief.

Given the amount of time they had, because all of the disciples' cultivation bases have exploded in such a short amount of time, Liu Lanzhi did not think for a second that it was possible for them to have learned anything else.

"Did you really think that I would only spend time with them inside a room on a bed the entire time? Of course I taught them a few other things, too." Su Yang causally spoke.

Besides filling their bodies with his Yang Qi, Su Yang also taught the disciples some basic sword techniques, which greatly enhanced all of their existing sword techniques.

"Then what trick did she use to break the illusion so quickly?"

"Trick? There's no trick. After cultivating with me for so long, not only her cultivation base but even her mental strength is on another level. After all, it takes a certain mental strength to endure my techniques." Su Yang said with a smile.

Liu Lanzhi became speechless after hearing his words, not that she could refute it.

'In other words, his techniques in bed are much more deadly than the Yellow River Sect's famous illusion techniques?' Liu Lanzhi didn't know whether to laugh or cry after realizing this fact.

After Jin Xi's victory, the Profound Blossom Sect continued to shock the crowd with their amazing cultivation bases, one disciple after another.

"What the hell?! I would understand it if it's only one disciple, but all of their disciples are ridiculously talented! It's almost like they are all being fed some divine medicine that's allowed them to achieve what they have today!"

"What if that is the case? What if the Profound Blossom Sect discovered some revolutionary medicine that could speed up one's cultivation speed like how the Burning Lotus Sect has their Earth Advancement Pills?"

The crowd speculated like crazy, and many people there became interested in the Profound Blossom Sect with some even wanting to join them despite their uncommon practices.

"What do you think about them? The Profound Blossom Sect has too many geniuses given their current situation." Bai Lihua asked Wang Shuren, who was casually sitting beside her.

"Is it really that surprising? The Profound Blossom Sect will only get more powerful and shocking from this point forth."

Bai Lihua turned to look at Wang Shuren with wide eyes. She didn't expect her to have such high views for the Profound Blossom Sect. "I never got the chance to ask but why did the Burning Lotus Sect decide to form an alliance with them? Since you already know the Alchemist, there's no reason to form an alliance with them, so it cannot be about the Earth Advancement Pills."

Wang Shuren showed a mysterious smile and spoke, "Don't worry, you will eventually learn the truth — that is if you continue to be an ally with the Profound Blossom Sect. And as a fellow accomplice, allow me to give you a friendly warning. No matter what — do not offend Su Yang. If you had to offend either him or the entire world, do not hesitate to choose Su Yang, or you will definitely regret it."

Chapter 382 Winning Their First Match

After hearing Wang Shuren's friendly warning, which basically told her to never betray Su Yang or else she will greatly regret it, Bai Lihua pondered in silence why she would say such a thing.

'She didn't mention the Profound Blossom Sect, nor did she bother with whoever may be backing him. Su Yang… just what is so special about him besides his glib tongue and handsome face?'

Bai Lihua couldn't comprehend why Wang Shuren is being so loyal and respectful to a mere youngster who is only at the age of 17, especially when she's cultivated for longer than he's even been alive.

Bai Lihua narrowed her eyes at Su Yang, who was casually watching the matches with a relaxed expression.

Sometime later, Zi Dong raised his hands and announced with excitement, "The Profound Blossom Sect has managed to achieve 9 victories in a row against the Yellow River Sect, securing their spot in tomorrow's matches! Congratulations!"

"Good work, you girls." Liu Lanzhi said to them with a huge smile on her face.

Never in a hundred years did she expect the Profound Blossom Sect to win against the Yellow River Sect, much less last this long in the tournament. Not to mention the current state of their sect. In fact, this is the first time in their sect's history that they have lasted for more than one day in the tournament.

"I didn't get a chance to enter the stage in the end…" Sun Jingjing sighed at the fact that she wasn't able to fight today.

"With that being said, that just means my fellow sisters are that competent," she said a moment later.

Meanwhile, most of the Yellow River Sect disciples appeared to be in despair after their loss, as it had never crossed their minds that they could possibly lose to an inferior Sect such as the Profound Blossom Sect.

'Not just this Jin Xi, but I don't recognize every disciple that came afterward! There's no way that I would not know of their names if they are this powerful! Did they join the Profound Blossom Sect after everyone left?'

It was the only explanation that made sense in Li Xiao Mo's mind.

'That must be it! How else do you explain such a situation? Even the Core disciples that were there before they all left weren't as strong as them!'

After the match ended, both the Yellow River Sect and the Profound Blossom Sect gathered in the center, and the Sect Masters bowed to each other to show respect to each other regardless of the results.

However, before they went their own ways, Su Yang said to Li Xiao Mo, "I can tell that you are puzzled so allow me to help you understand it. All of the disciples that went on the stage today used to be ordinary Outer Court disciples before they disperse, so it's not odd that you don't recognize any of them."

"W-What?" Li Xiao Mo stared at them with a dumbfounded expression after hearing Su Yang's words.

However, Su Yang continued to speak, "And I personally trained them."


Li Xiao Mo's beautiful face instantly filled itself with shock and disbelief.

"I see…" she mumbled a few moments later with a bitter smile on her face. "To tell you the truth, when I couldn't find you at that time, I had figured that you had already left the Profound Blossom Sect, so I also decided to leave. But alas, to think you actually remained. I should have waited a little bit longer before deciding."

Because Su Yang was absent from the place where all of the disciples were supposed to be gathered, Li Xiao Mo had assumed that Su Yang had already left the Profound Blossom Sect, hence why she left them.

However, although it was only for a brief moment, Su Yang was indeed at the center court with the other disciples. Unfortunately for Li Xiao Mo, he was not near her, and he left before she could even see him.

'If I had remained at the Profound Blossom Sect, maybe I would be standing by his side right now with a blissful smile, but alas…' Li Xiao Mo wondered as she shook her head, before leaving with the Yellow River Sect.

"Don't you just feel bad for her when you look at the painful expression on her face?" Sun Jingjing mumbled.

"No matter her reason, it remains a fact that she'd abandoned the Profound Blossom Sect and its disciples." Fang Zhelan said with a nonchalant expression.

Once the Yellow River Sect began walking away, the Profound Blossom Sect also turned around.

However, before they could walk off the stage, a graceful figure in lavish clothing suddenly stood up from her seat and approached them.

Once the Profound Blossom Sect realized who stood before them, all of them immediately bowed to her and spoke in a respectful tone, "Your Highness."

When the spectators saw this, their eyes widened with shock. Why would Xie Xingfang suddenly approach them? This is the first time she's left her seat in the middle of the tournament!


All of the disciples, especially Liu Lanzhi, anxiously waited for Xie Xingfang to speak, as they were all wondering why she would approach them.

"Congratulations on winning the match." Xie Xingfang's gentle voice resounded a few moments later.


Liu Lanzhi did not know how to react and silently stared at Xie Xingfang with a dumbfounded gaze. The princess took all that effort to approach them just to congratulate them? And why did she choose to congratulate them but ignore everybody else?

"Thank you, but we are not worthy of your praises just yet." While Liu Lanzhi was in her trance, Su Yang said to her with a smile on his face. "Come back and repeat those words once we take the first place."

When the people heard Su Yang's words, they all gasped in shock.

"Her Highness personally praised them and he has the audacity to tell her to come back later?!"

"This arrogant bastard thinks they will win the regional tournament! Hahaha!"

"His face has been irritating me ever since I saw him! Somebody needs to rough it up a bit!"

The spectators began cursing at Su Yang loudly, but he acted as though he couldn't hear them and continued smiling at Xie Xingfang.

Chapter 383 End of the Second Day

After a moment of silence, Xie Xingfang silently nodded her head at Su Yang and proceeded to return to her seat.

Meanwhile, the Profound Blossom Sect and the spectators all looked at her with a dumbfounded look, with all of them wondering what that was all about.

"You couldn't wait a few more days before speaking with him?" Lord Xie felt an urge to sigh when he looked at her.

"It's been many days since I last spoke with him, and I don't want him to forget my existence, especially when he's surrounded by beauties in all directions, so I couldn't help myself."

Lord Xie immediately became speechless at her unbefitting behavior for someone of her stature. After all, it should be Su Yang approaching her, not the other way around. It'll only make her seem desperate.

A princess and beauty like Xie Xingfang acting this desperate when she can literally have any man on this land? It was simply too unbelievable, almost like a fairytale.

"W-What the hell was that?" Bai Lihua pointed at the stage with trembling fingers. "Why would the princess approach them, even congratulating them?"

Hearing her shocked voice, Wang Shuren shrugged her shoulders and said, "Maybe she's greatly impressed by the Profound Blossom Sect?"

"So she's impressed by them but completely ignored the Burning Lotus Sect, who is clearly more impressive in many ways more than them? Don't you feel a little bit unhappy about that?"

"Although it would be great if the princess of the Xie Family gave us even a little bit of recognition, at the end of the day, it's Lord Xie that we must impress."

"That makes sense…" Bai Lihua nodded.

The most important person in this place is Lord Xie. As long as they manage to impress him during this tournament, they will receive many benefits and will also be recognized by the entire world as a bonus.

A few minutes later, the Profound Blossom Sect returned to their seats as spectators.

"I must admit, you are quite a formidable bunch." Bai Lihua said to them.

She then turned to look at Liu Lanzhi and continued to speak, "These girls are lucky to have such a competent Sect Leader. You should be proud."


All of the disciples showed a bashful smile, especially Liu Lanzhi, who was trying her hardest to not smile from ear to ear. However, once she recalled that it was Su Yang who did all the work, she showed an embarrassed smile and said, "I didn't do anything. It's all because of Su Yang that we are here today."

Bai Lihua thought Liu Lanzhi was only being humble and casually nodded, "If you say so."

A few hours later, the second day of the tournament came to an end, and the remaining 50 sects gathered once again to draw a lot for their next match.

"Who has number 9?" Zi Dong asked after everyone had picked a number.

A few seconds later, Liu Lanzhi raised her hand, and a few meters away from her, a middle-aged man also raised his hand.

When Liu Lanzhi saw the face of that middle-aged man, her eyes widened with shock.

"The Profound Blossom Sect and the Burning Lotus Sect, huh?" Zi Dong nodded as he wrote their sect onto the board.

"The Profound Blossom Sect is doomed. Although they were lucky enough to have gotten this far, they will now have to face the Burning Lotus Sect."

The Sect Masters there believed that tomorrow would be the last match for the Profound Blossom Sect.

"To think we'd pick the Burning Lotus Sect out of all the participants…" Liu Lanzhi sighed.

If she knew this would've happened, she should've allowed Su Yang to pick the number.

"Why does it matter if we face them now or later? If they don't lose, we will have to fight them sooner or later." Su Yang casually said.

"That's true, but I had hoped that we would face them later if not for the last match…" Liu Lanzhi sighed again.

While Liu Lanzhi and Su Yang spoke, the Burning Lotus Sect's Master approached them with a serious expression on his face.

"Senior Huo Yuanjia." Liu Lanzhi respectfully bowed to him.

Huo Yuanjia nodded at her before turning to look at Su Yang with a frown on his face.

"Don't think I have forgotten what had happened on that day for even one second, as it has been on my mind every day since then. The humiliation that I — we all had to face — we shall pay that back ten-folds!"

When Liu Lanzhi heard Huo Yuanjia's words, her eyes widened with shock.

"W-What is he talking about, Su Yang? Did you do something to offend them?" she mumbled to him.

Su Yang raised an eyebrow and spoke in a puzzled tone, "While I am prideful of many things about myself, my memory is not one of them, so if you don't mind, can you help me recall what had happened?"

Huo Yuanjia's eyebrows twitched after hearing Su Yang's words, feeling a strong urge to beat him up right this moment.

"I don't know what kind of tricks you had used on that day, but it will not work here. What's more, we are no longer the same as before. If you think you will step all over us like that time, it will not happen tomorrow!"

"E-Excuse me, Senior Huo. If you don't mind, can you give me an explanation? It seems like Su Yang had offended you…" Liu Lanzhi asked him.

Huo Yuanjia looked at her and spoke, "Don't worry, it's only a small matter, and this is between him and us. Even if he's affiliated with the Profound Blossom Sect, we will not cause you guys any trouble, especially since we are in an alliance."

Liu Lanzhi was speechless for a moment before saying, "Even if you say that… he's also a Sect Master like me. If you cause trouble for him, it'll also mean trouble for the sect."

Huo Yuanjia merely smiled at her words before turning around and walking away.

"Really, Su Yang. What did you do to them? And when did this happen?" she looked at him with a frown. "Whatever you did, if you don't resolve this quickly, it will definitely affect our alliance."

"Like he'd said, you don't have to worry. It's just a small matter that will be resolved very soon," he said with a smile.

Chapter 384 First, You Strip

After writing the Profound Blossom Sect and the Burning Lotus Sect's name beside each other on a large board, Zi Dong continued to call out numbers.

Sometime later, Zi Dong said loudly, "Number 18!"

Once she heard her number being called, Bai Lihua raised her hand, and a few meters away from her, another individual raised his hand.

When the Sect Masters saw these two individuals, their eyes flickered with entertainment.

"The Heavenly Swan Sect and the Azure Cloud Sect!" Zi Dong proceeded to write their names on the board.


Bai Lihua silently looked at Gu Guanting with a serious expression on her beautiful face, and Gu Guanting stared back at her with a similar expression.

"What do you think about this match up?"

The Sect Masters there immediately began mumbling to each other.

"Although the Azure Cloud Sect has achieved a surprising victory against the Million Snakes Sect, I don't think they will be able to handle the Heavenly Swan Sect." One Sect Master spoke his thoughts.

"I have a feeling that Hong Yu'er from the Azure Cloud Sect has yet to fully display her full prowess. Who knows, maybe she will single-handedly defeat the Heavenly Swan Sect, too."

Another Sect Master there gave his judgment.

"What do you think, Su Yang? You were confident that the Million Snakes Sect would lose to the Azure Cloud Sect before it even began. Will the Heavenly Swan Sect be able to defeat the Azure Cloud Sect — or more specifically, defeat Hong Yu'er?" Liu Lanzhi asked him.

Su Yang quickly shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. What do you think?"

Liu Lanzhi narrowed her eyes at him, who clearly knows something.

After a moment of silence, she spoke, "I think Hong Yu'er is still hiding something in her sleeves. What's more, she managed to defeat the Million Snakes Sect with ease. Although I cannot guess which one of them will win in the end, it's definitely going to be a difficult match for the Heavenly Swan Sect."

Sometime later, once everybody there had their sect's name on the board, all of the Sect Masters returned to their disciples to relay the news.

"What luck, huh?" Bai Lihua approached Liu Lanzhi and Su Yang afterward and spoke, "You guys got matched with the Burning Lotus Sect, the strongest contender this tournament. Meanwhile, we have to deal with the Azure Cloud Sect, one of the biggest dark horses in history."

"Are you worried that you will lose?" Su Yang asked her with a smile.

Bai Lihua frowned and shouted, "Nonsense!"

"I have complete confidence in my disciples' ability! Even if Hong Yu'er is powerful, she will not be able to deal with us like they did to the Million Snakes Sect, as we will be fully prepared!"

"Good luck," said Su Yang before they separated.

Once they returned to the hotel, Liu Lanzhi revealed to the disciples their next opponents, which greatly dumbfounded them.

"W-We are fighting the Burning Lotus Sect already?" Sun Jingjing's jaw dropped from shock.

"From fighting the Yellow River Sect to the Burning Lotus Sect… that's quite the jump in difficulty," said Fang Zhelan.

"I understand that it's going to be difficult, but if we want to win the tournament, we will have to fight them regardless, not to mention the other Elite Sects." Liu Lanzhi said.

"Are you girls worried about the Burning Lotus Sect?" Su Yang suddenly asked them.

"Well… they have a dozen disciples at the Earth Spirit Realm whilst we only have two." Sun Jingjing said.

Su Yang shook his head with a smile and said, "Although the difference between True Spirit Realm and Earth Spirit Realm may seem like heaven and earth, it is actually much more insignificant than you believe. As long as you prepare yourself properly before the battle, their small advantage won't even be noticeable."

"How do we prepare for something like that?" One of the disciples asked.

"It's actually quite simple. In fact, it's already a daily routine for all of you."

The disciples raised their eyebrows, seemingly puzzled by his words that made it seem as though they were already experienced with it.

"I want all of you to gather in a single room tonight. I will teach you all a new technique for tomorrow's matches."

"Really?!" The disciples' eyes lit up with excitement after hearing his words, wondering what kind of technique he'll teach them.

"You want to teach them to learn a new technique within a single night? I don't mean to doubt your lecture or their capabilities, but learning a technique — even if it's the lowest grade — is simply ridiculous and impossible even for geniuses…" Liu Lanzhi looked at him with a weird look.

If cultivation techniques were that easy and quick to learn, every Cultivator in the world would be experts with hundreds of techniques inside their sleeves by now.

Hearing Liu Lanzhi's words, Su Yang responded with a smile, "Although it's called a technique, it's somewhat different. In fact, it's something any Cultivator can learn within a few hours if they are willing, but because of the nature of this technique, it's only practical for dual cultivators."

"Something like that exists? Why don't you teach it to me, too?" Liu Lanzhi quickly became intrigued.

"Naturally I will also teach you the technique. However, I will have to do it on another day, as these disciples require it more than you."

Liu Lanzhi nodded. "That's understandable."

A few hours later, Su Yang entered one of the hotel rooms, and inside stood 10 beautiful girls.

When Su Yang entered the room, ten pairs of flickering eyes turned to look at him, seemingly excited to see him.

"Are you girls ready?" Su Yang asked them with a calm smile.


They all nodded.

"Good. Then let's get started."

"What should we do?" Sun Jingjing asked him.

"First, you strip," he responded with a straight face.

The girls looked at him with wide eyes.

"We are going to cultivate," he continued.

The girls then looked at each other and chuckled, almost like they'd already predicted this outcome.

Chapter 385 Third Day of the Tournamen

"Oh! Ahhh~!" Jin Xi moaned loudly as two large hands tightly grasped her hips while her lower body was being violated by a long and hard shaft that thrust endlessly in her narrow cave.

Meanwhile, nine girls watched from the sidelines, their faces filled with anticipation and excitement.

A few moments later, Su Yang released his grasp on Jin Xi and allowed her exhausted body to collapse onto the soft bed.

However, before Jin Xi could relax, Su Yang quickly tapped on her forehead with his finger, causing information to be sent directly into her head.

"Do not cultivate the Yang Qi in your body yet and follow the technique I just gave you," Su Yang said to her before turning to look at another girl.

A few seconds later, another girl enters his embrace, before feeling his hard rod entering her body.

Su Yang continued to cultivate with the disciples for nearly the entire night whilst lecturing them about the technique he parted with them.

"As expected of Su Yang, every time he introduces something new to us, it's something that's either highly valuable or completely shocking." Sun Jingjing mumbled on the bed with an exhausted voice after Su Yang left them alone to rest.

"With this new technique, I feel like I can fight against the entire world by myself." Fang Zhelan gently touched her stomach which was filled with hot Yang Qi.

"If this technique is released to the public, I have a feeling that more Cultivators would be willing to try dual cultivation," said another disciple.

"This technique works best for females, right? I wonder where Su Yang learned this technique."

"I have a feeling that we won't ever know."

"That's not bad. I love a mysterious man, especially one with such bed techniques."

"By the way, since we can't cultivate the Yang Qi in our body, I wonder if we'll become pregnant afterward." One of the disciples suddenly asked.

The room instantly turned silent.

A few moments later, Fang Zhelan spoke, "Calm down, you won't get pregnant so quickly. It normally takes a week if you don't absorb the Yang Qi, but the Yang Qi in our body will be exhausted by tomorrow."

"If it were me, I wouldn't mind being pregnant with his child." Sun Jingjing suddenly said, causing everybody there to look at her with wide eyes.

"Oh, right, I haven't mentioned this to you girls yet, but I have decided that I want to continue my lineage with him," she said as she passionately rubbed her stomach.

"Did you already speak with him?" One of the disciples asked her.

"Of course not." Sun Jingjing shook her head, and she continued, "But I plan to after the tournament ends."

"Do you think he'll accept?" Another one asked her.

"I will find out once I ask him." Sun Jingjing said. "Even if we cannot be together, I will be satisfied with just having his child."

The disciples looked at each other.

"Good luck, Sister Jingjing. Although other men would likely not agree, Su Yang is not your average man. What's more, unlike the rest of us, you have only embraced one man — him — in your life, right? I think he wouldn't mind you having his child." Fang Zhelan said to her with a smile.

Although it is unlikely that a man would accept having a woman that is a disciple at the Profound Blossom Sect to bear his child as they tend to have multiple partners in their life, Sun Jingjing was an exception in the Sect, since she managed to become an Inner Court disciple without any partner because of her grandfather, Elder Sun.

The disciples remained in the room for the remainder of the night talking about Su Yang like a group of friends during a sleepover.

The next morning, all of the disciples gathered in the front of the hotel and prepared to leave for the tournament.

"How are you girls feeling?" Liu Lanzhi asked them.

"Better than I have ever felt, Sect Master."

"That's good to hear. I hope this confidence remains even when we are standing on the stage."

A few moments later, the Profound Blossom Sect made their way to the colosseum.

On their way to the colosseum, they encountered Wang Shuren, who was, of course, with the Burning Lotus Sect.

The Burning Lotus Sect also noticed them, and Wang Shuren approached them with a smile on her face.

"I had hope that we could've lasted at least until the last day of the tournament, but alas..." Wang Shuren whispered to Su Yang.

"Who knows, you might win."

"Save your words. We both know the results."

Meanwhile, the disciples from the Burning Lotus Sect stared at Su Yang with narrowed eyes that were filled with fierceness and anger. All of them still remembered the day Su Yang fought their entire sect alone. In fact, half of the disciples there had tasted Su Yang's fist, and their body trembled instantly after seeing his face. It was almost like their body instinctively feared him.

"Calm down… calm down… his power was only borrowed from a treasure…"

"That was not his real prowess… it was all fake… don't be scared…"

"Don't be fooled… don't be fooled… he's actually weak… he's actually very weak..."

Huo Yuanjia's eyebrows uncontrollably twitched when he heard his disciples mumbling to themselves, trying to convince themselves to not be afraid of Su Yang. It was clear that they were traumatized by the events on that day.

"Let's go!" Huo Yuanjia said to them loudly, and the disciples happily followed him away — away from Su Yang.

"What's wrong with them? They seem shaken about something." One of the disciples noticed their odd behavior.

"I also noticed it. They seemed very nervous, almost like they were in the presence of a powerful beast."

"They must be scared of our senior appearance-sisters and senior apprentice-brother after witnessing their prowess yesterday!" One of the Junior Disciples said with a proud face.

"Enough chatting, let's also head to the colosseum." Liu Lanzhi said to them before walking away.

Chapter 386 Burning Lotus Sect vs Profound Blossom Sec

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Snowfall Colosseum, where the Regional Tournament will take place for the third day! After three long days, only a little over 50 Sects remain in the tournament!" Zi Dong appeared on the stage and spoke loudly.

"With that being said, without further ado, allow me to introduce our first match for the day, the Lightning Strike Palace and their opponent, Unrestrained Fiery Sect!"

Two sects consisting of 20 participants on each side entered the stage a few moments later with each and every single one of these participants emitting a profound aura of the True Spirit Realm.

"There will only be highly regarded sects and renowned names entering the stage from this point forth, huh…" Bai Lihua calmly mumbled.

She then turned to look at the Profound Blossom Sect and sighed inwardly, 'Except for one sect…'

No matter how much she tried to ponder, she couldn't understand how the Profound Blossom Sect was able to achieve what they currently have, especially considering their standing as a low-grade Sect.

'Unless an otherworldly being with profound knowledge or experience is helping the Profound Blossom Sect, it's almost impossible for a sect of their size to reach this point even with divine fortune.'

A faceless figure with a divine feeling surrounding him appeared in Bai Lihua's mind as she thought of the possibility that a powerful expert may be helping the Profound Blossom Sect from the shadows, unbeknown to the world.

Bai Lihua suddenly looked at the Burning Lotus Sect.

'Could this expert and the mysterious Alchemist that has recently shocked the world with the Earth Advancement Pills be the same person? The Burning Lotus Sect was only an above-average sect before they befriended this mysterious Alchemist, too.'

'But why would this expert choose to help them? Is there something special about the Profound Blossom Sect and the Burning Lotus Sect that I cannot see?'

Time passed swiftly as Bai Lihua silently pondered to herself about this 'mysterious expert', and in what felt like a blink of her eyes, it was already time for the 9th match of the day.

"Good luck, Elder Brother! Good luck, Senior Sisters!" Su Yin's cheering suddenly snapped Bai Lihua out of her deep thoughts.

"It's already their turn on the stage?" Bai Lihua stopped her thoughts and focused her attention on the stage, where the Burning Lotus Sect and the Profound Blossom Sect were standing only a few meters away from each other.

"Do the Sect Leaders have any words for each other before the fight officially begins?" Zi Dong asked them.

Liu Lanzhi shook her head and turned to look at Su Yang, who was returning Huo Yuanjia's stares with a calm expression on his face.

"Let me see how much you guys have grown since 'that day'." Su Yang suddenly said to them with a smile on his face.

When the Burning Lotus Sect disciples heard his words, unwanted memories they tried to forget appeared in their heads, causing their bodies to uncontrollably tremble.

Huo Yuanjia frowned and spoke with a grim expression on his face, "There is only one thing I want to say — hurry up and get this match started!"

Zi Dong nodded and said, "Once both sects return to the edge of the stage and send out their first participant, I will start the match."

Hearing his words, the Burning Lotus Sect immediately retreated to the edge, and the Profound Blossom Sect went to the opposite side of the stage, leaving the middle of the arena empty.

"The Profound Blossom Sect has been extremely lucky to have lasted this long. However, unfortunately for them, it seems like their luck has just run out. Today will be their last day on the stage."

"The Profound Blossom Sect is only a low-grade sect, right? Even if it's by sheer luck, this is an unprecedented event, as there has never been a low-grade sect that has managed to last longer than 2 days in the Regional Tournament."

While the spectators chatted with each other, the Burning Lotus Sect sent out their first disciple onto the stage.

"First level Earth Spirit Realm, huh? Even though they have been sending out disciples at the True Spirit Realm first in their previous matches…" Liu Lanzhi sighed.

"It appears that the Burning Lotus Sect is seriously trying to beat us. Who wants to go first?" she turned to look at the disciples.


"Oh! I want to fight first!"

"Wait! Let me do it!"

Unexpectedly, all of the disciples raised their hands.


Surprised by their enthusiasm, Liu Lanzhi became speechless.

After a moment of silence, she spoke, "I am thinking of a number from one to one hundred. Whoever guesses the number correctly or comes the closest will get to fight first. You only have one try."







The disciples immediately began guessing their number.

A few seconds later, Liu Lanzhi nodded and pointed to one of the disciples and said, "Congratulations, Lin Na, your number was the closest."

The slim and petite beauty Liu Lanzhi pointed to expressed a bright expression and nodded. "I won't let the sect down!"

She said to them before running onto the stage with excitement.

"The Profound Blossom Sect has sent out Disciple Lin Na, who is at the Fifth Level of the Earth Spirit Realm!" Zi Dong quickly introduced her.

"Aiya! To send out the disciple with one of the lowest cultivation bases amongst their group against someone at the Earth Spirit Realm. This entire match will be brutal and one-sided without a doubt."

The spectators shook their heads at the clear disparity in cultivation between the two sides, even feeling bad for the little girl who was only 17 years old.

"Let the match begin!" Zi Dong announced a few moments later.

"Hey, little girl."

The Burning Lotus Sect disciple suddenly called out to her. "I have no grievances with you nor am I looking down on you, but I'd appreciate it if you quickly surrender and send out that bastard Su Yang so that I can give him a slow beating!"


Lin Na looked at the Burning Lotus Sect disciple with an unamused expression. "I don't care about your grievances, but if you want to fight my senior brother, you'll have to kick me off the stage first."

"Although I take no joy in bullying the weak, you have forced my hands!" The Burning Lotus Sect disciple coldly snorted at her words, before rushing towards Lin Na with a fierce expression.

Chapter 387 A Different Person?

"Ha! Taste my Extended Burning Lotus Palm Strike!"

The Burning Lotus Sect disciple rushed at Lin Na with a pair of fiery hands that were engulfed in a ball of flames, before shooting his palms at her chest.

"Profound Blossom Art: Petal Fury!" Lin Na unsheathes the sword by her sword and slices it at the Burning Lotus Sect disciple.

When the spectators saw this, their eyes widened with surprise.

"She dares to directly exchange blows with someone that's an entire realm above herself?! That's either madness or arrogance!"

Normally, when one's cultivation is far below their opponent, they would never think of trying to fight them directly, as that is akin to suicide, but Lin Na charged at him with a confidence all over her face.


The instant the Burning Lotus Sect disciple's fist clashed with Lin Na's sword, a fiery explosion occurred between them, before sending one of them flying towards the edge of the stage.


Not just the spectators but even Huo Yuanjia cried out loud after witnessing the Burning Lotus Sect disciple lose the exchange when they all expected Lin Na to be the one sent flying.

"How is it possible for someone at the True Spirit Realm to win a frontal exchange against someone at the Earth Spirit Realm?! That doesn't make sense!"

While it's not impossible, only the most talented Cultivators are able to achieve such a feat. What's more, they would at most be one or two levels below the Earth Spirit Realm. Lin Na, however, was only at the fifth level of the True Spirit Realm! She was five levels below the Burning Lotus Sect disciple, who is at the first level of the Earth Spirit Realm!

"Since when did the Profound Blossom Sect have such impressive talents?" Even Lord Xie was surprised, as he was certain that even he wouldn't be able to do what Lin Na just did when he was at her age and cultivation base.

"Su Yang probably had something to do with it," Xie Xingfang said.

Lord Xie looked at her with a weird expression and said, "You know that not everything in this world revolves around him, right?"

"Who knows? He certainly has the aura."

Lord Xie merely shook his head with a speechless expression.

"Profound Blossom Art: Falling Petals!"

After blowing the Burning Lotus Sect disciple away, Lin Na immediately chased after him, wasting no time.


The Burning Lotus Sect disciple, who was barely able to stand still after being blown away, was unable to fully defend himself against Lin Na's swift strike and took half of the blade with his chest.

Fortunately for him, there was a protective barrier around the arena that prevented the sword from cutting his body into two pieces and turning him into a bloody mess. However, even though his body was still intact, the Burning Lotus Sect disciple still had to experience the blunt force of the attack that shook his organs violently and crushed a few bones, causing him to cough up a mouthful of blood.

"I am not finished with you just yet!" Lin Na did not allow the disciple to rest and continued to display the Profound Blossom Art on him.

After a few minutes of struggling, the Burning Lotus Sect disciple eventually surrendered the round, as he could no longer move because of the pain in his body.

"Hmph. To think you wanted to fight my senior apprentice-brother when you are at such a level, how arrogant of you. You wouldn't even last a second against him!"

The Burning Lotus Sect disciple gnashed his teeth in anger, but he did not say anything and slowly exited the stage to get his injuries treated.

"I'm sorry, Sect Master. I had greatly underestimated her."

The disciple lowered his head at Huo Yuanjia, who quickly shook his head.

"Don't blame yourself. Even I had underestimated her. In fact, besides Su Yang, I cannot help but underestimate them."

After a moment of silence, Huo Yuanjia said to his disciples with a serious expression, "As long as you are on the stage, I want you to treat your opponent, no matter who they are, as though they are Su Yang and fight them with everything that you've got! Let our first match be our one and only defeat today!"

"Yes, Sect Master!"

The disciples responded with a clear voice.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the stage, Lin Na also left the stage, as she'd exhausted her energy just now and would not be able to fight another round.

"I don't care how you did it, but color me impressed! At this rate, getting first place in this tournament will no longer be just a dream!" Liu Lanzhi praised her.

Lin Na blushed and spoke while touching her stomach, "This is all thanks to Senior apprentice-brother."

Liu Lanzhi became even more intrigued at the technique that Su Yang had taught them yesterday after seeing the results.

"You must teach me this technique tonight, or I won't let you sleep until you do so!" She whispered in his ears.

Su Yang did not say anything and merely smiled at her.

Sometime later, Zi Dong requested for the second match to begin.

"Please send forth your next fighter!"

A few moments later, another disciple at the first level of the Earth Spirit Realm from the Burning Lotus Sect approached the center of the stage.

Another minute later, after another round of guessing the number, the Profound Blossom Sect also sends their next fighter to the stage.

A tall and slim figure then walks onto the stage.

"The Profound Blossom Sect has decided to send out their next fighter, Sun Jingjing, who is also at the first level of the Earth Spirit Realm!"

The moment Sun Jingjing appeared on the stage, her beauty attracted nearly every pair of eyes in that place. Although every disciple from the Profound Blossom Sect was a top beauty, there was something unique about Sun Jingjing's appearance and aura that made her seem more refined than the rest.

"Sun Jingjing? If I recall correctly, the Sun Family's little princess from the Western Region also shares the same name."

A few of the spectators recognized her name.

However, some people rejected that claim.

"Are you crazy? Why would that princess be a disciple at the Profound Blossom Sect? They are definitely two different people."

"But the Profound Blossom Sect is also located in the Western Region, where the Sun Family mostly operates…"

"I'm telling you, there's absolutely zero chance that the Sun Family would allow their princess to become a slut in that kind of place. What's more, the last time I heard, she was still at the Profound Spirit Realm. The Sun Family is known for their wealth and their connection with merchants around the world, not their talent in cultivation, so there's no way this girl who's at the Earth Spirit Realm is the same princess from the Sun Family."

"I guess you are right…"

Meanwhile, on the stage, Sun Jingjing was slightly shaking from excitement.

'I wonder if my family is watching me right now,' she wondered inwardly as she slowly approached the center of the stage.

'Although they have always strongly rejected my choice to follow grandfather, it's exactly because of that decision that I am standing here right now…'

A few moments later, once Sun Jingjing was in the center of the stage, Zi Dong raised his hand and shouted, "Second round — begin!"

Chapter 388 How a Real Dual Cultivator Fights

Somewhere within the crowd of spectators, a beautiful middle-aged woman that somewhat resembled Sun Jingjing stared at the stage with a serious expression.

"As much as I hate to admit it, it seems like her decision to go to the Profound Blossom Sect was the correct one…"

The middle-aged man sitting beside her suddenly spoke, his eyes on Sun Jingjing with a gentle gaze.


"What, you don't think so even after seeing her on the stage?" He continued after a moment of silence.

"No, it's just that—"

"The Profound Blossom Sect has secured their 3rd consecutive victory, and Disciple Sun Jingjing will be staying for the fourth round!" Zi Dong suddenly announced.

"That's my girl!" The middle-aged man shouted in excitement.

The beautiful woman beside him shook her head and spoke,"...As I was saying, even though she's made some achievement for herself, who would be willing to accept a woman from the Profound Blossom Sect?"

"You know how most men think. They only care about maidens who are pure. As for a girl that is no longer pure, especially when they are from the Profound Blossom Sect, I'm afraid that it'll be much harder for her to find a partner."

The middle-aged man chuckled and said, "I think you are underestimating us. As long as they have a pretty face and a good body, we will do anything. Sun Jingjing is not only a peerless beauty but also a powerful cultivator now. I doubt she'll have any of the problems in your mind. In fact, given her personality, I'm more worried that she won't be able to find a quality man out there that suits her taste."


The middle-aged woman remained silent and continued to focus on the stage.

"Hah! Profound Blossom Art: Falling Petals!"

Many sword lights appeared above Sun Jingjing before raining towards the young man in front of her.

"Burning Cauldron!"

The Burning Lotus Sect disciple created a large cauldron before him to block the sword lights, but alas, it was quickly torn apart, almost as though it was made from paper.


The sword lights that pierced the cauldron continued to bore down on the disciple, making him feel as though his body was being pierced by a dozen swords. If not for the protective barrier, that would've definitely been the results.

"I...I surrender."

The Burning Lotus Sect disciple forfeited the match after many minutes of struggling against Sun Jingjing.

"This doesn't make any sense…" Huo Yuanjia mumbled with a frown on his face.

'The Profound Blossom Sect is not known for their prowess or techniques, so how are they able to overpower our disciples with such ease? What's more, the Profound Blossom Art is only a Mortal-grade technique! It shouldn't be able to resist our Earth-grade techniques, much less overwhelm them!'

It was not just Huo Yuanjia. Everybody that was at the colosseum was dumbfounded by the results, as nobody there had expected the Profound Blossom Sect to win even a single match against the Burning Lotus Sect, much less winning four consecutively.

"Heavens, it seems like we all have profoundly underestimated the Profound Blossom Sect."

"It's not that we've underestimated them. The Profound Blossom Sect this year is… almost like an entirely different Sect when compared to their previous accomplishments."

"Indeed. The Profound Blossom Sect has always ranked last or bottom. This is the first time that they've shown such brilliance."

"I wonder what's changed."

"Perhaps what happened with the Million Snakes Sect has something to do with it."

The spectators began looking at the Profound Blossom Sect in a new light. However, there were still people who refused to praise the Profound Blossom Sect.

"The Burning Lotus Sect must be going easy on them. They are in an Alliance, after all."

"I bet you that they are only allowing the Profound Blossom Sect to win so that they can save them some face. In fact, the Burning Lotus Sect has yet to send out their geniuses."

Meanwhile, on the stage, Zi Dong asked Sun Jingjing, "Are you able to continue? Or do you wish to send out another fighter?"

Sun Jingjing pondered for a moment before speaking, "I had enough fun today. I'll let my fellow sisters take care of the rest."

Although she still had plenty of strength left in her body, Sun Jingjing did not want to hog all of the spotlight for herself and decided to stop there.

"That was amazing, Sister Jingjing! You blew away three of them with ease!"

The disciples immediately praised her.

"Hehe… it was nothing…" Sun Jingjing blushed.

"Anyway, this new technique is amazing. Even though I just fought three people at the Earth Spirit Realm, the Profound Qi in my body barely depleted!" Sun Jingjing looked at Su Yang with an admiring gaze.

However, Su Yang shook his head and said, ��The technique itself is nothing special. It's what's fueling your body with strength that really matters."

Hearing his words, Sun Jingjing unconsciously rubbed her stomach, where the main source of their strength came from.

"Honestly, it's so powerful that it feels like cheating." Sun Jingjing showed a bitter smile.

Because their overwhelming strength is borrowed from the Yang Qi that is currently residing within their body, they are technically cheating by receiving help from an external source.

"There's no need to feel guilty, as this is how true Dual Cultivators fight." Su Yang shook his head. "If you think Dual Cultivation is all about the connection and pleasure and nothing else, you cannot be considered as a real Dual Cultivator. In fact, what you've all been doing until today is only the beginning of what Dual Cultivation has to offer."

"Normal Cultivators have their own methods to fight and we have our own ways. This technique is merely one of many techniques that defines what Dual Cultivation truly is."

"Remember. It is called Dual Cultivation for a reason. Even if it may seem like it, you are never truly alone, as that is simply normal cultivation."

'Even if it may seem like it, we are never truly alone…'

Not just the disciples but even Liu Lanzhi silently repeated his words, almost as though they were trying to engrave it into their hearts.

Chapter 389 Limp-Dick Bastard

"Profound Blossom Sect, are you ready to send out your next fighter, yet?" Zi Dong asked them after waiting for some time.

A few moments later, the Profound Blossom Sect sends out another disciple.

However, unlike the previous rounds, the Profound Blossom Sect disciple did not have an easy time fighting the Burning Lotus Sect disciple, and after many minutes of fighting back and forth, the Burning Lotus Sect secures their first victory against the Profound Blossom Sect.

"I'm sorry, Sect Masters and fellow apprentice-sisters. I have disappointed you all."

The Profound Blossom Sect disciple returned to them with a dejected feeling around her.

"Don't worry about it, Junior Sister. It's just one defeat. We are still ahead of them."

Liu Lanzhi nodded and spoke, "Your fellow sisters are right. You've tried your best, so there's no need to apologize. Furthermore, the Burning Lotus Sect is a tough opponent. I don't expect any easy victories against them."

A few minutes later, the Profound Blossom Sect sends out another disciple.

After clashing for a few minutes, the Burning Lotus Sect redeems another narrow victory.

"Good job, Senior apprentice-brother!"

The Burning Lotus Sect disciples cheered from the sides.


However, Huo Yuanjia was not celebrating. In fact, he stood there with a frown on his face.

"What's on your mind, Master?" A beautiful young lady suddenly asked him.

Huo Yuanjia turned to look at his personal disciple, Lin Shao Shang.

"Even though we are winning, we are only barely winning. I cannot help but feel like the Profound Blossom Sect still has another surprise hidden under their sleeves."

"No matter what they have planned, I will not allow our Burning Lotus Sect to lose to them — to him — again!" Lin Shao Shang said with a fierce expression on her face.

Although she did not personally exchange fists with Su Yang previously, she has witnessed the chaos he'd caused to their sect, especially the damage he'd caused to their disciples.

"After his little show that burdened many minds, our disciples were unable to cultivate with a peaceful mind for an entire month! Some of my friends are still having nightmares to this day about him! I will definitely not let him do as he pleases, even if it's the last thing I'll do!"

Huo Yuanjia smiled bitterly and said, "You are overexaggerating."

"By the way, have you seen Wang Shuren? I left Great Elder Han behind to guard our belongings, but I can't seem to recall her whereabouts." He suddenly asked her.

"If I recall correctly, Elder Wang wanted to watch the match from the spectators' seat."

"She probably didn't want to be a part of this tournament, especially since we are fighting the Profound Blossom Sect." Huo Yuanjia sighed.

"Master, why does Elder Wang hold the Profound Blossom Sect to such high regards, even forcing the rest of the Sect to form an Alliance with them?" Lin Shao Shang asked him.

"It gets harder and harder to understand what's on her mind as the days pass. However, I'm sure that she has her reasons for trusting the Profound Blossom Sect, and I'm willing to trust that trust. If not for her, the Burning Lotus Sect would not be in our current position."

"I see…" Lin Shao Shang turned silent afterward.

The fight between the Burning Lotus Sect and the Profound Blossom Sect continues.

Many minutes later, after going back and forth with the victories and defeats, the Profound Blossom Sect and the Burning Lotus Sect are currently tied with 9 victories and 9 defeats each.

"Su Yang! Get your ass out here and accept my challenge!" Lin Shao Shang shouted with a fierce voice as she stood on the stage with a heroic aura around her.

The Profound Blossom Sect disciples turned to look at Su Yang, who was casually standing there with a nonchalant expression on his face.

They were all wondering what he did to have offended the number one genius of the Burning Lotus Sect, Lin Shao Shang.

"This is the first time I've seen Fairy Lin acting so angry. This Su Yang must've done something that had greatly offended her."

Even the spectators that were familiar with Lin Shao Shang's personality were dumbfounded by the current expression on her face.

"Why aren't you coming onto the stage? Are you scared?! What happened to the courage and arrogance that you'd shown to us on that day?!" Lin Shao Shang continued to shout loudly.

"This is quite amusing." Lord Xie showed a smile at this situation.

"What's so amusing about this?" Xie Xingfang frowned.


Because he'd investigated Su Yang's background, it was only natural that Lord Xie knew of the drama between the Burning Lotus Sect and Su Yang. Even if the Burning Lotus Sect had tried their best to keep the event a secret, it is almost impossible to avoid the Xie Family's vast information-gathering network that spreads across the entire Continent.

Sometime later, when Lin Shao Shang got tired of waiting for Su Yang to respond, she cursed at him loudly, "Hurry up and get on the stage, you limp-dick bastard!"


When the spectators heard this, most of them burst out laughing.

"To be called a limp-dick bastard by Fairy Lin… I would immediately leave this place and never show my face to the world again if I were him!"

"Fairy Lin is right! What are you afraid of?! Hurry up and accept her challenge like a real man!"

"Su Yang…"

Liu Lanzhi looked at him with a weird expression on her face. She couldn't understand why he's remained silent this entire time.

"Limp-dick! Limp-dick! Limp-dick!"

The spectators even began to chant the word loudly.


Suddenly, a powerful voice resounded in the arena, causing the place to tremble.

When the spectators heard this voice and felt the profound strength behind it, their mouths instantly became shut.

However, this voice did not belong to Su Yang. Instead, it belonged to a female.

"You…" Lord Xie turned to look at Xie Xingfang with disbelief, seemingly speechless.

A few moments of silence later, Su Yang suddenly took a step forward.

"You sounded quite confident when you called me a limp-dick, almost as though you are certain of it. I don't mind accepting your challenge, but I won't be playing to your tunes without anything in return."

Su Yang stopped walking right before the fighting ring and stared at Lin Shao Shang with a serious expression on his face.

"What do you want?" Lin Shao Shang asked him.

"It's simple. If you win, I will give you everything in this storage pouch." Su Yang retrieved a small pouch and immediately poured all of its contents onto the floor.

When Lin Shao Shang saw the hundreds of pills rolling on the floor, her eyebrows raised with a puzzled feeling.

However, when she realized what kind of pills they were, her eyes widened with shock.

"T-Those are…?!" Huo Yuanjia couldn't believe his eyes and almost had his heart jump out of his throat when he saw the pills.

"How on earth did you get your hands on so many Earth Advancement Pills?!" He cried out loud.

"You are going to give me all of those pills if I win?" Lin Shao Shang had to forcefully swallow the saliva that was overflowing in her mouth before speaking.

"That's right." Su Yang smiled, and he continued, "However, if I win this fight, you will experience for yourself whether I am a limp-dick bastard or not…"

Chapter 390 Fighting Lin Shao Shang

"Get out of here with your nonsense! Why would Fairy Lin do such a thing with you?!"

"This is outrageous! How can he say something so shameless before so many people?!"

"Fairy Lin, there's no need for you to listen to him! Ignore him and beat his ass down for me!"

The audience immediately went into an uproar after hearing Su Yang's little bet with Lin Shao Shang, especially the males there, as he was essentially telling their untainted fairy to sleep with him if he wins the match.

"Aiya… what is he doing?" Even Lord Xie couldn't help but shake his head at this situation.

He then turned to look at Xie Xingfang, who seemed relatively calm on the surface.

'If not for his status as a Profound Blossom Sect disciple, I would've already proposed marriage for the two of them…'

If he allows a disciple of the Profound Blossom Sect, someone known to have many partners in a single life, into the Xie Family, who knows how the world would react to it. Though, one thing for sure is that it would be a negative reaction.

'Perhaps this will make her reconsider her feelings for him. While he's a ridiculous individual with a talent that has never appeared in this world before, he might not be worth staining the entire Xie Family's legacy and all of its face.'

"I know you are new to this kind of thing, but this is the nature of someone from the Profound Blossom Sect." Lord Xie decided to warn her after all. "Even if you are faithful to him, who knows if he'll do the same."


After a moment of silence, Xie Xingfang spoke, "What are you trying to say, father?"

"I'm saying that maybe you should think twice before choosing a Dao companion, as they will more likely than not stay with you for the rest of your cultivation life."


After another moment of silence, Xie Xingfang responded, "I think you are misunderstanding something here, father. I only admire Su Yang as an idol because of his gifted talents. There's nothing more to it than that."

"If you say so…" Lord Xie casually shrugged his shoulders.

Meanwhile, on the stage, Lin Shao Shang spoke with narrowed eyes, "Are you certain that you'll give me all of those Earth Advancement Pills if I win?"

"Of course. Why would I fart before so many pairs of eyes?"

"Let me see a few of them just to be sure that they are all real." Lin Shao Shang said with a doubtful voice.

Even the Burning Lotus Sect does not have this many Earth Advancement Pills, so how did he obtain so many of them? And to be willing to gamble so many of them at once, only someone insane or extremely confident that he will win would make such a gamble.

"Go ahead. You can look at all of them if you'd like, but make it quick, as we're still in the middle of a tournament."

Right as Su Yang gave his permission, Lin Shao Shang immediately went to pick up some of the pills that were rolling on the ground as though they were some useless junk.

"T-These are really Earth Advancement Pills!" After authenticating the pills, Lin Shao Shang forcefully swallowed her saliva and turned to look at Huo Yuanjia with a perplexed expression, seemingly asking for advice.

However, Huo Yuanjia merely shook his head and said, "Only you can make the decision. I have nothing to say."

Huo Yuanjia felt that he had no right to make this decision for her, as her body was on the line. With that being said, if he was in Lin Shao Shang's shoes right this moment, he would definitely be willing to take the gamble. After all, hundreds of Earth Advancement Pills would make any Sect virtually peerless and unstoppable. And to risk only a single body for all of this resource, many would consider it only a small risk.

"Have you come to a decision yet?" Su Yang asked her as he retrieved all of the pills back into the storage pouch.

After a moment of silence, Lin Shao Shang bit her lips and nodded, "I am going to beat you anyway, but now that you are going to reward me for doing so, there's no reason for me to refuse such a gift! Do not regret it afterward!"

Although Su Yang's confidence had shaken her up a little bit at first, after she recalled what her fellow disciples had to suffer because of him, her resolve to defeat him became even stronger.

"Oh my god! Fairy Lin actually agreed to this pervert's outrageous suggestion!"

"Does this mean that Fairy Lin will have to give her body to that perverted limp-dick bastard if she loses?!"

"Calm down! There's no way that Fairy Lin could lose to someone like him!"

The spectators couldn't understand why, but they had a feeling that something wrong was about to happen.

"Are the two of you finally ready to fight?" Zi Dong couldn't care less about their bet and only wanted the tournament to resume already.

"Yes, I am ready," said Su Yang as he casually stepped into the fighting ring.

Lin Shao Shang, who was already inside the ring also nodded.

A few seconds later, Zi Dong waved his hands and shouted, "Let the fight begin!"

The moment the fight started, Lin Shao Shang rushed at Su Yang with two fiery hands raised.

"Heavenly Fire!"

Lin Shao Shang pushed both of her hands out in front of her, causing a large fiery wheel of flame to burst forward.

"Oh?" Su Yang instantly recognized this technique as one of the techniques he'd given them after forming the Alliance.

"Profound Blossom Art: Petal Fury."

Su Yang casually waved his arm, creating a sword light before him that easily cut Lin Shao Shang's technique in half.

Although he's never personally trained the Profound Blossom Art, he was able to learn it just from watching the other disciples.

"W-What was that?! He used a sword technique with his bare hands!"

The audience was dumbfounded to witness something so bizarre.

"He even created a sword light, something that's only possible with a sword!"

The more experienced sword cultivators found this to be more shocking.

"Che!" Lin Shao Shang snickered.