

Chapter 349 Earth Advancement Pills

"Senior Wang, what are these pills called, by the way?" Someone asked her.

Wang Shuren pondered for a moment and said, "My friend didn't give me a name for these pills when I received them, so I will call them Earth Advancement Pills for now."

And she continued, "Now that I have introduced these Earth Advancement Pills, we can finally begin the final auction for today. The beginning price for the first pill shall be 100,000 Spirit Stones!"

Although 100,000 Spirit Stones may seem like a lot for a single pill, these pills will help any Cultivator reach the Earth Spirit Realm and become a powerhouse in the Cultivation world.

In the current Cultivation world, the reason it lacks Cultivators at the Earth Spirit Realm is simply because of the insufficient Profound Qi in this world, not because they lacked the talent. Many talented individuals usually stop advancing after they reach the peak of the True Spirit Realm because of this bottleneck that can only be bypassed with a large amount of Spiritual Medicine, but even with such a method, the chances for success were very low.

However, the Earth Advancement Pill has the ability to help these Cultivators breakthrough that bottleneck and reach the Earth Spirit Realm with guaranteed success. If the Earth Advancement Pill can be mass-produced, even if it's just ten pills every year, the world will see drastic changes in its power balance, and every Cultivator will have a new limit in the Cultivation world.

"If the Profound Blossom Sect had these pills, the Sect Elders stuck at the peak of the True Spirit Realm will finally be able to reach the Earth Spirit Realm! But alas, even if we want to buy it, we cannot win against the powerhouses in this place! And even if Su Yang is willing to buy them for the Sect, we can only buy one of them!" Liu Lanzhi sighed inwardly.

Although the Profound Blossom Sect became extremely wealthy after receiving many treasures and cultivation techniques from the disguised Su Yang, it cannot be considered money until they sell them. What's more, Cultivation techniques will be more beneficial to the Sect in the long run.

"Sect Master, do you want some of these Earth Advancement Pills?" Su Yang read her expression like an open book and asked.

"There's no need to be so formal now that you are also a Sect Master, Su Yang. Just call me Elder Sister or Senior Lanzhi," she said.

"Then I shall address you as Sister Lanzhi."

"A bit too formal, but if it makes you feel more comfortable..." she shook her head with a smile. "So? Are you going to buy one for the Sect? It can be your first contribution as a Sect Master."

Su Yang smiled and said, "There's no need to waste my money buying something I can get for free."

Liu Lanzhi raised an eyebrow and asked, "Free? Even if you are very close to Wang Shuren, this is not something you can obtain by asking, you know? Who knows when she will be able to obtain the next batch from her friend."

"Have you forgotten about a certain individual from our Sect, or two? How did you think they achieved the Earth Spirit Realm with such speed?"

After hearing Su Yang's words and coming to a realization, Liu Lanzhi's eyes widened with shock.

"Fang Zhelan and Sun Jingjing! So that's how you helped them achieve the Earth Spirit Realm!"

"If the other girls have reached the peak of the True Spirit Realm, they would also be at the Earth Spirit Realm by now," said Su Yang.

"You... you... you... just how many Earth Advancement Pills do you have?!"

"About a dozen or so," he chuckled.

After all, he was the true identity of this mysterious Alchemy Master and also Wang Shuren's close 'friend'.

Liu Lanzhi's mouth dropped to the floor. "If you have so many, why didn't you share some of them with the Sect Elders? Besides Elder Zhao, they have all been stuck at the peak of the True Spirit Realm for many years! If they reach the Earth Spirit Realm, it would also benefit our Sect greatly!"

"Relax," Su Yang casually said, "It's a given that they will also receive one. However, it's still better if they obtain the pills after it makes its first appearance in this world. Unlike the disciples, they will definitely question something so suspicious, and I don't want to deal with that."

"I guess it does make sense if you put it that way..." Liu Lanzhi nodded.

If she was suddenly given a mysterious pill with miraculous effects that have never existed in the world before, she would definitely have many questions about it.

"Congratulations to the Xie Family for obtaining the first Earth Advancement Pill!" Wang Shuren announced after many minutes of fierce bidding.

"500,000 Spirit Stones for a single pill... this is definitely the most expensive pill in this world that could be purchased at the moment." Liu Lanzhi trembled just at the thought of trying to buy one.

Even if Su Yang suddenly changes his mind and refuses to share his Earth Advancement Pills with the Sect Elders, she would not complain about it and even understand his feelings.

For the next thirty minutes, the entire auction house became chaotic as people battled against each other for the remaining 9 Earth Advancement Pills, especially when only one pill remained.

"By the way, I don't know when there will be more of these Earth Advancement Pills, and even if I ask him for more, it will be up to him whether there will be more or not."

When Wang Shuren said those words, it ignited something within the people that did not obtain the first 9 Earth Advancement Pill, causing them to bid as though they were possessed.

In the end, the very last Earth Advancement Pill sold for a whopping 2,000,000 Spirit Stones, and every Elite Sect there managed to secure one Earth Advancement Pill.

Chapter 350 Leaving With the Heavenly Swan Sec


"That was the last item for today. Thank you for coming to our Burning Lotus Sect's auction house. We hope to see you again in the future, too." Wang Shuren bowed to the guests after selling the last Earth Advancement Pill.

However, the guests were not willing to let her leave so quickly and bombarded her with questions.

"Senior Wang, can you pass this to your friend for me? Tell him that the Huo Family would like to create a friendly relationship with him!"

"Me too! Please let your friend know that our Gu Family's doors are always open for him!"

Wang Shuren shook her head and said, "Do I look like an errand girl? If you want to give him something, you will have the chance if he agrees to meet with all of you."

"W-What if he refuses?" Someone asked.

"Then you will have to wait until he agrees." Wang Shuren shrugged before leaving the stage.

The people there sighed. It doesn't take a genius to realize just how important this Alchemy Master is to the Cultivation world. If they befriend him like Wang Shuren, this Alchemy Master might concoct Earth Advancement Pills for them and greatly increase their overall strength.

"The auction is finished. Let's return to the hotel." Liu Lanzhi said to them.

Since Su Yang offended many figures in this place, it would only be more dangerous for them the longer they stay here.

"I will see you later, Su Yang. Stay safe." Zhang Xiu Ying hugged Su Yang before leaving them alone.

However, because they were in a large group and stuck out like a sore thumb, everybody noticed their movements.

"They think that they can just leave after offending so many people? I won't be surprised if the Million Snakes Sect blocks their exit!"

"Even if they manage to leave here today, they won't be able to leave this city without being killed. It's over for them." Liu Lanzhi ignored the people trying to scare them and led the disciples outside.

"Please wait a moment."

Just as the Profound Blossom Sect stepped outside of the auction house, a group of individuals blocked their path, just like the others had predicted.

"M-Master..." Su Yin frowned after realizing their identity.

"Did the Profound Blossom Sect also offend the Heavenly Swan Sect? They are as good as dead now!"

The people were amused by the situation and watched them from the sides.

"Su Yin, it's about time you return to us," said Bai Lihua, Sect Master of Heavenly Swan Sect. "You too, Yao Ning."

Yao Ning, who has been quietly following Su Yin and the Profound Blossom Sect nodded, and she went to stand beside the Heavenly Swan Sect a moment later.

"I want to stay with my Elder Brother a little bit longer," said Su Yin.

"I would not have refused that if he didn't offend so many people during the auction house. It'll be dangerous for you to stay by his side any longer, so I will need you to come back." Bai Lihua then turned to look at Su Yang and continued, "You are too arrogant for someone your age. Even if you are a member of the Su Family, you have offended too many powerhouses this time. If you want to live past 20, you will have to remain in this city forever. But even the city rules cannot guarantee your safety."

"Disciple Su, why are you still over there? Did you not hear the Sect Master? Come to us already!" One of the Sect Elders said to her.

"I don't want to!" Su Yin responded.

You!!! Are you disobeying your own Master?!" The Sect Elder said in a displeased tone.

Su Yang turned to look at Liu Lanzhi and said, "You can bring the disciples back to the hotel first."

"What about you?" she asked.

"I have some business with them."

"But I cannot leave you here by yourself... What if something happens to you?" Liu Lanzhi frowned.

"Don't worry, nobody will try anything funny when 'that' person is still around," said Su Yang with a mysterious smile on his face.

"That person...?" Liu Lanzhi raised an eyebrow.

"Fine. But if you do not return by tonight, I will forfeit the regional tournament and return to the Sect with the other disciples."

"That's fine. It won't take that long." Su Yang nodded.

A few moments later, Liu Lanzhi and the other disciples left the scene.

"This boy..." Bai Lihua frowned after hearing Su Yang's words. "Is he aware that Lord Xie is here? No, that's impossible..." "Brother, are you really going to follow us? I can persuade my Master by myself..." she whispered to him.

"I have some other business with your Sect Master," said Su Yang.

"Oh? You have business with me? But I don't have any business with you!" Bai Lihua overheard their words and spoke loudly.

"Of course you don't right now. However, you won't be thinking that after you hear what my little sister has to say." Su Yang smiled.

"Su Yin, what is he talking about?" Bai Lihua looked at Su Yin with an ominous feeling around her.

"Master, this is not the right place. Let us return to the hotel first," said Su Yin.

Bai Lihua nodded. "We are departing!"

"Are they going to leave just like that? How boring."

The spectators shook their heads, as they expected at least some conflict between the two powers.

Sometime later, the Heavenly Swan Sect returned to their hotel, Silver Frost Hotel.

"The Sect Master and the Elders have returned!"

"Welcome back, Sect Master, Sect Elders!"

Over fifty female disciples greeted them at the door.

"Junior Sister Su is also back!"

"Who's that handsome young man?"

"I don't recognize him, either."

"It's him! He's Junior Sister Su's Elder Brother!" One of the people there recognized him and revealed his identity to the other disciples.

"He's the one who dared to argue with our Elder Mai? He certainly has this fierce aura around him, almost like an untamable lion."

The disciples there were quite interested in Su Yang as Su Yin's Elder Brother, and his handsome face made it hard for them to look away as females, causing some of them to even blush.

"I am going to have a private conversation with my disciple now. I don't want anyone to disturb us," said Bai Lihua.

"You can wait here until we are done. If you dare to cause any trouble, we will kick you out without any hesitation," she said to Su Yang before she dragged Su Yin into a room.

Chapter 351 Pressured to Reveal Information

While Su Yang and the Heavenly Swan Sect left the auction house early, the other Elite Sects stayed behind for Wang Shuren, or more precisely, for the Earth Advancement Pills, hence why the Million Snakes Sect did not bother with Su Yang for the time being.

\"As I've already stated, I will not reveal any information regarding my friend, who wishes to stay anonymous for now.\" Wang Shuren refused to reveal anything despite the constant pressure.

\"What if I want to know about this friend of yours?\" Lord Xie asked her with a serious expression.

Wang Shuren forcefully swallowed her saliva and spoke, \"Even if it's His Majesty, this subordinate cannot reveal anything. If His Majesty does not mind offending him and risking the Earth Advancement Pills forever, then…\"

When Wang Shuren basically threatened them with her words, everybody in the room frowned.

However, none of them dared to speak up, as it would be disastrous for any of them to offend this mysterious Alchemy Master that has what feels like unlimited power in his grasp at this moment.

\"Then allow me to ask a different question,\" said Lord Xie after a moment of silence. \"How will future Earth Advancement Pills be distributed? Since it can have a major effect on the Cultivation world, it would not be wise to sell it without any regulation. My Xie Family will volunteer to manage them.\"

The people in the room glanced at Lord Xie with the corner of their eyes and snorted inwardly, \"How sly… The Xie Family wants to have a monopoly on the Earth Advancement Pills, or manage their flow at least…\"

Since the Xie Family is already the strongest powerhouse in this continent and also its ruler, it is not unreasonable for them to want to manage the Earth Advancement Pills and balance the power of the Cultivation world.

However, if that happened, then the Xie Family will surely become way too powerful, as they would have the ability to dictate which Sect can have Earth Spirit Realm Cultivators.

For example, the Xie Family could give 10 Earth Advancement Pills to a Sect of his choosing and drastically improve their standing in the Cultivation world whilst gaining their loyalty at the same time.

If the Xie Family does this to multiple backgrounds, then the Xie Family would become so powerful that even if all of the Elite Sects in this world come together to fight the Xie Family, the Elite Sects would lose to the Xie Family's army of Earth Spirit Realm Cultivators.

Wang Shuren immediately realized Lord Xie's intentions and spoke, \"Your Majesty, this is not something a mere subordinate such as myself can decide.\"

\"What do you mean by that?\" Lord Xie frowned.

\"Although the Earth Advancement Pills were indeed given to me, it's not as though I own them. In fact, I was merely selling them for my friend. If more Earth Advancement Pills appear in the future, it won't be my decision on how they are handled,\" said Wang Shuren.

Of course, what she said just now was nothing but a big fat lie, as the Earth Advancement Pills were given to her as a gift, so she had every right to manage them. However, she did not want to deal with the Xie Family, nor does she have the power to.

\"Is that so…\" Lord Xie closed his eyes to ponder.

A moment later, he spoke, \"I would like to formally invite this friend of yours to drink tea with me. The location and time will be at his discretion. If he agrees, let me know.\"

After saying those words, Lord Xie turned around and started walking towards the door.

\"By the way, thank you for the Three Season Snake's Blood. My Xie Family owes the Burning Lotus Sect if you need anything,\" said Lord Xie before leaving the auction house.

Wang Shuren then spoke to the rest of the people there, \"It is about time I take my leave, too. If you'll excuse me.\"

Once Wang Shuren was gone, the people there spoke to each other with contempt, \"The Burning Lotus Sect has really lucked out to have someone like her! Although they were just promoted to an Elite Sect, it won't take long before they surpass us with these Earth Advancement Pills!\"

\"Her friend is a male, right? I won't be surprised if she'd sold her body for these pills!\"

\"Does anybody want to follow her? We might learn the identity of this Alchemist this way.\"

\"Since you brought it up, why don't you follow her? I don't want to be dragged down by your silly ideas if you are caught by the Alchemist and offend him.\"

\"Then are we really going to sit around and do nothing while the Burning Lotus Sect quickly surpasses us?\"

\"Until we figure out the identity of this mysterious Alchemist, there is nothing that we can do! Once we do, there will be plenty of methods to handle this situation!\"

After standing around for a few more minutes, the remaining Elite Sects also left the auction house and returned to their own places.

Once the Million Snakes Sect returned to their hotel, the Sect Master immediately called for a meeting with the Sect Elders.

\"The Profound Blossom Sect is also in this city, and I plan on dealing with them before they can return to their Sect,\" Fu Kuan announced his plans to the Sect Elders.

\"What?! Have you forgotten about the Immortal, Sect Master?!\" Elder Wan reminded him of Su Yang's warning.

\"Elder Wan, do you believe that they would bring that Immortal with them to this city and leave their Sect vulnerable? If we deal with them now, they will have no proof!\"

Elder Wan shook his head and sighed, \"Although the Immortal might still be at the Sect, what about that little girl that did the killing?! What if she's with them?!\"

Elder Wan could still recall Xiao Rong's grand entrance and peerless face as though it was just yesterday.

\"Elder Wan is right. Although the Immortal might not be here, there is a chance that his partner might be in this city and silently protecting the Profound Blossom Sect.\"

The other Sect Elders also gave their opinions.

\"Hmm…\" Fu Kuan had forgotten about the silver-haired girl and began pondering in silence.

Chapter 352 Blinded by Anger

\"Sect Master, please allow me to deal with the Profound Blossom Sect! They killed my disciple and your cousin — we cannot let them get away with this!\" Great Elder Ren suddenly spoke.

\"G-Great Elder, are you serious? Even Heavenly Spirit Realm Cultivators are like ants in the eyes of a true Immortal! You're just getting yourself killed!\" Elder Wan said to him with a shocked voice.

\"Hmph! What Immortal?! I will not believe it until I see it for myself! Even if they have an Immortal, I am confident in my ability to retreat with my life intact, especially when I have that life-saving treasure!\"

After a moment of silence. Fu Kuan nodded and spoke, \"Great Elder Ren, if you sense even the slightest danger, I want you to run away as fast as possible, even if you have to use your treasure. Although we can afford to lose a few Earth Spirit Realm Masters, losing someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm will greatly cripple our Million Snakes Sect's prowess!\"

\"Yes, Sect Master!\" Great Elder Ren couldn't help but grin after getting the Sect Master's approval.

Seeing this, Elder Wan inwardly shook his head, \"It's over. Both the Sect Master and Great Elder Ren are blinded by anger and cannot think straight. They are determined to deal with the Profound Blossom Sect even if it might invite a calamity to the Million Snakes Sect!\"

\"Tonight — I will deal with the Profound Blossom Sect when the sun is out!\" said Great Elder Ren.

Fu Kuan nodded.




Meanwhile, Su Yang was casually sipping tea before the Heavenly Swan Sect's presence.

\"Although the Cultivation world is underdeveloped in this world, the tea is quite delightful…\" he thought to himself while over a dozen people were staring at him from the side.

\"I have never seen a man like him before. He's surrounded by so many beauties yet he acts as though we are invisible…\"

\"Look at his appearance. With his handsome looks, it wouldn't be weird if he's surrounded by beauties every day. Perhaps we really aren't worth mentioning in his eyes...\"

\"He's Su Yin's Elder Brother, right? I wonder how capable he is.\"

\"Why don't one of you go over there and speak with him?\"

\"Are you crazy? Don't you see Elder Mai standing over there and glaring daggers at him as though he's killed her family? I don't want to offend Elder Mai by speaking to him!\"

The Heavenly Swan Sect disciples mumbled to each other while staring at Su Yang.

\"What do you think the Sect Master and Su Yin is talking about? It's been nearly half an hour and they are still inside.\"

The Sect Elders wondered.

A few more minutes later, the entire hotel suddenly shook violently, and the power of a Heavenly Spirit Realm expert filled the place.

\"W-What is happening?!\"

\"Are we being attacked?!\"

The disciples and Sect Elders looked around with a panicking face.

\"W-Wait! This pressure — it's the Sect Master!\"

Just as they began realizing this fact, a loud voice resounded in the place: \"Su Yang! Come over here!\"

Hearing Bai Lihua's furious voice calling for him, Su Yang gently placed the tea down and walked to their room with a calm expression on his face.

Once he was inside the room and noticed the situation, Su Yang spoke, \"Is that how you treat your own disciples? It's no wonder why she wants to leave.\"

He pointed to Su Yin, who was seemingly unconscious on the floor.

\"Don't worry, she's not hurt. She got knocked out after I unintentionally released my full Cultivation base due to anger,\" said Bai Lihua.

Su Yang shook his head and carried the unconscious Su Yin to the bed before sitting down in front of the Sect Master of the Heavenly Swan Sect.

\"So? Do you have any business with me?\" Su Yang asked her with a smile.

\"You little bastard… What did you say to Su Yin?\"

\"I don't understand your question. I didn't tell her anything.\"

\"How dare you still play dumb?! If you didn't tell her to leave the Heavenly Swan Sect to go to your Profound Blossom Sect, would she have asked me to let her leave?! You knew she would leave, hence why you followed us!\" Bai Lihua slammed the desk before her, nearly breaking it into two pieces.

\"That was her own decision. I played no part in it.\" Su Yang shrugged his shoulders. \"And I have different business with your Heavenly Swan Sect.\"

\"Whether you said anything or not, I will not allow her to join a place like the Profound Blossom Sect! That would be no different than supporting her to be a slut!\" Bai Lihua said with a frown.

\"A slut? That's a bit harsh to my Profound Blossom Sect, Sect Master. Is it a crime to want to indulge in sexual desire? I understand that you are still a maiden and have no experience in that kind of thing, but to curse those who enjoy it… you are still too immature…\"

\"H-How dare you, a mere Junior, speak such nonsense!\" Bai Lihua was speechless, as she did not expect Su Yang to say such things to her.

\"Junior or not, we are both Sect Masters, and most importantly, adults. If you curse my Profound Blossom Sect, I will not sit here and silently take it.\" Su Yang shook his head, and he continued, \"The disciples of the Profound Blossom Sect are not forced to Cultivate, nor will they ever be in such a situation. Some disciples have only one partner in their life, whilst others may have more than one. However, this also applies to everyone else — including you.\"

\"What are you trying to say? No matter how you twist your words, the Profound Blossom Sect is regarded as a place for perverts by many people!\"

\"While I won't deny that most of us are perverts, it doesn't give you any right to treat my disciples as sluts.\"


After a moment of awkward silence, Su Yang continued, \"Anyway, let us discuss why I am here today.\"

Su Yang retrieved a glass bottle from his storage ring and placed it on the desk.

When Bai Lihua saw the pill in the bottle, her eyes widened with shock.

\"E-Earth Advancement Pill!\" she exclaimed loudly.

Chapter 353 Enticemen

\"Y-You… T-This… Where did you get this Earth Advancement Pill?\" Bai Lihua was certain that the Profound Blossom Sect did not obtain it from the auction, as they did not bid for one.

Su Yang smiled and said, \"As you should already know by now, I have a pretty good relationship with Wang Shuren.\"

\"Are you telling me that she'd given you an Earth Advancement Pill when the rest of us had to pay a fortune for one? Even the Xie Family had to pay for it! Do you really expect me to believe that you'd received one for free?\"

\"Not only did I receive it for free, but I also know the Alchemist behind these pills,\" said Su Yang.

When Bai Lihua heard his words, her eyes widened with shock, and she stood up. \"You know the Alchemist who concocted these pills?! Who is it?!\"

\"Why would I tell you that when even Wang Shuren is not willing to reveal it?\" Su Yang shook his head. \"However, I am willing to give you an opportunity to meet him — maybe even form a friendly relationship with him.\"

\"Really? What do you want from me?\"

\"It's simple, really. I want your Heavenly Swan Sect and my Profound Blossom Sect to form an Alliance.\"


Bai Lihua quickly frowned upon hearing his words.

\"Are you serious? You want my Heavenly Swan Sect, an Elite Sect to form an Alliance with your Profound Blossom Sect that is already on the verge of destruction?\"

\"Hahaha…\" Su Yang suddenly burst out laughing. \"Who is on the verge of destruction, again? I will let you know that my Profound Blossom Sect is currently in a state that's stronger than ever before.\"

\"Although it's true that we only have around 100 disciples, it is only a matter of time before we become an Elite Sect and stand at the top of the Cultivation world.\"

After a moment of silence, Bai Lihua spoke, \"Ignoring your arrogance and impossible dream for now, what does forming an Alliance have anything to do with this Alchemist?\"

\"Everything.\" Su Yang smiled, and continued, \"Do you know why the Profound Blossom Sect is still standing despite being targeted by the Million Snakes Sect? It's because of the Immortal Cultivator that is currently guarding our Sect.\"

Bai Lihua's eyes widened, seemingly in disbelief.

\"Y-You have an Immortal protecting the Profound Blossom Sect? And he's even the Alchemist behind the Earth Advancement Pills?\" she asked with a trembling voice.

\"That's right. This Immortal came from a faraway place and has long surpassed the Heavenly Spirit Realm — even the legendary Sovereign Spirit Realm that is said to be unattainable!\"

\"I-I-Impossible!\" Bai Lihua fell onto the chair behind her with a baffled expression.

\"Whether it is possible or not — you will find out once you form an Alliance with us!\"


Bai Lihua gritted her teeth and spoke, \"Why would an Immortal be at a place such as the Profound Blossom Sect when there are many more fitting places? What if you are only lying to me to form the Alliance and there is actually no Immortal?\"

\"Although we might not be the most impressive Sect out there, something only unique to us must be what attracted the Immortal's attention. And why would I even fart in this situation? It would not benefit either of us. After all, you can still break the Alliance after learning the truth.\"

After a moment of pondering, Bai Lihua asked, \"Can I meet the Immortal Alchemist before I decide?\"

Su Yang nodded. \"The Immortal is currently residing within the Profound Blossom Sect. If you want to meet him, you will have to wait until after the Regional Tournament.\"

\"By the way, if you form an Alliance with us, Su Yin will be able to remain a disciple at your Heavenly Swan Sect whilst being a disciple at my Profound Blossom Sect. She won't have to leave anymore.\"

Bai Lihua narrowed her eyes, as she also realized this point.

\"Oh, one more thing.\" Su Yang suddenly said, \"As long as you are in an Alliance with our Profound Blossom Sect, we will provide your Heavenly Swan Sect with one Earth Advancement Pill per month!\"

\"What?!\" Bai Lihua exclaimed loudly.

\"This is something that the Immortal have already decided, so I am letting you know right now.\"

\"One Earth Advancement Pill every month…\" Bai Lihua couldn't believe her ears.

It would be extremely good if they could buy one Earth Advancement Pill every year — even every ten years — yet they could have the luxury of obtaining one Earth Advancement Pill every month? And all they have to do is form an Alliance with the Profound Blossom Sect? Even if they have to offend the Million Snakes Sect and other powerhouses, it would still be worth it!

\"And as a way to express my sincerity, I shall leave behind this Earth Advancement Pill for you,\" said Su Yang as he pushed the pill bottle towards Bai Lihua, who was barely able to contain her excitement.

\"Of course, if you are willing to form an Alliance with the Profound Blossom Sect right now, then I will give you two Earth Advancement Pills instead of one and another next month.\"

\"...You are really something to try and entice me like this.\" Bai Lihua didn't know whether to laugh at his efforts or be angry that he's looking down on her.

A moment of staring at the Earth Advancement Pill later, Bai Lihua spoke, \"Step outside for a few minutes while I speak with the Sect Elders. Although I am the Sect Master, this decision is too big to decide for myself.\"

Su Yang nodded. \"Take your time,\" he said as he left the room.

\"Sect Elders! Come to my room right now!\" Bai Lihua shouted once Su Yang was gone.

A few moments later, all of the Sect Elders gathered in the room.

Of course, they all stared at Su Yang as they passed him, their gaze saying: \"What did you do this time?!\"

Chapter 354 Forming an Alliance

\"So? What are your thoughts on this situation?\" Bai Lihua asked the Sect Elders after spending a few minutes explaining the situation to them.

\"Although we might offend many backgrounds from forming an Alliance with the Profound Blossom Sect, it's all worth it if we can be a step ahead of everyone else in meeting this Alchemy Master. It'll be even better if we can create a friendly relationship with each other.\"

\"I also support the idea of forming an Alliance with them. As long as they have this Immortal Alchemist standing behind them, they are nearly invincible.\"

\"Hmph. It's no wonder why that little brat dared to act so arrogantly during the auction. Turns out he had the backing of an Immortal — and the one who discovered the Earth Advancement Pills at that.\"

\"So everybody here supports the Alliance with the Profound Blossom Sect, correct?\" Bai Lihua asked them again.

The Sect Elders nodded their heads.

Bai Lihua called Su Yang back into the room a few moments later.

\"After speaking to some of my Sect Elders, we have come to the decision to form an Alliance with the Profound Blossom Sect. However, this Alliance will only last if the Immortal is real. If you are bold enough to trick us, I will personally handle you — and the Profound Blossom Sect myself.\"

Su Yang remained a calm expression and spoke, \"You have made the correct decision, Sect Master Bai.\"

He proceeded to retrieve three scrolls from his storage ring and placed them onto the desk.

\"What are those?\" Bai Lihua quickly asked.

\"Cultivation Techniques. Since we basically wear the same shoes now, it's only natural that I will help you. You can open them once I leave,\" he said with a mysterious smile on his face.

\"By the way, if the Heavenly Swan Sect shares these techniques or dares to betray my Profound Blossom Sect, I will personally deal with you.\"

After saying those words, Su Yang began walking towards the exit.

Right before leaving, he said, \"Don't forget about that girl sleeping behind you.\"


Once she could no longer feel Su Yang's presence, Bai Lihua opened one of the three scrolls to look at it.

However, after reading a small part of its content, her eyes widened with shock, and she exclaimed loudly, \"Heaven-grade Cultivation Technique!\"

Not daring to believe her eyes, she re-read it again — only to be dazed by the reality.

A few seconds later, Bai Lihua placed the Heaven-grade technique back down on the desk without finishing its contents and picked up the second scroll.

\"T-This… This is…\" Bai Lihua's hands trembled violently while looking at the scroll.

A few minutes later, she placed it back down and picked up the last scroll.


Sometime later, Bai Lihua stored all three techniques in her storage ring and began laughing like a maniac afterward.

\"One Heaven-grade Cultivation Technique and two Immortal-grade Martial Technique! Haha… hahahahaha!!!\"

The Sect Elders waiting outside the room thought that their Sect Master had turned crazy after they were forced to listen to her laugh crazily for many minutes without stopping.

In fact, Bai Lihua was laughing so loud that it'd startled Su Yin awake.

\"S-Sect Master…?\" Su Yin looked at her with wide eyes.

\"You are finally awake, Su Yin! I apologize for losing my temper and knocking you out with my Cultivation. It was an accident.\" Bai Lihua stopped laughing to speak with her.

\"It's fine…\" Su Yin shook her head. \"By the way… about my decision to leave the Sect…\"

\"You don't have to say anything else!\" Bai Lihua quickly interrupted her. \"While you were asleep, I had a conversation with your Elder Brother, and we came to the conclusion that our Heavenly Swan Sect and their Profound Blossom Sect will form an Alliance with each other. You can now be a disciple at the Profound Blossom Sect whilst remaining a disciple at our Heavenly Swan Sect.\"

\"W-What…?\" Su Yin showed a dumbfounded expression, as there was too much shocking information for her to digest properly.




After leaving the Heavenly Swan Sect's place, Su Yang returned to the Snow Crystal Hotel, where Liu Lanzhi and the disciples were anxiously waiting for his return.

\"You are finally back! Did you run into any trouble?\" Liu Lanzhi asked him the moment she saw him.

\"Calm down, nothing's happened to me.\" Su Yang smiled.

\"Thank god…\" Liu Lanzhi sighed in relief.

\"By the way, there's someone looking for you. Wang Shuren... she came here not too long ago and is currently waiting in your room.\"

\"Then I will go speak to her now.\"

\"Once you are done with her, we will also have a conversation.\"

Su Yang nodded and went to his room.

Upon entering the room, Wang Shuren, who was casually sleeping on his bed, sat up and said to him, \"Su Yang! You are finally here! Please take a seat. I have just boiled some tea.\"

Su Yang walked to the couch while Wang Shuren poured him the tea.

After sitting down and taking a sip of the tea, Su Yang spoke, \"So? Why are you here?\"

Wang Shuren responded with a pitiful voice, \"Are you seriously asking me that now? I knew this would happen when you gave me the Earth Advancement Pills, but do you have any idea how much I have suffered ever since I revealed them at the auction? Even though I keep telling them to wait, these greedy bastards keep bothering me! Even His Majesty, Lord Xie, tried pressuring me to reveal your identity!\"

\"Su Yang, you were also at the auction, so you should know why I am here. Are you going to set up an audience with them? After all, you are the Alchemist they are seeking.\"


He did not immediately respond and took a few more sips of tea before speaking, \"Of course. That's why I wanted you to sell the pills.\"

\"Are you sure about that? The people you will be meeting are all powerhouses in the Cultivation world with at least a peak Earth Spirit Realm Cultivation. Even I would not be able to protect you if they try something funny.\"

\"It'll be fine,\" he calmly replied.

Chapter 355 Even Better Than the Earth Advancement Pill

\"Then who are you going to meet? The Elite Sects? The Elite Families? The wealthy ones? The powerful ones? Any of these categories will bring a massive amount of people to you.\" Wang Shuren asked him.

After a moment of silence, Su Yang spoke, \"I will meet anyone who wishes to see me. Even if they do not have an impressive background, it'll still be beneficial to have more people on my side.\"

\"A meeting of that scale… where are you going to do it?\"

\"I'll let you figure that out.\"

\"Okay. But what about the Million Snakes Sect? Will you be willing to meet them too?\"

Su Yang smiled and nodded. \"Of course.\"

\"Even if they didn't ask for my audience, I would seek them myself…\"

Wang Shuren nodded, and she continued, \"By the way, speaking of the Million Snakes Sect, they were acting weird during the auction. I'm afraid that they'll try to do something to the Profound Blossom Sect and you while you guys are still here.\"

\"I hope they do, as that'll give me an excuse to get rid of them once and for all…\"


Wang Shuren was speechless. If she didn't know of his capabilities, she would have laughed at him for being silly.

\"The Million Snakes Sect were too arrogant and greedy this time. They have offended someone they should never have for a Guardian Spirit, and they didn't even get it in the end. If I didn't shake his hand on that day, perhaps our Burning Lotus Sect would also be in a similar position right now.\" Wang Shuren recalled their first encounter in Swift Feather City.

\"Are we done with this topic?\" Su Yang suddenly asked her.

\"Yes… do you have something else for me?\"

Su Yang nodded and said, \"The Profound Blossom Sect and the Heavenly Swan Sect have formed an Alliance.\"

\"What?!\" Wang Shuren exclaimed in a shocked voice. \"W-When did that happen?\"

\"Just now. I was speaking with the Heavenly Swan Sect before this.\"

\"Umm… should I be congratulating you right now?\" Wang Shuren asked, feeling slightly worried because the Heavenly Swan Sect has suddenly surpassed the Burning Lotus Sect in being the first to form an Alliance with the Profound Blossom Sect.

However, because the Burning Lotus Sect is not the one in a good relationship with Su Yang but Wang Shuren herself, it might be a bit difficult for the Burning Lotus Sect to accept the Profound Blossom Sect. Not to mention that they still hold a grudge with Su Yang for the chaos he'd caused before.

\"I know what you are thinking,\" Su Yang suddenly said, \"hence why I am going to give you the same offer.\"

\"R-Really?! You are willing to form an Alliance with the Burning Lotus Sect?\" Wang Shuren's expression instantly became brighter.

\"No, I am not doing this for the Burning Lotus Sect.\" Su Yang shook his head. \"I am asking you, Wang Shuren, to form an Alliance with my Profound Blossom Sect. The Burning Lotus Sect is just a bonus since you are with them. And your status within the Sect should be above even the Sect Master by now.\"

\"Do you accept this Alliance?\" Su Yang asked her again.


After a moment of silence, the dazed Wang Shuren nodded. \"Ye…Yes! I want to form an Alliance!\"

\"Good, then you can have these.\"

Su Yang retrieved 5 scrolls from his storage ring and placed them right beside the tea.

\"This is…\" Wang Shuren looked at the scrolls but was too nervous to see its content.

\"Don't be afraid — it won't bite.\" Su Yang smiled.

Wang Shuren nodded and grabbed one of them and opened it.

A moment later, her entire body trembled from shock.

\"I-I-Immortal-grade technique!\" she exclaimed.

\"It's 3 Immortal-grade techniques and 2 Heaven-grade techniques, to be precise.\" Su Yang said to her as he calmly sipped on the tea.

\"That many?!\" Wang Shuren could feel her heart trying to jump out of her throat from shock.

\"The one currently in your hands will be given to your disciple, Zhang Xiu Ying and nobody else. You can tell her it came from me if you'd like. As for the other four techniques, if the Burning Lotus Sect is willing to form an Alliance with the Profound Blossom Sect, then they can use it to train their disciples. However, if they dare betray us, I will give them another visit — and it won't be peaceful like the previous visit.\"

\"What if they refuse?\"

Even though the Burning Lotus Sect is almost certain to form the Alliance once they see the Immortal-grade techniques. However, if in the slightest chance they refuse, what should she do with these techniques?

\"If they refuse… just burn them.\" Su Yang casually said.

\"You want me to burn 2 Immortal-grade and Heaven-grade techniques…? That's blasphemy for Cultivators!\" Wang Shuren cried inwardly after hearing his words.

\"I also have another job for you.\" Su Yang pulled another scroll from his storage ring and handed it to Wang Shuren.

\"Can you help me get the ingredients on this list?\"

Wang Shuren looked at the contents of the scroll.

\"Although there are some incredibly rare herbs on this list, it's not impossible to obtain them… The problem is the quantity. That'll be quite troublesome even with money. Are these, by any chance, the ingredients for the Earth Advancement Pill?\"

\"No, it's something even better than those pills.\"

\"Even better than the Earth Advancement Pill?\" Wang Shuren raised her eyebrows. She simply cannot imagine what kind of pill could exceed the Earth Advancement Pill that has taken the Cultivation world by storm.

\"If you can gather the ingredients, I will give you one of the pills after I am finished with them,\" said Su Yang. \"As for the money… just use what you obtained from selling the Earth Advancement Pills and keep the change for yourself.\"

\"Really? You promise that you'll give me one pill?\" Wang Shuren's eyes began flickering with excitement.

\"Why would I lie to you?\"

\"Thank you, Su Yang!\" Wang Shuren nearly hugged him from pure joy. \"By the way, since I am already here, why don't we have some fun before I leave? It's been a while since we last did it!\"

Su Yang placed the cup of tea down with a smile and said, \"It's only been a few weeks, though. But since you insist, I won't turn down your offer.\"

Chapter 356 I Am Afraid That Your Body Won't Be Able to Handle I

\"Haaa… haaa… haaa…\" Wang Shuren laid on the bed while taking deep and heavy breaths.

\"No matter how many times we do it, your technique always leaves me speechless,\" she said to him with her body covered in sweat.

\"That's because I am always increasing the intensity slightly every time we do it.\" Su Yang said with a smile.

\"What? Are you saying that you have been going easy on me?\" Wang Shuren looked at him with wide eyes. \"Now that you've said it, I want to experience what it feels like if you do not hold back.\"

\"I'm afraid that your body won't be able to handle it.\"

\"Isn't it just sex? At most, my body would be unable to walk for some time.\" Wang Shuren raised an eyebrow.

\"What do you think will happen if a Cultivator consumes a treasure with a large amount of Qi that they cannot control?\" Su Yang suddenly asked her.

\"The Cultivator will explode to death,\" she quickly answered.

\"That's right. Dual cultivation works the same way, but your body will not explode. Instead, the body will no longer be able to live without its partner, which can lead to mental problems.\"

\"It's that serious?\" Wang Shuren swallowed nervously.

\"Just like normal Cultivation, Dual Cultivation can be beneficial or harmful to another depending on how you exploit it. Although you may not be aware of it, by stimulating your body with so much pleasure that you almost pass out, your endurance and mental strength grows stronger, hence why I push my partner's body to its limits every time.\"

\"Now that you mention it, every time I cultivate with you, my alchemy skills also improve, especially my endurance. I thought it was the effects of the Immortal-grade technique, but it seems like you were the cause all along…\" Wang Shuren said with a face of realization.

And she continued while gracefully chuckling, \"Since that's the case, I must cultivate with you more often! Now that we are in an Alliance, I will have a much better excuse to look for you!\"

After taking a few minutes to clean up and dress up, Wang Shuren left the hotel and returned to the Burning Lotus Sect to speak with the Sect Elders and Sect Master about forming an Alliance with the Profound Blossom Sect.

As for Su Yang, he went to find Liu Lanzhi, who was speaking with the other Sect Elders in another room.

\"Su Yang, you are finally here.\" Liu Lanzhi beckoned him to their meeting circle.

\"Greetings, Sect Master…\"

Although it felt somewhat awkward to lower their heads to a mere junior, the Sect Elders in the room bowed to Su Yang once he approached them.

Liu Lanzhi had explained the situation to them while Su Yang was with the Heavenly Swan Sect, so they had plenty of time to prepare their mind.

Su Yang looked at the Sect Elders, especially Elder Sun, and spoke, \"Do any of you have a problem with me being the Sect Master?\"

The Sect Elders did not immediately respond.

\"We do not reject making you the Sect Master. In fact, we have been expecting this for a long time now.\" One of them finally spoke up.

\"Indeed. Although you are still young, it won't change the fact that you are capable enough to become the Sect Master.\"

\"We have already spoken on this topic before we even left the Profound Blossom Sect. After accounting for all of your achievements to the Sect, it'll be weird if we did not agree.\"

\"Do you have any opinions, Elder Sun?\" Su Yang looked straight at him.

Elder Sun smiled bitterly and said, \"I also have no objections. After all, it'll be much easier to convince the Sun Family to accept your relationship with my granddaughter now that you have the position of Sect Master behind your back.\"

Elder Sun did not hide anything and revealed to Su Yang his true thoughts. Ever since Sun Jingjing mentioned continuing their family's legacy with Su Yang, he has been thinking of ways to convince the Sun Family to accept Sun Jingjing's wishes.

Now that Su Yang is a Sect Master of the Profound Blossom Sect, the Sun Family will not be as opposed to their relationship.

\"Why don't you also say something to them, Su Yang.\" Liu Lanzhi suddenly said to him.

Su Yang nodded and spoke, \"Then let me start by saying that it is only a matter of time before the Profound Blossom Sect stands at the top of the Cultivation. Once that happens, all of you will need to stand tall no matter the adversary we might face.\"

\"And in order to assist you in that, I will be parting this Earth Advancement Pill to you.\"

Su Yang retrieved five Earth Advancement Pills from his storage ring and handed them to the dumbfounded Sect Elders.

\"T-This is…\"

The Sect Elders were also told about the existence of Earth Advancement Pills, so they knew exactly just how precious this gift was.

\"Once you are at the peak of the True Spirit Realm, just consume one of them before attempting to breakthrough to the Earth Spirit Realm,\" he explained to them.

However, before they could even respond, Su Yang continued, \"Not only will we have more Earth Spirit Realm experts now but we will also have the backing of the Heavenly Swan Sect and Wang Shuren.\"

\"Eh? What do you mean by that?\" Liu Lanzhi showed a puzzled face.

\"The Heavenly Swan Sect and I had a conversation not long ago, and they have agreed to form an Alliance with our Profound Blossom Sect. Starting today, if someone causes trouble for us, the Heavenly Swan Sect will come to our aid and vice-versa.\"

\"N-No way…\"

Not just Liu Lanzhi but the Sect Elders were shocked stupid by his words.

\"The same goes for Wang Shuren, who also agreed to form an Alliance with us. As for the Burning Lotus Sect, they should also be joining us later.\" Su Yang said with a calm expression.

After receiving no responses from them, Su Yang continued with a smile, \"If you don't believe me, you can find Wang Shuren or the Heavenly Swan Sect and confirm it yourself. That's all I have to say to all of you for now.\"

Chapter 357 The Million Snakes Sect Strikes Again!

\"It's… it's not that we don't believe you. It's just too shocking for us to comprehend instantly,\" said Liu Lanzhi after a moment of silence.

\"I am more interested in how you managed such a feat. Ignoring Wang Shuren, who is our business partner, the Heavenly Swan Sect has no relationships with us…\" Elder Sun said with an amazed expression.

\"Does it matter how I did it? All that matters is they have agreed to form an Alliance with us.\" Su Yang said. \"If there isn't anything else, I would like to excuse myself for now.\"

\"Are you going somewhere?\" Liu Lanzhi asked him.

\"No, but I have preparations to make.\"

\"Preparations? I guess you'll be quite busy with all of the Alliance stuff, after all.\"

Although it had nothing to do with the Alliances, Su Yang did not bother to correct her and merely nodded.

After he left the room, Liu Lanzhi and the Sect Elders returned to their conversation.

\"I still cannot believe it. The Heavenly Swan Sect and the Burning Lotus Sect will form an Alliance with us? This is simply too good to be true.\"

\"Why would Su Yang lie to us about something this serious?\"

\"I'm not doubting his words, but it feels like a dream, especially after struggling for so long.\"

\"I knew it was a good idea to give Su Yang the position of Sect Master. Who knows what our Profound Blossom Sect will look like a year from now if he's already managed to achieve something this massive not even a day after he's been promoted.\" Liu Lanzhi resisted the urge to laugh out loud from sheer joy.

Meanwhile, Sun Jingjing and Fang Zhelan congratulated Su Yang after seeing him.

\"Congratulations on your promotion to Sect Master, Sect Master!\" Sun Jingjing clapped with excitement.

\"You can continue calling me Su Yang,\" he said with a smile.

\"Su Yang, now that you are a Sect Master, does this mean that you will no longer be able to cultivate with us disciples?\" Fang Zhelan asked him with a worried frown.

Sun Jingjing's eyes widened with shock after she recalled this rule.

\"That's right! Sect Masters are only allowed to cultivate with the other Sect Master and the Sect Elders!\" Sun Jingjing cried out loud.

\"Relax, both of you. I won't stop cultivating with you girls just because of an old rule. Now that I am the Sect Master, there will be new rules.\"

\"Really? What kind of rules?\" Sun Jingjing couldn't help but ask him.

\"You don't need to be concerned with it, as it will mostly apply to the future disciples,\" said Su Yang.

\"Hmm… if you say so.\" Sun Jingjing nodded, and she continued sometime later, \"By the way, are we going to start cultivation now?\"

Su Yang shook his head and said, \"I won't be cultivating today, as there are some problems I have to deal with.\"

When he said those words, his eyes were glinting a cold feeling.

\"Oh, can the two of you also sleep in another room for a few days? I need some time alone.\"

\"That's fine.\" They both nodded.

\"Thank you.\"

After Fang Zhelan and Sun Jingjing left the room, Su Yang placed a sign on the door outside of his room, warning people to not disturb him.




When night came, Liu Lanzhi went to look for Su Yang.

\"Since he's also a Sect Master like me now, I can find him for cultivation without needing to feel guilty anymore, as it is our obligation to cultivate together.\"

However, after seeing the sign on his door, she gave up and returned to her own room with a disappointed expression.

A few hours later, when it was past midnight, a figure shrouded in black robes approached the Snow Crystal Hotel without making the slightest of noise.

Once this figure reached the Snow Crystal Hotel, he immediately used some kind of shadow technique that allowed him to enter the place without alerting anyone.

A few moments later, the shrouded figure used the exact same shadow technique to enter Su Yang's room that was pitch dark.

\"I can sense his presence and hear his soft breathing. This bastard is definitely asleep right now.\"

Feeling a presence sleeping on one of the beds, the figure appeared beside the bed like a ghost.

\"You can only blame yourself for offending the Million Snakes Sect and being so helpless! Die for me!\"

The shrouded figure raised his hands before striking the bed in front of him with a mysterious but deadly aura in his palms.

\"Silent Poison Palm Strike!\"

However, the instant he moved, a strange feeling disturbed the atmosphere in the room, and the figure realized that he was no longer inside Su Yang's room but in the middle of an empty plain a second later.

\"What the?! Where am I?! How did I get here?!\"

The shrouded figure looked around while filled with bewilderment.

\"Are you perhaps wondering how this happened?\"

A calm voice suddenly resounded behind the figure, causing him to swiftly turn around.

\"Y-You are Su Yang!\" The figure exclaimed in a shocked voice after seeing Su Yang stand behind him.

\"How is this possible?! What did you do?! Where did you take us?!\"

\"It's nothing too complicated, really. I simply placed a Transportation Array inside the room and waited for you to come. And we are only a few miles away from Snowfall City.\" Su Yang calmly explained.

\"As for why I did all of this… well, I wouldn't be able to play with you properly inside that cramped place.\"


The figure did not respond even after many moments, clearly dazed by the situation.

A few more moments later, the figure burst out laughing. \"Hahaha! I am speechless! I didn't expect that an arrogant brat like you to prepare for this, much less anticipate it! But you want to play with me? Unfortunately for you, not only am I lacking the time to play with you but you are also not qualified!\"

\"Once I capture you, I will return to the hotel and kill the rest of your people! Don't worry, I won't kill you yet, but you will wish for death once a certain individual starts torturing you!\"

\"Hmmm… that individual… could he be the Sect Master of the Million Snakes Sect?\" Su Yang asked him with a calm smile on his face.

And he continued, \"To send someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm to capture a mere youngster such as myself, I must applaud your dedication. However, if you want to even have a chance to capture me alive, you should've bought the entire Million Snakes Sect with you here. What a pity. Now the Million Snakes Sect will lose a Heavenly Spirit Realm expert.\"


The figure turned quiet again, but his gaze was filled with killing intent as he stared at Su Yang, who was casually standing there without any guard as though he was only taking a stroll at the park right now.

\"Since you already seem to know everything, there's no longer a need to hide my face.\"

The figure removed his face mask and revealed his face to Su Yang.

\"By the way, as long as I don't kill you, I can still tear a limb or two from your body!\" Great Elder Ren said to him with a malicious grin on his face before releasing his cultivation base.

Chapter 358 One-Sided Fight Between Heavenly Spirit Realm Cultivators

Feeling Great Elder Ren's Cultivation base bearing down on his body like an invisible mountain, Su Yang calmly spoke, \"Why are you acting so arrogant when you are merely at the first level of the Heavenly Spirit Realm? Looking at your aura, I can tell that you barely made it to the Heavenly Spirit Realm.\"

He then raised a finger and continued, \"All I need is but a single finger to destroy you.\"

\"Hahaha!\" Great Elder Ren burst out laughing. \"To be able to act as though you are untouchable even in this situation, I cannot help but admire that part of you! Unfortunately, obtaining my admiration won't save your life today.\"

He then continued to speak, \"However, if the Immortal that is guarding the Profound Blossom Sect was here right now, he might be able to save that worthless life of yours. Oh, right. There is also that little girl who killed our disciples. Why don't you call her here so I can see for myself if she's as powerful as Elder Wan said?\"

\"I'm afraid that won't be possible since she's not here right now.\" Su Yang shook his head.

\"She's not? And here I thought she's the reason for your arrogance.\" Great Elder Ren raised an eyebrow. \"But this will make things even easier.\"

\"Hmm… you think so?\" Su Yang suddenly removed the seal that was hiding his Cultivation base and allowed its heavenly aura to explode everywhere.

When Great Elder Ren saw this, his eyes widened with shock, and his body trembled upon feeling the pressure that overwhelmed his own.

\"T-T-This is impossible! Impossible, impossible, impossible! There's no possible way that you are at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, much less at the second level!\" Great Elder Ren unconsciously stepped backward, feeling threatened by Su Yang's pressuring aura.

\"What's the matter, little boy? You mentioned something about an Immortal guarding the Profound Blossom Sect, right? Well, he's standing before you right now. Do you think I will be able to survive now?\" Su Yang began approaching Great Elder Ren.

However, Great Elder Ren took a step back every time Su Yang stepped forward.

\"Why are you running away? How are you going to capture me if you don't approach me?\"

\"T-This is a lie! This must be one of your tricks! I do not believe that you are actually above me in Cultivation! Take this — Summon Thousand Snakes!\" Great Elder Ren suddenly used a martial technique to summon thousands of snakes from thin air.

Each of the snakes had the aura of a Cultivator at the True Spirit Realm, and there were thousands of them. If Su Yang was lying about his Cultivation base, then he will not be able to survive this deadly technique.

Unfortunately for Great Elder Ren, that was not the case, and the profound aura surrounding Su Yang only grew more unbearable as time passed, crushing all of the snakes with just the pressure from his Cultivation base alone.


When Great Elder Ren realized that all of his snakes had been killed by Su Yang in an instant, his heart dropped a little bit from shock.

\"Is that all you got? If that is your strongest technique, I'm afraid that you'll never be able to capture me.\" Su Yang continued to approach him with a calm expression and gentle steps.

\"Million Snakes Array!\"

Great Elder Ren suddenly shouted, causing the place to be filled with a massive amount of Profound Qi.

A moment later, hundreds of thousands of snakes appeared from thin air, covering miles of land with snakes.

\"Oh?\" Su Yang watched as countless snakes rained on him, burying his entire body in a sea of snakes.

\"Hahaha! What are you going to do now?!\" Great Elder Ren laughed while he stood on the snakes.

However, Su Yang's voice quickly responded to him a moment later.

\"What kind of trash technique is this? You can't even fool a child with this kind of illusion.\"


The energy surrounding Su Yang suddenly exploded outwards, causing all of the snakes around him to fly away by a powerful force.

Once he was no longer buried in the snakes, the illusion quickly disappeared along with the snakes.


Great Elder Ren looked at Su Yang with a baffled expression. Even if Su Yang is really a Heavenly Spirit Realm expert, he shouldn't have been able to escape from the illusion with such ease. After all, Great Elder Ren had Fu Kuan, Million Snakes Sect's Sect Master, use the same technique on him before and it took him nearly an entire day to escape! It's the Million Snakes Sect's most powerful technique!

\"T-The Sect's most powerful illusion technique… broken within seconds… how is that even possible?\" Great Elder Ren trembled in shock.

\"Do you have anything else to entertain me with? If not, I will swiftly deal with you and go back to sleep.\" Su Yang casually yawned.

Hearing Su Yang's words, Great Elder Ren gnashed his teeth until it cracked and mumbled, \"Since it has come to this point, I have no choice but to kill him!\"

He then retrieved a silver ring from his storage ring.

When Su Yang saw the silver ring, he raised his eyebrows and spoke, \"The Ring of Thunder, huh? Your Sect Master is quite generous to let you hold it.\"

\"The Sect Master gave the Ring of Thunder to me just in case the little girl showed up. But since she's not here, I will use it on you instead!\" Great Elder Ren spoke as he charged the Ring of Thunder with his Profound Qi, causing it to crackle with lightning.

\"Then let's see which is stronger — some Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasure or Asura God Clan's ultimate technique that even gods fear — shall we?\" Su Yang smiled as he retrieved a Spirit-grade sword from his storage ring.

\"This sword should be enough to withstand the power of a single strike.\"

When Great Elder Ren saw the Spirit-grade sword in Su Yang's hands, he burst out laughing like a maniac.

\"Hahaha! What the hell are you going to do with that toy? Do you really think it'll save you from my Ring of Thunder!?\"

\"Whether it'll work or not, we'll find out in a moment.\" Su Yang smiled as he filled the sword with a massive amount of Profound Qi.

Meanwhile, inside Snowfall City, all of the Cultivators in cultivation suddenly stopped cultivating due to an abnormal change in the Qi in the air. It was an unnatural phenomenon that would only occur when two powerful figures at the Heavenly Spirit Realm are clashing against each other with everything that they've got.

\"What's going on? Who's causing this commotion?\"

\"There are two insanely powerful experts fighting right now! But I cannot feel their location despite the crazy Profound Qi that they are releasing!\"

Not just the Cultivators in Snowfall City but even the Xie Family was alerted by the unnatural flow of Qi.

\"This feeling… Senior brother Su Yang…?\" Xie Xingfang noticed a familiar feeling in the air and immediately thought of Su Yang.

\"Your Majesty, there are two experts fighting somewhere near Snowfall City but we are unable to locate them!\"

The guards reported to Lord Xie, who was also forced to stop his cultivation by the change.

\"I will personally look into this myself. Don't make any movements yet and wait for my order!\" Lord Xie commanded his people before heading outside Snowfall City to investigate.

Chapter 359 Are You Threatening Me?

After spending many minutes trying to locate the source of the disturbance, Lord Xie frowned, \"Why can't I find them despite the powerful qi they are emitting? Are they currently protected by a concealment array or something that hides their location? Who could possibly set up such a profound array that even I cannot find it?\"

\"Perhaps this phenomenon is not caused by people but nature instead. It could very well be the birth of a very powerful divine treasure.\" With that in mind, Lord Xie decided to seek help from his father, who should be powerful enough to locate the source.

However, just as he turned around, the Profound Qi in the air suddenly spiked. In the eyes of the Cultivators in the city, it felt as though they were drowning after being hit by a wave of water, but instead of water, the wave was made of a tremendous amount of Qi.

\"T-T-This tremendous amount of Profound Qi that can suffocate even a powerhouse such as myself from so far away! Not even my father, who is a Sovereign, could emit such power! What the hell is going on?!\" Lord Xie could feel cold sweat soaking into his robes every second.


A few seconds after the sudden change, Lord Xie could see a humongous black arc of light sweeping everything in its way towards the Heaven that was also releasing a powerful lightning strike that resembled lightning during Heavenly Tribulations.

However, as powerful as the lightning strike seemed, it stood no chance against the black ark of light that swallowed everything in its path, disappearing the moment it touched the arc of light.

After consuming the lightning strike, the black arc of light continued to fly towards the sky, almost as if it wanted to tear the sky into two pieces, before blending in with the starry sky and disappearing entirely.

Lord Xie stood there for a good moment with his eyes wide open and jaw touching the ground, as were many people at this moment. They couldn't help but think what would have happened if that arc of light were directed in the city's direction instead. Would the city split in half like the sky, or would it disappear completely, consumed by the darkness?

Once he calmed down slightly, Lord Xie could finally sense what he wasn't able to just moments ago.

\"I can suddenly sense them! Two people a dozen miles away from here!\"

Lord Xie immediately rushed towards their direction after sensing their qi.

Meanwhile, at the location of the fight, Great Elder Ren had his butt kissing the ground after he witnessed Su Yang's sword technique overwhelm the Ring of Thunder with ease.

\"P-P-Please spare my life! I will do anything!\" Great Elder Ren quickly began begging for his life without a care for his face or pride, as he did not want to die in vain after spending so much time and effort getting to where he is today.

However, Su Yang was not even paying attention to him, as he was busy looking in a certain direction after sensing a presence quickly approaching their location.

\"The concealment array was broken by my attack just now, so we are no longer hidden.\" Su Yang could guess who was coming, so he wasn't too worried about it.

He then turned to look at Great Elder Ren, who was still begging for his life.

\"You can consider yourself fortunate!\" he said with a smile.

\"T-T-Thank you! Thank you, my savior!\" Great Elder Ren, who thought Su Yang was actually letting him go began crying tears of joy, feeling relieved.

\"No problem. I will make sure that it'll be a painless death since I don't have the time to torture you.\"

\"W-What?! You are not letting me go?!\" Great Elder Ren felt his heart skipping a beat after hearing Su Yang's words.

\"Are you insulting me? Only an idiot would let you go in this situation,\" said Su Yang as he pulled out another sword since the last one turned into dust after his previous attack.

\"But don't worry, because I will ensure that your corpse will return to the Million Snakes Sect. Though it won't be a full body.\"


Su Yang suddenly waved his arm, causing a beautiful silver light to appear and fly straight past Great Elder Ren's neck, severing his head from his body in one swift movement.

A moment later, Su Yang tossed Great Elder Ren's head that still wore a terrified expression into his own storage ring alongside all of the valuables left behind.

However, he did not leave immediately and decided to stay around for a little bit longer — until he could see Lord Xie's figure in the distance.

\"Su Yang… you…\" Lord Xie looked at the scene before him with wide eyes. \"What happened here? Who is that corpse over there?\"

\"Him? Someone from the Million Snakes Sect.\" Su Yang calmly responded.

\"I felt his presence before he died and there are only two people in that place who could emit such an aura — the Sect Master and Great Elder Ren, and this corpse is too old to belong to Fu Kuan, so…\" Lord Xie quickly deducted the identity of the corpse.

\"You actually killed Great Elder Ren? Are you trying to start an all-out war with the Million Snakes Sect?\" Lord Xie spoke with a frown on his face.

\"Start a war? It's a little bit too late for that since the war has long begun — when they tried to eradicate us half a year ago.\" Su Yang shrugged. \"By the way, he tried to assassinate me in my room. If I did not stop him, the Profound Blossom Sect would no longer be able to participate in the tournament due to being wiped out.\"

\"Then what are you going to do next?\" Lord Xie asked him.

\"Isn't that obvious? Just like the Million Snakes Sect that wants to destroy us, I want them gone.\"

\"I'm sorry but I cannot allow you to do that, Su Yang.\" Lord Xie said with a serious expression, and he continued, \"They were bestowed the title of Elite Sect by me, so I have an obligation to protect them.\"

\"So you are willing to protect the Million Snakes Sect no matter what? I will give you three seconds to rethink your decision.\" Su Yang stared at him in the eyes with a sharp gaze.

\"Are you threatening me, Su Yang?\" Lord Xie narrowed his eyes, causing the atmosphere to become heavier.

Chapter 360 Do Not Offend Him

\"Have you forgotten about who I am, Su Yang? Then allow me to help you recall that I am Xie Yimu, King of the Eastern Continent!\" Lord Xie exclaimed with an overwhelming aura surrounding him. \"Although you may be powerful, are you powerful enough to fight against an entire Continent?!\"


After a moment of silence, Su Yang spoke with a smile on his face, \"Whether or not I can fight an entire Continent… Do you want to test it?\"

\"Su Yang… you bastard! Are you going to betray my daughter, Xie Xingfang?!\" Lord Xie roared in anger.

\"Why would I do that? I don't recall ever threatening you that I will let her die. I am a man of my words, especially when the words are given to a woman. Even if the entire Xie Family is my enemy, I will still heal her condition.\" Su Yang said in a calm voice.

\"However, that does not mean I will not fight you just because you are her family. No matter who they are, if they are my enemy, I will slay them!\" Su Yang gazed at Lord Xie with sharp eyes that radiated killing intent.

\"This is between the Million Snakes Sect and me! If you want to protect them after what they did to the Profound Blossom Sect, then draw your weapon right here and now!\" Su Yang retrieved the Black Scorpion and pointed it at Lord Xie's face that was fuming with anger.

\"If you turn back now, I will forgive you for pointing a weapon to my face! If you still want to fight with the Million Snakes Sect, then I will punish you for treason!\"

\"What a pity…\" Su Yang's eyes flashed with a dangerous glint.

\"You dare?!\" Lord Xie immediately retrieved his weapon.

However, before either of them could move, a figure appeared in-between them like a ghost.

\"Stop this foolishness right now,\" said the figure.

\"You are…\" Su Yang narrowed his eyes at the old man standing before him.

\"F-Father!\" Lord Xie showed a surprised face after seeing his father appear out of thin air. \"W-What are you doing here?!\"

\"I am here to save my stubborn son's life,\" said the old man as he looked at Lord Xie with eyes that seemed disappointed in him. \"Although you may be one of the strongest individuals on this continent, you are not this young man's match.\"

\"W-What?!\" Lord Xie's eyes widened with shock, as he did not expect his father to be this blunt, even saying this before a stranger.

\"Looks like you can still see clearly despite your age, old man.\" Su Yang said to him with a smile.

\"Hmmm…\" The old man turned to look at Su Yang with a profound feeling in his gaze. \"Are you someone from the Holy Central Continent? I cannot imagine this place making a monster like you.\"

\"I was born on this continent without doubt,\" he replied.

And he continued, \"I'm sure that you've already researched my background, so why are you acting so unfamiliar with me?\"

\"If you are not someone from the Holy Central Continent, then you must have a Master from that place. Is he perhaps the Immortal guarding the Profound Blossom Sect right now?\"

\"Who knows.\" Su Yang casually shrugged.


After a moment of silence, the old man turned to look at Lord Xie and spoke, \"Do not intervene in his matter with the Million Snakes Sect.\"

\"W-What?! I cannot do that, Father! All Elite Sects are protected by the Xie Family! If we allow one of them to be destroyed without doing anything and the other sees that, we will face backlashes that will harm our Xie Family indefinitely!\" Lord Xie said.

After all, if the Xie Family does not protect the Million Snakes Sect, the other Elite Sects will lose their trust and faith in the Xie Family. When that happens, the Elite Sects might come together for a rebellion, and as strong as the Xie Family might be, they cannot fight against so many powerhouses and win.

Even if they happen to win against the Elite Sects, they will be incredibly weak and vulnerable afterward. At that time, even a decently sized family will be able to overwhelm them, much less their enemies with unknown power.

\"Then just strip the Million Snakes Sect of their status as an Elite Sect.\" The old man casually said.

\"What kind of answer is that?! I cannot just simply strip away their status without any reason!\" Lord Xie frowned.

\"If you need a reason, there's one right before your eyes.\" The old man pointed to the headless corpse on the floor and spoke, \"The Million Snakes Sect had ignored the rules of the city by sending a Heavenly Spirit Realm assassin to kill the Sect Master of the Profound Blossom Sect in the middle of the night.\"

\"But that's…\"

\"If anyone has a problem, I will personally speak with them.\" The old man turned to look at Su Yang and continued, \"What do you think? My Xie Family will not interfere with your drama.\"

\"It should've been like that from the start,\" said Su Yang as he stored the Black Scorpion in his grasp back into the storage ring.

\"If you want to blame somebody for this, you can blame the Million Snakes Sect for poking at the wrong snake,\" said Su Yang as he disappeared from the place like a ghost.

Once Su Yang was gone, Lord Xie said to his father.

\"Why did you side with him, Father? Now I look like a pushover!\" he complained.

\"You foolish boy. Did you not witness that black arc of light just minutes ago? Do you really think you can fight something like that? Even I would not dare to take that strike head-on.\"

\"What?! Are you saying that the black arc of light that sliced the heavens in half is actually a technique used by him?! I thought it was caused by that black dagger in his hands!\" Lord Xie cried out loud.

After all, no human should be able to exert that kind of monstrous power.

\"I have been watching him since the beginning. Do not offend him. He's not someone we can handle — not to mention he still has to heal Xing'er.\"


Lord Xie immediately became speechless. To think his father, who does not know the definition of fear would be afraid to offend Su Yang. It's simply too shocking.

Chapter 361 Purple Qilin

After Su Yang left the place, Lord Xie also returned to the city. However, upon reaching the gates, he was greeted by many curious people who were ordered to stay within the city by the guards.

\"Y-Your Majesty! Is everything okay?! Are you hurt?\" The guards immediately asked him.

\"I am fine. The cause of the phenomenon just now has already concluded. It's nothing to be worried about,\" said Lord Xie.

\"Your Majesty, if I may ask, what caused the phenomenon?\"

The curious people asked him.

\"It was just a little quarrel between two experts; it's nothing worth mentioning.\"

\"Just a little quarrel?\"

The people were dumbfounded by the unexpected answer. How could a little quarrel lead to something this chaotic? They thought it was a war between two powerful factions!

\"I will apologize in place of those troublemakers if their quarrel had caused any inconveniences,\" said Lord Xie.

However, nobody said anything. After all, who would dare make the king himself apologize? Even if Lord Xie was the one who caused the commotion, nobody would dare to complain.

Sometime later, when Lord Xie returned home, another figure with a curious face appeared before him.

\"Father, what happened outside? Was it Brother Su Yang?\" Xie Xingfang asked him the moment he walked through the doors.

\"...Don't mention his name!\" Lord Xie could feel his repressed anger resurfacing after hearing his name.

Xie Xingfang frowned and continued, \"So it was him… Did something happen between the two of you?\"

\"That bastard is the only person in this world who dares to blatantly disrespects me! He has no respect for authority or my status! If not for your condition, I would have killed him there and then!\"

\"Father!\" Xie Xingfang suddenly shouted, her face filled with anger. \"No matter what happened between you and Brother Su Yang, I will not allow you to harm him!\"


Lord Xie merely snorted at her words and walked away.

\"Father!!! I am warning you! If you hurt him, I will not forgive you, even if you are my father!\" she shouted at him again.

However, Lord Xie completely ignored her and disappeared.


A few moments later, another figure appeared before Xie Xingfang.

\"Xing'er, you really like that young man, huh.\"

\"G-Grandfather! What are you doing here?!\" Xie Xingfang showed a surprised expression after seeing the old man.

\"If I didn't come out, your father would've fought to death with that friend of yours,\" he said with a smile.

\"My father was going to fight to death with Su Yang?! Why would something like that happen?!\" Xie Xingfang was truly shocked now.

\"Well… you see…\"

Since it wouldn't do any harm letting her know, the old man explained the situation to her.

After learning the truth, Xie Xingfang gritted her teeth in anger and spoke coldly, \"The Million Snakes Sect has gone overboard this time! To think they would send an assassin to attack the Profound Blossom Sect! They deserve to be stripped of their status as an Elite Sect, as their behavior is no different than bandits!\"

\"Hoh. It's rare to see you getting angry for others like this, Xing'er.\" The old man looked at her with an entertained expression.

Xie Xingfang blushed and said, \"Well… Brother Su Yang is my benefactor and going to be my savior. Of course, I will be mad if he's being bullied by one of our people.\"

\"You seem confident that he'll cure your body's condition. Why is that so?\" he asked her.

\"I can't really explain it properly myself, but there's this aura around him that makes me feel confident just by being around him.\"

The old man smiled and said, \"That kind of aura is something only people who are absolutely confident in their abilities can emit. Whether it's arrogance or confidence, as long as the individual is strong, he'll affect others with just his aura alone. It's something similar to what a king emits when before his people.\"

\"I see…\" Xie Xingfang nodded.

\"By the way, how's the gathering going? How many items do we still need that's on the list?\" The old man suddenly asked her.

\"Father returned with the Three Seasons Snake's Blood today, which makes half of the list completed. We should be getting two more items next week. However, the remaining three items are all extremely rare items that we haven't seen in the last ten years, especially the Devil Blood Ginseng. With that being said, since Brother Su Yang said he'll handle the Devil Blood Ginseng, we only have to worry about the remaining two items,\" said Xie Xingfang.

\"What are the names of the two items?\" The old man asked.

\"I believe it is a poisonous herb named Demon Roots and the blood from the unique beast Purple Qilin.\"

\"Purple Qilin, huh… This is going to be problematic…\" The old man frowned.

\"Why is that, Grandfather?\" Xie Xingfang asked with a worried face.

\"The Purple Qilin can only be found near the Purple Swamp that is within the Abandoned Forest. However, the problem is not the Qilin itself but the deadly environment of the Abandoned Forest instead. That place is filled with poisonous air that is so deadly that even I cannot enter deeply without damaging my Cultivation.\"

\"It's that dangerous? Then how are we going to obtain the Purple Qilin's blood?\"

\"Although I cannot go into that forest, it's a different story for you, who has a body that is completely immune to poison.\"

\"M-Me…?\" Xie Xingfang swallowed nervously.

\"Yes. Only you can enter the Abandoned Forest safely. However, I do not recommend it, since you are not a match for the Purple Qilin that is around the 6th level of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.\"

\"Even if it's going to be dangerous, in order to obtain the Purple Qilin's blood, I must go.\" Xie Xingfang said.

\"Calm down, Xing'er. We can talk about that once we gather the other things. As for the Demon Roots, you can also find it within the Abandoned Forest. But since it can be found around the outskirts of the forest, we don't need to worry about not being able to reach it.\"

Xie Xingfang nodded.

\"It's late, you should get some rest.\"

\"What about you, Grandfather?\"

\"I will stay here for a little bit longer. I still have to speak to your father about a few things.\"

\"Okay. Goodnight, Grandfather.\" Xie Xingfang said to him before returning to her room.

Chapter 362 Do You Have Any Proof?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A guard knocked on Lord Xie's door with urgency.

\"Your Majesty! It's an emergency! It's an emergency!!!\" The guard shouted, sounding as though the Heavens was falling.

\"What the hell happened?\" Lord Xie opened the door with a frown on his face, as he barely slept last night due to his argument with Su Yang.

\"Your Majesty! We have received reports that Great Elder Ren from the Million Snakes Sect was killed, and… and… and somebody displayed his severed head in the middle of the street! It has caused a grand commotion within the city!\"

\"What did you say?! Take me to the scene right now!\" It did not even take a second for Lord Xie to realize who was behind this act. However, it was not the time for him to worry about the culprit, as he was too busy worrying about how the Million Snakes Sect would react to this obvious provocation.

Sometime later, when Lord Xie arrived at the scene, he was shocked to see Great Elder Ren's severed head impaled to the floor by a Spirit-grade sword. What's more, the head showed a terrified expression, almost like he was looking at a demon right before his death.

There were many experts already at the scene before Lord Xie had even arrived, and that included people from the Million Snakes Sect.

\"Who would dare do something like this to the Million Snakes Sect? This is basically a declaration of war,\" said one of the spectators.

\"I think it's even more impressive that this person was able to kill an expert like Great Elder Ren, who was at the Heavenly Spirit Realm before his death.\"

\"Was the cause of last night's phenomenon caused by Great Elder Ren and the individual he fought?\"

As the people speculated what had happened to Great Elder Ren, an individual suddenly kneeled in front of Great Elder Ren's severed head and screamed loudly.


The people there immediately recognized this figure, who was Fu Kuan, Sect Master of the Million Snakes Sect.

\"Profound Blossom Sect! This is war! I, Fu Kuan, swear to avenge my brother, no matter the cost!\" Fu Kuan roared, dumbfounding the people there.

\"What does the Profound Blossom Sect have to do with Great Elder Ren's death? They only have an Earth Spirit Realm expert at most. There's no way Great Elder Ren would fall to them.\"

\"Right? There has to be a misunderstanding here.\"

The people doubted the Profound Blossom Sect's ability to kill Great Elder Ren, who should be enough to destroy their sect many times by himself.

\"Sect Master Fu, calm yourself.\" Lord Xie suddenly stepped forward.

\"Y-Your Majesty!\"

Everybody there lowered their head and greeted him after seeing Lord Xie.

\"Your Majesty! The Profound Blossom Sect is behind this! They killed Great Elder Ren!\" Fu Kuan said to him with a red face. \"Please allow this subordinate to punish the Profound Blossom Sect for their treacherous actions!\"

When Lord Xie heard Fu Kuan's words, he sneered inwardly, 'Sly bastard! Do you think I am ignorant?! Because of your actions, I was pushed around by that brat and even scolded by my beloved daughter!'

\"Wait a moment. Do you have any proof that the Profound Blossom Sect was involved in this? It seems a little ridiculous that a small Sect like them would have the power to kill someone as experienced as Senior Ren. \" Lord Xie resisted his urge to punch Fu Kuan and asked him in a calm voice.

Fu Kuan immediately became speechless. If he wanted to prove that the Profound Blossom Sect was behind Great Elder Ren's death, he would also need to reveal to everybody their schemes to assassinate the Profound Blossom Sect, which would only backfire on the Million Snakes Sect. It was simply impossible to prove anything without hurting themselves in the process at this moment.

\"No… I don't have any proof… b-but there can be nobody else but them!\" Fu Kuan said with a flushed face.

\"You shouldn't accuse anybody without any proof, Sect Master Fu. It's unbefitting for someone in your position..\" Lord Xie shook his head.

\"This subordinate has made a fool out of himself...\" Fu Kuan had to swallow his anger and lower his head.

However, just as everything there started to calm down, another voice resounded. \"Oh? What's with this crowd? Is there an event?\"

\"Y-You are!\" Fu Kuan's repressed anger immediately resurged after seeing Su Yang's face appear before him.

Even Lord Xie was shocked to see him here, as he did not expect the culprit to be daring enough to return to the crime scene he created!

After seeing Great Elder Ren's severed head displayed there, Su Yang acted shocked and spoke in a disheartened voice, \"Oh my! What could drive someone to do something this vicious and coldhearted?\"

\"S-S-Su Yang! You little bastard! How dare you show up here!\" Fu Kuan resisted his urge to pounce at Su Yang before Lord Xie's presence and pointed at him with trembling fingers instead.

\"What's wrong with me being here? I simply heard a commotion around here and came to check it out.\"

\"Are you still acting stupid?! I know that your Profound Blossom Sect is behind this! It must've been that little girl!\" Fu Kuan roared at him.

However, Su Yang continued to feign innocence and spoke with a shocked expression, \"Why would my Profound Blossom Sect do something like this? Even though we have a grudge with your Million Snakes Sect for nearly destroying our Sect, we are not vicious people like you.\"

And he continued, \"Do you have any proof that we did it? And what is this little girl about? Are you suggesting that a little girl had killed that old man? Have you gone crazy?\"

A few spectators couldn't help but laugh after hearing Su Yang's words. They all agreed that Fu Kuan was sounding a little crazy right now, as he has been speaking only nonsense the entire time.

\"Don't test my patience, brat!\" As Fu Kuan's face flushed further, he unconsciously reached for his storage ring.

\"So you are going to attack me when you have no proof? As expected of the Million Snakes Sect. You are just a bunch of bullies.\" Su Yang shook his head.

\"Sect Master Fu, are you ignoring my presence?\" Lord Xie glared at him with narrowed eyes.

\"N-No. T-This subordinate does not dare.\" Fu Kuan gritted his teeth and said.

\"Then until you have solid proof on who killed Senior Ren, my Xie Family will also be investigating into this case. Do you have any problem with that?\" Lord Xie asked him.

Fu Kuan quickly shook his head.

\"Good.\" Lord Xie then turned to look at the crowd and spoke loudly, \"This area is now a crime scene currently being investigated by my Xie Family! Nobody will be allowed near this area until further notice! Disperse!\"

\"As Your Majesty commands!\"

The spectators quickly fled the place. However, this commotion would spread across the continent like wildfire immediately afterward.

And since he'd already achieved what he wanted by appearing before Fu Kuan, Su Yang also disappeared with the crowd and returned to the Profound Blossom Sect.

By the time he returned to the hotel, news of Great Elder Ren's death had already reached the ears of Liu Lanzhi, who was greatly shaken after hearing their Sect's name in the same sentence.